Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 01, 1912, Image 7

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A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examnor
Kcpcutcd n few timed, if necessary, will find a customer
for that property of yours. They are scanned closely
by intending buyers, and the cost is nominal 5 cents
the line for each insertion. Special long-time rates.
era) excellent dielJ to will our splau
did nursery stork. A permanent
ldaee, i-aali wvcalv aud a square llrm
bark of joii. Writ lr partlculara.
Waahlugtuo Muraery Ou 1 opiautlHli,
ward lucd by tiro Tclephoue
Vmnixiuy r UfniruvhiK ll prop.
M1M M-A-"1 H
i-nit KkT Nh'vlv lurnlalted room.
Men I, ruuuiug water lu room, close
lu. Inquire fcxamluer otllou. If.
A KliWAKO ol ttfty dollar la here
by ottered lur luioruialiua that will
lead tu tu arre' auj conviction ot
07 paieou wu. baa atoleu wlree or
other propartj . troui our Company ;
aud lb aaiuu teaard la hereby ottered
for inform" mat will lead to ttoe
arrest aud J.uviotiou of auyuua d
troyiug luu property of the Company.
Cba. Uuibaob,
Bacretaiy Uk Co. 'lei. lei. Co.
Ooo't forget thai mm oatry lu took
Vap all aiutl ot Iroo. bol'a aod
eualue, liiluibl skalo aud Iron auu
elaal a I as Artuir Uroe. tf
grade , ....(jour mid t lgar to le
luuiul In Oregon. U
Hotel UevWsw bur. Tha beat aud
purvai wblaky made. U
OU S.VLK N of the NK4, Hec.
17, Twp., 37 n. it. b. w . i. au
drea l.ake County Kxamlner. Hunt
ruth offer. ld 1 11.
l-'OK HALU 'A) acre In cultivation
being part of tho rth.U' of HO), of
he 16, townshl j a:i.S. ol II. 37 h. lu
Maruey Co. t'rlcu I) per acre or
would lako loin Portland, (inty.
Ixtal H Lu in, o.'.J l.inou Ave. o.,
1'orthind, Ore.
WAN TKU Wood houackcepiug maga
zine require tli't service of ii repre
sentative In lakuvivw, ti !ok
atii-r uliarrlutlttii rtiu'wul and to
f ilflld rllC II lull oil uy MKtlttl mom-
odn wliuli Imvtt j.rtrtl uuuMinilly
HilitfHndil. Salary and coiiiiiiishIou.
Th-vIoiim fiiK-rlfiiri llrilili. but
uot fttwutliil. Whole Unit' or npre
Mini'. Atldrt'HH, with rfffrrnwa, J.
K. r'lilrbaiikH, Uod llouitkti'lii
MiWimluu. ol Fourth Ave.. Now
York City.
I OH HAl.K-'M acrt-a In wttlon SI,
township Ho, niiiKO .W. KiKjuInt ol
Vt'ttKcr liioi., l.akviw. Ore.
Till: Iakovtew Abntract Title Co.
In niakinii tpMcil prlive ou Abwtracte
too. V. 1 Co.'eTiacta and Town
rK8AI.K-Ix)t tS, blix k 78. ud Tract 8 l
Mol NW'.i olHiWU.Hxe U, TwpSM, Kum .
10 cm full water rimit AUdrvw Krud
OarUunr, l.liboD, Nut ill Dkot
TOR KAI.K.-Traot4, Ht-c.14, T.IW. K. 1,
I.. J. I'uru-r, 1'urllaiid, 'K-saa.
10 ecroa.
TOR BAI.K-Tract I, Htm. IIV.T. 7. K.H4. 40 acrri.
J. H. Hvaraou. Hi W Alauiuda Ava. Ut-nirar.tKil.
HK 8AI.K -I)t 24, blooa M and tract, Boo U,
T 41, K ID, Hu aora. Adilraaailldau War J, 111
t lal til. Ut-a Mulnea, Iowa
rOK 8ALK-Lul 14, block ISB.aod N'-j of 8K' pi
KWU, Hue 17. TU, H l. 0 aor.-a. kaio L.
H'raj. box 14, KlilKoduid, Waau. I'rlce XbUU.
KOR .HALK Ixt 6, block tf , O VLaddlllon,
anJNkli. HWJ. Ho 17, T 84, K 4. 40 aoroa.
Aa.ira.t J. IMeroo Wi.lla. Moorbead. Mlna.
Foil 8AI.B hot J4. bliwk sl.i.O V L addition,
andhUINW4 nl HW, Hoo 1, T W, UM, HO
acr-a. Addraa C. C. Uaimoa, lo kauaa Bl,
Kedflald.H. V.
Amociatm Work Koh ATTOBNicys
J. L. LYONS, D. D. 5.
Offlca In Wataon'f Block, Lako.
view, Oregon
Klkl Taar'a zpertauoe In Mloaigan.
Uradaaia el Lnlvarallf ol Mlebliiaa
Not Coal LandH.
I)tiartinont of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Ollltw nt hake view,, Ort(ou,
Dwember 1U, 1UU.
Notice In hereby given that Pauline
Chandler, of Lake vie. w. Oregon, who,
on April If), 1U10, made timber and
uloue auplhsation and sworn state
ment No. 03!i:ift. for N HWi, NX HE,
Boctlou tf, towiiHhlp 87 8., range 21 10.,
Willamette Meridian, hat tiled no
tire of Intention to make dual proof
to eHtabllah claim to the land above
dearribed. before the rejrletei and rt
ceverof the United States Land Olilce
at 1. ake view, Oregou, on tho 2Uth day
of February 11)12.
Claimant namea aa wltuc bhoi i
8. II. Chandler, Pleasant Shellham
mer, Frank Lovelonn and A. M. liar
iflHty, all of Lakevlew, Orgou.
A. W. OHTON, IUylHter.
Want Ads
In Ilia County Court of Mm Htata ol
Oregon, for th (Joiinty of Lake.
Ill tint inattt-r of tint Kdtattjof )
To all whom It may roncorii: No-tlct-
In ht-rfby glvrii that tha tinder
nliinfd win iipixilfitH'l adinliilMlrator
of tha t'MUta of Nevad J. lioiihaui,
docf(u'l. ij fin order of 1 1 011. H.
1'nly, JudifH oi the County Court of
Lnka I'ounty. On-Koti, duly male nd
flitrri-d In the tbovft entitled court
ami matter, on heptpiril-r II;'. 11111,
and hat duly qualified aa Diich ad
mtniNtrator All xtn(io havlnir claim ajfalnat
tmlil deeeili-rit or mild etle, are hero
by ri-ilr(!i to pri-i"i,t the aame duly
vended and accompanied by tho pro.
fM-r vouchers, to tli iinrieralPrd, at
I he law oltlce ol 1,. K. Oonn, In the
town of I nkevl.'W Kake t'unty,
Oregon, within Nix moothM from the
(Ute ol the tint puhllcatlon of thU
1 1 led and flmt uubllxhed January
4. WJ.
Admlulntraior of the KtaU ol
Nevada J. Ilonbaui, Dceimed.
In the County Court of the Ktate
of Oregon, for the County of lAke.
In the matter of the Katete of I
Ih-ccaacd. )
To aI whom It may concern: No
tice M hereby given tliat the under
iK'niM wan ftipulnied adinliilMlrator
of t lie ealate of Jamea II. lionham,
leceoiMl, by an order of Hon. It.
Ialy, JuiIk" of the County Court of
Lake OMiiity, Oreiron, duly made and
entered lu tho above entitled court
ami matter, on BepteniiH-r 'Si. 1911.
ami boa duly qualllled an audi ad
mltilHtrator. All peraona having claim ntraiuitt
anld decedent or nald eatate, are here
by requlreJ to preaeiit the same, duly
verified anil accompnniel by the pro.
per voncbem to the underlined, at
the law ollhe of L. F. Conn, In the
town of Lakevlew, Lako Coumy,
OreKon, wltblu alx moutliH from the
dale of the first publication of thia
1 luted and flmt publiahed January
4. 19i;.
AdniinlMtrator of the Entitle of
J allien 11. lionham, iHt-enacd.
United Hfnlea Ijtnd OUlce, linrna,
OrVKon, Decemlier 8, 111 k .
Notice Ik hereby iciveu that the
Norttieru I'aclili: Kailway Company,
w liOMe poMtiidlbi' nddr 'kM Ih 8t, Paul,
.lionen)tii. ha tbla 2.'. th dnv of IV-
ceinlMT, lull, filed in thia olllcelta ap
plication to wlect under the provl-
aion of the Act of Cuour-HM, approved
Julvl.lSM(3l) Mat. '7, fi'JH). SW);
of NV4 See. 15. T. ,17 8., It. 2U E.
Any mid all hthouh clalmuiK ad
verwly thehtmU dem-ritM-d, or delr
in to oSJect lN-aurie of of the mineral
rharricter of the land, or for any other
reaitou, to the dirpoKal to applicant,
Hhi. old Ule their atildavita ol protent
ill thin oltlce, on or liefore the 2Utb
day of Eebruarv,; 1U12. .
W M. PA It It K. Iteuiater.
Notice U hereby given that all ap
idlcatlonH for jH-rmltit to itraxo cattle,
horne, iwluu and Mheep within the
K re in out National Foreet iiiirln the
neimuii of 11112, iniiHt te Hied la my
olilce At Lakevlew, Oregon, on or be
fore February 15, 11)12. Full Informa
tion In regard to the grazing lee to
lie charged and blank forma to he
uneil In making application j will lie
furnUhed upon requeat.
GILBERT D. BJ'.OWN, SupervlMor.
Not Coal Landa
Iciartiuitulof lb Iiilorlor UH Ind Office
Lakrvlt-w, Oregon, January 8. 1VU
Nolloa la barubji (Ivuit Ibat (ji-orga JV Wlae,
of I'luab, Ort-(ii, who, on Ouioour 1ft, 11107,
made bomaali-ad antry '.No anfiO, Borlal No.
0HMI. for lu 1.1!. a,'6,0, 7, aecllon lu.-lowaalilu
H6 H. raiiKO V K' Vi tliamrtte Meridian, baa
filed nuiloa of Inlen'lou to maka final com
liiiitatliiuirouf. to i-atalilib claim U the laud
ab ive di-acrlbed, iMtfore tliclKeKialvr; and Keo
alvar of thu Hulled ;itatca lml Oltloe at Lake,
vli-w, Ori'noii, ou lbalb day of KebruarylUU.
Clalniaul uamt-a aa wltunaaca:
Kdward K lloud, and Noland Curry, of Lake
view, Ort-ann, ' Jamca MuKee aud Jauiei
KoberlM, of fluab, Oregon.
A W ORTON, KeRlater
Iu the County Court of the Ntate ol
Oregon, lor tlieOouuty of Lake,
111 the Matter or the 1
Eh t ate ol ALBERTS
8. DOWN, Decenaed. )
Notice la hereby given that the tinder
algned Executrix, Carrie E. Down,
wa ou the 8th day of January, 1912,
by an order of Hon. 11. Daly, Judge of
the County Court ol the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake, duly
appointed aa Executrix of the Laat
Will aud TtJHtumeni of Albert 8. Down,
dcceuned, and is duly (juallllod aa Htich.
All perMona having clalma against
Hald decedent or Bald estate are here
by required to preaeut the same duly
verlflud nud accompanied bv proper
voucher to Maid Executrix, at tho law
office of L. F. Conn; hi the town of
Lakevlew, Lake County, Oregon,
within ulx mouth from the date of
Unit publication of thin notice.
Dated and first publiahed thia 11th
day of January, 1919.
Executrix wf the Last Will and
Teatatnent of ALBERT 8.
DOWN, Deceased. . F15
Restoration to entry of landa In na
tloLal fort'Ht. Notice la hereby given
taattbe landa dencribed below, em
bracing 944, 3U itcrua, wlthlu the Fre
mont. National Foieat, Oregon, will
1k Htibjcct toarttlc'innt and ntty oo
dor tha prorlalone of the horneteod
lawn of tha Unltwl Mates and the
net of June 11, 1904 (34 Htat., 2.1.1), at
the United HUttea laod office at lake
vlew, Oregon, on April 3, 1912. Any
aettler who was airtuaily and In good
lalth claiming any of aald landa for
agricultural pnrpottea prior to Janu
ary 1, ItHXl, and baa not abandoned
limn, haa a preference right to make
a homeatend entry for the landa act
ually occupied. Hald landa were
Hated upon the application of the
iieraoris mentioned below, who have a
preference right autject to the prior
right of any audi aettler, provided
audi aettler or applicant ia iiuallfled
to make homeateatl entry and the
preference right In exerclaml prior to
April ,1, 1912, on which data the landa
will lie a11hj.1t to aetlletnent and en
try by any ijualllled peraon. The
lamia are aa folio wa: The V of
NW, H.. 3, the Ki of NEJi, Hue. 4,
T. 27 H., It. H E., W. M., KM) acres, ap
plication of i'. L. Mahatliey, of Fort
Itock, t)regon; Hat 8-oNO. The SEX,
See. 32, T. 24, M., R. 14 F, 1 HO acre
application of W. M. Hither, of r1 liver
Uika. Oregon; lint 0IVH1. The NW)(,
Hec. 33, T. 2(1 H R 14 K.. 1W arrea,
application of J. W. Miller, of Silver
lak, Ore; liat 0-5x1. The NEJtf, Sec.
23, T.,20 8. It. 14 K., 100 acre, appli
cation ol M. J. Ilrnely, of Silver Lake,
Oregon, lUt r.Hl. The W, of NE,
the EK of NWK. rc. 10. T. 27 8., H.
14 K , J fio ncntt, application of Ed
ward E. Wabl, of (ieiitMi!, Idaho; list
o2. The Ni of NE'i. the EX of
NEti of SWii. the NH ol HE of
NWJi. the NX o( HX of bEJi of NWV.
and that Part of lot 2, Sec. 18, T. 33
H.. R. 21 E., deacritMd a follow: I
giiinlng at the northeast corner of lot
2; extending thence W. 10 chains;
thence H. 15 chaina; thence E 10
chains; thence S. 15 chain to the
place of beginning, except a strip 'AO
feet wide deMcrllied a follow: Be
ginning nt a point 10 chaiua weat of
the nnrtheaat corner of therEif
NVVi. Sec. IS. extending thence 15
feet on each aide ol a line running 8.
45 degrees E. 14. 14 chain to the place
where the atrip cloaca on the bound
arp of the tract liated, the net area
being 144.30 acre, ''aid tract win
listed upon the application of L. C.
Emerson, of Lakevlew, Oregon; IihI
o.W. S. V. Proud fit. Aaalhtant Com
mlmtlooer of the Oeneral Land o!Uce.
Approved December 19, 1911. Car mi
A. Tbompaon, Acting Secretary of
the Interior. 1-18 2-8
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake,
lu the Matter of the Estate of )
Deceaaed. 1
To all whom It may concern : No
tice ia hereby given that the uuder
algned waa appointed adaiinherntrix
of the etttate ol Erueat M. Brown,
deceased, by an order of the Hon. B.
Daly, Jadge of the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County
ol Lake, duly mtule and entered in
the above entitled court and matter
on the 10th day of January. 1912, ard
ha duly qualified a audi adminUtra
trlx. All person having claim
ngalnat aald decedent or nald en t ate
are hereby required to preaent the
same, duly verlllud and accompanied
bj the proper voucher, to the under
"igiKHl at the law olilce of L. F. Conn,
in thu town of Lakevlew, Luke County,
Oregon, within six montha from the
dare of the first publication of thia
Dated and flrat published .laiioary
IN. 1912.
Admlulatratrlx of the I'.aJnte of
Ernest M. Brown, Dcceaaed. J IS F15
(Not Coal Lands)
Iiepnrtmcnf of tha Interior, U. 8.
Laud Office at Lakevlew, Oregon,
January 23, 1SI2.
Notice I hereby given that John L.
Oeuderaon, of New Pine Creek, Ore
gon, who, on Septemlier 10. 1909.
made homestead entry No. 02500, for
lot 0, Sec. 22. lot 6, Sec. SI, lota 0, 7, 8,
aectlou 20, township 408., range 20 E.,
Willamette Meridian, baa tiled notice
ot Intention to make flual commuta
tion proof, to eatabllab claim to the
laud above deacrllasl. before the Reg
later and Receiver of the United States
Iand OUlce at Iakeview, Orerou, on
the 28th day of February, 1912.
Claimant oauea as wttneqaea: Lee
Thomas, Burt Wade, Hurler Vernon
and George Harrington, all of New
Pine Creek, Oregon.
A. W. ORTON, Register.
lu the County Court ot the state
of Oregon, for the county ot Lake.
In the Matter of the Eatate of I
J. C. CONN, Deceased. (
To all whom It may concern: No
tice i hereby given that the under
algned administrator of the eatate ot
J. C. Conn, deceased, haa Hied the
tlnal account ot his admlnlMtratlon of
said eatate in the olilce of the County
Clerk ot Lake County, Oregon, and
that Hon. B. Daly, Judge ot the
above entitled court, by an order
duly made and entered in said mat
ter, has fixed and appointed Tuesday,
the 2nd day of April, 1912, at the hour
of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day, at the court room of Bald court,
lu the county court house of Lake
County, Oregon, In the towu of Lake
view, aa the time aud place for bear
ing ol objections to said final account,
II any there be, and for the settlement
thereof, and directed said administra
tor to give notice thereof by publica
tion of this uotlce In the Lake County
Examluer, a newspaper of geueral cir
culation published weekly at Lake
view, Lake County, Oregon, for tour
successive and consecutive weeks,
the 11 ret publication thereof to be
made on January 25, 1912, aod the
lust publication thereof to be made
011 February 22, 1112, such publica
tion to bo made once each week tie
tweeu said dates.
Dated and first published this 25th
day ot January, 1912.
Administrator of The eatate ot J, C.
Conn, deceased. '
In the County Court of the Sute of
Oregon, tor the County ot Lake.
In thu Matter of the Estate of )
To whom it may concern : Notice i
hereby given that the undersigned
was by uu order of Hon. B. Daly,
' JoIgn of the County Coorl of the state
of Oregon, for the county of Ike,
duly made and entered In the above
entitled t-onrt and matter on the 22nd
day of Januarv, 1912, appointed ai
minlatrator of the eatate ot J ante M.
Martin, tleceaaed, and ha duly qual
llled a audi Admlnlatrator.
All peraona having claim Against
a id decedent or said estate )are here
by required to preaeut the aaine. duly
verified and accompanied by the pro
per Toucher, to the undent igned at
hi reaidenre In the tows of Silver
Lake, Oregon, within all mouth
from the data of the first publication,
of tbl notice.
Dated and Brut published tbla 25th
day ol January, 1912
Admlnlatrator of the ewtate of
James M. Martin, decenaed.
Ilepartment of the Interior, United
Stat I And O If ice, lakevlew, Oregon,
January 19, 1912.
To Bnojamiu P. Hitchcock, present
addrea unknown, con tea tec:
Yon are hereby notified that Mrs.
Ada Hall, who give Lakevlew, Ore
gn, aa her poatofllce addrea. did on
January 19, 1912. file in thlt office her
duly corroborated application to con-
teat and see u re the cancellation of
four hom.atead entry aerial No.
Ot02. made ocfolier 15. 1WW. forWX
N J4. SEJ KWK, NEK SVt i. aection
34. towtiMhtp 38 8, raiwe 21 10 . Wil
lamette Meridian, and aa grounds for
her content she alleges that you have
wholly abandoned the above named
laod (or more than alx month Im
mediately preceding t hi da'e. Thai
you have performed" no acta of cul
tivation no imrprovement thereon.
except the erection of a small cabin
about 12X14 feet in size.
Yon are. therefor further notified
that theaaid allegations will be taken
by tbl office aa haviug lieeu con
feaaed by you, and your aald entry
will be canceled thereunder without
your further right to be heard therein,
either before thia office or on appeal,
if you fad to file In thia omce wlthiu
twenty days after the fourth publica
tion of thi notice, a abown tlow,
yonr answer, under oath, apeclScallv
meeting and responding to these al
legation of context, or If you fall
within that time to file In tbla office
due proof that you have aerved a
copy of your answer on the said con
testant either in person or by regis
tered mall. It tbla service Is made by
the delivery of a copy ot yonr answer
to the contestant in eron, proof ot
such service rnut be either the said
contestant' written acknowledg
ment of his receipt of the copy, show
ing the date of Its receipt, or the af
fidavit ot the person by whom the
deilvery was made etatlug when aud
where the copy waa delivered : tf made
by registered" mail, proof of such ser
vice must consist ot the affidavit of
the (eraon by whom the copy was
mailed stating when and the pot
office to which It waa mailed, and
this affidavit must be accompanied by
the postmaster's receipt for the let
ter. You should state In your answer
the name of the postofliee to which
you desire future notices to be sent to
A. W. ORTON. Register.
Date of first publication, Janoary
25, 1912.
Date of second publication February
1, 1912.
Date of third publication February
8, 1912.
Date of fourth publication February
15. 1912.
A Good Position
Can be had by ambitious young
anon and ladles in the field of "Wlr
leaa" or rail war telegraphy. 8lnce
the 8 hour law became eSectlve, and
since the wireless companies aie es
tablishing stations throughout the
country there is a great shortage of j
telegraphers. Positions pay begin-1
era from 70 to f90 per month, with 1
Send. for Monarch literature--it thoroughly explains Mon
arch construction. Try the Monaroh: you will at once learn
that its superiority actually rests in the maohine itself,
not merely in what we say about it.
Monaroh machines
Plan. A post card
307 Bush Street
good chance of advancement. The
National Telegraph Institution of
Cortland, Ore., operate onder super
vision of R. K. aod wire lea official
and places all graduates Into posi
tion. It will pay you to write them
tor full detail.
Wanted, Agent
To handle best automobile built In
A met lea. Exclusive In tbla country.
Built by Old Time Line Manufacturer.
Life guarantee. Mf starting, long
wheel base, 00 deposit reqnired. Pre
fer dealer now In bualnesn, bnt will
consider live people who will enter
boalrieaa. This agency include a
complete correspondence sale course,
largest discount ever offered. Deal
direct with factory. Addrea sale
manager. 090 Washington St.. Port
land, Ore. 14 2-15
A corporation eaoitalized at S30.000
haa been organized to take the Pendle-
Wc Want Your
Job work
You will want us to
have it when you see
our samples and hear
s m OUR PRICES t z
TT w
Call at thU office to hen
in need of anything
in the line of
AT PI Kf T ATT''tC'r'-.?
The employer who considers
his employees as well as him
self will secure a better day's
The light key "aotion--an ex
clusive Monarch feature so
lightens the operator's labor
that she turns out a greater
volume of work, proportionately
increasing the value of her
services. ,
The thoughtful employer must
may be purohased on the Monthly Payment
will bring full information.
ton Round-no Into tha eastern atates
aa an amusement feature. Tha entire
canital haa been Da id In b tha stock
holders and stent will be taken at one
to oraranize tha big attraction.
$1,000 REWARD
ha Oracoa. C
Ifornla ao.l Krai
Mri Stock Protee
In a Ataoo.latlon,
wblrh tha andar
slf n4 Is member
will five PMOl
reward forvl!anee
laulDf to tha r
treat and oonvictloa
'of any party or par
Ilea atcailnc bora.
eatlla or mo lea b
Inaelnstoaaf oil 14
1 addition to tha above, tha aadertlaned
ifaraoa tha aarna condition Ittoitt lor all bora
j branded bora shoe bar an both or either
,a. Brand recorded In efgbt eoontle. Rente
flarneT, Lake and Croot eonaUea. Horse
'ante when eold.
Hone bat grow a boreeeeold, and only In large
esbebe W. W. Beown, File. Oregon.
W-rv Tiir.i)UsgiSK.iu. '
I'll l im lt-4 itiA .1 .T
Take e lrr Kr ef ,r V
!lff Aklnr lf. Hm-TFK
yeo nm aa Bert. .-. Avr K!
la tha intareat ol yovr
Wet Weather Comfort
Our REFLEX EDGE stops all water
(rota rani rig ia at tha front. Faairat
to fasten only 5 button. Look lika
aa ordinary overcoat
$3.00 Everywhere.
SaatlslftKftKM GaaWlaaaaaBM(lB WfT "sai
A. J. Tower Co.;52L!?
Toroaao eoa.i 7SSBSJ
San Franoisoo, Cal.