Town Property 0,x) ''nr n fine new 0 room houw, wood shed, chicken hou ami lnirn, large lot I.'i0ilt, all fenced, about one block Ironi IIIrIi School, JiimI built last yt'iir, eav tcriin, f.VKMMM Tuki'H 4 tcitN with large linn rloae to iMlxiricm center on Wnter mrwt, III m'II nil or part. 'I'M I your chance ti get n bumm' locatiou. Kay term. IMuO.oO For n litre A rooiu house, nlno kjI barn, laru lot lUOx'll, on Hlaali Kt., near tho depot. Knjf ti-rmt. For out of tlw I'fHt IniiiKiU'iwH In th city; al new barn, lirtfe corner lot, 11 Imrgitlii, don't inNalt. I'.nxy tt rniM. "Wm Soil Tho float Earth" J. O'NEILL GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lakeview : Oregon Farm I.TO.OO 'er acre for IflO arret in mmdow about a rnllo from depot. Easy terwa. $10.00 Per acre for luOncrra In meadow with house and barn, all fonceI. Easy term. $20.00 Per acre for 100 a-re fine g;raln land, seven milts from Lakeview, west. Kmv term. $31.50 I'er acre for 240 acres fine grain land, 1 mile from the O. V. L. addition. Easy terma. $20.00 Per acre take 200 acres of timber law! 3 miles from the elty. Bny cIom In and your profit will le large. Easy term Xahc Count? Eramlncr TIIUHMAY, r'KliKU A It Y I, 1912. BRIEF MENTION 1, V 'if lie mill) and coat "t the More Ho. Walnoit A Htrlplln buy and soil c ond hand kohU. t(. I'otatiiea, J I mt pound. Nee J. H. I.ane or I. It Patch. If. Salem haa rained .the aloon license from $&H) to $'J00 per annum. Nice hue of lnlltH t wo plir and union underwear at Merc. Co. Tin l'Ht butter Oliver's W ceiila pr poimd t llielier' ('ali r.tom. 'ottMM, MlU'k lol. li t tMT fOIItl. Hee J. H. I.ane r K. It. Patch, tf. Ifyouwiiiita really ifiMid amoke fur a uii'kli, try Ht'irkliian'M Leader. M. It. Hire, or the Herald, made a abort buninei4 trio to Alturas taut week. PoWKoe, Iota ol them, 1 eaik or 1200, at let a pound. He J. 8. Lane or K. K Patch, tf. V. O. Morgan, the Paielev stable man. the foreoart of the week paid Lakeview a buHinea vixit. Fiirnlxlii'd (rout riKini, ground fluor, 1 bliH'k from lUHini'Harutr. Kmpilru Kittiulnrr oHIre. KejM tf A. G. Duhme. of the Fandango Lum ber Company, la tuslness visitor In the city thia week. Ira MrCoul returned from San Kran ciaoo taut week whore he haa been for the Duxt few monthi. F. A. Kilznatrlck la tho recipient of a beautiful peacock which waa Rent him from liakeranoh!. Calif. (Jeorge and Charley Nelaon. two of the West Side'a huntlmg farmers, were in town the flrt of the week. Good dry 10 inch wood for ante by 1). S. Tatro. I-eave ordt-rn with J. Nhermuu Hunter. 2 22 Tho Ladies Aid of tho M. F.. Church will in the near future present a U)0J Inr clramM ;it the onera houae. The Citv Trannfer now haa ita head juarten at Keeno & liurnea' cigar at ore. The phone number Ih ,')'J2. The Ladiea Aid of tho Prenbv terian church will meet thia afternoon at it he home of Mra. Vandervort. Minn Doria Willita returned home Suturdav lant from her arhool at Coga well Creek, for a atav over Hundiv. It. A. Solomon and ('. W. Meadowa. of San FranciHCo, are amonirnt the traveling men in Lakeview thia week. J. Krn. travelling renreaentative of the A. S. Hookina Manufacturing Com nanv, of Sacramento, waa in town thi" week. Superintendent W. A. Dunawav and hi unfiatant. M. IX Kire. of the N.-C-O.. Sundav came In on a tour of in aoertion. Mrs. J. W. Nixon hiia returned from quite an extended atav at SHoramento. where alio had bean for tho benefit of her health. Mra. F. K. Uovd returned to Klam alh r'alla thia week after a few weeks' viHit with her nun Dr. W. K. Boyd of thia Dlace. J. C. Oliver, the Wont Side farmer and dairyman wan in town Saturday and stated that ho intended to begin plowinir thin week. John M. Uettemv arrive in Lakeview thia week from Medford. lie haa pur chaaed property here and exoecta to make thia his future home. Lester, aon of Stonewall Vernon, wno haa been livinir at Everett. Wash., for sometime oast, returned to his home Dlace a few dava aeo. The O'Shya houae which was partly deutroved bv fire a couple of weeks a no ia being repaired and will soon be ready for ocouoancv. Anna M. Neilon. the womans' out litter, left yesterday for San Fran cisco, to purchase her aorlng line of millinery and ladies' furniahinga. Baker is not pleased with the Com mission form of government and a pe tition has boon filed to do away with it. The petition was signed by 314 persons. A. T, Langell has declined tobecome a candidate for the Democratic nomin ation for Sheriff of Klamath County. deBPite the support offered bv his many friends. F. D. Loveless, the well known Crooked Creek rancher, was in town the forepart of the . week. He reports the condition of the roads as not of the beat, the recent mild weather having drawn the front from the 'ground, and HBAa vuimeijuoiji-Q mo ruaua o vcijr soft In some places. Countv Clerk I'nvrie ventordav Insuod a marriaue license to Clarence II. Young and Mlna l.illinn K. I'ike. both well known and opular young oroide of 1'ainluv. Sam ('otfirtmrn returned last week from a five months' visit to San Fran vint'o. Sam aavs the city wss plenty lively, but waa glad to iret bark to Lakeview. Charley CJott. the restaurant man. has become tired of citv life and will try the merits of the farm life for a while. He leaves for his homestead next week. Tho. Alford came in from hia ranch the first of the week for medical treat ment. He will remain In town several duvs. the iruHst of hia dauvhter. Mrs. Phil Mulkev. Judge Stephen A. lxiwell of Uma tilla county has announced his candid auv for United Slatea Senator at the republican primaries of 1912 to aucceed Mr. liourne. Herbert Lewis of New Pine Creek and Plumaa Hotchkiaa of Cbewaucan rame in town Saturday night and were initiated into the first degree of the I.O.O.P. lodge. G. II. Hammrralev. of New Pine Creek, came uo to the county neat on business Friday, and took the time to call and have h's name enrolled on the Examiner liat. The revival mcetinva which are be Intr conducted bv Rev. Melville T. Wire at the Methoolnt church are gaining in popularity and are attracting 'laige attendaneea at each meeting. Voter of the Crooked Creek Pre cinct deslrinir to reeiater can do so bv callinsr at the oflice of the Justice of the Penc e at Valley Falls, bv brinirimr two freeholders as witnesses. Gilbert D. Brown and family return ed thi week from a six week' trip to California and Oreiron. They came in by way of tho N.-C.-O. and report having sount a moat eniovabla time. J. F. Hanson, the West Side farmer, ha purchased the remaining lumber of ('has. Umbach on the Hervford lot on Main and Center streets and ia hav inir it removed to hi West Side ranch. The first returns from Fort Rock pre cinct show that out of a total of !: voters to register 2U are Socialism. 20 Republican and 7 Democrats. For further particulars, nee Msrt Hopkins. .1 us Kinir has purchased a 1-16 in terest in the Mountain Sheen mine in the Moan dipt riot. Thia property i handled bv MrClcarv & Shauer and will probably be hcavilv developed this sea son. Waldo Mavfield. the voune aon of Mr. and Mra. J. F. Mavfield of thia citv. has been quite ill for the past sev eral davs, tut la improving rauidlv. Dr. E. D. Everett has been attending him. F. FeUch of the Matchless Store is having the interior of hia building re modeled and shelving put in. prepara tory to installing a general line of cents' furnishing goods in the early spring. Harry Utlev and wife came down from Vllev Falls last week for a short visit with friends and relatives. Mr. Utlov brought down a number of deer head that he mounted for Lake view partiea. Mrs. Olive tiravce has tanen a room in the Alfred Smith home on Water street and will open an embroidery store. In connection with the store Mrs. Gravce will also give lessons in embroidering. We note Dv last weeks Merrill Record that it will change hands. W. A. Hoo per of Jacksonville, to take charge nf the paper this week. Catherine! Frehm was the former editor and proprietor of the Record. Harrv Vernon, of the Lakeview Transfer Co., stationed at the Com pany's Davis Creek ranch.'.came ud this week. He will take back some horses with him preparatory to begin the soring farming. L. E. Seaaer. who was un from Davis Creek a few dava since, states that the ice on the lake has broken ud as far north as Sugar Hill and that a brisk wind would probably clear the lake In a few davs. F. A. FitPatrick, superintendent of the ZX ranch, a few davs ago returned from the Bakersfield ranch of his com pany, bringing with him a thorough bred stallion. It ia proposed to use him in breeding saddlehorses. The Wizards have announced that their Leao Year dance will take place Feb. 14. The vounger set are making great preparation! for the event, and it promises to be one of the most en joyable alfairs of the kind that baa ever taken place In Lakeview. Lakeview is surely enjoying fine nring weather. Warm balmy davs in ternperned with sunshine, makes a real representation of Southern California Weather, During the past few davs a number of the voung men have been unusually courteous to their ladv friends. Pos sibly the announcement of the Leao Year dance bv the Wizards haa a dis tinct bearing In aueh cases, Al Smith of the Arcadia Theatre haa had a sign showing the - changes of program placed at the aide of the post oflice window. The aign 'will re main permanently and each change of pictures will anpesr on thia bulletin. Cha. E. Rice returned last week from a short trip to Warner and Sur prise Valleys. He will leave shortly for Alturas where he haa accepted a position as band director and it .ia hia intention to remain there permanently. Harrv Riggs came in from Warner on his wav ,to meet his daughter 'at Seattle, who has teen attending school at that Place. The voung ladv haa had enough of city life for the time being and will return with her father in a few davs. Wm. Burgen. of New Pine Creek, has been appointed bv Governor Johrmon aa I Sunerviaor of the Fourth District, to serve out the unexpired term of J. H. Dawson, deceaaed. Mr. Rurgun ia well Qualified for the position and will make a good supervisor. Mrs. W. H. Shirk waa called to Berkeley. Cal.. thia week bv the aerioua illness of her mother. Mrs. Crow, and sister Mra. L. D. Shirk. The message announcing their illness was wholly i unexpected, and at the time of her de- ! parture ahe was unaware .of the cause ! ,.. ..... -f it.-:. :n... ui uniuiv vi lucit unices. J. F. Mavfield. of the Goose Lake Valley Meat Co.. rmld the company's hulls that were being fed at New Pine I Creek to the Nevada Packing Co., at Reno. Mr.. Mavfield included enough beef cattle in the sale to complete a car load and thev will be shipped from New Pine Creek tomorrow. The manv friends of J. M. Batehel der were pleased lo see him able to be on the street this week after having teen confined to hia home for several ! weeks caused from the results of a i broken ankle. Mr. Batchelder is cum- pel led to walk with arane'but we trust ! in a short time he will be entirely re j covered from the fracture. I The official call has been issued for ' an irrigation congress to be held in Portland February Id. 20 and 21. It is expeted that several persona from here will attend, among those mentioned being Col. F. P. Light Dr. E. D. Everett, W. Lair Thompson. V. L. Snelling. G. W. Kiee and F. P. Crone miller. The preliminary hearing of Jack i Tavlor. who killed Perrv and Robert 1 Settlemvre at the Elmer Carlson ranch near Andrews, last December, was held , before Justice Randall of Burns and I Tavlor whs bound over to the grand ! iurv charged with murder in the first degree without bonds. Circuit court meets in Harnev county in April. F. G. Burns, father of Mrs. R. Fetach. of Lakeview. on the evening I of January 23 died at the family home in Grants Pass in his 73d year. While visiting his son. Mark L., at Doris a few months since Mr. (Burns was stricken with paralysis, which finally resulted in death. Besides his wife he leaves a family of seven children. The girls of the G. U. G. Club are preparing a play which will be put on at the Snider opera house about February 21. The title of the bill is "Four Innocents" and thirteen charact ers are included in the cast. The G. Q. G. club girls have nuite a reputation in the theatrical line and no doubt thev will succeed in giving a very pleasant entertainment. It ia reported that "Paisley" Pat Murohv. who was arrested Tuesday at Palrilev for drunkenness, accidentally set the iail on fire, and had it not been for the marshal's auick return, would have perished in the flames. The mar shal not only saved the life of the in mate but probably the town from a serious conflagration. Murohv was taken before a magistrate and fined $50 for disturbing the peace. i W. Lair Thompson returned from his professional visit to Alturaa Fri day, in a highly elvated frame of mind, having won the case he was en gaged to try and settled another which had been pending for some time : and while he was waiting for bis train on which to come home he received a tele gram from Salem telling him that he had won two oasea pending in the supreme court. Truly, there's nothing like luck except good management. 8 port men Beware The cloned season for geese and swan Is now on, although it will be lawful to kill ducks until March 8, while there is no closed season on white geese and brant. And ft will not be lawful to catch trout before April 1. although It is ssid the lake trout are beginning to run ud the various streama. There is no distinction in trout in the eves of the law, the penalty being the same for catching lake trout during the closed season as for any other kind. Notice to Dancers To those who have been attending the Wizard dances and have been dis playing indecent conduct, we wish to announce that hereafter that all rules are to be strictly abided bv. There fore, hereafter all parties, regardless nf sex. who do not conduct themselves in a perfectly respectable manner at these dances will be rejected from the club dances. (Signed.) COMMITTEE. Wizsrd Dancing Club. Out of Hospital Mrs. A. Storkmsn received word from her husband, who is at the Ger man Hospital in San Francisco, to the effect that his physicians did not think be was troubled with cancer of the stomach as wss anticipated before he left . here. The doctors apparently attribute his afflictions to general deuili'y. Later reports state that Mr. Stork man's ohvsicians pronounce bis illness due from enlargement of the liver. He has left the hospital and is now in Alameda. Chautauqua Circle The Chautauqua Circle met at the home of 'Mrs. Leslie Seager. Monday night. February 4. Program: Roll call: Current events, "Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia." "The Chautauqua Read ing Journey through South America, Mis Gertrude Vernon. "The Ameri can Poet's View" Tne Chautauquan as we see ourselves. .Mrs. Leslie Van deroool. "Compressed Air" the Chautauauan Engineering. Mrs. J. D. Venator. Reorganizing Band Jesse Darnell informs us that he is meeting with great success and en couragement in his efforts ito organize a "band ifor Lakeview. Mr. Daroell thi week placed an order with a Port land musichouse for seven new band instruments. The members who have signed uo and erdered instruments are -Clarionets. Lovd Ogle. Chester Dvke man and Ralph Southstone. Cornet. Walter Dykeman. Saxaohones. Mur ray Heard and Bvron Graves. Mr. Darnell now has twentv-one pupils studying music under his direction, seven of whom are studying band in struments outside of the seven who have ordered new ones. He has five more prospective band members which makes a total of nineteen members in terested in the band. An effort is being made to secure the auditorium in the high school building to be used for band rehersala. The people are showing the proper spirit in supporting Mr. Darnell in thia or ganization and we wish it everv suc cess. L. C. I. C. Musical A very successful musical was given Tuesday afternoon bv Mrs. C. W. Rey nolds at her home on Bullard street, for the benefit of the Civic Improve ment Club.'' An admittance of 25 cents was charged, and each member of the club had the privilege of inviting two friends. About aixtv-five persona Were in attendance. Refreshments were served and all report having spent a very pleasant afternoon. The receipts amounted to $17.60 which sum will go into the treasury of the club, to be used for civic improvement purposes. The ladies are working diligently for a good cause and should meet with the heartv co-operation of every citizen of the town. Following is the program : Piano Solo Mies Emily Ay res Vocal Solo Mra. L. Smith Piano Duet ..Mra. S. O. Creseler, Emily Ayrea Vocal Solo Mra. Thou. S. Farrell Reading Miss Beach Piano Solo Miss Alice Liotoa Vocal Duet, .........Mrs. Farrell. Mrs. Willita Violin Solo J. Durtit'll Vocal Bolo,. ..Mitts llattle Nyswaoer 1'lano Bolo, ,...MIh Katlileeu O'Nell Reading ....Mrs. E. J. Stone Vocal Solo, Mrs. Jonas Norlu The ladies of the club fetl verv grateful toward those who volunteered their aervices in the program, and helped to make the musical the success that it was, Colonist Rates The Union Pacific rsilroad has an nounced a resumption of its low colo nist rates to the northwest effective for six weeks of March and April, dar ing which time the fare from the Miss issippi river to all Uiegen and Washing The "Hunch" model with the high, wise toe and military heel. We have a hunch; you will UK-e u. $5.00 - Don't miss a look at it, anyway. Carried in Radium Calf. Vamp, Dull Top, also Tan Russia. Button and Lace. BRITTEN Hlere They Are Every Ladies' Suit in the House Must GoAnd Go Quick. EVERY ONE A La VOGUE SUIT Also a few 1910 Coats Half Price. them overthey are bargains. Lakeview Mercantile Co, ton points will be $25. Each dav of the colonist mtes a through train of tourist sleeping cars with special dining ear service and greatly reduced dining car prices, will be run through from Omaha to Portland. & ERICKSON i' 'i Look At These Prices: Regular $16.50 Suits, now $11.00 18.50 ' " 12.50 20.00 44 " 14.25 22.50 44 44 ' 16.50 25 00 44 44 17.50 27.50 44 44 18.50 30.00 44 44 19.50 35.00 44 44 22.50 I' 'I Ladies' & Misses' to go at Exactly Come and look