Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 01, 1912, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
uvular atan.linr 1 an Inch. alns'.v
5iuin !, pT r.iofh All atnilln l,
chiniriit (tv mier irmh. 'ot of eomiKu1-;
ttoo t hr..l lor all i ir rnangva. All aii'l ,
M.lonair. A il nhorl If rm l. ilr i
R1or. !' ivinmnt, 10o. per Hue coh In-1
kr'lon. War- V. 11tiirh InwrilfU i
irjol thank fl.W. ReanlnMona o. mitlo- i
juco.I1.Wi ujrii.
f-Tr i iulonl AdvvrtUirig nl Job Prlul- '
dCtia!. in dvuc.
All bins aunt b pid th Aral of ch mon-h. j
.)n Tr, tu kilTknr!
Ail tnDltiv.
("hiv tomtilia. "
I.1 no
'If not paid la 1c, SJ.fO th. year
Nutlet la Sabcrlbra
ntiarrtoora to lh Fianilnrr who nraot
from ow liH'nliijt lu mioi her, or i'huK
IhtMr poati.nW" l1ria ahoulil femrmwr to
drop thin oftier oril mi thi-lr paxr can c d
ttrvMNMl 10 itie rlskl pomofflrv.
Lnkcvlew, Oregon, Tliurndny, IVliruury 1. t12
Senator Bourne Writes to
County Clerks Outlin
ing Further Work
K. E. Kooier has associated himself
with F. P. Cronemiller. doing business
ander the name of the Examiner Pub
lishing Comrjsnv. in the oublication of
the Lake County Examiner. There
will be no change in the editorial or
business Dolicv of the naoer. Dunne
the oast six or eieht months Mr. Crone
miller has not enioveU good health,
which condition his o h y s i c i a o
attributes to the fact that he has been
caving too close attention to business
affairs. He will therefore shift much
af the resoonsibilitv in the conduct of
the business to Mr. Koozer. who has
equal authority to transact any business
in connection with ihe new 8 paper and
Dtintins' olant.
Citizenship of Female Ap
plicants for Land Same
as that of Husband
Lakeview is entering uoon a new era
f develooment. which in turn will
bring about many changes over oresent
xistintr circumstances. With the
chanee from the old to the new we will
be comoelled to face numerous condi
tions which mean paramount impor
tance to the future crowtb of our town
nd community. Each citizen owes it
to himself to lend every assistance in
beloine to meet these conditions and
belo bring the change about.
Lakeview at Dresent is growing, ad.
vancing. better still it is nrosoering.
Yet. there are several things that
he needs things are necessary for
her future welfare. Lakeview has a
splendid representative body in her
officials. We have a good mavor. we
have a good council, but it is impossi
ble for this body to accomplish the best
results without the hearty support of
the municipality.
Lakeview is not an unhealthy town,
far from it. people here enjoy the best
of health uf anv place in the world.
At anv other place where no more pre
caution was taken toward sanitary con
ditions than here, it would be the meet
unheaitv clace in the world. Yet, this
is no reason wbv we should lav down
and cease to strive in bettering these
circumstnees. The forerunner of all
sanitation measures, beautifying ap
pearances and steD from the country
town to the voung citv is the adoction ! trouble arose over the fact that a stran
New regulations governing the appli
cation of women for oublie lands have
recently taken effect which for a time
will cause more or less trouble. In
1907 Congress Dassed an act under
which the citizenshio of the wife fol
lows that of the husband, and hence
when a woman makes aooiication. for
land it is necessary for her to state
whether married or unmarried. If
married it is also necessary for her to
give the date of her marriage, and if
married after March 1. 11)07. it is
necessary for her to state whether her
husband is native born. If naturalized,
or if the husband has declared his in
tention to become a citizen of the
United States, then the wife must
furnish a codv ot his papers. Unlv
recently has the Department out in
force these requirements, and hence
officers making out applications for
women are not laminar with the or
der. These reuuirements apolv to tim
ber and stone entries, as well as desert
land applications, homesteads or anv
other law under which title to public
land may be obtained.
The necessary information may De
funished in the form of an affidavit
which should accomoanv the applica
tion, and must Le sworn to before an
officer authorized to administer oaths
in public land cases, which excludes
notaries public ar.d justices of the
Created a Disturbance
T. B. Anderson, of Silver Lake, was
brought to the county seat Saturday
and lodged in iail. He bad been ar
rested and was convicted for committ
ing a disturbance and assault and bat
tery, and was fined bv the justice $20
and costs, which he failed to cav. IThe
Senator Jonathan Hourne. Jr.. han
addressed the following letter to each
County Clerk In Oregon :
It is now conceded even bv the bit
terest enemies of Popular Government.
that the Oregon System has come to
stay. Heretofore the friends of the
Ponular (Jovernment have been nun-
pelted to devote their energies to de
fending that system frun the attacks
of its enemies and have had little oo
portunitv to devote attention to the
task of improving the svstatm or per
fecting its operation. Now that the
opposition has been overcome. I am
writing to ask your opinion of a plan
which I believe will make the system
work more satisfactorily.
As vou know, our statutes require
that the Secretary of State shall mnil
to every registered voter certain nam
ohlets giving information regarding
candidates and measures to be voted
unon bv the people. Distribution of
these pamphlets and their careful read
ing bv the people, is a very important
feature of the svstem. and therefore,
early registration of voters is 'desir
able. I suggest that rountv officers, es
pecially county clerks and achool sup
erintendents, arrange with citizens of
all oarties in rural communities to
hold Good Government rallies in school
houses, at which meetings a Notary
Public or Justice of the Peace can be
present to till out registration blanks
for voters and send the same to the
county clerk. At such meetings mea
sures proposed for adontion bv the peo
ple could be discussed. Quite likely'
good feeling would be promoted bv not :
discussing candidates, on such occa- j
sions. but leaving tne discussion entire-:
Iv to measures. In mv opinion, the
Initiative and Referendum la of great i
value as an educational agency since it '
encourages voters to studv and discuss :
DuOlic Questions. j
These Good Government rallies in
country school houses would not only,
he a benefit socially, 'jut secure early!
Davis Creek Items
Mrs. A. K. Kerry la ill at her home In
Davis Crek.
M. Scagcr. of Los Angeles, is look
ing after hia interests In Davis Creek
for a few dava.
The soring weather we have been
having has taken the snow awav.
The N.-C.-O. is 'Johnnv-on-tho-Simt"
arriving here at 8 :M) a. m. nni
returning at 3:30 p. in. dailv.
Mr. and Mra. V. T. Watkin and S.
J. Dutton niHile a business trip to
Alturas Sunday.
L. E. Senger visitfd his family in
Lakeview from Saturday until Monday.
There will be leau year dance in
Davis I'revk. February S'.Uh. 1 1 1 2.
A. Leonard was transacting businuss
at the County Seat this last week.
Trios. Sherlock made a business
trip to Lakeview Monday.
The first carload of hav ever shinned
from this vnllev is bring loaded bv A.
J. Paulson tor the San Francisco mar
ket. Davis llros. have completed their
house on one ot the Davis Creek
Orchards Co. tracts purchased lust
vear and have their barn well under
J. M. Garriott is t usv with his deep
well drilling machine for C. T. Wat
kins. C. E. Crowder. manager ot the Lake
shore Land & (. utile C o.. has gone to
Washintgon. D. C on business con
nected with that comuanv.
Kev. J. C. Higelow conducts services
at Union Church everv Sunday at 11
o'clock a. m.
Miss Kate Dutton. who is attending
Oregon Agricultural College at Cor
valis, Oregon, and who wns ouarantin-
ed with smallpox, is improving mindly.
I have u few Leghorn Coekrrels
wit Irlt I lntiirti'l from stun of thr
best tloeks In Missouri ittnl .Vf
rilskil, whirl I I will sell lit follow
ing r let's :
s. c. itrrr i.i.niioitxs
11. S. WillTi: I.F.t! lit HISS ...f-JitO
Valley Falls
l.ociitrtl mi
Villsley.l.itkevlew St .'life I. lilt'
of a sewerage svstem. Lakeview row
needs this adjunct, and the people owe
it to themselves and the town to assist
in achieving ttii3 success1. This is a
matter which will Eoon be presented to
our people and we trust thev will give
it their most careful consideration and
cast their vote at the proper time in
favor of a sewerage system for Lake
view. The count il are taking up every
matter for the betterment of the town.
Mayor Rinehart promises to rigidly
enforce the clean-up ordinance this
soring and to exert everv effort to keep
this law in effect. Again we urge the
ueople to help the town officials in keep
ing up the appearance of our citv and
community, and when anv question
arises do not hesitate to take vour
troubles before the town council where
vou will find a willing bodv of men to
co-ooerate with vou in working for the
.-advancement of vour own interests.
ger came into the neighborhood and
wanted to be shown eome land which
he could file on as a homestead. Ander
son agreed to and did show the man a
piece upon which he could file, on con
dition 'hat when be filed he should oav
Anderson S25. He then said he would
look about and if be concluded to make
the filing he would pay the amount
agreed uoon. Afterward Anderson
went to the man's room and tried to
j break down the door in an effort to get
in. and when the landlord tried to get
him awav made an assault uoon him.
It is the fixed policy of the forest
service to sell timber in forest reserva
tions at prices no lower than what is
asked for privately owned timber in
the same locality. The Government
will not sell anv of its timber at
bargain rates, not even over-rine tim
ber or that which has been killed bv
fi-e. Moreover the government is not
iisoooed to hasten the sale of its own
timber, preferring to hold it for future
use. when the supply of private timber
has become exhausted. This is the
attitude as outlined in the annual re
port of Forester (Jarves. Sales of
standing timber in California in 1911
amounted to 112.438.000 feet valued at
$2!)5.536, in Oregon. 134.245.000 feet,
valued at $332,212 and in Nevada 22.
K7.000 feet, valued at $5108.
$1,000 Ore
Alturas Plaindcaler : Wm. Schauers
and Frank Lochland showed us several
tons of ore at Pine Creek taken out of
te Sunshine mine in the Hoag district.
The ore was sacked and stored in the
cellar of Hershul Fleming, where it is
kept under lock and kev. The impor
tance of keeping the ore locked up will
be understood when we are told that
this ore is worth 50 cent per pound.
This ia no wild statement as the above
gentlemen have the assays to prove
their assertion. The ore will be shipp
ed as soon as a full carload can be got
Dangerous Pastime
Since the completion of the railroad
to Lakeview it has been the practice
for a number of youngsters to play
around the trains, although a very
close watch is kept upon their move
ments bv the trainmen which may have
prevented an accident. As a sort of
warning the following may prove inter
esting :
Two men were killed bv train No. 16
vesterdav morning within 12 miles of
each other and within a space of 30
minutes. A resident of Montague.
Cal.. whose name has not been learned,
attempted to board the moving train
at Weed. Cal.. and slipped beneath the
wheels, his head being completely
Thomas Rvan. aged 19. jumped onto
the train as it was moving out of Sis
son. Cal. His hat blew off and in
reaching for it he was knocked under
the wheels. His head, one hand and
one leg were severeu.
registration and be a benefit education-' '
ally. Thev would tend to make the ALGER LAND COMPANY
nno rsiinn r ni iw I'ntin bp .iiuupn miinr
laws more saiisfactorl v and thus fur
ther refute the assertion made in the
East bv the enemies of thr Oregon
Svstem. that our laws are impractic
able. 1 am also writing the Super
intendent because he has general sup
ervision of the use of the scnool houses.
I wish vou would talk with him and
if vou approve of the plan, take such
steps as vou beleive best to start the
movement in vour county. I believe
this will help to secure enrlv and com
plete registration in rural communities
and facilitate ycur own work. '
Wm on Mmrlt, a
"Squarm Dmal," and
poet tho mamm In return.
$: House, hum, i' lieres near U K.
fl.'ilKi llmisi', hum, I Here lie;ir It. I:
f'.'iiio limine, hum, . m res unir It It.,
feneeil. elilt ivnteil, x'noil weI.
$ OtM-fhnlee hit Tilll, So M.iin.
$l'L'tH Comer Vi;,l on and West Sts.,
Hi'i:fl fert.
f I.'IL--I'ilie lot , III feet, f'.ttn oii St.
f ;,iHl;, . .t ,! Corner on lUillunl.
Business Chances Lakevlov
ILiioil l.ense mi I, I very Stable. We
lutvf several other business iroxisl
tiotis. See lis If interest etl .
Silver Lake Items
("Silver Lake leader)
Hill Denies Rumor
Recent reports that important
changes were to be made on the rail
road mau of the west were denied bv
Jarnes Hill, in so far as thev involvethe
Hill lines. It was reported that the
Burlington and Rock Island were to ac
uuire half of the Missouri Pacific, hold
ings of Denver and Rio Grande, which
controls the Western Pacific and that
the Hill svstem thus would obtain a
connection through to San Francisco
over the Western Pacific.
. "The Hurlington has no intention."
said Mr. Hill, "of obtaining an inter
est in anv road west of Denver." He
also characterized us rubbish the re
port that the Great Northern would
obtain entire control of the Burlington
and that the Northern Pacific would re
linuuish its half interest in the Bur
lington property.
Another school will soon be opened
in the north end of Silver Lake valley
near tne E. G. Williems homestead.
This school will serve those too far
from Silver Lake and Fort Rock to
Bend their children to these towns. Miss
Williams will teach the new school.
Fred Kliouel. of Summer Lake, was
here Wednesday. Mr. Kliupe' soon
will sink two artesian wells on his des
ert claim end on an isolated 40 acres
recently purchased near his claim.
Z. G. Harris has sold his interest in
the Auger Vallev Saw Mill to Egli &
Go wily, who now control all the prop
erty of the company.
Silver Lake will be incorporated if
plans of the business men of the town
carry. For several weeks men of in
fluence have been quietly working on
incorporation scheme and not one prop
erty owner has been found in opposi
tion to the plan.
W. Lair Thompson, attorney, of
Lakeview, last week announced hia in
tention to make the race for state sen
ator to succeed Dr. Geo. H. Merryman
of Klamath Falls. Dr. Merrvman will
not be a candidate to succeed himself.
As a member of the house in the last
state legisalture. Mr. Thompson made
a good showing.
Casting $lf0 worth of attractive
advertising booklets upon
the flood of irrigation that is certain
to swing this way early next spring
is like planting seed that has been test
ed and found good. Everv dollar sub
scribed to the fund that must be raised
in this end of the county will come
home to roost and bring another dollar
with it. The crying needof North Lake
county is population, and this country
cannot depend uoon neighboring com
munities to do its advertising, especi
ally where tho-e communities are send
ing out a population distress call more
vigorous that that issued bv Silver
Lake. Settle the country, develop the
farms, produce the grain, the livestock
and the hav in ouantities. and railroads
will beg for a right of-wav at vour
(j'ooil It.Miehes In t!,iost I. .ike ';il-
r, i.irtleul.irly In the vlelnltv of
Vint' Creek.
(j'ooil business hits unit choleti ;v.v
tleriee iiroierty In Xew Vine t 'reek.
No Saloon In Vetv Pino Crook
Lttkevlew (llliee:
One door l-.'itst Vhoto (.tilery.
Xew Vine Creek (Jlllce: In l.itktr Hotel
Political Announcements
D. V. Kuykendall
Prosecuting Attorney fi.r thl DlMtrlot,
will bit n ranclidiK' fur tin; Republi
can Humiliation tor that oliico at
tin; urliuarleH in April.
Palsloy Pick-ups
(Cbewniiciin I'rt'iw)
The engineers of the Northwest
Townslto Co. are buv making a tracing
of thrlr topographical map. from blue
A. W. Clarkson. citv insrshnl. has
riven u n his harness and shoe business.
He states that hia duties as marshal
will occupy all his time..
At the council meeting Friday even
ing two mure licenses were granted.
one to W. II. Tucker and one to Maurice
Murohv. This makes four.for PminIov
and ought to be enough.
Pusiloy will organise a brass band.
A canvass of the musicians shows that
there is amide material to form first
diss band and all thtt is reoulred is
the Instruments and a leader.
II. S. Aldelstvin. Adiustor in the
rmnlov of the H ard of Trade of San
Francisco, arrived in Paisley last
Thursday evening and la now in charge
of the alTairs of the Cbewauran Mer
cantile Co.
The first eleloctric street light was
installed In Paisley last week. It is on
the corner of Main and Mill streets and
sheds its radiance for many rods. A
few more would make the town look
like the Great White Way - a'mosl.
The county court has done good
work on the taxation proposition. In
spite of the fact that the tax for state
purposes ia more than twice an great
us In 1910. the total amount to be rais
ed in the county is onlv S40OO more
than last vear.
Vthi'ii hrr child la In 1hr nnin
rlia licr III" li crot''l ll N '! m l 1 1 lin.
lain cp Mali ol lllr l nwarr In iroinot I'hll
In. m croup oi Chamli'T lalu'a Ciii.ah ll..m.
..! an.l all ilam-r la niruMrtl Km ala ! all
srnscuiHE for Tin: examiner
Ft II HALE I" ncii'H. I.nkn Couni.r,
Oicgnii, (In N'y the id llio N W
i. id the HK4, wi Hon :if. tiiw iiMlilp
rnngr "I. Thin In m film iruct of
land with f Mrrca niir right and
fj: paid nil On' oilier 6 nerval water
tlglif. ir niili k aale. I.'S Wrlta
Jens HoreiiHi-ti, ling tM, HarUn. la.
Edit M M,i:- I l a , Iwiku County,
iregoii, the M of f hi' HMf, m-f.
Hun 'X't. toivtilthlp Mi, raiiKHtfK.
W. M 'I ! 1m In a uiH'tl tract cf land,
4t mllt'M past, ut Warner 1ak am)
It nilli'M Ira mi I'IihIi. lor iiili-k Mikln
loo ciiMi net II. Ad. Ire a Jeas
S.iri'lisi'ti, ling ft'!"', 1 1 ll . low.
I t lit NAI.K-Wnoil, dry
IMC. N. T. t'orv.
wood. I'liou
Fib I. tf.
Foil Ml IK I..I1 l.l.xl 47. Iran l.,'
l,.wc.ilil. .v. rain" !' Li ' r... I ll an
i. ft r mi Hi.' ai...v.. i.r a i.rli on lliv a (Joining
Ian. la I' r II. r arrl.l.. N. l.r
Mil h i; iu priiLii'A rioN
Not Coal Land
Department of th Inferior, U. H,
Land till i ci. ai Lakeview, Orngiiu,
January. t, llil.'.
.Vol in- in li.'icli.v given that John E,
Low, ul Illy. regon, win), on June
.'I. PMI iiui'l.' iioini'Mli'sd entry No.
o;i;ii. ii.r m:1, nvh,. n m:14, n.
.11. NVVI4 NW4. w chilli 'A, township
;iii s , raiiiM' li E, v illami'i 14 VI or Id-
luu. Iimh tiled poller, ol intention to
111 ri In- dual f. .111 111 11 1 ft 1 li in proof, tnii
ImIimxIi t in 1 m tu tlm laud abovii i-.
eriU'd, Ik fore J. . Ilainakrr, I iillnl
Mutra CoiiiinlhHiohi'r, Hoiiaotli.f rr
gon. i n ihe l'lli day of Man ll. U12.
('Iiiliiiinl tiiuiun mm wltncHiH'S 1 Id.
mer Jin. ex, W. F. liarrett. Jainns
Tnlor 1111. 1 Win, Iiwry, nil of lily.
A. W. Oil. UN, lOginf!-.
Walters' Addition
Oilers the Itcst Closc-fn Home Sites in Likevicw!
Vcvir Schools, Churches, Depot ntul I'tisiiicss Center.
Iluy Sow! Lots 50 x lL'.l, $1 IO.00 to SJT'i.OO
:-.s r Terms.
W. F. PAINE & CO.,
Lakeview Meat Market
HAYES & GROB, Propr'3
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc., Etc.
Try our Sausages and Cured Meats
Quality Unexcelled
Fnt iHdlvery
SAniLn uoon
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor
Reliable Clearance Sale
of Reliable Goods
'We arc offering broken lots of
Misses' Sweaters, Boys' Suits and
Caps, Laces and Embroideries.
Short Lengths in Dress Goods, Shirt
Waists at prices regardless of cost. These
are genuine bargains. Call and be convinced
Bailey & Massingill