awn mmintt HAS THE CIRCULATION- PRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES THE PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKtK COUNTY VOL. XX XI 1 1 LAKKVIKW, LAKH COUNTY, OREGON, FKKKUAKY 1. 1912. NO. 5 CONTRACTIS STRINGENT As Signed Up, Paisley Project Will Be Completed in 1915 All Rights of State as Well as Settlers are Amply Protected By Measures Incorporated Within the Contract That the Irritation system at Paisley ia assured of construction ia affirmed bv the copy of contract received bv the Lakeview Commercial Club, be tween the Portland Irrigation Com Dany and the State of Oreiron, or the Desert Land Hoard. The contrart provide that the Coin panv construct a system of reservoirs, darns, canala. and other worka necta-, aarv for the Irrigation of 12.000 cres ; of land : the auec-iftrationa rail for re-; servoir of sufficient capacity to store 42.000 acre feet of water; approxi mate area ot water surface to aerure 1 thia atnrave ia 2.380 acre. The dam ' aa maps ahnw It la located In the NW1-4 of the SE1-4 of section 27, township 33 S.. K. 1H K. and" will be 2T.7 lect long on too, and X feet long on the bottom, ( ul una and aDciflciitione. The comDanv la romoolled to maintain ita reservoirs, dama, canala and laterala in gxd re pair and etiall deliver them between May 23rd and September lut two acre foot of water for each acre of land for ordinary Irrigation purposes and when practicable ahall also furninh water for domestic purposes. Approximately t-IG , per acre baa been declared bv the : Desert Land Hoard aa a lien airainnt the ; land, apoortioncd according to the valu ' atlon of the several trac'a under the avatem. ' All water rights aold bv the com Danv ahall be perpetual In nature and with thia ahall be aold to the Durchaaer proportional ititereat In the reclama tion work a. Anv turblua water may be aold, but LAKEVIEW POSTAL SAVINGS BANK Department Designates February 23, 1912, as Day Upon Which PostofMce Becomes Depository 80 feet hivh from the bed of tho river. 22 feet wide at the too. and 3!) feet at the bottom, rompnacd of a concrete core wall five feet thick at the bottom and three feet at too. with rock fill on front, and earth fill below the top of the dam. giving a death of 72 feet. Sufficient regulation for enlll-wav, outlet tunnel, and diveraion worka are provided for In the contrart. The main and main laterala ahall have a safe carrying capacity to deliver eimultanc oualv one cubic foot per aecond of water for everv aevontv acrea of land under the project. A- telephone avatem will be con atructed along the main canala and main laterala, and from the canal di veraion worka to the reacrvnir control- inn worka for convenience and aafetv of ooerationa. The time aet for completion of work ia within three veara from date of con tract, work to be beirun within aix monthi and prosecuted diligently. Two hundred and fifty dollara per month has been provided to be uued in defraying; expenses of an Inspector to insure the completion In accordance with the ' the landii under thia project ahall have prior rights. The Board ha fixed the ( annual maintenance charge of tl for each acre of irrigable land per annum; anv exceM of tho maintenance coat over the amount rained ahall bo aupplied bv ' the company. Tne cornnunv ia compelled to meet all exenea of advertising contingent apon proof of reclamation and aonlica- ! tiorr for patent. The lar.d ia all located in Townahipa 23 and 33, Ranirea 18 and 19. Hy the alrict regulation provided in coov of the contract the irrigation comDanv will be compelled to estab lish a permanent and practicable irri tation trxtcm, and at the discretion of i the Desert Land Hoard, and utxm the satisfaction of all liens, shall turn the completed system over to a water users' association. r II -. ! L : . I tion to the Secretary of the Lakeview Commercial Club haa ahown his per sonal interest in the matter and, in fso curing a ST.0,000 bond to the State from the Company, has insured the stabilit and early cumulation of the project, OFFICE POSTMASTER GENERAL Washington, I). C, January 25, 1912. Postmaster, Lakeview, Oregon. Dear Sir: I beg to inform you that your office will he designated as a postal savings depository, effective February 23, 191 2. All necessary supplies, including sav- ings cards and stamps and copies of the regulations will be sent to you under separate cover and such other forms as may be required from time to time will be furnished as occasion for use arises. You should familiarize yourself at once with the pro visions of the regulations and instructions and with the forms to be used. To assist you in so doing, a postoffice inspector will visit your office before the opening, and ex plain the operation of a postal savings depository. You should assume charge of this work and in your absence the assistant postmaster should act. Respectfully, FRANK II. HITCHCOCK, Postmaster General. LOW CUMODITlf HATES I 111! IH.I N.-C.-O. Offers Rare Inducements to Settlers to Ship Produce But Thirty Cents Per 100 On Potatoes to Reno While Freight On Vegetables, Fruit, Etc., Is Proportionately Low The above letter received vesterdav bv Postmaster Ablstrom. is self-ex-dlanatorv and its importance to Lake view will be readily aooreciated. The Lakeview office does an enormous busi ness both in stamp sales and money or ders and with a postal savincs bank tn connection, it will probably be neces sary to increase the office space. Mr, Ahlatrom received no instructions other than the above and does not kr'ow whether the addition will necessitate any more office help or nfct He is of tbe opinion that all third olasa post offices are to be designated as postal savings deoositories. SCAB IN CATTLE NOWWIPED OUT Prompt Measures Taken Last Fall Prove Highly Effective DREWS DAM NOW NEAR COMPLETION E. 8. Berney Is Confident System Will Be Com pleted This Year E. S. liernevof the Herney Construc tion Company, tho first of the week oame in from the Drews Creek dam and to an Examiner reDresuntative slat ed that the work ia progressing satis factorily. Tho force emolovod on the dam has been Increased and the work ia now about three-fourths done. The dam is completed about 30 feet above the outlet, althoueh no attempt haa a,a vet been made to store the waters, as there Is no likelihood that the system will be completed in time for use dur ing the coming seBon. Mr, Herney is of the opinion that this year will see the completion of the entire system and that in 1913 water will be ready for distribution over the lands subject to irrigation in Goose Lake Vsllev. It might be added, however, t hut there remains a large amount of work unfinished which will reauire the expenditure of many thous ands of dollars, and thia money Is to be raised bv means of a bond issue. There is scarcely a doutt but that the bonds will be floated in the very near future, and that the work will pro ceed uninterruptedly during the com ing season. CITV REAL ESTATE IN ACTIVE DEMAND Many Lots Are Changing Hands and Demand Is Unabated Alturas Savings Postmaster Jamea T. Neglev, of Al turas. announces that there are thirty depositors in the Postal Savings Bank at that place. The deposits total SI 500. The bank wus opened last November. Lakeview people are certainly wide awake when it comes to getting in on the ground floor in city property, if the number of sales during the past sever al weeks ia anv criterion. Thus far Center street and Walters Addition have been the center of operations, al though a tew sales in other parts of town have also been made. Jim Judge has purchased the Sam Blackburn property on Water Street immediately south of F. M. Duke's residence, while H. C. Funk has bought from H. W Drenkel the lot facing X. Arzner'a property. W. E. Scott has also pur chased a lot from Mr. Drenkel. it being located west of L. E. Seager's resi dence. On ('enter street lust east of Jack McAuliffe's residence. J. W. Hun ter, Nat McCurdv and Dave Jones have purchased two lots, while Jack Mc- Auliffe has purchased the corner lot just north of II. O. Kuhl'a residence property. A number of other sales are on the tapis, and will probably be consum mated in the near future. A Friend Indeed B. itevnolds. formerly of Lakeview. but now in the general merchandise business at Ontariovtill retains a warm snot in his memory for his many Lake view friends, lie freauentlv favors the Examiner with Interesting bits of news, the latest being in regard to the extension of the Oregon Eastern across the State from Ontario. That the old iinele of "A stitch in time save nine" is esDeciallv true as applied to cattle scab is evidenced bv reports now coming from the infected districts. W. J. Proudfoot. Govern ment Stock Inspector, this week starts on an official trio of inspection through out the county, and while he will not be definitely informed concerning ex isting conditions until he comoletes the trio, vet at the same time he has re ceived information from relialbe sources that there is little if anv scab existing among Lake county cattle at the pre sent time. When it was first ascer tanied that the ZX herds were affected strenuous efforts were immediately made bv that ' corporation to stamp out the disease, large sums of aionev WEATDER FAVORS RAILROAD WORK No Change In Mail Servics Now Likely to Be Necessary The splendid weather of the oast week has changed the railroad situation and there now seems no danger of it becoming necessary to discontinue tbe operation of trains on account of a soft roadbed. The track seems to have been at its worst Wednesday and Thursday of last week, owing to the continued rainy weather. Since that time, how ever, no moisture has fallen, the water alsongside the grade have receded and everything points to the early comcle J tion of the ballasting of (he road to Lakeview. The work is being pushed as rapidly as possible and the crews are now at work in the vicinity of Wendel. While no orders have been received regarding the transportation of mails trom Davis Creek north, it is being expended in building dipping understood that there will be no change vats and corralls and in dipping the so long as trains continue running. cattle. During the early Summer and The postal officials seem to be agreed Fall thousands of cattle were treated ' to permit the very excellent service in the vats, and pranticalv all cattle that were suuuoscd to have been ex nosed to tbe infection were dipped. Not only were the ZX herds so treated but cattle belonging to all of the stock men in that section were also dipped. As a consequence the disease has been brought under control and it is thought tbat but very little further dipping will be found necessary. now being maintained bv the K.-C.-O. to Lakeview to continue, although it may not be just "according to Hovle." as it were. There seems to be no pro bability of the people between here and New Pine Creek being afforded a rural delivery until a special service is established. it 500' Party On Saturday. Jan. 27. 1912. a delight ful "500" party occurred when Mrs. Chas. Umbachand Mrs. D. C. Schminck entertained at the home of the latter ! with nine tables. Miss Linton rendered several piano selections and Mrs. Thoa. Farrell sang, after which dainty -re freshments were served. Those present were : Mesdames Seager, O'Neil, Funk. Corv. Mavfield. Moss. Britten. Kuhl. Miller. Florence. Smith. Brattain, Magilton. W. R. Hervford. Johnson. Bunting. Shirk. Cronemiller. Farrell, Stone, Batchelder. Snelling. Faulkner. Fitzuatrick. MoGrath. W. B. Snider. Mushen, Bemis. McCurdv. Ahlatrom, Uarvev. Storkmank Chandler. Thorn ton. Bailev. McKendree. Beall, Dewev. Cressler. and Misses Hall. Linton and Keaoh. Always Make Good About fifty couoles attended the "Hard Tim Dance" given at Wizard Hall last Friday evening. Manv an prouriate costumes were in evidence making the dance correspond atrictlv The real importance of the advent of the N.-C.-O. Railway to the Goose Lake Valley and tributary territories is manifested in tbe extremely low com modity rates which that line has placed on produce to beahipDed oat of the val ley. The promoters ot tbe road are doing tbe country a great deed in this commendable move as this will give tbe country an opportunity for early development. The establishment of these rates to southern points ia cer tainly an inducement tor tbe producer of this section to begin farming on a commercial scale. The following rates to Reno from Lakeview over the N.-C.-O. are now in effect : To Reno Potatoes, car load lot. 30cta per cwt. Alfalfa seed, car load lot. 120.00 per ton. Vegetable, car load lot, 40:ts per cwt. Apples, car load lot, 50cta per cwt. Passenger rates Local N.-C. O. fares from Lakeview to points named. Wendel $ liZ- Sew Pine Creek, ftS Willow Ranch, 1.50 Ramer 1.75- Davis Creek 2.35- So. r prise, 3.15 Alturas 3.75. Likely 5 1V Madeline, Hot Springs 10.7!V Amedee 10.95 Doyle ll.PO Plumas Jet 12.80 Reno 15.15. Joint fares from Lakeview to south ern pointa over Southern or Western, Western Pacific routes : 8ao Francesco . . . .$21.9fV Sacramento, 19.55- Stockton 21 0C To San Francisco or Sa?ramento : Marys vllle, 19.35- Vegetables, including potatoes, on- ! Richmond 21 .80 ions, etc, la car load lots. 77c ts per ! 'the railroad despite the adverse con cwt. Apples in car load lots. $1.00 per cwt. Apples, less car load lots, $1.35 per cwt. Alialfa seed lo car load lots, $1.22 per cwt. The following Is tbe freight rate from Lakeview to Reno and Intermediate nolota by the cwt : Class - 1st 2nd 3rd 4th New Pine Creek. $ .15 $ .1-1 f .12 $ .10 Davia Creek, 34 30 25 Alturas, 49 47 45 43 Doyie, 1.30 1.23 1 16 99 ditions of weather etc. has given tbe public credible service since its arri val here and its officials are deservinar of praise for their earnest efforts that have been nut forth to give Lakeviw these railroad accommodations. C. Wi. Class, local agent, stated to. an Exam iner representative that the line since beginning operations to Lakeview. Jan uary 12 of this year, had handled fron $3,000 to $4.00U worth of Pusiness anoV Reno, 1.75 1 66 1.54 1.32 t Present there was enough freight Following are the joint freight rates ' Be,cl UP along the road to make tbe re- from Lakeview to California points over the Western Pacific or Southern Pacific lines : Claes let 2nd 3rd 4th San Francisco, $2.06 $1 83 $1.70 $1.60 Oakland, Stockton, Sacramento. Marysville, Orovil'e. 206 2.04 194 1.94 1.94 1.83 1.83 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.70 1 63 1.61 1.61 1 61 prac tically two weeks time. These fact are evidence to the outsider of what amount of business is going: on here this season of tbe year. 1.50; for the benefit of those unacauaint- I.49 ed with the officials of the road, we 1.42 give their names and the capacity in 1.42 which they serve: T. F. Dunawav. L42 Continue! on pam 8 FANDANGO LUMBER FOR LOCAL TRADE FORGOTTEN WELL NEWLY DISCOVERED A. G. Duhme Prepares to! Rotting Timbers Make Its Establish Yards In Presence Known In Lakeview Middle of Street. A. G. Duhme. of the Fandango Lura- The old town cistern located nr ber Company, arrived in Lakeview ves-' Center street teneath the crossing be terdav on business connected with bis . tween the Bank of Lakeview and Ri;w proposed lumber yards at this place. ; & Massincill corners caved in this wee Not onlv will Mr. Duhme establish , as the result of incessant hauling 'of yards in Lakeview and Alturas but he 1 gravel on this street. No serious re- ia endeavoring to induce the N.-C.-O. J suits ensued as onlv a portion of the to construct a nine-mile sour to his too foundation gave way. The dace mill, which could afford an easy outlet j is being temporarily, yet securely re for lumber but would also furnish much paired, but the cistern probably will tonnage for the railroad not onlv in the way of lumber but also in wood as well aa freight for Surprise Valley. Should the N.-C-O. people not care to undertake the extension at present, it is likely that Mr. Duhme will nlaoe with its name. Mrs. Jonas Norin was ' traction engine outfit on the road appointed judge to t moose the fines between bis mill and the railroad to tor all violations of the rulea and regu-1 transport his mill products. latlona regarding wearing aooarel. She proved a verv shrewd official executed the law to the letter. and The Odd Fellows of Fort Bidwell avc decided to build a new hall. Depot Improvements lwentv-eight men and twenty-one teams are working on the grade to con- neot Center street with tbe N.-C.-O. freight house. and other necessary grad ing and filling around the railroad's buildings. Tbe gravel is being hauled trom Bullard canvon and the work is progressing rapidly. About 210 loads are beng placed daily. When this work is finished access to the railroad grounds will be greatly facilitated. F. M. Green waa a visitor from New Pine Creek Monday. Delightful Luncheon Mrs. George Johnson assisted by Mrs. E. E. Woodcock entertained at the home of the former Monday after noon with a delightful luncheon in hon or of Mrs. F. E. Bovd. of Klamath Falls, who has been visiting in Lake view with her son. Dr. W. R. Bovd. Those present at tbe occasion were Mesdames O Neil. Seager. Snelling. D. Cronemiller. Harris. Drenkel. T. E. Bernard. F. P. Cronemiller. W. P. Hervford. E. R. Bovd and A. McGrath. not be entirely tilled until some street excavating is done. The cavity is aboat twelve feet deer and fourteen feet sauare. The exist a nee of this cistern was unknown to manv of the people in Lakeview, but the opening of it this week recalled manv interesting reminiscenses amonir some of tbe older residents. The cis tern was made for the purpose of stor ing water to UBe in case of fire, but never proved practical as it was neither walled nor cemented and the water soaked in the ground so rapidly that it was impossible to preserve it. Back From Indiana Chas. M. Faulkner returned fron Whitney. Indiana, this week where he was called to the bedside of bis father. His brother E. O. Faulkner returnee) with him and we are gltid to state tbev -left their father greatly improved in health. Mrs. Faulkner has been witlv her parents Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Snell ing. since her husband's Mrs. T. V. Hall. Monday, returned from a vist to her parents at Willow j They will leave shortly for Burna where I they exoeot to remain permanently. Ranch.