Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 11, 1912, Image 5

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Town Property
Takes ft fine naw bunirstiiw on Flower Ht., containing f room a finished
wnh hnrd jibnter ami all the Uti-ct ltiiirovemut. tnodnl home.
For 4 room rotti lie on Water Kt lot 21 loo, roar terma.
Kor 4 room liun on Main HI,, lot fis21.y eay terms.
Kor a 7-rooin residence, hath m uii cellar, woolnl.ed. barn, rirrliie
Iiohh4, fruit trees, large lotrdmn to buMm-ni ceater on Water St.. er
r'ur liimlne office Moi d, new nal In good oritur, J it rljrht for Income
Invent iihmii, Im .rin IS percent tint aftr paying water, InMuroiice, Hglus
nml la ki'H. Knxy term
"Wo Soil Tho Roal Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
Far mo
I'er iwr for K acre of joo lxraalnji land In Eaat Warner, 60 mile from
lAkevlew. Km term.
IVf acre for 10) acre with ImprorfimenU. house and barn, all In mea
dow, 8 mile nouth neat of Laaeriew. Eaay terms.
Per acre for 40 aw with wator running throiih It.
I'er acre for 80acrea5 mil NVV of Lakerlew, spring on It, aar terms.
Per acre for 10 acre 4Jf mile, with 10 acre water rlht, blf h sage braab
growing therenn. Eaa term.
I'er acrw for 200 acres of timber lanl within 4 mila of t,.rn ......... ,.,f
1 60
10 00
I.MKX) 00
mo on
t?f,'"-a5,,e't J"0?""! ' wd. h"H cleared will make net profit
of l.i,000 anl the land to the good. E'iay term.
11060 00 Take 0 acre timber land 18 milt went of Lakerlew.
fir n
Xahc County Eramtncr
TlltWHMAV, J A N U A It Y 11, 1UI2.
Lakeview la another name fur O. K.
I .a Vugtie nulla uud eoiit at tho
Merc Co
Try acme of thoee wpwrmlnl ehewa
made t v ('loud.
Wton A Strliltn bur and weil
oml lnt'iil trixxla. tf.
J. W. Nixoi of Muil Creek was a
Lakeview virtor vealvnlav.
Mr. an. I Mra. Jav Hillinra. of Silver
Lake, are vmitinir in I'ortlanil.
Nice Hum of ladle' two plnce ami
union und-rear ut Mitc. (Jo.
''tn U'Mt butter Oliver' 10 cents
jH-r pi hi nil at Iticher' ('mIi .ituro.
If you wii'it it really irmxl amoke
for a cii k If, try rHorkmnti' l-ender.
School nuenod aiiain on Tuesdev
morning Jan. 2. after the holiday re
eeaa. The Kroat fur the celebrated low
nev'a chucolatea. The verv beat to be
Dr. W. K. II ml and wife are the
hautiv uareiita ol a flue aim born yes
terday. Clouii'a Km Iv Kitchen la kent busy
In aunnlvinir the demand for hia make
of randv.
Ir. A. A. Wilhani. of I'aislov, came
down tu tterid the Kailrond Dav oelo
lirbation. 1(. C. Ilirriion and L. M. Tuttle ar
rived vraterdav evening from Portland,
on liUHinrnH.
('.iiixl iry 1(5 Ini'li ilii ft r null' by
11. S. Tutrn. U-ave urdi-ra ltli i.
Shcrmun Kiintcr. 2 '22
l-'i i r 1 1 1 - In" I front ro'iin, Kriiimd II or,
1 bliM-k fr tin liiiNiiifHMrciiti'r. I"ik'iIi'
Kxiinilin r tilll. n. N'l I If
iond inni nf li i lutriii'M".
on, liny nml n'alii Inr Hnli'i lii'rti. Ai
l.v t i It. I'. M riplin.
(it'orire rrkcr and Mra. Ht rtlis OIhoii
were niurrieiJ at Silvir Luke lant week
Itev. Milan oflli iiitinu.
S. P. MniH. the -fed Chewniienii
miirhmu . vu.-U nluv iltixirtc 1 fur u !
vinit to San r'rum'inoo. j
C. W. AndcrH'jn. llio uroaiieroiia ,
Wi'ct Si le ranrhinnn. win ilnirm luni- 1
lies in l'in vrti'rilav. !
Mihh Mmnii! miiJ (J rover Vernon Mon
day left fur Oakland, t'al.. to auend
eevera) wi'rki with relative.
Klaniath countv ixxiltrv raiaers have
been huldinii a poultry hIiuw in the t'al la,
and irrt-Ht interest waa devcluued.
The January aeiHion of the Countv
Court will be comuli'ted thia
week, the LuaineHS be in it well in hand.
Conductor Sam Phelun hnd Knirineer
Jack Devino were tho men who brouirht
tho Biiecial train into I.ukeviow Satur
day. Countv Clerk Tavno waa tho for
tunate winner of the act of dinhea
olfered bv the Ari'udia theater hint
week. M
N. A. Ilawkini. who drums buninesH
for a San Krnni'ieo Iiouho. waa in town
Tuendv. KreetiiiK eome of hia many
.1. M. Fulton. iliHtrii't freiiriit and
pHHuentrer aircnt for the Southern Pii
cilic. followed and hia reinurks are
(riven in full :
Marrv Cminon, who ia Buen.lina the
winter at Willawa. Cul. came in on the
exeurwion train to uaaiHt in celebrating
Kailroad Duv.
It will be sometime before the new
ateum laundry vun be uut ,in onuratiun
I ecause the machinery has been de
layed on the road. .:Zi
A "ailver thaw" at Portland and
other points in the Willamette lust
week cauaed hundreda of thousands
of dollars dnmaures.
After its two nitrhts and a tlav'a cele
bration itjwa two or three dava before
the duo nl e of the town could Hiruin net
down to a normal condition.
An interctinit aicht id reported ut a
bum on North Wutor street, where
there ia auld to be a colt with ita tail
where its head oueht to be.
Klamuth Countv ban fixed her tax
levy at 18.8 mill for the com in if vear.
7 mills beintr for road uurooseH. LaBt
year her road tax wua but 2 mills.
II. A. Brattain. of Paisley, who has
been below fer a couple of weeks,
cameuu on tho excursion, train Satur
day eveninir. and returned home tuduv.
Mr. and Mra. Jim Horvford and Mr.
and Mia. John Lewis yesterday left
for California to enjoy auntihiiio and
(lowers for the next uuuule uf monlhu.
L. W. Charlea. formerly of the Sil
ver Lake Leader but now vrivafced In
newaoaner work at Hcio. waa laat
week married to a lady recently from
K annas.
Norman Jacobaon. of the Forest Ser
vice, laat week returned from vaca
tion which he soent In California. He
renorts a moat enjoyable time while
II v agreement between the mercnanU
all of the retail atorea in the city will
cloae at 6 o'clock on Saturday evenings
until further notice, commencing Sat
urday next.
Mra. Bertram! Tavlor. the widow of
the aulcldn and homicide, ail children
denarted veaterday for Itaker Ore.,
havlnir diiDoned of her team, and aur
Dlua elTeeta.
Kieber. Cal.. early Sunday morninK
waa aeain viaited bv fire, the achool
hiiue and N. liieber'a sture being de
stroyed. No further Dirticulars have
been received.
Paul and Walter Drenale went oat
on the cxcuralon train Monday and
will soend aeveral weeks in California,
visit iny San Francisco. Iam Angeles
and other cities.
Silver Lake is to have another rab
bit drive Saturday. That of two weeks
sire waa hiirhlv aucceaaful. from a
round uu aland point, but must of the
Dent made their eacapc.
Countv Judue Dalv and Countv Clerk
Pavne wre buav veaU'rdav in oreoar
inir the list of judirea and clerks of
election for the coming vear. The
namra will auiiear next week.
Wm. Frank, driving the Wilcox team,
had a luckv runaway on Main atreet
lant evening. One.of the wheelers fell
down and brought tho outfit to a stand
adll without injury to anvthing.Jj
Tho ice croo for the city haa been
harvertted. and everybody who needs
ice for the coming aurnrner is fully
aiintilied. It ia of good quality and
from ten to fourteen inches thick.
Guv W. Kiee. chief engineer of the
O. V. L. Co.. has received an excell
ent t'jutitrriitihical man of this section.
It was made bv the Government in 177
and is remarks. ile for its correctness.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dent were in
town Ttiexdav from their ranch in
Warner Vullev. Mr. I tnt. came after
his auto, which waa broken down here
la -it fall, unl was left in town for re
pairs. The regular meeting of the Civic
Improvement Club will be held on
Tuesday the 10th. at the club rooms.
MeuiiniM are held at tho clu'j rooms
on first and third Tuesdays of each
Kev. A. F. Simmons waa duly in
f tailed as pan tor of the liaptist churuh
last Sunday, and preached both morn
ing and evening, lie will conduct ser
vices irom its puloit every Sunday
The locomotive nulling the excur
sion train on its return, went to tho.
bad between here and New Pine Crcex.
and a short delav was caused at the
latter place until another engine 'could
be secured.
Mra. F. K. Kovd. of Klamuh Falls,
is paving her son. Dr. W. II. Uovd. a
visit. She ia well pleased with Lake
view, and was the only representative
from our neighbor on tho west present
on Kailroad Day.
It is announced that a verv material
reduction in express ratea will go into
elTect within the next few davs. Tho
reduction is expected to bo about $2
nor hundred pounda from San Francis
co and Hastern points.
Tho editor of the Chewauoan Press
cliamx that with a little experience
one can ride the water wagon "straight
uo" and without "pulling leather."
It would be intubating to kii3v whero
he got his information.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Patch returned
from their California trip on the ex
cursion train. During his stav in Cali
fornia. Mr. Patoh did much boosting
for Lake Countv which he is confident
will prove of much benefit.
Countv Commissioner F. E. Ander
son has been unite sick during the past
several davs. but ia now greatly im
proved and will probably be all right
again in a few davs. He has been un
der the care of Dr. I). Dalv.
Dr. E. H. Smith. A. L. Thornton, j
C. W. Combs and W. P. Dvkemun too,
a trio in an auto to tbeW est Side yes
terday afternoon on a rabbit hunt.
Thev report having killed Borne 400,
and got home safely before dark.
Mrs. ICuby Mavnurd. of Stockton,
Cul.. ia a guest of her eouhin. Mrs.
Geo. n. Whorton. She will probably
remain for a month or so and is greatly
enjoying our winter weather, which is
uuite a dimmed from tliat of Stockton.
It is expected that the Northwest
Townaite Comnanv will aoon announce
its plans regarding the l'aialev Irriga
tion Project. The option cn Geo. Conn's
holdings will expire shortly and it will
no doubt come through on that proposi
tion. While In the ritv Sunday. Mr. J. M.
Fulton, traffic manager of the S. P.
Itv., was entertained for dinner at the
pleasant home of Mr. and Mra. N. T.
Corv. having been an oldtlme acquain
tance of theirs while they reaided in
Harrv Roberts a former well known
resident of thia countv but now living
at Likelv. wa among the many viators
to Lakeview during the week. Harrv
received a warm welcome from his
many fr'ends here, all of whom were
pleased to greet him.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pomerov. of
Reno, came on the excursion from that
city Saturday, and while in the citv
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II.
M. Nolte while here. Mr. Pomerov
returned Dome a good booster for Lake
view. O. U. Metcalf. traveling freight and
passenger agent of the Southern Paci
fic, with headuuartera at Reno, assisted
greatly in the proper observance of
Railroad Dav. Mr. Metcalf fa a verv
pleasant gentleman, and one whom it
is a pleasure to meet.
W. Lair Thompson came in on the
train vesterdav. after having spent
the holiday seaaon in Eugene. Portland
and other points in the Willamette.
Mrs. Thompson and little Miss Alice
remnined in Eugene and will not return
until along to wads spring.
The Women of Woodcraft will hold
their installation of officers next Wed
nesday night. Mrs. Kute Barnes being
installing ollicer. Refreshments and
an entertainment are being prepared
in which the Woodmen of the World
have been invited to participate.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dodson last week j
returned from San Francisco where
thev spent New Year's. Thev report
a most enjoyable time, the town going
fail I v wild over the advent of the new
vear which promises so much for not
onlv that citv but the whole Pacific
Marriage licence were issued bv the
countv cleik on the 4th inst.. permitt
ing the marriage of Samuel G. Dudley
and Lillian A. liavlord. of Paislev,
and thev were tu have been married
on the 7th. Also on the 6th to J. L.
Woo 1 ward and Jessie 1). Moore, also
of Taislev.
The weather during the past week
has been somehat changeable, being
warm and springlike at one time and
again blustery, and cold. A fewinohes
of snow have fallen, and indications
aru that the fall will be sufficient dur
ing the winter to insure good crops dur
ing the coming season.
W. A. Currier, as manager of Hotel
Chewaucun. is gaining a reputation
that will be hard to maintain during
the approaching season when travel
will be heavy. The table is said to be
superior to that of most hotels in the
state, and as such is proving a good
attraction for the town.
II. P. Jensen, of South Dakota, ar
rived Tuesday evening bv the last stage
from Duvia Creek. He came to take
a look at Borne lands that he had pur
chased from tho O. V. L. Co.. for
which he had been made an offer, and
he wanted to see for himself the
character of his land first.
Mrs. Florence and l'avne Frank Dob
kins, both well known and popular
young people of the northern part of
the countv were married recently.
Mra. Pavne has many friends in Lake
view, where she formerly resided,
who join with the Examiner in extend
ing hearty congratulations.
A number of ladies outside of the
Civic Improvement League were kind
enough to furnish a quantity of their
dishes for the dinner on tho 7th. These
dishes were cared tor bv the league,
and if the owners will call at the rooms
of the club after 2 o'clock Saturday
the dishes will be returned to them.
Dr. A. Gibson, one of the leading
boouters of Alturas and who also might
be termed a fairly good mixer, came
in on the excurison train to assist in
the proper observance of Railroad Dav.
The doctor ia uuite well known here in
Lakeview. and on the occasion of his
recent visit largely Increased his list
of friends.
The marriage ceremony uniting the
lives of John C. Lewis and Miss Bertha
Motzkcr occurred yesterday at 11
o'clock in the countv judge's office,
at the court house. Judge Duly olHciat
ing. These young people are residents
of thia citv. and the Examiner extends
to them Is best wishes for their con
tinued happiness.
M. C. Shallock. of Klamath Falls,
has opened a general store at Cbilo
ouin. a new .station on the Natron
extension. 29 miles north of the Falls.
This station is located at the old
Chiloauln bridge over the Williamson
river, on the road between Blv and tbe
Klamath A gene v. The patrons of tbe
business will nearly all be Indians.
New Pine Creek Items
Pete Mayean has returned to Hotart
Mills. Cal.
Born, to Mr. and Mra. Claude Hunt.
Jan. 8. a daughter.
Miss Bertha Cannon has been suffer
ing with an infected finger nail.
Mrs. H. 1). Hov of Summer Lake is
visiting her daughter. Mrs. Guv Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Schauers made a buai
ncs trio to Davis Creek Friday, return
ing home Saturday.
A nine-piece orchestra has been or
ganized with Mr. Fine as leader. New
Pine Creek will soon have excellent
The State line road from New Pine
Creek to the N.-C.-O. R. R. depot will
be put in good shape in the earlv
spring. Everv one that has been asked
to help are more than willing to do so.
The road is now an open one straight
down to the lake and with little brush
cutting and graveling this road can be
put in first-class shape.
New Pine Creek extends a roval
welcome to the N.-C.-O. R. R. The
engine which pulled the special of six
coaches out of Lakeview last Monday
had to stop several times to steam uo
between Lakeview and New Pine
Creek. At New Pine Creek the engine
was sidetracked and a large engine was
put on. The train left New Pine Creek
at a lively gait.
Several of our people took in the
Railroad Dav celebration at Lakeview.
Jan. 7. As the dav was verv stormy
the people were all royally entertained
through the dav and in the evening the
voung folks took in the dunce at the
Wizard Hall. Everyone wja pleased
with the treatment thev received from
the Wizards. New Pine Creek is plann
ing tu celebrate Railroad Day some
time in May.
Walters' Addition
Oilers the Best Close-in Home Sites in Lakeview!
Near Schools, Churches, Depot and Business Center.
Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00
Easy Terms.
W. F. PAINE & CO.,
and make room for spring mer
chandise now being shipped, we
All -Wool Union Suits, regular
$5.00, special $3.50
Heavy Ribbed two-piece Suit,
regular $4.00, special $3.25
Morris Mills, medium weight
wool, regular $3.00,
special $2.25
Ribbed and flat wool, regular
$2.50, special $2.00
High Cost of Living:
Washington. Jan.8. A nation wide
investigation of the food supply of the
United States with special references
to the increased cost of living. has been
instituted under the personal supervi
sion of Commissioner of Labor Charles
?. Neill.
This inuuirv. ordered bv Secretary
of Commerce and Labor Nagel. will be
the moet comprehensive ever under
taken in this or anv other country, and
will last for several.monlbs.
Experts will be sent over the coun
try to visit belds. factories and stores.
Each important article of food will be
traced from its beginning to the door
of the consumer and then the Depart
ment statistician will orepare a report,
for the Government and the public.
Wanted, Agent
To handle tient automobile built In
Ameilca. Exclusive In this country.
Ituilt by Old Time Line Manufacturer.
Lite guarantee. fdl ftarilug, long
wheel baav. uo deposit required. 1're
fer dealer now In bunlneia, but will
consider live people who will enter
busineM-. This agency Includes a
complete correspondence Bales course.
I.argeat discount ever offered. Deal
direct with factory. Addrras Hales
manager, 01K) WaHbington St., Port
land, Ore. 1 4 2-15
We Want Your
You will want us to
have it when you see
our samples and hear,
a :: OUR PRICES :: ::
Call at this office tvhen
in need of anything
in the line of
ere They Are
Every Ladies' Suit in the House Must
GoAnd Go Quick.
( .. -"'ir-:i
i..,:' 'f
II" I .' 9
I' 'I
Look At These Prices:
Regular $16.50 Suits, now $11.00
18.50 " 44 12.50
20.00 " " 14.25
22.50 " 4 16.50
2500 44 17.50
27.50 44 44 18.50
30.00 44 44 19.50
35.00 44 44 22.50
1' )
Also a few Ladies' & Misses'
1910 Coats to go at Exactly
Half Price. Come and look
them over-they are bargains.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.