7 JANUARY SPECIALS: FINISH UP 1911 BY MAKING A GOOD INVESTMENT Town Property Takwa (i lint new bmmslow mi Hnwrr Ht... r-oiitnlnliiir I". room MnUlii'd wiIi lftrd lllr and all tln lufft Ininrovvtin-ulM. K modid home. h'nr 4 room roil U" o Wnlt-r N lol 'i 'x KM, nv Iitiii. Kor 4 room li'iu h on M tli mi.,, t IiH2', -iy run, Kor 7 room nKlc)t'iic, tmt li m hh tvllur, woo Ulmd, barn, currlngn lion', fruit trees, liir-ti lot t lmn to Imalne couutr oil Water SI,.. ey irriiH. ! r IimmIiih.k olllitt Mm k, new unit In khh) unlnr, ) ml riht for liirnm liivi-Mt iiikiii, U pnyttiK IX Hri:riu iitti afier p Ink iiur, liiHiirewe, ll-n iiimI litxin. K ii-v I'Tiiih "Wo Soil Tho Roal Earth" J. O'NEILL GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lakeview : Oregon Farm IVr Arr for C ipwh of goo Uraslng lml la Kant Warner, 60 in I lea from l.akevh. Kny W-rin. IVr arr for 101 arn4 with ImproTurn wM, honae aol barn, all In mea dow, H mil south et of Laieriuw. Ivwjr terms. IVr acre for 40 arrrn with watr running through It. IVr acre for 80acrwi.V mil NW of Lkrlw, sorinif on It, eaay terrni. IVr acre for 10 acre A mil-, with 10 aero waUr rlht. b(h sara braati growing thereon. Kaay terms. IVr acrw for 2)0 am of tlmbr lanl within 4 mile of town, nrntwl to cut at leint 8000 cord of wxl. wh-ri clr-i will maka net profit of 15.000 and thn land to th good. Buy trun. V Taken HO acre timber land Id mile wt of Lakevle-. AO 10 (10 '..00 tfi.00 t.m J0.00 1 1 DM) 00 t urn mi t INNI.IHI nc County Cramtncr TIIIUSHAY JANUARY 4, 1W2. BRIEF MENTION I .a V 'Kiii' mull aud roal t tin More Co H, lluwla wunt to New 1' tin ('rvvk n Monday. Karl Alilxdt. of that r'orcat. Service was in tu w ii Turnlav. Nlrf Inn' of IhiIIi-m' two icci Hill UUlim lllhl. r fiir lit McTr. Co, (). C. (iilih who an arrival from Klamath Falls Saturday. Janira Curtia wu In from hia Drewa Vallrv hnnii'Klra'4 vralrrday. William Mima, of I'luah. ha lcn ancridlnir the holiilav in Lakeview. New Yrara' rrmlutlona are a k'ooI deal like iiie rruht. eMail v broken. The U-l built' nhver'a 10 ceula iht ixiiiiiiI hi Hh'Ik-i ' 'mIi .tioro II. L. Chanillor. of Crooked Creek, waa an arrival in town laxt evening. If you witot a ri'iill.v ico l amokc for a Pirkln, Ir.V HlnrklllUU'M U-Milor, Hurrah for 1912! Ita here in full force, and it brouirht a coMnnau with it. C. W. Dent, livimr nortn of I'IunIi. waa in the t'itv fur a few diva I nut week. Jamea 1. Duke waa in from hia down the vallev ranch Saturday, doimr amne tradinir. S. S. Mt'Karlaml. of Kdmo. waa a citv viaitor Saturday, a iruvnt of the Lake view hoalrlerv. Mm. Klltn Mrttotald haa returned from an extended viait to relative at liamton down tiv tho aca. (iciod Irani of Iio-wm, liiiriirH", ',' oll.lniv And ifrnlu fur muIc chr.lp. A il,V I It T. lriilill Willia Grizrl. who Iihi ben nendini the hoiblava in I.akeview. returned to hia lii nie nt I'lun. Kridiiv. Morrm Murtiliv miide an atmliration to the countv i-iirk. Tuemlav. for hia 1 tlnal naturalualion naoerH. C.ihhI dry 111 Hull . i I (i r null1 Ii y II. S. Tatro. I ."'ii m- orliTH with (1 Shi rinnn I'.i-li r. '1 A roeial ilarre waa viven in Ireva ValleT Friitav eveninv. which waa hivh ly enjoved liv Hh iiHrliciuunta. Mr. and Mr. S. S. Kioharda arrived from Klamath Full Friday, and will make their homo in thin vicinill. M. H. I'owell. of San Kranciaeo. after a vixil amonir frienila at PhIsIcv. returned Saturday enroutu Hume. Mra. Sim Arthur haa returned from San Frum ihco. vthtierho Iiiih been a liatirnt in a hoauitul for aoiuu time. FurnUhod from ro nn. Kroiiul ll ior, I bliH'k from liUHim-HH center. Kniiitio Ktamlni-r o(II o. S'Il if Wm. Vineyard and wife, of Fall Itiver Cal.. arrived Friday cveninir for a vlait with Mr. and Mrs. Wsrrjrrvjs. W. O. Harmon, of tl.c V. 2. Cy!ri 4 cal Survey, waa here Friduv on irovern ment bumnebn. a iruuat of Hotel Luke view. Win. Simmons and Chaa. Murdoek. of Vallev Falls, arrived in town lat evening, and tire truuats of Hotel Luke view. Or. K. I). Kverett. the uouular Dhv aieian. haa received the aouointmcnt of aurueon for thia citv and county bv the N.-C.-O. Thia town is very economically man aifud. the tax lew for the coming vcar beinir only 4 1-2 milla on the, dollar of valuation. J. W. Oliver, usaititant chief engineer for the N."C.-0.. came ud from Cali fornia Friday, and waa In tho city sev eral dava. All of the banks, the land office, the uoBtodlca and some of the stores were closed on Now Years' dav it was a legul holiday. Wm. Wood and D. Andrew, who are holding down homesteads on the West Side, were visitors in Lakeview Mon day and Tuesday. O. L. Dunbar, reoresentinar the Lakeview, Mercantile Co., departed Tueodav for l'ortland to order sprint; goods for that concern. Rev. M. T. Wire, oaator of tho M. E. Church, departed yesterday morn ing for a few davs visit with Harry Utlev. at Vullev Fulls. Tom McCullev. who has been in the aopnitul at Santa Kosa. Cal.. for Home weoks, confined to his beJ. cxoouls to have to remuin there for the next six months. He is ut tho Dr. Jesne hospital. Mr. and Mra. Kobt. L. Weir, who anent the holidava with Lakeview friends. Tuemlav returned to their home at Davis Creek, A dancinv iiartv waa given New Years' niwht at Nw Tine Creek, and a large sleighing tiartv was mado uo in this citv to attend it. A food sale will be conducted bv the Ladien' Aid society of the M. K. Church Saturday at liailev & Massin gill'a deuartmcnt store. It. (i. Harrison and L. K. Tuttle. of Portland were vlMitors in Lakeview over Sunday. Thev came to sdv out the land for future businea. 1 he January term of Countv Court la now In aeaaion. It bromine to be a long continued term, aa there is much bunincHS to be transacted. Daniel Hoone. the well known New Pine Creek merchant. was a Lakeview viaitor Monday iust to so once mure how the New Year came in. Walter Stone and David A. Han burv. homesteadera on tho West Side, came, to town New Years' dsv on business and staved over night. Wanted, linsltion bv man and wife, colored, both good Cooks. Man rood all round on ranch. Addresa Sandy L. Tullixer. 7571th St.. Oakland. Cal. A communication from "Siiouery Jim" was received bv the Examiner this week, but as the true name of the writer is unknown it is not tmbliahed. Mm Olive Thruston has teen install ed as telenhone oneratur at the citv exchuiiK). succeeding Miss Alice Mc (irath. who has koiiu to Hockv Ford. (l. Wm. J. Archer and It. II. Rogers, dtiiutv countv surveyors, who have been working in the Silver Lake re gion for some weeks, returned to town New Years evening. The funeral of Bert L. Tavlor the hlaver and suicidn took ulace at 4 o't lot k of January 2 I. frum the Wal lace iinilertakinK liarlors. being con ducted at iiublin exocntc. N. Hulii r. whoHu (louring mill at Pit'hcr. Cal., w as debt roved bv fire earlv in November, is contemolating renliicii.g it with a modern mill throiiiiiiii in the near future. Waller L. Dutton and Bister. Miss Kate, who uncut the holidays with j their narenta at Davia.Creek. were in ! Lakeview Tuemlav and vesterdav left i for Corvatliit tj resume their studies in t). A. C. itev. CharUa M. Sheldon, author of the storv. "In His Steus." has resign ed from his nastorate of the Tone k a. Kani-as. Congregational church, and announi-ed his intei.tion of lecturing on socialism. It has become not onlv allowable but the faahion for Chinamen to cut off their uigtails. but members of the Flowery kingdom in uakeview are not of the fashionable sort, thev still wear their hair in braida. The Oregon Suureme Court has do clnrrd it il'essl and a violation of the law to maintbln a club and thereby Idisueime liquors in a dry town. Dihuos- ing of I'ouors fur couoons is a sale, holds the court. At a meeting of tho Commercial Club, held Monday evening, a resolu tion was DusHed and sent to President Taft anealing to him to see that a iust share of the funds of the reclamation service be allotted tu this state. J.UJ J. Q Willits. tho cnuntv suuerinten dent. who has been in attendance at the County School Superintendent's convention, at Portland, having been gone for about two weeks, is exDectd home the latter Dart of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Watson's baby last Saturday had the misfortune to lip a cunof hot cof.ee over its left hand, badlv scalding the tender flesh. Dr. Everett was called and ministered to tho child, and the injury is healing. Miss Joseuhlne Beach entertained few of her girl friends lust Friday evening at the Harrv Bailev home, those present being Misses Fiances Mavlleld. Lurilo and Olive liailev. Margie Bernard. Trixy McVey and the hnstoHS, The civil engineers of the N.-C.-O. Rv. are engaged in surveying the ground for a sidetrack and Y at the new station known as Wendell. 8 miles south of town. The Y it is reoorted. will be used for reaching a landing on the lukeshore. The net profit for the November of the Guldlleld Consolidated Mines Co.. of which George WinkllclJ is the ulneioal owner wts $rilO.G96.G8. That beats chasing mavericks on the Lake county runues. which was George's foriuur occupation. ( Ceo. I'. Iivegro. a former well , known busimarman of Lakeview but now a resident of Valleljo. Cal., is Dav- Ing thia aertiou a visit. i O. U. Gihbs. an attorney recently of Dickinson. N. D.. arrived in Lakeview a few dava since and haa decided to lo- rate here, lie has taken offices with the Morgan Abstract Co. Louis Kendl. of the Lakeview Brew ing Co.. haa born spending the holidays In California. He expected to be back toils v. but his manv friends are guess ing that he will be delaved. j The Kebekah Teajun Club entertain- ; ed their friends at the Odd Fellows hall I ant Friday evening witn a Christ mas tree, followed bv an indulgence in rarda and delirious refreshments. A large attendance was present and everybody had a fine lime. i Mr. and Mra. W. II. Harvey, assist ed bv their dsughter. Mrs. Joaie Stork- . man, gave a midnight supper to a few ' of their frienda Friday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. McKendree. Mr. and Mra. Elmer Ahlstrom and Misa Dola Garrett, being the guests. I The Commercial Club of th's citv haa been notified bv the secretary of the Chamher of Commerce of San Francim'o that W. P. Berrv of the Cro ker National bank has been select ed to represent that cit v at the Luke view celebration of Unilroad Dav. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Bennett, of Warner Vallev. returned Friday from Santa Kona. where thev have been staring during the earlv portion of the winter. Thev were met in Lakeview bv their daughter and her husband. Mr. and Mra. Irving Wakefield, and en'oried to their home. If thoxe in the citv who are interest ed in the organization here of a litemrv society will notify the local editor of the Examiner he will call a meeting of a preliminary character at some convenient place in next week 'a osner. Once on its feet such a move is certain to become ponular. I Wm. Wallace. Citv Recorder, met with an accident la-t Friday. He was carrying in a load of wood at his resi dence, when he slipped and fell heavilv to the floor, falling on some of the fuel, resulting in iniuring two cf his rits and causing a tdiork to his svstem, from which he has fullered a good deal since. F. E. Anderson, countv commission er, who lives 110 miles north of Lake view, arrived Monday evening on the stave tu be in attendsnce at the regu lar meeting of the countv court on Wednesday. Folks don't generally comprehend the fact that Lake county is bigger than the wbulu state of New Jersey, but it is. Word has been received that the furnace for the stesm heating plant of the new high school building arrived at San Fancisco on the 2'Jth. It was shinned round the Horn from Erie. Penn. It was shipped fur Lakeview on the 2d. and is expected to arrive about the 15th. and it will take some ten davs more for its installation. The cold snap which succeeded the snowstorm of the latter Dart of last ; week has been the most severe this vicinity has experienced for several years. Tuesday morning tho mercury registered 4 degrees below, and vester dav the record ot instruments varied from 13 to 20. As soon as tho sun came uu. however, the weather moder , ated. Senator Bourne has joined in the re commendation for the reappointment of F. P. Cronemiller as receiver of the U. S. Land Office at this ulace. and hence it is assured that Mr. Crone ' miller will secure the desire 1 t)cr!t!on. It ia likely that the appointment will be made this week, although possibly ' the President will not send in the nom- ination until next Tuesday. The New Years' Leso Ye Br dance, wbicn was to have been given bv the Wizards last Monday evening, was postponed because of the untoward 'death of Citv Marshal Brown, and sad- ness took the ulace of joy and gladness ' In the hearts of the voung people. The event was as sad as it was startling and unexpected. Trulv. one never knows what a day will bring todh. I The greatest difficulty which has teen met with bv the ladies who have been trying to arrange for the entertain ment of the guests ot the citv on Rail road Dav is because no tiodv could tell within a hundred how manv would have ! to be provided for. and this fact will not become known and indeed cannot become known until Suturdav after ' the train is well on its wav from Reno, from which ulace it is to start at 7 a. ' m. It has been reoorted that 100 will come from Altuias, but unuronitious weather may cut thia number down a good manv numbers. 8trattonMoutton Joseph Lerov Stratton. of Fort Rock, and MIns Auguata Mnulton De Forest of Washington, 1). C were married Thursday, the 14th of December, at the home of the bride's sister. Mra. Walter Hansen, in Ardenwald near Port land. The marriare ceremonv was read Rev. H. L. Bates of Paciie University in tbe D'ence of twentv-fWa friends of the families. A United States flag formed the background with ferns. Oregon grane and cut flowers for de-. corations. The bride wore a brown vel vet traveling suit. Little Bertha Han sen and Marv Pierre, nieces oi the bride, acted as ring bearer and flower girl respectfully. "Oh Promise Me" was aung bv Miss Christina Olson. The wedding march was ulaved bv Mrs. C. R. Dannells. Mr. and Mrs. Stratton left the same evening for points of interest in Ore gon. Thev will te at their home in Fort Rock after January 1. 1912. Jolly G. G. G. Party At the home of Misa Lura Snider the girls of the G.G.G. club, at their regu lar meeting last Wednesday evening had a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. During the entertainment a typical Santa Claus made his appear ance, followed bv the rendition cf a pleasing . program and the discussion a toothsome lunch. Bieber Goes Dry Out of 21G votes cast last Friday in Bieber. I'ittvilie and Providence pre cincts, the three poling places in the Fourth Supervisor district of Modco countv. Cal.. on the "wet" and "arv" Question. 161 were cast fur no saloons and 82 for saloons. In Bieber the vote ! stood C for and 112 sgainst. I'ittvilie I I..! .4 Bulnnni unit 9? uirninut ami Providence stood 2 for and 25 against. Card of Thanks The undersigned take this method of tendering their sincere thanks for the kindre?aes shown bv manv friends during and before the obseauies of their late husband and father, and es pecially to those who so generously furnished such a profusion of cut I flowers. These generous acts will ever be keut on the tut lets of our memory. MRS. ARNETA BROWN and t.ON. Presbyterian Services Services will be held in Masonic Hall ' Sunday morning and evening. In the morning a New Year's sermon Jw i 1 1 be preached. . In the evening the Sun day school choir will sing. Bv reoue.st thev will repeat the "Candle drill and song" which thev 2ave at the Christ mas exercises, an 1 will sing other songs. A short "Candle sermon" will be given bv the pastor. All are invited. Young: Men Entertain The Young Men's club of Lakeview gave a reception to their ladv friends at the Odd Fellows' hall, as a sort of Leao Year function. About forty were present. Social games were the order of tbe evening, after which a supper was served the Young Men serving instead of the ladies. It was an enjuv able occasion. Wanted, Agent To liRii'llo tx't autoiiiotille built In Aiueilcu. Excliihlve In this country. Built by Old lime Line Manufacturer. Lite guurautev. f'll starting, long wheel base, uo depot-it required Pre fer dealer now In business, but will consider live people who will enter IiuhIiiom-. This agency Includes a complete correspondence salea course, l.argent dlncouiit ever offered. Deal direct with factory. Address Bales iiniutigvr. OiK) WaNbingtou St., Port land, Oie. 1215 vVe Want Your Jobwork You will want usi to have it when you see our samples and hear :: :: OUR PRICES :: u -r Call at thU office tvhtn in neat of anything in the tine of Chautauqua Circle After two weeks vacation the Chau tauuua Circle will again resume their work, and will meet with Mrs. N. T. Corev Monday evening. January 8. Program: Roll call, current events. "The Argentine.'' Chsutauouan. "Reading Jodrnev thru South Ameri ca" IV. Miss Gertrude Vernon. "The Expression of American Dramatists." Chsutauouan. "As we see ourselves." IV Miss Minnie Vernon. "Refrigera tion." Chautauauan. "American En gineering" IV. Mrs. J. D. Venator. EE maS aaaaaMBSal 13 M, fjo Extra Quality Electric Seal $5.00 Caps made of good weight fancy suit ing, with lambskin inside bands, at $1.25 Plain and fancy, with muskrat inside bands at $1.50 BRITTEN & rJ jallS 13 aaa! H ere They Are Every Ladies' Suit in the House Must GoAnd Go Quick EVERY ONE A La VOGUE SUIT ft T,T"fVl mm mm 11 Also a few Ladies' & Misses' J9J0 Coats to go at Exactly Half Price. Come and look them overthey are bargains. Lakeview Mercantile Co. A Broken Ankle Jack Batchelder is now nursing m broken ankle, and as a conseouence la said to be as cranky as a dog with a sore tail. The cause of tbe accldant was an lev sidewalk which caused bia foot to slio and in turn snapped one of the bones in two. It is likely that b will soon be seen limping around. an4 will then tell of the iova experienced in teing waited upon with no fires t build these cold mornings, and so oa. KUBSCRIBK FOR TUB KX4MIXER GORDON HATS & CAPS The New Gordon Velour Hat,. ..$5 The Oordon Tel escoped Mat, $3 Muskrat Caps at $4 ERICKSON I' ') Look At These Prices: Regular $1G.50 Suits, now $11.00 18.50 " " 12.50 20.00 " " 14.25 22.50 " 44 16.50 25 00 " 44 17.50 27.50 44 44 18.50 30.00 44 44 19.50 35.00 44 44 22.50 I' 'I