Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 04, 1912, Image 1

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C. I. C. Ladles Will Entor
taln Visitors With Feast
at the Opera Mouse
A meeting of the l.mUe Civic Im
orovemcnt Society wi hulii t the
prlort of that omanlx,tion lat Tbur
d,V evening to concert mimurn for
the entertainment of the Deoule ho
re comlne to Lakeview on KailrnaH
DmV Januarv 7lh and who will be
the fftieata of the citv from Saturday
evening until Mnndav mornirir next.
Doaoite the anmehat atormv weather
there waa a tixid reoreoentation ore
ent. not only of the ladle, but includ
ed aevrral irentlemen. amonr whom
waa hia honor, the mavor. A dficua
Ion of ulana took place, every one
eeeminir vcrr dvalroua of maklnir the
affair romulete aucceaa. and waa free
to eontriLute all that was within rea
on to that -nd. Committera were ao
plonted to look after the different de
tail and collect the orovieiona and ma
terial rieceoiiarv. An all-day luncheon
will be aet out at the onera houre
on Sundav. to which the vueata will be
free to partake aa often aa thev dcaire.
The court room in the eourt houae
will be oocn durina the day and
evening, where eitlinn i and
viaitora are Invited to congregate
and fraternize, with free "amokea" for
vervbodv. A amoker will alao be ar
reared for Saturday evenlnv. at which
all klnda ot oratory la expected to be
Jet loose, on the part of both viaitora
and the beat talkera of the citv and
For lunch the citv and country will
be scoured alike for pood things for the
Coutiniied on i:ifcefocr
Before Sewer System Is
Installed New Charter
Is Necessary
There is wueh to be done in the wav
of Improvement in Lakevlew thu com
ing aeaaon if line oitv boDes to keen UD
Ha pace in line of advancement.
For Instance, there ia the framing
and adoption ot flew charter, the
nreaent ona being m a large mesure old
and obsolete. accwdtaK to the beat
opinion of those beat informed of Its
provisions. This is a Ions and arduous
Job for the best and most oublie spirited
citlaens. Now that the commission
form of government for cities and
towns baa been demonstrated in so
many instances throughout the country
to be successful In giving better and
fsr mora economlo government, it is
well worth while that such a form
should be given a thorough study be
fore a new charter is adopted. This
town should not be statlsfled with any
thing but th beHt form of oitv govern
ment that she can possibly obtain.
A good work has teen begun in the
, ; .. ... - v
' . , 1 - . v. - ' ' e s ' ". v !- .. . - '"- .
Improvement of the citv Urt-ttn. roinv
a lonir wav toward the nubli
hard mirfecee whrthtr in wet or dri
wrathrr. It eoea wihout raving thi
IhHt ivmrm ahuuld be extended to,
everv ulrert In the town. 1'rubatilv the
next Improvement in impor.ance ia
the creation of a sewer avatem which
will care for and carrv off the town'a
rcfunfl. The lack of some avatem of
tnot kind ia verv likely at tome time
to cauoe an coidemio of tvphoid. It
can be done now much cheauer than
later on when the vtlue of prooertv
become far greater than it ia at Pre
rent. Tbere ia nothiig too good for
thia town. It rhould be aatiafird with
nothing Waa. Honda could be itaued to
pav the coat, thua permitting thore
who live bore during the coming veara.
and who will rear) the benefit, to helD
pay for the imorovemei t. With good
street,, a complete water e.-item and
a acwer avatem that will be effective
together with a new charter would
make a program of achievement
well worth the attainment of
a raoidlv growing town. and
a orogreaaive community. But these
achievements cannot be accomplished
without a vaat deal of self aacrirlcing
Continued (in ynav $
D. V. Kuykendall Seeks
Second Term as Prose
cuting: Attorney
So far as the local situation is con
cerned there seems to be nothin' doin'
in Doliitcal circles although it has been
said that atill water has an unusual
depth. The onlv county officers to
hold over are Judge Daly and Com
missoner A ndoraon. all others to be
Ml led at the next election. In as much
as the primaries will be held Aoril 18.
a little over three months from now.
It ia likely that Individuals desiring
to become the servants of the people
will make tbeir wants known in the
near future.
Over in Klamath candidates for
eountv officers are said to be quite num
erous. Arthur Langell. Charley Low
and O. L. Carter being mentioned as
possible candidntes to succeed Billv
Barnes as sheriff. D. V. Kuvkendall
has announced himself a candidate for
re-election as prosecuting attorney for
thia district, and to that end will seek
the Republican nomination. While Mr.
Kuvkendall baa not aecured convictions
in several prominent cases in thiB
eountv. vet his record as a careful and
painstaking official is excellent. The
position of district attorney ia perhaps
the the most difficult to fill satisfac
torily within the gift of the people,
and ia one that is more freely oriticised
than any other. If be puts forth every
effort to secure a conviction, he ia ue
cubed of Irving to "raili'.ad" tl:e tfe
fendant to the penitentiary, and if he
fails to secure a conviction, then he
is charged with being lax in the per- j
tormance of bis duty.
While there are aaid to ba several ;
aspirants for Legislative honors, none I
have had the temerity to announce '
CuDtlnurd on page four
Shot Down In Cold Blood While In
Perform iince of Duty
Bert laylor, Moral Degenerate, Commits Crime
After Beating His Wife, and Then Suicides
Hy Shooting Himself In the Head
"Two Men Killed on Slash street"
were the tragic words which startled
the loungers at Hotel Lakevlew and on
Main street about six o'clock of Sun
dav evening. December SItt. as a man
came in on tne hunt for Coroner Wal
lace. Aa the facts develooed the ex
clamation proved onlv too true ; and the
worst chafe of the affair was that the
Citv Marshal Ernest M. Brown a man
greatlv respected bv the community
should be the innocent victim of a
pervert a man rendered insane bv
jealous rage.
The facta seem to be thst about 5 :30
o'clock that evening a man named Bert
Tavlor. living with his wife and family
and a vounger brother, in a house on
Slash street, got into a rave at his wife
and began beating her. thratening
to kill her. The woman picked uo her
Telegraph Manager, F. M.
LePert, Seeking Con
venient Quarters
M. M. LePert. telegranh manager
for the N.-C.-O. Railway Co.. waa in
the citv last Thursday, making ar
rangements for the opening of an office
for that company in the citv. He
perienced considerable difficulty in
curing auartera. aa there are no
cant business rooms to be bad in
citv. and the only chanoe afforded was
to office with somebody else. It was a
new experience to him to find a town in
such a crowded condition on its busi
ness street.
Young Ladles Entertain
Misses lUiel Her v ford and Louise
Storkeman w,re hostesses to a card
partv at the home of the latter Satur
day evening, on West street. After a
series of games of whist had been
played delicioua refreshments were
served, and after passing an unanim
ous vote of congratulations to their
hostesses as roval entertainers the
happy guests departed to their homes.
ftf Invltntlnn lint Included tha Ml
Emily Avres. Margie. Ruth and Ellen
Bernard. Kalhlci.e O'Neill. Vcrdal
Umbach, Lura Snider. Docia Willita.
Mabel Rice, and Messrs. Walter
Drenkel. Charles Combes. Bert Snider,
Chester Dvkeman. Kaloh Southstone.
Hugo Umbach. M. Erlckson. Guv and
Lvnn ' Cronemiller, George Whorton
and Will Storkeman.
Photo By G. IV. Rce, Chief Engineer, O. 1. L.
babv from a bed in the kitchen and in
' fright ran out. intending to go to a
pciubnor'a. Tavlor followed, and over-
taking her at Iront gate forced her back
into the house, where he continued bis
abuse. The brother Delmar Tavlor.
: bv name was present, and he left the
house declaring that he would call the
mnrehal. at which Bert declared that
he would shoot anv man who poked
his head inside his door. Thoroughly
cowed the little woman stood shivering
in a corner while the rage possessed
husband continued his abuse while the
bov was gone. He got out his gun. a
.22 repeating rifle, which had some
shells in it. The marshal. ErnestBrown.
lived onlv a block awav. and coming in
hia company, the bov opened the door,
stepped into the doorway and seeing
Continued on pagcrivht
Latest is an Eleetric Line
Connecting Klamath
With Lakeview
Klamath Falls Evening Herald : With
the success of the Horsefly irrigstion
project practically assured there ia
a storv current that an electric line
will be constructed from Lakeview to
this citv. According to what meager
detaila are obtainable the work on the
enterprise will be begun in the spring,
and work will not be completed until
the vear following.
Whether the work will start on both
ends of the proposed route simultane
ously or begin at one end and work
Uiruueh is net stated, nor can the back
ers of the intended route be known at
thia time.
It ia expected to have the line come
via BIv and Bonanaa. either through
the Yonna Valley, of which Dairy ia
the metropolis, or via tbe Poe Vallev.
The distance to take in Blv and
Bonanza is about 110 miles, and takes
in soma of the best farming districts
in the state of Oregon.
It ia believed that the introduction!
of such a line would mean a wonderful
building ud of the agricultural regions
between the termini of the route, and
the result in a rich harvest for the pro
moters. No doubt the construction of such a
line would tend to cut down the bust-
A (.., IW. I!-.. It It AtA
not put them out of business alto-
eether. It would handle both passen
gers and freight, the greater profit pro
portionately being in the freight traffic
Aa it is now the means of communi
cation between Lakeview and this citv
bv stage onlv. and a rough passage it
ia. If the plans of the electric line
are perfected it will bring the capital
cities of Lake and Klamath counties
within about four hours ride of one
another, aa it is no trick for modern
interurban electric cars to cover thritv
five or forty miles, if net more per
A wonderful influx of settlers is
predicted to follow the completion ot
the route, as small farming would pav
in districts that are now too remote
from markets. An electric line would
bring the farmer working along inten
sive lines closer to his markets, and
be a factor for furthering agriculture
that ia practically inestimable.
The proDored ttan.urtation propo
sition is not altogether new. for John
D. Carroll bad it in mind several vears
ago. when he waa boosting Bonanza
and trving to get agricultural acres
cut uo into small sections. He honed
to see enough small farms in eight to
warrant an electric line across the
country, but hard times in 1907 tended
to impede his plans.
Tells of Big Things Doing
In This Part of
The State
(From Portland Oregonian.)
"Lakeview and Lake county are not
onlv enioving the prosperity which has
so long prevailed there, but are also
enioving the distinction of being on the
railroad man." said W. Lair Thomp
son, a prominent Southern Oregon law
ver. of Lakeview at the Imperial 'yes
terday. "About 10 davs ago the first locomo
tive engine entered Lake county and
Lakeview. Many Young people, born
and bred in Southern Oregon, at that
time aaw a railroad for tbe first time.
Track waa laid into Lakeview and the
work of ballasting will be completed
Januarv 1.
"On Januarv 7 the advent of the
railroad will be celebrated by the good
people of Lake county who hava been
waiting veara for Railroad day. A
special train over the Nevada & Ore
gon Railway will bring visitors from
Reno. Nev . Sacramento and San Fran
"Of course, during all of these years
the business of Lake county baa gone
to California citiea. because nature has
made that great interior country tribu
tary to San Jrancisco. and now the
merchants of those cities will ioin with
ua in rejoicing over rail connection
with the world. We oeoule of Lake
county have always ausneoted there
waa a world ouUide of our own rich
country, but the rest of Oregon ap
parently has never suspected the exist
ence of the great valleva of Lake
County, rich in fruit, cereals and alfal
fa. "Now that Lakeview can be reached
bv train.' we hone to become mora
Coutioued on Page Pour
NO. 1
Contract Signed for Com
mencement of Work
Within Six Months
The contract for resumption of work"
on the Pa if lev nroiect was signed last
Fridav. a pi edict d. and aside front
the striking out of a few sarolui
phrases fro n the S 50.000 bonds to ca
put uo bv t. e comoanv. the deal for
the completion of the work is now vir
tually completed.
The comanv is to start work in six
months and complete it in three veara.
It ia to bul-d a reservoir dam on the
Cbewaucan river, with a capacity of
46.000 acre feet. The lien on the land
under contract is to be 1 16 oer acre- .
$15,000 School Bonds Sold
County Treasurer Fred O. Ahlstrooa
Tuesday en 11 tne bi Is an 1 venter lay
awarded the contract for furnish ng:
tbe cash for the sale of $15,000 worth
of bonds of the Lakeview school dis
trict No. 7. needed for the cornicing;
and lurr.isfcii g of the high iwhool. now
being constructed in thia citv. Kour
bids were considered and five other
were thrown out because thev did not
reach bim within the time specified in
the advertising. The a wart was mad
to Robert McKee. of Corvallis. a for
mer resident of this eountv. The
amount of his bid was $15 000. the
blank bonds to be furnished free of
ooHt to the dii-triet. The bini-J are t
bear 5 12 per cent, to run 2J veara
with the prion of navment in tew
vears. This was the h ghet-t offer
made. As the assessed valuation of
tha nrnnprlv nt rha ilwtnct Nt tha
hast assessment wai $2 670 ISO tne
bonds mav be regarded as a gilt-e-lged
Numerous Applicants for
Position or oixy Marohl
Treasurer's Rejjort
Tbe citv council had a very prc?uic
meeting Tuesday evening at tl- citjr
The town treasurer's rMuort w4t
ceived and -oni-oved. U ch')t;ft a
balance on band from lat rem.-rt of
$20.85. the receipt of $840 f--m h d ion
and pool ball licenses, and tho Livi.i-nt
of warrant o the amount of 3750 05,
leaving a balance of SIOS.'jC- t :ha
Messra Daniel H, Borate. J. TT
Coul. town re-MleiU. and C. H . S'.nnca
of Vallev Fah-J. sub.iiiUe i v. . dm
applications for annintnni-st
mirhal !) m , .
Upon iiiwi!.. i. 'lo -vii-.j ov .1, .
i vr
'. iy'
. t
Mavor Hint ! i.-t. 't wa ! ,
the mat'.er over t;l th rvr
meeting. aU irw ir.ts l'.ili .i t ,
ton kv-lv.i .i . . .
application out of ddfo n
memcrv " ..
Continued oo page eiht