Classified Want Ads A Want Ad In Tho Lake County Examiner Kcpi-iiU'il a lew times, if necessary, will find a customer for that property of yours. They are scanned closely y intending lasers, and the toxt is nominal fl cents the line lor each insertion. Special longtime rates. Horn" it i mil"' 'iiun i rri- 0n um til ncica of l u ll oiatitfi laiiil In well t. hum ii I'orlerville iimmcl w HI t'xrliuiiu1' '"in" '"i" Iiui'i't or iiiitle, Illlllll l l b at lllllll.V; alr avail able; olali)te oitluHila oil liilJiilnliiK irh rtlea. Ainit-a l.Uil Uiiviii i.l Hi ." 1 .Hull I' lam Urn, Oil. 117 i.' We ue- il u walcoiuiiii hi oiuh of m-v-rut t'kn Hi tit iiu i" to m'U our liu ilnl iiiiimi.v at'K'k. A IH-Miiiiutml ulai'C, I ll I1' IV Hlllt H lIIHItl tt I II Imikofjou. Willi' fur pin llrtiUra. iil'iiilu Nuim i i n 1 oppeulah, Wuah. ,oOK,VlTllr. MUKI, I -on KK- KHIil lnlll l i I III 'Itli'pholie t ompiuij lor ucniroy in lt prop- rtj i' MIM I I I .tM.lll H h i III M-..N 1 .Nul l) lurnlHlii'il niiilii. Ilfiti, iuiiiiiuu U'r in room, (i,,a lit. ImpiHe l.alului-r "llli e. tl. .J Itf.ttitUU A KhWAKU ul ..I ty Oiillula la ur by olluiu lur l.i.oi uimIIuii tlml will lead lu lutt (ilt'o nun fouMi tiiiu of auy iuu on- Iim attiiuu Hirea or ulliai piopitj 1 1 urn our Company ; uil ll' aMiuu itmuiii la lioieuy oilititxl (ur luluiuia i-.ll llial will inml to llm arriwl auU i.umcUou uf uuyuua tiva troyiua I. I equity nl tlm Cuuipuuy. Cliaa. LuiomcIi, h rtM. , Utka l'(i. leL A Ivl. Co. .Uf. 2ion I lor'l thai tall) In aluea, tor aula all aiuua til iron, liul'a uU chain., luliuoia akflua auU Irou UU Irol ! itKini lliua. II i lil mix .1 i 1. H". I -ON I a KIMi mam: III IS K.ST Kim If , ....jimiH mul ( luura to lie lllllllil III Olt'KOII. " I. II. CI I Kill W IUM V At i mi: Hotel i.uae lew bur. I ho la-at and pllli-xl ttlllxlt.Y lllilill'. II ! ai..' HJIt fiAl.l. It' llilm Willi .'i lil'MH w m i i ilii, trial i'l. nr. - I. lt alilp :i,i. Iiii k" Ho -" !' I uiliil V. Hunt mall oiler. 1 li-.l I link, I 111 I nuU JIIIim, IS. 1'., t'ltiiiolil. 11' It I I 1 t ill li 1K iu'U-n III ruil l Hlloll It-Mi pull o( lln- !.' ul H.1, "1 r-t-i . I,i, 1 1. X ti -Iii,j .S.'i. i'l II. ' "' 1 Inri.' Co. I'l In J 1'i-r iiiTi' 'T Mount la,- lot l i l''jl lliili'l. lirilv-In-al A Ku l.l, ..' I'moii ,Vi. .So.. I'm tlllllll, I hi. WAN I J-.ll lint ill I.llwkl1llll,' IIIHKU' illlt" lllilllin 1 II- ("'I V Ill K "I II li 'M-- nuititivi- III l.iikf n'v, to liink alitT I llli.n tl ill'ill ll-lll'rtlllH Hli'l I'l Xt.-IHl fill II III I loll II)' hM-lllll lllftll- iiln tiliiili luivi- piuvt-il uniiMiiiilly niiit'i'nniui. .salary ninl -m minolmi. rrt'iuiia iXM-rii-lirf ilfhlr.ilili'. I't ti xxt ii i ImI. Wliolf Hint' or Kjiaif tl ma-. Ail.lifhM, v llli rclrn ui't-M. .1 . V. 1-ulrliiiiikH, liooil llmii-rkif pliiK MiiKiuiut), :nl l ouiiit ai-., NVw York City. NO I l(!K mil I'UHI.ICATION Not Uoul Iwtoil iNiiiiriiiii'iit of tin. Inti-rlor, i;. H. I .ninl oillii' lit l.nlii-vli-w, On-ifou, Noi iiiIi, r 1.1, Mil. Not In- la hi-n-liy kIvi-ii Hint Fn-d Hiiiki'IiIn ru, vt liimn mmIoIIIi- ml ilna la hitkt'Vii-w, OriKoii. 1I1 oil lln lat iny of Novi'IiiImt. 11(11, llli' In Oil ulllii- awuru MtntKiiiciit hihI Hp .lli iitinii No. i:,i. iii iiim lia-e lot .1, (M-t lloii li, iiwiialil ,'tt M rangx 21 I.., Wlilmni'itM M. rl.lliiii, aii.l I Iik ttuilntr lliiTnnn. iinili-r Ilia iirovirlotia ol tin m l of Joiifa, lH7s, nml ni'ta iihh'ihIh tory. known it (lii-'-Tunlx-r ami aKiim law," nl kiii h viilut' n iinKlit Im' tin i lif iMipraiafini-iit, ami that, nr-UHnt to aiich iiliratloii, ttiu IhimI Hint tliiilmr tlit-ri-oii hit vi' Ik-'-ii niirni"l at it total ol II1KI.U0, tlm tiinU-r ftl-inati-il IJtl.OtHl hnanl fii-l nt 1 1 . J5 pt-r M, ami llitt In lol fill; tliat aal'l up illi ant will ufliT llnal proof In an p. port of III iipiilirailnii ami aworn ataii'iui-nt on tint I st h ilav of .lair nary, 11(12. iH-fuit' the Iti-ulHii-r tuiil liiiilvi-r ol tin- L'nlti-il Matia Kami (llli. a nt I.iiki'vU-w, Ori'K'Hi. Any pt rHOii la at lllx-rty to proit-nt tlil pnr lia,f tt-lor i-ntiy, or initlati' a ronli-Ml at any tltni- ln-funt patt-nt MMina. In initio a i-iirrolorati-i alti ilavlt In tlila otlli-i', hIIi'kIiik fui'ta wlilrli woiilil di-fi-ut tin-i-n try. A. W. OitTON, Iti-Klitter. NolKK OK IT SAL .SK'ITKKMKNT J. I', I'nt tiTMini intalf. Notlrtt la hi-n liy nivi-n t hat t liu tiu- li-raiKin-il ii'lniinlatriitor of tint t-maii' of .1. I'. I'ut w-rHiin, ilii-fiiMi'il. Iiaa II U il J.Ik llnal iiri-uunt ol tln-aiiliiliilM. 1 r it 1 1--t i nf tin' iiffnir of xniil I'Mtati' In tin' I iini.ti Court of tin Statt! of On lion fur Kiikf County, ami tlmi aalil rniirt Iiiim llii'il the lot It ility of .fit inj ury . I'.ilJ, at tlm liotir of lu o' A. M . in tin- utility Court room, in the County Court Iioiim- in Kakt-vli-w, iri'Kon, at tin limit noil pliu-c (ur lii uriiiK oliji't-iloi h to hiiIiI llmtl ac-i-oiiut ami for i-t tlruu-nt tln-ri-ol. Tln-ri-fori'. hII pi-rfiuiH Intt-ri-xti-il art' lu-n liy iripilml tollli- tlu lr iiliji-. tmn In it rlllnu in hhi court Ih-Ioih hhiiI 101 li lay of jHliuary. Kill'. 11 M. I 1.1 .M I N J. .lmtiiitrator ul fit- Coin to ol J. I'. I "at It-n-i ill. I ifrriiM-d. sol i K Knit ITIil.p A HON S,,i i I nu la I', t-iriiu, ul of iti- ltit.Tior t' S l.Hti'l oiffn- I k, l li . I If .'.'II. N'itrml- r . 1'JII I S. ,ni n l liT- ly i'Ii, n tlml J Kr, , hln-rrar-l. u ln,. l, mi ..tilt f Mil'lr, h I. I.Kli'i Iv ir , Or,- on, 1 ,li.. i. i lln- .It I 'Ul ol J' ly. I 'll II-' III II. In 1 l.rl. -in. Ill K! . I . In,-li I hill A I, Ml loll. No ! I I.i I'lll. Im-' III" W N K'4. N1 , I-I.',. i Inn 7, I ,,m ii. Ill . Ch, limirfi i K, IN liliiiiii'il, j M.-i :linii. mi, lite llnii-T tli -r, 'nil. fiii.l.-r tin i .',n ,.i,.n. i,l Hi, m't i,l J, in,- .1, 1 07. all. I . la J um. it'iui.r , k una n . II,,' "1 in, ii.-r nl i-'t'ini' I. nil ," Hi am II l ill .11- . lilllil Im.- flli-,1 Ijy i ; l-rm.-'lii, Hi, mikI 'lull, .ur. unlit to Milrll n',ll ! iMUoli, III,- lull. I aii.l lliiitx-r Itii-mill hair t.--rll Nl l-rn a. .1. nt M tolnl f,l f .'') lln- tllliti'T 4'alllli ( .1 .f l.., I nl 1 ll ..-r , nil. I tilt- j inn. I III-'; llm! anl'l ni't'llinnl Hill nfTrr llllnl . .r,,. 111 aii..rl ,,l Ilia nl'l'llrnllotl all. I ailtiril - .oil, in, -nt on tin- .tli ,ln ol nnuari. T'U', li-'- ,,t,. It, .-IM'T nn4 K',-'ltrr of llic I lllti',1 hmti'n I .am I tMllr.' nl l.nki'VK'tt', nriKoli A ii v . .taoii i. at ili'i'i ly In t'fnt''al Hit 1'iir- ,-liH. . ,r ury. nr liilllntii riiiti-alnt any lliii,' li.-liirii ini,-iii ihkiii'm, by fl 1 1 ti mi a .-inrnlior-nti-.t ntti.lni li in tlila , iIh ,', iill. itliii; lai ln that iiiikIiI 'II I' nt tin' i llt ry A OitTON, It-iti-tiT 1-OK hAKi: I'O lurt-H lu Htttlon -'-'I, towi Kiiip :tl, raiiRf .11). Kiintiln' ol Si-nm-r Hum.. Knkuvu-w. Orn TI1K Kakt-vli-w AI.Biriut i Tlllo Co. Im ui.-kinu npi-i'iiil prlrt-i on AliHlrniM to O. V, K. i o.'a 1 imi Ih nml I'own LutH. Kill HAI.K-u Xi. him k 7H, ami Triu't H'a nf h, 11 MM, nl rs '. M'ti Id, 1 .IU, llaiini' ai, Hi ni'iii Hill unu-r rmlil AiWluan 1 rt'-l l.ariliiir, l.l a 1 - n . NnMli 1'nl.nta ff'K hAl.k - Irni'ifc. Nt-. H, l.w, II. I, lua-.-n-i. 1.. J. I in or, I'm ilnnil, I'Aiia. FOK HAl.KTirni'l I- nt. Iii. T. M. U.'.'l, Ina.-ri n. J. II. 1'inrwui. W Alann il Avo. Ih uvr,i:ol. Kilt 8 A It - I j. i bl" I.W ami trad 8, n.-i- I", 141, II In. 'n air a. .fl.lri nn I lliltlll aril, 111 K Im lit, pi n Mollira, limn KOIt bl.l.jil It. Iiln-'H N', nl HK'4 ill N'4, Mi'c 17. Tan, l( III, in aor.n. kaii'L, m l.oi li. ItiilKi'iu I'l, Wa.h I'rli't- ..iki. Hih ,K.l.h -Ifi li, ulin-k ie.i.1. o V L ail'litlnn. ainl St.'., fW't, Nn 17. I Jtii, H ill, in aero. Ail lrt-an J I'Iiti o Wollu. Mnnrlii-uil, Minn . KOIt BAl.l. IjU '4, lilni k nl'iiiV 1. a.lililliui, anil n;. nl N VV 1 4 nl WVVi4, ami I'J, T ml, K.m, M on! Aililo aa I'. I.:. Ilariiiuu, Iuh knuann nt, Kudllalil. Ft. it. CKAKK & WHIt.UT l.AWVI.UM WA.slllNd TON. I- '. I'l' II I. K' LA Ml MAT'IKHH: I IN A I. PKODF DKHKIIl I.AMIH, I ONTKHT AND MINIMI CAltM HI IIIPT AbMOCIATK WolIK I Oli A lTOHNKVi 5 A Good Position C'au Im liutl liy (iinliiiiiiiiH youiiK iiiuii ami linllt'8 iu tint llflil of "Wlrtt. K'mm" or railwii tflt-Ki'miliy. Kln-e tho 8-hour law iMiuaum i-fftftlvo. ami Hlni'o tho wlroli'HN coinpaiilfH aro vh tubllithluic ttatloim tlirouuliuut tho oimtry tlit-re in a uri'at BhortiiKo of tt-li'jrrapliuru. I'iiMHoiib my Ih-kIh-ith from 70 to $'J0 ,or month, with Kooil t-haueo of ailvant-i-iiu'iit. Tho Nntloiinl Tt'k'tErapli IiiHtltntlo" of rortlauil, ()ri., oporatoii uihIit anpt'r vihIod of It. K. aoil wlrdt'HM olllc-ialii hihI placos all KnidiitittH ("to ptml tloiiM. li will pay you to wrlto them for full ili-tii Hh. KOI.KY K1HNKV I'lUJI Tnnlu In aiilliui, ipili'k In niniilt". lll-urt any l aanol klilnti) nr t.ltil-r .tlminluf uul Uu yoml llm rt-acli nt iiii ilii'liiu N iiut'il lu nay iniiru Kur aalu by A L Tuurulnii, Nut h i- of HiltullilMtrator'a vaht of rt-al properly at ptivatt- null-. Kntatt'of ThomiiH 1'VrrlH, tltt-t-iuttil. Notit-tt Im ht-rt-liv nlvi-n that nmlfr thf authority of tin' Hon. II. Miilv, jmltt of tht Conmy Court of Kakt County, Matt" of Oii-kou, niailu anil fnti-n-il on tl"' -ii'l ilny of iHi-t'inlii-r, Kill, tin- tniiliTMip;tn'( ml in I n let ru 1 1 r of thf ratatf of lholimH 1-Vrrin. ilf iciiHi'il, III, friiiu nml it(tt-r the U'th ilay olJni.unry, iroi-t'fil to ki-II Ht private Hiilti furt'ich all of tlii-rilit, lltli-ami luti-rt-Mt whli-h 'I'Iioiiiuh l'ir- Vlu I I'.l'I'UKIIll . Iljll I lit. t III' tlllltt of Ills ihvilh iii or to, or whli'h the i-Htato of tht Hiiiil TIioui'im lVrrU, ihi-i'iiu'd, ha aimc arqnlri'il In or to the hereinafter ili'Hi rll i-il real proM'rey, to wit: Tho Moiilheui-t iiiaru-r of thr northt-aat quarter of Heel loll Kl. townnhlp 10, Ht u 1 1) r.niittt a:i, t'. W. .K, anil the xoiitli half of the norl heiu-t quarter ami the HotitheitNt quarter of the norlhwet quarter ami lot ten of sec tion IM, towimhtp Jti, eolith rani;i i, K. V. M .. in Kake County, On'Kon. J. C. DODSON. AilmlniHtrator of the Hut a to of TlioinaM I'errlH, Hec-eaHed. D14 J11 NOT1CK l OK l'UH LIGATION Not Coal LhiuIm. Department of tho Interior, U.S. Kami Ollteo at Lukovlew, Orenoa, Deeember ID, ID 11. Notu-e im hereliy lveu that Pauline Chandler, of .Knkeview. Orexou, who, ou April ll, lUll), niailo liiulierand Mtono application and Mworn Htate nient No. o;i:i:i.i, for SW4'. H K.(i, Mi-etloiitl, towiiHhlp 37 8 , rnne L'l li., Wlllainette Meridian, liai tiled no tice uf Intention to make llnal proof to t-Htul.liHli .! til in to tho land above described, before I lib reulHtei ami re cover of the United States Kami Olllce at Knkeview, Oregon, on tho 20th day of February J012. Claimant uanu'H a wHuuhhoi: B. II. Chandler, I'leasaut Shellham-int-r, Trank Kovelt'MH ami A. M. llur dlaty, all of KaUevlew, Oivjjou. A. W. OitTON, UeulHU-r. NOT1CI3 OF SIIKHIl',l"S HALK A. M. Iaxter, I'laiiitlff, ) t7lll lllllllM. Mnfellduut. 1 Notice im hereby given iimi ptuau ant lo an execution iHaiietl out of tho Circuit Court of tho tato ol OreKon for the county of Kuko on tho l.db day of Novemlier. llH. upon a juil ine'nt enteretl by Haiti Court on the 4th .i i v, I... r lull, lu tho above- llliv i'l i."" - I - , . eutltloU cauao In favor of tho above- named plalutiff A. M. llniter, ami a ltd I nat the hImivhiihiiiciI ilefeinliini , Win. Iliiiin-, f,.r Hie an tn of I4'(V.7 ami I2.hi.o0 iittorne.tN f ea, I, VV. II. Hniiler. aln-rlrr of I .like Count v, Or Run, ildl on the Itlihilay of h'tfinlier, lllll, duly levy upon I lie ouili half oi the Hunt lienal quarter, the aotitlieaat quiirii r of I lie aoulhrnt-nl quarter and lol. Iiiliiiberi'il 4 ol Modioli 31, town ahlp aoil li, rahife K'i eaat. of the ' Wilbimatte Mi-rillaii In lake County, I I l.,r,,l, ,l.u u....... I. ..!. to.. t.tni...t'lv -..-.-.-'it ilia n.i iiiit in-ill w ,' . j of the above named dt-lendnut. Win. IIiiiiii-m, ami I will on tho 27th day ol, January. A. II., 1012, at the front loor of the County Court houae In l.llk'Vli W, Or' KOII, Hell at pllbl'c aui tlou to tlm liluhi-Ht and bt-t bid ilerforiaah lu haml, all the rlRlit. title and inti-rri-t which tbeaiiid Win, Mliiuea, had Nov. 14, 1011, In the iibove-ili-HcrllM'tl real proH-rty In mit 1h iit-t n of Haiti JiiilKiiicnt nod exe cution. Dated tlila l.'.th ilnyof Deeerrilx-r, 1011. W. II. HNIDKIt, Sheriff of Lake County. Oreiton. Dt c 21 JanlH RUSSIAN TREATY TO BE ABROGATED Wajhinirton. lJc. 19. The senate todav. altera di hate Unlink fur aix houra. ailooteil hv a vote of 72 to 0 the Kodie kubftitute for the Sulzer rt'Molulion calliiiK for abrogation of the treaty with Kuitaia beraune of the re'unal of the rznr'a vovernment t honor tiaaaoort held bv American citi zen of Jewiah birth. This vote ralilied the action taken bv I'rehiiU'iit Taft in notifvinir Ruaaia of a deaire on the Dart of the United .States irovernment to abroirate the treaty of 1H.I2. Hv a vote of 45 to 16 the senate rejected the Hitchcock aubstitutc. which was only a tnodillcaCon of the lamruave of the resolution. A further substitute. uifTerinir only in the lat vu ive trntiloved and ofTered bv Senator NowluniU. was rejected without a record of the vote. A Mother She never touched, with akilful bruah. the canvaits. And left a im-ture that the world miirht uraiae; Or. with i until rod finders on the kev board. Sent down an echo throuirh the ItMiirth of davs ; Hut once, with eves tear stained, yet liMiKinif unwanl. With Htnilimr lioa she passed tiereath the rod. DcHct-niiinwf almost to the vale of ahHilow a To brintf a little new-born soul from God. She never vanir a son? of sadness. In clear, sweet tones to make us smile or ween : Her voice, too weak to win the world's apuruvtil. Waa only itoihI to hush a babe to uleeo. She never oenned a book whose glow in ir UHtrcs Might lift us uu and hclo us in the fieht; Hut (Ihv bv dav ahe sought, with lov mir uatience To iruide two little stumbling feet ariirht. And vet. mavhaD. when at the eate of heaven She paused. God looked at her and smiled. With hand outstretched, his kind voice snoke a welcome To her. the mother of a little child. Mabel Stevena Freer, in Ainslie'a. Crook coutnv. In Auirust ore birth and In rlentembrr two births. The number of marriatre reported were : Jul v. 11: Auirunt. 7: Seiitember. 7. A Missing: Voice katiHBS Citv Journal : Jack Bradlev. an Atchison travelinif man. ia a clever ventrilouuit-t. The other day at Denton. Uradlev had Forrest Warren, an Atchi son Globe reDresentative. rhasimr uo and down the afreet and through alleys lookimr for a suuuoned farmer who kept uu continual calls for the Globe man. When the "farmer" said. "I want to Dav him five veers' subscrio tion." Warren broken down the door in William Gillan'a Btore in his search for the misainir voice. Kvcry family has need of a iiood, re liable llulmeiit. For apraitiM, brulHt'H, eoreiit-HH of tho muscleH.aad rheumatic iialtiH there In li -no Ix'tterthao Cham lierliilu's. Bold by all dealera. The Death Rate The Oregon State Hoard or Health has issued a bulletin for the DurDose of calling: attention to the incomplete ness of vital statistics in the state. The mortality rate aa shown by the re ports received bv the board ia onlv 7.7 per thousand, "but does not Indicate that approximately one fourth of the death certificates," the bulletin savs. "despite our laws, are not reported to this office." Unusual discrepancies in aeveral counties are pointed out and continu ing the bulletin says : "On the other hand, the returns from Gilliam. Mal heur and Crook counties prepoaterous showinar that little or no attempt is be intr made to comulv with the law." The relative number of births and deatha for 1010, was preported to the board from this county, were : deaths. 1; births. 02. cine death rate per 1000 population is thus shown to be 27. In Julv. one death was reported from $15,000 School District No. 7 Building: Bonds Healed propoaala will lie received by the iindemtxiied County Troamin-r of Kake County, Oreiroti, until tint 2nd day of January, 1012. at I he hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of aaid day, at which a-iil date and hour at theofllre of the aaid County Treaa lirer In the toao of Kk"Vle, Oregon, all prnpiiM ila lo piirchit- toil, I IioikIm till Im opened ami nini. r-d for the purchiiHe of fl.'i.OoOOO I .t-r rent j coupon btiilillnic bonda of aald Hchool I j dlatrlct or any part thereof to Im laanedlo ptirauanee of aiibdivlahm 31 of auction 30 of llt-lilnKer ami Cut-1 ton'a Annotated Oxleand Btntutentf ! Oregon. Hald bonda wl" lie dated Jan. 2,1 1912, and payable tnent year from date of iMHue. Optional after t-n yeara. Interest to l paid nernl an oually oo the 2nd day of July and January of each yi-ar. Principal and Intereat payable In lawful money of j the United Btates at the offl'.-e of the j County Treaanrer of Lake County, i Ore., or at Much bank or truat company In the city of New York a may be j ' deinnated by the pure tinner of nald ! bonda. Raid bonds ahall be Hold for caab paid doHii at dat of aale and d it I m than their par valne and ahall dra w Intereat at the rate of t er centum K-r annum and tie laaued la the denomination of 15 bonds of $1()ii0 Oo each. Each propoaal to pur rhaae aaid bond muat be accompanied by certified check upon some reapon nlble bank for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. The Coiii.ty Treantirer renerves the rli;ht to reject any and all bid. F. O. AHLSTROM, i'oanty Treaaarer of Kake County, Oregon. Dated at Lakeview, Oresron Not. 21, 1011. Nov.2Mec.l3. 1 11 fl " u p.-'' -V -t.':'-;l m i f . rjrr7ftf Paaa I I A-.njiJiiSfr. i I I -VJ,.-lT'5''r? ?'"Ja I n m: -- get; s $25 Grapho Given Away NTIL JANUARY , 1912 wc will allow on all Furni ture, Carpets, Steel Ranges, Etc., Ten per cent discount off for cash All goods marked in plain figures. Remember, you phoie Free With all purchases to the amount of $50.00. This would mean that you are buying your goods for less than half cost. We give you a Coupon with each purchase. Morris Chairs Leather Rockers Dining Chairs Leather Couches Velvet Couches Sanitary Couches Full Brass Beds Fancy Iron Beds ArL Squares Ornanental Rugs Axminister Carpets Linoleums Our line of Hardware is complete. Before building, get our prices and compare them with others. We guarantee to save you money. Our Motto, "LIVE, AND LET LIVE." AUTEN RJNEHART Ike izzac UNIQUE SERVICE When you buy a Monarch type writer there is immediately es tablished for you a most unique service. You are made to real ize that the manufacturer who made your machine is going to stay back of it. . . . The Monarch Typewriter Com pany does not forget a type writer as soon as it passes into a customer's hands, but their interest is as keen in the Monarch that has been in use many years as the one on its way to a prospective customer . flnrdfi- Monarch Service is established for you the moment the machine comes into your office, and continues during all the years it is in use. We are always at your oommand. Send for Monarch literature -- it thoroughly explains the construction which has given the Monarch its remarkable Light Touch. WOLF & ISENBRUCK 307 Bush Street San Franoisco, Cal . r