Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 28, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 52
Reservoirs and Canals to
De Built and Estimated
Cost Is S3.000.000
The Warner Valley I rrl nation rom
panv. of which W. K. Bradford li
president. A. C. Vrale. secretary anil
II. II. Millard la treasurer and msna
far, haa hern (inns' lit Plata and mak
ing application fur the reservoir ailea
preparatory to beginning oneratlona for
lha building of a plant in Ihia countv
that will cost from tl.OOU.000 to
JTi. 000. 0000. ami ia calculated to furnish
water to Irrigate at least '200.000 arm
of vallev land. mot of which ia now
of comparatively little value.
I On Deeo Crrek thev will erect dam
that will b 22 feet In length on the
too ami 9 feet on the bottom, covcrlrg
1.229 acrea. which, together with a flow
from the atream of 400 aeeond feet,
carried through a flume 2 1-2 mile,
with 400 foot head, la calculate! to
develoixt 140. MM) home power, which
hydro electric power will l-e used for
pimping water from tha Flagstaff lake
for Irrigation puruosea. Alio a die
reaervolr oi the South Fork of Oreo
Creek will he erected, covering 112
acre fret, bv building a dam 00 feet
high, 500 feet lone- at the too and 60
feet at the bottom. Thia dam will be
10 feet above the water line, and will
cover 3.835 acre feet of water. The
eatimated coat ia SIO0.OO0. Ita Crane
Creek reaervoir will cover 25.209 acre
feet bv the erection of dam 40 feet
high, which will be 700 feet long at the
top and 200 feet at the bottom. Irri
gating l.l.Tt acrea. It will have an
average depth of 22 feet. Ita eatimated
. coat ia HO. 0(H).
Their dam on Camas Creek will atore
will be 110 feet high-will be GOO feet
in length at the ton and 60 feet at the
bottom. It will be 100 feet at the
deeDeat Dart and average 46 1-2 In
deoth. Ita eatimated ooat la S5O0.0O0.
The plant will also take water from
Honey Creek and Snvder rreeka that
will orohahlv atore 200.000 acre feet
of water, but the aixe of tbene dama
haa not been definitely determined bv
the engineers, and ia therefore not
denflitelv known.
It la perhaua useless to aav that 'the
rarrvinir out of thia immense proioct
m of vast importance to all the people
of Lake countv. and will brinir into
hlghlv profitable cultivation of vast
area of Ita beat vallcv landa which have
been of comparative little uie or bene
fit, aave for pasturage theretofore, and
will probably add to the population
of large number of active, energetic
farmers and their families, who. with
assured crops of alfalfa and drain will
prove of great importance in the future
upbuilding of the county aa well-aa to
the whole state.
The caoltaliata who have undertaken
thia irreat work are Portland neoole.
and thev cannot be too highly com
mended for their enterprise and fore
Bight Unlike ruilroml promoters, these
men have asked for no bonua or subsidy,
but have taken their own risks and
will do their work without favor from
any source. Thev are of the right
Paisley and Summer Lake
Sections are Highly
II. A. (Jtlev recently returned from
m trio to Paisley and Summer Lake,
where ho bad been.' delivering one of
file largest shipment of trees that has
ever gone into that country. The trees
re from the well known Albany
Numeric. Mr. Utlev being their
agent for Lake and Modoo counties.
Many of the trees went into the new
artesian well district, where it is ex
Ducted that they will do exceptionally
well. On the trio Mr.. Utlev (fathered
numbs of SDeoimens of fruit and
vegetables, including some fine Winter
Banana apples. 20-ounee and Missouri
Piooina from tha ranch of E. Carlon.
the trees being in alkali land where
nothing li supposed. to grow. Mr.
Carlon tated that the trees were pur
chased frcm the Albany Numerics
seven veara airo and have done excep
tionally Wfcll.
There are now 1.1 artesian wells in
the district with fine atresms of water
flowing from each which he considers
as rood If not better than the lamoua
wells of Utah Vallev.
Mr. Utlev also looked over the Anna
Hiver Prided with ita well eaulpped
pumping plant, which mem. a much for
that fiectlon. and observed them grub
bins; sage with the his' traction engine
on the Kobinett deiert claim.
Mr. Utlev was greatly pleased with
the ranches of Clarence Ilarria and
0. W. Withers, with their electric light
and water systems aa well aa auto
mobiles. In reulv to a oucrv aa to
whv the dvnamo was permitted to run
continuously Mr. Ilarrl" tstd that it
was done in onler to permit hia wife
using her electric iron during the dav.
At the old John Foster ranch Mr.
Utlev saw 700 bushela of potatoes that
were raised on a single a;re of around.
Splendid Location for
Church Secured On
Dewey Street
The Pretbvterian congregation have
been fortunate In securing a vervfsvor
able location for the new church which
thev hope to build In the near future.
Thia lot which thev purchased last
week ia centrally located on the east
aide of Dcwev street, but little more
thsn a block from the Court House.
Un this lot. unless in the meantime
thev should find another atill mora fa
vorably located, they expect to out up
a house of worship which will be
tt'.i ..'. m..J hit 'o
town, aa well aa to that locality. Just
how soon they will build csnnot now
be said, but it will be a soon aa pos
sible. The lot wss purchased from Chas.
Umnach and ia the west part of the
property formerly owned tv D. Boone
south of W. R. Hervofrd'a property.
Christmas Observance
Christmas waa very generally ob
served as a holiday, both in town and
country, people refraining from labor
and the business houses generally clos
ing at least during the afternoon in
town. One and all seemed to give
themselves uo to a pleasurable enjoy
ment of the occasion bv visiting and
leisurely occupations. In addition to
the celebrations at the various churches
manv families indulged In the luxury
of having Christmas trees ht their
homea instead of hanging uo the tradi
tional stocking.
Well Known Pioneer of 71
Aged 71 Years Ans
wers Last Call
Jacob Ilammerslev of New Pina
Creek died ante suddenly about 9
o'clock yesterday at the home of his
son Guv, where he had been residing
for some time, aged about 75 vears.
of heart trouble. Deceased had been
failing auite seriouBlv for sometime.
but lately had become convalescent and
was feeling fine, having the making of
a visit to the home of a daughter
living In California at an earlv date,
when he was suddenly stricken down.
He arose at the usual time in the morn
ing, aaid he felt better than usual but
did not care to eat anv breakfast. Ha
sat bv the fire very composedly for
sometime and passed away without any
sign as if in pain.
Jacob Hammeraley was ona of the
oldest pioneers in the county, and was
well known to all of the old settlers,
having lived here in the vallev since
the soring of 1871. according to the
statement of Charles Snider, who pre
oeded him some three years. Ha
came to thia purt of Oregon from In
diana, hia brother George, who has
been living at Gold Hill or many
years, accompanying him.
Deceased leaves behind him two
Plans Being Hade For Royally En
tertaining Hany Visitors
Smoker at Court House Saturday Evening and Con.
tlnuous Free Dinner Sunday by Ladies of Civic
Improvemeut Club--Weather Conditions
Will Govern the Program
Preparations are now well under
wav for the proper observsnce of
Railroad Day one week from next Sun
day. The officials of the N.-C.-O. are
making every effort to have a large
number of excursionists to arrive here
Saturday evening on the special train,
and to that end are advertising the
event all over tha coast, making a
round-trio rate or SI? from Keno and
points aa far north aa Hot Soinga.
From Madeline the rate la 16.60. from
Alturaa U. from Davla Creek 12.50
and from New Pine Creek tl. The
special train will leave Reno at 7 a. m.
and arrive in Lakeview at 7 o. m. But
ona dav will be aoent here, tha train
leaving at 7 o'clock Monday morning.
A sIcener-bufTet car will be attached
to the train ao that ample accomoda
tions will be provided excursionists.
Alturaa haa reouested the railroad
company to make reservations for 100
passengers from that place, which ia
greatly appreciated bv all concerned.
Sunday morning a meeting of citi
xens was held at the City Hall, at
which time Mayor Rinehart. E. L.
Biitten. President of the Commercial
Club, and V. L. Snelling. were ao
noised a committee to have entire
charge tn making Railroad Day a suc
cess. The number of people expected
is variously estimated at lfiO to 250. the
Liquor License Ordinance
Becomes Bothersome
ChewaucanVress : The town council
met on Fridav evening, when the oom
mittee appointed to frame an ordinance
regulating the sale of intoxicating
liauors was suppose d to report. Their
report consisted of a large number of
recommendationa. all of which seemed
to be eminently proper and reasonable.
The council voted to adoot these and
when thev are incorporated into an or
dinance, thev will become a law of the
town. It was then proposed to issue
short term licenses, vending the time
when the council would be in ehaoe to
issue them for a vear. The majority
of the council seemed to be in favor of
such action but it waa decided to ad
journ until Saturday evening, and in
the interval secure legal advice at to
the feasibility of the course proposed.
But lo. and behold, when thev met Sat
urday evening thev bad auddenlv found
thev could not legally pass anv ordi
nance. Thev bad no regular meeting
nights, and ordinances can onlv be
passed at regular meetings. So sn
ot ner adjournment was necesBarv. in or
der to darft an ordinance naming reg
ular meeting nights F. L. Young
waa appointed city attorney.
Monday night the council met and an
ordinance waa introduced providing for
regular meeting niahts. After some
alterations, thia waa passed and or
dered poBted. The next meeting will
be held on Fridav evening of this
L. E. Seager came uo from Davis
Creek Saturday to aoend the holidays1
with hia family. '
daughters. Mra. Lafayette Cannon.
of California, and Mra. Tilda Reeder.
of New Pine Creek, and two sons
George and Guv. both residing at New
Pine Creek, and numerous neohewa
and nieces. Mra. Hammerslev having
proceeded hor husband to the great
bevond several veara ago. He .waa a
good eitixen and enjoyedtn respect of newnuors, (
weather conditions governing tha six
of the crowd. However, all who come
may der.nd unon being well cared for.
and M. B. Rice was appointed a com
mittee of one to secure all available
private rooms, should thev be needed.
This evening a meeting ot the com
mittee tnd the ladies of the Improve
ment Club will be held to formulate
olars for furnishing a dinner Sunday
free to all visitors. The plan is to
hsve the dinner served from noon until
late in the evening. It is ali-o planned
to have a smoker at the Court House
Saturday evening, and to have that
place a general rendezvous for all
during Sunday. The building will be
warm and comfortable and a pleasant
resting piace.
As to the manner of entertainment
much depends unon the weather. It
is possibles big rabbit drive may be
had. while trips to points of interest
in this vicinity are alpo planned.
The construction department is doing
everything possible to have the road
bed and warehouse in condition for
traffic bv January 7. The ballasting
crewa are now dump ng gravel on the
grade from the depot grounds south,
while Ue caroentera gang ia busy on
the warehouse. The frame ia row
ready to raise and will probably be
erected todnv.
Christmas Festivities
Enjoyed by Family
and Friends
Probablv the most eniovable Christ
mas festivities hereabouts were those
at the Chandler ranch, where a family
reunion waa held. It was one of those
real good old times that we occasionalv
read about, but which very few of
ua ever participate in. Sunday morn
ing different members of the family
started for the Crooked Creek ranch
where George Chandler resides. Those
who participated in the festivities
were Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Chandler.
Mr. and Mrs. Rov Chandler. Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer C. Ahlstrom. Mr. and Mrs.
George Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wal
lace and MUsca Gladys Chandler and
Veva Whorton. Sunday evening the
principal event waa the Christmas tree,
which was literally loaded with pres
ents and decorated with all kinds of or
naments, including fancv boxes made
bv the ladies and filled with delicious
homemade candies.
While manv good things to eat were
had on Sunday, vet Christmas Dav was
the dav of davs. being devoted to feast
insg. music and dancing. In iho even
ing a large number of friends were
present, including Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Loveless. Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant Shell-
hammer. Harrv and Steve Shellham
mer. Wesley Dunbar. Mr. and Mrs. II.
L. Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Hotchkiss. Misses Mabel Hotchkies.
Annie Snider. Katie Gibson and Clara
Keim. Art Rehart. Chas. Barnum and
Lvtle Sims. Dancing commenced at 7
o'clock in the evening and for 12 hours
everv one keot time to the music. The
event will alwavs be remembered bv
everv one present.
A Choice Exhibit
J. W. Hunter of the Pacific Land
Co.. haa on exhibition in a room above
the office a very prettv and artistically
arranged exhibit of the products of
the field, fatm and orchard of the
Goose Lake Vallev, which la well
worth seeing and observing. On the
wall back of the. exhibit proper, ar-
ranged in tha form of a half circle are
bundles of wheat, oats. rve. barley.
alfalfa and flsx In the straw. In the
center of the circle are a number of
3-pound potatoes. On the sloping shelf
in front are displayed sample grain and
vegetables including wheat, rve. oate
and barley, in sacks; also monster
potatoes, cabbages, oniona. carrots,
parsnip, teets mttabagaa and center
ing in a stock of the finest belflower
apples all grown in the vallev with
out irrigation. Photographs of the dis
play have been taken, so that a view
of the reallv wonderful exhibit can be
preserved. Mr. Hunter is to be com
mended for his enterprise and thought
fulnets. The exhibit entire would do
credit to anv country.
M. D. Rice, master of construction
of the N.-C.-O. railway, waa in the citv
Sunday arranging preliminaries for the
opening of the regular train service, in
to Lakeview. which ia to take place on
the 7th of January next. He waa
accompanied bv Mr. Milford. the old
est engineer on the road.
Snowstorm is Likely to
Cause Pests to Bunch
Up In Near Future
Should the snowstorm that commenc
ed yesterday morning continue long
rabbit drivea will be popular again
this winter. The pests are reported
fully aa numerous on the West Side
thia vear. as last, but up to the pres
ent time there has not been sufficient
snow to cause them to congregate in
big buncbea as was the case last vear.
So long aa the grass and feed ia not
covered up the rabbitts do not gather
in large oroves. and hence the drives
eoold -not be conducted successfully.
But aa aoon ' the feed is buried be
neath the snow then Brer Kabbit
wants company and thev mingle to
gether in vast droves. For a distance
of aeveral miles perhaps not a track
! will be seen and ihen all at once the
' brush will be literally alive with the
little at imals.
Jolly Sleighing Party
A sleighing party consisting of
eighteen voung people had a most de
ilgbtful time Christmas afternoon
sleighing throughout town in a wagon
box sled, afterward tatting dinner at
the home of James O'Neil. Among
the participants were Misses Hazel and
Kathelen O'Neil. Mabel Snelling. Mar
gie. Ruth and Ellen Bernard. Mabel
Rice. Bessie Burgess. Trixv McVev.
Gwendolyn Corbett and Lura Snider;
and Messrs. Chester and Walter Dvke
man. Bert Snider. Willard Isenhart.
Jamea Burgess. Austin Sherlock, and
Rev. Melville T. Wire.
Western Governors' Trip
Will Result In Much
Benefit to All
.Well satisfied with the results of his
trip on the demonstration train which
toured the East. Governor Oswald West
returned to aulem last week. Regard
ing the situation in Oregon respecting
hia parole svstem and other matters of
similar nature the Governor said he did
not care to make anv statements, as he
wanted to familiarize himself with
events. The Governor said that Louis
W. Hill had telegraphed the train that
he had not made tha statements at
tributed to him. in which he was 8U0-
posed to have attacked West and other
Governors for telling of oolitioal con
ditions instead of the size of squashes
"In Philadelphia." aaid Governor
West. "I met soma of the officers and
stockholders of tha Narthejt Town -
Bue company, a Pbiladclphia coraDany.
which ia negotiating with the Desert
Hand Board for a contract carrying the
reclamation of what ia known as tha
Paisley protect. 1 also bad a confer
ence with the Central Oregon Irriga
tion oomoanv bondholders at Cleve
land. Ohio, and went over tha affairs
of thia company with them. Aa a re-
Continued ou Page Four
Father Schmitt Officiated:
at Requiem High Mass
Sunday Morning
Sunday laat marked an imoortar.t
event in the history of the Catholic
Church in Lakeview. for it waa on that
day that the first macs was solemnized!
in the new building on Dewey streeet.
Carpenters bad worked dav and night
on the atructure for several weeks ore
vions. and as a result it waa in a very
nearly comoleted stage on the dav set
for the first services. The altar,
which was donated bv Contractor
O'Connell. had been placed in position:
quite a number of the pews bad been
setup: the railings, gallery for that
choir, confessional, etc. were all ready
for use. and with a few minor excep
tions the entire structure was ready
for the opening day.
The first services were aolemnizedl
at 10 a. ra . Sundav. with a reauim
high mass. Father Schmitt officiating.
The pastor in his sermon thanked tha
many people, both parishioners and
others who had contributed so gener
ously to the building fund of the new
church, and extended to ail hia bless
ing and bet wishes for the new vear.
Sundav evening, benediction and
prayers were presided over bv the pas
tor, with aoorooriate singing bv t he
church choir. The choir also sing at
the morning services.
On Christmas dav. four services were
held bv Father Schmitt at 8 a. m.. 8 :45
a. m.. 10 a. m.. and 7:30 o. ra.. witfc
large congregations, including many
non-memoera. at each. The church
bad been decorated fir this dav wilb
fir bows, with a verv nice reproduction
of the stable where Jesus was bom.
placed inxide of the altar railing. Thar
cboir'funii'ijed c.dsin, and Binding at
both the 10 a. m. and 7:30 o. m.
Altogether, the ooening of the new
church was verv much of a success,
and bodes good for the future of the-.
Catholic church in this citv.
Reappointment Probable
L. F. Conn Tuesday evening received
a letter from Congressman Hawlev
stating that F. P. Cronemiller had
been recommended to the President
for reappointment as receiver of the
U. S. Land Office at Lakeview. The
recommendation was made at the re
quest of the President bv Mr. Hawlev
and Raloh E. Williams, national com
mitteeman tor Oregon and it is expect
ed that Mr. Cronemiller s name will
be sent to the Senate for confirmation
immediately after the holiday recess.
Senator Bourne -ia not taking arr
active interest in political patronage
at this time, altnough it is presumed
that Mr. Cronemiller's aoulication for
re-aopointment will meet with his ap
proval, as it has with Senator Chamber
lain and Congressmen Hawlev ami
Tha Klamath FdlU El's Lodge will
hold a "Hish Jinks"at the White Peli
can tomorrow evening. Invitations have
been received bv the Lakeview men-
ten of the orler. but owing to the un
certain weather conditions it is not
likely that anv will attend.
Christmas Appropriately
Observed By Churches
In Lakeview,
Christmas, the iov of childhood airf
the happiness of more mature vears.
with its olaesures anl its disappoint
ments, has coma and gone. This ve ar
il laste I practically three davs or at:
least two dav and tn everrng for Hm
celebration wm buiii hv three of th
city churches. wia their Christmas
tree programs, their devot o.iai exer
cises, their songs and recications. on
At tt&e M hujuim Ciiuicu
A verv u1i.u--i.ii; . : 1 fnftr'tr,o. pro
gram hrnJ bit-ii tre nued. a '.l. . . iml
elegantly ut:fur.'.i.i Cu. ..uu- ire
was pi-: :1 j . ; ..' he
rendition of the vLtim w-.. jjm-eteo.'