THREE BIG CLOTHING SPECIALS Friday and Saturday Regular $17.50 JsSiZZJ?;!. MEN'S OVERCOATS tf-rsr linl. mate fx" "l'rrt" f tn anl Sat ..r ... 12.50 Regular $20. 00 J'Jt VTCA'Q cut in the latent. tne trial v hut to a .-wk HtJr. Ql f "TQ ." f U. .mar .ir un 15.75 Regular $450 and $5.00 BOYS' SUITS ? i ' Suit m a de g a f fnni f.nifv (. J I I 1 cn-wrurrrw ant Hrrxr J III n f ... .'a .! 1 UU J'.lttus an-l 1: utter 11 i:r n. if 4- jear? lualit Store' 1 Merry Christmas To All "SUMMER CLIMATE" AT ALTUKAS? How About the Skating On Ponds There a b o u t s ? Debating: Club Proposed Wtat'a th matter with ti tr.talli ceot Dorticn of this community that thev do not orciz and carrr on a literair society nd debatn club dcr ir.g the winter cor.tb? Doc't thev know that such an organization eoall be mado a rnoet effective t remoter cf education cot onlv for the school children, but for the exewnue as well? The Blinds of those wio attend and take oirt ia it ei-jrcUef wou! i not or. It te orofkablv and &iAsar:tlv en tertained during the ee&ficM thereof, but the study cf the sut'i-ts that would come co for diacuiaic would keeo them emploved to a good pur pose d'jrine other evening of the week. For these members who crfer to write rather than s Dealt it would give them an occortunitv : for tcos who like to recite it would eive them practice : for those who prefer to de bate it would not onlv rive practice, bat would inspire and ecccuraee them t rtfedv and read do on the subjects coon which thev desired to make a exxi isaression sii help them to win the decision for their tide of the auestioc under discussion. A ivl for all of tbete its meetings would be ot great advantage a social gathering that would be far more pleasant and profit able tcan spending the evening in idleness or wore. Teachers in the citv schools would find such an organ ization of valuable assistance in their school work. It would assist in the mors! uo-gowth of the remmanitv. and ought to be promoted bv all who desire advancement and the promotion of civic pride and good order amongst the rising generation. Are not these things worth the serious thought cf one and all? A ccocle cf twrarratN in the I at week's Alturaa Republican illustratts tfee iiBDortanc cf avoiding cor.tradic tKtna when one starts out to eiagcrrate. In pararrsDh ertitlrd "There ixtnn to t a difference in climate." the Re tHjMcan calls attention to tre fact that at Cedarville. in Surrrie Vallev. onlv 25 miles awav. a man is errierd in txittcg uo his supplv cf ke f.r the winter "which was froten to a rood thickness just tack of C'edarvilie in the ranvon." which seems to the Kepublican scribe to be verv remark able, because, he savs at Alturss thev have been "enjovinr almost a summer climate. Even the leaves on acme cf the trees in Edward's nurerv are Hill rreen." A truir remarkable climate tSev mui have at our neighboring Uwn f Alturas. to be sure. Oreen trees in mid winter? isn't that won derful! And just acruoa the divide in Surprise VaUev thev are puttir.r uo their w ner's supoiv of ioe! Our rood neighbor rmrtit have ma le bis storv ro but tor the fact that in the adjoinir.g column, on his local page, appeared the following caraf rath : "The vounr folks have bcea having a roodlr sUre cl smumert of late in skatirr. Sortie cf the ooods near t n are frozen over so as to make this ! past time pleasant." Now one of two things must be trw : either friend SaarM must have eribtd that last item from the Cedar viile nacer without credit, or it refers to local cendit ior.s. It ia "up to him" to exoia:n. Where dues tte summer climate cf Alturas come in? Suicidal Turkey Chico. (al.- Mrs. r'annie Hovil.tun. relir.r on the Hell raprh. l.ur miles mirth 1 t'hiro. mi the N tl roal. is the p.rcr cf a 'r.l f 1 1 turkr that ffrm to have suicidal InrlinatUms. Al thirtv sis of the birds have mm to a tragic end bv wrmitllng pain trains to run over them. Watch is le ing heot on the birds for fear that thev will all dit)lav sign of at-If detroirig inclination. The Southern Pacific tracks run through the Hell ranrh. Mrs. Hovds tun and her reiahtxirs have wiIpcsmnI a number of turkevs flv straight at the sidea of a pacing train. The blow Stuns the bird and in falling i drawn under the train and. of courwe is killed. The voluntary death of the birus is the talk of the neighborhood. Moat bands of turkevs are scarv and stav awav from moving objects. Last week tight of the birds loot their lives in this manner hile the owner of the fowls and her friends witnessed the unheard of action of the birds. What particular fascination a mov-i-g train seems to have for the turkevs is a matter hi-h is causing some serious thinking among those who have had time to dicu matters educational. SURPRISE CLEAN-UP SALE Leo Hazel, the enterprising shoe maker, has bad a show window built at the sooth side cf bis store which be is using to exhitit some of bis wares. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You AIL Thanks for Past Favors Lakview Tailoring Co. Acting: Governor Olcott Capital Journal : Secretary of State Olcott is serving a term as acting gov ernor of Oregon. He is in this position as an honor man. a kind of trutr. bv grace cf Governor West. In the absence cf the gcvernor from the state he becomes acting roverr.or for a week or so. There is no doubt but that Governor West will treat his case with ler.iencv. sndjnrobablv parole him. There is no danger of Olcott making a get-aav. or cf the gnvemor having to bring him in with a Winchester. Olcott has talents for the ioc and has done all the usual stunts cf the governor's office in the past week. He has given out newspaper inter views, granted reouuitions ar.d ex pressed svmoathv for a poor woman and per babv. He has visited the convict ca.T.o. ate a meal with the prisoners, and boosted the good roads proposition. Altogether Olcott has upheld the fag cf ftste. and kect h r.and on the tiller and cash box. Earthquake In Mexico Mexico was badly shsken up on the l.'.lb. resulting in the loss of many lives J and the detruction of much uronertv , in ail parts of the country. At Mexico: Citv the ouake caused a panic but did no considerable damage. It is reported that President Maderu laughed as be ! stood at a indow of the caoitul watch- j ing the petole run in fright when the; i earth began to shake. A $250,000 Orchard Deal The largest orchard deal 'n the Rogue River VaUev has just been con sumated. Dr. K. C. Page has Suld the famous Suncrest nn-harJ near Talent to H. R. Camobell-a capitalist with large property holdings in Milwaukee and Minneapolis fur a Quarter of a million dollars. He will probably sub divide it as it was planted in that view. The property contains 31.000 trees covering 461 acres- of w hich 140 acres in full bearing is said to b the most perfectly grown block of trees in the Pacific Northwest. There are also .'IK) acres of voung pear trees of which 100 acres have peach fillers. The euuioment of the property is ideal having a large ranch house, two barns, packing house, teams and a toll line of machinery nocemarv for ill care. The fall work has been car ried on consistently and the ranch is now in perfect shape. The location is one and a half miles from Talent and the sloping hillsides gives it not only perfect soil and air drainage but over looks the valley for miles. Patterson ranches, now the Suncrest orchards- have been known for years among the greatest producers of agri cultural products in the vallev. As a fruit ranch the uncreet orchards is now and will be in the future one cf the great show places that will com mand the attention of the public. JAnh land Record. In support of our chinis, wc wixli to oiler for your inspection and conviction , NEW FALL COATS Selling. rtBuluf from $(MH to $.S DO evh. now aelllnr at COST nd many far lll.l.OW COST. Prke now AtW to $20 00 enih. WAISTS An attractive lot ot Women' 5llk Waist art grouped for tht sale and ou are sure to he pleased. $0511 Walt S3.9S 4 25 Walt 2.75 3 50 Nalt 2.25 We hIII nettle your npparel problem, satisfying both Myle and pocket restriction. REMARKABLE SUITS 5elling regularly from $15.00 to $40.(O, now telling from $1050 to $21 CO each. Ihcsc suits are positively unparalled in price. SKIRTS Readjustment of At.l. price in the Wearing Apparel I V partment bring these $10 5 ) Skirt don to SC. SO M.OO Skirt down to 5.00 7.00 5klrt down to 4.50 Nice large assortment to from. 5a le Price run from $J 50 up. Anna M. Neilon Woman's Outfitter Lakeview, Oregon reuuired to tell the number of tuna of raw sugar were contracted for prior beets sliced, the cost of extracting to Julv 1. and that the sharp rise in augar and the price paid for the beet, price during the Summer resulted In Many member of the special com- , lare profits for the refiners. mittee. of which Representative liar- wood, of Georgia, ia chairman, have expressed the belief that all atocka of ""w ALGER LAND CO. Improved Ranches Wild Land Town Lots O.Y.L. Lots and Tracts Rentals LAKEVIEW-NEW PINE CREEK OREGON I JEWELRY FOR CHRISTMAS Everv piece of proods satisfactory. Some real bar gains that will please giver and racipient. The price is no indication of their value. I Military T'.r'ili. tt.f'i to -17 ) Hank ure seta. $::.') to $7-1)0 Jewel l $1.1)0 to .r, Snlu'1 Sets. y: z to $'' i C'uT iSvttoiix. $1 "1 ui Mat'h :o.x-h. SJ ijji Silver Sfi'tfibs, f':.ip) per set Souvenir Spoons, f .. up Uiamowl r.inir, $1.'1M) tO H 'tDljl) (,oll I'.ilfjs. to MOW Watch J'ol.s. 1 V) to tvW Moros Slaughtered Lanoa. Mindanao. P. I.. Dec. 14. Fortv-two Moro outlaws were killed here todav in an engagement with a detachment cf American scouts. There were no fatalities cn the American side. The battle occurred in correction with the campaign for suDPresaing organized brigandage among the Moros. The disarmament of the entire Moro population of Mindanao and Jc!o was ordered bv the American militury au thorities three morths ago following a number of murderous attacks on Americans. I A large number of people were pre sent last Saturday afternoon at the Willis Furniture Company's suction sale. Many articles have been dis pcfeed of since the sale started, at ex ceedingly low prices. Investigates Sugar Rise ! Washington. Dec. 15. An investi-! gation to determine why the price of sugar was increased several rents a ' pound last Summer was begun todav 1 bv the House committee appointed to! investigate sugar conditions. J Letters were sent to all the cane and 1 beet refineries in the United States! requiring sworn statements showing the cost of refining ter vear for the last five ears. the cost of each con signment cf raw sugar purchased this vear. the amount of raw sugar on hand Julv 1. lyll. and its cost. The amount cf raw sugar contracted for and not delivered Julv 1. 1 y 1 1 . with dates of aeliverv. ai'd the number of pounds ot refined sugar in stock or owned bv the refiners Julv 1. The beet sugar companies aluo arc Xmas Goods You will II 111 1 at uur stun' mie of the Inrst nml tin litest ilis pl.ivs of HnllilllV liltH tit It fmiiitj In tuwn, consist litis of- w.iT iii:s ami i:ii;s i:i:.ri:i.i:rs. w.rrn urns watch 1 'II a i:is MA.nri:i: sin s Tnll.l.T si.ts, inc. Inspection Invited Hall & Reynolds Drug Company LAKEVIEW - OREGON NEVER PUT OFF UNTIL TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAV! Stop as you go by the The Economy Store and price their stock of Groceries, also their Shoes, Socks, Gloves, Woolen Underwear, Sweaters, Dress and Winter Overshirts. tf itfDon't look back and regret that you did not trade at the Economy Store Bracelets, Lockets, Neck Chains and many other Wearable Articles to choose from. ENGRAVING FREE ON ARTICLES PURCHASED Four Days to CHRISTMAS DECEMBER 21 Get Those Packages Sent Off. Mails Are Crowded. A KAUFMANN K. II. KOGKKtJ S. A. MUSHKN CITY EXUIKEKK toTXTV SlltMlVoH W. J. AUCMKK S. A. MUSH EN eg, CO. . SUKVKYISU, MAPPING AND KNGINEEKING BLUE PRINTING A SPECIALTY JilXE PUISTS OF GOYi:SMENT TOWNKHIP PLATS, fl 00 ;A('1I YH !TE PKINTB OF GOV CRN M K N T TOWN- !! 1 1' 'I.A IS, ?l.21 ACA LAND REPORTS MADE When Buying Christmas Presents w For your husband or broth ers, why not et sotncihing useful? Get one of those matcEksbra or Overcoats, made up in the Latest Styles of Ulue and Fancy Serc, Tweeds and Worsteds. A neat pair of Suspenders or a line pair of Pants would be appreciated. i'c can supply your wants at prices never before heard of in Lake County. We also carry it nice line of Tailor Goods. Give us a call. Cleaning and Repairing. Oft The Matchless Store MAIN STREET, 2nd Door North I. O. O. F. Bldg. LAKEVIEW :: :: OR.EGON 1