Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 21, 1911, Image 7

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A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examiner
Kcpi-iiU'il a lew times, if iiu.css.iry, will liml a customer
lor that property of yours. They are scanned closely
by iiitcmliuj,' buyers, and the co.-t is nominal f cents
the line for each insertion. Special lou-time rates.
IIhImkiI lllllln -illllltil l'Mll.V dull'
Iliu ' ni li x of l'l li ui hum liiml In
Wi ll IMlH II I'l.rli l V llie uiU lot w ill
rat'tniHK1' annm hoo-oa r i ill Hi'.
Lalnl i" i'l l'il ipntlliy; waior avail
41 1 tir , ulaliK'' Hitl'l" "H udjiiliilutf
r M I lit AiIiIKch I. IhI l.iavili
Mi l ill . I .him I' Iii -lorn, I ill. IJ -US
V lll-ll II KMU'OllllMI III fill ll III H'V
(Till XH II. HI llll'llia III M'il HUT N.I(IU
(llll I. II I Ml. I kl'.l'k. A K'I llllllll'llt
place, i umi vv v I v mill it njuai linn
Imi k ul mi. "Hi'' Inr inn Ui
UnlHllaluU .SulBl l j t il t l ' i l t. Ir.ll .
I.A.ft.l t.m
LOOK , I llll'. .NO I UK I OK III.
Minn lawlicil li) On' I ii-pnoue
toinpuiij lir Uiitiroy UiK H" prop
erly ""
KOU KL.W .im 0 lul i.mur.l i.inlil.
Ill-Ill, .111.1.111 WllHI l I Klllll, I i"M
In. li.ipiiu- l.allliui I . 111. i-. II.
4A; Ll. .il. I.
A l.l.VWlM' ut .11) UU.I..I
la iibiu
by uuviuit
lul I
. w umuuu II. .il Mill
Mil.. liUUUlllUU ul
laud lo lu mi
any I'tttauu u
olliul I'lui-tirlj
Iiim aluluu lla or
Iruui out company i
till Ol" WUI" IDMUIU in IK IUI OllUltHl
lor llilolui- u liial Mill luua lu llio
Vrwl ami i.uvicltuu ul Mu)uut Uua-
lrUUi l' IUl I'll) Hi lll CllUl'ttU).
(JliMa. LuiOucli,
Heil-ltti, l-aWd t'o. IvU A 11. Co.
, lluu I lurgel thai tun) I" lock
'lor all awua ul iron, In.l'e am!
0tllu. llilutluu aktilua ai.U iruu auu
Steel ailea .Mi i.ii I Ulna. U
l li(l
l'OM A hi. Mi IIAVli llll. HKMI
Kiiiui' . upturn iiinl l iRura l l-'
louinl In on K'"i- 11
J.I1.C11LI.K WHIM. Al llll.
Hold ifii-w Imr. 1 In- trim iiinl
plIMM it lllna.l Ullllll'.
Iron MLl.1
I-UU mAI.I-.-U' '"ii" witli i nirca
wan i lulu, trai't 10, mi. Iuaii-
hliii :!., muni' no -", l.iii' "
Hunt cuhIi oiu-r. r tvil link, I Uri t-
Hull AilllH, II. '., Cllll.lllll. l-' l l
l oll h.Ll. iu'i-t'H lu i in 1 1 vol ion
latna i nn of Un' .-ir.', I'-'-i
Cit-i.. l.i, toMli-lii 3 i oi K .'17 I., in
llaiia Co. i nn' J0 i-iraiiv or
woiliil lake lot i -i rm llaiiil. (iray
Imhi A Lik In, .')'..' I inou .Wo. .No.,
I 'oi llaiul, I lie.
WAN 1 I.U iiioil limiKi ki'i liiii inua
till!' lemiii i'M I Ii" hi-i v ll I'H ol n ri iio
ai'UlullVe lu l.ukO.uw, lo look
aluT niiliM'iloiloii ri'iii'alH and lo
extelnl illillliitloll liy Hperlill nielli
oila wlili ll have nroVi-il iiiniMuiilly
miii ii'hbIuI. .salarj ami fi iiiiniii'lou.
Pli VloiiH cxiH'l li'lli e ili-fllrftile, but
not I'HHi'lilial. Whole I Inn-or npui o
linn. Ailuii-HM, vmiIi u ii ri uci'ii, J.
K. ! ulriimikH. CoikI lliiuM'kotiiiiK
Manuxliie. ;1 l ourtii .Wo.. Now
York City.
1-OK faALL-itO iii ti'H lu
low i.hIiIi XI, raiiR"
hoiiKT li.oa.. 1. like v low
Hfitluii -'),
11 in i it i rt of
, Die
TUL Lakoviuw Atmlrai I i Tltlo Co.
Ih in.kinn hiiciiiI iiicoa nil AIihUiioIh
to O. V. L. t'o.'a Ti'uctH anil Town
I till HAI.K-liil IU, lilmk VH, ami I tacl S', u(
hi., nl Ni, nl .SW',. I si, Ti.i. Ilanai --I,
lii am- full aau-r tUlii Auilrvna t-rctl
lianliit-r, l.lklinii. NnMli I'nhnta
VoU hATiT-lrani, mi-. 14. I.:, U. IK, lu iri.
L.J. ruder, riirilBi.n. i.n.
rtlK 1, Hee. I. T. .17. K.24, .'ai'r. a.
J. II. rcaranii. M W Aluim ila Avu liriivcr.l.ul.
Kill -lil 1. tl I ami Iracl , m Ih,
T 41, H IH, -in ai r . Ail'ln I mluii Vi ai.l, III
l lal M, Iia Mnti.i-a, luis.i
FOH HAl.h-l.ul II bli.rU I Ul, anil N', ul HK'4 HI
Ml!,., h.-c 17. 1 , ll Hi. u avi'ia. Kate 1..
Viih i-i.x li. Hnlm lb i.l. "".--li I rlci' .oo.
KOK HAl.fc
ami Nr 'v
Allilli'iii J
I.. I C, nloi-a i'.M, ( V I. aililillon,
HiV i,, -i-c 17. I ;mi, K -4, 4'i aiTo.
1-li-in' Wnl In. Mimriii'ail, Mum.
KOK h.vl.K-lu it. in"' iil'.u V I. ail.liliiui,
and ul N VV i, i.l hW 1 4. heo III, I ll l, M
at ria AiMri'i." i'. ('. Iluriuuii, lira Kaiuaa M,
Ki'iinulil.H. I.
I'l III.1C land mattkhh: UNAI. I'llOOl
Ahhik'iatk NVokk Hon ATroKNKVS
A Good Position
Can in liad by iitnliitlntiH ,vhiii
mull mni bidloa iu the Hold of "VVIiv
k'SH" or railvvuv toloKraphy. lu-''
the S liour law boiiaiiie offoi tlvc, mid
Hindi tho wlroli'HH coliipauloH lire l'H
tabllhliltiK stations tlirouifltout tho
country there ia a Rrcut Hltortntfu of
tolonraiiliciH. ToHltlons pay bi'Klu
ith from 70 to fUO per month, with
fcood i-liuui'o of iidvuiicoiiii'iit. Tho
National TVleKrupb IiiHtltutlo" o(
I'ortlaud, Oiv operuteH undor aupi'i'
visiouof R. K. nod wiroloHH iillkials
and plnces all graduatiH into ponl
tlonH. It will pay you to write thiun
lor full details.
Tmilii In iiclliiii, iiili k In ri-Hii I (h. A IM euro
any nl kliliiu) or blnilili-r iliHiinlur mil I"'
yiunl Ilia liucli ol iin itlrliiii No iiui'il lo niiy
u.uiu t'H enli' Liy A I. TliiinilniiJ
Want Ads
No I IUK I oil HJIll.M'ATiON
Not. (Jufil Ijiml
I'i'iiiiri iiii.iit iif llii' Interior, I). H.
I. umi Ollli-i' nl l.ukcvlcw, Oregon,
Nnvi iiili. r l.'i. Mil.
Nulli'i' la hereby given Unit Fred
HMU.HI-m Trf, WllOMH pONlllltlce U'l
drewa im l.nki'Vi.'W, Oregon, did on
the IhI il i y of Nnvomlier, lull. III" In
tlila iilllci. Hwnrn Htilli'llli-nl nl:ilii
llli'iitlnii Nu n.Mtrit, to iiiM lia-e lot II,
i l Ion II, low ii4 1 1 1 1 llll M., rugt 21 K.,
WiiIhiih'I In M.-rllliin, hik I tin IIiiiUt
I lirri'iiii, tmili-r tin provisions (if i Iii
ik I of .In in. II N"H, umi ni-in uiiii'llilu
t.lM , k III I W II II M I III' " I IIIIImT Mllll Hi ( llll!
Uw ,'' lit. HIII'll VllllU' II III i u li t Im' flxi il
In- iiiiriiini'iiii-iit, umi llim, iiir-u.iul
til HIII'll Mllll('HI lllll, till' 1 11 1 1 1 1 llll'l
I linlr I lii'i'i-nii luivi' I hi-i j iiiiniini''l
mi n tuinl n( H'.KI.oii, Him tiinU r cull'
niillr-il I.M.tKKI Im ii nl fii-l ul mT
M, umi ili' IiiihI fill; that milil n)
ll III. I Will llfflT tllllll (irOllf III Hll
.iilt i.f dirt iiii!li'llini ami nMorn
h i it 1 1-n ' ii ( on On ImIi tiny nl .Inn
iinry, Wtl'i, Ufiiu. tin- KiuImIit mil
IC'ii'lvi-r nl tin' I'nlti'il Milia l.miil
Oflli'a at Liiki-l li' w, OrcK'Ui.
Ai y mth(iii Im ut lllwrty to ipoU'hI
tliln t'lin liit t iH'lure rutty, or initiate
ii i-iititi'Mt ul any Hunt Ix-furi' imliMil
Immiu-h. hi ill i u be a corroiioruii'il uili
ilnvll In HiIn otlli-i'. alli-ulii) lii t
uliu li w nil!. I di-f.-ui tlif entry.
A. W. tin TON, Hi'lMt(r.
J. I'. I'uttiTMon rut inc.
Not lie I Inr, lv uivrn tlial the llll-
It-rHiiifil a lmiitrntiir of tin' i-maii'
of .1. I' I'liHiTMon, iIii'i-uhi'iI. Mum
llli'il I.U lliiul nr. mint ol tin JJ'm! ml iiIm
trutiMii of tin' nffaira of nui.l i-nlati' In
t lii I 'inn ty I 'nu i t of I l.i' Muii' of I Ire
von fur I.Hki' l miiity. ami that hiiI'I
I'liurt li'iM lUil llic lot Ii tiny of Janu
ary. I'.il'-, ul lie hour of H 'i'i',.ri( A.
M . in tin-1 'imuiy I on r t room, in tin'
(Niuiity Court hoiiht in l.nki'vt- iv.
Ilrrumi, rk thi' tliiin liml plnri' d r
ll linnn iiliJiTtlol H to Hiihl llllal lie
cmiiit anil tor -i-l tli'ini-nt lln r. ol.
'1 In ri-fi-ri'. all jiitmiiim IntiTi'Hti-il arc
hi-r.-liy n i n In 1 1 t till- t lu l r olijivtintiH
In fit Inn in hhIiI court Ih-Ioih Haiti
IDt li of January, I'.H-'.
II M. I l.l.MINO.
A I ml ii Htratnr (if the Kniute nl J. I'.
I 'a t In m mi, I ii-i-i'iii'il.
i I'll "K loll I'l'lll.l'ArioN
Si. I ('.ml IjiiiiIi.
.-ii in mi'iit nf !h I im-rlur I! l l.ani
l.nk.-i n- . i if'-ifiil. Ntivi-rnlM-r 4. I'.nl
Ni.iii ! Ii. r. l.y iri. n llial J Ir.-.l Hii. rntr.l.
In...- 1" Hi I'll., i- n. I: Ih l.nki-t li-w, or. 1.11.
ilHI. un llii. .if I iln '! J I'" fl' Un
I l.tlt.'i' itrtl hint. III. -lit atl l A 'll Hi loll, No
! I I. "I. I" I'llt. lin-i- ' In' Vi V K1 4. N', l4, K c-
Inn , I mi imiti i. .i.n. Cmui -Ji r., ii iiiniiii-it.-M'
nOnii. ami iln-llml'.-r (In r. on. inni.-r In.-
,r.n l-lnim i.l tin' '! ill JillH' 1, P'.'H, unit ai ts
n nu ii.l..liry, liii.A li n Un' "'I lii.tii-r ami Sli.ui'
J.a w ," hi km Ii ali.ii a in Ik li t Im liii-.l l an
I'liu.. in. nl, nml hat, iiurRiiniit in mirh apilt
t nlli'it, lln- Umi Mini lini'M-r IliiTiiiit iihvc ). ii
Hirn 'I. nl a IiiIhI i.l I ih I In llinln-r l-mtlii
ai. n t ii.'xi I. . t al l ll H'r M. Hil l lie
laml l'i; tliai H.j-ll. alii 111 i.rf.-r Until
.riM. in mi.Hirt ul lila h . .1 ii-h I Ion H ml mvnrii
n'al. iiniil on (In-tli ilni i-l alinari, I'M. !
I. .ui I.. win r mi 4 U.-ri'ivrr ol llif I nln il
Htali n laml Oltl'-i-Ml l.aki'Vli-w, ori'ltun
Viiv I- .r.mi in at .It.i-rty tn ( t iiila mr
-li i( .i. i-t.iri n'ltr v. nr liilllali a c ml i-m a I any
tliiii- I.. Inn' pan nt imh , by Ilium a
an 'I aitllat ii In ll.lo ..lln'iv all'Kin.- tail thai
111 IK ii I 'li li'al Un' i lltry
A W OK IDS, Hi'Klli'r
Not ice of adtiiliilHt rntor'a sale ol
real proiie.ity al piivale aule.
r.Hlati'of TIioiiiuh I'orrlM, ilod'UHiil
Notice Ih biTiliv kIvoii lliat iimler
tlie autliority of tho lion. II. I ty.
judue of the Coliuiy Court of Luke
I 'mint j , Stale of Oregon, made anil
entered on t lu 2nd (lay of Iieoeiiilii-r,
lull, tin iiiiiliTHitriicil aditilniptraior
nf i be estate of T'.iiiiiihh Forrla, il
ci'iiHetl. will, from mid alter tliol'-'tli
day ol .1 it i. un -', I'.IIJ, procood to Hell
at private Halo fur ciihh all of t lie rih t,
title and Inti'ii'Ht wblcb TIioiiiuh Fer
ris, (li'oi'iiHiid, had at tile tlinoofbla
ileal Ii in or to, or v lilcli t lie ihI a to o(
til" Hiiid TIioiiiuh I'orrlH, ilti'i'iiu'd, ban
hi iici' ai()iili'i'i In or to the borciiiafier
(lOhi i'll i d real propercy , to wit : Tlio
Hoiitlioai-i ipiaricr of the nor l hciiHt
lllllllT (if Mll'tloll lit. tOVVIIhIlll -III,
mi i u 1 1 1 rinu-.i W. M., and tho
Hotitb half ol Ilio nnrtlieuHt ipiartcr
ami the houiIicuhI ipiurtor of tho
northweat. ipiurtor and lot ton nf sec
tion IS, toiviiNlilp -I", fotitli rmiKO 21,
K. W. M., In Luke County, OroKoii.
.1. C. JHMiSOS,
Admlniritrator of tho KHtato of
'l'lniiiiiiH l-'orrii, I ii'ioiiHi'il. DI4-J11
VSoll'oal t.aini)
Iiiariiiii'iil nl tlie Interior, U H l.aml Ofllce
al lki'Vli'W.ort'irnu, Oi'tolwr ZH, lull.
Nutlet, la licrt'l.y idvt'ii lliat Aiilnn HchiiHti'r,
ol l.akuvli'W, Ori'ltun, whii.on May A, lull), maile
timber ami alone Hl'i'ln aliiiil No H3lii7, lor KJj
hK'4 M.Tllllll W, H'l'lllMl U, ltVlillii
:W , raiiiie IH K, M llianietiu MerlillHii, haa llleil
niilli-o ul Intention to make dual roof, to esiab
lull clahii to llie lain! above deHi rlbed. before
tint Ht'tilHiur ami Hecelver of llie I'lilteil Stale!
la ml ('litre, at Lakevlew, Oregon, oil tin) 21m
lUynf Hei'i'liilier, lull
l.lallnailt iihiucm aa witneHaea:
Kobcrl l Unon, Frank Valet, Krank Dean anil
U. A. Keyniilila. all ol Lakevlew, Ori'Koli.
A W OHTON, Kiuialer
$15,000 School District
No. 7 Building: Bonds
Sealed prnpoHiilH will lio rei'olvi'il by
tlio utiilorslKiu'd County Treasurer of
Lake County, On'Roii, until the Had
day of January, I'.)12. at the hour of
two o'clock iu tlie afternoon ot said
day, at which an id date ami hour at
tlio oflli'.o of the aaid County Tioub
uror In the town of Lakcvluw, Oregon,
all propotwila to purcluiHO aiild bomla
will bo oponoil and coiiHlilored for tlio
purcliiisH of tfl.'i, 0(10.0(1 of 5b per cent
coupon buililinn bomld of aaid Hi'bool
dlHtrlit or any purt thereof to be
iHHUcd iu purHiiunco nf Biibdivlhion SI
of section ill) of HclliiiKor and Cot-
IJurnl. Orifon, Ore. 8 -Cantivatoil
hv I rntral Orcifiin, nut having rachnl
the kvii where hn rannut luavn Hnaton.
Turn Lawaun. tlio rioteil flnamrler
ami nut Imr, hint aunt bin miri-in-lnw to
build In Crunk rountv another Drparn
wulil. Four liiiiulrril iierea of rich Itol
ti.m land im Crouke'l rlvur Iihh been
liurrhHHnl bv Henrv MoCmII of Thnrnaa
Khari). Jr., fur IIO.tKMi. and Mr. Mel, all
it iireiiiirinif to rnaku it una of the fin
exl ranrhea In Oritfon. The land was
botivbt In tho I nil hninu then In a raw
alate. With a larue ifaiolino unirlne
an motive imwer. the land haa hern
iilnwtt'l and a orou nut in. Next Hum
tner it will be are. led to lilfalfa. 1 he
limd In irrivaled bv a ditch, but Mr.
Mi-Call nlan In to una tua tractor to
pumo water inntead of molovlnii' the
irravitv rnetbo I.
Mr. MrCall and wife will make their
home on the farm huvinir under con
struction now a reanlenre that will
nwt 114. HK). Mr. Lawaun viailed
Central Orevun in Julv lant. when be
waa a iuent for aeveral weeka of Toin
Sharp, and it waa throuvh him that
McCall came to nurchuau the 4'K) acre
and co mo to Oretfun to live.
Cont luui'd Iroui (mire hx
iim nrocceilitiifa were had to-wit:
The fiillnwiiiu claima affaitiHt Lake
Countv. Oreiron were examine 1. allow
ed and warrauta ordered drawn on the
Ceneral Fund of the Countv aa nv law
tirovidt'd in nav merit of the name bb
folluw. towit:
I'nlnllnif ciiurt In. umi- nndiir-
riilt court lllirar.v 1752 50
A ut in Kliii'luirt, HiiidleM for
court bonne 37 55 '
WIIIIm Kuriiltiirc Co , J ill pup I
,.11,'H l- 2T!
T. V. Hull, uriiiid Jury and clr-
ciiil court wit nm 20 - j
Hotel Lakevlew. I.oard of Jnr- j
urn li ml irliilirr- "'.'7 V'
G. W. Marvin. Jiixttce fei'M etate
va. II K l.uneet ul ..... .. 4 I'll
Claud M. Call, ktv liei aa npei? I
lalnlll.-er 2 50 ,
Mr. I'. M. Clitl-oii'iii, mi'iili j
for prltunera 4 0' !
Mia .) en n .l(iir:n. taklim toti ,
in my jiiMtliTi'ourl 15 V. Laue
ft 111 1" ONI
HI A dama, w it ne-a Jum' Ice coiirl
Htate vri II. K I.:. im el al
C. S Ki'lini'v, name
K. O Itulck, hiiiiii.
K. I-'rlciHon. hhiiii'
.r,n '
I In the matter nf the annointment of j
I a Conatable for Fort Kock precinct
No. M. of Lake Countv. Oregon, a tie-
I tition having been bled with this court .
aiifiiod bv 31 resident citizens nf Fort
; Hook precinct, rouuesting that Mr. ll. I
' A. Cbautnuii be anttointed to that nllice. )
! It iH berebv ordorod that Mr. H. A. 1
; Chanmiin be and he is hereby appointed
aa CntiHtiible fur Fort Kock. Precinct.
' No. I I. of Luke Countv. Oreiron.
I In the mutter of the Local Ontion
! election in Silver l.Hke. Summer Lake,
i Fais-lev. Fort ICock. and Lake I're-
cincts. in Lake Countv. Oregon.
Now at this time the above entitled
matter coming on for hearing and it
appearing to the satisfaction of the
Court that ution a petition dulv filed
an order of the Court waa made for an
election to determine whether the sale
of intoxicating liauor should be prohi
bited in the above mimed precincts that
said election waa dulv held on the 7lb
dav of November. 1911; tnat on the
13th dav of November. 1911. the re
turns of siad election were duly can
vassed bv F. W. Favne. Countv Clerk
and G. 11. Aldridge and William Wal
lace. JiiHtices of the Peace of Lake
Countv. Oregon, and that said returns
show a majority vote in the entire dia
trict above mimed to have been against
prohibition and that the precincts of
Silver Luke. Summer l.Hke. 1'aiblev.
and Lake each show a majority vote
OKHinat Lrohibition and it furthe- ap
pearing to the satisfaction of the
Court Unit on the 12th dav ol June.
191)8. uurUHtit to an election held with
in the territory embraced within the
above mentioned precincts, this Court
made a order prohibiting the sulo of in
toxicating liuuor in said precincts, it is
hereby ronisdered. ordered an adjudged
that the order of prohibition made an
aforeHaid on the l'-ih dav of June. 190S.
be and tho same herebv is set aside
and hel I for naught as to the follow
ing named and described precincts
to-wit :
Silver Lake precinct No. 1 in Lake
ton'H Atniotaled Codeaml StiituteMof
Bald liomla will be dated Jan. 2,
luLI, and payable twenty years from
date of iHHiie. Optional after ton
year. luterost to-bi paid aeuil-an-uiiull,)
ou the 'Jud day of July and
January of om li year, Principal and
in tvreat payable in lawful money of
the United Btatea at the olilco of the
County Treasurer of Lnke County,
Ore., or at hucIi bank or trust company
tut he city of Now York aa maybe
dosiKiiateil by tlie purcbunur of said
bonds. Said bonds shall be Hold for
cash puld down at date of sale and
not less than tbutr par value and shall
draw interoHt at tint rate of 6, per
centum per anuiiin and lie iaaued In
tlio (loiiomtnAtloua of 15 bonds of
flOOO.OO each. Each propimal to pur
cbaHit Haiti bonds iniiat lie lU'cotupanlod
by certllloil chock upon Home respou
hIpIu bank for IU per cent of the
amount of tho bid.
Tlie Ooiii.ty Treamirer roaerves the
I'lbt to reject any aud nil bids.
County Treasurer of Lake Couuty,
liutod at Iiiikovlow, Oregon Nov.
21, 1911. Nov.!'. lH'
Countv. Oreron. which In deacrihed
a follow : leinnlnif at the r orih
weat corner of Tn 27s. K12. K. Will
a me tie Meridan; tiience South H1
ml lea. Ihnnce Kaat 18 inilea. thene
north 12 mile, thence eaat 6 mile',
thence north 9 milca. thenre eaut 3
mile, thence north U mile, thence
weat 3 mile", thence north 6 mile,
thence weat 24 tnilea to nla -e of beirin
nlnir. Rummer Lake tirecinrt No. 2 in
Lake Countv. Oreiron. which la ilea-i-r
i lied an follow : -Keirinnintr al the
SK corner of Tn. 32.. KM. V. . W. M. 1
thence north 12 miba. thence eaut 6j
milea. thence north ft milca. thence eat ,
to Countv lire, thence aouth 9 milea. '
thence went to the ri'rihHnt corner of
To. 81S.. 1122. K.. W. M. aouth
6 milea. thence weat 12 milea. thence;
aouth 6 milea. thence weat V milea to
tilace of beviiuitriir. 1'au-lev nrecim-t i
No. 3. in Lake County. Oreifon. which
ia (ietcrihed aa follow" : Kctlnninf at
the northweat corner of To 33.S.. .
I6K .W.M. thence eaat to the nonhea t
corner of Td. 33.. K. 2')E.. W. M.
thence aouth C milea. theme weat 0
milea. thence aouth ! milea. thin-e weat
1 mile, thence aouth 12 milea. thence
went to the aouth went corner of Tn.
30.-.. K. 10 K.. W.M. thence north to
nlace of be if inn in if.
Lake tireeinct No. 13. in lake
rountv. Oregon which fa deacrihed aa
followa : Hee-inninir at the nrirtheaxt
corner of Lake countv. Orepon. thence
runninif weat alonv the north bonriUrv
line of Paid county to the norlliext
corner townahin 23 S.. K. K,K.. W. M
thence Pouth to the mnco lire
tween rantfea Ifl and 17 K.. W.M. thence
weat on the townhhiu line between
townahina 25 and 2oS. to the northen-.t
corner ( f 'I n. 20S. 1C. 15 K.. W.M in
the aouth eat corner of Tn. 27 S. K. 15
K.. W.M. thence eant on the boundary
line tietween townnhiiin 27 and 2S. a
diatance ot 3 milea. thence aouth on
the pection line a distance of 9
thence eaat on the section line to tl-e
eaat boundarv line of Lake Countv.
Oreiron. thence north on the eBft
boundarv line of Lake countv. Oreifon
to nlace of I cirinninir.
Southern Pacific "Sunset Route" will cut time between New
Orleans and San Francisco thirty hours and connect
with steamships for New YorkCars built of
steel and of the latest design
Si-r. Ice on the ' iiiinw-t Limited" will begin Dcemta-r 4th from New Orleaunnnil Ihe following (lay
from Sua FrunclHci). The trains will l'uveXew Orloann at l9:!!') noon Mondayn and Thernday8 of each
week mid arrive in I .oh AuueN-a al !;15 p. m. every Wednesday and Saturday and lu Ban Francisco at
11. 'Hi a m. the followinc days.
On the KnMern trip tniina vviil li-uve San Francisco at 6:30 p. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays, Loh
AiiKoles at N::5(l 'i. in. the follow iiii: days nud arrive in Now Orleans at 7:20 p. m. every Friday and Tues
day, thus ('lilting the i lint.!.. time la-tween Sao Francisco au 1 New Urieaas to seventy hours and Hfty
min litis.
The trains will cntisir of only mx cirs nnd thus the high speed that will be demanded to make the
schc'htle may du iiinintaiii. il w t Ii c. imperative eus.3.
Knch train will carry onlv a ilvnumo nnd bnu:i;i;e car, a diper, three dra wlnjj-room sleepers nnd
nnd an olisotvatlon car Tin' slot pin :i ml druwinn-iootu cars will bo tiolshed io niahoaoj and other
beautiful bHrdwinnff ami furni-li-il i i luxurious fashion. The Kloeplnir cars will each contain ten sec
tions, two ci iiipiirtiiioiiti ami a I r iwiuu-rooni. They are being built witii speciil regard to the comfort
of women ati'l the in ciniiiii i liitioii- fur them will tie most commodious. A ladles' maid, manicure and
bairdroi-sor will aid in arlng for tlio tiee ls of women.
The men will nlso bo well taken care of, there lieing a barber, shower hatb, arrangements for pres
flug clot lies tad a stenographer aboard.
Horths are to bo electric lighted, both upper and lower aud electrle fanH will cool th air of the car.
The dust and dirt of truns-continental travel will b eliminated by the insta Ution of vacuum
cleaners that will d away witii the offensive up of the dirt In the cars. At all terminals, trains
will be given telephone connections and travelers will be enabled to talk with frieuds In the city without
leaving the cars.
The luxuries afforded the traveler and the speed attained Bre such that an excess fare of Ton Dollars
ill be charged between the two terminals.
For further information apply to Agents or District Passenger Agent, Iieno, Xev.
Send for Monarch literature--it thoroughly explains Mon--arch
construction. Try the Monaroh: you will at once learn
that its superiority actually rests in the machine itself,
not merely in what we say abput it.
Monarch machines
Plan. A post card
307 Bush Street
And it further anneirine- to the aat
lafactlon of the ("otirt that in Fort
KiH-k nrerlnct a maiorltf of the votef
cat were for tirohilntion. it ia con-
Nidered. ordered and ahiudired that
aaid nrohibttion order of June 12. lfKIM.
be and the aame ia herehv ia continued
in full force aa to aaid Fort Rock nre
cinct No. 14. which is deacrihed at)
follnwa :
Kcirinnine' at the northeaat corner
of Lake countv. Oregon, thence runninir
eaat alonir the north boundary line of
aaid count v to the northeaat corner of
Jo. 238.. K. IH K W.M.. thence runn
inir aouth tin the rane line tetween
Hanca IB and 17K . W.M to the
aoutheaat corner of To. 2.rS. R. 16R..
W.M.. thence weat on the townahio line
lietween Tna. 25 and 20 to the nor h
eaat corner of Td. 2fiH. K. 15 R. W.M.
thence aouth on ran ire line between
ranirea 15 and 16B.. W.M.. thence weat
' o i the Townahin line between Toa.
20 and 27 to the weat boundary line of
I Lake countv. Oreifi n. thence northerly
! a I on ir the west boundary line of said
I countv to nlace of beirinninir.
! I)one in onen Court November 14.
j 1911.
I Thereunon Court adjourned to meet
Wednesday. Nov. 15. 1311 at 9 o'clock.
i a. m. '
I In thn I'. Mntu (..irt r,t lla SIfoto
of Oiepon. for the Countv of Lake.
In the matter of the incorporation of
the Town of Paialey. Lake County.
Thin matter cominir on regularly to
b" heard at this time to canv the
votes cat at an election held October
l'Jth. 1911. to determine whether or
not an unincorporated oortion of Lake
county. Oreiron; hereinafter described
i uuiiiT, iiirifuii, lie i t-iim i icr ucBriiitru
dhould be in orporated bs a municipal
corooration un ler the general laws of
the State ot Oregon, and it aouearing
to the satisfaction of this Court from
the proof of publication on file herein.
I that the notice of such election there
fore given bv the order of this court
was dulv and regularly oubliahed for
the period of two weeks prior to the
date of such election in the Chewaucan
Press, a newspaper of general circuU-
The employer who considers
his employees as well as him
self will secure a better day's
The light key actionan ex
clusive Monarch feature so
lightens the operator's labor
that she turns out a greater
volume of work, proportionately
increasing the value of her
services .
The thoughtful
may be purchased on the Monthly Payment
will bring full information.
tion nrinted and niibllhed weekly at
and within the nronoaed limit of said
corporation aa deacrihed in the order
for publication and the returns for such
elnction havinc been duly presented
tn this court for canvaas. the court
did on the first Wednesday of its next
regular term after such election, towit.
on the first dav of November. 1911.
proceed to canvass the votes cast at
aucn election, which said proceeding of
canvasalna- the votes cast at such elec
tion was thereafter continued to and
until the fith dav of November. 1911 and
strain thereafter continued to and until
the 13th day of November. 1911 and
unon a completed canvass of said vote
it annearinir to the satisfaction of the
court that majority of the votes cast
at sucn election were for incorpora
tion. Now. therefore. It ia hereby ordered,
adiudired and declared that the follow
ine oeacribed territory ia duly incor
porated as a municioal corporation
under the name and stvle of the Town
of Paialev.
Starting at the SW corner of Section
24. To. 333 K 18B..W.M.. thence mnn
inir north to the south bank of the Che
waucan river, thence following the
meander of the south bank of sa-d riv
er in an easterly direction to the divid
ing, line between the Nl and the Si ot
said section 24. thence running cant to
the NE corner of the NWJ of tho SE1.
of said section 21. thence eaat 500 feet,
thence running south one half miles to
the section line between Sections 24
and 25. in said Township and range,
thence running west to the SW corner
of sain section 24. thence running eaat
tn r,liiA rtf Kocrinninir and it further
1 nn.,inif in th Psiiirt t hat thA fnllnUT-
i ... ... .
i n"Ted persons received the highest
number of votes cast at said election
for the respective officers as follows:
For Mayor C. E. Campbell.
For Alderman R. B. Jackson. V.
Conn.M. C. Currier. P. J. Brattain. V.
O. Morgan. B. F-Cannon.
For Recorder A. A. Farrow.
For Marshal A. G. Clarkson.
For Treasurer Geo. Park.
Cooildued next week
sum w aui aj.iMjauima.iiB-.iiitjiuiti..m.i ullij..omjiih mat
employer must
San Franoisco, Cal