Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 21, 1911, Image 5

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    mr iTiiiignnr?
Town Property
f.HMK) (Ml Take (i fine new tmiK'il"W on Flower Ht., ctiiitolnlng ."i room flnlshf-d
"Wo Soli Tho float Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
$1 5(1
f 10 00
Per acre for He acrnn of g-odtrAlon lrtnl D Kit Warner, 00 miff from
lAkevl?w. F,'iy (nil..
I'er acre for 1'JO with Itrvpror.trn -fits, Inm ami biro, alt In mea
dow, H mllnn noiith Mt of fjikevievr. Ku.r term.
Per ncre for 40 cn with wnti-r running thr 1114I1 It.
Per acre for 80a!re.V mil NVTof i.akfrl'W, pring on It, trrms.
for acre for 10 acre 4? iiiIIcm. lth li acrj water rUht. high igw brash
growing thereon. Kany term.
Ver acn for 200 vr of tlmb-r Ian 1 within 4 tnllo of 1'iwii, giKrrU"d
to rut at W-a-t fflCK) cord of w nkI. wh-ti cl"ir-'l will mike nt profit
if $I.1,XK and.ttiH lan'l to th ,.!. K , triin.
Taken HO a-rn timber Unl 1U mlle-t wm of Lfikvl.
v. I'll Mini il ilcr slid sll tli, ,itpi linoi'ivi'iin-nl model home.
I'ur 4 room roi f gc on VVhIit Ht,, hi 2 x 1 1 mi, , ii mv icrnn.
! up room Iihii iiimi M iln A1., In rsx .. iv run.
For 7-r roMliti-ui'M, Imili ri'ini, cil'ir, woo Uiied, htrn, rnrrltg
tioiiM.-, frnll liii-H, lurit I tlrlnMH lo IhimIih-m center on WiUor Ht,.. coihv
Fur IhimIimoh ul!lr( lilnrk. new mid In g uv unler. J ii right for lin-niue
Investment, U is iM-rri-nt iimi after pj lug muh-r, lusiiroinc, Ugn
tiinl t n i m. K i v riiiM
Inftc County Crnmtncr
TIM 1C-IA Y. IM i;.MHI.Ii Ittll.
For swept doer mil on J. I'. Duck
wurlh. I. Vogue nil Hint conM at (ln
Men- l'.
J. H. Kuriia. of I'lunli. wa in (own
pn'.Frldav lst.
S. C. Campbell wm in (own Friday
from Drown )m.
( J. H. Pickett, of Merrill. w hum of
taut weak' visitor.
J. M. Klrkpatrlek. of Willow Ranch,
waa in town Tuesday.
Northern I.ako I tn have a big
rabbit tlri vc in December Ik).
J F. N. A mot wan down from Summer
l ake on Sunduv of thia week.
J. V. Hussev. of fine Creek. wh a
visitor hnro on Matunlav lHt.
"Nothinir now In ritv afTalrii thia
week." aava Mvor Kincliarl.
I'at Murohv. tnu I'lunh Ijuainoaa man.
waa one of TurmlHv'it viaitori.
Kum I'hriittmoH rnnlv. Z'c per uouml
at the Lakeviuw Novelty Store.
Nlre line of Inillen' (wo piece. Illi'l
union uiiiier wear at Mere. Co.
1j. Willi delimited thia morninif for
Klamath Kalla for a holiday vlnit.
The IxMt Imller oliver'n 10 renlM
er pound t Itu liei 'o-ChIi ..tore. .
If y oil wiui t a really nuod amoke
fur a nil kle, try Miii'kman'i l.i i'li r.
Money tn loan at 6 iter cent. Aimly
to J. I) Venator. State Land Attorney.
Klurnalh Fall in emleavorinti to ae
cure a IO.IXHI (!arnei;iu litirnrv liuild
inif. Fred Snider, of the Itov Chiindler
tanrh.. wmt in town lait week on Ijimi
neaa. See HurrU fur went her HtniiH. Stop
eold drauirhl.i. makea homes .coinforl
n tile.
If vou wont nnv Winter Hanat.a o
ulea. Jiiniitirv deliverv. aeo A. W.
Gill Arthur, tho well known Went
Side ranel,v. ni in town Siiturdav for
; Maurice Murnhv. tho l'aialev nheeu
innn. waa one of the week'a local
II. M. Darhv. of Denver, ("olorado.
was reentered at the 1 luted Lakeview
laat wtek.
Girls I Here is vour ehaiu-e. Lean
Year danco at Wiiard IU1I on New
Year's niirht.
Kaluh Kooier. of the Herald force.
Sunday, left for San Fruncisco on a
businens visit.
Sleiuh ridmif is tho popular mune
ment these dava among thime who can
alTord sieirh.
J. C. DodHon and wife wero uason
aers for Davis Creek on the special
Sunday train.
FurnlHlieil front room, Kro1'"1' lfor,
I bliM-k from IniHiiicHM center. Fiiiiitrc
Kxuiuluer ollli-e. N'l I If
A new hotel into be built Ht Konanzu
bv 1'ontmuHtor Clopton. Ulv ahould
follow suit.
Hon. W. Lair Thompson iH making
n holiday viwit HinotiK frienda in the
Willamette vullev.
Good dry l(i inch hoimI for sale Jy
H. M. Tairo. . I.cnvi onh-rH with l.
She mum K.iiHter. 2 22
A. E. Florence ot the Lakeview
Mercantile Co.. made a trio to Drews
Valley Tuesday.
J. F. Hanson, the West Side ranch
man and contractor, was doina business
injtown Mondav.
S. J. Dutton came uo from Davis
Creek on tho ; Sunday special, return
ina the aame dav.
(loud team of liorm'H, harneat, wt
on, bay ami jfrnlu for aulocbeap. Ap
ply t U. T. Ntriplin.
J. Itiltinsrs left this morning lv tiro
for Chieuiro viu Paisley and
be'gano for r month.
Mr. and Mrs. Jav Holchkiss. Satur
day, came In from their ranch and re
mainei over Sunday.
Frank Guidon, the well-known Keno
hotel man. died.lnst,week after an .Ill
ness of several months.
A. J. Paulson was another of the
Davis Creek people who visited with
us during the pust week.
ffcThe mail and 'express packaires. con
taining Christmus goods, continue to
arrive in luriro (luantitius.
17.r)0"l'iesti" collar . $
uvere at Hpocliilly priced "wt!i
lor Friday mid H.iturdiiy
fur 12.5U lit
Found A bunch of kevs on Main
street. The owner can (tct them by
the asking at the postollice.
(ieo. Keid a few day since ramn In
from Newrll station to spend the holi
davs wilh Lakeview friends.
cm tho We' Side, were In town the
forenart of Ihe week.
Christmas tree have been much "In
demand during the Past few davs. and
Kile St ri nl in has done his best to have
the populace supplied.
Harry Itiiur. tho Warner Valley Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Drown
ranrher and stockman, waa In (own last ! children. Sundsv. left for San
week on a himincsa visit.
Gabriel Arner hns just completed
the erection ot a very nice barn on his
lots in the Drenkel addition.
K'ubik at ill Cuira llunlil!ig work
Unit r prmnptly tilled. II. M. 1'ryse.
Ililiiiirs north M. K. church.
Kiid'ik ami Cniui'ta fliiUhiiij; work.
Orders promptly llllad. II M. l'ryse,
:i noi th M '.. church.
Mr. Sti MrKeo waa uuite ill last
week, but is now considerably improv
ed and able to be about again.
resident of the
remain on a
Cisco, were thev expect to
several week's vacation.
Geo. H. Small, of Silver Lake I
attending the winter at Willow. Cal..
to which place he has ordered hi coov
of the F.xsmincr forwarded.
During the absence of Supervisor
derwent an operation several weeks
no. She is now feeling considerably
better and a permanent recovery is
looked for.
Mesirs. L. F. and I,. C. Carlock.
residei. ts of southern California, were
visitors here on Friday of last week.
These irentlemen are brothers and are
making a trio throuuh this section of
the country with a view to locating
Mias Annie Nmvth and Samuel Hart
xel were united in marriage at the
home of the bride's pi ents. Mr. and
Mrs. Georire Smvth. at Mt. View
ranch. Klamath county. Sunday, at
view property at present prices means
profit to you. For bargains In Town Lots,
West and South of Business Center, at
$5.00 down and $5.00 per month, call
or write to
lirown. of the Forest Scrviee. the busi- , nr)oi . lii.v. J. 15. (iritfith performing
nesa ol the office Is bcinir handled by
Aasisstant Kamer Kradlev.
Guv and Lvnn Cronemiller. who are
at present attending the Ore-ron Agri
cultural Colleue. are exneetel back
here Saturday for the holiday.
T. Watkins. a
Davis ('reek section, was a visitor
here on Thursday of last week.
Tim several inches of snow which
fell Saturday niirht has iriven a real
Christmus appearance tn thinir.
Dr. K. I). F.vcrctt ha been acting
as clerk in Thornton'a Drug Store dur
ing the absenee of Mert Snvder.
F. A. Fitznatrick la down from the
X ranch wo l will remain wit), hia
family until after the holiday.
Christinas is preeminently the child
ren's feKtal ocnanion. Dm't overlook a
chance to make some child hannv.
F.. J. Davis, of Paislev. was among
the many people from that town who
visited with us durimr the week.
H. W. F.lliott. the barber, left for
his old home in Helleville. Kansas. Sun
day, where he expects to remain.
Dave HiirierstNlf was one of tho
Paislev cuiitinveiils who appeared in
our niidMt the forepart of the week.
Felix Green, the Pine Creek rancher,
sin-nt several days here the earlv part
of trie week renewing acquaintances.
A delayed shipment of toys received
last evening at the Lakeview Novelty
store. The assortment is complete.
(). F. Nelson will visit among his
home folks at Portland during the holi
days, having left bv stage this morn
K. A. Whilon and F. K. Small, who
reentered from the U.S.S. Justin. San
Francisco, were among Sunday's visi
tors. Tom Sherlock, the well known ran
cher and sheeptnaa. was uo from
Davis ('reek for several dava the past
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Carriker. of the
West Side, were In from their ranch
last week attending to various business
F. P. Cronemiller. Receiver in tho
II. S. land office, has resumed his d it'es
there after cnioving a several weeks
Geo. S. Park. Treasurer of the Town
of Paislev. was in town the early part
of thu week looking after some busi
ness matters.
Put Toomuv. a former employee of
tho Chandler ranch and now a resident
of Sun Krnnciaco. was a visitor here on
Sunday last.
Tho ladies of tho Catholic Altar
Society expect to meet this afternoon
with Mrs. Kate Daly, at her home on
Center street.
Don't forget bovs - the girls will do
tho cniuiring of dances, and take vou
to supper Ht tho big New Year's Dance
at Wizard Hall.
William Bovdstun. of tho Heath
Chandler ranch, was in town the fore
psrt of the week combining business
with pleasure.
Norman G. Jacobson. of the Forest
Service. Sunday, left for San Francis
co and other California points on a two
week's vacation.
Miss Laura Snclling. who is now
teaching school at Plush, is expected
back here within the next dav or two
for thu holidays.
On account of their masquerade, on
Monday night, the Wizarda decided to
postpone their regular Saturday night
dance this week.
Bert Snvder. of the Thornton Drug
store. Saturday, returned from Port
land, where he took the State examina
tion for pharmacy.
! Big prenaratlons are now being made
bv the Wizards for the Christmas danca
' to be .given in their hall next Motxlav
niirht. A targe crowd Is expected.
Do vou want to be hanuv during
Christmastime? Just see how many
other people vou ran make hannv. Ihe
, experiment is well worth trvinir.
! Mr. and Mrs. Huiro Levva. Mondav.
left for Summer Lake, where they ex
pect to spend the holidavs aa (he
1 guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Barnes.
' Miss Ida Howard has returned to
t her home in Drews Vallev. after
spending a week or more here as the
truest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arthur.
Jav Billinifs. who has been hee
' for the past month or so working
-Bteadiiv. will leave tomorrow for Sum
mer Lake and a big Christmas dinner.
I Mrs. John McAulilfe is reported to
be ouite nl with pneumonia at her
home on Center street. Her many i
locut friends hope fur her speedy recov
ery. i Mr. and Mrs. c'. W. Dent, of the
! .... 1 I - - I
r nriier lounirv. nnvc uvuii uri nun
l'luhli during the Past week as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dvke
mnn. , Miss Alice McGnith. until recently
of tho local telephone office. Mondav
morning, left for Kockv Ford. Colo-
I rado. where she will probably locate
Harold Fraim and Dave Fouts were
in town the forepart of the week from
jtheO.V.L. surveying crew. Thev re
port everything progressing nicely with
the purtv.
Having expended turns $3.r.000 for
the erection of a water works the citi
zens of Alturas are now engaged in
organizing a lire department, on the
volunteer plan.
The.White Pelican hotel at Kamath
Falls has a new manager in the person
of Paul Johnson. If the hotel is kent
JD to Paul's standard of living it will
certainly be going some.
I Martin Lauritzen. the Paisley ran
cher nnd stockman, was in town on
Tuesday of thia week, en route to Cal
i ifornia points. Mr. Lauritzen expects
: to be absent for Beveral weeks.
' Pictures make mont appropriate
gifts, and the Lakeview Novelty Store
last evening received a delayed ship
ment. The line Includes Madonnas,
scenery, etc., and is very complete.
' Work on the new burn being built for
j ChHrles Umbach. north of the Linviile
residence on Main street, is now very
nearly completed. The barn is Quite
' large, and will hold a large quantity
I of hav.
I Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Dicks, of Crooked
Creek. Sunday left for California,
where thov will remain for several
weeks. The estate of Mr. Dick's
brother is tn be settled within the next
W. Uo.ihe Fick. tho timber locator,
was admitted to practice before the
Li. S. land office Tuesday. He bus the
distinction of being the onlv one of his
calling who can practice in the land
The board of lady managers of the
Public Library wish to announce
through the Examiner that on and after
next Sunday the library will be ODon
for visitors everv Sunday afternoon
from 2 till 5 o'clock.
Word has been received here to the
street that Mark Getty, who left this
citv some six weeks ago. hus located in
Chicago, and is at present studying
tho rercmonv.
"Rairs." the well known doe belong
ing to Norman Jacobson. of the Forest
Service. Sunday, attempted to follow
the first N.-C.-O. train to leave Lake
view for the south. He was finally
pursuaded to turn tiHck and did so with'
much reiret.
The pew heads for the new Catholic
Church were received here last week
and have been put in position. The
interior work on the church is now yerv
nearly completed, and the first services
will be held in the building at 10 a. m.
on Siinoav next.
It is a peculiar condition of the
human mind which enables one to get
the most happiness out of life who is
of the most service to his fellows.
There is m.ire jov comes to him who
snends his time in doing good to others
than in cervine himself.
Becare ulfellow.-vou will be fined; he h,g
cents if you cross the floor without)
10 cents
a ludv escort at tho Wizard's bid
New Year's Dunce.
Mr. and Mrs. F.url Abbott, who are
now residing at the old llutchina place
surroundings very well
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Arthur are ex
pected back hero in a few days from
Sun Francisco, where Mrs. Arthur un-
tit.fiO IIovh Hiilta hih'C-
tally piii'i d lr Friday
ad Kiiliirday fl.iO at
l.60 and iri.OO Hoys . ;
suit simcUlly priced for "i
Friday and Saturday y
for :i..ri0 at
" BieU r's Cash Hun-" is ad vertlaing
a Hpccinl nale of iih-u'h f :iti.K) suIih for j
Frldiv and Saturday of thin win-k for
fl.75. Here Is an opportunity fur
yctil to ii-t a silt at a prl that will
ktfp lilelier'n Cach Store in your mind
all of pi-xt year.
Complaint comes from Fort Rock to
the etlYi-t that autoists are puiltv of
"wire-fence cutting when there was a
00 foot hiirhwav thev could have
traveU J on." Warning is given that
parties euiltv of such an act the secona
time will get into trouble.
Silver Lake Leader: Andrew Foster,
countv assessor, went rabbit hunting
this week and filled his buggy so full
of jacks that or.e of the axles broke.
G. A. Johnston, who ii repairing the
rig vouches for this story.
Sheritr W. B. Snider and D. P. Mal
lov returned home Saturday bv train,
the sheriff having made his entire trio
from Portland via San Francisco to
Lakeview bv rail, having Peen the first
person to be able to do that.
Mr. and Mrs. Fangree. who have
resided at the old Frank Lane place
at the south end of town for about six
monthB or more. Sunday, left for Eu
gene, where ihev will probably locate
Dcimnnentlv. Mr. and Mrs. Paneree
were O.V. L. contract holders.
Jacob Rueck hus been chosen presi
dent of the Horsefly Irrigation Project
and Francis J. Bowne secretary. This
is the first project to be organized un
der the State law and its progress will
therefore be watched with interest
throughout the arid section.
The school children are all now en
joying their annual two weeks Christ
mas vacation, which started last Mon
dav morning. Exercises were held Fri
day afternoon of last week in the vari
ous classes, and Christmas trees were
features in the lower grades.
Mrs. Walter Paton. who left a few
davs ago to undergo an operation in
San Francisco, is expected back here
in a few davs now. Mrs. Paxton is
feeling much better than before leav
ing tor California, which her manv lo
cal friends are glad to hear.
Practically all the stores in town
have on exhibition a very complete line
of Christmas goods. The shopper will
have no trouble in satisfying his wants
provided he arrives earlv enough to
avoid the rush. The windows this year
all present a very fine appearance.
During the past few davs the weather
has been cool enough to prevent one
troin incurring the danger of being
easily overheated wnile oocuoied out
of doors, and still it has not been un
comfortably cold. No one that we have
heard of has suffered seriously. The
snow that has fallen has been a god
send to the sotck on the range.
The school census or enumeration of
the children of the citv district was
taken, as the law directs, during the
last week in November, and the report
of ti e same will be presented bv the
school clerk. Mrs. Charles Umbach. at
the next meeting of the schnol board.
Up to the present time the results of
the enumeration are not known.
Just received a re-order
consisting ot
Reprelant Flannels, special
value at . $1.50
Heavy dark blue, plain and
military front, $2.00 & $2.50
All wool with the new mili
tary collar, a handsome Shirt,
at $3.00
$i0.U0 Muu'm suit, spec- , v
tally pried for Friday rlff?
and Saturday 15.73 at Ua'
Glove Brand Rubbers and
Walk-Over Shoes
ere They Are
Every Ladies' Suit in the House Must
GoAnd Go Quick.
I' 'I
'ii-:! ' h :
Jl:t:. . i .
i ) i
Look At These Prices:
Regular $1G.50 Suits, now $11.00
1S.50 " 44 12.50
20.00 " 44 14.25
22.50 44 44 16.50
25 00 44 17.50
27.50 44 44 18.50
30.00 44 44 19.50
44 . 35.00 44 44 22.50
7TT Also a few Ladies' & Misses'
JJ l9J0 Coats to go at Exactly
' Half Price. Come and look
them over they are bargains.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.