Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 21, 1911, Image 3

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Salem. Doc. 11. Otetnin U entitled
to send ten delegates to thn national
convention, Mcrl inir to fomniunlra
tlon received liv Sceretnrv f Slate
Olrott from WlllUm llavward. net In if
aerrr-tarv of the- Republican national
central committee.
At tlio last election thin atate hail
eight, nut since then Multmiman haa
been mml. a congressional district, glv
I n ir thn slate two tuort. In hi com
munication Mr. Ilavwarl. after mint
Inir the law, savs there Id no provision
for alternative delegate. Ho savs :
"Said national convention ahull con
alat of four dclciratca-at-largo from
each state, two delegate lor rarh
relirefciilatlvc-at lurve In tho congress,
two dclcvalca from carh congressional
dlatrirt and from each of thn territories
of Arizona, Now Mexico and Hawaii,
two ilclcirate from thn Dlatrirt of
Columbia and two tlclcvalca rarh from
Alaska. IVrlo Rico and thn I'hillipine
Island. I'or cut h delegate elected to
thla convention an altrrnaln dclriratu
hall he rhoacn to acrxe in anna of tho
absence of hia nr inc-i ihI. "
According to thn statute under para
graph "d." there ia no firoviaion made
for alternative who would he railed to
servo in thn absence of their tirlni'inala.
The Flection of delegate makea no
provision for the election of an alter
native, and there ia aome doubt aa to
how thia oueation will work out.
vldinir for a parcel post avatnm.
Tho measure will authorizo an In
crease to eleven pound In the size of
fourth clns mail psckavca from the
Present maximum of four pounds and
at thn nil mo timn nrovido for diminu
tion of rharvna from the orcnent rate
of one rent an ounre,
I'ounil narkage will lie carried for
ten rmta. with an additional rharge of
four renin for each additional pound.
For tho smallest package provided for.
weighing H ounces, there will lie a
charge of C ( cut. Incase in which
thn nark aire dura riot go hevond the
rural route on which it originate, the
charge will ho reduced one half.
About Growing Dates
Where thn hot wind of the Sahara
meet the vnndure of thn oasia the Aral)
Iiltrhea hia lent under the nalm treea
bv a limnid fountain and laving down
on hia nravnr ruir ho turna hia face to
the F.aat and thanks Allah for bring
Inir him to pleaaaiit tilacea where he
and his camels mav rest.
Did vou know that tho date Dalm
which givca the Arab bread and meat
and sweetmeats, which furnishea him
littrrallv with the atatr of life, are
grown in Southern California and that
thev will be shown at the San Diego
KxuoHtinn hearing great clusters of
ripening fruit?
For ten vnara the United Statea De
oar I men t of Agriculture has been ex
pcrimentinir with dates in Arizona and
Southern California. It has had brouirht
from Kuviit. Arabia, from the Soudan,
and from everywhere that the date
grows, the fluent kinds of date palms to
be found in those countries, and ita
For centuries China haa been bound
In political alaverv. Ho onoresaed and
Le pfghled were the masara that it
Washington. Dec. G. With the end .P,m-,i it .new rould never arise to
in view of supplying a basis for the ' ram u,t.r t.,rthriirht of freedom. But
work of tho Committee on I 'oat Office china haa awnxencd. In a patriotic
and Tost roada. Senator Jonathan J -mJ rutri.,j B.,bnct .Dr. Vat .Sen. she
llnimm aoon will Introduce a tjlll pro-. f.ln,i - ,t(vfrnr from th. ml. nf in
Manchua. and the people have thrown
off the folda of the Imperial dragon
which had a I moot destroyed them.
From London haa come private ad
vices that Dr. Sun. a acholar and dip
lomat wtdl known In London haa come
private advices that Dr. Sun. a scholar
and diplomat welt known In lindon.
New York and I'arla. la to become
president of the first provisional
government now be Inn eatablished at
Shanvia, the raoitul of the Republic
of China, and that bv the first of the
vear the now government will be fully
established. The old China ha all but
passed awav. and In ita place haa come
a new republic with a constitution
promising liberty, justice, aelf govern
ment and brotherly love. The rhanire
ia a I mod too great to credit. Dr. Hun
promised that all foreign rivhta shall
be fullv respected, and foreign enter
prises will be encouraged, lie appeals
to the I'owers to permit thn solid es
tablishment of the new government,
declaring that the Chinese will never
submit to the retaining? of power bv
the Manchua.
Reno Gazette : It ia stated on (rood
authority that at a conference held
Wednesday afternoon at Ogden be
tween Kd Hanane. one of the ownera
of the liluhter property of the Jar
hrldire district and George Wingflcld.
president of the Goldfleld Consolidated
company, a deal waa consummated bv
which Mr. Wingileld secure the con
trol of thia property on the basia of
7.riO.(KK) for the whole. The deal, there
fore Involves practically SWIO.OOO. aava
the Salt Lake Trjbune.
Mr. Wingfield ia operating the Sue
cess property at Jarbridge. which ad
loins the muster, and the latest re
ports have it that he haa drifted to
within twenty feet of the Muster linea
on excellent void ore. demonstrating
that the Sucresa resources are extend
into the Illuster. making. the latter
well worth tho price stipulated.
I hia la one or the largest deals in
the history of Jarbridge. and it ia with
out Question the most important, aa
Mr. Wineheld undoubtedly haa a great
respect for the camo aince beginning
hia Success property operations. The
deal promises to attract public atten
tion aa nothing else could, and the
scientists have patiently cultivated
these date nalma and have experiment-i orooortv owner thero houl'1 find
i m. ..ui.. ,.. i..- iianital more willing from now on to
in the I vcr,ture in that held
tw.nn.t. 1 All who are familiar with Jarbridge
' .ml .a.Kn t... iro ......... M. Ulni.KnM
Last vear one date palm
Coachella Valley yielded 100
of datea which sold in l-os Angeles at
HO rents per pound. Fifty date palms
are act to the acre, ao that there ia
promise of good profit in raising datea.
The American Date Company experts
to have an acre of date palms in bear
ing at the Imposition in lulQ. although
the climate of San Diego Is not ao hot
a the date best loves.
Kvery fn mlly has neoil f a good, r
liable llnlii.cnt. For sprniiiH. Iimlncx,
sorelii'HH ( the iniiKcleM.and rliiMimatU'
paliiH there 1m none lx-t ter t ban Chsm
berlitln's. Hold by nil ileuliTH.
were vou married In Oregon by a
minister who live in aome other atate?
If vou were it la ud to you to hustle
right down to the county elerka office
and securo a new marriage permit
hunt uo a local minister and have the
knot tied over.
Miainatera of the gospel from other
tates cannot perform marriage cere
monies in Oregon. 'according loan opin
ion written bv Attorney General Craw
ford. The law requiring all n.iniatera
to file statements of their authority to
solemnize marriage contract, provide
thatthev shall be ministers or Driest
of churches or congregations within
this state. So Ministers from Nevada.
Washington, or anv other state cannot
cross the atate line and perform mar
riaito ceremonies in Oregon, nor can
they secure the right to do so bv anv
means. This opinion was written in
answer to an inquiry from Robert C.
Lee of Huntington, near the Idaho
boundary line in euHtern Oregon.
"I had been troubled with count I
putiou (or two yours and tried all of
the U'st iiliyalclaiiH in lirlstol, rutin.,
and they could do uothliiK for mo,"
writes Thos. 10. Williams, Mlddleburo,
Ky. ''Two rxickituoH of Cliaiuber-
laln'a fcJtoiuacli and Liver Tablets
cured ine." For xalo by all dealer.
Wliuruvor llirro sru unil niitfurliin from
kidney anil blnililiir allim iin, (ruin tmikscliu,
rlieuiiisclmn anil urlnury lrri'sulnrltlus, Koley
Kiituey I'll la will lielp tliem llilvl'liro. Ill, K ex-eiigiurar, suys: "I'lirvo years
K my kidneys becsinu io bad that I waa coin
pellud to itlvo up my vniflno suit quit Thero
was a ni'ViTo aeliliiR imlu over lliu lili,tcillo uU
by an Inllainulion ol lliu liladdor, and alway a
thick miillilumt Knl.iy Kidney i'ilU mailu mu
a nun ml and M umu I ounuiit nay ton mm li
lu I lie I r iralau" fur salu ly A I. Ttiuriitmi
operationa there careful study, believe
that h is working along the linea of
a big consolidation, and thev are cer
tain a merger .will be effected of a
number of Jarbridge comoanies within
the next few months. Conditinna at
the camo are at their best so far. and
everything points to this being one of
the most active aa well aa attractive
spot in Nevada gold mining during
Snap Shots
Will power and. won't power are much
Better one foot in the grave than
Pleasure often turna out to be
stepping atone to misery.
It la an easy matter to enconomize
when vou don't have to.
And the man who ahaves himself is
apt to cut his best friend.
If a man ia too slow to catch cold
can at least overtake him.
Some men imagine thev can get
what thev want only by Hunting for it,
All men desire riches and a few are
even particular how thev get them.
Horses that furnish the motive row
er for brewery wagons are driven to
univ a man wno is very rich can
afford to say all the things he would
like to sav. '
Many a man generates a dislike for
all ministers soon after having been
married bv one.
Spinsters are probably unhanpier
than married women are. .because they
have leas to worry about.
If there ia anyone we would like to
impose upon, it is the chaD who is for
ever trying to get something for noth-
i ng.
11 a man thinks he knows it all we
cun't help feeling s irrv for the mis
guided individual who undertakes to
convince him that he doesn't.
rr-v .Tin: imam on it HHAMi,
I.atilt'sl Auk ur lruf rUt A
lil-chra-tor'a luittmi J KrMB4lA
IM1U In It, tJ ami tioM H.cLliiAV
,,, with M. kkUMin.
rarlut- A.kfotf llt.J 111. . tVtt m
... yiHUI X.. I'll . at, I V
yctut kiiofjn&a Uei-t, iiMct. AlwivKetl-l
Thero ia a li'ltlnn down In tlio pliyalcal (or oca
ol leu aliown In annoylns ami painful kidney
uml bladder allmonla and urinary Irrugularl
tlva, Foley Kidney 1'lllaaroa aulundlil regula
linir and alri ngtliiiilna mudlclua at such a
tlmu. Try tlii'Ui. For tala by A L Tbiinucn
Fattening: Porkers
The value of short and middlings
aa a supplement to ground wheat in
feeding piga for fattening is the sub
ject of an experiment now being con
ducted bv I'rof. E. L. Potter of the
animal husbandry department of the
Oregon Agricultural College.
Eastern Oregon fa becoming greatly
interested in hog raising, and as shorts
and middlinua are the most available
supplementary feed for the wheat j
growers, the experiment will be of,
special value to that Dart of the state.
Other testa made bv the college prove !
wheat alone is not the best feed for
fattening purposes, and thus if some
good supplement easily secured bv j
eastern Oregon farmera is found it will !
do much to further the swine industry
of that part of the atate. j
The comparative value of scrubs and 1
well bred pig for fattening purposes j
is to be determined in another test of I
the experiment fsrm lor which a herd j
of 3l pigs ha been set aside.
Since February dailv records of all
the feed given the swine and monthly
records of their individual weights have '
been kept, and this is a regular part of '
the experiment farm work, for the1
purpose of gaining in time accurate j
knowledge of the total cost of pro
duction. Reliable results are not ex-
necttd until data for some vears can
be compiled and coordinated. Ear
tags with t umbers are to be put on all
of tho pigs to make identification 1
easier. The cost of fattening is already 1
fairly well known, but the cost of i
breeding and raising them to the
weaning point is aa vet a matter large-'
Iv of speculation. The new farm (
bought last summer makea it possible j
to raise swine under actual fsrm con
ditions. x
Lakcvicw's Business Houses
: ;;).v , y-'hx? ' "
St. Cloud. Minn.. Dec. 8 Governors
who are talking politics and not ex
plotiing the natural resources of their
country on the governor's special were
taken to task today at the meeting of
the Northern Minnesota Development
association bv Louis W. Hill, president
of the (ireat Northern Railway.
He declared that some of them were
talking politics In the east, where
their brand of politics is of no interest
and thut the Great Northern road haa
been receiving inquiry about the natur
al resources cf their states.
Mr. Hill created a mild sensation bv
this charge. He directed his remarks
especially to Governor Oswald West of
"The governor of Oregon is fritter
ing awav his time telling the east
what he knows about woman's sulTer-
rage and airing his personal views on
other public questions." he said. "What
does the east care for that? He is for
getting his state. That fellow is over
looking a big bet. He is exploiting
himself rather than his state."
When your feet are wet and cold,
and your body chilled through and
through from exposure, take a big
dost of Chamberlatu'H Cough Remedy,
bathe your feet tn hot water before
going to lied, and you are almost rer
tain to ward off a severe cold. For
ale by all dealers.
Tlila ii tlio verdict nf R. J. Howell. Tracv. O..
who bunt! lit Folo'a llnuev and Tar Cininuiiind
lor bis wife. "Her caae was the worat I have
ever seen, and looked like i mru ismh nl uini.
M.nilinu. Hit liiUKawcresnreandaliHCOtiKlu'it
alinuat luevaaa inly and her voice waahoarae
a.i.l uiAiab b'..l..U'u M......U .i..l . f
liroiiKht relief at once and less than throe boC
llea t'flciiU-d a cuuibluio cure" For aula bv A
L Thornton
T (J Good Business
to give your Printing to the Examiner.
QUALITY is the point kept in view
in all work, and it is distinguished for
its clear, clean, attractive appearance
and makes a most favorable impression
on the recipient. Money paid the Ex
aminer remains in Lake County an
important factor in Lhe upbuilding of
this seftiont
We are better prepared this year than
ever before to execute your Christmas
advertising in the finest and most ap
propriate style. You will be.benefited
by getting in touch with uss
Phone Five-Two-One
The Examiner Press
Lakeview, Oregon