Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 21, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 51
Rushing: Work All Along;
Line to Get Roadbed
Work U being punhod all along the
line in preparation for the exruraion
announced to take place January 0.
The work on the lex a I warehouse was
tint commenced lat week, an an
nounced, owing to delay In completion
of work at other txiirita on the line.
Several range are at work nar New
11 ne Creek, the one furthest north be
Injr near the Thruston ranch.
The ballanting crewa are maklnir
aatiafartorv progress, and it la ex
pected that to have the track in aafe
condition for the operation of traina hv
the llmcflxed for regular train tervice.
January 7. However, last Saturday
there waa a fall of aeveral inches of
"the beautiful." which caused a slight
delav in the work, althouirh It la not
expected It will caune a chknire of
plana in rtahliihlng train service.
Funeral of A. 8. Down
The funeral of the late A. 8. Down
occurred Thursday afternoon lent, and
! largely attended bv many of the
friends of the deceancd. The Maaonic
fraternity had charge of the ohsequlca.
aervicea being held at the M.E. Church,
conducted bv Hcv. Melville T. Wire.
The Masonic brethren then took
charire of the body and eacortcd it to
the Odd Frllowa cemetery where the
remama were interrel with the beauti
ful ritual eervit're of that order.
New U. of O. Coach
Dick Smith of Eugene, and late of
Klamath Kail, haa been choaen bv the
Oregon University authoritiea aa grad
uate coach for ita football team for
next vear. Pick la an attorney of aome
note who graduated aeveral veara ajro
at tho U. of O. and holda ita athletic
alTaira in high cm teem. Ilia acceptance
of the ooaitlon i presumptive of the
fact that the football team of next vear
will take a higher position on the grid
iron than it haa done in the pant. Dick
ii to aerve without nalarv.
A.O.U.W. Election
A meeting of the A.O.U.W. waa held
laat Thurndav evening lr the Maxonic
Hall. The annual election of officera
took place the following being eleoted
to the various positions : Mauler Work
man. K. D. Everett: Overaeer. K
Vandervort; Guide. Erneat brown;
Foreman. Sam McKee: Financier.
William (Junther; Recorder. Dan liren
Present System Inefficient
Water Impure Must
Build Anew
'Klamath Falla. Dec. 14 There will
Ibe no more tvphoid germs for the peo
tplo.of thia citv if the Council haa ita
wav. It haa been aome months ainc
the .agitation over the impure citv
water wua started, and the citv officials
tried in every wav to induce the water
oumptuw to get purer water, but the
laatamalvHia ahowa thut it ia still unlit
tor drinking purposes. The Council
baa taken ;the preliminary atepa to get
better water, and an ordinance haa
been passed which provides for acquir
ing a water ,ruht In the vicinity of
Aapen Lake, .on the went aida of the
Upper Klamath Lake. 20 milee from
thia citv, There are aeveral large
apringa in thia locality, and it haa been
determined that the water can'.be piped
here and distributed bv a gravity ava
Mayor Handurn and the Council aim
to sret the water and take all necessary
iteua for the eatabhahment of a muni
icioiiljHVStem. It ia not known what
action the Siskiyou Light & Power
Company, which now oncrutea the
water system in thia citv. will take in
regard to improving the water supply.
The company tried aeuveral experi
ment, but all of them proved unsuc
cessful, Tha uunpuncement was recent
ly roads that tho company would do
nothing further . until granted a new
franchise. The action of the Council
would Indicate that there will I no
new franchise and that if the necesa
arv honda ran be Moated the city will
have a municipal water evatem.
Downer Cleland
Augunt losner and Mia Nell C'le
land, loth well known young people
of the vicinity of Pluah. were married
In thla ritv veiterdav evening at 7:3o
1. M. at the residence of Mr. and Mra.
Wm. (Junther. In the preaence of a few
friends. County Judge Daly officiat
ing. The bride la one of the moat
popular young ladiea in that community
and ia the daughter of a well known
ranchman and cilixcn of Warner Val
ley. Mr. Horner, the bridegroom, ia
well to do atockman of the vallev and
of excellent atanding. E. A. Friday,
of the Plush Mercantile company,
brought the partiea over from I'luah in
hia auto. The Kxaminer extenda ita
beat wiahca to the bridal pair for their
continued hanoincaa through long
Holiday Custom to Be
Observed By the Local
Sunday Schools .
Some very aporepriate muaical fea
tures are to he given in the various
churches about town in connection with
the Christmaa exercises on Sunday
next. The rhoira of the different
churches have been putting in consider
able time in practicing and are now
fit" for the occasion.
On Saturday night. December 3,
the Methodist Sunday School will hold
ita Christmas exercises, there will be
a Christmaa tree. A bag of candy will
be given to every child attending,
whether a member of the Sunday
School or not. An aptirnpriate arogram
will be rendered. Thoae desiring to
out preaenta on the tree for their
family or friend are invited to bring
them to tha ch irch any time on Satur
day, a committee will receive them.
On Sundav the pastor will preach
on tonics appropriate to Christmaa. On
Sundav night several special muaical
numbera will be rendered. Attend
ance of one and all is cordially invited.
The I'rcsbvterian Sundav School has
been buav the dhhI three weeks prepar
ing for their Christmas exercises.
Every member ia enthusiastic, taking
part in recitationa drills and aong.
The music, costumes, tree and Santa
Claua are the attraction for Deo. 23rd.
Saturday evening at 7:30 P. M. All are
The Bantirt Sundav school haa also
made preparations for a Christmas
tree and appropriate exercises in con
nection therewith.
Prospective Teachers
Teachera' examinations are taking
place thia week at the court house.
Mitts Docia Willits and Mra. L. F. Conn
being the conductors. The following
named persona are applicants for State
certificates: Mra. T. J. rJvans. of
Paislev; Mrs. L. R. Standard, of Lake-
view: J. A. Itichards. of New 1'ine
Creek and N. J. Henley, of Summer
Dance Postponed
The Degree of Honor. A.O.U.W
O08tooned their dance, which waa to
lave been given Iut night, until after
the Christmaa and New Year'a holi
daVHk No definite time haa aa yet been
set for the affair, but the ticketa now
out will be good avhn the dance doea
take place. Tha Workmen are co
operating with the Degree, and a big
dance ia assured.
Masonic Election
At the last regular meeting of Lake
view Lodge No. 71. A. F. & A. M.. the
following officers were elected to aerve
during the ensuing term: W. lmW
Thompaon. W. M. : J. L. Clark. S. W. ;
E. E. Woodcock. J. W. ; A. W. Orton.
Sec. : J. Ii. Auten. Treas. On St. Johna
Dav. Dec. 27. ther will be a joint in
stallation of officers with the Order of
EuHleru Star, to ho followed bv a ban
auet. Woodcock & Leonard are at the front
aa uaual with a handsome calendar. It
ia of a ruHtio nature, the most prom
inent figure being a representation 0f
bin buck.
Some Unknown Vilfain PutsStrych
nine Into Sugar Bowl
Joe Ambrose, the Well Knotfn West Side Rancher
find Ills Mired Man Almost Done to Death
Same Dose Kills Two of His Fine Hogs
Joe Ambrose, a ranchman of Por
tugese birth who resides on the West
Side of the vallev. reports that on laat
Tuesday evening aa he ana hia two
hired men. one of whom waa a carpen
ter, began to partake of their tuoper.
they diacovcred a atrangelv bitter
taste to the codec and tea. in which
sugar had been added. Mr. Ambrose
had taken a bud of the tea and the
othera had merely tasted their coffee.
He at once made up bia mind that the
beverages had been poisoned, eo be
poured the coffee and tea into the alop
pail and tried the sugar, which he
found to be of a bitter taste. He car
ried the bIod to two cf bia hogs and
thev became aick at once and shortly
afterward died. He himself became
deathly aick. but bv taking a auantitv
of grease mixed with aalL he soon re
covered. Somebody bad olaced strych
nine in hia sugar bowl. Dr. Smith of
thia citv waa aent for at once and ar-
The Examiner Wishes
Mony People Go Out On
First N.-O.-O. Pas
senger Train
In accordance with hia agreement.
General Manager Dunawav aent a
special train ud from Davia Creek to
convey. a number of Lakeview people
to that point where thev took the reg
ular train Monday morning for differ
ent points. The outgoing passenger
were Mr. and Mra. W. Lair Thompson.
Mr. and Mra. J. N. Watson. Mr. and
Mrs. U. D. Brown. K. E. Kooaer.
Norman Jaoobson. Mra. S. T. Colvin
and aeveral othera.
Mr. and Mra. E. R. Patch were also
paasongera aboard the train. Mr.
Patch will vihlt numerous California
cuius ana expects to return with a
bunch of prospective investors on the
excursion train January 7.
J rived within three houra. He adminis
tered emetica to Ambrose's hired men
1 and thev soon recovered from the
'effects of the poison. Mr. Ambrose
states tnat he and one of his men were
working that afternoon in a lot a
; hundred yards from the house bevond
a atrawstack out of sight of the house,
and the carpenter in a different diree
' tion. neither one of them having been
, in the house during the afternoon ;
that he ia sure the sugar waa not
affected at the noonday meal, aa all of
them had partaken of it then. Mr.
Ambrose ia ouite certain that none of
hia friends placed the poison in hia
sugar bowl and is entirely in ignorance
of the person who perpetrated the out
rage All that he knows is that be and
hia men made a very narrow escape
from death, and that he ia minus two
big bogs, his other hogs were in differ
ent per a had got none of the poisoned
a Merry Xmas to All
Mass and Sermon by
Father Schmitt Sunday
Morning: Next
Next Sunday, December 24. the new
Catholic church will be opened for' di
vine service. High Mass and Sermon
at 10 o'clock. After Masa Benediction
of the Blessed Sacrament.
Chriatmaa aervicea will commence
at 8 o'clock, with first masa. and 10
o'clock, high masa. All are cordially
Matniaa Schmitt. S. J.. Pastor.
Tho above announcement marks an
important epoch in the history of Lake
view and of Lake County. The. church
ia perhana one of the finest structures
of us aize on the count, oeinjr con
etructed of brick and atone. It would
be a credit to a town many
sue of Lakeview. and it ia n.
to add that we are all proud of it.
the aervicea will no doubt be lare
The fact that tne new Catholie
church baa been completed sufficiently
to permit ita being used for religious
aervicea. as it will be on Sundav next is
a matter of congratulation for tbeconv
mi'nitv. Hitherto the members of that
aocietv have been compelled to wor
ship in a private house, but hereafter
thev will possess and occupy their new
church building, which ia large and
commodious, and will be furnished in
good taste, affording aatisfaction to
the numerous communicants. Rev.
Father Schmitt ia especially to be con
gratulated on the opportune comple
tion of the new structure, be having
been especially aolicitoua in working
for the early completion of the work.
That thia end haa been brought about
bv the generosity of people of the com
munity of all Bhadea of religious thought
ia also a matter of congratulation for
the community aa a whole. The new
church building is a credit to the town.
Post & King: and Reno
Brewing: Co. First
to Get Busy
The warehouse district at the rail
road varda promises to be a busv place
for the next aeveral months. Post &
King have alreadv completed an ice
bouse at the foot of Bullard atreet.
while the Reno Brewing company ia
building a warehouse and ice storage
plant combined. The building will be
22x65 feet in aize. and ia being erected
under the supervision of J. C. Brock
lesbv. Other business bouses will erect
warehouses, and when work ia com
menced on the railroad depot and ware
bouse there will be quite a large num
ber of men emoloved.
Ignores Lafferty
Washington. Dec. 14. Congressman
Hawlev today recommended the re
appointment of Frank Davev as recei
ver of the Burns Land Office.
This action ia taken as an indication
of the Administration's ignoring
Laffertv's recommendations of candi
dates for important places in bia own
district, as it ia known Hawlev would
make no independent recommenda
tion for a place in Laffertv's district
unless be was requested to do so ty
the Administration.
Joseph E. Polk haa been appointed
postmaster at Butte. Lake County.
Eat Oregon Apples
Chicago. HI.. Dec. 8. Oregon apples
scored a big hit yesterday when visi
tors to the big land show at the Coli
aeum here were presented with one of
the big lucioua prize winners bv the
officials of the Union-Southern Pacific
The apples had been sent to the show
Bv Oregon growers who were anxious
that their fruit could be put into the
mouths of aa many Chicagoana aa it
was possible to reach in one dav.
1 he program of speeches and music
which had been prepared was given in
one of the Union-Southern Pacific halls
J. H. O Neil), acting aa Governor
West'a personal representative, and
Tom Richardson of Portland, made the
principal speeches and pounded home
in the minds of their auditors the fact
that Oregon is the best and fastest
growing state in point of population
ana wealth per capita of any in the
No Jobs Yet
It seems strange that all of the
wise railroad builders of Southern
uregon have aa vet failed to land a iob
with any of the big corporations. The
Examiner man thinks be will take a
hand in the game ahortlv In honea that
he will be mpre auccessful than the
other members of the fraternitv. Par.
hana a loon around over te county.
with Lakeview aa the atartin oaint .
would secure more business than any
other route, although a few oranoh
lined to the webt. north an J eait in av
also be included.
Some very nice postal card vlewi of
the first train to leave Lakeview have
been on sale here the past few dava.
Despite tne weather, the views are
very clear.
anch From East and
West Line South In
Near Future
The Oregon Eastern Railway ha
filed aupplementarv articlea of incor
poration with the Secretary of Stat
at Salem, which, among other thing.
provide far a branch line to Lakeview.
The caoital stock baa been increased
from $1,000,000 to S6.000.000. which
will complete the east and weat line
acroaa the state, aa well as the Klara-ath-Natron
line, now under construc
tion and the Lakeview branch.
The survey of the latter waa made at
few veara eince. the junction with tha
eaat and weat line being at a point
about 65 miles north and aix miUe eaat
of Lakeview. the eurvev passing alone
the east shore of Abert lake.
While this step doea not necessarily
mean that the company will start at
once to extend ita line to Lakeview,.
vet it doea show that the Harriman in
terests intend to control thia rection of
the state and make it tributary t
Provisions and soooiea are now be
ing shipped to Vale for the Utah Con
struction Co.. which company haa that
contract for building the line through
the Malheur Canvon. The first work
to be done ia the ruilding of a good)
wagon road in the canvon for use im
freighting in supplies. Plana have beeia
perfected for the transfer to the can
von of all the grading crewa now work
ins in Idaho. Nevada and Oregon. ae
that bv early sorine? a great body of
workmen will be busv rushing the work,
through to interior Oregon and to
wards Burns.
Coyotes Plentiful
Michael Sarrv. the Guano Valley
sheep man. was in town Tuesday laat
attending to business matters. Mr.
Barrv states that the covotea are num
erous in hia locality, and aa evidence
he oroueht in a large number of covote
hides on which he collected the bountar
at the County Clerk's office.
Good Street Work
Citv Marshal Brown haa been mightv
busv during the past two weeks super
intending the work of graveling Center
atreet. He haa had seven or eight:
teams and a large force of men en
gaged in the work, and it is now com
ing along in excellent shape. Marv
people have visited Bullard canvon to
see the wagons loaded from the large)
First R. R. Excursion from
Lakeview Took Place
Last Sunday
The first excursion out of Lakeview
occurred last Sunday afternoon, when
a number of people 1 10k advantage of
the aoecial train to make a trio ts
Norin Villa, the first station south.'
Included in the party were Mr. a'nd
Mra. A. W. Orton. Mr. and Mrs. Thou
S. Farrell. Mra. T. E. Uarnard. Mm
S. O. Cressler. Mrs. J. E. Norin. Mrs.
W. M. Harvey. Mrs. E. E. Kinehart.
Misses Ruth. Ellen and Mariorie Ber-
nard. Mary Harvford. Ruth uuur.
Mildred Hervford. and Mastera Rodnavi
Bernard and Vene Rinehart. After
anending a ahort time at the Villa thev
were met by autoa anl returned
home, all agreeing, that the trip wasv
simply delightful.
Gamo Mighty Scarce
A late arrival on the atxve fi-mm
Klamath Falls sava that the only thin
he saw while enroute. in the totm of
a wild animal waa one lone littla cotton
tail ratVr. and that one crossed tho
road in front of the etato whilu it waa
croea'"! vtlv. a fVw mle west
of thu iii.v !lc3u.-Ck iit tw 4.un.t)r'a
gun and the increase of peculation
hua d-'"n the covote. the deer and!
other wild dii.ns of the forest and
aaiM !iir out of the country or In to-
the Uuovuih ul tlietu.i:u ...... j iriiim
the stageroad.