Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 30, 1911, Image 5

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A spK iulitl ttu in of !IKl iu iTH. I'a miles west of 0. V. L,
im It 1 1 1 i hi to l.itkcvu'W, nlxnit hall tnulir in intiofi, every foot
line Ut soil Miitnldc lor fruit, pniii ninl nll.ilfa, fenced, with
some inipioveiiunis. I'riee $31.50 per Mere. Gooil terms.
A lf0 m iv city f'irm joining the O.V.I, Addition, west of
I.nKeview. line ilecp soil nil in mwidovv, under irriv'ition, het
ttr in vestment than a old mine; don't miss it. I'riee $35. 00
per neie. (loud terms.
"Wo Sell The Heal Earth"
Lake view : Oregon
This m one of our choice residences with 7 large rooms,
hath room, p.relis, iiIm) h fine lot of furniture, piano includ
ed, together with stock and .machinery, viz: one matched
team of mares, nothing hetter in the country; two pood lum
her wagoas; one douhle har.iess almost new; one milch cow;
one ccam seperator; harn; carriage house; woodshed, large
lot of fine Iruit trees; large lot runs from Water St. to Main
St. I'riee $ t.SnO. Good terms.
Xal'.c County shammer
Tilt IHIAY. Novi.mhi:k !U), iwll
buiIs uuil i'miu at llm
I.M i'KU"
Men- l o.
We make lino lu randv specially.
At llm rind.
Cloud's for hlh graile chocolates,
nur own maka.
K. K. Vual. uf Aliuraa. waa one of
KmUv'a visitors.
A. O. Kullv. of Add. was one o(
Saturday' viailuia.
uni, VVni.mwn, l.irt KK, lllni'" t
Anli li .V lino luiri'M. 7
J. W. I'unlmr. of Crooked Crtta.
wti in Uii uvr Sunday.
Nlrt- llui' id Imlii-"' '' Im.i Mini
u Hi i u unl- 'ir ill .Uric. l'i.
Mara Hutchinson, uf Valley Kails,
waa ono ol Inuisuav'a viaiiuia.
Tin' la .l liul U'l i il.Vrl'a 10 caul
MT lUlll l Uu lwl '
Win. Il .lvlikina. of Vallev Kalla.
waa in town laal uvk lor supplies.
K. I- Britten tdinuriuw leave on a
busint' viait to hia unto rail.
If oil Klllil II rVllll.V Blllllkl'
lor a 1 1' Hi', n.y hioi aiii.iu a u-ou r.
Geo. Jainuitrlhal a lew davs ago left
fur hun rianciacu to auviid tna wiiilar.
K. J. Dulioii. of Davis Creek. Fri
day. ruKuloicU at the lluu.1 Lane-view.
A. S. Downa waa uuitc seriously j l ft for Sania
aick U1 wcvk but is now greallv
Mm. John MrCuliev. of tlie Went
Side, arrived In town Friday anil la
now sprndlng a few davs an the gui'ftt
of her daughter. Mra. Jo". Arxncr.
Ilarrrv Aiignlcail. Imokkicper for
(tin lUili'V & Miiaiinirill Company, la
n iw tin ami around airain aiier a two
week a m vern attack of rheumatism.
It. 11. Jackson, tha well known I'ais
lev liiiHnKa man. Friday, arrived in
town and spent several dava here at
tend inir to variotia tiuaine mattera.
Harn iHcks. of the Crooked Creek
perliun. waa In town last week and
dinted that work on hia new residence
would be completed sometime thla
In anticipation of the earlv arrival
of the railroad niurh work la being
dune on Outer alreet and it will aoon
have a vood coating nf gravel lla entire
Mra. Dirk Kintralev. arromnanied bv
her aim Major. Frldav morning, left
hv autu fur aeveral week 'a viait to
Urn Uuvue Itiver Vallev. Salem and
other iMiinta.
Secretary of State Otaott la acting
Governor of Oregon during the abmnre
of Mr. Weat a wueat on the train
I known aa thn (iovernur'a Soecial now
touriiiir the Kaat.
j Cnnlrartor Jnhn Arrer returned
from t'riMiked lrek on Sundav. and
Ireimrta that caritenter work on the
new Sam Dii'k a reaidence la now en
tirely L'ornnleled.
J W. M.Ki'f. a well known War
ner Vallev alorkman. Monday fame
in fmm I'll ah and the following day
Itoaa. -Cal.. where he
nil- win attend mo winirr.
i . . . ni. . .
proved. I Arleinan waier at jo leei naa oeen
Jav Hiokeraon la aiHMidinif a lew dava found on the Hale ranch at Summer
.....i ..,,1 In.imU ML urt . I.BKO. BBVB inO flllVer IjBKO ixmnrr.
I.. 1'. Mrti.tev.
The well hm m Mtronir flow, but the
. & 1 1 - Vll. ! ""' uniinajiiiw.
raiicher. waaovr Ircin riun luni wee Mr. and Mr. Kaion Mozer exnvci
on buainvBB. to move in a dv or two Irom th.-ir
Kiirul-li. d Ironl roiim. urnuud II -or, nrenetit location to the hniiae formerly
I lilix k Imni liuKiiii'HHCciiit'i. I.i "filiu (Ocrunie.l hv Mr. and Mra. Charlea
Kxiiiiilu. r olll.a. iN-yllil Mahan on Dewey atieet.
Finu llfkuraon. of llidwell. waa in! Ccu. Swun.ton arrive.! from Sucra
town over i fiunday aa iuo u uo.t ol hia j m.nlo laht eveiurir and with Y. M. Jay. , Miller wml over to Warner today
, i . i i ii ,i r a., where he will receive the lant ol bee I
I..,., ur Im. i l-ik U -I . r a.. I , f 1U 7T ouUit.
IhmUjk ICimlli K' liuilioOU-i'l U MUtH , " ....
Allien V ili.i.-u.iri. I'm-. 7 Staea from all are now
. ..... ...i 1 1... ,,.,,,. r ! making iroml lime, tlioac Irom the
A. h. l.ol.Ur wSone i.f ' u S..u.l, re... hmir Lakevie Utwern 3
Lake ih.-ui.Iu wl.o aom arcd ... our frh M,rrilIM)n while ,hu
thu loio-il ol me we.a. Western tfeta in t-luirtlv alter 5.
Tlie Swan Lake cou. t. V ' l. now con- hHH been
nected wan k -.., ., frail and ll.e il , UHH the oa.t
of U,c v.url.1 l.v lcln.i.....e. I w((k n)) M(.,.()UI)l of ,hl. t(inflv i1UM11M().
An cnlirilv new and uo to date Ulc- , mH) .Hrit ciar un hia lawn an.l burninir
lihniio Bvaiein IB iii.-mihid hlariutn ; thl. ri.fMU rilin t. ha.lo Ireea.
Fall, uh una ul lla, UU oen. l.l-. ,Hxin fft v,erdllW
Mra. M. K l.ihijj.i n: returned I (iy m)o fnr iHiniilh Faila en mule to
trutii Willow Km. ill. v. Here M.o una s I .,,,,,. w , rt. hhe will undervo
I an ont rulion in the honea of a termnn
will ent recovery uflcr her recent illneioj.
where hhu Ima
been lot lai) lii.Bt ruverul l.ionllia.
Mr. Hi.d Mr. It. II. Knidela
aueml the winter in l.nkevicw. luiviutf
secured rooiim with Mra. W. .. M..k.
Mrs. Jennie Hurler, of famlcv. was
I.Hkevii-w vihilur the foreoail of the
week mid aoenl reveml dava in lown.
t.ouia (ierber. the atuckhuver.
been in Una ncetion ilurum the uiihI
ten iIhvb Mckinu liu u few ! f cuttle. 1
ln.lraelor (. II. Craven waa bUKV
the lutenarl of the week oluntcrinif
Homu ol I ho rooms in the I'ouit House.
We have a few t.oxea of atationerv
that lire uoinir at rotit. Thia uai.vr la
not Boiled, but hrt claaa. At the
The Goose Lake Vallev Market had
a lint, fuuulv of Iliunkhii i vmjf lurktva
which found ready khIo ul i!5 oenta
ner Douml.
llriltnn & Krlckaon are takinii orders
lor iIhiii'H manuuerudu auita. if anvone
ahould bai.iMjn to want one for tho
Xiiiiih dunce.
Joe Aritner ia now havintr eonaider
able work done about hia rcHidcnce on
Dowev atreet in tho wav of lillinK uo
thu lawn. eto.
L. It. Mevera. tho well known local
lii'i'iiiiiuii Iihh ii.Kt coinuleted th
election of h very nice remiKnce in tho !
W;iliun uddilion.
T. 11. Hilla la now busy tiuilditiR
burn at tho reur of hia lot in Walur'a
iiilililioii. Ho ia beinu asHiHted in tho
wni k bv Mr. 1'anuree.
J. N. FitzKerald waa over from I ake
Cilv thia week, havi.m broiiKht over u
load of iioiiHehold uooda over for
Fldor A. F. Sunniona.
Quite a few drummers for various
I'uhfornia l.rma have been in lown
iluriuir the naat few weeks taking or
lera for aunnir eouda.
Siimiiul Stune rami) down from Val
ley KulU liiMt Friday rcturimi with a
lurK load of suoulies for the store
and holel at thut ulace.
John Melzkcr. the freiirhter. is tho
itossesHor of a vounir eouvlo. whicn he
has coi lined nt the reur of his resi
dence on Water atroet.
Mins Joseohine ltuach has room for
u few more uuuils in oxinesHioii. both
in cIiihh woik and privule. I'hono 812.
or cull Mrs. Lor en lluilcv.
" Hoit Itoed. of fine Crock, wus one of
lust week's viuitors. Hurt status that
tho work of rebuilding his town is
oomimr alonir in tine shuuo.
S. Fred Wilson, of Athena. U - Hlilla
eountv. will bo H candidate for tho ro
Uuhlii'Hn nomination forconuress in the
new lOimtern Oieuon distncl.
D. L. Hrowno. of the Davis Creek
Ltverv Htablo. was in town Friduv of
last we(-k. Hodrovoim with everiil
aalesiiiun and their buKuiio.
Father Schmilt. of tho Cutholic
church. MondHV niorninir, loft on a
aeveral duvs viait to flush and other
points in the Warner country.
Until within the lust dav or two the
fustivH irobbler Iihs nnulo his ureaence
uhout town known bv his more or leas
pluueinv. It not luuaioul, uulos.
Mr. and Mra. Roy Chandler, of the
lower I'hewauean country, are now
lieinir ennirrat'ilaled on the arrival of
a luibv bov. born Tuemlav eveninir of
iHut week m! the Sol Chandler resi
dence. The First National llHnk of Klamath
Falls ha aliHnrbed the Klamath County
Hank, or rather the two banks have
combined under tho name of the form
er. The consolidation oes into effect
The hand hnvs strain favored us with
some aouronriate selections o- Sundav
afternoon last on the Court House
ground, and aa usual nleased the lurire
number ot neui.le who turned out to
hear them.
For "ale. one residence lot in Wat
son's First Addition. lOast front and
only S'-TiO. Can be bouiht on easy
terms. Don't delay, but investigate
this. For luirticulars see H. W.
Charles Umbnch had several larce
trees about his residence dug up last
week, as the v were found to tie nlunted
too closely together. He has also re-
, 1 inured the fence on tho Sluh street
nd or Ins .nicriv.
Mrs. James Hervford severely bruis
ed her riiflit hand Monduv of last week,
and as a result blood i.oisoninir set in.
However, the ravages of the disease
were ouicklv curhed and she is now
ueltiuir uliinu tncelv.
County Clerk and Mra. F. W. Pivne
Sundav mornins' left on a visit to San
Francisco and other California uoints.
expcctinii to be absent several weeks.
Fritz Williams is nead mosul durinit
his chief's absence.
A meetinar of the Dearee of Honor.
A.O.U..W. will be held in the Masonic
Hall this evening and tho matter of
electiuir ollicers for the rommir vear
will bo taken ud. An unusually lareo
attendance isexiieoted.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arrner were made
hanuv last Thursday morninur early bv
tho arrival of a bouncinir baby tfirl.
('onirratulaiions are certainly in order
as this is the first rirl to be born in the
family ot six children.
W. K. MiCorniack. the well known
Summer Lako rancher and stockman'
wus in town durinir the mist week. He
whs uleused over tho recent advance
in the unit ton market and believes the
wool market will follow suit shortly.
From Jeromo ranch on Wt aide
of Goose Lake aorrel fill V 17 months
old. lariro of size, star in forehead, not
brandod unless recently. Stockdealers
tuko notice. Reward for her where
abouts. II. I. Jeromo. Lukeview.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Lewis, of Klum
ath Falls. Friduv. arrived in town
and are now apendiiiK a few duva here
as tho k-uesta of Mr. and Mrs. G. D.
lirown. Mr. Lewis is Deuutv I). S.
Gumo Warden for Oreiton and Cali
fornia. L. C. Viiievnrd. who has been cnKair
ed in blHtksinitintf for a number of
vear tiast and whose ahon waa des
troyed bv fU last tnorith. has decided
to try his luck In Old Mexico and thia
week left for the land of manv revolu
tions. Mart Hook ins. he or agricultural
fame, haa forsaken the ranch and
returned in th city. Farm life waa
too much fur him. and aa a conaeauenee
he leased hia ranch to Hrvon Miller,
who arrived a few months aeo from
Kd I'atch. the real estate dealer.
Tuesday, made a trm bv auto to Davis
Creek, and from that rxiint went bv
rail to Alturaa to attend to some busi
ness matters. ' He had several nass
rnpers with him on the trio south to
Davia Creek.
W. (). Harmon, an emolovee of the
U. H. Gnoluirical Survey, last week,
arrived in town and exneeta to be sta
tioned In this uart of the country for
sometime. Tuesday he msdt- a trio to
Davis Creek to look after some work
at that tHiint
F. H. Fawcett. who has been actinff
as Deoutv U. S. Game Warden in this
county fur sometime oast. Saturday,
left for 'the Narrows. Oregon, where
he will be stationed from now on. He
will have charge of the greater Dart
of Malheur county.
The J. W. Flood Show Company re
turned last week to Alturas. and will
remain there durina: the winter. In a
short time thev exrmrt to ooen a mov
ing picture show at the Ooera House,
and promise to irive the people some
pond entertainments.
The weather during the past week
has been ideal, the sun ahinimr hrlirhtlv j
durinu the dav with erisn morninirs
and eveninirs. There has been no pre
cipitation whatever, and it berins to
look as if Sol Rehart'a prediction of
a dry winter would lie correct.
Geo Kde is Hkl ir another artesian
well for A. II. Hsmmcrslev on his
ranch northwest of town. Me is oown
about l.r0 feet and experts to Soon
strike flow. The well is hcintr sunk
ot- the hiirh Isnd snd the water will
cover practically all of the ranch.
Mr. arid Mrs. F.nh Miller are now
residents of I'aislev. havinir removed
there the first of the week. Mr.
Miller has accented the man(rement
of the Chewau -an Mercantile Co.. and
will nrubablv remain permanently at
the Central Lake County metropolis.
Sol Rchart. with his helpers Rill
I'itts and Arthur Holmes, have iust
completed an extension to the water
msin in front of the Arzner and Mav
field resid'-nces in the Drenkel addi
tion. N. Corv's residence is also suo
plied with water from this extension.
Several local pennle went down to
I'ine Creek to attend thenneninir dance
last Tuesday pipht at Wendt's new
Ociera House, and all report on excell
ent time there. Mr. Wemlt is certainly
a hustler as will he evidenced hv the
verv quick erection of the dance hall
after the recent fire.
Huves & Grob of the Lakeview Meat
.Market have been re-modeling their
sales room durini; the oast week in the
endeavor to iret mure room for the
display of meats. Thev recently pur
chased over 100 head of fat boas in
Surprise Vallev which thev are now
DUttina on the block.
K. E. Ilenedict. a National Forest
inspector with headauarters in Port
land, Sundav. arrived in town from
I'aislev to look over conditins in this
Dart of the country. Mr. tiendict waa
pleased with what he saw of the coun
try in passing through. He left Tues
day for Davis Creek.
Elder A. F. Simmons, now of Lake
City, will take charire of the Baptist
Church work in this city beginning
with the lirst of the veur. Mr. Sim
mons several vears airo was in charire
of the work here, and the fact that he
is to return shows thHt hia services
were hiuhlv appreciated.
Charles and Jonh Braemer.
who recentlv purchased the Fred Sni
der property in Warner Canvon. were
busy reptiiiintr the houses on the iiluce
during the forepart of the week, pre
paratory to moving their families to
tho claim fur the winter. Thev will be
cniraved in thu wood cutting business.
Hunting licenses are still being
issued at the County Clerk's office al
though tho season is practically closed.
Ud to yesterday there had ben issued
during the present vear 6l.S hunters'
licenses and &r.9 for anglers, of which
but three licenses for hunters and one
for fishermen were issued to non-residents.
Walter G. Rea. of the Auten &
Rinehart Company, is the happiest
man in town iust now. Walt haa a
good reason, too. for he is receiving
congratulations on the arrival of a ten
pound bov. born lust Saturday after
noon. Mutner and child are getting
along nicelv mid the Examiner extends
its beat wihhes.
Win. Vore and E. L. Heine, of Rich
mond. Cl.. acre in Lakeview on husi
nessa. Thev are connected with I). W.
McLuuirhlin Co.. who are promoting
Fast Richmond Heights. Both gentle
mont are highly recommended, both
tor efficiency and reliability, and will
no doubt be found perfectly trust
worthy in all their Ueuliugs.
Walter Howard, the Drewa Vallev
stockmun. was in town the forepart of
the week on a business visit. Mr.
Howard, as well as other cattlemen in
tne Drews Vallov section, are now
prcDariiu lo diu their cattle in accord
ance with State regulations. A large
I tank for ihe uui'Poao has already been
constructed in mat vicinuv.
J. D. Venator. A. H. Hummerslev
and C. W. Combes, all enthusiastic
local sportsmen. Saturday, returned
after a several dava hunting trin in
unit nlniiit Owl Wnriwr IhUou Thou
! made the round trip by autu, and re
port considerable I u ' t k in the number of
birds killed. In one-half day shooting
each one manaved to baa the limit.
A oartv of Klk and KIks-tn-be thia
morning lelt fur Klamath Falls to It
in attendance at the meeting ot the
lodg" this evening and also to attend
memorial services next Sundav. In
eluded in the party we.e W. Lair
Thompson. J. N. Watson. W. 11. Shirk.
W. I'. Hervfordr-J. C. Dodson. F. V.
Lieht. V. L. Snelling. C. H. McKen
dree and F. I'. Cronemiller.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Golf 0se1
through town Sunday en route for
Vallev Fa.U. Mr. Guff will ba re
membered an a former homesteader of
the Chewaiican country, who returned
east after proving upon his homestead.
Vlen last heard from there I t was
married and euuaired in liie grocery
business with his father. Mr. and Mrs.
Goff exocet to remain in thia vicinity
tor sometime.
large building lot In the beat residence
district In Lakeview for $5.00 down and
$5.00 per month? Can you beat Lakeview
property for a safe Investment? For Bar
gains in town property see
Valley Falls Items
Lakeview vuitura the Dast week
were G. II. Heck man. C. S. Stone.
Elliott. Fox and Frank Brink man.
Kay Curtis Saturday went to Pine
Creek where he has the contract to
wire some new buildings in course of
construction there.
Trappers in tha vallev are having
fair luck and the nides are prime.
Thev complain that the covotes are
getting cute, as is usual this time of
Mr. McDonald, of McDonald & Edler.
of Paisley, who have s!o m e 500
head of cattle in the old 70 ranch, was
a visitor the tore Dart of the week.
Tom Mulkev has his cattle in the
north tield of the old 70 ranch.
Sheeo belonging to the following
parties passed through here in the past
lOdavs: Simon Juunto Dave hdier
Dan Junes. Murphv. Wilson Bros.,
Mevers. Chandler, and Sanders.
Wm. Ruutiti has purchased about (juu
head ot Argura uoal. which be will
lake to the Uesert lo winter.
McDonald and Mulone were visitors
going South Sundav and Bartling. who
is also uf the Wane.!. tire :eirlun. stoop
ed going North. m
Mr. Harrv GuiT. our old time neigh
bor who went to Nebraska a vear ago
to slraitftiten his affairs preparatory
to moving out here and incidentally to
get mwrried. is expected lo return in
a dav ur so. Mr. Gutf is bringing with
turn some 4ik) thoroughbred chickens,
geese and clucks.
A. Carlson and A. G. Preston, east
ern parlies who own land in this vallev.
were visitors the oast week. Tt.ev
seemed niKhlv pleased with this vallev.
11. A. Utlev. who has been deliver
ing truil trees in the Paisley and
Summer Luke region haa returned.
Range on the desert is reported fine.
The onlv draw back at preterit is the
lute rains and tnerelure the scarcity
of water. Must of tne sheeo are rang
ing in the Big Juniper region.
Davis Creek Items
J. H. Dawson. Jsuoervisor for Dis
trict No. 3. died ot heart dp-ease Sun
dav morning at 3 a. m. Mr. Dawson
waa hale and heartv until a few
minutes before the end came. He took
a pain over hia heart and got up out of
bed to move around. He then sat down
on tne bed and fell forward dead. Mr.
Dawson is an old settler here and has
teen supervisor here two terms. He
waa married in October of tins vear to
Mra. Buiterrield. of Quincv. Cal. He
also leaves a son. John Dawson. Jr..
oi Alturas.
C. E. Crowder is having lumber haul
ed for a new on his ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Williams have
been visiting in Lakeview for several
Wm. Kirkpatrick made a business
trip to Alturas Monduv.
A. L. Plumlee. who had the contract
for the construction of a barn for the
Davis Creek Orchards Co.. has com
pleted his contrsct.
S. J. Dutton sent the think wagon
belonging, to VV. Lair Thompson to
Lakeview a few davs ago. Denis
Brown was in the lead with a good
team of horsea while Edgar Dutton
presided at the wheel thev claim thev
nad no trouble to keep from exceed
ing the speed limit.
S. J. Dutton has the contract to
carrv the mail from the Depot to the
post office. The outgoing mail goes
to the train at 7 p. m. and the mail
coming in ia deivered at 6 a. m.
The Tedford. Wiseman Construction
Company shipped their outfit to Dovle
a few dava afro where they expect to
do some plowing.
New Corporation
The Lakeview Ice. Transfer and
Storage Co. is being re-eoriianized and
will ahorlv be incorporated with J. P.
Duckworth. Harrv Vernon. Chas. Eas
ton and H. Hunker as stockholders.
The new company will absorb J. P.
Duckworth's feed Btore and will Droll
ablv establish a woodvard in connection
with the husines-. An order for a
heavy truck has already been placed,
and the business generally will be
conducted on an up-to-date plan.
Chautauqua Circle
The Chautauqua Circle will meet at
tho home ot Mra. J. N. Watson Mon
duv evening. Dec. 4. Program : Roll
cull, curicnt events. 'Democracy
Heroro and After the Revolution." the
amendment feature of the Constitution.
Smith's "The Spirit of American Gov
ernment." chapter I. Miss Bessie
Burgess. Chanter II. Mrs. N. P.
Corev. Chatitor III. Mrs. T. V. Hall.
Chapter IV. Mrs. Wm. Pryse.
HE name "Mackinaw"
no longer means that a man
3 must be doing rough work
pRl when wearing one. They
are now recognized to be
the warmest and most stylish
made coat for work or sports.
(If it has a Fosston Label
on it you know that it is All
Wool. Collar high, close fitt
ing, comfortable, button-holes
that wear, buttons sewed onto
stay, and is three inches longer
than other Mackinaws, body
and sleeves cut large and full
and will not bind. Plaids and
"plain colors, $7.50 and $8.00.
t -KM j BgV ff- g
Here They Are
Every Ladies' Suit in the House Must
GoAnd Go Quick.
I' l
Look At These Prices:
Regular $10.50 Suits, now $11.00
18.50 " 12.50
20.00 41 " 14.25
22.50 " " 16.50
25 00 " 17.50
27.50 41 44 18.50
30.00 44 44 19.50
44 35.00 44 44 22.50
I' 'I
Also a few Ladies' & Misses'
1910 Coats to go at Exactly
Half Price. Come and look
them over-they are bargains.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
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