4 PRIZE CUP FOR OREGON The Great Northern Offers Fifty Dollar Silver Trophy Cup for Best Display at St. Paul Land Show Another cup has boon put up by the Grout Northern Railway for com petition at the great Land Show to be hold In ft. rani December 1 2 to 13, 1911. This trophy cup will be a handsome silver cup and can be won by any county, commercial club or Individual in the big State of Ore gon. The county, commercial club or Individual which makes the most attractive exhibit of Oregon's grains. grasses tr fruits will win this nip. Terhaps you are going to exhibit as an individual, and If not, probably you will exhibit through your commercial club's or county's exhibit. In any case, even If you are going to exhibit Individually and also through either your county or commercial clubs exhibit, you should Co everything in your power to assist In gathering the best farm products In your section. Help boost. Try to win this cup for yourself and your section. Considering the fine con dition of Oregon's crops this year, and the splendid showing Oregon's exhibits are making everywhere at the different land shows. It will be an honor. Indeed, to win the Oreat Northern cup for the best exhibit made at the St. Paul Show. TO INCREASE HIGH COST OF LIVING n Lakeview Saddlery A complete lino of watron and luitrKJ harness, ulilpH, robes, liito, Hater, spurs, quilts, rose- etteti, etc., etc. mm m r lawk Everj tiling in the line of carriage and horse furnish ing!. Kepairing by competent men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT S TITLE CO, Abstracts toO.V.L. Property p. -v lor cat-h tract ofland in Lake Co. mf2 SJ I 'or each Town Lot in Lakeview, m m J Oregon, including first deed from ' the Company. Get our special prices for Abstracts of Title to any real estate in Lake County. H. V.'. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON NEVADA-CAUF8RNIA-0REG0N RAILWAY Sundnys A. M. 9:50 I fo'lows: M. M. M. No Daily Service Except on Tiain ao. 2 lea vi s Altui as at - - - 5:05 Arrives i'.tKcno, Nevada, at - - - 0:05 iiam ao. 1 leaves Reno, Xevad, at - 8:15 Arrives at Alturas at S. P. Co's Trains leave Keno as . IN! Leaver- L'eiin 'or Ssu KnnicUco (it 'J leaves Ktn.i fur .vfiu YfAwAwn at I .mi puns iere TtiKen n uhh iram ; 3 Invfs Reno fur .-an I ruiioihco at 1M2 I'. 4 I.eavcH ;no fur tin- hunt at ... UAH I'. 'J Leaven I'.eon fr t lie Kfiwt ut 8:.'!0 I'. 'J.4 Leaven lleno fur .i iltleld at 'J:4." P. 7 4") P.M. 1J.60 Miilnlglit M. M. M. M. A WANT AD IN THE Lake County Examiner YJILL BRING RESULTS n,ii.iijnoA.n coiviirj o-1 Walters' A ion 0:r.'rs the It,'jt C'xc-ln Home Sites in Lit he view! Neur Schools, Churches, Depot nrvl Ihisiness Center. Buy .ViM it' Lots 50 x VJo, $1 10.00 to $'J7o.OO I" PAINZ CO., - - Agents New York aoole growers have start ed an aaitstion which, it It claimed, willrcsult in each man. woman anil chilit in the Kmoire state eatinir not fewer than five aonles a day. Two reasons are Riven for the aoueal. One ia that it will promote the health of the community; the other that it will create a steauy demand for fruit that will promote the wealth of the fruit growers. Nor ia the aoole Druuairanda ! to be confined to New York State. It ; to be extended to the entire coun try. The Truit growers figure that if each of the 900.000.000 persona in the United States will eat tlveaoplea a dav it will resuli in a daily consumption ol 450.000.000 apples. When the fruit growers are asked if thev could meet such demand thev assert thev could, and sav the crop this year doea not include those sent to canneries and drvers. Attention is broueht to the fact that hundreds of thousands of trees are beinar set out in all sections of the country, and that if fruit grow ers eet the chance thev will make the supply at all times equal to the demand on the five-aooles-a-dav basis. "If evervone will eat live apples a day it will be useless to organize a national board of health." one fruit crow in propagandist said. Half the doctors would be put out of business. too. One aoole before breakfast. arter breakfast, one alter supper and one before retiring is tne prescription, and it is a gooa one. We are the con servators of the health of the nation, and we favor five apples a day and closer relations between the producers and consumers." WINNERS AT NEW YORK LAND SHOW HAS FINE FACULTY The Oregon Normal School is lor tunate indeed in having such an excell ent faculty. President J. H. Acker man does not need to be introduced to the people of Oreiron for so many vears he has familiarized himself with everv teacher in the State of Oreiron besides many others. The adilitv of each member of the faculty can not be Questioned as thev are thorouehlv trained for the work of educatinu teachers alonii their line cf work. The necessity of having trained teachers in the Oreiron schoolrooms is becoming more and more evident, each year. The ooer.ire of schools ' everv fall brine a preat number of new ' teachers from other states into Ore- j Kon and these teachers secure the best; oot-i'ions. because thev are trained for their work. Therefore thev are re- klacinif our Oregon teachers in various j tilaces and thev will continue to do so until the necessity of their coming is! eliminated by trained teachers who will be graduated vear bv year from our Oreiron Normal Schools. The diploma issued bv the State Normal is now recognized bv twenty three states without Question. And the holder is entitled to teach in any pub lic school in the state aIo in one. two and three vear hiirh schools, without takinir examinations and will be ad mitted to the State University as a Junior. Although we have no dormitory at Monmouth, our students have tieen admirably provided tor tv the kind ness of the Monmouth residents. Hoard and rooms are furnished at reasonable rates and home privileges are provided. ArranirernenlB have been carried out bv a committee of the facultv bv which students may be profitably employed on Saturdays. Arnontr the moht important organiza tions of the school is the Normal Or chestru which is beinir trained bv Miss Harlan, our instructor in music she has also organized a girl's glee club and will organize a similar club for the bovs in the near future. Since the beginning of school the Y. W. C. A. has been organized. Last Saturday Miss Parrott. our English instructor organized a reading club for the benefit of the Normal (fills. Each of the Literary Societies of the former Normal years; that is the Ielohian and Vespertine for ihe girls and bovs. has been reorganized. The principal social event of the second month of s jhool was a Halloween dance given in the Gymna sium bv the members of the Normal Literary Society. Both facultv. Ktu dents and guests enbjoved a most plea sant evening. A NORMAL STUDKNT. In competition with the mtM re nowned aitriculturnl sections on the American continent, the Stale of Minnesota. Montana and Washington have triumphed at the New York Land Show held at Madison Suuarc (!arden. Novemtier 3 to 12. James Todd, of (Sevaer. Montana, won the J. J. Hill SI. 000 silver cun for the tx-Kt 100 pound of winter wheat grown in the United States this vear. Against competition from almost everv state in the Union the fertile Judith llssin of Montana came out on top. The prize grain was of a yield of seventv-ftve bushels to ihe acre and weighed sixty-five pounds to the bushel. Mr. Kinscnger. of Manhattan. Mon tana, won the Pabst cup for the finest exhibition of barlev. This contest was open to the world. Mr. Kinsen-, ger's exhibit was from a field which averaged f.8 bushels to the acre and weighed f71 pounds to the bushel. j Messrs. Van t'leve and Suduth of i Broadview. Montnna. on the line of the Great Northern Railway in Yellowstone County, won the silver cup for the finest exhibit of alfalfa. j On oats the silver cups went to Messrs. Patten and Hartman of Hnze man. The oats of their exhibit was of a vield of l."4 bushels to the acre. one ' weighing forty-five pounds to the bushel. Four vears ago almost any farmer in the Hast would have scoffed at the idea that Montana could produce prize winning crmm of anv kind of grain. The exhibits at the New York Land Show have brought mote honor to Montana than anv other one incident in tKe history of tne state. Montanana have a right to be proud ot their home state, and the next few tears will wit ness a tremendous immigration to that i stste as a result f the publicity given it through the New York Land Show. The fruit growing districts of Wash-' ingtun won the handsome prize offered ' bv President Klliott of the Northern Pacific Railroad. t'AK) in gold, and the: JI.immj silver cut) went to Mrs. Klla I). ' Rowland, of North Yakima, who ex hibited twenty-five boxes of armies. Mr. A. (I. Hauner. of Spokane. Wush- iruton. offered the $1,000 silver cup. ! A. II. Hostetter. of Duluth. won the second ribbon for ttie best potatoes Jin the world. Some of the nidges thought that f.e should have been Hwurded first prize, but there whs "glory enough for all" and his winning the second prize in a world wide competition shows v. hut the fertile noli of North ern Minnesota can produce. Minnesota also won a se-on.l prize for tne best bushel of barlev grown in the world, as A. I). Vannickle. or Worren. Minne sota, was the alternate of Mr. Kni-in- j ger. which means second prize. OPHCIAL l)IUI:CTOK KtTIOStl. IT..I.I.11I Wlllrnn It Tun 1 'lr rro..nl Jmr H. Mhni man . Verttntrr ( Nimn I'll H ntij. I', kimi fnir nl 1 ri'naury Prmtkltit Mm-Vwliili I Vorurj i( Vt r Ja.-i.li II hit kliiit I Attorney tliMirral tltiiru W. Ulrkt'talmiii ; fiMimiuHtT 4iMr.l. . . , Irani II. HlU'lMiM'i i V Tt'lAryof hmvf tJirif Vim I .. M vit ' . ri'tarjr Intxrlur Klt hant A HaliiiiK i I V 'rrlary til AhMrtilttirn Jami-a w Hutu j Vorplrrr nl I uimmirc . . . fliarloa Naa.'l i 'hli'l Juallra , . Cliarl. K.lwar.l W hlu I Vi,ailiin Vt arrtiir. (t. H. Viualnn t'iiiitiiiiaaiiiiiit i A . s. Hli lianla U. H. I ami ( niiiiiilaal.ini" TTS tor rtiiir ... Vcrr(r)r ol Slsto Iraaaitrcr Mt.irni'T Ui'li.'tal nai. I'ti ttilu luatriii'lloii. .. I'rniipr Oalrt u, rMHl t'om (I. S. Henatora . O.xal.l Weal r V , llrlia..!, Thiia. It. kat . M. t rawliiril I.. H Al.lKrmati M. M. Iiunluat 1 W . Ilalli" Joltoaihaii Itoiirin-. Jr ttio. fc. t'lianil.rrlalli I W I . Iltaln " IA. W. l-alP-rll arri iiirat MM Ural, r. A. ViMir.i taaoe lain Juallt't't W. F. MAITLANU Official Decorator fe-,--v -9 and --rrr- Window Trimmer :l'ricl leal nnd l;rrlriic d I.AKnVILW - OUI'iMON roilKinaatuvtl Chlaf Jualle !r. A. ViMir II. J Mi an t. II. Hiiriii'il 1 A. li Itri.lo lu.lo . 4llotniv . aiita jeuieiaL iitaraipi. Il. liry I It. V Mi'llantl ! kiiykriutal. i LKUIalTIV olnl Hvnator. ai'rvaititalivt) tl. II. M.-rrjuiai II I' Hi'lknau I. 1'ttiilll.aon t' s.i. a Mi urru k. Arthur W. iiriuii Hi n-al V iTiinrinlili-r It.- llatrl I'i'lVHI I ! llkl t'Ot!N I V I U'Uk H Paly l '! r.W l'ariil i i Sheriff w II Nin.rw frraaurrr t. t A III. lr.. in Aaaraaor A.J. fomkrl ' -hiil cuiii K. II. Jai kaou uroor S. A. Mualit-u I Comtulaaltiatirs I 1 ' . ' County tiork liiatMx-iur H r. Mo..j I TOWN UK LA a' kVIkW. ! Marra Hallvf Maio . V. Slipping I P J. V Mihii I t.i lurtliiiPi j I B. Autmi , I.H. Ltu I ' W. B. Hnlilar Hr..r.li.. BlntM-r lr.-a..irpi LAKKVthW IHUHPlIK iKAOa frrajitaiil M . II. HIUHK If anuria y. M. Mllln er'Ur V. 1.. siirllln, 'Inani'P Camnilttainaii I.. Y. t inn. uiluatrlai f . rvaa-oi fublu-lix " W. Y. l " W. I' llrrtlor.l luuirl.al H. W. Pri ua. . tgnrultural H V. K.lian K'Hi-na tlia In ilia Inlvrrat of your Wat Waalhrr Ctimfort Uuy lb PA IENTEO FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Our REFLEX EDC.E atop, all wai.r from running in al lli ft out. Fjiaiaal to laaian only 5 biilloiia. Look like art ordinary ovarcoal. $3.00 Everywhere. 5ttaaCKltOfl Gfatrt.l4j. A 1 T -wcy Tow Canadian Co., Ud. l.ilartrra lor Mlralnt.-r. FlKJir MKIIIDIll-l t III "-Kt II nVSlA Icliool at lu a. ill . I'rrai-liuig i i-ry Miiola; al II a. in an.l 7 .i . in. r.i.wrlh I. ku.- rv.-rj lunilar i-Ti'iniig at :. Vrayrr M.-. niiit I lulr tar at 7 ..ki i.. in. i.u lr iiii'i-iiiig at 7. j ii, ui i.llra' Alii Kii rr S,.ln. a.ly at I :.vi p. m ari-ryLMHly corillally In vli...l i., ll im, ,.. M. I. WIKK. I'aator. fK'T HAIII.-r I III h( II nr l.uMlh.l i'ri-ai'lutiK u-ftiic al II A M an 1 ; ui V M ll an.l .ir. I Mm. .-.iiii. lay m I1....1 at to A M minor si,i al j.m I'M. ni.iit ,,nn4 i'o.l. ' I in, .n at f..fi I' M on . . i, Miu ia) l'ra).r Mi . tinj al ;:wi'.ti rt.-.iu. ..lay n hiiik. Kv. ry u..ly in. it.-, i,, ,,. I.KV, II. .-. M 1 1 1 1 . r.M, t'Allllll.li I III Kl II KVKlti .-I Mit) M,V al B:oo an.l lu a in : H..o i) at J : i. iii ,. on ,... k.l. at 7:n. m. M I II I A -I Si II M I I I tin: i'xm:iT.iisc, m:i:h'TMi:xr of the Willis I'nrnitiitv Co. h:is hevn cnl.'trrd. The it lle.irse h:is hcen relit teil with new curtains. W'c nre up-tu-ihite mid tleservc your t.utronne. Phono No. 981 Night or Day willis miNiniiii; co. hk-i ria.iin i m.ias i lit it. n m- lf, no -.-I. in ii,,. .Mn,,i,,- ll,i, .- Iiim.I l I U.l.i A.M.; Morn I on ri Ir. r ,.-i,iiiK. ,-.-ri i, .- hi ,-;,. i rnv. r M.,ti il ii- .dn) al 7 i'i l-.M n a'rn , ,lla H"i. ki.v. u . i-in -i.. i. . i H K I IIAI'I Ni I Nr I'lni- I Ii t-a al II A M an. I I tvi-rv iih.iiiIi II I K' li i ..hi.. r. I . a , nr. v.. ii. I i, .i nn,, tr. 7 : u, ! M ,, ,., i, r.,,1,,1. illl.ltiy i lioo, at lo A M I a ir.v.i M ini. atT; In mi t-ln. ..,n jt i a. h mi .-, I All ar, lor lia..) Ait. -n. I in- h.'T II . I.KV. I. r. II KMir K-llS l-tlll.fc 1..I I.. Uncle Sam, Peacemaker i Uncle Sam seems to tie looked on by other nations as a irreat mediator. I Whenever there is trouble anvwhere else on earth everyone looks to the United States to step in. take the com-j baf ants bv the scruff of the neck and 1 stoo the row. j Turkey is the latest aonlicant for' mediation. The "terrible Turk" was i iroinir about his accustomed wavs when Italy knocked him down and tramned on him. Kvervone held his breath, awaitinif the Turk's retirisal. What haunened? Turkey yelled "take him1 off. fellers; I didn't do nothin?!' And j now Turkey, insisting that tivhtimr is, furtherest from iN desire. wantrIJncle ! Sam to make Italy ouit. What will, Uncle Sum do? I Lojj(iij j)i Hiic urn 4 tl. I). W. I.Ak r.Vlhrt I.u 'mi' ui" M.-i-Ui t-vi-ry .iM'oii.i an.l lourlli 'Ihur.tay ol m. Ii inoiilli. In M.-iiilc Hall, Ijiki-tu-w llaa. iiiuliliiKum. W.M.; W m. l.ilmh.-r Y I.- UMiKKK OK IKlMlK L.tKh-IKIHh no. il, l. nl 11., A . t. II. W., ilvula . i ui third Thurailaya of rarh inorilii .,., Hall: Mar I'o.i, v.. ol II. j J. Jtelle Amipr, I. ol II.; I-ora nuy.kr (,', ul C; Aiamtila Bruwu, Hc-cor.li-r. f t. . F'-I.AKKV'IKW l.tni,ic, No. O.K., menu vvtiry natuiilay I'vi-mug . rillowa Hall, at 7..UiiVlm k, Iroiu Hem . : lo April 1, an. I al H nli-iock Irom Ann I .--.l.-uil-r an. I. jj. Jttmia. N. o., . Iiiiiuy, ix i rulary i. . (I. K.-I.AI(K 1KV KM AmY.M1-.n7 Nli 1 '. (). t., lio-.-la tin. Ilr. i an.l ll.ir.l T,,i, Hay in iuiik" ol i ai n in. .inn , n i. i r, n,, lia.l. i.an,i,-. t.. i. Annul, r. i- 1 niniuiTaJi'y, r.rriln. ' willi atrfnitW anil tljy alwayi jilooao" two horse ovt:.:ali.s m.-' ar LEVI STBAUSS ax CO. A MAM. ( AltKIKK'rt I.OAI) Si-i-iiia I., nn. r u ln'ii lie- liu a wi nk I. .ok anil k i'l ii y I rouble I r -1 Jm. hnn, mull uri 1 r Hi Aiilii-oii, Kuh, ioi)ii: "j imvu been tiotli.-ri:d wi'li l.i.lni-v and I.I m !! r iroul.lr in,, I I, hi) a ki-vere I'Hiil u ioh my Luck Wln.-iievi i I ear ri.'il u heavy lob'l of mail my I'lney trouble Inrr.-iiM if miiiiu tluii) ski, 1 klurl. l Inking Kol. y Ki.lin y j lll ami allien lukliiK II,. m I have ;iitlrli i-iitiri'ly rid of all my ki'ln. y Irou bf ami Bin hm bou"d imu ak fcvt-r" J-or halu by A I. '1 u or ii to ii At the finnual eonvi ntion of the dairymen t.f Oreiron in 1'ortland. De cember .1 to 8. inclusive. I'rofessor II, I). Scudder, of the aironomy de- I fjartment of the O. A. ('. will lecture, on "A 100 Crou fur the $100 Cow."i l'rot'essnr Scudiler has originated a new I svstem of dairvintr. based unn the work at the college farm and laboratories. Bv bis system of eron rotation mid soilinir he has figured that on acre of eround should suoiiort a food cow f or ! J a vear. and thus five her produce at1 a much reduced cost, at the same time I hnrikMnL' the land uu to its greatest 1 possible fertility, ft K II K K A 1 1 l.dlllik.- I.AKKMl.A I.I 1 1 m , K, Ml it, I. (. (I, K iniM-la tliu a.'i on.t an.l louill, Krblaya ol i-a. h uionili in u.1.1 Ki'Homm lla.l Illaneliu llalluy, N. li. Ailulu I h. ,. y y. U Allen Hunting. 'I roaaurcr; M . i. ,Maa, H-e'y.' l K.rt.llKIKNIAI. t IIAITKH, Ml 6, I.A K , Hew, Oiegoh.-Mi-t-la on I u,-a,ay, on or b or lull moon an. I two w.-i.ka II. it, all, -i ir, la.oini: IUI,, l 7..UI o'l'l.x k. Vl.ltlng lie-linii-ra an ronllally luvlli-'l 1. 1 I.I.I h II AH Kin, W. M, iiA t'KHAI II.H.-er.-l,irt I'KOI-liSIONAL CAklS i:TTruK w. oiuo.nT Attorneyat-Law Notary Public All i'mcllce Kxcept U, S. Lund Oilice ItimliieHH. f. I'oiiii Attorney at Law and Notary Public lAkrvlrw, Oai-iiu, "I duiKit believe there in other inedleiiie so ood for vv hiMiplux eolith as Cli(iiiil.eiliiln's Cotili Iteiuedy," wilteH MrH. I iaiiels 'I ur.ln, J iinctiuii City, Ore. TIiIh remedy In mIhij iiii sui jiitHed f..r eiililn and t riiiip. Fur sule iy all dealers. OFKII.K-Palv lliiil.liUK. I). VLNATOK Attorney t Law, IjiiiiI .Multera Mtrlulli In vui ioiiH quarters the war on tiuu inL' is hnviriK results. In Philadelphia the rnnnai.'ers of several hotels have agreed on a reform, and last week the Continental hetran by breaking off the contrvct for the "cloukroorn privileKes" which had been iriven to a New York firm for five vears. In this rase the lull absurdity of the tinning system was shown. Tim bovs, sunpostd to be benefitting by Ihe liberality of patrons, were refill v ptiid Kl a week and put all tips into it box for their employer. To guard nguiiiHt their retaining anv Dart of what was given their uniforms were made without pockets and thev were vigilantly watched. OK'K'K-lialr Hniliiiug (JIIAKLLH UAlliACM Land and Law Office Abstractor of Titles KHtabllahed Was lktvle. Or. VV. 1.AIK TIIOM I'tSON " Attorney at Law Office In O. V. L.Oi.'b IluildiiiK. I.AKKVIKW, (JllKlltlf A. MUSIIHN. Hurvliij; unci i:iirlncrliir CUy Kntrliieer Suite Nil. 1 Lukevlew Watson llloek Ort'tfui, J. I. U. 5. LYONS, I). DentUt Offlca In Watson't Block, Lake view, Oregon Klitm Vrar'a evnorlmir In Ml hlnau 'liaditau ol Inlvnr.iljr r, Michigan Fresh Fruit :and: Vegetables n II i ii iii ""te .i..im'i VaiJ hi liifliisli Shx Kllirn 1 1 H.llitlirls ;iml nl lirls Frrsli I ruit mul tlrt rri Vfffr I ii hlv.s ul nil Minis uri ,i.t In Hi,- ikcA. ntw.n ity i'Jio.i: on .u i. Sirrl.il ut trillion xHi tit innil unlfrs, ii , , will I,,' slilpinl tin, imirnliiff -lowing rrrrljit uf onlrr. i' 1 1 ox i : . i: - si v -1 xi: J. P. Duckworth CHICHESTCR S PILLS YAN lIA IIIIMI HIIIM, . V ! l v: ".'"r "" v Iff '"'('I A - i- , I ii i i . .- a ,. ........,,.,, . ,1, A, 14, . ,trllll SO(OBV!))!Ti(iriS!Vt'H f J. N, WATSON Ki-Klalcr U. H. I.kuiI tun,.,., Hannnm, REAL ESTATE LAKEVIEW .'. OREGON