Children Cry razors Tlio Kind You llnve Alnnys llonjrbt, ami which has been la use for over 00 yearn, bus borne tho signature ot and has bon made under M per WT2. sonal supervision alnco lt Infancy. . VT '4ZX Allour no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations ond Mnst-nt-jrood are but Experiments tliut trifle ilth and emlanjyer the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Paro gorie, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains, neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo gubstance. Its nge Is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fcvcrlshness. It cures DlnrrhuHt and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and llowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS ; Bears the " -V 4 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years W( CtfVTAUR COHMNV, TT Hull MAT sJTWCCY. N IW YORK CTT HOTEL LAKEVIEW ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN TMROUOrKHT FIRST-CAL55 ACConnon.vnoNs sAfiPLE Roon mi r For conn ERCIA L iVi.: . TRAVELERS -v, LIGHT & HARROW. Proprietors F-. P. UQHT GEO. HARROW WALLACE & SON 'IVm. Wallace, Coroner for .aire County) UNDERTAKERS PROMPT ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING The Proof of tho Pudding is in the eating: of it. Have you tried our make of Sugar-Cured Hams and Bacon, also our Home Made Mence Meat? THEY WILL STAND THE TEST Goose Lake Valley Meat Co. SHAMROCK STABLES J. MlKi'H Y, Pkopbietob Specif! Attention to Transient Stock. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month Always Open. Phone 571 LAKEVIEW : : : : : : OREGON Lakeview Meat Market HAYES & GROD, Proprs Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc, Etc. Try our Sausages and Cured Meats Quality Unexcelled Free Delivery for Fletcher's Signature of y i il HALF BLOCK KANT OK CGl'KT MOUSE f Tho Real Townsend ij A Complication That Was Born X of a Blunder. By MIX It K. MIHLRCIL & Coiiyrtslil, 1510, ly American rraat Association. Tor tho EiUnghnina," I said to Uk levator Uv a 1 handed blm mj card. I whs la a Now York apartment houe for call ou sows old friends of mine. Tim elevator boy banded my card to tho telephone boy, who an nounced to tho Effingham that Mr. Townsend bud called. "All right," said the Utter after re ceiving a reply. "You're to go up." 1 Htopped on the elevator and was soou utiticrvd by a maid In a black dress i id a wlillo rufltcd apron into the draw lug room of an apartment on the sixth floor. There vi no ouo In the room, which surprised rue, for 1 was very Intimate with the F.Olusbam aud upoMl that at the announce ment of uiy name the whole family would be wultUix to greet me. It was fully ten mluutes that I sat waiting when I noticed that the light shining through u keyhole lu A door opening Into pa adjolulng room sud denly save place to daikiK-M. "One of the girl," 1 "aid to myself, "Is "spying ou me. That's a amno two cau piny at" I got up from my sent, strolled i about the room, lookluu ut the pic tures ou the TV in I us If to kill time while waiting, and 'ii I reiiclutl the door in tmestiou jvil U.v turn d tic knob and threw the 1im r op.'ii. There, kneeling so as to bring nu eye opposite the keyhole, was a youn l:idy 1 bnd never awn. Her face wus rl:i aon, aud after looking nt me for a i o- j ment sLo covered her face with her ; bands. I saw at a glunce that uoi only one mistake bud been made, but several. There might be fifty famine In tlio building, aud there were probably more than one named Kmnghatn. I J bad doubtless got luto the wrong flat. ! But why was the girl peering at me through the keyhole? Perhaps there ! bad been a double coincidence of names, she knowing some one by the j name of Townsend, pr she did not j know any one by that name and was anxious to reconnolter the visitor be fore apiearlng. My curiosity being i aroused, I resolved not to spoil my i chance of enlightenment by giving anything away. I proposed to listen, not to talk. The girl arose and, still blushing to the roots of ber balr, came forward. "I am mortlfled beyond measure." she said, "at being caught In such a position, but you most admit that be fore receiving a call from the man I am to marry I would naturally desire to see him unobserved myself." "The most natural thing In the world," I replied, repressing a start on learning that I was to be the girl's husband. "I received your note." she contin ued, "saying you would call yesterday, and later your telepram that you bnd suddenly bcn called away. Then when you were announced Just now I was taken quite by surprise, having expected that our meeting would not take place for some time yet." "I decided not to go." "My act Is certainly not calculated to give you a favorable Impression of me, I admit. Just think of a man call ing for the Drt time on a girl be Is to marry, whom he has never seen, and finding ber peeping through a keyhole. It's simply dreadful!" "Rut becoming. To my taste, a girl never looks so well as when blushing." "But there Is no necessity for us to stand. Re seated." She sank on a sofa. 1 1 on an easy chair. "I have fought j against sm b. a murriagn, but my guard j lan. who has certain views for my j property, has tinully worn me out Be I sides, he tells me that you are as much Interested from that point of view os I. Nevertheless I have told him that after seeing you If you were repulsive to me the matter should not go any further. And that Is the reason why I was endeavoring to get a peep at you before meeting you. I intended If yon were disagreeable to mo even In ap pearance that I wou'd after nil decline to receive you." "Knowing tlib), I'm sorry I didn't leave you free to make a decision." "I should have decided to meet you," she replied to this, casting down ber eyes. "Thank heaven!" "You mean that you are pleased that these schemes for the development of our properties are to bo carried ojit," she said archly. "I assure you," I replied, with an injured look, "that these property schemes have nothing to do with my aatlsfactlon at finding you In every way so much more attractive than I bud hoped for." There was a blush ut this, not of BiortlQcation, but of pleasure. ".Vow. I beg of you," I contiuued, "not to speak further of this matter of property Interest that bas brought us together. Let us couslder our pro jected union one of Inclination alone. Yet before doing so 1 would Hfco to get one matter out of the way so thut it may not Influence us. Please write on a Ut of paper what you couslder the amount of your possessions, and I will do the same. We will exchange these papers and will both know what wo are to rpect primarily from each other." Now, 1 flatter myself this was very foxy on my part. I wn not sure but that I vtomd like to win this gli'l. and I did not cure t d so, rendering myself liable to a charge of deception other than in permitting her to continue In a mistake. Wc exchanged the ll. aud It turn. si out that my possesion were double hers, -''h.v," she exclaimed on looking at the amount on my slip. "Mr. Markucy dld not tell me that there w such an lueiuallty as that. 1 don't understand why you who had never seen me nhottld have desired me simply on ae eouut of a pnM-rty consideration, mine being but one half yours."' "I said to you Just now ttcfore this Interchange of Information that after It had levu made the sordid part of this transaction should lie dropped. Now let ns talk of other matter." By skillful management I learned that the man I had been mistaken for had gone away to be absent several weeks aud that no communication was likely to take place lietweeu him and MU r.ninghnm until his return. At tlrst I permitted myolf to drift on luto tho false Hisltl i carelessly, but ti, iw and again twin ,es of conscience would come to mo a; id. more than all. a distaste for the denouement thut wai sure to follow. At tho end of this our tlrst meeting It was evident that we were mutually pleased with each other, and If we contiuued to be so the wishes of the lady's guardian would be carried out. What theee wishes were or how far they would tend to ber ccrkiiment 1 didn't care. When I nive to go she said: "Bat yon are uot going before see ing my stepmother aud my half sis tvr. They are my only relutlves." "Pardon me." I replied. "I am rath er shy of meeting strangers, especially under the present circumstances. How would It do for them to get a sight of me the way you dld-through the key holer "If you ever mention that again you may consider the matter broken off be tween us forever. After all. I thluk it us well that you should meet them during a later visit." "I'm sure of It. ITow often do you think you can eudure a call from me?" . "As often as you like." I wondered whether Miss Kll'ing ham considered that we were engaged and would graut mo an engaged man's privilege or, rather, exeet me to take It. I didn't w-lsh to presume so fur on a mistaken Identity aud was going away without a kiss. Tho lady must have considered herself engaged, for she made it plain that no such cold departure would please her. I took the kiss, and. though It was Intensely enjoyable, I felt that 1 hud received that to which 1 was not entitled. When I stepped out of that apart ment bouse Into tho open air 1 was fairly overpowered by the change which had come over mo since 1 bud entered It There were pleasurable sensations confused with borrlblo an ticipations. What would I do during the next fe.v weeks while this other Towuscud was nwuy? Was I to try to win the girl? I conned over the questlou as to whether T no it would be honorable fcr me to do so. There were several isilnts In my favor. In the tlrst place, 1 was twice as well fixed In worldly possessions as the other fellow. In the second, I had found fuvor in Miss Efllughum's sight, and she bud yet to see blm. Khe might on meeting hi in take a great dislike to him. I secretly hoped she would. I took pleasure In deplctlug blm in my mind's eye as a red headed, freckled, suub nosed . chap with the forehead of nu ornng outang. I went straight borne, sat down In an easy chulr and tried to think of some plan whereby I might come out of the matter with eclat Instead of con tempt, but fulled to find one. WLut would have been tho outcome had 1 uot been pierced with an arrow shot from tho little god 1 don't know. It would probably have been fur dif ferent from what it- was. I voWed to keep away from Miss Effingham and tho consequences of my tlrst visit to her. I kept my resolution by calling the next day, and the next and the next, for two weeks, every day ln teinlln:,' a confession and never making one. Meanwhile the mutter between us was a uso of desperate love. I went to see my sweetheart one day und learned that the sword sus pended over me bud fallen. I found ber lu the room where I had first met her, tulking In au excited state to a man who, as I entered, looked at me scrutiulzlngly. Miss Effingham, a If to shut us both from ber mind, snuk on a sofa und concealed ber face with ber handkerchief. "Who ure you, sir?" I asked. "The lady does not geem lucllued to Intro duce us." "I am Edward Townsend." "And I am John Towuseiid." "I am the Townsend, sir." "Edltb," I said. "It's all out. You mistook mo for this gentleman, and I permitted you to continue lu your mis take. All thut remains to bo done is for you to decide between us." "Leave me, both of you," she walled. The other Townsend and myself nat urally obeyed and nt tho same time. It was an embarrassing walk through tho corridor and a miserable ride down the elevator. I was much put out to discover tbat the real orlglnul Town send was a far better looking man than mystif. When wo parted ot the outer door we both raised our hats politely, scowling nt each other, und weut In different directions, Wltbln a week a lilt lo note came to mo addressed In a woman's hand. 1 tore It open. It read: Ilcarest; co nh to in". Then I knew I way the real Town-send. BEFORE BUILDING OUT PRICKS ON Clear Lumber, Mill Work and Mouldings FROM THIS FANDANGO LUMBER COMPANY ADDRISSS: WILLOW RANCH, CAL. PROMPT SERVICE AND TWENTY-FOUR. THOUSAND Prescriptions have been filled nt this store in th past five years This record shows better than anything else the confidence placed in this store by both doctor and patten t THORNTON'S DRUG STORE CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. f. COfttY, Omntrml Manmgr LAKEVIEW . OREGON OprU 3U(M. carrying UnU4 5tatr Mll, tipfM mn4 taan(r tfca following rotiUat ALTURAS TO LAKEVIEW; LAKEVIEW TO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LAKEVIEW AUTOnOBILE5 OPURATKO IN CONNECTION WITH TUB 5TAUI1S FARESt On Way Roa trip Klamath Falls Route - - . $10.00 $18.00 Alruraa Route 5.00 9.00 Plush Route 4.00 7.00 oepices:- Lakavtaw . 5tat Oftlca Pluta .... Sulllvaa Natal Klaa). Palla . . AaMrkaa Metal A It'll aa . r. DUCKWORTH Office, AVirter St. Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co J. 1. 11 CKWOKTII, Makaokk Transfer and Drayage Ice Delivered HAGOAGi: ANI 110L'Si:il()LI (JOOIKS stoki:i lllMllhD"0N DISIAMI "OUlt CUSTOM HICS The Lowest, Warmest and Best Valley in Lake County We have many ten acre tracts, some adjoining lifted ut from $160 to f:Uj0, one hilf of name with pcr)ettml wnter rltfht on a never fulling stream. AIho tint'Ht of natural moudowH. Don't leave Lake Count; without soeinK thla valley. Jennings-Meyer Realty Company VALLEY FALLS : : : : OREGON REGARDING VARITIES No doubt you realize the preat importance of planting such varities of fruits and flow, crs that have been demonstrated to be suc cessful under like conditions in other com munities. We have been growing general nursery stock in the mountains for many years and WE KNOW. SEND FOR CATALOG AND PRICE LIST The Klamath Nurseries. GOOD WORKMANSHIP Holal Rayal H. VtRNOM M. MVMKtH Tt Icphon No. 1U AUK Ot'K ADV 1'lCTlSIiKS" Klamath Falls, Oregon