Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 12, 1911, Image 7

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A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examiner
Repeated u lew times, if necessary, will find u customer
for that propel t.v of yovira. They are scanned closely
by intending bujtrs, and the cost is nominal 5 cents
the line for each insertion. Special long-time rates.
stock aod iuipleaieuls, stuck taksu
on sliarsa or ruo ou a salary, llest
ol rsierences. wile good cuok.
Inquire ol U. W. vYuiie, Aituras,
(.int.. our J. U. Riouarusou'sosuip.
WAN I KO- W mount nil kiudsof birds
auimal bona. eui. Vte lo iklui
and meks rugs aud robe.
UlUy eud biuiutous, Taxsdernilate
Valley telle. Oregon. 30 Urn.
ml iiilrut melds u mil our epleu
li(J nursery stuck. A permanent
place, cash weealv aud a square firm
Iwkofyou. write lor particulars.
Waliutoa Nursery t TopiKjulsh,
ward Issued ljr the Telephone
(Company for destroying; IU prop
erty. a"
j'ii'i i' i ii i nfi i 1 1 1 1 1 1
L'ul U I. X A 111!
a itkWilfl) t lift lnllars ! here-
n - - - - - - .
by offered for loioruistloD that will
lead to tbe aires aud conviction of
any peisoa U Ut stolen wires or
other property. troa our Company:
and toe mom reward Is hereby ottered
for lotorujuM'.o that will lead to lb
trnit tad n.uvlotlon of euyou des
troying ti property of the Company.
Cbas. Unibauh,
BeoreUiy Lake Co. WiW Co.
Doo't furgst tbat carry la slock
tor Mi eil kinds of Iron. Pol's and
obaiua, tbiuabis skalns and Iroa aoa
steel axles Arinsr Bros. tf
Blue Prime ot any township id
Burns Laud District snowiug all
land sutries, natuas, dates, ate. To
pography. Vour ordar Oiled ou day
of reoekvlog. Price It J. O.
TUKNKY. Burns, Oregon Oil
Cheap flour at Uonansa. tjualliy
guaranteed or money rufundod. tf
UtrOKfc 4!kllllUIK.
grade ( njoura and Cigar to be
found In Oregon, tf
Hotel Uisevlew bar. The tteet and
purvMt whisky mal. tf
w v ri'li n.uul niiuikiiiinir maira
in raqnin-a tliJ norvlcea tf il reprr-
miUlnllVf in ijineymw, i
Iut nulotcrtntloii reiu'walu and to
extend clrciilntlou by Kixtlal meth.
oda which have provetl uuuaually
Nucveaaful. Salary and rominlwlou.
l'rtvlouM j-spt-rU-uoe d8lrbl, but
uot entH-ntlal. Vhok time or aparv
time. AildrveM, with n-fwivocea, J.
F. I'alrbaiikM, Good lloUHfktvplnic
MuKiilnn, 'Mi Fourth' Ave., New
York City.
KOK 8A1.I5 'JO acrea to aevtlon ZA,
towi.hl. ;l, raORO xi. hnjnln ot
. Heawr llros.. Lakaviow, Ore
KOIt BALK 40 acrea In allalla,
inllee aonth ol New 1'lne Crevk, alao
UOacri'M (armtoK land, 60 acrea In
wheat V miles tuuth of New 1'iiie
Creek. I'.irtkulam ol L T. Hentler
Hon, New I'lne Cnt'k, Ore. Apr'.M tf
3'OK ALK 10 nereH. near Lukevlew.
Demtrlption: H ol KKuttiSSli ol
N of Neetioii 16, TuwoHlilp 40,
ItauK H 1-' W. M. Otto E. And
craoit, LakpClty, Minn.
l iO acra line, level land adjoining
I'aultne Martin, tx mile urin ol
town of Silver Lake. Vry cheap
forcuHh. Apply to J. O. II all, b'J2
ClntmUr of Coiniuercu buildlug.
1'ortlund, Oregon. 413
IHK Lnkeview Ahntract X Title Co.
in nmkina ajM-cial prices on Atmtracts
to O. V. L. Co. 'a Tracta unci Town
lie V of Hoc. 34, T. US
S., itauKe 19 K., W. M., near Lake
view. Or. Call on or addreaa Cliaa.
K. Elulu, City Hocorder, Halem.Ore.
2-23 4-5B
SOR MA r.K Trot 5, Hoc 14, T.8H, R. 19, lOacros.
1,. J. Porter. Portlsud, Thm.
jfciR HAl.KU( . aloek 40. nl irwl U,ria.
i 16, T. M. K. IV, 10 Korea fetur Hwvatuo, 470
tH HM.V.-IM S4. bloc OT, O. V. I Co. sdUl
nlon.aiKl Hiot iiSi ut NK ol NK'.j. Bee, t.
I . IU, K. IV, IV tttrUM. AaUU'H ri H(.iwi
JlKU 4, bo li, Knuaai Cliy. Ku. l'rio ill).
tOU HI.K-Traol 1, Hm. 16. T. 87. K., 4iaori.
41, KU.1
: ut ut, I)t
MtBAIJC-lxit M, blue l.lSanit tracts, 8eo 18.
. 'JU anrii. AaaroM I nuoa n ara, in
, Vvt Molnvt, Jow.
r OltHAI.K Lit 14, block IHO.andN ol BK'4 pi
) S ray. b 14, Bl'lmiflfld, Wah. ITIce tAuO.
JKTHAI.K Lot 1), block gflli, O V L addition,
nINkX, HW, Heo 17, T S. K , 40 aorsk.
Addraaa I I'lercu Wolfe, Unorbead, Mlua.
.K l-ol 24. block Kl.1,0 V L addition,
..nrt H ol S'( ol BW, Boo It, T Bo, K6, XU
urra. Addra U. U. Harmon, lus Kauaai Hi,
dflald.U. I).
tl HAI.E--B1,' ol NH. ol WKU ol NKW'.Be
t, tt. U)aoro. Addrau Laura J. U
,8eo o, '1'
We pay caah for any Oregon Sua
ha Law a before IBM). AIho want
mo Journals 1802 and 1804. AIho
ea 1351, Journal of Council 18M,
tutoa loT4 and of l.V6, and Code ot
1 1'rooethire and (leueral Laws
:'i and Archive i-i:.l(?lli. Write
. A, HttU son & Co. Inc., Portlautl,
Want Ads
In tbe Circuit Court of the Htato ot
Orion, for the County of I-ake.
Ouaiie A. lleryford, I'lalntiff. )
va. V
L. K. Her j ford, lfm lnt. J
ToL. U. Ilery ford, tho Ab"va named
In the iihiiio of the 8 (ate of Oreuon,
You arc hereby reiiulrej to appear and
aiiHWer the complaint tiled again!
you In the above entitled court and
cauao, on or In-lore the lllth day of
Octolter. 1UI1, the aaid date lielnt; tbe
I nit day of the tloe prescribed in the or
der ol publication of auuimona herein,
and If you tail ao to appear or stuwer
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demanded
In aaid complain , namely: That the
plaintiff take a decree aifalnat you dis
solving the boo (In of matrimony exist
liifC Ix-tweeu rou and the plaintiff and
that she reaume tier maiden name,
Uuneio A. Youoic, and lor her coata ol
This auuimona la aerved upou you
by order of Ju'Ik of County Court of
lake County, HtatA aforenaid, daUwl
Auk- iuii.
Octl2 Attorney lor I'lulotiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Htale of
-OrefioD, for theCoanty of Lake.
A. M. llaxier, rialntlff, t
va. V
Win. Hume, Defendant. )
To the nlnrnMiamed defendant,
Wb Huiiic:
lo tho name of tho State of Oregon I
You arc hereby required to apiear
and answer thecomplalut filed agaiont
yon In tl alove eutltled Court and
cauao, now on tile with the clerk of
aald Court, on or before all weka
from tho data of tbe tint publication
of turn summons, towlt: On or before
the 13th day of October. 1911. and you
are noilllud tbat If you fall ao to ap-
Iatar aud answer the complaint, aa
lervla required, the plaintiff will lake
Judgment agatuat you for tbe sum of
J74.TJi together with the aum of
llOO.Ou asntio'iiey'af-w aud the furth.
er auui of IUS.37 together with the
aum of tlOO.OO aa atloroey'a fee, and
the further suui of .MI.tH together
with the aum of f 150.UO aa attorney'
fee, aod tbe further auiu of ;M.V70 to
gether with the aum of lSj.OOss at
torney's fee, aod the further auiu of
112.70 tojrvthcr with the sum of f 10.00
aa attorney's tee, and the further sura
of toin-thcr with the sum ol
'.WOO aa attorney' fee, and the furth
er sum of l'4.4S together with tbe
aum of ll.Hi.00 as attorney 'a fee and to
gether with the coata and disburse
ment of I tits action.
This auuimons la aerved upon you
by publication thereof by o.rder of tbe
llouoinble 11. Ialy, County Judge of
Lake County, Oregon, made on tbe
3rd day ot April, 1U11, directlog publi
cation thereof once n week for six
consecutive and succeaaive weeka In
the LnkeCountv Examiner, pabilahed
and printed atLakevl w, Lake Coun
ty, Oregon, aaid 1 ake County Exam
iner U'mg a nespitper of general fir
eolation, published aod prlutel weekly
at Lakevlew, Lake Couoty, Oregon.
j. ii. lank.
Attorney for I'lmntiff.
Date of flret publication. Auguat 21,
Date of laet publication, October 12,
In the County Court of the State ol
Oregon, for Lake County.
In the matter of tbe eetale of Ifoyt
Vernon, Merven Voruon, Florence
Vernor), Yergla Vernon and James
Vernon, Minora.
Notice is hereby given that pursu
ant o an order of the Couoty Court
of the stute ol Oregon, for Lake Coun
ty, made and entered on the 8th day
ot September, 11)11. 1 will on and after
the 13th day of October. 1011, sell at
private eale, for cuah lu hand, or for
part CfiMh, ami balance on approved
aocurltlcH, ( the same to he approved
by the Court) the following detwrihed
real property, and all the right, title
and intercut which the aald wards or
either of them may have In the same,"
towlti TheNKofbVV, and HVM
of NW.ttec. 84, Tp. liO 8., H. 20 E,
W, M., sIho the following described
rtal property, to wit: lteginnlug at
a point 478 feet eaat of the aouthweat
corner of the riW of 8W of Bee. 1
ib Tp. 40 8. . It. i0 E. W. M.; thence
running north 40 rods; thence eaat
to the eaat line of the above named
40 acre tract; thence south to tbe
southeast corner of eaid 40 acre tract;
thence west to place ot beginning.
Dated and flret published this 14th
day of SupteiutaT, A. D. 1011.
Guardian ol the above named niluora.
Not Coal 1.4X0 d
Department of the Jnuerlor, U. 8.
Laud OtileH at Lakevlew, Oregon,
September 6, 1U11.
Notice la hereby given that Richard
O. Mahonay, of l'luuh, Oregon, who,
on July f. lOU!, made llomeMtead
entry No. !Wir., Keriul. No. 01347, for
Ki riVV'U lxtH3, 4, 6, . Bectlon 10,
TowiiNhlp 3jM, lCaiiKe24E, Willamette
Meridian, 1ms tiled notice of lutentlon
to make Final five year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above des
cribed, before the Keglnter and tte
celver of the United Htatee Land
Office, at Lnkeview, Oregon, on the
14th day of Octotn-r 1011.
ClaJmunt numes as witnessca;
Charles Kobertaon, Walter Deut.
I'hillp Lynch, I'ut Murphy, all of
Flush. Oregon.
. A. W- OUTON, Itegister
( Not Coal Laud)
ll prirui.em of the Interior, IJ. H
trfiinl oillee at lakevlew, Or. gun.
hepieniN r 13, 1011.
No Ice la hmeb.v given that IICe
l.ulnl. of I'mihi,, on-gon, who, ou Oo
loUr I4. I on. iimiIi ilrert Ifio.l entry
No. 7im, aerlHl No. (Htl7, lor N V.i
Hee. 7. HW'.'f, H KF.J4. Hcc H, S
N i, H.-C I?, Towm-hlp :i'l H, Itaiige
'il t, , Willamette Merliiian, haa tlleij
notice of I leiitlon to make Dual
prof toeMinbliah claim 10 the Uud
above le:r0ed, iM-fore the lU'glnler
and IliHvlvi-r of the Dniied ntnlfn
Uiod OIHVe at Lakevlew, Oregon, u
the MlhddV of October, 1DII.
t 'lalinant liamea as wlfnexnea: I'al
rlcs Dreeii, W arren C ln'rd. Tlmoiby
Murpby and C C. Dixon, all of I'Iun'i,
A. W. ORTON, Ib gl-ter.
(Not Coal lanria)
Ihtartnieiit of tbe Interior. U. .
fjiud Office at Lakevlew, .Oregon,
September 1, 1011. '
Not Ira U hereby given that Jullua
Mchiister, of Hilvtr Creek, Nebraska,
who. on Octotwr 81, litlu, made tliti
InthimI atoon application Nit 010113.
for N'AJjf HWV. HW NVVL". Bee K
HX NF.i, hec. 7Toi.lilp 3M,
18 Hi, Willaoiette Meridian, baa llled
notice of b,U'Utl'n to make flnat prHjf
to eatabltah claim to tlie lanu above
dcrrllMd, Ix-fore the Keglater and lb
crlver of iheUntuM Htatea IjiikI OHl. e
at I nkeview, Oregon, ou the Vltl (lav
f Noveinlter. 1011.
Claimant name ns wltoeaaeix: ao
ton Hchuater, of Lakevlew. Oregon;
William WINot., of. Lakevlew, Ore
gon; Ixuls Hchusfer, ol Hilver Creek.
Nebraska, ahd J. W. Jackuiao, of Sil
ver Creek, Nebraaka.
lo the Circuit Court of the btate of
Oregon, for Lake County.
Ada Laoghlln, I'laio tiff, 1
va. , Summons
K. I). Olaen and all w r- for
aona unknown, if any, publication
having or claiming to in
have ao I u teres t to nal f recloeur
to aald real property, of tax lien.
To K. D Olaen. the atKive named
defendant, In the name of the State of
Y"U are hereby notified tbat Ada
Laughlin. the boldrr of IVrtltlcate of
Dellii(uency numbered 9, Icnuwl nn
the Dili day of Noveinlter,. l'MHi'. by
the IAX ctllectorof ibe county of Lake,
state of On von, for the amount (
alxteei and 34 I'D (1.4) dollars,
the aaoie la-lng the amount then oue
ai.d delinquent for ta es for toe j ear
KW7, Ugei her with jtenally, Inter, at
and coats (hereon upon the real prop
erty aaaeased to you,' of which you
are the owner as appears of record,
siioated in aald county and state, aod
particularly liounded and deecribed
iu follows, to-wit:
The noith half (N) of section
twenty Cio). towokhlu thirty-eight
(38). south range nioeteen (19) eaat,
containing three hundred and twenty
(3JO) acrea, situated in the couuty of
Lake, state of Oregon.
Yon are further notified tbat said
Ada Laughlin has paid taxes on s&id
p remixes for prior or subsequent
years with the rate ot Interest on
said amounts us follows:
Year 1U0M. paid March 2, 1000;
amouut, Ti.43; rat ot Interest, 15 per
cent er annum.
Year IOOO, paid March 7, 1010;
amount, $1S.4S; rate of Interest, 15 per
cent per annum.
Year 1010, piiid March 15, lull;
amount, '.'.) CO; rate of Interest. 15 per
cent per annum.
Maid E. D. Olaen, aa the owner of
tbe legal title of tbe above described
property as the same appears of rec
ord, and each of the other persons
atove named are hereby further no
tified that Ada Laughlin will apply
to the Circuit Court of the county
and state aforesaid for a decree fore
closing the Hen against tbe property
above deacrltied and mentioned In
raid certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
davs after the first publication of the
summons exclusive of the day of said
first publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay the amount due aa above
ahon together with costs aud ac
crued luterest and in case of your
futlure to do so, a decree will be rend
ered foreclosing tbe lien of said taxes
and costs against the land and pre
tutsee above named.
This summons is pnbllsked by order
of the Honorable Henry L Ileuson,
Judge of tbe Circuit Court of the state
of Oregon, for the county ot Lake,
tnd said order was made and dated
this 25th day of September. 1011, aud
tbe date of the first publication ot
this summons la tbe 2Mb day of Sep.
temlier, 1011.
All process and papers in this pro
ceedlng may be aerved upon the tin
derslgued residing within the state of
Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for Flat n tiff.
Address, 313 Washington St., Port
land, Oregon.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Lake
Couuty, Oregon. 8cpt23 NovO.
Not Coal Land
Department ot the Interior, U. S.
Land Otllce at lakevlew, Oregon,
September 13, 1011.
Notice Is hereby given that Nannie
M. Graves, of Lakevluw, Oregon, who,
cn Attguht 8,1010 uistle timber and stone
application, No. 03022, tor NWk NIVK,
Sec. 34, Twp. 80 8, Range 17 h..
Willamette Meridian, has tiled uotlce
of Intention to make final proof, to
establish claim to tbe land above
described, In-fore the register and re
ceiver of the United States land ofUce,
at I axeview, Oregon, on the 17th day
of November, 1011.
Claimant names as witnesses t Dan.
lot V. Hreunan, LouIhU K. lirennao,
L,ora Harry aod Jack McAullffe, all of
Lakevlew, Oregon.
A. W. ORTON, Register.
Let the Examiner figure on
your next Tob Printing.
We, the undersigned legal Voter of
Nortb arner precinct, lHk)Connty,
"Mate ol Orcg.,11. reaectftlly petition
the 1 1 ext. County Court of Lxkeiouti
I), Mtateof Oiegoo, to grant a licenae
to T, J . Hnllivaii, of Hindi, Oregon,
10 sell spirituous, malt and vinous
liquor In Icms quantities than one
Mullen In ssld North Warner precinct,
Lane Ci unity, htato of Oregon, for tbe
ieriid of six inooths, as in duty boond
we will ever pray:
Frank Rogxera, Iiert Lewis,
L . Kcckwlth, C. 11. Roblriaon,
J J. Scott, J. M.JMesr-ner,
Win. Dsyer. J. O. Van Keulen,
i. L O'nuilivan, 1'at Murphy,
A. O. Kelly, Jeremiah Moynlhan,
.lohii D.McAnlliTe, P. K. laylor,
I I war A IVIIetler.F,. Ilonon,
C, W. Dent, J. M Handle;,
Coo Murphy, V.O.Allen,
O. A. Curtis, James l. O'Connor.
Ed F. KlfMMlIng, Dick O'Mahooey,
J. J Van Keulen, N. K. Curry,
li. F. itoiierts, II. Pot n dexter,
('has Markaberrv.W. C. Jatrd,
I'hillp Lynch, W O Orlsel,
H M. Luce Richard Allen,
L. P. Mauxey, F 1. Ketcliani,
W. K. Mehur,ter. I. W. Frakes,
Hal Scott.
U. W. W las,
K. P. Une, '
C. H. Deboy.
Harr" Kigiis,
J. I. Flook,
J W. Fine.
A. U onow.
N.E.Calderwood, Michael Uw,
State of Oregot., 1
County ol Lake, )
I, T. J. 8ulllvan, being first duly
worn according to law depose and
say: That the foregoing petition
contain tbe signatures of an actual
mujorliy of the whole number of legal
voter ol North Wat tier preel uot. Lake
Couoty, Ore.; that each of said sig
natures Is geoulje; that each of tbe
persons abose signatures are slgoed
to aald petition Is an actual rtsideot
In said precinct at tbe uate hereof
aud was aud has been actua'ly a
reeldrnt of and residing In said pre
cinct at least thirty days immediately
preceding tbe date he signed this
petition aud also of tbe flliog of lb
fJworn to and subscribed before me
this 31st day of September, 1911.
(rMfal) J. J. VAN KEULEN,
Notary Pcbllc for Oregon.
Notice la hereby given that tbe nn
derslgaed will apply to the Hon.
County Kiurt, of Lake Couuty, State
of Oregon, 00 November C, 1011, for
a license to sell spirituous, malt and
vinous liquors lo less quautlties than
one gallon in North W arner precln :t.
Lai Couuty. Oregon, for a period of
fix months from the 7tb day of No
vernber, 1011.
Notice is hereby given that the
Slate Land Itoard will receive sealed
bids until 10.1M o'clock A. M.. Decem
ber 5. 1011, for the following described
school land towlt:
All of sections IS and 30, T. 20 8.,
IL 15 E.
All bids must be accompanied by a
regularly executed application to pur
chase aod at least one fifth ot tbe
amount offered.
No bid for less than $7.50 per acre
will be considered. Tbe right to re
ject any aud all bids Is reserved. Ap-
olicntions aod bids should oe ad
dresxed to O. O. Brown, clerk State
Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and
marked "application and bid to pur
chase at ate lands."
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated September 28,1011.
Reported by the Lakevlew
Abstract and Title
The following transfers were record
ed in Lake Count v for the week ending
October 6. 1911.
P. J. Cockrell to J. E. Lelearn.
NE1. Sec. 1. 37-26.
A. E. Houston to J. N. Watson. El
NWJ. NJ SWJ. Sec. 12. 41-18.
N. P. R. Co. to G. Winkleman, SW1
SEJ. Sec. 14. 30-16. $330.
I. L. Scofield to F. P. Hixon.5.NJ
SEJ. Sec. 6, 29-12.
W. B. Snider to C. R. Shathick.Lot
6. NEJ SWJ. NJ .SEJ. Sec. 6. 23-16.
O. M. Bond to S. Garrett Commenc
ing 16 ft. W and 125 ft S of the NW
comer of Blk. "A"'n WaltenCAdd.
S 125 ft ,W 125 ft. N 125 f t E J125 ft
$300. 1
U. S. to P. B. Barry. NWJ. NEJ,
Sec. 35. 40-27.
W. J. Bray to Chas. Umbach. NJ Si
NEJ NEJ. Sec.ll, 18. EJ SWJ. Sec. 27.
36-26. $100.
Laura Hayes to W. L. Jonea. Lot
47. Blk. 219. O. V. L. Add.
II. H. Hahn to J. C. Oliver, beginn
ing at a point 712 ft N of the SE Jcor
ner of the NEJ of SWJ. Sec. 10. 39-20.
thence N 628 f t W to County Road,
thence S to a noint on the County Road
due W of ooint of beginning.
J. C. Oliver to D. L. Kellev. same
description as above. $325.
N. Snvder to A. I. Paxton. Com
mencing at a point 8711 J ft W and 648J
ft N from the NE corner of the NWJ
Sec. 15. 89-20.
There .were 28 O.V.L. Deeds re
corded. '
Bilious! es is due to a disordered
couditlon of the stomach. Chamber
lain's Tablets are essentially a stom
ach medicine, Intended especially to
act on that organ; to cleanse It,
strengthen It, tone and Invigorate it,
to regulate the liver and to banish
biliousness positively and effectually.
For sale by all dealers.
Fines for violstlon of the Oregon
game laws in the months of June. July
and August, aa shown bv statistics ore
pared bv State Game Warden Finlev.
amounted to $3240. In that period
there were 96 convictions, with fines
averaging $25 each. Of these seven
were for taking small trout Thirtv
two convictions were bsd for fishing
snd bunting without a license. The
Commission's fund was increased $300
br the collection of these fines alone.
Three persons- were convicted for
failure to screen ditches, and paid a
fine of $50 each. Eight persons Daid
$25 esch for violating of the Isw
sgainst fishing at night. Eight oersons
were fined $50 escb tor dumping saw
dust into streams. L. R. Bunysrd. of
Harnev County, psid a fins of $150
for this offense. Willisms Brothers, of
the same district psid a fine of $100.
Four convictions were bad for foul
booking of salmon, the aggregate of
fines being $200. Dvnamting streams
cost three oersons fines of $50 each.
Hunting deer with dogs brought in
three fines of simiisr amount Three
fines of $25 escb were im Dosed forjcill-
ing ducks. Four convictions were bsd
for killing of does, the fines amounting
to $200. Other fines of $50 each' were
im Dosed for such offenses a selling
salmon without a license, killing
grouse snd auail. mutilating deer and
killing beaver.
In Oregon, according to Charles G.
Ysle. of the United States Geological
Survey, tbe total value of tbe mine
production of gold, silver and copper in
1910 was $700,676. against $827,001 in
1909. which, however, also includes tbe
vsiue of the lead produced that ' year.
The ore treated in 1910 was 82.132 short
tons against 59.281 tons in 1909.
production of gold decreased from
$781,964 in 1909 to $679,488 in 1910;
that of silver increased from 27.827 fine
ounces, vslued at $144.70. to 359.78 fine
ounces, valued at $194 28 ; that of coo
per fell off from 235.0CO pounds valued
at $30,550. to 113.861 pounds, valued at
$1.760 ; and that of lead declined from
400 pounds in 1909 to nothing in 1910.
Baker County led in gold production
with an output of $401,002. mostly from
deep mines, followed bv Jospehine with
$150,048 from both plscers and deen
mines. All of tbe cornier production
and 29.835 ounces of the silver output
also came from Baker County, whose
output of gold, silver and coooer was
vslued at $418,873 in 1910. The com
bined gold outnut from southwestern thought Oregon Democrats want to
Oreong in 1910 was $209,324. of which wm. ,nfj they are desirous of assisting
$130,103 was placer gold. The placer to Dick a winner. Although satisfied
outut of thia region decreased $551,491 that Wilson will be strong in some of
in 1910. The mines of northeastern the insurgent states, they bave serious
Oregon produced $470,164 in gold in doubts if be can carry the large doubt
1910. ;of which the placer yield was ; tates where the Democrats must
$40,822 and the deen mine vield $429.
324. The placers of this region showed
an increase of $4,756 in 1910 and the
deep mines a decrease of $42,311.
Salem. Oct 3. Contract . labor in
Oregon came to an end Saturday
night when the Lowenberg & Going
Companv. stove manufaturers. who
have been at the penitentiary emoloy
ing convict labor for the past 25 or SO
years, was ordered to discontinue
because of fsilure to make payments.
This announcement made today, is
especially imnnrtant at this time, as it
means the release of hundreds of con
victs form the stove foundry work to
the work of crushing rock for road
building throughout the state and for
much needed repair work about the
state institution. Now that the brick
demand can be supplied bv the yards
ODerated with free labor, no more
penitentiary labor will be placed unon
the ooen market
There have been emdoved in the
stove foundry abuut 200 convicts. Be
fore leaving tor two davs' rest and re
cuperation at Seaside todav, Governor
West gave out the following statement :
"The labor released can be employed
in many ways at present as there is
much repair work and cleaning up to
be done around tiie prison and "other
state institutions. As soon aa equip
ment can be secured and installed in
the buildings for the purpose of manu
facturing such articles as can te used
snd are needed at several state insti
tutions men can be easily employed.
"We have now under way the matter
of establishing rock crushers in several
counties where at least some men can
be emulovea druing this winter crush
ing rock for road building."
Gold coins and bullets were mined
from the site of a famous Idaho mining '
camp recently.
Oregomsn: That overworked ex
pression. "The eves of the country are
on Oregon." will be particularly ao
plicable next Soring. Especially will
it be true as aonlied to the aspirant
for the Reobulican and Democratic
nominations for President. Oregon is
one of five states in which the electors
in the primary election early next vear
wit) ex Dress their preference for Presi
dent and vice-president 1 '
The auintet together with tbe dates
of the primary election in each are:
j North Dakota. March 9; Wisconsin,
j April 2; Nebrsska. April 17; Oregon,
j April 19. and New Jerssv. Mar 28.
This activity is particularly notioe
; sble among the prospective Democrstio
csndidates. They are desiring of in
suring for themselves, by working
through effective organizations, which
sre being formed in those five ststes..
the biggest possible pooulsr vote ex
pression from the Democratic voters
in the primary election for tbe effect
the result may have in determining
Democratic sentiment in tbe states
which will select delegstes to the
National convention later.
Oregon Democrats are divided as to
a choice for President Some tarn
supporting Governor Wilson, while
others prefer Governor Harmon. I ta
rn ediatelv following tbe visit of Uor
ernor Wilson a lew months ago. the
Democrats for a time aooeared to be
carried away by the New Jersey man.
But alter sober reflection that enthu
siasm has abated somewhat and some
Dentocratis who two months ago were
shouCing for Wilson are inow inclined
to look to Harmon as the man to lead
tbe narty. '
The more conservative Democrats
at no time bave favored Wilson, whom
they regard as the political dudH of
Bryan. They have insisted that the
oartv should name for its candidate -a
man who can count upon the sooport
of the rank and file of toe oarty and
be reasonably certain of carrying
; some of the lers-e doubtful states of
the East which is essential to victory.
At the same time the more radical
Democrats are not satisfied -with i Wil
son. They are demanding that their
candidate must stand for the initiative,
the referendum and the recall. Wilson
professes tojstand for these measures
of popular legislstion as they are en
unciated in the so-called "Oregon sys
tem." but he has blaked at the ap
plication of the recall to the judiciary.
The arrival of Lieutenant Governor
Nichols, representing Governor Har
mon, with the message from the east
that the Democrats must nominate a
man who can carry Ohio and some of
j the ether large states of the east has
' also given the Democrats food for
go for the necessary electoral votes in
addition to those of the South to win.
Senator Chamberlain has announced
himself as favoring Wilson, but other
members of the party who have work
ed shoulder to shoulder with the Sena
tor in former conflicts are inclined
towards Harmon. Governor West ex
ploded the story that he intends to use
his convict labor policy aa a steoning
stone to the United States senate in an
address delivered before the Progres
sive Business Men's club at fjthe tHotel
Portland, recently.
"1 have no political ambitions" he
be said with unusual warmth. " My
treatment of the convicts has lost me
most of my polictical friends, but is
gaining me friends among the business
men and taxDsvers. "I expect some
thing to hanpen ; I expect to be cruci
fied because of this. But in suite ot all
ODDosition I will succeed, because its
right and all hell can't stop me.
'I don't intend to be a candidate for
senator, I will not be. I wouldn't make
a good senator.! There are doxensjf
men better than I. who can go back
to Washington, wear olug bats and
frock coats and play poker with the
other senators. I want to stay in Ore
gon with the people I like, and where
I can do the moat good. I bone to get
my 'crazy ideas' worked out before my
term of office expires, and nothing
could induce me to wish or try to re
mi n in office except unfinished business
or if some of the opposition against me
should rouse me too much."
Good Printing
Is the art of putting Into another
mind what is In your own.
la a means of making a favorable
'to bava the bat raaulta, It must be
r bast printlug.
"liai ara prepared to gtva you.