Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 05, 1911, Image 1

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    H-V'To' ft
Noted Cnthollc Prclato Is
Well PlonsoU With
Work of Church
I: i c tit Reverend I lulu n Onirics .1.
O'lUillv. 'f the Catholic fhtlrch. 5'nt
urdsv vun.n over firm ICIimisth Falls
ijil utrut Sunday ik the ruetef ,
view. Tie Hit I u rj'n nil ot this time
wm mm it hi the imture, of u frirt!illv (
vinit to the ni l ! t.e rc. h t ilnv he it
to rorflrm liirvc rliif of children at
Merrill mi'! Sunday and Sunduv will
ive I hat itumc snrrtiment to a Urge
number of peonlo ut Kliimtith Fitll.
A hi presence win required at the
Uitrr place he look the coimi ti.iilt v
to liiiiki tlio trii) to this cilv.
The 10 o'clock Sumluv nervier of
the cnureh were held In (ho Opera
House, ami rr presided over bv tin
I'.iiil'M). netted liv Father Srhtnitu
The H-rimm of the dav wit given bv
tho ruhject being "The
Ten Comnmi dnii-nt." (iuif? a liirce
number of people were orcst-nt and the
servlrcn were rendered douhlv nttrnc
live bv the choir singing. Solo were
rendered by Mm. Jonas Norin and Mrs.
T. V. Hull. assisted bv Mrs. I). F.
Pronoun. Mm. J. McAulifTe and the
Misses Lena MrShanc. F.lsie Post soil
l.uurn Spelling.
At three o Work m the afternoon a.
mrc line ol tho incomers of the tnrlnh
was hold ut the church residence. Plans
were discussed liiwsrd the rstahlish
incnt of a Knight of Columbus tmrirtv
here, to be h tiriinch of the council
which la toon to he organized l Klam
ath Full under Father McMillan, of
thai tiUce. Tills mutter will lie taken
un more definitely at a Inter date.
anl it may also bo found p(.iihlo at
such time to convert the residence of
the orient Into club room, when the
new church in completed.- A com
mittee, consisting of Mm. W. K. Pnrrv.
Mr. C. It. Graves. Minn ('.looter. D.
F. P.rcnnan. John McAullifTe. A.
Kaufmann. A.J. Swift. William Proud
foot and (!. II. Graven, was appointed
to work in connection with the priest,
aa an advisory board in all matter
pertaining to the rhrueh. This com
mittee will also take un the matter of
collecting all unpaid nubscriptions for
the new church and will solicit addi
tional Minis for the maintenance ot tho
orient and church.
The llishop was much pleased with
the new church being built hero and
utated that it wat one of the nicest in
the fifteen now under- construction in
hia diocese. At the afternoon meet
ing he mentioned something of hi
travel through eastern Oiegun over
his dititricl. which compromised a total
of GTi.nOO (ouare milra. While in the
Kurna country he wn taken in tow bv
Wm. Ilanlev. who nhowed him much
of that section of the country, its ad
vantages, etc.. with a view towardH in
teresting the Catholic Colonization
Society in the lunds and fccurinif ett
lcrs for that imrticular section. The
Data Now Being: Secured
For Project Near
Silver Lake
It is reported that a lurgo irrigation
proposition is now under way in the
northern part of Lake county, at leust
data is being secured to finance the
proposition. It is well known that the
streams putting into Silver Lako are
being measured and much other data
secured concerning, the run-olf of those
stream during high water, as well as
much other information in connection
therewith. As the rumor reaches the
Examiner. Silver Lake is to be used as
a reservoir, while the land to be re
claimed lies noiU,cnl ot that section.
It is not expected tiiut suillcieiit data
ran be secured before next Soring to
put the project in shape so that capi
tal cun bo induced to undertake the
According to Government mups Sil
ver Luke has su elevution of 4340 feet
while Chlrstmua lake is some 44 feet
lower and lies about 1H miles to the
ItUhnii M much linrresfcd v.(lh Hit-!
nev coot t v Inn.). m Ijb In with Lake
hild Klan-iith cMir lli'H. j
lie ft Mor.dav hv ano for KUfn
a(h FiiIIm. and utii'ed that he would he '
back here ih the 'AurU v to dedicate the,
nev(' chiir.-h and wive the fin rninent of!
Conflrniaiinn to the rMren.
Diplano for Surprlso
Surnrini' Uecord : I'r. Illwood is con-!
strurtjrn? a biiilnne. tho fiV-t one for j
Surorih Valu-v. The Shi.rtu
and Wihton at.d Dr. I-Mwood arc
promoter of the unl'ine alTnir. v.hich
I; 1 S feel lonir. four fe-t wide and 4j
reel hi!). Ihev will be read to tit?
(la ftvintr einrienrv in a few dnvs. i
and will nnk'i the flivhl from the
mountain wct-t of town. Later on thev j
intend to build a laruc airshio and
e-.fjlo it with a powerful cniHijr. which j
will enable them to slide through the'
air at will. Pr. F.lwoo l I fiirr.iliar
with the working f a I iolune. and b.-is
t (.nitrui-U d them In fore.
Foster-Hoy j
Jmipc (i. Foster and Mi.-s Mnv,
Uelle Hov. well known young pcop! ,
of nummiT I.uke. were married Satur-'
tlsv evct.iiK? at the resilience of Mr.
and Mrs. I). C. Hehminck. Kev. JBrl
ville T. Wire, of the M. E. Church.
Pronoiineinir them one. The irroom is
hoii of F. W. Foster and the f bride a
daughter of L. O. Hov. both well
known nroaoerou ranchers ml stock
men of Lake Courtv. The tiewlv-weds
have the bent wihheo of a large circle
of friends for their tulure success and
Selection of 2000 Acres
Made at Summer
T. A. Rinehart. SUite Lsnd Agent
during the past week hus been making.
a number of indemnity schoi.l selections
of marginal lands around Summer
lake, using asbnse stste lands included
in the National Forest. The purpose
of the selections is along the lines in
dicated in the Examiner to tho c.fect
that the Stute Land Hoard is prepar
ing to secure control of the salt and
borax deposits known to exist in Lake
county. Thus far no attempt hBS been
made so far as known to secure lands
claimed bv locators or others who
have possession of such deposits, and
the lieu selections made are on unap
propriated lands as shown bv the re
cords of the U. S. Land Office. How
ever, should it prove that some of the
selections are claimed under the min
eral laws, a verv nice question of
right to the land would no doubt arise.
Mr. RineliBrt hus thus far selected
uhout 20(H) acres of land along the
north.and east margins of Summer
Had a Nice Jaunt
C. Ilenkel. of the Alhumbra. a few
davs since returned from auite an ex
tended visit to different points in the
Northwest. He attended tho Astoria
Centennial, was at Seattle and other
Puiret Sound cities, attended the races
at Portland, the round-uu ut Pendle
ton, the f.tate Fair at Salem, the
County Fair at Klamath Falls, and in
fact he had a regular monkey and
parrot time. Probably the most en
jovaule event of the trip was its finish,
for he remarked to an Examiner rep
resentative shortly after getting out of
the auto that "these old hills sure
look good." The round-uu at Pendle
ton he considered the best thing he
saw on the trip. The rains proved too
muoh for him. however, und although
the Willamette looked nice and green
yet he was .very muoh pleused to get
home. .And it might be added that he
received a warm greeting on his return
from his numerous friends, many of
whom had about given him uo as lost.
Pastors Appointed
At tho recent M. E. Conference hold
at Salem the following appointments
were made in this part of the disrict:
Lukeview. Melville T, Wire.
Paisley. E. S. Wilcox.
Klamath Falls, li. H. Fcese.
Cednrvillo. J. H. Westervelt.
Davis Creek. W, M. Gooderheim.
Rev. W. U. Pepper, formerly of
Surprise Vallev is now located at Dor
ris. Cal.
Industrial Scenes in Lakcview
t, -
1--." m .
1C.OOO Pounds of Wool
At the meeting of tlic Orison Development Leo true
IrM .it Hums this week, it w.-U deei'U-'l to hold the r.e.vt
meeting in Lakeview. When Cel. F. P. L'ht, J. X. Wat
son. W. II. Miirk, V. L. Sru-Iling. the Rice hovs, Jim Dod
soii, Lair Thompson, Ii. L. Britten, Jaek BateheUer and
others equally prominent left for Burns it was with the
intention of seeuriug the next meeting for Lakeview. and
it was a foregone conclusion that their efforts would
prove successful. The time has not been fixed but it will
probably be early in June next The meeting was a big
success, there beinj; a large attendance from all sections.
Charged With Securing
Money Under False
Bornanl C. Sits, well known in Lake
view where he conducted a real estate
business for dome time, subsequently
removing to Willow Ranch. Cal.. has
been arrested on a charge of securing
monev under fsbo pretenses. Sitz
was for some time secretary of the
Lakeview Development Company
afterward branching out under the
name of the Tri-State Land Co. For
some time past bis dealings have been
Questionable, and on more than one
occasion he was compelled to refund
monev paid as part pnvment on certain
land deals. He .would enter into eon
trat to sell land at so much down with
balance in monthly payments, and
those in a position to know claim that
he has made some $33,000 in the busi
ness. It is alleged that while acting as
secretary of the Lskeview Develop
ment Co. Sitz sold a number of con
tracts, using tne Company's ramo and
signing as secretary, his action in so
doing being unauthorized. It is said
that he sold 16 10-acre tracts in Sec.
12. 39-20. which land belonged to Geo.
Jammerthal. and which lots subse
quently excanged for others. The con
tracts were sold to Maricopa. Cal.. aa
well s to Nebraska and Dakota parties.
What proved bis undoing was in sell
ing lands to Kern County. Cal.. inves
tors, and for wnich he is now awaiting
trail in th tfakersfield jail. A dispatch
to the Sacramento Pee gives the fol-
Continued on piiKo 4
Apples Blown Off
Much damage has been done the
apple crop bv the high winds that have
prevailed during the past month. Kellev
Oriles wns up from Davis Creek few
dsv ago. and he stated that the wind
has blown a large share of the apples
from tho trees and unless a change soon
takes place there will be but few left.
So much wind at .this time of vear is
verv unusual, and in many instances
there is po protection whatever from
the prevailing winds.
OHKC.ON, (KTOUKIi .'. 1911.
En Route to Railroad
Honored Citizen Passes
Away In His Seventy
, sixth Year
Winslow Bailev. one cf
well known and most highly respected
citizens, passed to the great bevond
shortly before noon cf Tuesday. Octo
ber 3. 1911. Never ot roliutt health,
he had been ailing for sometime past,
and some ten days ago his condicion
became such that be was unable to
leave his room. Duiing his list davs
he suffered no pain, and the end came
peacefully and witn scarcely a sign that
change hnd taken place. Tho funeral
j occurred at 2 o'clock Wednesday atfer-
noon from the M. E. Church. Kev. M.
T. Wire conducting the serv'ces. In
temcnt was in the Odd ceme
tery and a number cf his friends fol
lowed the remains to their last resting
Winslow Uailev was Lorn in White
county. 111. Dec. 23. 1S35. and hence
whs nearly 7t years of age at the time
of his death. Following upon his com
mon school education he attended the
high school at Washington Court
House. Ohio, for a couple of years,
and on August 22. 1SC1. enlisted in
Comnsnv G.. 29 Ih Illinois Volunteer
Infantry, and after eight months spent
in the hospital after the battle of Fort
Donelson. where he fought under Gen-
I era! Grant, he was discharged for dis
ability. Afterwards he engaged in
teaching school, but on account of ill
health had to engage in outside occupa
tions occasionally.
In March. 1878. he removed to Ne
braska, where he engaged in farming.
Reception to Pastor
A very enjoyable reception was ten
dered Rev. Melville T. Wire Saturday
evening at the M. E. Church. While
the attendance was not so large as It
might have been, yet those. in attend
ance spent a very pleasant evening.
Had it been generally known that Mr.
Wire would be here at that time the
attendance would have been much
larger. Refreshments were served bv
the ladies, which included ire cream,
cake and other delicacies.
j to KlarnBth county, srd m Is.
i ""oe
to l.Hkevicw. where he resided .
the time of his death. In 191 he
: elected justice of th peace for thi&
! precinct, and has held the position al
! mo' t continuously ever since,
j Augijft 19. 1811. Mr. Bailcv was un
! itcd in marnoge with Lncv Parrott.
j who mrvives him and is making her
home with hfr daughter. Mrs. S. C.
: Bench, of Portland, having been in ill
j heultli for stversl years. Besides Mrs.
j IJeach fhare are two sons. HaTV and
I Loren. Solh well known citizens of
' Lakeview.
! During the funeral the hanks and
; a number of business houses were
' closed out tt respect to his memory.
Mv he rest in peace.
Circuit Court
Judge Henrv L. Benson will convene
an adjourned term of Circuit Court
next Momlav in order to nave the way
for the regular October term which
meets the Monday following. The
grand jurv which was called for the
May term has been held and wilt meet
again Monday to consider anv business
that may te brought before it. Tnere
will no doubt be a number of cases
considered by it. as it is understood
that a large number of suhnoenas have
been issued for parties to appear dur
ing the coming week.
The grand jury is co;nDosed of
W. G. Sncncer. foreman; M.
Dames. X. Arzner. Cha3. Nelson.
Lauritzen. L. C. Emerson and B.
Chief Engineer G. S.Oliver
Pleased With Progress
of W o r k -
i and removing to Oregon . o'
led in Polk countv. Later t O;
Geo. S. Oliver, chief engineer of the for a railroad throueh Sursrise Valley.
N.-C.-O. Rv.. wss in town n few !on the east side of the lake. On in
dava since, and to an Examiner reore-1 vestigation. however, it turns out that
sentative exnressd himself as well
eased with'the progress of tje work
on the Lakeview extension of his road.
He asi t that in his opinion mils wouid
be laid into Lakeview this Fall, and
j ttmt if the weather ker.t aocd regular
train service wcuid be established this
year. On the other hand if the weather
j turned wet. cold cr dlsijieeable it
would be impossible to hold the
I laborers. in which ise tliers
would probably be a delay in ballasting
the road and consequently a postpon
ment of regular train service for a
However, work a1,! along the lice
is being pushed with much vigor in
view of the earlv approach of winter.
All of the construction outnt is now
this side of Davis Creek, including the
steam shovel and pile driving outfits,
and after this week there will be
little delay in laving steel. There will
are no long bridges to build and com
paratively little piling, and mtch of
the distance is over a regular gravel
bed along the lake shore, necessitating
but little ballasting and that is right
at band. While Mr. Oliver did not ex
press himself in positive terms, vet he
impressed the Examiner man as being
confident ihat the northern terminus of
his road would be at Lakeview during,
the winter of 1911-12.
Electric Troubles
' Lightning and falling trees caused
mre or less trouble along the electrio
uui. ..or uur...- ... ui --. u ...
first place a tree was fallen across the
line wnicn pui it oui oi commission
ior a unie. anu vno w.
found to have been caused bv lightning
striking a pole three miles south of
town, tearing on the cross arm ana
grounding the wires. The latter trouble
caused the lights to be shut off all of
Friday night.
Masonic Hall Services
On next Sunday evening at 7 :30 a
question service will take place the of
the sermon. Those present will have
an opportunity to senoun written Ques
tions, to be answered bv tha pastor.
What do you want to know? Come and
bring your written question, no name
being given.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. McKendree have
returned from a visit to different
points in Crook and Harnev counties,
as veil as in the northern part of Lake.
NO. 40
Flow Struck at Depth of
480 Feet, and Going
Still Deeper
An artesian flow of water was struck
Monday morning on J. II. Leahmann'
ranch west of town. George Ede.
who has been at work on the well for
several weeks, met with success at
depth of 480 feet although the flow is
not very strong. This is no doubt
accounted for the bv fact that the flow
appears to be in a bed of quicksand,
and the latter has a tendency to stoa
up the two-inch pipe which tapped the .
flow. The well was started with three
inch casing, but after reaching a depth
of more than 300 feet the pipe broke,
and then further progress was made by
inserting the two-inch pipe and con
tinuing the work.
When the flow was struck much en
thusiasm prevailed at the welt, and the
jubilant shouts attracted oassersby.
D. A. Handbury. of the West Side,
was the first to reach the well and he
proceeded at once to get the first drink
of artesian water in Goose Lake Val
ley. The well is now being sunk deep
er, exnectinig to strike a Peuer now.
Other wells will be sunk, aid there
appears no doubt but that a flow suffi
cient for irrigation purposes will be
struck, and in that event there will be
a wonderful change in land values and
conditions generally hereabouts m the
verv near future. The point at which
the water was struck might be termed
in the middle of the vallev. and there
fore ranchers near the hills are of the
opinion that there is no doubt but that
thev can tap the flow at a much less
Want to Secede
Cedarvilla Keccr'1 j Last 'week it
was reported that a couple of crews,
ralroad survevors. were surveying lines
the crews are government survevors,
and tbev are laving out the boundrv
lines between the States of California
and Nevada, and aUo surveying a
large lot of land in Nevada that has
never before be ?n surveyed. One of
our citizens voiced the sentiment of
a good manv in this community when
he said that " it was a pity that the
Nevada state line didn't extend about
15 milc6 wifst or n-!re it is located.,'
Soon in New Quarters
Auten &. Rinehart will soon be in
their new location in the Odd Fellows
block, the large p!ate glass for the
windows having arrived this week.
The bulidimr will be occupied bv
them as aoon as possible, thev having
alreadv removed mn?h of their stock
hit the basemeni. Thev have put in
an additional floor in the rear part of
the storeroom which will permit of
their displaying a much larger stock
than would otherwise be possible.
Plan of Local Parties Also
Include Power and '
c c and a j withers. Dr. A. A.
Wltham. Lester Hampton and Frances
R UowelK of Pai8ie have raade aDpH.
catio- at the u. S Land office for the
j Blue Lake Reaervoir 8Ue Tbe loca.
Uon of the -r0D09ed re8ervoir is In Sec
25, 35-17. some 15 miles southwest of
Paisley. It is proposed to furnish
water with which to irrigate 572 acres
near the proposed reservoir, to develop
power for operating a flour mill and
electire light plant, and also supply
the town of Paisley with water for
municipal purposes. The population
of Paisley is given as 300 and an esti
mated pooulution of 2000 in 19-1. ' "
The estimated cost of the works is
$.ri000. sr.d according ti t!v: scrriit
granted ov the Slate E ignici r ncl'ial
construction work shall Ltgir on or be
fore Sent, ?A 1912 and couipictcd with
in two years thereafter.
Mr. and Mrs. Mutt McCullev with
children are now visiting in Lakeview.