Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 28, 1911, Image 8

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Men's and Boys' Clothing
Ion Siittxmftd f rni ae
Wt Fancy Worsteds In many
pretty shades of irray. bronii
ami given, unit that posi
tively cannot be matched
under t;5.W. Onr pri
Men's Corduroy Suit
In dark ahailee. alavsj 3tl. 83
ad 42 only, the viry tieet
quality of corduroy, were
made to Hell at 12 50. Trice
Specially Priced
To Qose Out !
Hoys' Knee I'nut Suits,
8 nn1 Oouly, made fruin
i- xmI quality of Davy blue
Cheviot iti double breasted
wtries. regular f'MO quality.
Hoys Kiie1 Pant Suits,
fJlOnud t4.50 quality, fix
7. 8, 9 and 10, made from dark
n.ixcd Casimere, coats ma !e
bouble breasted, a very
serviceable suit. Price
Restrictions Asked For By
Governor West Ar
Too Great 4 ,
Southern Pacific Employe
Walks 203,070 Mllos
In Thirty-one Years
For a time last week it anreantf. al
nioet certain that Governor Went would a period of thirtv
call a fecial sessidn of the Leeielature
Walking eiehteen miles each day for
one years through
Hoys Knee Pant Suits,
made from lnst quality
.scotch . Tweeds la medium
dark ehade. coata are ruacV
d ou b I e-breacted. foru.erly
-old at $5.00. Sizt- 9, 10, n.
Mens Overcoats with
Preeto Cellar (n Illustrated)
full length, double breasted,
made from neat pattern,
mixture In tan and Bray
shades. Price
to consider the bills tor good road aa
outlined by the Ore iron Good Roads
Commission, which were fully act forth
in the Examiner last week. The Oov-
' ernor planned to have the members
assemble without coat to the state and
to pledee themselves to not consider
hi vetoes of numerous measures pass-
ed at the last session of the Lesisla
i tore. It was ascertained that it would
! necessitate the members violating
j their oxth of office if the veto mcsBecj
were not considered, while manv ob
jected to paving their own expenses,
j and as a eoaneequcne the soecial scs-
I ...ill kl.l
eiyu villi uvt iiciu.
That the State Grange is opposed to
the movement for an extra session of
the state legislature, considering it
needless on account of the act of Gov
ernor West, is the statement made bv
C. E. Soence. master of the State
G ranee. He save the Grangers are in
favor of tmttinir good road laws before
the people bv use of the initiative and
the snowsheds of the Southern Pacific
Comnanv at the summit of the Sierra
Nevada mountains, during which time
he has had to tieht several desperate
battles with bunds of trsnms and has
had to battle with the acvere winters
of the high Sierras, la the record of
Manuel K. Silva. whose name has just
been Disced on the pension list of the
railroad. Silva describes the hardship
endured in that cold an I spurselv settled
section in a manner that, would make
the tinners of the news writer itch for
a pencil ami a wad or conv pstvr.
"I have walked einhtcun miles every
dav for thirtv Mia vears. a lent of
three miles, over which I made three
round trips everv night. Figure It out.
Sixtv five hundred and seventy miles a
year and 203.670 miles in thirtv one
vears. More than eiirht times around
the world."
Silva ia a native of I'ortutrul and is
now on a visit to that cuntrv with his
wife. He Entered the Southern Pacific
service as a section laborer in 1879 and
that it ia their intention to have these a vear later became a shed watchman
come up at the next s-eneral election. ! on the niiiht shift. He has worked
"The verv same men." said Mr. j faithfully and steadily since assuming
Soence. "who passed the road laws at that position and was absent from duty
the last session will compose the extra j onlv twice because of sickness. The
session of the legislature. As these duties of shed watchman are more re
were vetoed bv Governor Went, it soonsiblo than one would sunoose. ana
seems unnecessary for the body to i Silva held the position for thirtv one
i meet, pass good roads measures as
thev see fit. and have them again fall
under the veto a. It is unreasonable
also to expect the members of the
. legislature to serve without pay."
New Surprise Station
Cedarville Record : W. S. Landborn.
the raliroad agent at surprise Station,
was here yesterday, getting acquainted
with our business men. He informed
us that thev would be able to handle
freight at the new station in about a
week. The railroad company has
erected a fine large depot and ware
house at Surprise for the convenience
of Surprise Vallev. at a cost of over
three thousand dollars, thus placing
rialroad accomodations within 17 miles
of Cedarville. Our people should ap
preciate th s fact, by patronizing the
new station.
Center-Street Site Chosen
and Warehouse Im
mediately South
.Geo. W. Dunn, division superin
tendent of the Consolidated Stage Co.
between Blv and Klamath Falls, and
Mies Gertie Mikel. of Lakeview. were
married today. Rev. Or. Pr.varf oflieiut
ing. Both parties are well and favor
ably known in both Lake and Klamath
counties and their many friends join
the Examiner in extending congratula
tion. George has always been popular
with the fair sex and it was generally
supposed that he was proof against
Cupid's darts, but at last a vulnerable
spot has been struck.
A site for the N.-C-.O. depot grounds
has been tentively agreed upon, the
location being in Watson's addition.
The prospective site lies east of Pine
"street and south of Center, the depot
facing Center.
The railroad comoanv has- signified
its desire to commmence work on the
depot immediately, and it is likely that
within a few days grouna will be
broken therefor.
W. R. Davis Yet With Us t
Nearly a vear ago the death of W. R. i
Davia. of Lower Klamath Lake, was
reported bv the Klamath papers and i
reoublibhed in the Examiner at that,
time. A couple of weeks ago the
Examiner man was at Klamath Falls
vears without a complaint being regis
tered against him. He has been letired
and pensioned although he ia oniv 61
years old and uuon his return from the
old country will settle in the mountains
for which he has developed such a
Oregon News
Wheat runs 45 bushels to the acre at
j The A'banv school board purchases
; tvoewriters for the citv schools.
and while there should meet none other
than Mr. Davis himself. Explanations
followed, and while Mr. Davis had
heard of his reported death he mst
strenuously denied its correctness. He
is now resiainir at ABniana. ana nis
many friends in Goose Lake Vallev will wiH bcgin '" few d,v-
be pleased to learn that he is not onlv ! "
alive but enjoying tne very best of! " Challenge
health. Mr. Davis is a very warm YAlNAX.Oiegon.Sent. 26. Sporting
friend of the editor of tne Examiner. ; Editor Examiner: I hereby issue a
Lightning struck a hop house near
i Silverton Mondav evening.
I The hop market is booming again
; as the result from cables from Europe.
, r Work on the new depot at Roseburir
and therefore to meet him in the flesh
and blood, after having considered him
dead for a vear. was most pleasing.
challenge through your paper to any
man of vour ciiv for a
boxing contest during the
October on behalf of Kid
Another Artesian Well
Chewaucan Press: I. N. Hale, the
artesian well man who has been drill
ing tor artesian water on his own land
at the bead of Summer Lake, reports '
A Watermelon Raid
A party of Bend people last week
raided a watermelon patch at Summer!
Lake. According to a correspondent i
of the Chewaucan Press, the realiza-i
tion did not come uo to expectations.
Someone with a nose for fun. a baby
cannon and plenty of noisv. blaca
powder cartridges, hid in the corn near
the melon patch, and just as the Bend
bunch was lugging awav the looL the
133- pound
month of
KID SEEGER. Manager.
Address Bandon. Oregon.
Children Ory
and other necessary narahenalla have
been ordered.
Klamath Herald: O. T. MrKendreo
rama Ir from Lake county Saturday
to meet band of sheep which ho ex
pect od to arrive from the Blv country.
Thev never arrived, however, and now
Shona ia trvlng to locate the dear little
lamba. which are aunnosed to be some
where In this county or the nest. He
savi the sheet) are not lost, but he
don't know about the herders.
Among those who will leave for
Burns Saturday are Mr. and Mrs. W,
II. Shirk. Mr. and Mrs. W. I.alr
Thompson. K. P Light. J. K. Hanson
and G. W. and M. B. Rice. Thev go
to assist In representing Lake County
at the meeting of the Oregon Develop
ment League, and will no doubt give
a good account of themselves. Thev
will also probably take In Railroad
Dav at Bend, which will also be held
next week. .
Mrs. Jonas Norln. Lake County'
Popular candidate In the Klamath
Herald's agio contest, lost out bv less 1
than i.HK) votes, her vote being 2, j
MW.413 a against 2.r:W.275 for Mrs. j
W. I. Clarke, tha winner. One flv j
vesra' subscription would have chang
ed tho result In Mrs. NorVs favor.
See The Tailored
iv' xv
Wc tire neknowicili'cii
lender when it comer) to the
popular price in Suits. No
cllort has lieen spared to jjrt
the best for the money.
All up-to-the-minute styles
and every new shade and
Come and see them.
The largest find most corn-
Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt received 2.2;
300 votes, none of the other candidate
...... .kin.. l, m.lll..n ....b VI f Nurli,
VTCIIIIUK IIIV iilllil"! iimini ... . i.wiiii - , , . ,
was present when the vote were pletC fcllOWIIIfr 111 tllC City.
counted, and cxpresred tho opinion that
everything was conducted fairlv. !
Allou'a r.K.K, powder at1i MU I
Hl.voiftriltif Q' ritu t 1 ftiitl ltifrli tali ,
tin iiilnuv lu til atlua iiui il com n :
bunlnua ll id" iihi cotillon i.f ;
ill ihx air. Allrtt ' nnt Iw aiiM tuki al i
now an.M-a Iwl aa) ll la tx-rtolu ran K i
wnaiiui, ca.luua tool Ira, llr4 ftln a
T. it ludar ouiil y a4l l'rn1u and Mk I
-'or-a f wall l. r rMu atauipa. ixm'l I
eip ant ur- l:l-i Trial aita KK a.S
IN a,'!'" i)mhimi Ir N Ho ' I
Nohby Mixtures, Cariculs,
I'olcs, I'lushes and Hlack
llroadeloth. Modest Trices.
$14.75 to $42.50
?or Infsial and Ciildrea
Tha Kind Ycu Have Always Bought
Baun the yY
S'guaiar ct c
Mrs. Neilon
Women's Outfitter
The Matchless
Ready Tailored Clothes
astrong well at 180 feet. The flow is
sufficient to irrigate from 80 to 100
acres of land and Mr. Hale is very
jubilant over its success. He intends
to drill eight more wells, here and
there on hiB own property, after which
he will start work on the contracts
that are waiting for him with other
Everv new well that is successlully
driven is an additional advertisement
of the fact that we are living in the
greatest country in Oregon. In most
countries artesian water can onlv be
had atj great depths, usually a thous
and feet or deeper, and onlv a wealthy
man can afford it. But in Summer
Lake andChewaucan valleys it is to be
had by the farmer of moderate means
and water on some of these lands spells i
the difference between success and
failure. Nature has surely done
I wonders for these vallevs. It onlv re-
I mains for us to do our part and we will
i have a country that cannot be excelled j
I the world over.
joker uncorked a fusilade that Hounded
like the crack of doom. After racing
half a mile, while the firing continued,
the women of the party tumbled down
an embankment, rolling neck deep into
the river. The men were among the
j also rans. They're still looking for the
' joke and joker. j
IMurrluta Is nlways more or le
prevalent during September, lie pre
pured for It. CbatDberluiii'a Colic,
Cholera and biarrtwa Keiuedy Ih
prompt and effectual. It coo always
l depended upon and Is pleuaunt to
take. For aale by ull good dalera.
Additional Briefs
One of thi most interesting films
that the writer has ever seen was
shown at the Sunday evening moving
picture show at the Opera House. The
film was entitled "The Rustlers" and
showed a band of these men at work
rounding uo horses on the range. Other
peculiar characteristics of their mode
of living were also shown.
The ladies of the CVholic Altar
Society held a well attended meeting
at the church building Thursday after
noon last, and made manv arrange
ments towards fixing up the new church
for the arrival of Bishop O'Reilly,
who is expected here October 15. An
altar is being constructed, and carpets
Will jjivc you such satisfaction that
you won't think of any other kind.
, The IUue Series and Iilue Worsteds,
Stripes of the same color, as jjood as
the leading fabrics of the Season we
have them. Iicst Tailoring at mod
erate prices. We invite you to come in
and look No trouble to show tfoods
$12.50 TO $25.00
The Matchess Store
Read The Examiner Want Ads
TaUiafU. Co.
The latest
Overcoat model
This is one of our new GLOBE
You can have it made up in any
one of 500 patterns all pure wool
fit and workmanship guaranteed.
You will find GLOBE weaves
finer, GLOBE patterns more ci
clutive, GLOBE styles more indi
vidual than any you have ever
Prices, $20 to $40.
Mad. hy
The Glebe Tailoring Co.
Jim Hill at Burns
President Carl K. Crav. of the North
Bank svstem. has been advised that ,
James J. Hill would come to Oregon to :
attend the three dav session of the
Oregon Development League at Burns ;
a. id that he would leave there imme- j
diateiv after the close of the conven- ;
tion and proceed to Bend, where he
would arrive about noon on Thursday, j
October 5. The program calls for the
driving of the golden spike marking the '
arrival of the Oregon Trunk line to '
that citv. in the atfernoon of the same '
dav. Mr. Hill will plav a prominent
part in the driving of the spike and '
will leave immediately thereafter fori
Sookane. where he is due the follownig ,
Roseburg is getting quite sarcastic
and bellicose in reeard to the manner
in whicn the morality laws of that dry
town are being enforced bv the chief
of police.
I H I . 1 a I
im Tr rnFv, w a i? r a tt n III
Mi I I iW I? HI Mill I J W n U If X'V f II i H I
A threr-story brick building will soon be erected on the ground where our Ware
house now stands, and in order to make room for them, we offer
the following goods at these sacrifice prices:
Wagon, Now $160.00 i11 $160 Buggy - Now $145.00
Wagan i Now $110.00
All other warehouse goods in proportion.
$140 Buggy - Now $125.00
$100 Buggy - Now $ 87.50
Our Motto "Live, and Let Live"