2KfeX3EXBB LAKE COUNTY LAND AND TITLE COMPANY XI. 3X. atoii, o-xizy xrxt -a-i maktaohr Complete Abstracts to 0. V. L. Tracts, $2.50 We Will Buy a Limited Number of O.V.L. Lots Complete Abstracts to O. V, L. Lots, $2.50 GENERAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BUSINESS & Xahc Count? jCrnmincr THURSDAY, hKI'IKMlllCU 2H, ml. BRIEF MENTION Atl i'ou k tilt un)war for lad le, Men. Co. Iowtr floor office lor rent In Urn bach building. Mrs. Matt MoCullev. of Cedarvllle li visitor here. . Born. Saturday, to Mr. andrs. C. 8. Morrls-a ion. ' (Jet your goods hauled by fast frvlgbt. L. 1). Mt)M. MepHOcto J. A. Rico, of Mvrtlo Creek, waa one of Tueaday'a .visitors. j7"Cecll Taylor." of Tint Crk. waa una of lait week'a vialtora. Fur Krnit house and baru, enquire of Prod Spungj'tiberg. AugWtf Bran and middlings 120 per ton at the Lakeview Hour Mills. 9-28w2. A few 11Um duater ait good slses. A Hr ceut ott. Mure. Co. 8. C Camubell. of Drewa Dam. waa one of Uaturday'a arrlvala. We have the Holeproof llomi for lad 8 for ll.ua Mrrc.Uo. ' ; Flour ortlv $2.60 Der hundred at the Lakeview Flour Mill. -28w2. Cull for No. iOU ladles hose. Beat to m bad at 25c. Merc. Co. Teams wauUtri at Fandango Lum. I Kir Co., for hauling luinlx-r. 8cpt0 E. J. Davia. of Paisley, waa a visitor hero the foreoart of the week. If you waot a really good smoke fur a oh tie, try hloraiuau's Lender, t. Mr. and Mra. A. N. Dennett, of War ner were among thia week'a visitors. J Ernest L..JI.. Meyer., the. Valley Falla hualneaa man. waa in town laat week. , Hall & Reynolds have received a full Hue of m-hool bookt and acliool sapphoe. Scpt7-2H Pleasant Shollhammer, of Crooked Creek, waa In town Saturday for auupliea. Hull &. Jt.-yuuida have rttoolved a full lino of school booka and school atipplli". Jpi7.2S Dave Edler. the aheeD king, waa in town MoiMluy attending to various busi ness details. Hall A Kcynolda have received a full line of m hool booka and sehool mipplloe. Sept7-28 Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Fok. of the West Side, are now spending a few days in town. R. B. Daly, of the Salt Creek sec- tion. waa in town Monday attending to some business. M. B. Rice Sunday i left on a busi ness visit to Klamath Falls, expecting treturn today. Miss Trixle MacVeish has accepted a position aa clerk in the office of County Assessor Foster. PurulMbtHi front room, ground floor, 1 block from business center. Enquire Examiner oHiee. tf Judge E. M. Brattain Tuesday morn ing left for 1'aiBley to look after some business interests. Fast freight team from Davis Creek to Lakeview, round trip every three du.vs. I.. B. Moss. P.pU Octf Dave MeAulifTe.. the sheepman, waa in town over Sunday combining busi ness with pleasure. Uooda or baggage entrusted to me will receive prompt and careful at tention. I.. B. Moss. HepU OctS C. W. Withers, the Summer Lake stockman and rancher, was in town Vie forepart of the week. It ia pronosed at Coivallla. in plant ing trea. to apportion a distinot tree N to each thoroughfare. Office for rent, lately occupied by the Southern Oregon Realty Co. Ap ply Oeo. Jatnmertbal. 8cpt28 tf. Mrs. A. Storkman and daughter. Mias Louise. Sunday left on a visit to . relatives at Slsson. Ol. F. B. Houston, of South Warner, waa in town Saturday attending to various business matters. Dr. W. R. Boyd returned Frldav last after spending a few days in Reno and other southern points. J. T. Flook. a prominent stockman of the Rock Creek aection. Tuesday, came into town on business. Arthur Vates. proprietor of the Alturas Carage. was a buisness visitor here on Monday of this week. lave orders for fiwt freight at Lakevlew Merc. Co., HnM Ukeview, J. P. Duckworth, L. IJ. Moh. HUOH Finis Hickeraon. of Bidwell. was one of Inst week's visitors In town, being the guest of his brother. Jay. F. W. Kllonel. of Summer Lake, haa been at work in County Assessor Foster's office during the week. John McDnnougn Is taking orders for Ssuor Krsut from one gallon up and will be ready In two weeks. Pat Breen, of the Waren Laird ranch at Blue Joint. Is now spending a few davs here enjoying a well earned rest. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Combs have rented the Dr. W. K. Bovd residence. and are to occupy the same in a few davs. O. II. Dusenberrv. the land locator, was in town this week from Bend. He has turned into a veritable "Bend Booster." t ' The Degree of Honor. A. O. U. W.. held a well attended meeting Thursday night last, at which one candidate waa Initiated. Mr. arid Mrs. Herbert Lewis, of Pine Creek, were In town the foreoart of the week on a visit to their many local friends. The O. E. 8. Needle Club will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. W. Lair Thorn neon. The author tojbe discussed is Thackeray. Tom Sagris. who haa a contract for grading work on the N.-C-.O. extension to Lakeview. was in town the foreoart of this week. Man Whorton and Geo. B. Graves returned Wednesday evening after a several davs hunting trio in the Drews Vsllev country. W. T. Creaaler's 2-vear-old steers netted him $49.52 per head, which makes a record price for this aection of the country. Miss Laura Snelllng has accented a position as teacher in the Flush school, and expects to lesve in a few davs to commence her duties. Monday afternoon we were visited by one of the hardest wind storms so far this season. Showers of large hail accompanied the wind. Loul. and AdolDh Kirchoff. of Mar cus, lows, were among the qat of town pcolte who registered at Hotel Lake view during the weeje. Mr. and Mra. Charles Faulkner, of Cedarvllle. were visitors here the fore part of the week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Snelling. The ususl Urge number of local sportsmen went to the Lake on Sunday last and returned with some fine speci mens of ducks and geese. William Arzner was confined to his home for aeveral davs last week with an attack of rheumatism. He ia now feeling greatly improved. Mrs. Ida Ritter was quite seriously injured at Davis Creek one day iHst week by peing thrown from a horse, having several ribsroken. Walt L. Dutton and sister. Miss Kate of Davis Creek. Sunday, left for Cor vallis where they will attend the Ore gon Agricultural College. During the absence of Editor Bert Rice, his Place on the Herald is being filled bv W. Roche Fick. who hss had much newspaper exocrience. My. and Mrs. C. W. Combs, of Summer Lake, last week came down from that place and expect to reside here permanently from now on. Miss Vida Chrisman. of Silver Lake, and Michael Suit, of Summer Lake, will attend the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallfs this year. An adjorned term of County Court will convene Monday to consider busi ness of importance. All members of the Court will be In attendance. Mr. and Mrs. "Allen, of MscDowell Creek. hve returned home after spending a few days here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Langslet. Mrs. Robt. L. Weir, formerly Miss Fannie Tonningsen. of this place, has been a visitor here for several davs as the guest of Miss Alice MoGrath. Alfalfa seed is selling for 15 cents per pound here now, savs the Surprise Valley Record, and the oroD will be the largest ever raised in thia vallev. J. O'Nell. of the Davia Creek Or chard Company, la now in the JDakotas combining business with pleasure. He will probably return in a few days. A great deal of improvement work is now being done on the road along in front of the Shirk. Boyd. Sherlock and Corv residences on south main street. "Uncle" Joe Morrow, of the Warner oountrv, was in town 'over Sunday and remained here renewing old acquain tances for several days the foreoart of the week, A I Roberts haw accepted the agency of the noted Lmm clothing, and has junt received samples of all the latent weave, whicb be la now dis playing. W. I. Dieshman. father of Mrs. A. E. imbler. of Summer Lake, died at Berkelv. Cal.. a few dsys since. Mrs. Imbler had the body taken to Portland for burial. W. J. Nixon, of the Mud Creek sta tion M mdav. eame into town for euo plles. The simple life seeas to agree with Bill for he looks both prosperous and haopv.' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barcher Monday left for Salem, where they will make their borne. Mr. Barcher exoecU to engage in furniture repairing at the canltal citv. A. G. Dubme. of the Fandango Lum ber Mill. Tueedav. came up from Wil low Ranch on matters of business. He reports everything progressing nicely down bis wsv. Mrs. Ed Tatro and son. Ed arrived from Gaston. Tuesday on a visit to relatives and friends. They are now the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tatro. of Cottonwood. Guy Causey has returned after a several week'a hunting trio in the Sv can and Cbewaucan comtrv. He was accompanied on the trip by the Curtis toys, of Vslley Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McCulley this week left for San Francisco to soend the winter. Mr. McCullev's health has not been good recently, and the change Is made on that account. F. Fetsch. the sew tailor. Saturday orjened bia "Matchless Store." in the Moore building on Main street with a full line of suits and other articles of wearing apparel for men. John Lewis, now a resident of Fine Creek, was in town Mondsy and Tues day renewing 'acquaintances. John still retains his fondness for Lakeview. as shown bv frequent visits. Work wss commenced the forepart of this week on the new residence being erected by Dick Wilcox just opposite the High School. The work is in charge of Contractor John Arcner. Bvron Graves, who has been emolovj ed here ss a brickroason for sometime past. Friday, left for Alturas. where he haa acceded a position on the new school building being erected at that place. Charles and Gus Volk. of Davis Creek. Tuesday, pasaed through town enrodte from the northern part of the countv. The latter filed on a homestead in Sec. 28. 26-15. adjoining that of the former. Bill Burch. of Adol. was a visitor here over Sunday. Bill haa a great fondness for Lakeview and can't resist the temptation of coming over oc casionally to see how everything is progressing. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wittaker. of Raymond, Nebraska, last week arrived here to become permanent residents of Lake County. Thev are now occupying one of the Brvan ranches north of Crooked Creek. Cort Hall, a prominent citizen of Medford. has been visiting bis brother. Dr. T. V. Hall, during the past week. Incidentally he took occasion to visit the swsmps and succeeded in bagging a number of ducks. John Fitzgerald has sold his Warner Vallev ranch and will probably locate in Surprise Vallev. Jules Janssaud was the purchaser and he has also leased Mr. Fitzgerald's sheenJLfor a period of three years. Metolius Central Orengoian : A work train carrying 150 laborers and a large volume of equipment has arrived and will remain three or four months, laying additional side tracks and doing other work in the yards. R. T. Baldwin is over from Klamath Falla on a business trip. His business is installation septic tanks for the dis posal of sewsge. and there is certainly a decided emergencey existing along that line here in Lakeview. Frank Gunthor, the local auto expert, haa juat opened uo a repair ahoo in Harry Bailev's auto garage, and is now ready to remedy all kinds of motor troubles. Frank will also have two autos for rent at all times. Uev. M. T. Wire has been reappointed to this charge and he is expected tack Saturday evening. Mr. Wire has made himself popular with all classes here in Lakeview and . his reaDpointment meets with popular approval. A Mrhlv successful millinery opening showing the display of fall hits, waa held Saturday afternoon at the Paris ian Millinerv. A great many of the ladies were present during the course of the afternoon and evening. Guy and Lvnn Cronemiller Sunday left for Corvaliis to resume their studies, in the Oregon Agriculture! College. The former is taking a eourse in electrical engineering while the latter ia taking the forestry course. Southstone Bros, have fixed up a sort ot a trail wason to be used in connec tion with an auto. They have put an ooen box on the chassis of V. L. Sell ing's old csr. and the combination makes sn idesl delivery proposition. Mrs. John McCullev. accompanied bv her son. Jake. Monday morning, left for John Day. where thev expect to soend a few weeks ss the guests of Mrs. McCulley's sister. The entire trio will be made by wagon and team. Sunday last was a great disolsy day for fall hats, practically every woman in town appearing on the streets with one. The writer was at first inclined to believe it waa Easter, but a consul ts tion of the cslander ahowed other wise. A farewell dinner in honor ol Miss Brida Flynn. who is soon to leave for San Francisco, waa given Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. McAuliffe. Quite a few friends were present for the occasion. and a very nice socisl time wss enjoyed bv sit. A few dsvs since F. W. Foster, of Summer Lske. caught three voung fellows in the act of awioing some of his Brain. Thev had taken aix sacks and hidden them ii a plum patch, but on their promise "to sin no more" they were released. Street corner saies are becoming scarce locally, but Saturday afternoon last one was held at Bieber'a corner. The usual large number of people were in attendance, and some very nice furniture and other goods were sold at low prices. A change of quartera has been made bv several occupants of the Court House. Sheriff W. B. Snider has re moved his offices to the County School Superintendent's room, while Assessor Foster is now located in the room va cated by the Sheriff. During Mondav'a rain storm and wind, portions of two trees in the vsrds of Man Whorton and W. P. Dvkeman were blown completely off from the trunk of the tree. The electric light wire at the Whorton residence was torn down when the tree fell. The Band Bova are to give a dance at the Opera House tomorrow evening, and it is expected that an extra large number will be present. The bovs have been doing considerable practice work of late, and we have their promise of an exceedingly fine musical program. Miss Edith Ogle, of Slash Street had the misfortune to swallow a pin one day last week and for a time it was thought that the same might prove fatal. A doctor was hastily summoned and the young ladv'a suffering some i Saadl. 3E what relieved. She is now about as usual. Alturas Plsindesler: W. Lair Thompson, the Lakeview attorney. wss in town Ssturdsy. He csme down on bUHiness connected with the suit of Hereford vs. Porter, but as the esse is in process of compromise it was postponed and Mr. Thompson returned to Lakeview. Quite a lew of the sheepmen's srks are now arriving in town for repairs and in some esses en route for the desert country. During the next few months we may expect to aee many bands of sheep slong the roads leading to town, all traveling from aummer to winter ranges. A very fine cement walk has been laid in front of the new I. 0. O. F. building, and the interior work on the structure is fast nearine completion. The store on the ground floor, which is to be occupied by Auten & Rhinehart. will be ready for that firm to move into in few davs now. Attorney Charles Combes left here Friday morning last for Klamath Falls where he went to represent Mrs. Jonas Norin's in treats in the automobile eon test conducted by the Evening Herald. He started from here with over a million votes for Lake County's only contestant for the trophy. ;' OBI I n 2jfWhat you want for the colder weather is an all-wool Mackinaw Coat Light in weight keeps you warm and dry. flftWe have them in plain colors blues, greens, reds and greys also plaids. Priced at $7.00, $7.50 and $8.00. CjfCome in and try one on. BRITTEN & ERICKSON Lakeview : : : Oregon LADIES' WAIST TTTEvery Waist in the house to go at 25 off in the next U ten davs. This includes all our WHITE and SILK 1 1 WAISTS priced at $1.75 to $7.00. We must have room for Fall. Goods, and vou get the beneht. AH this year's goods and strictly up-to-date. TEN DAYS ONLY. THE LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE CO. Mart Hopkins, who is well known locally, hss removed from town to his ranch on the West Side. For the oast few montns Mart has been making a detsiled study of some of ex-President Roosevelt's theories on tbe "simple life." and decided last week to give it a fair trial, hence his removal. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bigelow have re moved all their belonging to their new home at Davis Creek. The offices oc cupied by tbe Southern Oregon Realty Co. and the Lakeview Development Co.. both of which were in charge of Mr. Bigleow. have also been dismantled and the equipment sent along to Davis Creek. Frank T. Ginther Is located at Harry Bailey's garage and le prepared to do all kinds of repair work on any kind of an Instrument from a watch to an automobile. He also carries a full line of aoto supplies, sold at city prices. Automobiles for hire any time day or night. "When yon go with Uoother you'll sure get back on schedule time' Has tLe agency for aeveral different machines, sold and delivered at Lakeview at city prices. Phone No., garage, 81. Residence, Ml. 8ept2-Octl9. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SALE I