Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 28, 1911, Image 3

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    For School Days
Tin' children nniot be supplied
School Books
Pens and Ink
finil n multitude of other little
rci HKiirlcn Hint the Ixt.V and jtlrl
must linve In order to ln tmiMt
IHTCamflll at KCtlOOl.
We bnve tln'in nil nt trlci'n n
M ,VOt l (M'ft,
Hall & Reynolds
Drug Company
tNaar Oakland, California
1h only Wi.inn' Ci.llrtm Ih Pxrlfie Con.
( liarlctnl I mhS. Nr.r ln strut I' ul v mr.
bloat tlimute ihmimtmtit lh yr.r, I'.nttaiiir
nit Rrailuatfori f rnlllrrinrtiU niulvalriil In
the-. Nmilurtl ami t'nivcraity tit nliltinila
k.alxirafiTiri lor atimen with mmlrrn iui
mem. kai'tllml ciptMtftmuii-i lr li-mi
tcum.nilca, lilirarf atmly, ma.le anil an.
Miul'm yin".ilmn. Sfdnl rufc dr hrai't.
e.t iiiilriil, uul-ilimr lil. I'rti'lrn. I "Hli
I la I arm. A. M.. lilt. I). 1. 1.. P. I '
4lal"i!iir .lira hrcrnaty, M.lln Ollrgc I'
(,, ( al, It. II, la.
TTTGood wiring is
1 1 is the very best
insurance policy you
can have and the
cheapest. We do it.
Are You Planning to Build
Mill, biuret, Wucliuuavi,
Schooli, Brickyardt, Creamerin, Cmi
ilrnanra, or any Engineering I'rAjrrt'
t't. i r i ttiSKNi i. a w'J.titi r n i
604 Blake McFall BIJg. SWiuNfc
J. D. Mariner
Music House
Sells for the factories only. So
Jobbers, no writs, t'in save
you fli0 (HI on your piano pur
chase. Mrhlln .f Sons, Knabe,
Weber, Henry F. Miller, Ctiis.
M. Stlrff, Laiiten, CnhleS Sons,
I'luyer-l'lanns nnd I.'lcctrlcs.
'St rln it Mini ItHinJ Instru
ments, fhomwrHplis tun I
lieronls. All tin- latest
I'ninilttr Sheet Music, f.V
per ropy.
123 N. Virginia Street
I'linsi: ist mix ii'l'
$1,000 REWARD
Th Oregon Ca
lliiruia I Not al
, "7 r 1 K i.iva tc n rroi.'C
1 t . tl .lilt, A aa. ii'ta t lull . n
1,1 vo Mtoi k frati'C
I,'," CV, which umlcr
- n', 'h ik 'Hel im'inlwr
'.t-jt'i'-. W wl'l K'v I'JIWU"
J V. reward for Yldcuca
. j'V ' , lfilln lu I lie
u, .. 'f - v . yJ , rl ml nmvlrllim
"''uf m.y ff(y or rut
rtiif or uiuU't tH
lonii.LK tunny olUs
Id addition to th nov, th uti(1frfilKiifti
nffelfc nli the ftHiue mUtli. It'll U.CN- lor nil hor
l)rtMlMl hirn PhiM) lr on rnth or lthtr
la. Hranl rton1ft tti inlit rtninliKs. Kniitfu d when wild.
hoii but ifiuu horm' sold, and only In Urge
nhcUet WW, ttnowN. Flto. Oiuftm
For Sale
tHIUw I'urnisliinifs uml Dentul
l.'iulpmeiit complete, totflHher
with mi excellent prtwtlvo es
ttibllsbmt Hlxyeiirs, fur milo.
Location aim of the very bent
In ii mjiUlly icrowlnt town of
Hut two Ueutiil ofllccs Intown. .
for further Information, cull
or ail it ivss thn
Lakovlvw it Oregon
p.. iiuva vnn raru inia u hii
if.'.W II'"' l't lfHU't Nm krlmln. Bell
v iii Oolil-Kjia NmviIIkS Hi
'2 -e iim r, ai-iul III Hit' $1 aim
; i' ? I we will n nd you this tint Kivk-
J rlialu snil lickrt. Ocdui uut'dlsn
toilsy, Yiu irual you.
ttmuart Supply Company
In th County Court of the 8Ut of
Orcirim for Lnka County.
Wednesday, Soptnmbor 6. 1911
lie. It remembered that a regular
Uirm of tha Countv Court for aald
Coiintv and Ktate wna licirun and h'ld
at the Court House In Lakeviow, Ore-
iron, on ttili date, with otTlcera nreent
an follow: Hon. II. Dal v. Judre. C.
A. Unhurt. Commimiloner. K. W.
ravne. Clerk. W. H. Knlder. RhenT.
when the lollowlna proceed inrii were
had towit:
Clalma airainat Lake Countv. Ore
ton wr& examined, allowed and
ordered rmid out of the Ceneral Fund
of the Countv. as bv law provided, aa
followa :
H. T. tloilhii, nlry im Janitor
$120 00
llutfl l.k elew, board of prionere
41 00
W. It. Hnldcr, clerical iNl(itanre nnd
atainii 124 2"
Mae lvvn,. clorlrnl iiNlHtnnre In
Hlie It.1 ttli 44 00
I-. V. rnytie, iliTlml anitlwtRnc-o.
Htatiipannd eipreawKH Itfl 21)
T. i: WatMon. Hlirn lmintlne... 2 00
Chewaucan l'reN, puhllHlilui; nutke
i( ttarlirf exNinit.atloii 6 Wi
A. J. l'"otr' ataoi.iM, miivIU, elc
2 05
lkevtew-I'lne Crttk Klectrlc Com-
jiany. Niitll(a 1 K
C. W. IVnt, tvltneM fi-w. Comity
Court 10 00
Dcritf HpanKfiiliurr, wttiK-aa Grand
Jury, May 1911 v 6 10
C. K. lyonnwny, aainn 12 10
Mary ftnaneentiurir, Mm C In
liniitf ISrenoaii, aatne 10 10
M'A. Lorn Harry, name 10 10
Tom Nulllrnii, aame 2S (O
A. I- Thorn t (in. uflice Hupijltcs 10
Irw in-lloUon (.'., nnw ..
7 2.')
(JIhmh Si rriidliomine Co., tame
!n in
Win Walliu-o, burin of 8. Mr
tliilMand Indian wmiuri ....
WIumIo liayli-y, JllHtlce fees,
utate V. Kfyituld. state va.
Follett. Mta'eva. Krookaand
50 00
23 30
W. II. Koju'r, wltncssdHHi state
vh, l'ollett, Justice court ... 4
J. I'wyln, sMint 4
J K." Proline, muni. 4
Orin Funk, anmo 4
Clart-iice lio.rc', mine 4
.1. V. iitiHKHV, snim 4 WVIr. aatne 4
tialiricl Araiier, wltnexa ft-e,
Juatice cotirt, KirUr and
Wm, Arxner, aatne
F. .1. Hrhmltz, same
W. It. Card, same
Ida Card, same
To be paid out of the General
Fund aa follows :
L. C. Meyer, road work 3 00
Henry O. Kulil, hiku palntloK 8 70
To be naid out f the Koad Fund of
the various Road District, aa follows :
Warner Valh-y Merc. Co., aup-
plit-a road iliotrlct No. fi. ...
V. Conn, anppllet road dltrict
No. 0
Kay.Nnh, for frelnlit and aup-
plli-s road dlsirlct No. 14
('has. Howard, lalior (or road
district No. 1
32 15
7 00
W. H. Howard, aame 3 00
J. C. Itoii lr. same 20 00
C. I. l'-ulck, r6d work for
dlHtrict No. 1 19 50
Frank Child, aame 12 2.1
Court then adjcjuruml to uiwt Sept.
8. 1911, at 0 o'clock A. M.
In the Countv Court of the State of
Oreiton for Lake County.
Frldav. September 8. 1911.
Court convened uurmmnt to adjourn
ment with same officers present, when
the tollowinir proceedings were had to
wit :
In the matter of the acnrovnl of the
plot of "The W. Y. Miller Addition to
Paisley. Lake County. Oregon".. This
matter cominit on reRUHrly to be heard
at tbia time, and it anoearinir to tha
alisfaction of 0e Court that the law
in relation thereto hua been fully com
plied with. It ia therefore hereby or
dered that said plot ue and the same
hereby is approved.
In the matter of the resignation of
R. U. .lackson aa Countv School Super
intendent, which has been tendered to
this Court; It ia hereby ordered that
the resignation of R. B. Jackson, as
Countv School Superintendent be and
the lame ia hereby accepted aa of
September 1st. 1911. I
In the matter of claims Hirainttt Lake
Countv. Orcuon. the followirsr were
examined, allowed and ordered nuid.
bus bv law provided, aa follows, towit:
To be paid out of the General Fund
of Lake Countv. Oreiron.
Hunk of LaUevlew, cnah ad-
. vnuccd for luw booka 250 Wi
Hank of uakevlcw, for wood. .150 00
E. If. Smith, for exuin. of T.
A. Crump and It. J. Petr.-c. 10 00
A. A. Withnm, for exam. T A.
Crump and mileaue- 10 00
W, K. bi hustcr, winu'H iH'furu
rlHt, Atl'y 1 day and 0 nillea
trsTel... '0 00
. To be paid out of the General Road
Fund of Lake County. Oreiron.
Dank of Lakeview, for cnah ad
vanced for metal culvert. ...2214 80
Itsnk of Lakevlv,for caah ad
Tfinci'd, forrond work .,
484 no
Rully A MaKsliiKlll, for road
auppllcs II
J. F. Wyman. (rclnht on road
toola , ,
Carl W, Pcodlcton, chairman
tin road aurvcya...
('reed I'endlotoo, Jr., s me. . . t
6 0(i
M. V. Uebart.road vlewlnjc....
Creed Pendleton, road Tlewlng
and team biro ,
12 00
24 Oo
A. Muslicn, survey I iik and
ptatlnK county roada dla
IrlctaSand 10 67 60
It. If. kOKKHra, as me 107 M
A, A. Farrow, road viewing.. 44 CO
J. N. Taylor, aatne 4100
J. VY. Carroll, team hire and
chain road survey , 71 W)
To be paid out of the Road Fund of
the various Road Districts as appor
tioned bv the Countv Court of Lake
(bounty. Oreiron :
Aauer Valley LnniberinK Co.,
liimln-r for district No. 1
2'i9 V
K. W. Martin, hauling binilii-r
for district No. I .
Chaa S. Re'd, alun boards for
district No. I
F. M. Cbrlsman. repair of road
tools district No. 1
(eo. Conn, duIIh for dlxtrlct
No. 3 :
Palaley Lumber iUt., lumm-r
for district No. 8
C. Howell, labor for district
Janice Pcve!, bridge timber for
DlHtrict No. 3 .
Al Farrow, road work for
district No. 3
It. W. Farrow, aame
114 0
4 00
3 75
30 00
(J 7.-
24 3d
W. V. Miller. Iiaullnjc lutnra-r
for dlatr ct No. 3 4. 0
II. C. Carmnck. road work for
district N. 14 .1.1 00
W. Viht,aiii.' 20 (0
I'osco Neal, same ... 10 On
T. C. R ch, same 2 !0
A. P.hoten, aame 1 00
N Klerk, same 5 00
It. Straters. same 2 50
In tho matter of the petition for the
Incorporation of the Town of Paislev
Order tfrantinsr nraver of petition.
This matter cominir on resrularly to
be heard and it appearing to thia Court
that petition was duly filed herein
on the 10th dav of August. 1911. prjv
ing that an unincorporated portion of
Lake Countv. Oregon be incorporated
under the provisions of Title XXVI of
Bellinirer & Cotton's Annotated Codes
and statutes of Oreeon (Lord'a Oreeon
Lawa Title XXVI). it appearing fur
ther to this court that said petition
was signed bv more that 40 qualified
electors residing within the limits of
said proposed corporation ; that said
petition act forth the boundaries of
said proposed corporation aa follows,
Starting at the SW corner. Sec. 24.
T. 33 S.. R. 18K.. W. M.. thence runn
ing north to the south bank of the
Chewaucan River; thence following
the meander of the south bank of the
said river in an easterly direction to
the dividing line between the Nl-2 and
the S 1-2 of said Section 24. thence
running east to the NE corner of the
NW1-4 SE1-4 of said Section 24. thence
running east 500 feet; thence running
south one half mile to section line
between Sees. 24 and 25 in said Town
ship; thence running went to the SW
corner oT Section 21. or the starting
point. And it appearing further to this
Court from the affidavit of L. R.
Jones, publisher of the Chewaucan
Press, a ricwsimner of ceneral cir
culation published within the bound
aries of raid proposed corporation to
gether with a notice stating the term
of the Countv Court, at which the
petition, would be presented was pub-
Iisneu lor jnree consecutive weeaa i
prior to th 8th dav of September.
1911; and it aopearinc further to this
Court that the petitioner pray that
aaid proposed corporation have
the !
name of Paislev.
It it) hereby adjudged and ordered
that the oraver of said petition be
Planted that the boundaries of said
proposed cornorution shall be aa
Starting at the SW corner of Sec. 24.
T 33. R 18 E.. WM., thence running
north to the south bunk of the Che
waucan River; thence following the
meander of the south bank of said
river in an easterly direction to the
dividing line between the Nl-2 and the
S 1-2 of said Section 24 ; thence runn
ing east to the NE corner of the
NW1-4 SE1-4 of aid Section 24; thence
running cast 500 feet thence running
south-one half mile to section line be
tween Sees. 24 and 25 in said Town
ship ; thence running west to the SW
corner of Section 24. or the starting
That the number of inhabitants re
siding within the boundaries of said
proposed corporation la 160.
It ia further ordered and adjudged
that an election be held within the
boundaries of said proposed corpora
tion on October 10. 1911. to determine
whether the above described portion of
Lake Countv. Oregon shall be incor
porated under Title XXVI I of Bellin
ger and Cotton's Annotated Codes and
Statutes of Oregon (Loras Oreeon
Laws Title. XXVI). '
It is further ordered and adjudged
that the following named persona aot
as judges at said election; J. L. Ham
pton, L. R. Junes, and F. L. Young.
Washington. I). C. September 25.
The Investigation carried on last year
bv the If. K. Department of Agricul
ture, co-oncratlng with lumber manu
facturer In the South, fo determine
the saving that can be effected by us
ing odd lengths of lumber aa well a
even; has begun to bear fruit. That
Investigation showed that a material
saving waa pract leal, and at a recent
meeting of a southern lumber manu
facturers' association the fact was
brought out that a teginning hna been
maite In putting the new plan Into
practics. and that an Increase in the
sate of odd lengths is anticipated for
the near future.
It was formerly the custom and gen
erally Is so still, to sell lumber In even
lenvths onlv. Waste rculted from
ruttinir utT the ends of odd lengths to
i make them even. A considerable oer
M j ccntage of a sawmill's output is defec
tive. That is. boards have had knota.
decaved soota. or ends, and tbe defec
tive parts are cut out. To make an
even length of what remains, it is
often necessarv to cut off a foot of
good wood with the bad. and it is wast
ed. The practice of marketing odd
lengths as well ss even is meant to
lessen thia waste. Tbe sale of odd
lengths of lumber will frequently less
en waste in the woods also; for ex
ample, a log mav be cut fifteen feet
long which following the cold custom
would be cut onlv fourteen, and the
extra foot would be left in the woods.
Oregonian: Exoerimenta conducted
in Central Oregon in the last few
montns prove the theory that mil"
maize, as a substitute for corn, can be
grown successfully on dry land with
out irrigation and give good returns
for the investment.
Howard W. Turner United States
Land Commsisioner. Mavor of Madras
and editor of the Madras Pioneer, has
raised a good crop on hie ranch near
Madras, and ia oeroaring to engage
extensively in its cultivation next vear.
Other farmers in that part of the state
have had equal success in an experi
mental way.
The efforta to grow milo on the drv
lands of Interior Oregon were initiated
by R. B. Miller, traffie manager
of the O. W. R. & N. Co. Mr. Miller
caused 1000 pounds of selected milo
seed to be distributed last Soring in
EaRtern and Central Oregon, with in-
atructions on planting and explanation
of its uses. He ia endeavoring to in
terest farmers in this industry, and be
lieves that' through the cultivation of
milo the atockgrowing industry in ail
oarts of the state will be advanced
greatly. '
In Texas and in other states where
milo has been grown successfully both
the seed and the plant are fe4 to cattle
and hoes with good results. There
is no reason. Mr. Miller believes, whv
Centrlal Oregon and the arid lands of
Eastern Oregon cannot be made equal
ly productive. He supports hia con
tention that Oregon should be a great
hoe-producing state in part bv the
fact that milo maize can be used as
feed for swine. Cattle also thrive on
it. The seed has about, the same chemi
cal composition as corn, and is said to
he more nutritious if nronerlv fed.
' Farmere are instructed to crack it or
grind it before feeding to cattle, but
the hogs can digest it without that
When lullv developed the plant is
about four icet in heieht. and the
leaves greatly resemble the leaves of
the cornstock. They are of virtually
the same composition. The stalk is
fibrous and somewhat woodv. but can
be fed to advantage if chopped and
mixed with other food. ,
Mr. Turner planted his milo Eeed
June 5. The small bunch consisting
of 15 plants was pulled Julv 3. The
larger bunch was pulled August 22.
These plants are average anecimei a
from a auartcr-acre tract. These
samples are tvpical of the general re
sults obtained in and around Madras
this year. There was no rain after it
was planted and it was not irrigated
or cultivated.
In consequence of the successful ex
periments manv farmers expect to
set out large fields to milo next year
and feed the product to livestock.
Growing milo on a commercial basis is
not encouraged. Farmers are urged to
produce it onlv as a stock feed.
thdt the following named persons act
aa clerks at aaid election W. W. Hamp
ton. P. J. Brattain. and J. J. Moore.
It ia further ordered and adjudged
that the Countv Clerk of Lake County.
Oregon furnish all supplies for said
It is further ordered and adjudged
that said election be held in the office
of the Chewauon Presa. within the
limits of. said proposed corporation,
from eight o'clock in the morning J
until seven o'clock in the afternoon.
Deputy United Ststes Marshal T.
K. Hammerslev will not be seen in
Southern Oregon so often in the future
running down federsl law breakers as
Jin the psst. Marshal Hammersley has
resigned ana is going; to live on a
j ranch. It Is the old story of the lore
"back to the farm" that has taken
hold of the genial federal man and
while ha will be greatly missed bv the
officials who have assisted him in bis
work in the oast and the hundred and
one friends that he has made all will
rejoice to know that he ia now a larid
owner and can live on his property
without having to keen oo with the
strenuous life of running down crimin-
"with strength tod .
thox lw7- pleas'"
Ma av
(Wm. Wallace, Coroner tor Lako County) -
Parlors, next door
If yon cannot be fitted properly
or you have bad feet, ril nmke
yon a pair of Shoes or Boots
to measure that will fit yon,
and will make them, if neces
sary. In one day, I absolutely
refuse to make Dress Shoe be
I will be at Lakeview about September
25th with 800 head of the Baldwin Sheep
& Land Co.'s Rambouilett Rama from Hay
Creek, Oregon.
These Rama are noted for their size
and shearing qualities. The most perfect
type of Mutton and Wool Sheep combined
In the world.
Sheepmen wanting Rama thia season
will do well to watt and see this lot, aa the
price aa well as the Bucks will be right. 1
I also have a fine lot of pure bred Cots
wool Rams that I will deliver at Klamath
Falls in numbers to suit purchaser.
For prices and terms, address:
als. About Marshal Hammerilev the
Oreronian sivi : ,
Thomas E. Hammerslev, United
States Dcoutv Marshal, has reatgned
that he may he able to attend more
cloaley to his financial and business
affairs. Ha has two ten-acre fruit
ranches and an alfalfa ranch In the
southern part of the state. Ha savs
he will raise hogs on tbe alfalfa ranch.
United States Marshal Scott aaid
last night that he had not vet appointed
Hsmmersley's successor.
I l!"!!!Bg-Baa
WAY rcvsti
AMriM Into tha matrlta ' "
la sjittekly ataoriM. . .
OlVtS RILIcr AT.ONCK. ., ,t
It cleansM, soothes, beats and protects tha
dutearfed membrane resulting frotu Catarrh -and
drives away a Cold in the" Head quickly.
Restorea the Seines of Taate and itaeU. .
It im easy to use. Contains no injurious-
crags, no mercury, do eocaine, vo mor-
pDiDe. me nousenoiu remedy.
Priee, 60 cents at Droijriitta or by mail. , '
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Wirrea SU Tart-
to Telephone Office
cause I am not equipped for it,
but if yon want a pair of Shoes
that will wear, you can get
them here at reasonable prices.
Nailed bottom Shoes from f.5.00
Hand-sewed welts from - $0.00
iJtr1 Sntisfjtctlon Guaranteed.
rail 14,,. imaaaanMa
s lis
Js. wajasrajasjajwajj , . I i"r' "j
k - 'liii -at
Thiw lnh ofc fci-jintllnl M-it book, which '
will h mmr or airl how to atl'IKKU larop
pol a! in th nail ludaj tail it will Im- atrnt KKEK,
Thi aim ofili.- full.- li to rtl; 'v 4 popularize
U tnduMia t. . auid to afrvn AU i..e p-ople. It
oflVrn ronrwa in irlroltor, ivlt F.iialnn-rliia,
Klfrirlral Kmc I ' Inc. Mrrhaniral Fn jciiiwriiiaT,
Mining F.BX'RevrinK. 'or-tri . lou"rti Nciitc)
&! Art. luninrrrr. Pharuaary anil Mimic. The
t oll CC op.-u -cuibir Catalog lrr.
Tl It l. 4'OI.LKt.K, lorvaili. OrvtfOH.