Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 21, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 38
It 1 1
General Managor Duna
way Orders Three For
Servlco to Lakeview
It In slatm! (hut Central Manager
Dttnawav bun placed orders for thrca
Pullman sleeping ram to l operated
on the N.-C.-O. Ilv. between Keno unci
Lakeview. In making the fart public
Mr Ponswav la nuolnl aa saving.
"The best la nona too good for Qth
people ijf Uoote Lake Vallev. and I
pronoun to see to It that thev can
travel in comfort over our road."
Thia will Indeed he gratifying new
to the future natrons of the road,
tor when we ware promised an exrlu
aiva DaNiirivfr eervire we eonsldereu
that it wan all that could le expected
Now that Pullman rara are to be add
ed to the road'a rouinment we are ccr
talnlv to te congratulated.
Waterfowl Plentiful
The durk shooting season owned
Friday last amid great erlat. an It
were. Several huntera were ao anxioua
to vet onto the feed in if ground of the
hirda enrlv In the morning that tney
.nen t the night in nearby havatacka.
While no large bags are reported, vet
it is said that several of the liunters
killed the limit. The presence of a
deputy rime warden doubtless had n
moat wholesome effect, aa both scene
and ducks are re tr ted more numerous
than for several veara past.
Hundav the awamna were literally
alive with gunners, but a north wind
waa blowing which had a tendency to
keen the duck awav from the awamna
on thia end of the lake after the shoot
ing commenced. Aa result but few
birda were bagged.
Biff Apple Orop
Notwithstanding the so called late
fronts of last Spring man apple trees
aiout town are literally loaded with
frdit. One tree in particular in T. F.,
Wnarda yard ia attracting much
Li $Mtlifh The apnlea are now takinv
r fit iaflf'.e-iAireou colors made possible
by our many dMVS of warm sunshine at
this time ot vear. and thev indeed
present a moat attractive annearanre
during the afternoon when their
glistening colors are best seen from the
street. While perhaps other treea in
the vicinity will produce eouallv as
well, vet thov are not exposed and
therefore not so easily seen.
Bishop O'Relley Will Con
duct the Services on
October Fifteenth
October 15 the IU. Rev. liinhou
Charles J. O'Reillev I). D. will be in
lakeview. He will dedicate the new
church and administer the Sacrament
of Confirmation.
M. SCHMIDT. S. J.. Pastor.
It has been definitely learned that
Bishop O'Kelllv. of the Catholic church
ia to be a visitor hereon Sunday. Octo
ber 15. The Mixtion will te at Klamath
Falls the prccccding week, and will
c nme over lrorn that place to dedicate
the new Catholic church and give con
firmation to several of the local Catho
lics. Work on the new church ia pro
gressing In the wnv of compet
ing the roof and interior In readiness
for the Bishop's arrival.
Value of Farm Stock
That the annual income fiom agri
cultural products in Oreiron has now
PHfed $100,000,000. of which .nenrlv
half is from livestock bred in the
state, wus the report of C. L. IIhwIov.
president nf the 1'ure Itrod Livestock
association at the annual meeting held
at Salem last week. Statistics tire
Hentcd developed that horses and mules
rained in the, state last vear had
br-ught the breeders $18.(100.000.
cattle $11,000,000. sheen and goats
$9,500,000 and hops $600,000
Designated Lands '
The following binds in Lake County
are now subject to entry under the act
generally known as the n20-cre home
stead law. the same huving become
effective yesterday;
T. 2S.. It. 15 K. All of Sec. 1.
T. S!(iS.. R. lOli.-Stics. 8. 4. 6. 6. 9.
10. 11. 14 and 15.
T. 1!8 S.. It. 16E. Hicb. 3. 4. east
half of 5. 8 to 17 inclusive. 20 to 20
inclusive. 82. west half of :3 and all or
: To Bend October 12
''resident Carl R. (!rav of the Dra
gon Trunk railway hos unnoticed that
the first trtiin to llcnd would arrive on
Thursday. October 12.
Ha also stated that an agreement
had been signed bv the Hill and Harri
nmn mads for joint truckage use be
tween Metolius and Culver and be
tween Redmond and liend. The argeo-
ment la ditto! ftanteimVr A and la for
a period of 0119 vt'ara. According to
the term, each mud la to nav half the
rout of maintenance. The roaila had
already signed a Joint argeernent from
Culver to ninkinir a total
joint use of (12 milei of track. Joint
terminal and warchome at Bend are
uli'o provided for.
There will le no more lallroad bulg
ing In Central Ore von I v the Oregon
Trunk for aometime. President Cray
A Sure Winner
The automobile oonteat being? con
ducted by the Klamath Fall Herald
and Ueiiubtican close at 10 o'clock
Saturday evening, and the chances of
Mra. Jonas Norln aeeurlng the machine
appear most flattering. However, there
la nothing certain about the proposl
tinn until the last vote la counted and
thurefore all who desire to aee Lake
county caoturo the prize should assist
n their utmost.
Surprised at Portland
Chewaucn Tress: Mr. V. Conn re
turned to his home In 1'aiidev. Mon
day, after an extended trio to Portlsrd.
Han Franrsco and other point. One
of the strongest impressions he re
ceived during his absence, waa the
marvelous growth and activity of
Cortland, which city, be claims bids
fair to outHtrio all its competitors on
Many Premiums Offered
and Racing Program
The fair at Klamath Falls next
week Promises to be much of a success
both from an agricultural and racing
point, of view. The farmers an horti
culturists of Klamath take pride in
their work, and thev always make an
exhibit that ia not only a credit to the
country but a verv great surprise to
all who see it. The racing program
has been arranged in a wav satisfac
tory to the horsemen, so that some
pood sport along that line is promised.
All who attend may count on having a
gcod time, aa the management ia ore
paring to accomodate large crowds.
B. St. Geo. Bishop ia at the head of
affaire, and he is one of those people
who alwava make good. Mr. RishoD
ia supported bv such men as J. Frank
Adams. E. It. Reamua. Louis Gerber.
Guv Merrill and men of thst elans, and
everything thev undertake ia bound to
J. Frank Adams, the well known
horseman, is having a big bunch of
wild homes rounded uo. and will have
them halter broken and brought to the
fair grounds. As a special feature for
Portland dav. which will be the second
dav of the fair, these horses will be
used in the "wild horse" race, and it
is exnocted to have from eight to ten
riders. Thia will be even more excit
ing than a bucking bronco contest, and
will have a three ring circus beaten ton
to one.
Will Shook arrived Friday with his
famous "Dick Rusher" and another
horse. William W ilkinson came Sat
urdav with his racer. "Little Fred."
Bill Wood, of Bonanza came in with-
his "Uncle Tom" and the tJurher colt.
Mcl.emore. with several trotters and
runners, is also on the ground ana sev
eral other horsement are known to be
coming soon.
Phillips Sawmill, Cook
house and Much Lum
ber Burned
The Sugar Hill sawmill, owned bv
M. F. I'hillipa. was destroyed bv fire
Monday afternoon, causing a loss of
shout $,'1,000 with nn insurance. In ad
dition to the mill the cookhouse and a
large amount of lumber was burned.
There was no one nresent when the
tire started, but it ia presumed to
have caught from tho furnace room, as
the plant hud been in operation during
the forenoon. Mrs. 1'hillius was at
work in the dwelling nearbv. and she
did not discover tho Cue untij it had
gained much headway.
liert Harber. of the auto stage, with
W. E. Anderson and two other passen
gers, arrived on the scene during the
tire and asHisted in protecting adjoin
ing property.
Good Entertainment
The I'etersens. consisting of' Mr.
and Mrs. Petersen. uPLeured at the
Opera Hnue on Monday and Tuesday
nighU of this week in vaudeville, and
miide a decided hit with the local
theatre auers. So far this season we
have been favored wiih visits from
excentionHllv tine comuanirg. and
Manager Smith is to be congratuated
on the talent received.
Bartbolmew Diaz, of the West Side,
waa one of Saturday's visitors.
Such Is Date Fixed 'By Superintend
ent of Construction Hanson
N.-C.-O. Grade Will Be Completed Within Two
Weeks, and Track Should Be Laid Into Lake
view Within Twenty Days Thereafter
Thursday. Octobers, two weeks from
today, is the time set by Suoerinten-1
dent of Construction Hanson for the '
completion of the N.-C.-O. Ry. grade:
to Lakeview. "Within 20 days there-.'
after the rails should he laid and not;
later than November 15th regular train i
service will no ilnuht be estiblinhed to
Lakeview." said Mr. Hanson veter -
dav to a representative of the Fxamin
Continuing Mr. Hanson said: "The.
only poMsible thing that will prevent
the completion of the road bv the i
time named is the lutior queelion.
Should a number of the Greek laborers
quit before that time then perhaps we
would be delayed a few davs. but
otherwise I confidently predict that
traina will be runing into Lakeview
bv November 15. and possibly a week
or ten davs earlier.
"Tom Sngris. the contractor In
charge of the work at Sugar Hill, in
forms me thst he will orobablv com
plete his work bv October 1st. but I
am of the oomion that it will require a
few dava more for him to finish uo.
The entire grade from Sugar Hill
north to Lakeview will have been com
pleted bv that time, ao that there will
be nothing to delav the steel gang.
"The tracklaving outfit ia now at
"The Truth About Lake
County Good Enough
For Anyone"
At a verv enthusiastic meeting held
Monday night, the Lakeview Commer
cial Club was organized with a charter
membership of about tlftv residents of
town and county, though it is honed
to secure at least one hundred, during
the next week. The purpose of the
organization is to assist in the develop
ment of the resources of the county
and to tell the people outside of the
many opnortunities that we have to
otTer the intending settler, at the same
time working for the good of the en
tire state. W. Roche Fick called the
meeting to order and after a few well
chosen remarka. asked for the nomin
ation of a temporary chairman, when
J. II. Venator wus selected. Mr. Vena
tor Jthen called for nominations for
President, when tho names of Thos. S.
Farrell and E. L. Britten were made,
and after talk ny Mr. Britten in
which he tried to refuse the office on
account of being a comparatively new
resident of the town, a vote was taken
in which Mr. Britten was chosen to
nreHide over the organization. Charles
I). Fihk was then selected as Secretary
and F. Fetsch chosen as Treasurer.
The initial work of the oflicera is to
secure members, which tnev feel will
be a comparatively easy taKk. as it is
well recognized that Lakeview and
iake Countv needs an organization of
this kind and it ia only through co
operation on the part of the residents
of the. countv that anything along these
lines can be accomplished. Kverv busi
ness man in the community is be
sieged with letters from people every
where asking about what we have here
in lands of all kinds and other open
ings. The secretary will be glad to an
swer these inquiries on a basis of
facts, feeling that the "truth about
Luke county is good enough for any
one." One other feature of tho organ
ization will be to work hand in hand
with the Oregon I'evelnpnient League
and the Eastern Oregon Development
League in the great work of bringing
this section of Oregon to the attention
of people everywhere.
To Oust State Printer
Secretary of State Ocl tt has at last
brought suit to
oust tlin Stl Printing
rh;: i Thilf Z j JI
office from the
ieuiivii i iv vviiiumill 1
alleges the caoitol is the property of
the state ; that Olcott is custodian of
the state house by an act of the legis
lature of February 16. 190SI ; thut the
stHte printer's office is not a depart- i
ment of the state reumrcd to occupy
an oftlco or olliCes in the btate house;'
that W. S. Duniwuv has been duly
notified to vscute the quarters; thut he'
has refused to vacate, and that his
ocuimncv of the rtate house Quarters '
unluwfullv has damaged tne state to'
the extent of $100. - ,
Mrs. A. Morkrnuti ami daughter. '
Miss Louise. Sunday will leave on a 1
visit to frien ls at Sisson. Cal.
! the camo just south of Sugar Hill, the
company having aecured the right of
wav across Kellev Uriles' place, over
which there waa some misunderstand
ing. Not more than 20 days should be
required to lav the raila to Lakeview.
and 1 am therefore positive that the
' completion of the railroad can be
15." 1 brated nn or not later than Nov,
Mr. Hanson stated further that Gen-
I i f . : i
i crHi mansirer uumhwhv m verv anxious
to ascertair at the earliest possible
moment just when it will be possible
to establish regular train service to
I.nkeview. He exnects to make an
official announcement in the verv near
future, in order to permit of nreosra
tiona being made for Railroad Dav.
It is getting late in the season.and a few
davs more or less at this time of vear
occasionally witnesses verv great
changes in weather conditions. , How
ever. November is generally a verv
pleasant month in Lake countv and if
the celebration ia held not later than
the middle of the ninth there will un
doubtedly be a large attendance from
all parla ot the county. Very low ex
cursion rstes from all points between
here and Keno will be in effect, and
no doubt a large number of people
will avail themselves of the opportun
ity to visit thia section.
Judge Daly's Plans Fav
ored by Good Reads
Commission .
Dr. B. Dalv. countv judge, a few
davs ago returned from Portland where
he attended the meeting of the Oregon
(Jood Roada Commission, he having
been appointed a member of that bo'iv
bv Governor West
Judge Dalv is greatly elated over
the outcome of the meeting, inasmuch
as the final results met his views
exHctlv ; in fact it was upon his sugges
tions that the plans whicn were finally
adonted were outlined. He is of the
opinion that Governor West will short
lv call a special session of the Legisla
ture to Pass good roads legislation, and
that tv next season permanent high
ways will be in course of construction
throughout the State.
There was at first much opposition
to the plan of securing State aid to
wards building roads, but when the
Judge showed the commission that
otherwise at least 60 per cent of the
taxable property would escape its
just share of the expense unless such a
system was adopted it was but a lew
moments until practically all shared
his views. -
When again Judge Dalv informed the
Commission that Eastern Oregon must
have more than what would seem to
be its just share nf the money raised
there were still further objections, but
his plan of apportioning 75 per cent of
the amount raised equally between
the several counties of the State and
the remaining 25 per cent on an area
basis waa finally adopted. Bills along
these lines for presentation to the
Legislature were prepared, and a
synopsis of the same follow.
Judge Dalv's activity at the meeting
gained much notoriety tor Lake
County, as well as himself, and those
in attendance learned to their com
plete satisfaction that we are strictly
on the map.
The first bill adopted by the com.
mission ia entitled "A bill for an act
providing for the establishment of a
State Highways Department and ao
Coniiiuieil on 4
Remove to Davis Creek
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bigelow. who
""vo " mnv irii-uua in sncview
since their arrival here some time over
a veur ago. expect to leave anout
October 1st for Davis Creek to reside
permanently. Mr. Biuenlw will also
remove to that place the onicea ot
the Lakeview Development Company
and the Southern Oregon Realty Com
pany. Most of the holdings of both of
theBe companies he in and about
Davis Creek, and it was thought that
the business could
be .better handled
from that point.
Deputy Game Wardens
Many Government forest rangers in
tniu ! imv. i,un mnninteri Wnu
game wardens. It is doubtful if such
action will have anv beneficial effect
in the preservation 0. '' . , 't la
absolutely certain that u ove
detrimental to the for. V ce.
Heretofore rangers were wavs
welcome in the camp of huntia and
pleasure seekers but now they will no
doubt in many Instances be treated as
snies and interlopers and as a conse
quence invited to keep out of camps.
Just as the bovt were making good
thev have this new job thrust uoon
them and thev no doubt fullv realize
that such duties will make them un
popular with outing parties.
Beef Round-Up
The round-up of beef cattle in the
Warner and Surprise Valley countries
has -been finished. The riders took in
te entire territory between the Rig
Vailev and Bidwell. and altogether
rounded ao somewhere over 600 head
of stock for market purposes. Super
visor Brown and Assistant Ranger In
gram, of the local Fremont Forest, as
well as C. E. Rachford and Assistant
Ranger Perkins, of the Modoo Forest,
were in attendance.
Masonic Hall Services
On Sunday. Seot. 24th. the subjects
presented will be as follows:
Morning "The Light that cannot
Evening "The Water of Life."
All who do not attend elsewhere are
cordially Invited to these services.
Plenty of Wheat In Sight
For Successful
The Lakeview Flouring Mills are now
ready to begin grinding the bumper
wheat crop of Goose Lake Valley and
onertions will begin shortly. George
Hammerslev. of New Pine Creek, will
be in charge of the mills, while F. O.
Bunting will attend to the buying and
selling end of the business.
Tne local wbeat cron is much larger
this vear than ever before, while the
same condition exists all over adjoin
ing sections. As a consequence prices
are not as aatisfactry to the grower
as thev might be: the mills paving but
$1.15 per 100 pounds, although business
houses psv 10 cents more, lhe reason
for the difference in price is thst the
farmer exchanges his wbeat lor sup
plies, and the business houses in turn
exchange the wheat for flour, which is
virtually the same as allowing the
farmer $1.25 in trade or $1.15 in cash
per 100 lbs. for his wheat.
There is also a large vield of bnrlev.
but as vet none has changed hands
at the price offered. $1.10 per 100 lbs.
While there may not Le the local de
mand for barlev that there has teen
during the past several vears. yet 'the
farmers consider that the once offered
is not a fair one and are therefore
holding fur an advance.
Cold In the Mountains
The sheepmen will all soon be start
ing for the desert with their bunds of
sheep, as the weather in the hills and
mountains is reported to be getting
verv cold and the sbeeo are hard to
manage. The feed on the range has
been exceptionally good th s summer
and the stock will all leave the hills in
fine condition for the winter season.
L. C. Mevers. one of our local stock
men, was in town last week.
Large Acreage of Grain
Is Now Being Har
vested Together with J. S. Fuller and Bert
Harber. a representative of the Ex
aminer paid the West Side a visit last
Thursday. All were greatly surprised
at the large grain acreage as well as
the several orchards upon which could
be seen various kinds of fruits. Vege
tables of ail kinds were .in evidence,
while the large number of potato
patches indicated that there would be
no scarcity of suuds this year.
A visit was made to the big thresh
ing out fat owned bv Oil Arthia. Chas.
Nelson. J. C. Oliver, and others, but
unfortunately it was undergoing re
pairs, the engine refumng to do its
share of the work. There ia a large
amount of grain vet to be threshed in
the valley, and if it ia completed bv
the time enow flies aom people will be
surprised. It is expected that the out
fit will be at work north of town next
Ed Deisenroth. who was killed in
Klamath Countv last week, an account
of which annears elsewhere 'in this is
sue of the Examiner, was known bv a
number, of people hereabouts. His
father waa a mail contractor on the
southern route in years gone bv. Tbe
associates of Ed and yountr Williams
raised a purse of $500 to defray the
expenses moident to the accident and
Ihu l 1 1, U U t
H. H. Riddels Expects to
Complete Work Within
Two Weeks
FI. "H. Riddles superintendent of
Manev Bros, railroad outfit, exnects te
complete the work on toe Funk p'ac
by Saturday evening. He will then
more his '-a no to New Pine Creek and
finish the ?ao between the grades from
the north and south, which be esti
mates will require about 10 davs.
A week ago there seemed a likelihood
of condemnation proceedings being
brought against Mr. Funk for the right
cf way. bat fortunately all Interests
were harmonized and Mr. Funk re
ceived SoOO for tbe right of way
through his ranch.
Tbe railroad grade is now practi
cally completed to the city limits with
tbe exception of tbe parts above noted,
and it really does seem as if the loca
tion of the deoot grounds could not be
delayed verv much longer. It is re
ported that the grounds have already
oeen definitely decided uoon. but if
such is the care tbe persona most di
rectly interested, excepting the rail
road teole. profess to be in ignorance
of the fact.
A Spud Grower
Man Whnrton claims to rank alone
towards the head of the clas when it
comes to raising spuds. Oit of one
hill be secured 6 3-4 pounds of fine
potatoes thst would oe crei it to any
country. They were not only of good
size but well shsoed. none of them
being "wartv" or having blemishes or
any kind. The variety is not known,
but thev were a large white potato.' of
oblong shaoe and very attractive. Mr.
Whorton also hat the Centennial, but
in the opinion of the writer they are
not nearly so attractive looking as the
others, although producing about as
Weighty Vegetables
Paisley Press: One tarnio weighing
nine pui'ds two beets weighing 11
and 10 3-4 pouids respectively, four
onions we ghei 3 OTUndi altogether,
three poUt 'Si weighing 41 oounds in
tne amrreeaie. ana iour carrots we urn
ing 4J pound were brought to the
Press offi-e Tuesday bv Mr. H. T.
Stanley, on whtMe ranch thev grew.
He also brought & ajniiower which
standi eight fet tall and has a head
12 inches in diameter. No fear of the
etiitor starving this winter.
Joo Anbro:1 Comes
Front Again as Suc
cessful Farmer
Another rancher L.-ings in a report of '
the state of bis crop this vear. and if
it nearly as good us Joe Ambrose savs.
some of the big v. eld will have to
grow some more to beat what is pro
duced on the two nliees mentioned bv
him. J-e had 3j aoes of wheat, oats
and barlev crowing on Sec. 26. Town
ship 39. R. 18. that he believes is hsrd
to beat and will bet on it ut that. This
is the place that he sold this vear for
$25 per acre and "hich waa looked uo
on as such a nice ain 'in valuer over
what he paid for it sorre few davs
since. Oi the niece ot land which is in
Seo. 30. T. 39. P.. 19. Joe has about tei.
acres in wheat that he believes will
enua! anv ten acres in the countv. .
though he refuses to state what the
cron will run to tbe acre. Put he la
willing to nut it n?ainst anv ten ares
growing here. The latter niece of
grain was seeded broadcast after the
ground bad been prepared, when he
used a disk harrow to work it in. Joe
has promised to bring in some samoles
of his grain yield so that persons dount
ing the wonderful productiveness of
his lands can see for themselves..
An Apology
Owing to the crowded condition of
the advertising columns of the Exam
iner last week, it was found abjolu'.lv
necessary at press time to leave out a
large amount of reading matter. Much
to the regret of the editor, correspon
dence from New Pine Creek. VaUev
Falls and Davis Creek waincluded.
such correspondence being considered
one of the most valuable assets of the
B,flf Land Owner
"W.T. Crederrof Cedarvilte. has'
added to his already l urge land hold
ings by purchasing from the Warner
Valley Stock Co. the well knewn
Willey ranches lying some five v s'x
miles south of Adel. Four ft
acres were involved in the deal, ths
price being $12,000. This purchase
completes a chain of ran Jhei t a
Nevada up into Oroeon and down i m
California, all owned bv Mr. Cre?der
and permits him cf hand!!"? ' r ivi
much more advantageously than would
otherwise be possible. j;j '