Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 14, 1911, Image 3

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    For School Days
Tim children niit ba supplied
School Book
Pen and Ink
And a multitude of older little
aceewanrle t hot the liny and girl
must have In order lo he inoal
aucceaaful at school.
,V Iim vi thcrn nil At prleea m
low Hal jroj Iect.
Hall & Reynolds
Drug Company
,N.f Oaklaaa1, CaUiarwia
1 h only Wnmin'i CnHrf. on Parlrle Cit.
( harinrl IKM5. Nrar two gital I nlvt r .
I. Ira) clniiat throughout III yrr. hnliaiin
mill grattiMlinn rrfii'lrrmvtlU ulvalriil li
Iiiim nl Maiilufil anil t'nlvrralty ul Calil'imia.
I.ahuralnrira fur aclrnr. nli nvxlcrn ''I"
invut. Kacrllrtit oriwrtunillra f hmt
ritiiiiiiiU'a. Ithiar aliitlv. muala and art.
MHlrin irmnaiiunt Special car (or liralih I
fl atuilrtita, om-llfxtr l'l rrrvhlrnl, l.urll
4 lav t'arMin. A. II., I. HI. !., I I- t. K ;
iatat"ur aiMrrti .sricley, Mill Cullrge I
IK, ilifnrni.
TTTGood wiring is
1 1 is the very best
insurance policy you
can have and the
cheapest. We do it.
Are You Planning to Build
Schools, Brkkrards. Creameries. Cob-
densors, or any Engineering Prnlectf i
it witt far too to consult hi !
604 Blake McFafl BUg. JWJiVJ
J. D. Mariner
Music House
Sells far the factories un,r. A'o
Jobbers, no agents. Can save
you $100.1)0 on your plana pur
chase. Mehllu ,f Satin. Kliabe,
Weber, Henry F. Miller. ('has.
M. Stlelf, l.auten. Cabled Sons,
I'layer-I'lanos mill Klectrlca.
String Mini Hand Instru
ments, I'homtgraphs niul
liifortls. All the Intent
I' Shift Mimic, .'
ler copy.
123 N. Virginia Street
ruusi: 4r nox 422
$1,000 REWARD
Th. OriB Ca
Iforul. o4 N
Llv. riiiM'K I'rot.e
Ion AtamMailuu, o
wh.rh tb. utiilor
alKUedlaa inxinbrr
will (Ire li.iuouu
raw aril Ini .rldvuc
l4 . eonrlctliio
JJot huj pnjr or iar
"" Una li'allliK hnrx a,
rattle or mule, be
liiuirlua toaujr otlta
In .ililiilnn in tb. aive, Hi uoilnraKned
off.raon Ih. aameeondlllnn IMO.On for all hora
a aiiii.l lior.' liuo Uar u ith or ellh.r
Jaw. Braml frciirrlcil In olibl iiniiutln.. Ranx.
larnrr lr and Crook oounlie. Burma
t.uuxl wlinn oll.
None butrroon hiirwaaold, anil onlf In Urg.
anctiea W. W. Baowa. Klla. Oregon.
For Sale
OtIU'o Furnishings uml Dt'ntnl
I'liiliniient coniiihte, together
with un excellent tract Ice es
tablished nix years, for sale.
Locution mm of the vary best
In u ru iihlly growl nr town jf
Hut two dental otllcesln town.
For further Information, call
or udiinesH the
Lalevlcw Oregon
Olrlanr boyavaii earn Una b ail
II III I Oiild Klllvil Nimkitbaln. Bull
.0 Hovrs nl (lolil Kye Nrrdlei at
So a imiiur. und ua tlie si uo and
ve will atMirt you Ibis flu Krrk
i lialu and UhiIii t. Order uvtUlua
loday. W. trust you.
ttmuart Supply Company
Boxata) BKATI'l-X, VVA8U.
il I I, i I V
'I .
8alem. Oregon. A lummirr of the
water rlifhta permita lasuod by the
atate engineer In tha seven montha
prior to July 1911. shows an Increaaa In
tha development and use of our water
raaourraa. ovar tha Drlor record. Dur
ing auch aaven month' period 283
permit i bava been approved wherein a
time limit baa been aet for tha beginn
ing and comoletlon of construction, and
for application of tha water to bene
ficlal use through tha conatruction of
Irrigation, power and other worka.
These permit a authurlie the conatruc
tion of 628 ml lea of canal, and 43 rea
ervoira at a total coat aa ahown by tba
permit of $9,004,239. They contem
plate the Irrigation of 212.W9 acrea
and the development of 17.9113 theoreti
cal horsepower. The reaervolra will
coot 13.117 9C.9 and contemplate the
atorage of 707.40 acre-feet of water,
submerging, when full. 17.345 acrea.
During this Period f 10 479 waa paid
into the general fund of tha atata
treasury, which amount ta alightlv In
excraa of the appropriation for the ex
penses of the state enrinecr'a depart
ment for an entire year. In the 21
montha prior to December last, during
which the water law waa in effect.
602 permita were Issued and the eatl
mated coat of worka to be conatructed
amounted to $15,714,215. .Theae figures
Indicate a marked Increaae In the busi
ness of the office over the average for
the former period. No right to water
can la acquired without flrat making
application to the atata engineer. Dur
ing thia aeven montha period. 529
aoulicationa to appropriate water have
been filod aa compared with 870 for an
eaual prior period.
Proof of appropriation under theae
permita mual be made to the aatli fac
tion of tha board of control. In order
that the record at Salem mav be kept
mora clearly up to date, the board baa
adopted rulea reouiring the filing of
annual proof allowing that work haa
been proeecuted with diligence where
more than one ver la allowed for com
pletion. It la expected that thia avatem
will te completely Installed bv Janu
ary 1, and all holdera of permita insued
prior to auch date will be duly notified
aa anon aa tha neceaaarv forma ran be
. ,
Prepared, and prior to any advene
action or cancellation by the board.
A compilation of the water lawa of
the atate haa been prepared in pam
phlet form and oopiea are now avail
able for gratutoua oiatribution to
those who a Duly therefor to the secre
tary of the board of control, or the
atata engineer at Salem. Oregon.
Fine Wheat Display
A fine diatilay of wheat, oata rye
and barley from unirrigated I and a ia
ahown at Maxwell 'a office. A aamole
of rye 6 teet 8 3-4 Inches tall grown on
the Oliver ranch; oata. wheat and
barley grown on the Schmidt place
formerly kt own aa the Fuller and
Walker ranch and many othere are
enough to drive a man back to Die aoil.
The aamolea of Gooaeberriee brought
in from Rock Creek by Ed ISond are
; enough to convince anyone that thia
ia a fruit country. Some of the graina
brought in are from places where the
! writer haa heard people aav nothing
would grow.
Salem. Ore.. Sept. 6. The long ex
pected anawer by the Soutnern Pacific
railroad company to the auit by the
government for the recovery of 2.730.
000 acrea of land held bv the company
aa atate grant lands waa riled here to
day. mi i aa a ... . .
ine ranroau noiua mat tne govern
ment haa for forty years collected tax
ea on the unsold portions of the land
involved and made no protest against
the patenting of the lands in question
in tne government a suit the com
pany was charged with forfeiting all
ita righta to uowsesHion of the land
involved when it sold the land off in
tracts containing more tnan 160 acrea
to one individual and at more than
$2.60 an acre, as was specified when
the land waa given the railroad com
pany. The value of the lands Included in
this grant and over tvrilch this suit ia
pending ia $70,000,000.
Suit waa brought some time ago by
the government on the grounds above
stated to annual the title to the cor
poration's eran. lands in thia atat.
After a very hard IcbmI battle the case
was finally decided against tha railroad
and thin answer would aooear to mean
that the corporation expects to fight
this decision to a finish. In fact one of
the greatest nrrava of legal talent ever
lined uo in anv cane in the history of
the country will probably clash when
thia answer cornea UD to Issue and the
final result will be watched by the gen
eral public as It will be one of wide
interest not only in Oregon, but all
over the United States.
Government Homesteads In Lake
(bounty, Oregon are about the best to
bt found In that Una, in the entire
western country, There are many
townships where the land ia level,
aoil 'deep,' fertile and productive,
water ia to be obtained at from ten to
fifty feet and of unsurnasaed quality.
Tha survey of tha Oregon Eastern and
the Oregon Trunk Railways cither run
through the best valleys that have
landa open or touch aome point in
them. The N.-C.-O. Railway coming
here placea Lakevlew tributary to
aome of the other valleya that have
good landa left open to
open to entry. The
towns In tha Northern part of tha
county will offer many
advantages In
the matter of trading
points, while
ck.w.1 atnr.a in,i .f ..,fT.,.- .r. ,..
Ing established in many of the larger ! chief public servant. He believes In
settlements. To one that baa never popular, not degenerated government;
aeen these vacant landfi produce, there I realizes that general welfare, not Sel
es n be no idea of what they arc able interest, must be the motive power
to do. until he has aeen what the men ! o' H'lecessrul and permanent govern
and women that ara devcloolng the i ment. He Is honest courageous, able.
homestead country are doing in moat
cases. Like all new countries there ia
the speculator in evidence; the man
that aita down and talka about what
he can do but never tries to put it into
practise. Yet there is the man with
braina and muscle who does things and
he is the one that ia to te thanked for
the many successful experiments
that show what ia done here in many
vallcVs. One valley in the county 'in
nearly 1.000 feet lower in elevation
than lakevlew. while there are aome
that range from COO to COO feet lower
in ellevstlon than here. The man or
woman that get a homestead or a
desert claim now ia the one that will be
able to look back and see the wisdom
of the move. for there are a lot of
men in thia part of the country that
could not see that there waa going to
be any value lo tha timber lands that
were taken some few yeara aince. and
wnen tney were about all gone, aome
of them fell over themselves trving to
get the poorer stuff that waa left.
Some got theira and others got-left.
Desert claima are alao aiother good
thing to tie to. No residence ia re
quired on them, but the land must be
improved. A man can take a 820 acre
homestead and bia wife ran take a 320
acre desert claim or they can both take
a deaert claim of that amount of land,
making 640 acres that can be taken bv
them or the man can take 480 acrea
him aelf by taking an enlarged home
stead in addition to what hia wife can
take. If the land would not grow a
disturbance it would be worth taking
at tne Government price but aa it ia
tillable and productive, it ia certainly
worth the time and effort to get it It
will also be wise for anv man contem
plating taking advantage of the many
opportunities to realize that there are
many evidences that the entire Lake
County area ia an artesian well basin.
Wells are flowing in two or three of
the valleva and others are contemplat
ed aoon in the remainder. Artesian
wells will make every acre of thia land
worth $100 per acre whp the water
ia flowing.
Stepa have bees taken by Central
Oregon people to exploit one of the
greatest resources of that region that
haa heretofore been neglected. Thia ia
the useful horse. To stimulate breed
ing of fine animals, the Central Oregon
livestock. Sales Association has been
formed, with headquarters at Red
mond, and hereafter sales of horses
will be held on the third Monday of
each month at that pome
Tha object is to establish a big horse
market, where breeders will eome In
loucn wun Duvera ana nna lair oricea
for their stock. Tba organization ia
not for the benefit of Redmond alone
nor is it inteded for the profit of hsso
ciat ion members, tut it will help every
aection and community of Central Ore
gon. even to the rancher in the foot
The outside buyer. It ia believed, will
come to a sale where he can pick from
a bunch of 400 or 500 head, when if be
has to travel from ranch to ranch, be
is not attracted. All classes of horses,
from-bronchos to the finest riding and
draft horaea, will be offered. - Central
Oregon haa exploited its alfalla. sheep.
wool and cattle but little has been
said about ita horses. Yet it produces
thousands of dne animals, climate and
ajl conditions being favorable to the
best development of the horse, and the
new plan will probably add to the im
portance of the industry.
For bowel complain t In children al
waya give Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Dlurrluea Remedy and :astor
oil. It I certain to effect a cure and
when reduced with water uml vveul-
ened Ih (1i awaut to take, No nhysl
clan cau prescribe a better remedy.
For sale by all good dealers.
United States Senator Jonathan
rtotime. Jr., of Uregon haa given out
an Interview in which he endorsed tha
candidacy of Senator La Follette for
the Republican ncmination against
President Taft.
Senator Bourrie'a statement is in the
nature of a challenge to Big business
and meets the charge of judlclalism
which haa been lodged against La
Follette bv placing against thia state
ment tha legislation enacted in Wiscon
sin under tha leadershln of La Follette.
Senator Bourne aaM:
"Why have I frr montha been so In-
: latently for La Follette lorTrTesiaeni .'
rj a l . r flkA
prrauiw na !) rrmiiv ti uib tuiiii.
Hons which I Ulieve are necessary
for a man to possesss In order to pron-
'erlv fill the high office ot the Nation's
dynamic, with twenty-five veara ex
perience in legislative and executive
public life. Though radical in manner
be ia extremely conservative in thought
and action, with high ideala. broad
ideas and strong convictions. General
welfare (a nia goal and selfish interest
his abomination,
"I urge the big business interests
of the country to studv the laws of
Wisconsin enacted aince he waa first
Governor of that atate; hold him. as
the dynamic personality of that elector
ate: resnonsible for all these laws.
If investigation ahows them to be
protective of the personal liberty and
property rights, then support him
for President. If destructive of per
sonal libe-itv or property rights, bitter
ly oppose his candidacy. Such an in
vestigation will show Wisconsin lawa
to be constructive, not destructive,
oroffresaive. not reactionary, intelli
gently conservative. not blindlv
"Senator La Follette ia a stateaman.
not a politician: a deep thinker and
not a demagogue. Hia candidacy pre
sents an ODoortunity to nominate and
elect a president on his record and not
on another man'a endorsement to
promise to follow in another'a foot
steos. He can. and. in my ouinion.
will be nominated and if nominated,
will unquestionably be elected."
"See America First"
Urging the governors of all the
states to help along the "See America
First" movement Governor West baa
addressed a letter to them calling
their attention to the beauties of the
Pacific Northwest and making an
urgent appeal to do everything possi
ble to stay the tide of foreign travel
and turn it to the Pacific Coast. Gov
ernor West calls attention to the fact
that this tendancy on the Dart of
Americana ia a great economic loss to
the country snd should be combated
on everv possible occasion. He esti-
matea that $3,000,000 ia spent abroad
every season bv Americans that should
be used in seeing their own country in-;
atesd. The Governor calls attention to
the big (convention called for Balti
more January 22 to 27. 1912. when the
"See America First" movement will i
be discussed and asks that each state
aend a big delegation.
Following is a monthly digest of
public land decisions. The following
important law pointa have recently
been decided by the See-etary of the
The homestead law doea not in ex
press terms require establishment of
residence within six months from date
of the entry, as said in Nilson va. St
Paul, M & M R R Co. (6 L. D. 667-569).
The law gives a period of aeven yeara
within which to prove five years
actual residence and cultivation.
The land department, like all other
tribunals, recognizes righta rising from
inevitable casualty. Serious illness of
a member ot one's family is inevitable
casutv. for the anxiety arising from
affliction and thn duty arising irom
human obligation constrain the mind
so tnat it is not free to carry out its
When real estate, comprising more
than 160 acres had been conveyed to a
persn bv another for the purpose to
defrauding creditors, such grantee took
the legal title and did not bold as
trustee. When such grantee there
after made homestead application, he
was disqualified, uoon the ground that
he was the owner of more than 160
acres of land.
Where en try man has settled upon
land and made substantial compliance
with the homestead law as to cultiva
tion, residence and improvement for
the five yeara immediately succeeding
that date, hia subsequent residence
elesewhere, after the expiration of the
five year period and the submission
of bis final proof, can in no wis) affect
his right to patent for the land.
Deaert Lands.
In deciding mieationa involving
character of the land and water supply.
arising under the Carey Act. of Aug. ,
18. 1894. tha Department will necea-1
aarfiy rely upon tha technical informa-',
tlon furnished br ita experts.
When a person takes a desert land
entrr by way of assignment, he is
thereafter disqualified from making an
original desert land entry.
In cases where lands are open both j
to settlement and entry. A homestead j
fUlm tnaw hm nit ilmA aifkv ti a4 1 I
ment or by entrr.
A person making an additional home
stead entry contiguous to hia original
entry under Section 2. of the act of
Ann! 20. 1904 (33 Stat 627) may reside
anon either tract
The object of the requirement of i
annual proof in connection with a
desert land entrr is to test the good
faith of the clairsant
Entrvman must have a good water
right for sufficient water to irrigate
the entire irrigible area in the entry.
In allowing credits for annual proof
it ia not necessary that the water right
should be fully complete in the entrv
man nor that time be available for
use by the claimant
An entrvman under the homestead
laws, who had acquired title, ia not
qualified to make an entry under tne
Reclamation Act Instruction of
June 16. 1909 (3 L.D. 58) affirmed.
. The act of March 2. 1889 (25 SUt
864) haa no application to entries under
Jf you cannot be fitted properly
or you have bad feet. I'll make
you pair of Shoe or Hoots
to measure that will fit you,
and will wake them. If neces
sary, In one day. I absolutely
refuse to mnke Dress Shoe be
( Wm. Wallace, Coroner tor Lako County I
Parlors, next door
I will be at Lakeview about September
25th with 800 head of the Baldwin Sheep
t& Land Co. 's Rambouilett Rams from Hay
Creek, Oregon.
These Rams are noted for their size
and shearing qualities. The most perfect
type of Mutton and Wool Sheep combined
in the world.
Sheepmen wanting Rams this season
will do well to wait and see this lot, as the
price as well as the Ducks will be right.
I also have a fine lot of pure bred Cots
wool Rams that I will deliver at Klamath
Falls In numbers to suit purchaser.
For prices and termr, ;
the Reclamation Act and the addition
! right granted In aald Act of March
2. 1889. cannot be exercised by entrr
withia a reclamation project
Everv or try of land within the limits
of a withdrawal under the Reclama
tion Aet aubject to reduction to A farm
on it as thereafter established br the
Secretary of the Interior, and improve
ments placed Oixm the different sub
divisions by the entrvman prior to auch
reduction are at bis risk. Affirming
ease of Jerome M. Higman (37 L. D.
Timber and Stone
When the only issue before the
t la Kthr tha laud la
subject to entry under the timber and
stone act the claimant should make
prima facia showing, supported bv the
Affidavits of at laaat two witnesses,
who hsve actual knowledge of the
character of the land, showing that it
ia chiefly valuable for the timtet
thereon. Uoon filing of auch a affi
davit, within the time allowed, a hear
ing will be ordered to determine the
qnestion. If the above requirementa
be not comolied with the entrr will be
Aeuxually treated, a aprained ankle
will diaahle a matt lor tnree or four
wek, hut by applying; Chamberlain's hd aa tbe injury
la n-reived. and oberrm tn dlrc
tiona with each bottle, a cure can be
effi-cte I In fnm two to four day For
aalc by all good dealer).
Children Cry
cause I am not equipped for It,
but If you want a pair of Shoes
that will wear, you can get
them here at reasonable prices.
Sailed bottom ShiH-s from $5 00
lland-aewed welts from - $6.00
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Thia Ulk- title or ab-Mtttal 4-as tk, whieh
will aw My by atr girl how ta teUCCKKI Draa
awul la the maul 14 ay mm it will aw arat PHP.K.
The alas erthfttfellrge lata alts-airy aa aaaalariae
he laAawtrHra. mm4 ta Mrrn AtL the SM-aalai. It
aAVra fa.raci la tariealtarn, Ctrll Saslareerla.
Kleetrleal SCacisMir.iag, Jf e-haaral SCasrlaMtrrlaa:.
Sflaiaar Karlawrlaa;, fan-ktry. Itmwmrnlir Hrleara
sad Art, taaaaere. rharaaaey aa Maaie. Tha
t allege aaeaa taeareaihrr tm. Caala ireo.
Adrew: RR4j.lf4TB.4K, ORftiOX AaiRICUtV
TI KtL -OLLac.K, t'ervallia. Oregaa.
to Telephone Office