Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 07, 1911, Image 7

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A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examiner
KepejUnl a few times, if nccctwiry, v ill find a customer
for that property of youra." I hey are ncanncd closely
by intending l)ii r, nm! the cot is nominal f cents
the line for each insertion. Ipecial longtime rate.
KM 1'l.oY.Mh.N T V AATK.H Uy liiuo
anil alle Ininlllar aim rnn It hdI
larui Moifc. A(ly 111 fc"nilnr
OlUif. AaioiM
WAN I LU -Mtik loUtae lKKi'ilC "'
triu-l. Api.ijr lit lu Iw-ruey Con
, KiruttiMiii )., Lakeview, Ore.
WANl bl) A HAM Oil i'O RKNT ll'i
Slues ud Imuleiiietila, kituk UKU
ou aiiarea ut iuu ou ealarv. lat
of raieieuoea. w.le ojii toon
luqullMul O. W. -IM, AHUfHI,
Oai.. ware J. U. Kuiuaroe.iu'a miup.
WANlfc.L--Vie tuouut ell kitiiieuf Mrue
euiuiai naaua. ew. e u akin
ayvi ttieite rum auii rutH.
Luiy eui rmutnima, laxaviartnlaW
Yalie tella. Otagun. IM1 Jim.
We Dtstl IS ealealiiiw tu aiM.ll of ev
erill elvvlU Ut UieMa lu ll ir aileu
JiU nuiavrj etotk. A p-iumueut
pltue, i'Mii mvkIv una m UHr iiiiu
Inukufjou. Viriu- lur particular.
WimmunIuu Nurmr, loppeulall,
1. ....... I ft l.lltl ..lilt Mftlftjl Ujll MOWN.
rltucur cut, Henry lleryiorii
ranch. "
LOOK AT Tit K MM U.fc ioR UK
wurU leaned u lite TUephulle
tluuipttuy lor UcetrujiuK It prop
oU ht,rthU
A KKWAlUlol ..njr uoiiara la uer
by ottered tor in uruiatlou thai will
lead tu IM errea au.- ovuvicliuu ul
auy peteou wu-. haa atulou wirea or
Ottiar proper! j Iroiu our Cuu.juiiiy i
and Ilia aautt iewerd la nureb) uiieivd
(or luioruiM .u mat will lead to the
arreel aud t.uvioliou ol euyoue dee
troy lug in roperty i tua Ouiiipauy.
Cliaa. Uwbacn,
beoretaij Lke Co. 1L 4 ll Oo.
i tf.
Doe'l format tbai eerrj lu alook
lor aala all aiuua ol iruu. Uol-e aud
cbaine. tbiuitii akHtua and iron auu
etael atlea Artuer Uroa U
Ulna Prima oi any tuaruauiu iu
llurua Laud Ulalriot eu-jwiuii all
land eulriea, oauioa, ualva, eU-. lo
pograpoy. Vour unier uiied ou day
of recalling. f rioa !. J. O.
TUK.hV. Uurua, Uregou JM
Cliwip Hour hi Huuiii.tii timilliy
Kuurnuttt'tl r iiimi- ri'iuinliHl. U
KrituV ... .iiura uml i.lira to be
IoiiimI In Orcuoii. tf
llotvl iMM'VlfW bur. I'llO lK'BtUI(J
purtKi wlilMk.v romli- t
KOU bAhK 'M acrra lu ais lUin '1,
tuwi.ahlp SW, ranite HO. Kmiulro of
S4'utT H' on I.uUavifW, Ora
KOKSALK-l he of HJ, JWVi of
8V e'U. 3D, T. H. H. 1W K W. M.;
aUo lot :!7. bioi k H4, O. V. L. aiJdt
tlou. Will m-II . Ul r or botlichfap
f..r cbhIi or will Hive teriiii. Ad-Jn-oa
Let- II. Hoffman, WclliiiKbui,
KniiMia Au31 -Hi-pUl.
I'OIt HALK-40 ncnn lu alfalfa. "i
inilt-a wmib of New fine CVtmk, alao
(Wacr-a farmlDK lanil, 60 ncn-i lu
wheat 0 uilloa aoiith of New J'ine
Crtk.- 1'iirtirulnra of I.. T. HeinliT
hou, New riue(;r'ck,Or. AprliO tf
I'OU ALK 1U acraa, noar Lakevlow.
Heacrlpiion: H ol H of NWJ-X of
NEj Df isfctiou 10. 'JowiihIiI 40,
ItiuiKf 10 K- W. M. Otto E. Aud
urHou, LakeCUy, Mluu.
(MO acrt-a flui, level land adjoining
t'aulluo Marah, alx mtlea uorth of
town of (Silver Lake. Vry cheap
forcaali. Apply to J. O. llail, 6lHJ
Clumber of loimuerce buildtuir,
t'ortlaud, Ort'icou. 4-f
FOR SALE The W of See. 31, T. 38
. S UaoKe H B., V. M., near Lake-
view, Or. Call oa or addreaa Cliaa.
K. Elglu, City Uecorder, halein, Ura.
J-'iJI 4-68
THE Lakeview Aliatracttfc Title Co.
la making ieeial prlrea on Almtrucla
. to O. V. lu Co.'a TruotH and Town
VOU ' A. . U, T.lla, K. 1. 10 aorea.
1.. J. 1'ortor. I'prUituU, Tuxai.
roKi.kUit block '. and trnol U, Bi'O.
1ft, T. 89. K. IJ, M aurua I' tiwuumu, 470
LaldluyHt., Huu Krauulaou, Cal.
HK aLK-Ul i4. block 67, O. V. I.. Co. addi
tion, and N'a ul NK ol NK'.. Huo, 1.
T. 40, K. 111. 10 ncr.'i. Addrt-Ha Krud Knyer.-r,
KKU 4, im.i lu, KkUitaa Cltjr. Kau. yrioa alO.
KOR BALK Traut I, o. IA.T. 87. R.lil, 40aorr-i.
. J. 11. 1'varaoti. it W Alameda Ave. Dunver.Col.
IOK8AI.K-l.ol l. bloca lttdand tract , Huo IM,
' T 41, K IN, 2o aurt'a. AddruwTilduu Waid.lll
K lat HI, hv Moina, low a.
: 'KOR VALK Lot 14, block lao.audN'i ol BE' i ol
' NWU, Huo 17. TDW, K 10, tii aor.'i. Kale L.
. 14, Klilgullcld, Wank. rrlcuMO,
KOR WALK Lot 6, block .,( V I. addltiou,
andNh.'. KVV',, uo 17. I' H'l, It 24. 4i ai!ru.
AdJrJ t'luruw Wollv, Moorttuad, Mluu.
, KOR"AI.BV-lHit M,' block Sl-i.O V L addition,
ndhU ol NW!i ol Wl, Sou III, THA, Ka,i!0
aorra.' Addr)'4U, U.IIariDuu, 10 kau ml 81,
Kadnald.B. P.
KOiuiAI,K-BS ol NK ol HVM ol NK7,8oo 5, X
HA. K aa. lOaoiea. Addrowi Laura JV Ouvrea,
'X l"nvtC'i A' i n 1 1 "
Want Ads
NoTIi K Kllll 1'1'Ul.lCU ION
(.Nut Con I laii.lxl
IVliarlinrlil ol tha Interior, U. H.
Irftu l illoatLak0Vew,OreKuu, July
ii, l"ll. . . , ' J
Not lie la h-rvliy Klven tinti John r.
Iliirv. whiiM piMiolllea nddieaa la
I'lnxh, likw Co . or-Kn, il d, mi tha
I Hill day of (tetolM-r. IW 10, ft la In thla
oitli' nwnrn xtnu-iiii tit and appliea
ilmi. No IMiNt'i. to pureliMM- iheKU
Nwl4'. Hi-' ill. T. a M. U 17 K , Wll
Inuieite Meridian, and th tliiiliar
tlifntoii, nnd'-r ttta provlloiiM of the
net ol J una .1. IH7M lid -acta auienda
lory, known aaUie"TlinlHr in d Htone
Ijiw." at audi lu aa inlirht be
Died by appraiwcneiii, and that, pur.
mailt to audi application, the land
and tlmtmr lhareoii ti-ve 'mh-ii ap
iiralai-d. at n loinl of f2:u ir ! tint
ia.r failuialed 1 76.01 KJ hoard feel al
$ 76 pr M. and the land IIOn.tMl; t!.at
aid aplieant will ottvr H,,al pro. f in
aiippntl nl Ina Apullealloii aod aworn
ataii'tniTt the iUn I )av of "epiem
ta r. IUI1, la-fore the Uitler aod It
rrlwrof the United Hintfa land Of
Ue at lakevleav, Orvnoti
A. .v iwraoit la at IPeriy to nr.. teat
thla pun liH- bolore antrv, or inliiaie
rotitciH at anv lime la-fiiri pa'ent
ihmii.-m, hy iiiIhk a corroiairaU d attl
davit III I Ida offl-e, mI'i-hIok (act!
which won d .ti'feat th- entry.
AltTHUK v. iiRi'ON. IWiater.
.Not Coal Laud
iVpartmeiie of the Interior. IJ. H
Land Otilee at twtkevlew, Ore iron,
July 17. lull.
Nolle l-hereby ji'Ven thai Nannie
M Oravi, whowe poet ortn-e addreaa
la MkeviMW. (beaon, did, on the Htb
day of AMKiiat, 1U1U, tile la tlna ottlee
Horn Hlateiiietil and Applicatiou,
No. 11:111, to pnrehaae the NVVl
NVVt4'. ree 34. TowiiehlpailH, ItanKe
171-1, iViliametta Merldlau, aid the
IlliilM-r thereon nnder the pro ialona
ol the aet ol June 3, 1H74, and acta
ion lelMiory, known aa the "rimber
nil ne ijiw." at aiieti valuer aa
iiituht lie nillied hy appralHitieot, and
that. ii ailanl to audi application.
the laud and mil her thereon uave
Ihh'H eailtnated and valued by ap
pile nit ata total of 41H). the timber
eetlmaled at H)O.(KX) board feet at
1 60 per M. and the lai.d IJO; that
Hiihl applicant will offer final proof In
aiippurt o; her appiieatiou ami aworn
ftalelileut OD the lltll dav ol h'eptem-
her, lUI). la-fore IteKiateraild lUset-lver,
U H. Land nice at uak-view. lira.
Auy iM-raou la at lila-rty to proteat
till- i.urrlia-a ta-iore euiry, or luma a
a couteat at any time belore patent hlinif a rorrotxirated attl-
da it in thla otllce, allcicini? fact
which wou d deleat the entry.
AlirilUUW OKTON't Kaulatrr.
In 1 ha Circuit Court of the Mate of
Oregon In and for Lake Couuty
Mr. O. T. North, I'lttlu- '
tiff. EtJUITV
va. NO 1
Oeo. C. North. ' NOTICE
Norili, Akuch J, Ia-, and OKHALK.
I.oulao lX'ieiidantH J
To Oer 0. North, Marcla North,
AitncaJ. Le', and I.ouIhb Uh-, IH-fend
ante; and to all whom It miiy con
Notice la hereby (fiven that under
and by virtue of au execution and or
der of Hale duly Wucd out of the ofltce
of the clerk of the Cirrult Court of the
State of Oregon In aod for Lake
County on the dav olJuly, mil,
In the ahove entitled eult upon a ne
cn-e made and eutereil of record In the
aald ( Ireuit Court In aafd auit on the
14th day of June, lilt 1. lu favor of the
above named plaintiff and Hulnnt
me tieieoueuia inen-ui uaiuuu uireci
Inir the rule of the iircnil-c herein
after uanlcularlv deecrlbed to atlrl?
JnduemeDt and decree of aald Circuit
Court In huiiI ault rendered aruouut
iK to the Hunt of Five Hundred One
and 34 100 dollars, with Interval there
on at the rate of eiht er cent from
and after the 3d day of April, IUU.
and for the mi in of Que Hundred
Fifty (1&0) Dollars attorney feea ami
ami for the further aum of Sixteen and
80-100 (I1U.80) Dollars, coati uud die
buraemeiite and to include accruing
coeta hereon :
Now therefore under and by virtue
of aald execution and in rompllance
with the order of thla court recited in
aald writ, I have duly levied upon the
herelnalter dvecribed prerulaaa and
will on 2nd day of 8eptetnhcr.llHl,at 10
o'clock a. ni. of eaid day, at the front
door of the courthouae in the city of
Lakevlew, county of lake, itate of
Oregon, eell at public auction and
outcry to the liiffheat bidder therefor
for cauli lu "laud all of the right,
title, iDtcruat, estate ami demand, In
equity or tit law, Including tenementa,
heredltamenta or appurtenaucea
thereto belonging or lu auy wiae
pertaluioiiof the above uauied Oeo
U. North, Marcia North, Airnea J.
Lee, and Louite Lee, or oi thoae
clalinliiK by, through, or under thetu
In and to the Houth Half of theNorib.
weat Quarter of Section Thirty-three
(& NW) of 8i 3) Townehlp Thirty
HouiU. ltanir Fourteeu Eaat (R14E)
Willamette Meridian, Luke County,
Ori'Kou, or ao much thereof aa muy
be necesHiiry for the aatlafactlun of
aald execution and order of tuile In
cluding coati, attorneys (eea and uc
crtilnir eoata.
The proceed i of the aald Bale will
he applied to the aatisfaction of eaid
execution and order of aale, judgment
and Interest, attorney feja. 'nata and
accruing cottta, and the overplua If
auy there be to be paid into the court
to be aupllud an by law required and
Dated at Lakevlew, Laka County,
Oreirou, thla 2Uth day of July. 11111.
W, B. KNIDEli.
Bheriff of Lake Couuty, tilule of
Oregon, 3
(Not Coal Uind)
If.nartmiit of the Interior, (J. H
Iji (I Ofll. e at Lakevh.w, lin-iioii,
July f!i, lull.
Nolle- la hnrebv jctven ihatAllred
l( liar mi in wtinae Mit'iU)i a ad'lr. mm
la Lakt-vlcw, Orvtfuii, ilxl, on the27(h
day .f Mi pte i lN-r, IV!0. file In thla of
fire aworn aiHti ineut and HiM'lh'Ulon
Jin 04OL'H lo piirih'.-lli WJ NHjj,
Hi-c. II, T'.wi.-liln 37 H., Itanit- '2k) K .
vV'lllniilelln Mi-ridlau, and the timber
thereon, llliili-r Ilia provll ma of 'lie
a.'t of Jimi' 3. 1H7H, and aeta amend
atory known a the "Tnnla-r and
Hlone Law " at ii.'Ii value mm might.
lie filed by apurana-niHiir., and lliat
'tiraiMnt lo -ucli npili'HUiin, the
and and tuiiNT thetv.ui have bei'ii
afipraiad t a tola of (2nU, iheilia
Ut eatliiixtml 1(10 0NI binird fi-et at
175 ier M, and the land ixfl: that
aald applicant will offer final proof In
anpimrtol Ilia apidlcallon and aworn
ata'rnien h i the I4ih day of t4-pieni
tier, U'll. lrlora tie HaifUtr ami R-
e lver of the United dtatea Laud Of
flie, at Lakfvlt w, Oregon
Any la-raon I at I Uteri. ti pnteat
thla pnrvha-e l-fi)re entr, or Initiate
a content at any time bafure patent
iHMoea. hy ft 1 1 1 1 if a trorrohor.tteil ad)
davit In thla oHii-e, alluliiic fm ta
which would Mi-at lie entry
AltTHUK W.nRTOM. It-rlater.
(Not t'ial landa)
Department o the Interior. V. 8.
I.and Ollli-e at lakevlew. Oreiron.
July Si, lull
Notb-e la In relty ifiven that Mary r.
.... . . .aa... ..I, -
na'iera, wnoxe pxaiomre suum'm i
Lakevlew. Oreirou. did. on the I2th
lay of January, lull, flln in thla office
worn aiatetneiit and application No
Ol.M, la p.ircbaae the Ni NE?,. Wee
10. T. as b . K. 1.1 i;., M Illaruetie Ale
flitlan, and the timber th r..n. under
the nrovlalona f the a-t of June 3,
1878, and a-ta aniendatry, known e
I ha " limlH-r anil Stone Iwiw." at aiurh
value aa uilKht be Hied b appralae.
ment, and that, pumuant to au h ap
Dllcatlon, I lie land and Umber thereon
have been apprataed at a total of the tlmla-r eatimated lOO.OhO
board Iei at ll.X) per AI and the lam
tlOti.OO; l hut aai.l applicant wnl ofTcr
final uroof in aupiiort of hla appliea
tlon and aworn ataiemnnt on the 22nd
da of SepteinlH-r, 191 1. In-fore the
Itexiater and Kei-eiver ol the Unileil
rotate Iiud Oltioe, at Lakeview, Ore-
Any tieraou la at llla-rty to proteat
thla purchaae iM.fure entry, or initiate
a eon teal at any time before patent
laoi'ea, by tiling a corrotirafia am
dMVil in thla otllce, alleglnir facta
which would det.-.ii iheeuiry.
ARTHUR W. ORTON. R-iriater.
(Not Coal Iand)
Department of the Interior U. 8.
Land OtMce at Lakeview, Oregon,
Julv 27. 1911.
Notice i hereb.. given that A
drew 11. Canterbury, of Silver Lake.
Oregon, who on June 3. 1907, made
Divert land entry. No. niuiw, lor
He-tlon 9, Tnwnauip 34S. U nge S.".K,
M'illauietie Meridian, haa tiled notice
of Int-otlon to niHke Final l'roof. to
pHtablish claim to the land above
derei Hied, before Iteglxter aud Heoelv
oj the United Ktatca IjiuiI office, at
Lakevlew, Lake Co., Oregon, on the
7th day of September, 1911.
Claimant namea aa wltneaeee:
Andrew Andenton, Jaiuea H. Tur
idu aud John Ekblom, a!! of 1'luah,
Oregon, and V. R. Hart, of Lakeview,
Oregon. '
ARTHUR W. ORTON. Keglater.
(Not Coal Land)
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land OUlce at Lakeview, Oregon
A it gnat 4. 1911.
Notice ia hereby ul veil thar (leirge
R. I'arman, of Eauleville, Cullfornia,
who, on October 27, 1910, made Tim
ber and Stone Application, No. 040H2.
for W4j NE.l4. Section 35, Townehip
40S, Range 21 E. Willamette Merl Kan.
haa tiled notice of iutentiou to make
Klual 'Proof, to eatabliah claim to the
land above deacri tied, before Register
and Receiver of the United IS la tea
Land Otllce, at Lakeview, Lake
County, Oregon, on the 6th day of
October, lull.
Claimant namen aa wltneBaea:
Frank Mulker aud L. McCulley, of
Iakeview; W. J. I'armno, ol Eagle
vllle, California, anil (leorge Wlmar,
of Fort Hid well, California,
A. W. ORTON. Iteulster.
Iu tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake,
(luaiie A. Heryford, l'lalutiff. '
L. K. Heryford. Defeidant. 1
ToL. R. Heryford, the above named
In the tin mo of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear and
auawer the complaint filed agalnat
you In the above entitled court and
cauae, on. or belore the 12th day of
October. 1911, the eaid date being the
laatday of the tlroepreecribed in the or
der of publication of summons herein,
and If you fail no to appear or anawer
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demanded
lu eaid complain', namely: That the
plaintiff take a decree agalnat you dia
solving the bonda of matrimony exist
lug between vou and the plaintiff and
I hat she reaume her niatden name,
UiihuIo A, Young, aud for her cost of
Tills Mummons ia served upou yon
by order of J udge of Couuty ourt of
Iake County, State aforoaaid, dated
Aug. 2S, 1911.
Octl2 Attorney lor Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of
Oregon, for the Couuty of Lake.
A. Id. Baxter, l'lalutiff, I
Wm. Hume, Defendmit. 1
To the ubove-uauieu detendaut,
Win Hume:
in the nniue of the State of Oregon:
Y"ti uro hereby requlnil to apear
aud answer thecomplalut tiled against
yon In the above entitled Court and
cauae, now ou tile with the clerk of
aald Court, ou or before alx weeka
from the date of tile II rat publication
of thia enruiuoiiH, tov. lt: On or la-fore
tho 13tli day of October, 1911, ana you
w, o notified that If you fail at, to ap
i-ar and answer I he compiiU'-i '
herein rennlri-d. the plaintiff Will lake
Jildameui MuMitinl you for Hie aum il
7l 72. fiiKelher with Hie iiin -f
flUUU nantin t e. lee aiel I lie in ii,
er i.iyii i.f .I1H.,7 Karefher Willi he
aunt t.f lllNMNi n a aitorne.t'a i.e. and
I h-further atiirr of .ll.UIj uiireth.-r
Willi the ailin ul f l.MKI hm Httornei a
fee, and the tun her aum f (3I.V70 to
ueiher with the aum of fl2jU0ax at
torney f.-e and th- further mun
f I2.7 totether with tf.euiii of
m xiinriio' fe.ftnd the further aum
of 117 .Vt loK-tli-r with the uin oi
25 i0 aa Mit'.rnev'a f.-e. and I he furth
er um i $24 4H totretber with the
.urn of 2o.l)n aaattorney'a f.e ami to-
.eilier with the coat and illMttuae.
insula of I-la cl Ion.
Thi Miitnitmna a aerved upon you
by publication thereof by order of t'-e
Honorable 11. Duly, County Judge of
le ( imnty. On-iron, made on tne
3nl day of April, 11MI, directing pub!
crtti.Mi thereof once a week for alx
coiiaecnure and uece alve weeka lo
the LakeCouuty Examiner, pub lahetl
aud primed at lakvl-a, lake Coun
ty. Oregon, aald I nke County Exam
iner etna a newapaiier of It eo era I cir
culation, puSliKheil and printed weekly
at Lakevlew, Iake Ooiinty. tiregon.
j. ii lank,
. Attorney fr Plaintiff.
f ate of Orat pobllcat Ion. AuguMt 31.
1911 ,
I 'ata. of laat publication. Octolier IS,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for ihe County of Lake.
lo the matter of the eatate of Ban
ford Stephana deceaned.
The naderaigned havlog tieen no-nointe-l
hy the Ctttirty Court if the
State of Oregon for the County of
l.akh Admiiilatratrlx of the eatate
of Sanfurd Stephena de-eaeed. and
having qualified; Notice la hereby
given to creditors and all peraona
havlog claim agalnat aaid deceased,
to preaent ihem, verifli-d as required
by law, within aix ruontha after the
fl rat publication of thia notice, to her,
at her home No. 317 North Main
Street, Lakevlew, Oregon.
mlulxtratrix of the Eatate of
Sat. ford Stephena, deceaned
Date of Brat publication Auguat 24.
In the Circuit Conn of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake.
T. M. Fleming and II. M. Fleming. 1
Plaintiff. . -
J. E. Btrlbling. Defendant.
To J. E. Striblinn, the above named
I., ihe name of the State of On-gon:
You are hereby required to api-ear
and auawer the complaint tiled
aitalnei you in the aboveentb led court
and cauae, on or la-fore Tburadav,
October the 19th, 1911, aud If you fail
to aimwer lor want thereof, the plain
'tiff will take Judgment against you
I-.r the efim demanded in the com
plaint to wit: For eixiy eight dollars
anil aeventy-nlne cents and Lrterert
thereon at the rate of alx ercent per
annum from the 21 at day of October,
1900. and for hla coats aud diaburee-
mente herein.
Thla aummona ia aerved on you by
publication thereof in the Lake
County Examiner, a newapaper of
general circulation published In Lake
I'ounlr. Oregon, lor a term oihx con
aecutlve aud aucceaaive weeka, by
order of the Hon. B. Daly, Judue of
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon tor I al e County, made on the 31st
day i f Auguat, 1911, and the date of
the firet putillcation hereof Is the 7th
day of September, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
(Not Coal Land)
Department of tho Interior. U. 8.
Ijtnd Ofllce at Lakevlew, Oregon,
Auguat 2d, 1911. -
Notice la hereby given that Nellie
Harry, "f Liikevlew. Oregon, who, on
January 1910, made honteatead en
try No. 0290. for NWX NE, Ki
NWK. NE. SWJi. Section 25. Town
ahlp .19 8, Range 21 E, Willamette
Meridian, lias Bled notice rf Intention
to make final five-year proof, to estab
lish claim to the land Above deaoribed,
liefore the Regieter and Receiver of
the United States Land Offlceat Lake
view, Lake Co., Oregon, on the nth
day of October, 1911.
Claimant namea aa altneesea: Ben
jamin Daly, John Collins, Dick Ma
honey, and Timothy McCarthy, all of
Lakeview, Oregon.
Easterners returning to their homes
after touring the Pacifio Northwest
and quoted in their home papers, in
variably go into raptures over the
c limate they encountered here Ac
cordingly, thia asset is to be used ex
tensively in next vear's advertising.
The suggestion has been made that
mamoth thermometers be erected in
large centers of population, whereon
the temperature of Oregon will be
indicated each day. This would be a
novel and effective way of attracting
Children dry
llao-a Kotu-Kata. a nowdcr Rniiavaa pan
tUMuiarnnii, urrin bet aud luarnwlaf Dall
.nil Itiaiaiuiy iu ib ailnaoulol oorna au
buolotia It' inx ii aieai oomlon dtaoovars
.ulliaaae. Ailm I ool-Kaa.- uaaaa tikl
l w hiea tool aaat. it la a rarlaln
taaatius.vaiuiiia. wollaa, llr4l, actlaf Mat
ry t ttHlat Mold by ail UrtiKRiata and 8bo
lore B mall lor S-'-0 In ataiupa. Doa't ac
e n an. ulcia'. Trial iaiae XRKK A
jimaie.1 ia Ro N y No
T,!r I tfanii and CMldreu
Iit8 Kind You HdY3 Alwaji Bought
. 1 . ! t . , ltll.4 nllUl ,. .) I
m' i, ' ' , up tUo ,-rei'iii'i,
hi- -. in.rHna aiul i ';.i-
, -.4 ! : .lira acrlona troti' U
Ui .ti i- m of caUrrh. Aoi-l
all '!m.: . fumea, inok- t. -'
auu-. .' .l'-a el-vnaea, en-,
mid i; . . . . m Itiilm wiil ti.,
?tarr t:i hiad enaily
t,l m. . r . ;: iw ll the C - !
iir.a. i . . Oi Warren f.i- ;', )
Nw V r ..
Tbi .. lie 14 .. " Mileait pain, Anr-t um .
briut' " i ziu(?. ltaTTPaj.a;
Over ' ,' i . 1 aiiifjy aurface, n-M .
Ultf I ; H p. in! il iufiamnvr ; . i
! r-' ij .' r-i eonlitioa n em- ! I
m- " ' iiVTufnl draga. .;
If. vou cannot be Btteil prniterly
or ynn have bad fift, I'll innkt
you v iafr of Shoe or Hoot
to incHHiire that will tit .von.
and will make them, if
Mary, In oaf day. I abnolnMy
refiine to in ike Ores Shoeit ttr-
(Wm. Wallace, Coroner tor Lako County)
Parlors, next door
Run au up to date mercantile store
and sell for Lakeview prices
Is now in operation and here to meet competition.
Just halfway from Lakeview to XL Ranch and half
way from Lakeview to Taislcy.
$1,000 REWARD
i irt in ca
iforula J I .1 rra.1
Llv anv. prntr
-Ion AMviiln, n
whlrb lha andr
algaedlaa mrnOr
will (ITr I'.'OUia)
rawai'i lot arldrora
leadfae; t ih-
t m.. I .iiH Mn,llill.i.
IJol anf pr or aar
llfotrailoa hnraea.
cattle or n.nle. tf
loiuintotnr rtflta
i f Olrtnlwr
.f4ii.H to in. a'v-, id itnorraiMtl
if-pr. t. tb .um enndlllnn XV a,m lor all hnrm
n br ii.te't btir. hm- .ar ..n nib or rlibrr
,mm hrn rM'ftrrlpd in ciahl eotintia fcaona
ar.) Ia- nrf 'roo mMinlle. -4n.ara
1rt.ii I.. it rr' -n h..rM,.. anit la Mre
. -..- ww. tourww rt nrwnn
l . ... X ! ,. -J
orlanr mr"n rarn thin b aa
illll ikHil riiiwt tn-kcaaln anil
Hipra of id Kye fVewtl. at
a ptfjvr. m ihm $1 oa inn
r am o4 tut Bat? N-rll-.fialaai-
jek' t. Otv.rr awdlca
ml j ttaf ,im
tt axiav ' Sup uly Company
en line I am not equipped for It,
I) nt If you want a pair of Sboea
that will war, you can fret
ilx-iii h'-re at reaxonahle price
A i ( hot torn Sboea from $5 00
1 1 ii ml ( weil welta from - $0.00
Liar Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Ihlalalk .! arak aal'lal 4-pat-r book, wkirh
wlllnhax. ) ar inl k la all ( KKI) llrwp
liwaial la Ik - an. H n.4ay anal It will m m a w at BSC
I kr Kim ar ik-1 wlleaje . la aicnlry an aaalrta
Ike atitari. n. .ail lo aerve ALklkr ax aple. It
Vr raarauK la rl.llwrr, 4 Irtl KaBlaerHwc.
Klrrlriral Kuclarrt Inc. rl-hanlcal nslarrrlaa;.
Miaiat ynKia"ia(, arr.ry. Ilaaaealie M-leBM-
aa4 Art. 4 mm, m-rrr . iharaiarjr a4 Sfwalr. Tka
I allrgp 0i' a pt'-mb r'tli Catalsx frm-.
,lr.H: HI'.i.laTII QtLUS AURICtt
TI HtLrul.l.ll.r. villi. Irran.
at i iriiiiM
to Telephone Office
WATER. Give Us a Trial