Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 07, 1911, Image 5

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Xfc. X-VTO XX, OX3 Itf XJ irJk.X-
7HL jl. wr -a. a- xi zc
Complete Abstracts to 0. V L. Lots, $2.50
We Will Buy a Limited
Number ot O.V.L. Lots
Complete Abstracts to O. V. L. Tracts, $2.50
Xahc Count? Cramlncr
TlirilSDAY. rKl'TKMUKIl 7,
Attn mi kult uyilwHfttr for lad lee.
SUre. Co.
Mr. ana Mra. Roy Ilehart
R. K. Funk wa a vliiltor In town
last Ssturdsy.
Jim O'Connor, the sheepman, was
In town Tuesday.
A few UIIh duster all good slxis.
'.'3 mi if nt off. Merc. Co.
Bird Reed, of I'lna Creek waa
one Of lent week'i visitors.
Jonas King's Uwn and shrubbery Is
credit to his artlstie taste.
Call (or No. 100 Indies hose. Heat
to m bad t 'I'm. Merc. Co.
We have tbe llulepniof Jloaofor
ladles, 3 tor 1.U0. Mrrc. Co.
Miss Flossie Lake, of the West Side.
whs one of Saturdav'e visitors.
n:n H,.t,hkLi. of Vallev Falls, wm
KTtown the foraoart of the week.
if iviint a. renllv uood smoke
tor a Dlrfcle. try Htorkmitn'a leader
for Kent liouwt uud barn, eujuiro
.f Fred KuaDireiitwric. Aug.'MHf
U. T. McKendrce returned t town
Ssturdav after a few weeks absence.
Teams wanted at Fandango bum
l.r Co.. tor lutullng luuiler. 8eiU!l
Attorney Tom Farrell will move his
..tlr. Into the building with Seagcrs
Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Funk, from down
the Valley, were Saturday visitors
Mir Koonti was in town last
week from her father's ranch, east of
Joe Arsner was confined to his home
for several days during: the week with
bad cold.
Harry lUaa accompanied bv his
family. Tuesday came over from IMush
on a short viit.
L. D. Hov. the Summer Lake rancher
and Btorkmsn. in town the fore
jiart ot the week.
O. II. llammurBlcy. one of New
Pine Creek 'a well known citirens. was
In town Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dicks, of the
Crooked Creek section, were among
this week's visitors.
Labor duv was observed Monday last
by the closing of the banks and the
tiovernment office.
Mike Kau. of the Aueer Valley sec
tion, was in town last week attending
to business mutters.
Mrs. John Arr.ncr was quite III for
several days last week, but is now
feeling much imnroved. j
Kd Calderwood. of Adel. was one of ,
the many Warner people who visuea
with uh Uuring the week.
Mrs. Pearl Ingram was a visitor here
durfnir the week, being the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Drown.
Miss Nell Cleland. of Plush, wa
mother of last, week's many visitors
who renewed old acquaintances.
n.ii a I'-vnoKl. have received u
full lint of school book a and school
Mupplle. H)t7.M
Miss Julia Gloster. of the First
National Bank is now entertaining as
xuest her sister from Alturas.
Mrs. Joe Howard, of Drews Valley
a guest of herdauehter Mrs. Charles
Arthur returned home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Snelling this
morning left on 10-days trio to Crater
Lake and the huckleberry patch.
Hall & Keyuolde have received a
full line ofuchool books and school
.applies. Septr-28
Miss Nellie Harvev. until recently
employed at the Hotel Lakeview, has
left for a short visit in Alturas
C. S. Stone, who is now a resident
of Vallev Falls. Tuesday came down
from that section for a short visit.'
, FlnU Hickerson. who has been here
manv times before, was over from
liidwetl last week on a short visit.
Miss Kate Dutton. of Davii Creek.
Is now soendlnB a few davs here as
the Buest of Miss Dorothv Bieber.
Clarence Green was up from New
Pine Creek the forepart of the week on
a several day'a visit with friends.
"Big Bill" McCormack, another one
of Lake County's prominent stockmen,
was a visitor hero during the week.
The 0. E. S. Needle Club met last
Friday atfernoon with Mrs. W. H.
Shirk, and a pleasant soal time was
enjoyed by the many ladies present. u only the. let of
tohnccf In the tuanufacture of hla
cigira. Try them and le convinced.
Any lady dealrlng homo and hoard
free for (all and winter, add roue Boa
821, Lakuvl, Oregon. 117 24
Hall & Reynold have received a
full Hue of echool books aod achool
supplies. Hept7 2ft
AfUr a hne trio to San Francisco.
returning by way of he Western Paol
fio. Farnum Harris Is once more among
W. F. Burch and wife and F. ii.
Meyers and wife of Adel were regis
tered at the Hotel .Lakeview, Hstur
tlsv. Guy Cronemlller is now enjoying a
few dava vacation after a several
months employment In the local Land
Mrs. Sim Arthur is again reported to
be, quits ill at her home on Slash
street. She Is being attended by her
Hsrry Cannon returned from the
Paisley country Isst week where he had
gone with a large shipment of tomb
stones. I.cslie Seager arrived from Davis
Creek a few davs since. Thinvs look
fine down the valley according to Mr.
W. K. Bernard, accompanied bv his
daughter Ruth, last week uame up
from down the vslley on a short bus!
ness visit.
For aule, good 7 room bonne and
two acres of land; within two Mocks
of pulilic school. Inquire at the Ex
amluei oflice.
Having In these parts is now practi
cally completed for the season of 1911.
snd all along the line bumper cropa
are reported.
Phillip Barry, a resident of San
Francisco. Is now spending a few days
here as the guest of his aunt. Mrs.
Dan O'Shea.
Miss Winnie Hsrvev has accepted a
position as waitress in the Hotel Lake
view, and commenced dutv on Tues
day morning.
F. P. Lane and family were among
the large list of Warner visitors who
remained with us for several davs dur
ing the week.
Joe AmbroHO was in town from the
West Side the forepart of the week,
and as usual was in an optimistic
frame of mind.
Many watermelons hsve been brought
un from Pine Creek during the week,
and the peddlers state that they sell
like "hot-cakes."
Tom and. Ben McCulley. of the West
Side, were in town last week locking
over the manv tall buildings erected
since their last visit.
G. S. Staifu came In from Camn
Creek where he hss been employed at
the saw mill, and will leave for a visit
to California points.
Mrs. Margaret Jones, a resident of
the State of Idaho, is now spending a
few davs locally as the euest of her
sister, Mrs. Elrie.Linville. .v.CLw E
2 John McDonough has accepted a
position with the city department, and
is now busy putting down sidewalks
! injvarious parts of thecitv.
M. R. Hignctt. a salesman for the
National Cash Register Company, was
in from Med ford last week drumming
up business for hla company. .j,
Mra. Green.Smith. of Willow Ranch,
last week returned home after spend
ine- a tew dayahere aathe guest ofjher
daughter, Mrs.kErnest Brown.
Mrs. C. C. Pratt haa returned from
New Pine Creek.lwhere ahe enjoyed a
few davs visit as the guest of
daughter. Mrs. James Heryford.
3f J. C. iShellhammer. rancher and
stockman of Crooked Creek, was in
townLSaturday. being accompanied on
the.'trio by several of his family.
ContractorfcGeorge B. Graves is now
at Dsvis.Creek.Uhaving left Sundav.
He expects to be busv there for several
days doing work for various parties.
Mrs. H. P. Welch, of Minneapolis,
Minnesoat. several days ago arrived
to join her husband, who ia now
located here in the practice of law.
George Conn, the Paisley rancher
and atockman who la well known
throughout these parts, waa in town
earlier in the week on a business visit.
Al Kotivrtfl baa accepted the ageucy
of tho noU'd Lamm clothing, and
has Jut received aamples of nil the
lstet weavea, which be ia now dls
playing. Mrs. D. II. Hartzog returned this
week to her home at Corvallis. after
a very pleasant visit here with old
time friends, among whom she form
erly lived,
Dick Klne-slev. well known oronrie-!
tor of the Green Garden House. Is now
off on a several days vacation, and his
familiar face and Jovial voice Is missed
bv all of us. ,
Judge Henry L. Benson left tor
Klsmath Falls Monday after having
had a ahort session of court. The cases
disposed of were mentioned In laat
week's Examiner.
Several fires have been reported
throughout thia section during the cast
week, but the reports were limply
rumors, no doubt caused bv the very
smoky atmosohere.
Save hens certainly make fine eating,
which orotably accounts for the fact
that ao many of the local hunters went
out Sunday in sesrch ot specimens of
that particular bird.
A great deal of grain is now being
thresned at various ranches on the
West Side. Manv auto partiea went
out to the Gill Arthur place Monday to
watch the process.
A psr'.v consisting of Esrl Stewart.
E. Stsnton and Joe McEachern. all
hailing from Sacramento, last week
passed through town on a trio through
this section of the oountrv.
Work on both the High School and
Catholic Church buildings is now fsst
assuming completion, ard we may
expect to find both of them ready for
occupancy almost anv dar now.
The season for hunting geese opened
uo the first dsv of September, and
manv of the local snorsmcn took ad
vantage of the lifting of the "ban" to i
bag a few very fine specimens.
Mrs. Jonas Norm-who expects to
take ua riding in hci Herald automo-,
bile when it Arrives in a few davaj
now Friday left for Silver Lake U);
rake in a few more subscriptions. j
About seven or eight new families of !
Indians arrived in town during the
week, and are now Installed as rest-;
dents on our reservation east of town. 1
All hail from the Klumath country.
Mra. John McCullev expects to leave
for the John Day country within a few
dava now on a several week a visit
with her siter. Sho will be accom
panied on the trip by her son. Jake.
The band turned out Sundav after
noon on the Court House grounds, and
DlesHed the large number of people
present rendering msnv of the popular j
. . aa '
tunes. The boys are sure "comers. ,
For sale 3 room houee-'and lot with
furniture and 10 aciea of land. No'
reaaonablo offer refused U taken at
once. Inquire 3 doors went of Uj.
Batchel.ler place. Aog24tf
Miss Mabel Millard, who has been
at the Mud Creek station for kometime
oast, last week left for Sacramento to
attend her sisier. Mrs. Bill Nixon,
who is at that place under the doctor'a
Even "Cao" Brown, who ordinarily
takes things as a matter of course,
couldn't help but notic that the
weather during the past two weeks
hss teen quite a little warmer than
Charfes Faulkner, a former resident
nf I.akeview who is now interested in
Surprise Vallev lands, waa over from j
Cedarville last week, and eoent several
dava In town combining business with
Hon. W. Lair Thompson yesterday
returned from Klamath Falls, to
which place he waa accompanied by
hia father, mother and sister, who had
been paying him a visit, and also
Judge Benson.
The duck hunting season will open
the fifteenth of thia month, and the
writer has at an early date aeen
many of the local soortsment cleaning
uo their guns and otherwise preparing
for the occasion.
A oartv consisting of George Hussey.
Ross Anderson, and Reverend Audley
D. Torter were uo from Davia Creek
during the week and expressed them
selves as much pleased with the way
things are booming here.
Mrs. C. Lovelace who haa been visit
ing her daughter Mrs. Nets Mortenson.
has returned to her home in Millville,
Cal. Mrs. Lovelace formerly resided
here and it seems like home to get
back once in a while.
Ned Sherlock, who now possesses
the title of Deputy State Fire Warden,
was in town last week on business.
Ned states that he intends to make a
record by not even allowing a fire to
get ataited on his district.
Tommie Flynn. one of our local
sheepmen. Saturday, sold his wool to
J. Frank! at the rate of thirteen cents
a pound. In all he had about three
hundred barn, and the total amount
involved was close to .$10,000.
iiii Anuersun
several weeks
nr., .1
hunting tirp in the Deeo Creek and
surrounding country. While absent
thev managed to bag a couple of deer,
both of which made fine eating.
Coloner Beebe was excited over the
news that ' there was some dirt near
the mines at New Pine Creek that
had never been prospected. Colonel
Is the oringlnal prospector and may be
missing some of these mornings.
Contractor George B. Graves has re
turned from the Davia Creek country,
where be was employed for several
dava on various buildings at that
place. He reports that the little rail
road town is certainly booming now.
Little Lillian Utley waa taken quite!
! ill Monday at the home of Mr. and
Mra. W. K. Dvkeman. and Doctor
Everett was hurriedly called. The
! little Miss is now feeling much better,
i L .
A Woman's Thought I
Are you thinking of getting a
Bult, Coat or Kklrt? Are you
thinking of sending away for it?
Whv not come to us and have it
made to your mewure and Man
Ttllortd? We guarantee a at. We
have Ithrie hundred and aixty-fiv
dirfeient samples to choose from.
A few minute of your time will
convince you that thia Kult and
Coat question is exactly aa we re
present it.
By ordering early yoa get first
choice of cloth.
Have you seen our new Silk
t'nderaklrta. Pilk Waists, American
Beauty Corsets. Kid Gloves, Ladies'
and Children's Hosiery, snd a fine
line of School Sweaters at 05c.
We are having au early showing
af Fall Street Hats too, Just what
vou need for now, and will aoour be
reudy to aunotince our Grand Fall
Opening of Tailored and Pattern
I lata.
Watch this apace for our An
nouncement. The Parisian Millinery
Main Street West of Court House
Lands in the demon
strated fruit "belt of .
Goose Lake Valley
Timber Lands
City Real Estate
H. B. Alger, Manager
lake hotel
New Pine Creek, Ore.
Bvron Graves aod
have returned after a
ten davs.
year's goods
and will probably be about ai usual in
a few days.
Geo. Reid is in town from the
Newell Station in Drews Valley.
George reports some having on the
ranch of Joe Howard as atill under way
and says that there is about double the
amount of bar in that vallev that there
waa last year.
Some mighty chilly weather waa felt
Monday and Tuesday, and snow was
aeen on the various high mountain
De n tal
For Sale
Office furalnhfars and Dental
Equipment complete, together
with an excellent practice ea
talUnhed nix yearn, for sale.
Location one of the verjr beat
In a rapidly growing town ot
But two dental offices In town.
For further Information, call
or address the
Lakeview it Oregon
Opening with a new stock of
Men's Furnishing Goods
We will be ready for business
on or about September Jlth,
1 9 U , in the building lately
occupied by Mr. Daniel Boone.
Britten &
rrf, f"S
Waist in the house to go at 25
This includes all our Willi b and blLK
wriced at $1.75 to $7.00.
for Full Oonds. and you ret the
and strictly up-to-date. TEN DAYS ONLY.
tops. Its only an indication of the
aooroach of winter, and a warning to
la in the winter's supply of wood,
souds. aooles. etc,
Guy Ingram, who ia now acting aa
agent for one of the large Insurance
companies, arrived in town Friday,
from Roeeburg. As on lorrae trips.
Guv ia "Johnny-on-the-spot" woen it
comes to soliciting new policies, and
report much success in his particular
(TTTGood wiring is
ills the very best
insurance policy you
can have and the
cheapest. We do it.
off in the next
We must have
beneht. All this