OREGON LIGHTS POINTTIIE WAY Salem gets a postal savings bank. A now town named Kalnbow Is start ed In Malheur County, Fir at North Bend dcstoved a shingle mill. Loss tlO.OOO. U Ion County will have about 12.000 tona of augar uerta thla tear. Fiva workmen wera killed when a brliitia across tha Umpqua Itlver, near Koacburg fell Into tha Kiver, Tha crew wnra at work making repairs whan tha span !).'I0 feat long col li rwnl. A creamery la needed at Oregon City ao the papers there utile, but Lake County needs one too ao there la nothing doing on the boost til our cows get a place to have their milk turned J Into real money. Tin la believed to be found In paying quenitita In Joethine County. Vale la having a building boom In anticipation of tha Oregon Eastern be In? built. Salem It to have a new city charter and Ilia rity riada are at Vork fixing It uo In fine thane, Bend bMil a fine rainfall of about an Inch the olhrr riav and things are look ing fine in consequence. Ontario ia to have a new conn tie city Jail in the lateot Improved archi tecture, with sanitary equlomnt. Mra. John Mav. of Oregon Cltv aa accidentally shot bv her aon while cleaning a mm. Kb will recover. Freewmer held a peach Festival lt week and there waa a fine time for the 2.000 or more ocoole that attended. The U. 8. Cruiser tloaton entered Cooa Hav and harbor recently and the people there are jubilant over the matter. Senator llourne'a lull to relmburae eettlera in Sherman County for landa embraced in a grant, haa passed the Senate. Klamath Fella la to have a new hotel at the Hot Springe Addition to tho cltv aiul the building wlll lm heated from the utr'ma: The F.nterprUe Kteam Laundry waa destroyed bv fire last week. A spark from the eneino waa the cauae of tha blaze. Lous $.1,000. Plowing with a "Cater-nillar" engine la the stunt that la pulled off In the Wiiru country ard la very successful on large tructa of land. The Mayor of I'ortlamJ la trying to 1 II nd aome meana of retting rid of aome of the barnacle on the I'ortland police department He Intends to clean uo tha "Never-wners" and give the peo ple tetter offlcera. George Miloa. aon of Deputy Sheriff Mile, of Oregon City la euppoaed t hava been lout I- a large ewamo near Astoria, and acnrchln? nartlea have been out for dava trying to find trace of him. without euceeae. W. E. Stowell la the new City Alitor of tho Herald at. Klamath. He la from Minnesota and will enjoy lifi In thia healthy part of the world. Shanifco sustained a large "luae bv fire last week when a number of build inga were burned to the ground. Thev will be rebuilt immediately. Three Countlea v. ill exhibit at the Dalle Fair October 3 to 7. Sherman, Hood Itiver and Wasco will compete for the prlr.ee that will be given. Oregon City ft taking the initiative and going ahead and building a atate highway through Clackamas County. That beata talking about it all hollow. A reservoir to coat 125.000 la tha first atcu that tho people of Hermiaton have taken to insure a pure water aupplv. Bond will -be aold to finance the (IchI. Deposits of birde-eve granite have been reported aa being found in Klam ath County. The depoalta will le found very valuable if in conaiderable uuanitiea. U. S. Reclamation Knginocra report favorably on 1'oe Valley extenaion of the Klamath Irrigation Project. The addition will water about 7.000 acrca in that valley. Governor Went ia inauuerating a movement to establish atate reforma tory to handle all delinquents below the age of IK years. Thia ia a reform that ia greatly needed. They are going after artesian witter in Klamath County on the foot hill ranchea and aome of theao ulacea will be the most valuble in the country if water ia placed on them. A witness at a wedding at Pendleton collected hia fee bv Musing the anton lulled hride. The groom tried to get the justice to take the came fee but he had to pay cuah there. Forcat fires in varioua portiona of Western Oregon are keening a large number of men busy fighting them. The loses bv tire in the forests of the atate are less tlmn laut year. General Maun. Commanding the Department of the Columbia haa rec commended the Government -holding the Warm Spring innervation In Crook Countv for military manuevers. . The Oregon Conservation Commiss lon ia advocating the growing of diver sified cropa in Eastern Oregon. The only need of thia part of the atate la tillage and men to do the tilling. The aulmon pack thia vear is double that of IbhI aeaaon and reaehea the total value of over $3,000,000 half of which goea to the fisherman. The entire pack haa already been aold. Honrt'.en that contracted to aell their croon for 15 centy are now Hiking their frit ndM to kick them, and thev re being accomodated. Thouaanda of pounds of the crop were contracted at theae figures and now the article of commerce haa climbed to nearly fifty cents. The grandmother of Lebanon met together recently and had a fine time. Matty of the dear old ladiea told of what work they were alill able to per form, and enjoved the meeting aa thout h thev were girls again. Mra. Cora M. Davia. of Union ia' chosen to h$ad tho National Womana Belief Coma. branch of the G. A. R. Thia honor coming to the atate after a olrited contest In which there were alx candidates, ia appreciated. , Two carload of Texas Long Horn Steers are to be taken to the County Fair at Ontario September 26 to 80. to furnish enort in the corneals that are a part of the show. Malheur la going to move aome that week. The beating of hia wife, bv Charlea Hardt. a butcher of Springfield, caused a fine of $.r0. to be placed upon him. when he signed all hia business to her and left the town, saving that he would nut return. He had been drinking. Governor Wcat wanta the atate to do the Insuring and believes that it will keen million of dollars In the Denotes handa that go outride to the large comoanlea who handle thia busi ness. The nlana are not perfected vet Voters at Springfield have declared for more bonds for streets and aewera and a civic betterment campaign ia on. The vote was five to one' in favor of the Improvemcnta. Tho "Fossila" have to take a back aeat even in Springfield. I'rof. II. V. Tartar, chemist of the Oreron Experiment Station at Cor vallia, aavs tnat Oregon hone are the beat on earth, thev contain a larger per rent of lunuline. He sava alao that the oreaent method of tenting hope in the atate ia wrong. Portland street car are to be fitted with new aafetv fender tnat will pick man up from the street, carry him safely through the car. nav hia fare, and set him down to n eouare meal with a "Cold bottle" on the aide. Portland ia sure going aome. Iowa will send many colonists to the state thia fail when the cut-ratea oome into effect. Central and Southern Oregon will get the largest ahare of these people. Farm lands there are too valuable and they want cheaper and better lands, so come here. light on them and the method appears' to be a succeHfl. 1 Crushed to death waa the fate that , befell Mrs. Minnie Stevenson, of Rosehurg when she went riding In an auto with frienda. The accident was. caused by the machine eliding oil a new fill on the roadway when It went to the bottom of the bank a distance of K) feet, throwing the .unfortunate woman beneath It A Salem woman makes the old faah-j 1 loned mother-in-law look like a last year wood pile wnen it cornea to get 1 Ing In touch wltn her son-in-law. The i girl waa under age and the clerk , would not laaue a license, ao the groom i to be. aent for her and eh, waa on tb job na aoon aa possible. They were married and will live happy ever after. Tho waterways of the t-tste are to be inspected by Congressman Hawley during the receaa of the body of which he la a member so aa to give him a better Me regarding the needa of hia portion of the atate. A sub-committee of the Rivera and Harbors committee of Congress will visit the atate at this time and look over ita needs along with Mr. Hawley. ir t Pendleton people are going to have the time of their Uvea at the "Round up" September 14 to 17. A large list of prizes and events la carded and others being filed aa raoidly aa thev come In. "Buckaroo" rirennan wont be there this year, though requested to exhibit aorne of hia riding stunts -on account of having to earn a living for his family. Union Countv ia making a nrogrea aive move In using the new Lane Countv method of taxing. The Cobntv throughout supports the schools and a pupil can go to any achool in the county without oevirg tuition. The High achool at La Grande get $1,000 more money for ita support and the five other high schools get a propor tionate amount. , Klamath Fella designated Sent. 1. aa "Post Card Day" and every pat riotic man or woman In the countv sent out cards to frienda in the East and told them of the wonders of that part of the atate. It would be a good thing if every cointy in Oregon would follow suit and tell the wonderful story of Oregon to everyone. It ia a good place to live. Portland haa promised at leaet $500.- 000 and probably more to the Panama- Pacific Exooaition to be held in 1915 at San Francisco. Trie Californiana promise to try to have the battleship Oregon lead the Navies of the World in the great parent at the opening. A Milton man haa found that it ia about a profitaole to raise bees as anything else and ia going into the business quite extensively. Oregon beca are monev makers tor the man that understands the raininess, aa the uuahtv of honey cannot be excelled. Rabbits are easily exterminated by a aimnle compound of oat-meal, carrots, lettuce and other vegetables, eoaked in a strychnine solution and placed where the rodents enter the field. A Harney Countv woman has killed off nundreda of tha peata in thia manner, Within a half a mile of Rattlesnake Springs, near Joanneaburg. Cal., Al Williams, a well known prospector waa found dead in a lonely canyon where he had wandered after water. He kept a dairy and recorded the atory of hia aearch for water before he died. He had become bewildered with the changes that a storm had made in the surrounding country. Wanted Iit Canvon City for horse stealing. Harry Crcighton. Is giving the Sheriff of Dunamuir. Cal.. a good time keening him until the oflicera from Oregon arrive to return him to face trial. He haa broken out on them a couple of timea and mav yet get away. Charged with aetting fires in the forest near Butte Falls, la the com plaint filed against E. C. Boardman bv C. E. Lewia a special agent In the employ of the state bureau of forestry. The charge ia a serious one and the agent claims that the evidence ia con clusive. j Elghtv-nine people were injured or killed by railroad accidenta in Oregon during July. Most of them were in jured in new work. The law reauiring full reports of all accidents is being enforced. The total casualties in the state in all lines of Industry were 306 for the month. Oregon wheat growers aa well aa their emuloyes can be thankful regard ing the weather here, for an attempt la being made to harvest grain in Marshall County. Minn, at night. ' thua avoiding the heat of the dav. The machines are run with a large head- Garroted with a handkerchief that he bad used aa a dust -preventative, and which came near being fatal, was the experience of Jsmes Best, operator of combined harvester near Pendleton. The anoarcl caught on a niece of the machinery and tightened until he was unconscious, but there la hope of hia recovery, though partial oaralyaia haa taken place due to Injury to spinal : cord. . A Portl.ind blacksmith sent to Ken- tucky for a wife, advertising in some of the papers, and a 16 year old girl responded and waa aent the railroad fare to come 'and meet her elderly lover. The train waa delayed and in consequence Mra. Lola C. Baldwin of' the Department of Safety got In touch with the girl and refused to allow ber to marry a man ao much older than she ia. "The Oregon Blue Book" that contains ; a lot of information of an absolutely ' authentic character. Tbe work con- j tains some of the facta that go to show I the progress that the people of thia j state are making in many linea. Any i one desiring the work mav obtain a i copy bv aimtily addressing Mr. Olcott bv his ofllclal title and asking that! it be aent to his address. The edition is limited so that immediate action is! necessary to obtain one. Railroad work is commencing at Vale where a large steam shovel ia ' already on the ground and another at the yards in Ontario, preparatory to starting' the Oregon Eastern line : serosa the state. Thia will mean a lot i of peoule for Interior Oregon, as it will , open to transportation the best part of the "Inland Empire" that has long been denied transportation. The Vale Enterprise is authority for the state ment that about sixty miles of line will be built this year, though this would seem like a large amount at this late date through aome of the heavy going that must be encountered. PUrrhuu la nlwuys more or lesa jr. . B ..... ... , - - pured, for It. ChHiuberluIn' Colic, Cho'om and Diurrbtei Remedy la prompt and effectual. It cnu always be depended upon and la pleaaatit to take. For aule by all good rienlera For bowel complaint In children al ways g;ive Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and lUurrhtua Remedy and eastor oil. It I certal'i ti; effect u cure and when reduced wltb water and tweet enud la pit aaaot to take. No physi cian can prescribe a better remedy. For sale by all good dealers. INI nwii ili V J UST what grade of stock will give me the necessary quality and be the most economical for the job? The EXAMINER PRESS knows and will tell you. Will zinc etchings, wood engravings or halftones give me the best results? The EXAMINER PR SS knows and wll tell you. Will two colors make this piece of ad vertising a more effective business getter? The EXAMINER PRESS knows and will tell you. What is the correct thing for my stationery. The EXAMINER PRESS knows and will tell you. Can I get a new and more attractive form for my folder? The EXAMINER PRESS knows and will tell you. f How much will it cost? The EXAMINER PRESS knows and will tell you. Our ability and facilities for telling you what you want to know about a thou sand and one details of printing, and also for supervising your work to a satisfactory finish is what we call SERVICE. Efficient service makes printing more valuable. a