Lakeview Saddlery A com plot line of wagon and buggy hrnfi, whips, robes, bits, rlntea, etc., etc. Everything In the line, of carriage and horse furnlwh- Inga. ,. Jtepalrlng by competent men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM BUSINESS BUILDING OFFICIAL DIRECTORS By DUNDAS HENDERSON AT n- v;dCorue .v . , drvttm . 1 I i I I kt - i E . I IUV.V Im11nl , t ie I'r.li1nl , , aaervtary of mat. . , . , otart til TreaJiiry rriarr of War attorney danaral. , Poaimaater lianaral,. 4a n-tarynf Nay 4a..ratar Interior .. rotary ol AkMtnilttira rir"yoi i;ommeroa tUTtOHAL WllUm H.Tari I ,,, ..JameaM.Hhaima i Philander I'. K iioi I Franklin MaeVnlal ...JllHlll H LIllMlK U(Nn: W. Wtrkeialiao ,. , rnl II, lliuhoor ,0eira VnO I.. Mryt I .. Hlcbrl A llalitnaet J ami', W llaiin I'harli'. Navel MvlJuatloa.. . Charli't Edward White Vi-a.alliiii Warner, U.K. Veiialon rominlMlonei '. 4, Hleharda U. B. Ind ttomnilulima CrVwSMxiicafc.( tTiTt. toe.-rtlnf Vortarr olBlal rrvaaiiror Mlorury Oannral Hai. I'ubito Inatruoduu. . Hrinin (alrj uii Pixxt Out. ?. . HaBktora Itilel Juitlt , . Oiwalil Waal , f, A Hrtiaiiit Thiia. H. Ka A. M.'rau L. K. Al'lroiai W H. iill av J V. Balla. I Jnhaalhao Hourn.'.Jf ' ( Umk av. ( liamlMrlaiu I A. ' URvrlF lTfl0IHtT K.H. kVai r. A. Mmrv laaoolat Juilovi , i r, a. MtM 1 II J H-a H. Hn (T A. al.'l Hi-ail rnxll HrlUa allTa Jiiutnat Divraioi lut( Hxnrr L, Rriumn tiUnoT ... 0. V. Kuraan.lal InlDIBvoator U. H Marnnsi THE "FUN" OF WRITING ADVERTISEMENTS bpmuuu THE 1AKEV1EW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Abstracts to O.V.L. Property WpopIi frnrf nf lnnfl in T.nkeCo. IClJ O J ) for t ach Town Lot in Lakeview, V I Oreeon, including first deed from -i ' the Company. Get our special prices lor Abstracts of Title to any real estate in Lake County. I H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON I Do you like tbe fun of writing your 'ads? Mne fun. Isn't it? It is fun to be in businesa anyhow f un to have the landlord come for the rent acream I ing fun to have to send a cheque for all those funny bills that come In reg ularly every month and aimDly irresis tible fun to have to buy bread and but- ter for the family and clan for the future of the children. Yea. Mr. Retailer, it is fun DerhaM. 1 You know from bitter exoericnce ' that there is nothing funnv about your business. You do not pay your bills from anv sense of humor and neither do people give vou- credit for the same cause. There is little fun in pay ing the wages of a first-clasa salesman who has to assist vou in making money to day Your creditors and allow you to Wanamaker. the great department atore merchant, and others. To treat this question in a snirit of fun ia like a butcher trying to undertake the practice of a physician. He may know how to carve meat but he does not know how to cut out your aooendix so successfully that you can live after wards. If you are really bent on fun. Mr. Retailer, try base ball or solitaire whist but keep away from writing ad vertisements that are not only wasting your time but preventing your store from getting that increased success to which it is entitled. If you cannot readily get a local man to construct your ads. subscribe to a syndicated advertising service. There are several on the market. These ser vices are usually suunlied in series of ma NEVADA -GALIFORNIA-OREGON RAILWAY Daily Service Except on Sundays Tiain No 2 leaves Alturas at - - - 5:05 A.M. Arrives t Keno, Nevada, at - - - 6:05 P.M. nam ix. leaves Keno, Nevad, at - 8:45 A. M, Arrives at Alturas at - - - - - 9:50 P.M. S. V. Co's Trains leave Reno as foHows: No. 23 lea ves Reno for San Francisco at - 7:30 p m No. 3 leaves Keno tor San Francisco at - 2:45 a. m. No. 4 leaves Keno for the East at - - - 9:25 p. m. No. 2 leave Reno for the East at - - - 9:50 p.m. tuck a small sum snugly away In your fifty-two coouer plate electros of the bank against a rainy day. it ia all solemn, deadly reality. It requires all the thought and sales help of the highest grade vou can get at a reason able price to carry through the daily tragedy. Why should you think it fun to write your ads? Do you realize that it W just as necessary to have oulesmiinshiu outside your store as it is to have it in it if you wish 10 be successful? And if you are anxious to increase your business to the point where it will be classed as amongst the best producers of the kino, you will find that "out side" salemsanshiD of the finest oroer is absolutely necessary. 1 Outside salesmanship means adver . tising that brings buainesH. In this category you must out your newspaper illustrations, one for each week in the year, at orices ranging at from one dollar per week up. Much of the advertising in those services has been classed as equal to the best that hue made success fur the big eity depart ment stores an I national advertisers. Some rtMiicp i fnchimilea of this kind f a Ivrrliemg muv beacon at te top f this column. his syndicate. I advertising service nuts within the reach of even the smallest retailer, advertisements that he could not obtain individually for many hundreds of dollars. They are constructed by men who have a coun try wide reoutation as retail adver tising exnerta and who are paid large salaries not onlv for their akill but ftr their experience in constructing LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated. A Complete Record We have mivle an entiiv tranncript of all Records In Lake Countv which In anv way, affect Heal Property In the county. We have a complete Ittx or.l of every Mortgage and transfer ever niade in Ik Countv and ever Deed given. Errors Found In Titles In trariwritimjf the record we have found numerous) mort gagee recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many deeda are recorded In the Mortgage record and other book. HandredH of mortgages and deedH are not Indexed at all, and most difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Other aiinot Ou.i them We have pot hundreds of dollars bunting op thee errors, and we can fully guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR. flanager. success for thousands of merchants in the same pottitiun as yourself. Full particulars of what is probably the mont successful of ihoFe advertis ing services may be obtained frim the editor of this newspaper. I earnestly advise retailers to make early applirations for only one service can be sold in each town and if you are a live merchant vou are certainly los ing money every day vou are without such a service. WILLOW RANCH ORCHARD TRACTS Apples Apples Apples Keeping Qualities NO BLIGHT NO INSECTS NO FAILURES BIG PROFITS I 10 ACRE TRACTS Planted, Irrigated, Sprayed and Cared for Price $150 per Acre One-third down, balance $20 per month No Taxes, No Interest Tri-State Land Company Lakeview, Oregon Write for Booklet and Information J and an- and of advertising that is to say. out vour just surh advertisements as have, made newspaper advertising in that class if it produces results. It is this produc tion of results that makes all the diff erence. Onlv advertising sDaie that contains real salesmanship will get . real results. And the construction of , that saleamaimhio makes all the dilfcr I ence between success and failure. ' The writing of successful advertis ing is an art or science like photo graphy or medicine. It cannot be used successfully by any one who has not studied it as closely as any other art or science. The man who. therefore, tries to, practise it lor fun is only wasting his money and time. You should not allow an untrained clerk or amatuer to come into your store anu sell your finest goods to your best customers. And you would call anv one else who was guility of such foolishcess. a bad merchant. Further, you would not expect a clerk whom you had engaged to sell groceries, to compound prescriptions or repair watches. It is just the same with advertising salesmanship. Unless you know the rules of the business you cannot successfully write ads that are absolutely sure to bring customers I into your store and money into your I cash drawer. If you are in business for fun it is , wise to write your own ads for there , is nothing easier or "funnier" than to ' spend your money on newspapers fool sihly. But if vou are in business for money, it is better to get someone to write them for you who knows how to bring customers into your store and, I incidentally, swell your bank account. Just let me tell you how "easy" it is I to write ads and then tell me how much j fun there Is in constructing adson which ' the increase of your business depends 'and on which you have to build a i great part of your future i There are four points to every suc cessful advertisement;: First, you must get and hold the attention of the possible customer in competition with every other advertiser in the paper; second, you must have to create in terest In the goods you are selling; third, you must bring settled convic tion into the customer's mind that she wants the goods more than the money in her pocket or bank roll; and last, but by no means least, you must get the customer into vour store to actually buy the goods. That's all there if to it. Easy iBn't it? There are well defined rules fordoing' all this but those rule 'have to La learned. After those rules have been acquired, vou must aonly psychology apd many other "ologieg" to get the desired results, the kind of results that have built large fortunes for II V Bolknap Tbompwia In r W L TJUiJJNDnU TA I IXC, iniKTMi:r jajMaaaMsaMaBaMaMsaaaaWaaa)saM--a of the Willis Furniture Co. bus bvvn ctilnrctl. Tlieit Ilcnrsc Un htcti refit tctl with new curtnins. We nre up-tn-ilntc nml tlcscrve your jmtronnpe. Phone No. 001 Night or Day WILLIS FURN1IURE CO. . o a. lamp or r a'. irmur W. Oriou Muftatai 'r4 V Cruuulllr Kavotvat LAkC COUNTY '. B. Dan s r w. l aru. r n anitini ... F. O AHI.iroaa A. J.KuaUl .... R. B, Jai aaon S. A. Muaaan )t . A. a.' li a I F. K AmUrauu 4herg . imuurar aaawaaiir ami pupt. urvror leamiaaioavra .... Countr tcva Inanrrtnr .P. l-.Mallo) TOWN OF LAKtVCKW alrr Hailey V rtnnJIlua a J J. wlit.i J I 8. Anion I. S. lu ) B. Suiuxr 1 Hbu , .... , M,u Co lucllm . . . Kt-ooror . ...Tmaauro , LAKKVIKW.HOAKDor Thai.; it lit (raaiirer irr4rv .... maut t:aininltintaa .. uUuairta. " 'iibllullr lor " lumclpal riomiuraj . W, H. SHIRK ... F. M. Mlllal .. V. I.. KtlWIIlif UK. t onu .... '. K. .. W. r. l-alnt W. t U.TjIorJ .. II. W. Droakai V. Kuban Ritu o Ilai1iuarcra tor Htraurvr. CHURCH DIRECTORY riKKr MKTHOUlHT rHCKo7rMTNUA"v tououl at IV. m. Hrvaahlua averr anuria? ai il a. ni. anil ;.aO). m. Ki..nh lanua avert uiltlaj- ovnlu al Vrajrar Maviiim Tiiun ai 7;S0 p. hi i;u li himid) at 7: Jp. m .ailitV Aid feivrry W.iluexlar at l:ao p. ui 'rrtxxljr coruiafljr invliril u all amrr.. M. 1. W1KK. 1'a.ior. tttUfT HAI1IBT CIILKl M or i.AKKVIc. lrat-tiiUK arrvlus ai HAM and l:M I' M on tat anil .ifd Hun. Mumtair HrU.Mil at to A M ;uuhir S.M'i'i)f at :. P M. kapiut Voum Ctupla't Culuo al6:HMim rai'b Similar fravur MmtinK at 7:)Hil VJua4ar ava alliK. tiror) uudy Invited l all. iU all ar ua. KtV. II. SMITH, fwiur. CA I'HOI.U Hl h( II- kVKKV Hl'NIiAV MA t7:uuand lua.ra.i K.,tjr at 7::iu p.m. Maaa oil wovkilart7:W)a m. MICIIAtL O'MAU l.tY, b. J fluid BArTIHI CHl'RI'll Oa I'NMK l.H, at Naw flux orwa, Ornynn. froacaini asi nwm at II A M ami 7:.J F M ol eacli Huuda il vrf moutli Hiiuilay Hclnml at IU A M f raniT tw rvlt at 7:Su uu vi aliialar nlu il rai'tt aroad. All ar cordlalljr luvllvd t.i ttnii t bu wut lora. KKV. L. K. UKNIlKKMON, SAVE STATE MONEY CHANGE JUDICIARY The Judiciary commission appointed by Governor West recommends the following; Non-oolitical judiciary. Elimination of countv judges district attorneys to save $60,000 nually in salaries. Simplify Court proceedure. Cut down expense to litigants. people in general. Expedite trial and disposition cases. Make dilatory motions of attorneys impossible. The new plan would mean the elec tion of a prosecuting attorney for each county and the election of district judges to take the place of the county judges. The new tylan will save the atate $40,000 annually. A Fine Photograph J. G. Campbell, of the Examiner force, this week received from Dr. Amacker, a former resident of Lake view, who is now located in Chicago, a very fine picture of the First Inter national Aviation Meet, held in Grant Park, Chicago, the fir it part of the month. . The picture shows thirteen biplanes and aeroplanes in flight, as well as the enormoua crowd assembled to watch the exhibition. Prominent among those who participated were Roland Garros. Lincoln Beachely. II. A. Robinson. II. McCormick. Rene Harrier. Charles F. Willard. Reno Simon. James E. Plew. St. Criox John stone. J. A. D. McCurdv. as well as many other well known aviators. "I have a world of confidence In Oliaiiibcrlftin's ('ougli Remedy for I have ured It with perfect wucceBS," writes Mrs. M. I. Kasford, Poolosvillu, Md. For enle by all good dealers. . Kcnscnrr-i: for the examiner LODGE DIRECTORY Mwu evury aviMtud and lodriti Tburxla. ol facli mi. nth. In Maiemlc Hall, l.akrvk'w i.'haa. Toaulniiaou. W.M.i Vt ui. U JulUor, r. uuiHUK OK HONOR-l-AKIUiHOHIt u... jl No. 77, D. utll., A.O.U, W Uiilll ... italrd Thurxiaya ol eai b tuoliiu inn Hall: Marr r-nai. C. ol II.; J. Holla Arinrr, I. ol il.; Lora nuyilur C. ol C.j Alauicda Mrowu, Rooordur. o. O. -I.AKKVIKW UllKJK, No. O.K., nireia ever hiuida avunlni . ,j , rellowa Hall, at 7:30 o'clut k, Iroin U. u u April l, and at a oirluck from Ai.ri I , a.ipluilwr mi. I). II. llcuila, S, U.i . Cheney, tfucrviary . O. O. K.-.ARtVlhV E.NUAMfMfc.S I No. I I. O. O. F., m cell Ilia nrat and third Thurt day kfcnlnsaol aub uinulh In Odd Kuliow. Hall. Lakvviow. CP. Arthur. CI'., A. II owiuuraiey, ecrlba. it It "B k K AiriXJ Pi i fcl-Tjl kl V IK TioTiuirilivi It, I. O. O. K., uietn tha aouond and lourtb Krldayi ul cauli tuoulb In Odd rvllow. IU.1 Illanuliu Ualloy, N. U. Adelo Hioni y V. U.i Allua Hunting, Treaiurur; M. p. Muaa, Seo'y 0 K. 8. OKIKNTAL CHAPTER, 'NO , LAKS," rlew. OrcKun, Meats on Tuvaday.on or ba .or lull moon aud two weeks luorualiur, lo Saaouio Hall, at 7:K0 o'elnok. VlaiUng muuibera are cordially Invited. I.I I.I.IK liAKRls, W. M. IPA UKBACIl.Becrelarv PKOFtJSSIONAL CARDS ARTHUR W. ORTON Attorneyat-Law Notary Public All Practice Except U. S. Land Ullico iiualneaa. L. F. Conn Attorney at Law ad Noary Public OFnoc-Pair Bmw.n. J D. VENATOR Attorney at Law, .and Hat ter a Mperlalt OF'ICB Pair Rnlldlnc. QHARLES UMIiACH Land and Law Ofilce Abstractor of Titles Establlahed ISS Lakaviaw.On vY. l-AIR TllOMl'BUN Attorney at Law Otflce In O. V, L. Co.'a Uullding. Lakevikw, Uukooa S. A. MUSIIEN. Surveying and Engineering City Engineer Hulte No. 1 Lakeview Wateon Block Oregon J. L. LYONS, D. D. 5. Dentist Office In Watson'i Block. Lako vlew, Oregon Ilfbt Tear's szparlenoe la Mtoblsaa. irAnl f tlilvrltT nl Mlnhlaan AS!l?HbJ CATARRH Ely's Cream Bairn U aukkly abaarbaf . Olrat llat at One. I i'Iimm, aoiilhra, bi'uia aud prulroU the diaoaanl tncm. hnina resulting from Caittrrh aud drives wnv a Cold in the n-d qni.kiy. lto-uiv rrurn stores Ilia rWuai-auf II HI iLlUlt T.iala and HiukII. Full altr M cU., at Imitf giitta or by mail. In liquid form, 75 crutw. Urotuvra, CO Warreu street, h'w York. 1 1 y 7, irmn US' f Fresh Fruit and Vegetables TTT turn how iirrimtvtl mJ to furnUh Stock nifii II lluntlifrn mul otliTTt I'rrsli I'rult hikI freen VeK r f .t h Ira of nil A ( ercr.r tiny lit the wvrk. vnnKit itr rmiSK Oil MAIL SHfhtl attention irlven to mull orders, which wllllm 'i ' luurnlnn fol lowllltt lifrlit of onlrr. fin ).i: t ki: - .s.v ( .i: J. P. Duckworth A SNAP ! If you wttnt H uice little home this In tlit plnce for you. Near tliree-ro'im hnuiw, neiitly papered, Lot mid Kuriilnhlnga, Juat its it Mtiintla; Ritnge itnd Cooking Uu-imilti; wt of llarilin China; 1 100 Victor 11 rnphaphone and Ite; 11 x 1:1 Wilton Velvet Rug, good h new; AxmliilMtcr Ruga and Cnrpi-t ; Oak Morrl Chnlr; I'rlnceaa Dreader; Stinitnry t'oucli andCunti Iotim; Hprlng MiiIIiuhh: lU'dillng, Curtaiu, I'lctiirea, Hooka an. I other thing too nuiiier'diM to Mention. Also Tco acrM of good land. !5A tnkcH the whole thing at once. Uco. WenlcdHr, Owner Enquire three doors below Mr. Ratchelder'a 1iouh. Do You Know That you can alwav a depend ou the nicest, frcHlit'Ht Itread at tho CITY BAKERY and that. we nerve an excellent cup of coffee with cuke rolls or pie for ten cents. City Bakery N0ar thm Telephone OHO0 CHICHESTER S PiLLS wayjj -i 11 ae iiiAtiuMi i:uam. 'X J. '-'k;.t"a lllii..Tlri.jA V ytifi t,'"4. mi.1 Willi Hiua RiM.ii. V wl J aka other, r miir V to I'r"1- ' 11 i-i 'n Ti n a 1 M Kl U.IhI. A UK IU II l'l(IM) -I ... ,. .1 yunk.oonw !. H.f,..!.Ai,, knll.l.i. SOLOBrWIUOlilSTStVIK'rRf J, N, WATSON (Ki'dlitfr V. B. Iud Ottlne, luuli lumi) REAL ESTATE LAKEVIEW OREGON i