Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 07, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 36
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t i
Well Pleated with Traffic
Possibilities of Goose
Lake 8ectlon
On tour of Inspection that covered
the entire N.-C-O. system ana ended
with a trio on the West Side fir m
the Point Rsnrh. A. D. Mown, of New
York, ore of the owners of the railroad
Manager Duniwav, of the aame line
and J. II. Hamilton, of the Texas
Central Railroad, were the ruiti of
a part 'of Lakeview business men.
It ia believed that the vialt waa to
look over the possibilities (nthe matter
of f timber resources at a factor In
putting through a branch line from
here to the timber belt In the future.
Judge Dalv, W. L. Thompaon. Harry
liailev. Fred Hanaon. W. II. Shirk,
V. L. Sncllinirland M. B. Rice were
among; those In'thejoartv. The rail
road men left for Reno after their visit
and f expressed themaelvea aa well
plcaaed with the out look here for a
development of the wonderful re
aourcea of thla aer '.ion of the country
both from an agricultural standpoint
and that of the atork and timber In
tereata aa well. When the gentlemen
learned the amount of land that la
available to aettlement and the high
quality of the aoil. together with the
openings here in many linea. they were!
a mated at the poaaibilitiee that Lake
County and Golden Goose Lake Valley
have to offer to investors and settlers
be given to any owner, owners, agent.
or employee having In their poeaesslon
In any barn, field, feed -lot. pasture,
or pen range, or any other place with
In thla atate. any of the above enumer
ated animals affected with, or exposed
toaoab. mange, or other communicable
akin disease, and they shall refuse to
father and dip or otherwiaa treat the
said animal or animala In accord
ance with the order of the State
Veterinarian or county veterinarian,
the aald officer shall oauae the
aald animal or animals to be gathered
and diDped or otherwiae treated as pro
vided for bv the rules and regulations
of the United States Department of
Agriculture. The expense of gathering
holding, dipping, or otherwise treating
said animal or animala shall be paid
within five days after receiving written
ContiuueU uu l'tige tight
Now Possible to Build In
stitution of Use to Sick
and Injured
State Officials Send Open
Letter to All Owners
Of Cattle
Portland. Auguat 22. 1911.
Editor of Lake County Examiner.
Lakeview. Oregon.
Dear Sir: Herewith find cony of
Order No. 6. laauod from the office Of
State Veterinarian and ordering that
all infected and exposed mangy cattle
be dipped and otherwiae treated thia
fall, in accordance with the regula
tions of the United States Department
of Agriculture, before being turned
Into the winter iced lota, pena or
The regulations of the United States
Department of Agriculture provides
that all cattle that are exposed must
be dipped once in certain approved
dips. Animals that are infected must
be dipped twice from eixht to fourteen
days apart, unless a dio is used con
sisting of an emulsion of cru1e oil
(California or Beaumont oils) when
but one dipping will Le required.
Cattlo owners should consult with
Mr. William Proudfoot. United States
Department of Agriculture Bureau oi
Animal Industry I m pec tor. located at
Lakeview aa to the time and place of
Kindly give thia matter mention
through the columns of vour pauer as
it is important thnt cattle owners in
your section should know of this dipp
ing order. Thanking you in advance.
I am.
Very respectfully.
W. II. LYTLE. State Veterinarian.
Oregon State Board of Health.
Department of State Veterinarinan.
Order No. 6.
' In accordance witn Section 13. Chap
ter 213, of the Session Laws ot Oregon
passed by Legislative Assembly of
1909. which reads aa follows; "Any
owner, owners, agent or employee
having in their control any animal or
animals enumerated in this act, that
are kept herded or fed within this
aiaie. mat may. pe attected witn or
exposed to scab, mange or other com
municable akin disease, shall, upon the
order of the State Veterinarian or
county veterinarian, cause the said
aniinuls to be dipped or otherwise
treated in such t manner as will affect
a oure and insure their freedom from
exposure; for the purpose of auch
dipping, treutintr. or handling such
anlmul or animals, the rules and regu
lations of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture shall be accepted
as a standard! if after ten days notice
With a view of starting a thoroughly
equipped - hospital which is badly
needed here. Mrs. E. M. Simpson, of
Ukiahoma uity. Ukla.. is looking over
the field and has secured prices on
several locationa that will fill the' bill
nicely. Lakeview has long needed a
Institution of this kind and the comin
of Mrs. Simpson will eliminate the
necessity of having hospital patients
and those needing the best of care
while aick. from going to Alturas
Klamath and taking the long hard trip
when not in a condition to etand the
strain of such a journey. The.institu
tion ia Intended to be un-denomlnation-
al and to cater to every resident in the
county that needa its services. The
work la a worthy one and it ia hoped
that the lady will be aucceasful in her
venture and eecure the active eo-oper
ation of every resident of the town and
Pioneer Days Make Possible the Wonderful
Development of Fertile Country in
Golden Goose' Lake Valley
Dry Farming Pays
J. W. Dykeman. of Lakeview has
just returned from a trio to Paisley
and brought back some rye grass and
blue joint grass that are fine specimens
of what can be done without irrigation.
The specimens were grown on the
ranch of Wm. Dobkins near the town
and are on exhibition in the Examiner
office. Dobkins has three hundred tons
of blue joint grown without Irrigation
while other products arown on the
same place are on a par with the hay
crop. The fine showing that la made
there and in other valleya of the
county demonstrates beyond all shadow
of a doubt, that the man that comes
here and will work can grow whatever
he needs without irrigation. Lake
County needs cultivation instead of
irrigation and the wonderful showing
this year amply proves this statement.
the same story comes from Christmas
Lake, its a certainty in Goose Lake
has been shown in Silver Lake and
Warner Volleys and othera as well.
Wealth of Opportunity for
Men of Gaelic Race to
Become Rich
Known from County Cork
County O'Regon. Jim Barry
pressible Historian and Statesman savs
that Lake county needa more Irish to
till the soil. lie says that there are
hundred or thousands or the race on
the Paciflo Coast, the great majority
of them are complaining about the
high cost of living and here we have
thousands of acrea of the best lands
waiting for each Irishman that will
come and till them or run stock upon
them. He blames the Irish for the
louses on account of the lack of hav
last winter for they should have come
here and grown it so that the men that
are running stock could have bought
it when thev needed it. Mr. Barry's
argument is unassailable. Lake county
aure needs the farmer and the grower
of grain and hay.
When the Oregon Pioneer crossed the.
plains in the earlv ?ava over the "Ore
gon Trail" hia dreaming vision had
pictured a land of enchantment, where
the magic born of plenty was pouring
forth her riches in a golden stream.
This vision was broken bv the many
hardahios that these men of the esrly
daya went through, and one of them
ia recalled when it touches a part of
the history of the Goose Lake Valley
fifty years ago by a clipping from the
old Jacksonville Gazette of that time.
"A nephew of the late Joseph Bailey
returned from the scene of the recent
massacre to the bead of the valley on
Sunday. He sava that the fight occured
on the first of August. 1861. at the
head of Pitt river, about forty miles
south of Goose Lake, near the close of
the day. The party were nine in num
ber and the Indians about 350 staong.
but armed with bows and arrowa. the
barbs being poisoned. Until after the
first shock of the conflict thev were not
aware of the presence in that neighbor
hood of more than 18 Indians, but in
stantly following the first fire the over
whelming force rushed ooon them from
an adjacent hill. Bailey and Evana
were killed outright, but not until they
bad a hot off their rifles and pistols
with deadly execution at the savages.
Sims, formerly of Salem, died of his
wounds the day following the attack.
Eleven Indiana were killed and a num
ber fatally wounded. The survivors
managed to recover their horses and
260 out of the original 860 bead of
The above account ia only one of
the lor g forgotten episodes that showed
the character of the men of that time,
who fought with their whole souls
against tremendous odds. The men
nf today can come into thia part of the
country without danger ami with Tthe
feeling of greater aafety than thry
would bave in any large city In the
country, while thev can miss the ox
team and use the iron rails that reach
from all parts of the country and come
eloae to the scene of the above battle
sd ably fought with self sacrifice and
bravery." ' ' " -. -
such a water right certificate la not
due to the applicant's non-omplienee
with the law.
Desert land entrvmen have reason
to rejoice over this decision, aa tboos
ands o them can now secure title
when one-eight of the land ia Irrigated
and cultivated inatead of waiting until
the entire tract can be subjected.
Much difficulty baa arisen in furnishing;
evidence of water rights initiated prior
to the enactment oi Htm new water
code. No record la available for moat
of these righta. and to record the aame
at time of final proof on the desert
claim would mean a loaa In the priority
date of the right Thia difficulty baa
been overcome in a number of cases
by the entryman filing affidavits of
neighbors, showing hia actual 'use of
water on the desert claim Oregon
Evidence of Wormy Fruit
In Lakeview Show
Need of Care
Everybody Enjoyed Music
and Eatables Disposed
of By Ladles' Aid
The Ladiea Aid Society of the M.
E. Church, wish to express their
thanks, through the columns of the
Examiner, to the members of the
Lakeview Bund for the fine muaic they
played at the social given Friday
evening, The band beaded bv Leader
Rice gave one of the most enjovable
entertainments that the people of town
bave listened to in a long time and
every seiectioa waa enjoyed pv the
music lovers that heard them. The
social was well attended and the sum
cleared will amount to over fifty
dollars, which will go toward paving
the salary of Rev. Melville T. Wire.
who is about to leave to attend con
ference. It is hoped mat it win pe
in his power to return to thia part of
the country another year, aa be haa
many friends both in and out of the
church, who will be sorry to hear of
his leaving this charge.
"Friendship above all ties doth bind
the heart A
And faith in friendship were the
nobler part."
New Government Ruling:
Makes Final Proof
Very Easy '
Knows When Opportunity
Strikes Him and Likes
The Game Fine
Claude C. Roberta, of Lake is
another new comer into the Chnatmaa
Lake Valley that is going ahead and
doing things, air. Roberta filed noon
GIT land in February 320 acres and
now baa built a fine little two story
bouse, cleared some land, dug a well
nine feet in depth with a fine aupoly of
water and ia now retting bis land
ready for a crop of alfalfa which will
be sowed when the ground ia in the
proper condition So receive it. aa ne is
an experienced farmer. One feature
that Mr. Roberta ia making of this
place is the diversified crops that he
intenda to raise and the start ia with
poultry, hogs and some milch cows
that will conaome the alfalfa. The
Question of the roots growing nine feet
to moisture ia about aa easy as a man
could wish.
Illinois Man Wonders
For the first time W. C. Olmstead.
of Danville. III., saw rich land lying
Idle when he came to Oregon recently
visit hia brother-in-law, U. D.
Fraier. atate purchasing agent. Baok
in the crowded east and middle west he
declares every foot of land which can
be cultivated is being cropped. ' Here
he savs he has seen land enough to
support thousands of people given up
to derme underbrush or wild flowers.
"Boosting" in Danville, according
to Mr. Olmstead. consists wholly of
raising funds for offering manufactur
ing establishments inducements to
locate. The papers have a fund of
$200,000. out of which they oav bonuses
to industrial establishments. Journal.
The Fuller residence on Slash street
ia fast nearing completion, and "Joe"
is assuming a proportionately large
Salem. Or.. According to a report
received vesterdav by State Engineer
John H. Lewis, the general land office
baa made a ruling in favor of the
desert land entrvman in thia state.
which enables the entryman on
desert claim to make final proof and
secure title to his desert claim, before
securing final water right certificate
from the atate.
Water rights for desert claims, like
all othera are initiated by filing
water rieht application in the office of
the atate engineer. Thia application is
subsequently approved, and returned
to the applicant, and is hia authority
to construct works and apply the
water to the irrigation of hia claim
Thia application or permit ia analog
ous to the certificate the entryman
t i . t
reoeivea irora me una omce. and aa
the land office certificate ia replaced
by a deed after final water right certi
ficate or deed after the land is all
pnder irrigation.
It waa thia water right certificate
that the land office demanded of an
entryman holding down a claim in an
isolated desert near Denio, 150 miles
from the nearest railroad station at
Winnemucca. Nevada, and equally as
far from the local land office at Burns.
The matter waa brought to the atten
tion of State Engineer Lewis, and he
advised the general land office of the
conditions. pointing out that proof
could be made on a desert claim In
three years, while under the state laws
five years or longer is allowed to com
plete an appropriation of water. It
waa also ahown that such a ruling
would operate greatly to the disadvan
tage of the entryman on an isolated
desert claim, enduring hardship in his
endeavor to build up the -state and at
the same time make a living.
A favorable reply to this appeal was
received yesterday and the entrvman
will hereafter be reuuired to furnish
only a certified copy of hia permit and
a statement from the atate engineer
to the effect that the failure to furnish
New Minister
Sunday morning and evening services
' will be held bv Rev.W.S. Prvse.D.D..of
the Presbvtenan Church in the Masonic
ball. Mr. Prvse. wife and son. . hav
ing arrived yesterday from Cambria.
Cal. Mr. E. U. Werner who bas eon-
ducted the service for the past four
months will leave Saturday to complete
hia studies at the Theological Seminary
where he has been for some time. - A
large attendance is looked for and the.
new minister will no doubt be greeted
warmly by all.
Lost Boy
An anxious mother has written a
representative of the Examiner with
a view of finding her son. William
Maher. who waa last heard ot in Klam
ath Falls in December. 1909. At that
time he waa 17 year and 2 months of
age. Information concerning him will
gladly be received by Mrs. Maher.
627 Octavia St. San Francisco. Cal..
or Mrs. Graves, of this city.
A new addition ia now being erected
to the Jackson house on Main street
Gotch Easily Proves Mas
tery Over Foreign
It will be neceasarr for every fruit
grower to aoray his fruit trees from
now on to Prevent the anread of many
of the fruit peata that make life a bar
den to the horticulturialfst If they get
start on him. The writer baa found
many infected trees where there are
worms in evidence in the aoole to
aarorising degree, taking into consid
eration the fact that he had never seen
a warmv aoole until shown the recent
specimens, it ia desirous that atrenooa
measures be at once taken to eliminate
the damage that will result should the
Peata ret a start in thia country.
The fruit inspector will bave to give'
the matter bis early attention and it is'
withinis power to destroy any trees
infectecgwith some cf the diseases that
are'otfen found in other places. If a
man ia careless with bis orchard, the
Oregon law rives the man next to him
redress and be can eliminate the or
chard of the eareleaa man entirely.
One dollar aoent now before the peats
get started means many dollars aaved
in the end If the first fly was killed
a lot of worthless orogeny would have
been left out of the world, and the
first and second aorsying will mean
mnch at thia time, but the real work
most be dona in the fall and soring.
Dispose of Seized Goods at
. Place of Capture, Will
Save County Money
Assistant District Attorney John
Venator, and Sheriff Warner B. Snider
are filling all the available space m
the Court House with contrabrand
"Boose" seised at Paisley. There are
altogether about five thousand bottles of
beer and large ousnities of liauors held
bv the officers. District Attorney
Venator states clearly that in the future
no liquors seised will be brought her
but will be disposed of at the place
wbere tbev were captured, as the
bringing of the liquors to Lakeview ia
needless expense to the eounty. The
strict enforcement of the laws regard
ing the illegal sale of liquor will result
from the eroiaade that has started and
no law breaker in the county can ex
pect to get away with the goods. A eix
hore team of liauors destined for
Paisley was stooped at the atate line
bv a messenger sent out by the owners,
and it had a very narrow escape from
being seised bv the officers. The peo
ple of Paislev are assisting to clean
their town of all scl'ers dealing in the
traffic and their co-operation makes
possible the conviction of those arrest
ed in the recent raids.
Frank Gotch successfully defended
his title to the World's Cnampionshin
at Wrestling when he again defeated 1
Hackenschmidt at Chicago Labor Day.
before the largest crowd that ever i
sembled at a wrestling match. Gotch
was a favorite in the betting thoug h
the "Russian Lion" had many admirers
who placed large sums upon hia chance
of winning. The men were trained to
the minute and neither would have haa
any excuse to offer on aeoount of lack
of condition had he been defeated. It
ia estimated that the paid admissions
reached a total of over $100,000. The
first fall waa won bv Gotch in 14
minutes 6 seconds. The victor was
cheered to the echo when the referee's
decision waa made and once more
victory perches upon the American
$2,000.00 Reward'
The murder of Charles Lvons mi
Klamath Falls has brought forth at,
offer of $1000 from Chaa. E. Wordea
for the apprehension of hia slavers.
This is evidenJy a cold blooded crime
with robbery as its motive, end the
offer of Major Worden comes st a time
when it seemed aa though the officers
concerned were doing nothing to ferret
the perpetrators ot the foul deed
Major Worden evidently believes that
human life ia as valuable at Klamath
Falls aa elsewhere. The sum cornea
from bia own pocket and will be oaid
promptly upon proof being given. The
following letter makea the offer plain.
"Klamath Falls. Oregon.
August 31, ML
"Believing that crime should be pun
ished, and that no guilt v man should
escaoe ; a a tax paver and citizen of
Klamaio Kalis. I will pay one th' us and
dollars reward for the arrest and con
viction o the niurJtrei or nut iorers
that lr. ; j.ona.
"Thii offer is goid fr six months
from date.
The Klwmwrn Cn-mty commissioners
held a meeting and added another
$1000 to the above.