xumtn HAS THE CIRCULATION- PRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES THE PEOPLE it VOL. XXX11 LAKKV1KW, LA K K COUNTY; OKKKON, AUOUST 3flJ 1911. NO. 35 .'"'"N THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY ES DRY FARMING PAYSBIVIDENBS Neglect of Modern Meth od Cause Heavy Lots to the Farmer Colorado Springs : Farmer of the United State! nrllaaty threw awav M.mm.000 bnslwU of winter w cat thia year, not to mention an enormoua loaa in other farm product, aimply hecaune thev failed to prepare agalnat drouth by taking step to kevo moisture In the aoil. Thia la the declaration of Secre tary John Burns ot the International Dry Farming Congress, who ia now preparing to conduct the Sixth Con gress, which meet in thia city next October. Mr. Burns had juat read the reoort of the United Statea Department of Arglculture for August, ahowing that loss under tne 1911 croo. Before him lay a aheaf of wheat rained by J. M. Bradnhaw. of i'eyton. Colo., who haa juat threshed an a vera ire of 20 bushels per acre from 110 acrea natchca In which ran aa high aa 67 hushela. On the Hradahaw land only four Inches of moisture fell from the timo thia wheat waa planted, September 2. to the dav it waa cut. July 15 and there la not a stream In 25 milea. Thia land was summer tilled, that ia carrfullv cultivated, and lh weeda kept down the summer before it waa planted Thia ia one of the tenets of scientific tarming as taught by the conrres. It ia applicable to evrrv part of the land aaya Mr. Hurra The averatre of all wheat In the United Statea. according to tho government, is only 14.5 bushels. and the quality I 92 a against 92 6 laat year. So there la nothing wrong with the 1911 wheat but lark of mois ture. "Every farmer in the land could have done aa Mr. Bradshaw did with his little fou inchea of ram fall had he been Intelligent enough to atudy dry farming methods. anJ willing to do me necessary work." lrlarea Mr. Burn. "Some dav they will prepare to meet orouth aa thev do all other adverse phenomena of nature and overcome it, too." SQUAW IS KILLED BY HERJUSBAND Too Much Firewater In a Dry Precinct Causes tho Tragedy Charged with tho killing of his squaw nt Adel. Saturday night. Bige Archie, a I'iute brave is in the eustodv of Sheriff Snider after a chaae in which tho man waa finally captured at Fort Hidwcl'. The squaw 'a head was crushed with a blunt instrument and the evidence given at the cororner'i inquest holt! before Mr. Wallace and Assistant DiHlrlct Attorney John Venator, show thut tho illicit selling of "Firewater" waa tiio cause of this murder in width tho ucts of some voung boy are mixed uu in the au"air. The murderer ia tho couhIii of "Indian John" the aged leader of tho local Fiutes. who sava thnt ho is a "Hud" Indian. TIiIm make tho third Indian that has been killed in Warner Vallev recently, two of whom were buck and the mahala mentioned. Flour Mill for Paisley George Conn, tho Paisley merchant a going to start his fine Hour mill ahortly and hn ndvertied for grain to supply the mill. This ia one of tho finest plunta of its kind to be found anywhere and the grade of Hour that it turns out ia in keeping with that produced throughout the country. The equipment U of the beat and there are over 2.000 yards of bolting alone In tho mill. The power la supplied bv the ditch that takes water from the Che wuucuii iitovu tho town of Paisley and U sufficient to run an eleetrio line from PaiBlev to Lakeview if it were proper ly harncHHtid. Thu plunt will handle a largely increased yield of Kruin this year and Paisley people a well as those in the valley i.ear will have the best home grown product Instead of having flour shipped in. Where Will tho Depot Be? A great many of ua are the owner of Iota In various parts of thia beauti ful city of ours, which fact rarrie with It a certain amount of pride, etc.. eet. There ia one thing bothering un. however, and that is the location of the railroad deoot. Iet ua pray that, "the power that be." maka their de cision on thia Important matter oromntly and permanently, so that "ua" proocrty ownera may know once and for all whether we are to be favored with railroad running past our back gate, front door. ect. A Qood Example If there la one place in town that we ean point to with pride, and which to our mind most resemble the "mot less" town we have all read about, it I the grounds altout the Court House. After murh work on the nrt of Jani tor Dan Godsil. the gran I now in elegant shane. and In addition to this, ha and hia assistant have during the past week tnorouehly cleaned up the road rinse to the curbing. Thia ex ample might well be followed by many of our nrivate residents who wish to heln make Lakeview a "City Beauti ful." FINE GRAIN CROP. -NO IRRIGATION West Side Farmer Demon' strates Eastern Meth ods of Working The Examiner acknowledge the re ceipt of some tine an m tiles of grain Brown on the old Chaa. Morris place on tue West Side, by the prevent owner J. II. Carey. The grain la to be seen at tne Examiner office and consists of oats, wheat and barlcv, grown without irriration. The wheat will go between thirty and forty bushela to the acre and the bar lev will do much better than forty bushels, while the outs are as high aa a man's shoulders. Mr. Carey la doing things and his ranch shows it. Fake Advertising: The way that some firrna stoop to advertise is to be noticed in aiy article sent out in plate form bv an advertis ing agency In ad vcrtising the Chalmers Detroit car and W. It. Parker, of the Remington Arms Co. The article states the terrible time that the "dun- man" and his car had in the dreary wastes of Oregon wherein thev truvel- od from "fifty to ninety miles over barren sandy !eerta between water." Such stuir is enough to dtagust a per son acquainted with the tonography of Oregon and who knows differently. There ia no ulace in the state that a man can travel fifty miles without water. The "Gunboy" should have a Lake County lad carry water for him on foot the next time he cuts loose from "Mamma." Resolutions of Condolence To the Officer and Member of Lakeview. Rebekah Lodge. No. 22. I. O. O. F. We. your committee appointed to draft resolutions of svniDuthy fur the liKii of Sistnr Vada Buhum. respectfully submit the following: Whereas it has pleased Divine Provi dence to remove from our tnidut Sutler Vada Hoi. hum. Therefore. bo it resolved that while wc bow in humble submission to the Divine will, we realize that in the death of Sibter Bonham the Lodge haa lost a useful end efficient member; her family, a loving dauelher and sinter. Slowly now the leaves are falling, Fading, fulling, day by day; And in silence Heaven is calling One bv one our friends awav ; For we know she has gone forever With the blessed, redeemed to dwell. Yet. how hurd it ia to sever Huarta that we have loved ao well. One bv one the leuvea are falling. . And tho toils of life are o'er; Yet. we joy at thought of meeting By and by to part no more. . Resolved thut a copy of these reso lution bo aorend on the minute of thia lodge, a cony sent, to the bereaved family and a copy sent to the Luke County Kxuminer for publication. Committee: (Sinned) Johanna Aviragnete, Mr. T. J. Magilton, Mrs. Rose Muyheld. GOOSE LAKE VALLEY IS LAI OF OPPORTUNITY YIELD OF GRAIN, HAY, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ON WEST SIDE PROVE WORTH, WHETHER IRRIGATED OR NOT "Goose Lake Valley ia a garden spot" aaid J. W. Hunter, of Lake view to a representative of the Exam iner, "and I want you to come and see eome of tho grain that la growing here no thaf you can tell the people about it." So the tnn was mado and what a trio it waa. Through aome of tho most tertle landa in the state, many hundreds of acrea of whi:h are in sage-brush, their owner not fully appreciating the many advantage of the aoil and climate that we have here. On either side of acme of the finest grain fields that it has ever been the uleasure of the author to view, were untiltcd acre of rich, alluvial soil that ha been washed down from the erosion of the hills through countless ages, for the benefit of the men and women that are going to make thia section of Oregon "blossom aa the roue." The aoil waa the same whether the land wan tilled or virgin. The only difference was that the hand of man had performed the work of clearing the land and placing it under hi com mand so that the aoil. climate, mois ture and sunshine could do the work of making the aeed that waa planted, produce a crop sufficiently remunera tive to place the tiller In comoaritive comfort. Is it doing thia? Well just go out on the West Side right now when vou can see the fields as thev are when the harvest ia on; go into them and see the well filled head of wheat. rve. barlev and oat, then watch the golden srain aa it cornea from the SHERIFF RAIDS PAISLEY JOINT Acting With District At torney ImportantMove Is Taken In one of the most imrxirtant raid ever made in Lake County. Assistant District Attorney Venator and Sheriff Snider, arrested D. BiggerstafT. of Paisley and aeisted 1090 bottles ot Rainier Deer. 60 gallons of Old Bourbon whiskey together with a complete stock of wines, brandies, gins ect.. sufficient to stock a first class saloon. Tho rnid came at a moHt onnortune time as it hns been almost imnowsible ,in miiny rases to "get the goods" on the bub nee ted men in various part of the countv who are Biisoected of hand ling this illicit truffle, but the aeized liquors will make a strong case against Biggarstalf. He is held under bonds to anpear before the Orand Jury at the next term of court. The officer mentioned deserve credit for their masterful handling of the cane. Davis Creek Views Seagers have had aome fine panor amio view taken of Goowe Lake Val lev. most of which shows many miles around all sides of beautiful Goose Lake, thut are about the best that have ever been taken of this section of the country. The sections around Davis Creek and Lakeview are espec ially line and worth seeing. The firm intends to equip ail their salesmen throughout the country with three of these fine views and a book of photo graphs, showing scenes around Davis Creek. Thev are ulso going to mail six photographic views to thobe that, write tlienj from out of the vallev. The David Creek country is going to, move some with the railroad completed that fur into Golden Goose Lake Vul-' ley. Photographer Shetlor. of Sisson, did the work for the firm. Cal. thrcpher and measure the' acreage and the number of burhela of grain that come from the field, and tho answer will rent in your memory and make vou fully aa glad overseeing the"other fellow" make good aa it did the hum ble acribe that went with Mr. Hunter and V. T. Patterson, of Butte. Mon tana, who bIpo wanted to be shown what could be done here. Gi!l Arthur' ranch. J. C. Oliver'a ranch. J. H. Carev'a ranch, formerly the Chas. Morria homestead which Mr. Carev nurchased a little over a year and a half ago. L. A. Carrikcr'a ranch. J. F. Hanson'a Point ranch, the Mc Dermott ranch and A. P. Kooiei'a ranch, were among thofe visited. Each and all of them are showing what is possible to the man with the plow in thia part of the world. The most re markable change of all is perhao" in the manner of tilling the aoil that ia being carried on at the Carey place. The owner is from Nebraska and ao pliea the same method here that he used there in hia many year of farm experience. Does it pa? Well go and see lor vourself. Wheat planted on lard that waa sage-brush a short time ago. ia going to yield from thirty to fortv bushels of grain to the acre and inav go more; oats that were sowed as an experiment have shown what could be done with this grain as the in the Examiner office ia good sample enough for anv country; while the crop of bar lev that is ready for the machine ia I .ml nnwil tin I'ngt Kii'ht SCHOOL TO BEGIN SEPTEMBER 1ITH Large Number of Pupils Will Be Enrolled-Eleht Lakeview Teachers School will commence Monday. September 11. and the boy and the girl that has been having a fine vaca tion will once more take uo the rounds of study, thut co to prepare 'hem to tight the battle of life. The schools of Lakeview. under the efficient manage ment of Prof. Burgess are going ahead and the completion of the New High School in the near future will give plenty of room for ail the Dupils for some time to come. About 300 pupils will commence oi the opening day though there will be many more in the following month or ao that will bring the number for the Winter term to be tween 350 and 400. Georgo R. Hearn Passes oeorge K. Hearn. prominent in social and business circles of Klamath Falls, is dead from heart failure. Mr. Hearn waa prominent in Klamath Countv. since 1886 having at one time beign instructor on farming to the Klamath Indians, later be engaged in the hardware business in the Fulls and has Drospercd. He was a member of the Masons. Odd Fellows. K. of P., and the A. O. U. W. and his death is mourned bv a host of friends ooth in Lake and Klamath counties. Judge Duly has nrobationed Wm. L, Hickson the boy charged with stealing horses, to Jonas Norin. with the pro vision that he behave himself in the futuro. Bad compxnv is ascribed to the lutls downfall and coming under the care and guidance of Mr. Norin it is believed that he will become a good citizen. A. W. Orton was appointed by the court to represent the prisoner and Assistant District Attorney Venator prosecuted. Smart Work Quiet an exciting runaway occurred ' Water atreet laat Thursday after- Y when a fine team of gray bitch ec A farm wagon started full tilt no tu et past the Court House. They w.- ally brought to a halt In front of tu p werv saloon by John Rhode, who f. to alongside of the team on a sado e and managed to grasp one of Mmal by the bridle and hang on to - It was cer tainly well done, and but for atopmng them at that point thev might have done much damage in their flight. Aa it was neither team nor wagon were injured in the least. Cut Down the Weeds The unsightly lot with their rank growth ot weeds that are allowed to go to aeed because of neglect, scatter ed throughout the town, are not only a detriment in a phvaical senae but add to the burden the man that takes pride in bia garden haa to carry. The seeds that mature on the neglected patches are allowed to re seed on an in- duetnoua man' garden aa well aa the ownera. thus working an injustice There is a atate law against thia nuisance that will be enforced one of these day ARTESIAN WELLS BECOME POPULAR Many Ranchers in Valley Desire Experiment on Their Land II Lakeview people do not take no the offer of George Ede. the artesian well driller to put down a well and guarantee a flow of water in either the High School grounds or in the City Park adjoining, there are many ranchers in Goose Lake Vallev that will be glad to have wella driven at the same offer. J. H. Carev; of the West Side ia among those that is in favor of having the well outfit cora- l me nee operations at the earliest poe- sible moment, while a number of neighbors of Mr. Carev have also ex pressed themselves in the same man ner. Thev are willing to club together and pay the $500 in case a flow is struck or each will take a well under the same terms. There seems to be no doubt in Mr. Ede's mind regarding rhie being an artesian well bann and he is borne out in this theory bv the Geological Survey Reports in Water Suoolv Paoer No. 220. Halo the well expert that is drilling at Summer Lake sav that he believes that in addition to the ordinary flowing well there ia a hot flow from beneath this tart of the valley. An artesian well in Lakeview would be an asset to the town ard valley that would be hard to duplicate in money. . Settlers From Wisconsin During the past week or so quite a contingent of young men from Wiscon- ain points have arrived at Vallev Falls, to locate and become permanent set tlers of the Chewaucan vallev. They are the right material, and just what is needed in these parts to help build ud the country. The writer returned several davs back from the Silver Lake country, incidentally passing through the Chewaucan. and noticed many new houses now under construction in ad dition to those already erected. Good croos are being raised there, and with the extremely fertile soil throughout the valley there is no doubt but what we mav expect in a few years to look forward to that valley as a rival to our "Golden Goose Lake ' country. Successful Social Something very unique in the way of a young peonlo'a social was held Tues day evening at the Masonic hall, under the direction of Mr. O. E. Werner. Printed tickets in the form of a long railroud pass were issued to each of those present, and as the ticket read "Not valid unless signed by all pass engers everyone was oonagea to se cure the signature of his neighbor be fore leaving. Sandwiches!, in the form of railroad ties, were passed around. coffee was served, and an altogether pleasant sociable time was enjoyed by all. . .-, The members of the G. O. G. club were entertained vteanesuav evening bv MiBS Laura Snyder at ber home. and a pleasant social time was enjoyed by the many girls in attendance. SHOW EASTERNERS WIIATJfOU GROW Now the Opportune Time to prepare Exhibits of County Products Now. during the time of the year when grain is ripe and alfalfa ia either ready for aeed or samples of forage can be brooght in. is the time to get some fine samples of the grain and grasses as well as the many vegetables. that are grown on vour ranch if you are fortunate enough to have one and bring or send it to the Examiner, with vour name attached and we will either keen it on diaolay or place it where it will be ahown to the greatest advan tage at home or abroad. Goose Lake Valley, which means everything from' Davis Creek to North of Lakeview ; Chewaucan Valley from Crooked Creek to Paisley : Summer Lake Ya"ev from Paiselv to North Summer Lake; Silver Lake Valley; Christmas Lake Valley, which includes Fremont. Fort Rock. Arrow. Lake. Cliff and Viewooint; Etve Grass Valley and Edith Vallev. where thev have been tilled, and last bat not least Warner Vallev with its fine grain, alfaifa and fruit disDlaya. The peoole outside of the country wsnt to know about what we grow and there is no better way than to show tbem.for the other fellow will not have any argu ment when you shew what is to be done here. The Great Northern Railway desires that a fine exhibit of grain, hav. fruit and vegetables go to the Land Show at St. Paul, this vear. and the $1000 orize that is offered for the best collection of grains, grasses, etc. grown on dry land is ooen to many in this part of the country where soil and climate combine with moisture, to pro duce the equal of anvwhere. f Every settler, that comes to Lake county is an asset that makes your land more valu able and increases the opportunities here, tor there are many that yon can not see but which the "otherfellow'r will take and benefit vou bv so? doing. Let us have the finest disDlav you can end in at the earliest possible moment. PLUMBING CONCERN ENTERING FIELD ' t Klamath Falls Firm Will Open Exclusive Plumb ing Establishment Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bdivin. or Klamath Falls, accompanied by their family, visited Lakeview last week when thev were very much imoressea with the town for being so far inland from the present terminal ot the rail roads. Mr. Boivin is in the dumbing business and has made arrangements to start a branch establishment here in the near future, he feels that tbe present growth of the, community will warrant the buildings'being fitted with the best plumbing obtainable by a thoroughly qualified man. M. Boivin is now interested in. Lakeview to tbe extent ot having Purchase I me fine Drooerty while here, whici sueaks louder than words as to whatflie think of Lakeview as a place to infest. Welsh Takes Vacation Operator Welsh, of the ?Teleganb; office has left for Wilbur Hot.' Springs. Cal.. where he is going to ;have his ears treated to increase hi hearing: faculties. After a month there he ia going to San Francisco and will be gone from Lakeview for the rtext three months altogether. VyelshiwiM be missed, his joviaV disoosi(ion and desire to pleaxe the patrods of tbe office, has won him a place in the es timation of all. . This y the first vaca tion that he has had in five jars and during that time there was not a single day wheii he was not "on ?the job" whether the line was working or other wise. Lakeview will have iwo cele brations this vear and one of them will be wbon W'elnh returns. j A. W. Muvo. of Sutanvilleihus taken charge of the teWraoh otice tem norariiy made vacant by f Operator Welsh. t