Classified A Want Ad In Tho Lake County Examnor Kcpcnti'd a low times, it i rcesjiry, I'm (I n customer for that property of yours. I lu'v arc Hcanuul closely by intending ltirs, ami the cot in iiominn) 5 cents the line lor each insertion pecal lonjj-tiwie rate1. Ir.u'i, Apply to Hi" llcrnej .; allWt loii t u", LxkcvicM , Oje WAN I'M) A HANOII TO KKN1 wll'i Kt.H'k mi J I uoloumul, slick taku (mi aoara or t mi nti aalarv. Meat of rituoa. W.fa no)! 11m Infill in til li, W. w.,ii, Aliurae, Oil., earn J. C Kiutiar.i ju 'a i'Miip. VA. lr.U"V mount all kiu.ieoi mi I hi a I lii'M in. lo. tau iik in nihI iiiuko ruk au.1 rutm-. Ully ait I ftiiiiinmm, la mi il -I t Valla rail.. Omipih. Mi i n. Illtt NllllO I OIIUll V 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I MI'1 MM, rlklxi 'ir i ui.i'ii lii'ur) 1 1 . t r l ranch. i. LOOK A I' Till'. NtU'ltr. Ml HI.' want la-ucd liy tin- I Ii puonc Company tor iloairoy lug n tr .( rt I l I I. A M ill a .HI iil'.VS A hi) A Kl'.WAKO ol tty tiollttle la ur-te bj oiloia-l lor i.' orinatiou tli.n atif tend to llio miu mi" "o vliHion or any peiaou -i Ii. stolen mme or other proport) troiu our Couipauy; aud the wui itiwurol Ih tiered) till mi ml fur IiiIoiiii.i i ii Unit will luii i to Hid arrmil auJ tmetlou of auyoue ilea truyiuu t i itirty of the Company. CIlHU. UuiUHl'll, fcHxTtiUi utlie Co. TeL k Tel. Co. tl ,. Don't lurrfMi that curry iu aloe for ! all studs of iron, Pol a a-u.l Chit lis, tlilmOlM akelue aud iron aim Steel ailee Artunr tiro f liltio i'rinia 01 any towoatiio iu Uurua Lauil Dmtrtcl (" Iu all laud entries, unuiea, dnfea, U lu foKraoliy. Vtnir orler (Mod uu tla) of rwniviuii. r'ru'H si. J. C. TUKNr.V. tiurua, Urnnuu mi Cheap (It iu r hi HuiiHi.ait CJiiality yuiirnuii'.ti ir uu in . v reiumled. , il l.ll(IOIIll ,.it i. M I'Osr .m" "kino i i a v i: ruKiiK.M atraile ..upturn ami I Ikutn to Ik found In on-uoii. , ti Y.TT. Jt I LLU W UIMH At I UK ' Hotel IJlh ll'W liar. The lxl Mllll pur-! v-h)Hk iiiiiiIi1 tl i . . J it nt.c- i'OK HALK I.hiIh h' hikIiIIo h..r-f, Mil quire KiciifiV Iliirni'-i iK 'rxii'if tl rOU NA t.t. Tim NX of lu or tlic 8wy ol tin- h)4 of vc 7. T.ihii blp -oiitli til KilMKt" '.D K '.. M uiili WHief I'oiiii'tci fir 5 iicrt'H. Alito Lt KS In lliiH-k 7rt O. V. L. i'm. Aililuloii o ,nkfvfw Atltln-HM W. Mulrliif, 14'1 Lvinliilt Ave N Mini cHpuliH, M in ii. i'OU UAl.K-40 iicnn In iillillu. -J in i If M'liulii.f Ni-w I'int' t'rit-k, n I no HO lu rt'M !rinliiK Imxl, bOutiii'ri lu wlifitl (i iiiIIch .niith of New I 'i lit' i.'rtH'k. Particular of 1. T. Hi'ii'lcr hoii. New 1'inn t'ri'fk, Or. Api'.'iltf I OU - AI.K 10 iii-rtut, tii-nr liikfvliw. litm-i lotion: s oi f 54 NW't NK4 "I SiH-tioii IU, IovviihIiip 40. Kh.iki' I! K' W. M. Otto K. And erHoii, LukHC'liy, Mlnii. Oil) lien tinf, luVfl lit. i nl kiljoliiliitf Pauline Martini alx In I If n lint ill of town of Silver Ijike. Vi ry I'liwtp forcunh. Apply to J. O. Hull, titi (JUjtniicr of (oinuicriu builtlinx. l'ortlithu, OreKuii. 4 ia 'OK HALK Tint W)i of Nr. Hi, T. :W H., HitiiKf li' K., W. M., iit nr i.aku view, Or. Cull on or aJilrt'HM (JIiuh. F. KIkIii, C ity Kecorder, Nileui. Ore. 2 -n 4-ftft THK Lnkeview AliHtrm t i Title Co. In uiakinu .peuial prlcei oil AliMtraotn to O. V. L. Oo.'a Triiftri anil Towu LotM. KOHHALK-Trnfiift. Mutt, U, T.m, K. IV. luaoru. L.J.I'orior, I'm limnl, 'IVxim. FlIU KAl.K-Jt M, bltKik 40. anil lrat'1 II, ctnti. 16, T. V. K. IV, l'l t ri' I'ttinr Hwumim, 7o Utlillt yt . u Krautilxtu, Cal, KOK HAl.K lu biook 67, O. V. I., t'o. attill Hun, ami N'iof U ul SK'i of NK'.,. Hbo, H. T. IU, K. IV HI aurvik. Ail'h, Frvil Klim-riT, KKU t, bi.x It), Kk iii.mi City, K u. I'rit'u i)0. KOR 8ALK -T mnlT, Hva. IA, T. 7. K. W arri'k. 1. II. iW W AIuitU A vo IJ. llvi'r.l.'ul k7ll8ATriTl-ot -'4. bliw l:tkaml traetn.Hoo IH, T4I, K in. 'iu rr.-i. AililrvM I'lltluu Vt anl, 111 K lul Hi, Pen Mulnti, Iom i'l IK HALlTl-tit ufbliH-k HO.anil N'-fj uf HK'4 ol NW'i, Ht'O 17. TW, H 111, u ttori'i. Kait. L. Wray. bus U, Klilgt'tlt lit, I'rlcu full. koK BALK-Let t), iiloi'k iii.t, O V I. aditllloii, aud Nt'4, H'i Ht-u 17, T Brtt K 4, 4o aur, AUJraM J I'mrio Wulfu. Mn(iriiut, M Inn. rOHHAI.K-lxl :U, bl.ick li,0 V L a.tilultill, and HU of N W, ut SW14, Suo IU, T kl, KHtf, X) at-rra. AtldrtiH- 0. 0. Haruiou, Ion Kautai hi, KudtlalU. H. I). kOKHALK-tl1 a of N). of fcK', of Ntil',Huo tt, i Hi, A UU, IU aot. Aililruu Laura J. oevifi, -it ii'in-i i)n Avi. OVt HI'I J. N. (Ki'gUtor U. H. Lauil Ollloo, IIKIH luuu) REAL ESTATE LAKEVIEW .'. OREGON WATSON Want Ads CM ir voir K ) ipiii I Ml" t of iii Inli-rlor, I'nl il HtiiM- I. mill OIIIih, I iiki'k Ii'', (In-,, Auk. r IUH, 'lu t Dn.fljiiH ,vlt"iV" fiii-y of Ituhfi litf, Co. (Jiirk, fri-lniiil, ( 'oo'f-lii: III if l.ifl. Ii-il XI 1 I tin f .lull II VhIii. w Iim ul i-n I, iki-v , I Iri'uoii. UM llU CUM I llll'H Hlll' III'! Oil A'.lf' OI.I ft, I'll I. till' III 'III-. Illtlll- In lllllv full I .11 il I I'll M I I l If 1 1 III I III CI III If l mill uri o n, I ;n i r v ...:injit, Mfiiiil N.i oi.iiH, urn ii .luiv n :ni'-, lof H)(rti4. u?V'4' Sff -7, ?rJjM'.4 .SKl4Sr4 fwtloii L's i u i,-, ii, a- s Kmiuf i.i i;, Will iiin. ltf .. i I liio, mn I'M ii oiiiiim for liU r.nili .l ii iiMfiii M III it mIh.iiI N'lV" fuii.i r , tiu7 ,iii lefi lur liflnnil nifl llMVl" UfVtT ! U'llftl, Hint .Villi llffi-r fit iiviiiftl I In- hi I fiiiliiHi'iHl In voir Mi'l fi t v. Hiiif that tiia mi y liuiiriK fillfll a nil til" I Hill i'i in-t-t.i I of luu C liln III I.', mIiIioiiI almliiw or il"ur, himI no II nir Yon mi' Oifffft iif. lur'ln-r iiotlflwil tluit t Mill) ii lfu,!t j, will Ih I ilk. II lit I III-nlll.' Mi. Ii i in If .mi f. hiI"h i) lit v 1 1 . .iiionr Mill i'ii rv Mil tif i'. iifi'lifil ii ifiiinlfr M'l Ii -lit .V"'i fu t Iiit i In li I to tin Ii.'.nl I !( lit. I'lllmr UflHH t III- tilll' f .r Oil Mllfl, It ol fil l in llli In liil-ulll f w .1 111 u twenty il iva nfiiT tlif f'.uith. pnli Ifiitlou ol I Inn mi' lit' in uli'iwii i. iiiv. your no. i. w-r, iiiiiIit (imti, i.f i tl. t 1 1 v uifftliitf mul ' i') .mil im I o t In'' H iii'it.i t li ma ol Conlfxl . or If oil full t l til il ll'lt t Mill to lllfiiitt.l-' I1K ilii.' iioilthit toil Imvi wtvimI it ropy ( our hii-imt n iin'ai. I'oiiti fIiiui "li li.-r In ihth mi or l.y ifiMicrt'il mull. If HiIm -rvli' l tnuilf liy l lie itfh Vf iy of copy of your itiiMivtr to tin1 fouif-tnl in pt'r-ou pr tif of allfll wrt'lri. uniat lif rillivr I III' Ml ll rOtl.'Htutlt 'h wtll.'tl III' k Ik. w u.iy fiit'ii t of Ilia, rr fipt uf ill" f.i . flio t Km I Ii" ilu It- of lit ri't-ipt nr Hi" iillliluvlt of t ti it-rxoii Ity Iiiiiii t ho tlfllvi-ry t Ha tnnilt' xtntluif w llfll tt""ll WlllTl till- I'tipV 'IIH llfliV I'if.l; p niiulf by r. jl-l. r. U u.nll. pr-Mif uf Miifii m-rvlf in i im fiui l-t of tin 'i Ill'latrlt of On ii.rMiin Ov vvIkiiii lllf I'.lpk mum iihiI-it; Hi o 1 1 ti ir wlu'n mill tti" p.wt ullli'f to which it mum a il i 1m nttl.lii v t iiiimt m- ui'i'oiiipiiiiii'tl liy tht P"tlllrtll',i roit'lptfor tin IflttT. V.iil mIiuuM ih(u Ii. your au-wiT llio nuiiif o' Hit' punt i iff to which on ilfxlrn fiirlhfr nut i'm lu Im; wnt to A. W. OllTO.V. KKiter. I'utf of flrKt ptililit'tktioti .turf. 10, lull. ' "1 17, 111! I. Hoi " " 24. lull. ' " 4 li " " 31. Illll. NuTIi K KOK I'l'Ul.lCATlUN f.Ni.t Colli . I),-inrt in.'tit ol tlm Interior. V. 8. I .mi 1 t'lllce atLtikeview, Oregon, July SJ. lull. Notice Im hert'hy jflveti that John K. ltnr-e. m ho-H poMiolllt'H mlilieuM ia I'luah. Ijukm Co i Oregon, l ii, mi the iM'h il'lt of Oi'IoIh r. IW10, file III thla olllce itvorii Mtatfiiif ut and applica tion. No 04iHi'.', to p u re 1 1 iim" HieSV( NVii4. Ktr 21. T. Ul) S. It 17 K , Wil iMiuiuie Meridian, mid the lliniier thereon, under the provUloiiH of t he act of June !!, 187s. 1 ml ncti) amenda tory, kuoM n iim t he "TIiiiImt and Stone l.nvv," at Much value hm ttilifht Im llxtil tiy iippruiMeiiieiit, and that, pil' m int to Much iippl.c-itlon, the Ulld ami tiinher tliereou In-ve !Mfii ap priil-nl, ut a totnl of fi'll J-'i the tiui Imt fullmivtt'il 175,000 lionrd h-et at $ 75 per M, ami the land lOti.(H); t'.ftt ald applicant will ofler final proif 111 Hiippuit of li im application aud 8 worn Htuli'iiif ut uu Hip 'i'lu I day of Sepiem-U-r, lltll. iM'foi-e the Kuui"tf r nnd Ite eelver of the Culled Statea Lnod Of lice at Lakevlew, Op'koii Any erHoti Ih hi Ithcrty to prntfMt HiIm purchiiKf I iff (ire entry, or initiate a contt'Ht at any tluie lied ire patent immiii'm, hy tiling a corroborated iitl)' davit Iu thin olllce, alleging (act which won d defeat l lie entry. AKTIIUIt W. OKI'ON. IWiater. NUTlOr; KOK PUBLICATION Not Coal I. u ml I)iiiart me tie of the Interior, U. H Ltiiiil Olllce tit Lakevlew, Oregon, July 17, 1M1L Noilco Im hereby K've n that Ntinnle M. Oravea, wIioko piiHt ollict' nddreaa im lAikevie, Oregon, tlltl, on the Mill day of A'lKHHt, 11)10, (tie iu thm otllce NAorii Btateincnt and Application, No. ti:i!)22, to purchiiMe the NV NW4. Sec. 34. TowiiMhtp.lUS, ltatiKo 17K, Willamette Meridian, anil the tnnher 1 hereon under Hie pro-iMlotiH of (he act of June I), 1S78, and act 8 ntni'iidator.v, known iim the "Timlier ami Stone uw," at aiieh valnea km ininht lie affixed by appralHinent, and that, puriiuaijt to audi application, thi land and timlier thereon have I iee 11 eMtimatetl and valueii t.v ap pllu int at a total of fltk), the timber fMtlDiuied at HiO.OOO board feet at fid per M. and the lai.d 120; that Htttd applicant will offer UnaPproof lu Hupport ol her application and sworn Htateineul oil the 14th day of Niptem her, lUll.befortj Uf RiMter and Kecelver, U, H. Laud cffice. nt Lakeview. Ore. Any person Im at liljerty to protest thia purchaxa before e til ry, or loltla acoutfMt at any time liefore patent tiling a corroborated atll davit in thla odlue, alleKiutc facta which wou'd defeat the entry. A Kill UK W. OKTUN, leiilHter. BEKMK1) TO U1VB 1 1 1 f A NEW BTOMACU 'I Buffered Intensely afu?r eatlaur aud uo medicine or treanieut 1 tried Niiuuied to to do and good," wrll-eH 11 M. Younwler, Kdltor of The Bun, Lake, View, Ohio. "The Hint few doMOi of Chamlierlaln'a- Btounacb and Liver Tableta irave Die Horprlalnir re lief and the muoud bottle seemed to liive lae a new itotUHch aud perfectly Kood health." For sale by all j good dealers. m li'K Kt)i( rMJHi.MMUlON (N .t Coal Uinl) ! P'irf nii-iit of III luifrlor, IJ. M tM (I Ofllm nl Lukevlttw, On-KOii, Inly l.'i, lull, Notlf" In licrcliy lvi'ti ilwtt Allrt'il II ll'i'iiuin, M'liuMtt iitu-fulllii mlilr.MM Im l.iikfvlfW, Ori'Kuti, ili'l. on tlif J7 th ily of K. ptu i.Imt, HMD. flli In Oil of fli' aworti Mtittf iiii'tit iiol npiilli: ii Ion No IMO'.'S. to punhnaf Hi. WNWJi, Ht-f II. Town-hip 31 t HitiKf !M K . W lllil IIK'ttM M. ri.llilll. Hint Him lllllUT Iticri'iiu, niiitfr tim pruvln ,i.m of 'li lift of .1 mil' it. 1H7H, mi'i ""t Hiof nil ill ory kniiMii iim (In. "Titular Ami Hiiium Lmw " lit .i. i vhIiu. iim miRht. Ii- llfil hy, himI inal i uoii tut io Mich npfilli'M t j.ui, tin' himI 1 1 rn In r Mifrfou 'mvn Imi'ii iiiiprii'M"l ( a hum of i'iiX), lhl iim M-r f-'HiMifil pdliHtu iiuiir.l ("ft ut t "" fi VI "" ' "i" I in. I SU; Hon - I I apph-' . hi., till, r U ltd -r.of Ii. npp i-t i i' in 1 nu l i'i'iiiii . . 1 1 ti iir if Sfptr-m IT. I 'l In.- ii Ittl.t-r t i l K i. I it i it i hf (Jul i ' I .Siue- Liluil Of tt'' .ai i.iik. vl.'w, Ant pi r.un m at. IiIhtI tu pr.ilfMt thl- iurt liu-f lifforf I'litrt, or Innluti' h fin t im t itl any Hint liuf-ire p-itfti' iMaiifH, hy ttHi'X ii i orrot.iiru I" -I ittli il'ivl In IIiIm ollli-f, all.'ului; U t which oul'l -l.ffHt Ik- i'ii i r t aKTIIIi'K W, iiUI'ON. K-irNti-r. NoTlCK K)lt I L'IH.ICATION ( .Not l!oal l.iuiiM) lit pun tin-tit th Interior U s. I ,ni( Ottl.'e nt likevlfw, Orfrf, ill, July Si. I'll I Notice l lit reliy n'Vfti that. Mary K. H. l r. wIioki' p. iMlotllt'e 11. IiIu m- I I. 'ik.'Vlew. On-icoii, ill, I. mi ih" l.'ili at of Jii m-irv, Hill, ill. mi tiiU oHlfe -W illi Moitemeiit and t -it t luii Nu m :"M. 11 p ir h iMf Hi" Si SK S'i: M T. :WH . K UK. illiunt'iie M , I iii. 111 (I I Iih Hm tier Hi re 11, ini l- r t " ul ivotluli-t f I lie K't ill .1 line .'1. in'H and a-t- iii.-iilr irv. known -m Him " I'iiiiImt ami J-iniie Ijiw," at Mich viilii- mm miiriii ( 1U1 d ti- aiiprui-f. 111 hi. an. I unit, p ir-n 111 to mi 11 ap pllciitloii the In ml iiinl t.inU-r thcre-i i hv" ih-eii uiip 11 1-., i at a lotiil of f JZ't "tl 1 lie tlinli -r el Hll'iteil pK) l D liunr-l fee -it p.-r M anil llifl.ll'l; trtut -ni t aiM-lic-io' wi l offer Il mi I 1 rui if iu Hiipiiorl uf IiIm Mppbcx Hon Mini MM'orn Mta'eim'Hi 011 Hi" 22ml tin of Soiit'iii lit-r. lail. b.'fure the KetflMter and ICieiver of the I nil"l 't-tten Laud OitW, at LikevietV, On. "Oil. All.V M'!'OII at lltiTiy t pruteat Hum purclni-e iM'fure cmri . or nil late a c-nii. Ht nt hiiv time U'fore pat. in UnifM, Iiv tiling h ro'ruli .filed nth ."fit iu HiIm ntll ". ulifiji'ii; fact- hlch wii'ii'l il-' ' i 1 he "l-t rt . A t 'l'l I V K tV ll C. S. It .ri-ter. NO I It i: K01: l L' niN (Nut ( nai Lu in I) Department of the Interior U. S. I. .toil Otllce at Lakeview, () rent 111. Julv27 IfJU. No' Ice l her. b ulven tha A., drew II. "note rtwrv, of Silver Lake OreKou, who on June .'I. IIm?, inii'le leert IhihI entry. No ulil'tt, ft,r K, N'ftluii 0. T"wuhip His. K Hue ."il. Willatuet te M riiliHii, tin- tiled nut tee of Int nt ti 111 to iniike Klll'il Proof, to eMtahlinh claim to the land abot'e ileici lU'd, iM'forn It ulnier and Kirelv oj the Coiled Siatin Laud tiUJtr, Ml IjikevlfW, Ijiktt t o.. Or.'kjou, 011 the 7l(i'la.v of N'pieiulM'r, 1 1 1. ('iMlinatit iimn.'H mm It iu'mmi'm : Andrew AniL-reou, Jaui.-a II. Tur liln and John Kkbl.ui, ad nf PIiimIi, Oregon, and W. K. Han, of Lakeview, Ori'it-iti, AKTIU'K W. OKTON. Knu'laer. In the county Court of the Htat o Oregon, for LakeCutnty Oregon Iu tho matter of the 1 OuartlianMlilp of lloyt Vernon, Merven Ver- ! 'OUPVR TO nnn, Kioreuee Vernon, tH nV Verit'a Vernon ami CaUK Jatut'M Vernon, MI'l orM Thla matter cominir on reitolarty (o be heard at thia time upon t he 'ti Ion of Uetta McKeiny, the duly ap pointed, qualified and net 1 11 if Ounnl lan of the entntea of lloyt Vernon, Marven Vernou. Florence Veruou, Writ la Veruou, and Jamea Vernon, Minor: Ami It appearluit from Much petition that it U neveaMary and will be (M'tie llclal to aald ward and each of them that the following real ea tate lie nold to-wlt: ti of SW, tlXWJi, Sec. 34. Tp. 3D 8. K. 20 h. . M., alMO the followluit: Keiclnn. lot; at a point. 478 feet Kant ot the Houtli went corner of the SWtf SW tpinrter of Sir One. in town-hip 40 H.K. 2nK. W.M., thence runuiUK north 40 mil-: thence enet to the ent line of Maid 40 acretr.ict, t hence Mouth to the out lieaat corner of aaid tract: thence ni-Ht to place of iH'Klnulnuf.contalulux 12.75 acrea more or Ichm; There ore It Im hereby ordered, adjudged, aud do t-reetl that thejiiext ol kin of said ward aud all perHoua IntereMted In Hitld eMt 1 ebe, and they are hereby dlrirted to appear before thla t'ourt at the Couuty Judge'a olllce lu the Oourt boiiHO In Lakevlew, lake County, Oregon, on the lat day of N'pteiiilMir, lull, at the hour of Ten o'clock lu the forenoon thereof, to ahow cauae why a Llceime mIwiII not ia,4ne for the atile of aaid above dea 0 IIkhI real property, aud It Is hereby ordered that a copy of thin order be perMoually aerved upon Rett a Mc Keiny, the mother aud next of kiu of a Id Minora, and that a copy be pub llahed three HticceMitlve weeka io'the Lake County Kxanhuer, a newnpiiper of iceneral circulation In Lake Count'' Orcgoo, Done at Clmmtiera thla 3d day of AugiiHt, 1011. U. DaLY. County Judge. 8 10 4t Id the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon In aud for Lake Couuty Mrs. O. F. North, Plata- "I tiff. EQUITY vs. NO. (il Geo. T. North. Marcla ' NOTICK North, AgtK'M J , Lee, and OF HALE. Louise Leo, Deieudauta. , To Oeo. .0. North, Murcta North, Agues J. Lev, and Louise Loo, Defend ants; aud to all whom It may cou ceru: . Notice la hereby slveu that under and by virtue of au executlou aud or der of sale duly Issued out of the otllce of the clerk nf the Circuit Court of ihe Htate vf Oregon lu aud tor Lnke Couuty ou the :'t) in day of July, IV) 1 1, in the above entitled ault upou a de ere. iimi a'-'l entered o' n-curd In the aid t Ireii t Court In aid miii 011 I he 14 h lny of June, Itfll. In fitor of Him MllOve IIM III. pl'llllllff Ml.ll IIMlll-t the ilelc nilfiilM thiTflil iiNin.'d ilirect Inn 1'ie 1 a Iti of the preml-.-M her. In. f ler parl tih rlv deacrllM'd to ail iy JmUt'iofiit and il' rne ofauld Circuit Court In mhI-I mii 1 1 reinlir. d Hitiount inK to Him kiim of KiVr lliiinlii'd One and :4 10') ilnilrtm. lth lou r, at there on at t tin rain of eiutit i-r if nt from and afier the ;K day of April. Mill, an. I for tlii'Miiin of One 1 1 11 ml red Klftv (Inn) Oull'irM amiroMy f.eM anl and for i t.,, fur h.-raiim of MXiaeti nml Hit Iim ( Iii.kii) li.illura. riiNiH ait'l (IIm. burfeiiieniM and 10 include hcituIiix coMla hereon : No 1 lien for- under miii by virtue of mh.Ii' e xi'cntitio and lu eumiiilmi with the otili r ( HiIm cuiiri r.t ite.l In aal'l writ, I hav d'liy levn-1 .pun the bereloHlter 'e-fri iieif i,r-ml-an ami will on 2nd dy of He(,t mli-r.1U11.nt l'l o'clock a in of aai'l itny, nf the frnrit -luor of Hi" i'i.nrtlio'1-e in the city of I.Mkeview. dniliti of l,ke, kUltii of Oreiiiii m-I. at ptilille mujIiom and OlIUT.t to the hitflieat bidder therelor lor CM Mil IimuiI hi) of the rUht, title lo't ioMt, eaiitie mnl ilemaml. In e(Uity or at law, lucludlnn tenetuerit, her. (Hi allien tM or appurif iiahceM thereto iM'lunifliiif or In any aine IMTtnlniun nf the above liiinie l iteo ('.. .North, M-trcU North, xoeM J. Ir, ami Louife lr, or ol thoae cIhIiiiIuk hv, HirouKh. mr umler tliflti ill and ti t Iim Hofith If nlf of the Nt,r h wef (.inrter .f N'Cllou rttirtv liree N 'i of Nr. :j;i Tow. Mhlp Tlilrty -omh Kai ;r-Koiirtieo K iat (K14K) Wllluim ite Meridian, Lake V .unty, Ori'ifoti. or m.i in mil tln-reoi aa may Im necei-Biiry (or Hie ft'l-inci l-m of al.le trillion and order of erne lu cliiillux coiIm, attorueya lira and ac-cruliiKc.ii.l-. The pr K'tM-da i,f the al'l Dale will 'e applle.l to 1I1- -Mti-facl fin of aaid execution mul order of Male, Judisnieut and in(.Te-t. Httorne.v fe. imta nod Mccnniikc cof-, and the overpiiiM If any there be to be pnld into Hie court to be implied um by law r'tiulretl and (llnt'le-l liaui at Lnkevlew, Luke County, Oregon, Hit- 2!'tli iUv ol ,lnl. tltll.' V B 8NIDKK, Sheriff of Lak County, .'itate of OreKOli H 3 NOTICK I'OH PCUI.ICATION (N..t Coal Laud) I'par'tneut of Hie Interior. U. M. La-nd Olllce at Lak view, Uf'iti A iiiint 4. 1011. Notice in lierebv ulveti that (!e. TKe t R. I'nrtiijtii. of Kntflevill-', CHllf'.ruiit. I m ho. on October 27, 10 It). innle Tim ilierii'td Stoii" A, .No. Ulorj lur .M-.'-4. el'tlitl J.I, loanntiip 40S. lt-oiK2l K. Wil anit-tteMerl li ia tlletl mil lc of intention ti m ike Haul I'rofif, to claim to the laud above deMcribcd. before Ketlft-'r ami Receiver of the United Suite l.iiud otllt-e, at Lakeview, Lake Coun,t.v, Oi'enon, oil the tub day of Ocuita-r. l;dl. Claimani nameM aa wltiiep-eM: Frank Mulkey and L. Md(.'ull"y, of l-n Review; W. J. Pnrman, ol Kaule vllle. ('alllurnla, and (Jen rife Wlmar, of Fort Lid well, Ciillfornla. A. W. OKTON. KeizlHter. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wrt 1 UK Ul tUOMI liKAND. n. A. I ll-rl.,., I'llls la M TaLa al HruwrM. A- Infill. IO.h.Tri7 KIAMONIV IIKlMl fll.l.S. i pmlMrti H W-t. S1.t. Alwv- tvetil' M SO! IJ BY f-nr r.GITS iVEiW.HrRF $1,000 REWARD Tbe Orn o Ca tforala ao-1 Neal Lira SiiM t Froti'c Mod Aittoc.lattoo. o whirb tba nutter lined U a rnemlier will kit f .t Ul 00 rewar.l foi CTldnc l...lln. .a . I, - . ( p(.l and conviction 0 I Ir - .. . . A ll--tMi i.itf hnrw. j caitn-or molea bt r loniriDctoany ofila me 111 (. ia addition to tba above, thf undersigned flert 011 ihv Mint'CtintlluoD V 0.1- fur all btm--a branded borne Klioe bar on i-tb or etiber iaw Brand rettor-td tn elgbt oounitea. Kani;e tarnt-7 Lake aud Crook couutiea. (torf enind when aold. None but irroarn horxwunld, and oulj in large nbcliBi W W. Hkown. Kile. Oregon. Glrlnor bom can earn this b au ll lul Uold Killed Net'kt'haln. Bell HJ papers ol Uold-Kye Needles at 3c a paper, send ns Ibe tl 00 ana I we will nend you Ibis flue Neck Chain and Locket. Order noedles today. We trust you. Stuart Supply Company Hox 8 8KATTLK, WA8H. CASTOR I A For Infants end Children. Tiis Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature oi 1: Cuts and brulMea may be healed in about one-third tho time required by the ueual treatment by applylug Chamberlain's Lluimeut. It Is an antlattptlu and cannon Much injuries to heal without maturation. Thla lini ment also relieves soarness of the muscles. For sale by all good dealer. Do You Know That you can always depend ou the nicest, freshest Htead at the CITY BAKERY and that we nerve an excellent cup ot coffee with cake rolls or pie for ten cents. City Bakery Noar tho Telephone Offlo ,L llruirl.t f. . r4 ftlxl 414 Prt-llicr trr. Br r v m, V a 1 -B IJ FARM PRODUCTS AND EXPORT THADE American farmer ro-itr bute'l over j a billion dollars' worth of merchan-! dike, or mure Him one-hmf of the domeittic pro luc ts exrinrte l from the i United Statei in the A .-cm I ver jut j ended. Of tht hufh recnnl fxrhirtation of (2.013.549.025 worth of domcHtie mcrchoniliie in the fi-cil veir 1.021 million dollarg reoreaenteJ the value of prodcut drawn directly or indirect ly from the farm. Of th 10 chief agricultural products exported, cotton leadi with a total of 585 million dollnm. the next Iirjrent items being, in order name I. meat and dairy product. 15 million; breadstuffji. 124 million; umninnfa 'ture I tobacco, 39 million; fruit and nut. 25 million; oil cake, 20 million ; cattle and other livestock. 13 million; cotton need oil. 17 million, vegetables. 5 million; and hides and skins. 5 million, thee 10 articles alone showing a tubd exporta tion for the year of 990 million dollars The remaining agrirulturnl prKljU exooried in sum ranging from 1 million to 5 million dillirs include Porto Rica n roffee 5 m l''.n dollar; grease. 5 million ; gluco-e. 31 million; seeds. 2 million; born over 2 million: ginseng and other rne licinul roots. 13 4 million; eggs. 1 3-4 million; corn oil. 1 million; hay. 1 million; and hair, a little over 1 m'llion doll-trs. GAME UWlSfRICT HERE THIS SEASON Fortlan I. Aug. 14. Deer hunters from California will be disaDOointed to learn that hereafter no deer car casses, horns or an; part of the animal killed in this state can be taken into California. The law in this regard was recently constnted by Attorney-General Crawford, and every precaution will be taken by officers of the Fish and Game ; commi-ion to see that it ia enforced Attorney-General Crawford's decision ia that the commission has no authority to issue permits to take deer killed in thia state acroea the line into Califor nia. The only condition under which game can be taken out of the state is for propagation or exhibition. Already a number uf applications have been re ceived for oermission to take game out of the state, and these have all been denied. Some anxiety is felt by officers of the commission with regard to the difficulty of matntaiing the restrictions on the birds which are now being pro tected. State Game Warden Finley admits that the task of making the distinction between protected birds and thce that may be killed 18 going to be a hard one for hunters. There is a closed season on Bob White quail, while mountain quail and California quail may be hunted during the season. No Chinese phea sant may be killed for the next two years, while the native Dheasant and grouse may - be huntei in season. Hunters are urged to use every pre cation in shooting birds to aviod the killing of the protected species as un der the law the bird must not be carri ed away, and is, therefore, a loss to the hunter as well as the state. Flour Mills for Madras Madras, Or. Aug. 16. The - machin ery for the Madras flouring mills has been shipped from the factory in the east and will occupy the large addi tion that has been built to the mill dur ing the present summer and will have the effect of increasing the capacity of the mill trom 50 barrels to 75 bar rels daily. The mill will shortly be closed in order to do preliminary work necessary for Discing the new machin ery. The mill has on hand a supply of flour and other mill products which will supply the trade during the time required for putting in the new plant. Walla Walla Has Storm Dust storm records of six years were broken this afternoon by a biack cloud of dust, which, gathering far westward towards the Columbia river, broke on the city in a perpendicular wall at 4 o'clock with the blackness of night, and for 25 minutes made ne cessary the use of gas and electricity for lighting all buildings. Wires were badly tangled and many telephones' were put out of business. 'Manufac turing establishments were forced to close on account of darkness and the dense atmosphere of dust. The wind lasted for nearly an hour. Mike Don nelly a convict escaped from the peni tentarv during the storm bv ut-ing a soaling ladder and vanishing over the wall. The escape is the most daring ever perpetrated there. SHAKE INTO KOJfi SHOES Allen's Vool-t-aM. a powdac KtiliavM pan lul.mnartin-. ne-i-.ei- n el and luaruwtaa nati aud tuslaiuiv -ixtit .. nlntf out ol ooras au.' bunions It 'ttv o alest tmtnlori dtaoovari of Ibe as Atii'U oui-Kaae uiattw Uaat O' new sboee leel eauf. It Is a ferial a cur lol wsallng, eailoiu. swollen tired aeuna te fry ti toJay auitl uj all nrunaui. and Hbo Miures. Hy auall fur hi 10 laniu lion' ar epi am Humt li ,'i'e. Trial peotaat IHur A' d".i' Aiicu, oiiubiau la atn . Mo' The Willis Furniture 0. w ill sell the eelcbtf.tvtJ Howard ..Piano.. at cost .as they intend to discontinue that branch of the business. This is the Piano the Shep herds handle and we wiJ keep it in repair eight years. . . CASH OR CREDIT This is a. rare chance to get a first class instru ment cheap inLLISlURNIIURE'CO. ciTi Ju jf E: ' Ikaal zm -is-be(J. ( On.o. MtKJtiC ' f iot""tf 4 ! Ui' m- 'iig trim C:!r ., and dxiviaj : ta the i ! 1 --'. Kfftu;-' , Ta-te au.l ; .ie:i. Full r : t iirngf-ts or ly mail, l.irj e l 1 for ne in atmuer7.'5 C -t n, 5ft Varr(!n ir . Kerr i Fresh Fruit --and: Vegetables I tni now ir7rrv alj I to furnish StiM-kmen 1 1 ltnnchern ;i ml t hern I'rrxh Fruit h ml (S re en VeKe tables of nil klwle evrrv day In the week. nllDER HY I' II u.SE Oil MAIL Special attention Kiren to mull orders, n-hle.'i will Im shlifted the iimrtiiiiic fol lowing receipt of onler. I'UOXE OXf:SlX-ttXE J. P. DuckworLh 'with strdngtH atnl tLcy always please' TAVO HORSE xs LEVI STBAUSS Bl CO. A SNAP ! If yon want a nice little home this is the place for you. Ne thretsroora houie, neatly papered. Lot and Furiilphlnge, Just as it stands; It autre and Cooking Utensils; uetv of Haviliu China; $Ukl Victor Grapbaphoce and Re cord; 11 x 93 Wilton Velvet Rug. good as new; Axuilulste r Hugs and Carper; Oak Morri Chair; Princess Drearer; Sanitary Couch and Cash loos; 8prtti Maureen: Bedding, Curtains, Pictures, Booksaud other thtugs too numerous to Mention. Also Ten acres of good land. flioO tflkes the whole thing at ouce. tieo. Wesleder, Owner Enquire three doors below Mr. Batchelder's house. Near Oakland, California The only Woman's Collrge on the Tacific Coast, tliititcrtj 1SS5. Near two great Universities, hlral climate throughout the year.. Entrance, and aratluation retuiiremriits muivalrnt to those of Stanford and University of California. Lalmrotorica (or science with modern equip ment. Excellent opportunities, (or liome economics, lilirarjr study, nmsio and ait. Modern KVninasium. Special care (or heuilh of students, out-door life. President, Linlla t 'av t arson. A. M., Lilt. I) , LL. D. l or rutuloRue atldres Secretary, Mills College 14 (i., Cluliforuta. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A 1