Children Cry for Fletcher's r '4' l tft - f "Lav ' - . - - i.m. i f -V i i.', a.- """Ik! i K v l III ' m The Kind You Have Ahrnys Houjjht, and which lias been In use for over itO yrnrs, has borno tho lgiuituro ol rf and has boon mado under his icr sj&-j7,'2 sonal Bupervtitlon sine its infancy, &fyjt AlKrnoonotodoo'lvoyouintlils. All Counterfeits, Imitation and "Jut-a.H-jroor nro but Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children llxpcrionco ngulnst Experiment, What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, jilorphlno nor other Nareotlo substance. Its npro is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms , suid allays Eeverishness. It cures Dlarrluoa and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and How els, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years Txt crrrraua) compomv. tt muhrat mm hew took em. HOTEL LAKEVIEW ERECTED IN lono 0OEKN rHROHOHOI-n FIRST-CAL5S cconnonTinN9f SAflPLE Roon Xft1j$-iQ For COnrlERClAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT I JOHT & HARROW. Proprietors F. P. LIGHT GEO. HARROW 'I. A 1ltMV7 fC'.ST TIIISK, WE CAS SELL IDC rllDaliy J you the famous wister uasasa, si'iTZESHvna ash Nurseries THE LARGEST AND BEST IN THE WEST agents: Stone & Utley ALL STASIiARH AI'l'LE TREES FOR $11.00 PER ACRE E I L it YOSE KSO I 1 '.V 77 E A L II A S Y sursirifs rssriiPASsEs for QUALITY. S.WE YOU It ORDERS FOR US. ADhRI SS ALL ORDERS TO E.J. STOSE, I'llOTOdRAl'llER MAIS ST., LAKEVIEW, OREWtS. The Proof of the Pudding is in the eating of it. Have you tried our make of Sugar-Cured Hams and Bacon, also our Home Made Mence Meat? THEY WILL STAND THE TEST Goose Lake Valley Meat Co. HALF BLOCK KAKT )K COl'KT HOUKE SHAMROCK STABLES J. MIRI'IJY. Pkopkietoji Special Attention to Transient Stock. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month Always Open. Phone 571 LAKEVIEW :::::: OREGON Lakeview Meat Market HAYES & GROB, Propr-3 Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc., Etc. Try our Sausages and Cured Meats Quality Unexcelled Free Delivery FOREST FIRES ARE NOT NUMEROUS Portland, Aub. 14. Report from all aectiona of the Stnte received at the offlcea of the Korcat Service. Ore gon Korett Fir Awociation arc! State FortMsr, how a moat srratif vlng eon lit ion po far aa foreal tiroa are concern ed. The jteriod of cloudy weather ac companird tv rhower in the mrun taina whirl) followed the hot at'ell haa made it PoMit'le to rurrraafully coih with all of the firm which Marled late in July. The rromptneaa with which Area have been discovered and ateca taken to auppreca them. refltcta ereat credit upon the work of the Federal Goverrment, State and private in- tereata. The period of greatest dancer, how. ever, atill nmaira. Ifa of sreen tim ber has ao far thia aummer been com paratively small, the firca. with few exceptiona beinir confined to alaFhinea and old burna. There ia. however, am ple opportunity to reverse thia jroxi record unices the utmost care ia exer cised. Firea not thoroughly extineuishod and which have caused no trouble dur ing; the cloudy weather will become a decided menace with the advent of a few hot daya. These must be care fully watched to prevent their break ing out again. Campers in sreat numbera are now in the mountaina. They will prove a source of protection if the tire lawa are strictly ob-erved but a decided menace if thought lesa and carelva. Fire protection in the state haa been stimulated by Countiea taking uoon themselvea some responsiility in the matter. ClatsoD. Columbia. Lane and Hood Kiver Counties havto each, at their own exoense put on a man to assist the State Forester in hia work. Federal assistance through the Week Lawa ia now assured and with a co operative nublic and extreme vigilence on the part of patrolmen Oregon haa an excellent opoortunity to establish a record unsurpassed in former years. PRISONERS GIVEN CASTE AT TABLE Salem. Aug. 21 -A graduated dining system for convict at the in-nltentlary will be put itit operation by August 1. acconing to Governor West. There will be three tablca. On table No 1 at which every man In prison haa the privilege of obtaining a place, catsup, pepper, milk, and butter ami other articles of regular "set up" will be more numerous; food will l served In home like st le and conversation may be carried on freely, timid prison re- , cord and cleanliness will be the chief requirement for the first table men. Length of term will not Interfere with a man'a obtaining a place at thia table. A "lifer" may sit beside a lx month's termer If hi conduct ia good enough'. A term at the flrat table la requisite to parole. The second table will be termed "In different." Here will be seated the more or lea carele-a, thoae who are neither good or bad. Thia table will be better furnished, and letter u plied than the lowest table. The third and last tal le will be for; "bad actors." Tho men will take food served to them on tin plates. I'resent prison fare will ! what they will get simple, plain food with no extras. They will not be allowed to talk while eating. It ia believed the system will prove, a great incentive to self control and pate the way for men to wora themselvea out of prison by building character. ST. PAlIllOTS BIG SPACE TO US 'POPE ADDS TWO MORE FEAST DAYS Bv the recent encyclical issued bv FoDe Pius X. two more feast dava have been added to the "dava of obli gation" already observed by tne Catholics of the United States. They are the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul. June 29. and of Epiphany. Jan uary 6. While the number of feast days is increased in this country, in other countries it will greatly diminish the number of days in whrch the faithful are ordered to cease work and attend ! mass, in pis encyclical tne rone an ' nounces that he has iasued the decree ; in order to umfv the number of feast ! davs throughout the world and in re ' aoonse to many petitions, which iiave oointed out the hardship worked by ' numerous feasts uoon the working , classes in several countries, many of i which observe 25 feast davs in addi tion to the Sundays through the The encyclical reads, in part: , "The ecelewiasticul precept of I ine holy mass and of abstaining servile work remains in force only for the following; davs: All and every Sunday, the feast of the nativity (Christmas), of the circumcision (New Year's Day), of the Epinnanv (Jan uary b). and of tne Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Thursday, 40 dava ; alter Easter), of the Immaculate Con ception ( December 8). and ol the As- , sumption of Blessed Mary Mother of God (Auguttt 15). of the Holy Anostles : Peter and Paul (June 29). and finally !of All Saint." November (1). BEFORE BUILDING year. hear-from LAKEVIEW BARNS MAY HAVE TO GO No matter what the ordinances of any Oregon town may say on the sub ject, or whether they say anything at all. under a decision of the Oregon supreme court, rendered in June on an Oregon City case,' people who construct even tine buildings in residence dis tricts and attempt to conduct livery stables in them, will have their trouble for their pains and lose money on their investment, if the people of the neigh borhood object and assert their rights. The g'st of the matter is put in this language by the Oregon supreme court. "Because in olden times both man and beast were housed under the same rool, ia no reason why at the present time a stable should be used in the residence district of a city, where it becomes a nuisance to adjacent houses. Old things have passed away to a certain extent and many changes have taken place J n the customs and manners of civilized life." It was a nice, sightly building in Oregon City, as shown by the testi mony, but it waa used as a barn and was a nuisance, and its owners were enjoined from using it any more, and the decision of the lower court was sustained. "Oregon will show from 150.000 to 200.000 people a big exhibit of her products at the land show in St. Paul December 12 to 23 Governor West his received word from the officers of the Northwestern Development League that the business interests of St. Paul. Minneapolis and Duluth have agreed to a deal whereby this state will be furnished exhibit space without cost at the land ahow. The show to be given under the aus pices of the league is the only one in the country which is not a private enterprise and will be managed in such a way as to furnish apace for official exhibits. At a cost of ten thousand dollars the business interests of the three Minne sota cities have brought from the lea gue 3.500 square feet of preferred apace at the show. Each of the seven atates will have a space of fifty feet long and ten feet wide for their official exhibit. The governor has been asked to con fer witit officers of the league in this state and secure the interest of those necessary to put in an exhibit which wilt be a credit to the state. Under this plan no one community or city will have an advantage over others in the state. Any city, county or land com pany desiring to make an independent exhibit on reasonable terms, but it is the desire of the league officers for this state that the best possible exhibit be made in the name or the state as it is from such an exhibit that results are to be obtained. The seven states which are to be thus represented are Washington, Ore gon. Idaho. Montana. North and South Dakota and Minnesota. No other states will have exhibits and Canadian exhibits will be barred, j the whole idea of the show being "an exposition by the seven states for the benefit of the seven states alone." Oregon officers of the League are (J. C. Chapman, of Portland, and William Hanley of Burns. Inquiries about the Oregon exhibit should be addressed to them while information about the show and space therein should be addressed to Will Campbell St. Paul. Minn. Biff Day's Run Weston. 'Jre, Aug. 14.- The largest day's "run"' ever made in this district bv a threshing outfit with two head ers waa achieved Saturday by Sam Banister's crew with a 83-36 separator. They threshed 1742 sacks, smashing all local records for last moving and "setting." They completed this pro cess and started the machine in exactly 6 1-2 minutes. The heaviest yield of Parley ever grown in the Neo Perce country is also claimed bv the ranch on which the above waa done, averag ing 90 bushels to the acre. NaHUl Cutarrh quickly yields to treat, meat by the agreeable, aromatic Ely's Cream liulun. It ia received through the nostrils and clnaea and heals the whole surface over which it diffuses itself. Ilrug giuta avll the Cue. size. Test it and you are aura to continue the treatment till re lieved. Annopnccmcnt. To accommodate those who are partial to the tue of atomizers in applying liquids Into the uusul paHuagus for cilarrutl trvu bUt, the proprietors prepare Cream liulm in liquid form, which will be kuown aa lily's liquid Or on in Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druxgiata or by tnaiL The liquid form etnbotln s tlin med icinal prooertiua of the solid nruyurution. OUT P KICKS ON Clear Lumber, Mill Work and Mouldings FROM Tllli FANDANGO LUMBER COMPANY ADDWIiSS: WILLOW RANCH, CAL. PROMPT SERVICE AND GOOD WORKMANSHIP TWENTY-FOUR- THOUSAND Prescriptions have bet n filled nt this store in th pusi five years This re. ord shows better than anything e sc the confidence placed in this store by both doctor and patien t THORNTON'S DR.UG STORE CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. P. M. COIf MY, Om LAKEVIEW ml ManaQr OREGON Operates 5lafM. carrying llnllad iatra Malls, tiprM ana Pn(rs aa I ha lollnwlna, rout!- ALTURAS TO LAKEVIEW : LAKEVIEW TO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LAKEVIEW Alrrmoail.f: OPr!UTI!0 IN CONNECTION WITH TMI! 5T4IL'5 PAl!3i Una Way IfouiNl trip Klamath Falls Route - - - $10.00 $18.00 Alturaa Route 5.00 9.00 Pluah Route 4.00 7.00 oiiPiCKSi- Lakevle . , . , Mate Off lea Pluah ... fliilllvaa (total Klasw Falls , . Anrrku rlolel Alt H..1.1 Hoyal . P. DUCK WORT H Offlff, Wiilcr St. H. VCRNON H. HUNKIR Trl'plioiii No. 1(1 Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co J. I DUCK WOKTII, 31 AN A (IKK Transfer and Drayage Ice Delivered iiAdUACii: ami iiousi:iioi.i ;oois NTom:i II AT KM M'UNIHIIMl'ON IIKMAMl "m;r custom i-: its ahu our aivi:rtisi:rs" The Lowest, Warmest and Best Valley in Lake County BBwaaBaBaaBvaaBaBBBBBaBwaaBaavBaBBnaa Wr Iibvh many fell acre tract a, hiiiiic adjoining PhKI ii' from f ir0 tn $:I5U, mi, naif ol hiiiiic with pcrpiM ual wat-r-rlulit iii a never fulliiiu atieaiii. AIho flnt-Mt of iiHtunil HM'ililnwH. Don't leave LhUh Ouunt.v ultliout Ht-i-ing till valley. Jennings-Meyer R.ealby Company VALLEY FALLS : : : : OREGON REGARDING VARITIES No doubt you realize the f?reat importance of planting such varities of fruits and flow ers that have been demonstrated to be suc cessful under like conditions in other com munities. We have been growing general nursery stock in the mountains for many years and VVH KNOW. SEND FOR CATALOG AND PRICE LIST The Klamath Nurseries. Klamath Falls. Oregon