Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 24, 1911, Image 5

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    " TiiwiTirill llfriTTwililBllr Tn mi III
our fire insurance coMPANics WE BUY, LEASE OR SELL 0. V. L C0.'S TRACTS OR LOTS . ffr "nsusance
Un-on Assurance to. of London United Stales Fulelty & Guaranty Co
American Central Insurance Co. of St. Louis f,RU,T LANDS IN GOOSE LAKE VALLEY The ofllattimore, Md. Ilonds of all descriptions.
...... .... Very Best For 8al In Small or Large Tracts LIFE insurance
St. Tauh Automobile Insurance Co. tt r tT-rr X rW? . . . .
. , ... r HOME8TEAD8 CITY PROPERTY . Union Central Life Ins. Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio,
f.iohc and hntfrers lire Insurance Co ofN J. Improved & Unimproved Farms. We Specialize Fruit Lands Assets, 74 Millions
7nhc toum liynmmcr
l.nui K" for aalv.
Apply t Mr. II.
A. JlllltfH.
Wm. 1'hilliin. of Knno
waa duing
Iumioi lue till week.
K. K. Kelltr, .f New I'me Creek
wn vifilor in town Suturday.
I.. I), r'ox, a rekident of Ilaml. was
in town the fore Part of the week.
I'urlrr Wooda. of I ho Wot Hide, waa
one of Tucaday'a visitors In town.
Herbert Lewis, of the Tin Creek
country, wm in town over Sunday.
A ! milir K.iiiuiiicr will bring
rm .1 't " mii l ii.i'h
Mra. John MeCullcv. or the Weat
Side. was one of Tueaday's vlaitora.
llini Miiut it ri'itlly Koixl kinukf
(or ri. Hf. ii.v Mrkmiiiri U-mli-r.
Wm. Maaalngill and daughter
KcriiK-e left fur California thia week.
J. U. lAivett. of the 7T ranch, wit
in town laat week on buaineaa vinit.
Lee Ulard. of the Hernsrd ranch,
waa in town Sunday for a short visit.
Fm!U') p!t- 0l full lllllkcl H
for i n't', mv Irvluu BIhtIo It. A 10-17
Mr. and Mra. C. C. LoiTtus were in
from their Crane Lake ranch over Sun
day. "Miaa Maude ' Vandervert. of Bend,
waa a viaitor here on Thursday of lat
i I'leaaant Shellhammer. of the Crook
ed Creek section, waa one of Monday's
Tom Alford wa in from Cox Creek
the forepart of the week on a short
tiusiness vinit.
Elmer P. Harris is the proud father
of a eon that arrived via the "Stork
Koute" Sunday lat. Z
1 The Ladles Aid of the Presbyterian
Church will Kive a Uaxaar the first
week in September.
j; Going to school this year? Well you
will need book and Thornton's Is the
place to get thi-m.
Mr. and Mr. II. II. Manner and
children were In trom Drews Gap .the
'forepart of the week
' John Odom. of the West Side, was
in town the forepart of the week re
newlng acquaintances.
Z Guv Angslcad, one of the colony
located on Deep Creek, was in town
Saturday for various supplies.
I Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bernard have
returned from San Del no. where they
have been spending the summer.
Thornton's Block of school books
cover the needs of every pupil in the
county. Mail orders attended to.
Manuel Sanders, the cheep man waa
in town on Monday of this weak at
tending- to various business matters.
Frank Hammersly, of the West Side.
was In town several days last week at
tending to various buaineas matters. ',
Mra. Dan Hrennan returned Thurs
day last from the Silver Lake Country,
where she enjoyed a several daya visit
W. K. Wilkinson. fan emolovee of the
Fandango sawmill, was up from Wil
low Ranch laat week on a business trip,
oy la'y desiring- home und, board
(nt) for (nil and winter, address liox
.'121 Lakevl?-, Oregon. K7 H
Htorkaian uhh only tho beat of
tobnecos In the ninnufncturo of hU
cigars. Try Ihem and In coovluced
I The roof of the I. O. O. F. building
received a coating of tar last week,
the work tains In eharire of Bill Pitta.
Dave Handbery had the misfortune
tilose his buildings on his place near
the ''Horse Ranch ' by fire last week. J
There will be some threshing in
Summer Lake Valley the next week or
two when the grain is all In the stack.
J. C. Shellhammer, ajjwell, known
Crooked Creek atockman..was in town
the forepart of the week for supplies.
Mr. and Mra. John LofTtua. residents
of the Warner Yalley section, were
among his week's visitors to Lake
view. J. S. Biair, one of Summer Lake's
best known stockmen, waa in town the
forepart of the week on a business
, W. F. Burch. Advl's enterprising
merchant, waa over from that section
Tuesday, attending o various business
They have a new disease down East
called "Bathing Ear" due to large
eared, people bathing at the seashore
too much.
George Batchelder has returned from
a few weeks trip iu Klamath County.
where he waa attending to some land
L. A. Carriker. the Weal Side stock-
mini, waa another of that section s
reaidnnlN who visited with us during
the week.
Mr. and Mra. Jack Goehr. who have
many friends hereabouts. Tucadsy
came into town from Drews Gap for a
ahort vinit.
Nathaniel McCurdv Is now' able to
be about attain, ami la entirely recov
ered from hi recent accident at
Vallev Fa I In.
Lady wanting free home for Fall
ami Winter a companion to healtny
lady, can And same by calling at Ex
aminer office.
Chester Dvkeman, until recently
emuloved on the Oddfellow'a building,
haa accepts I a position as clerk in
Ueiber's caab store.
Georire Avres. of Fort Bid well, wa
a local viaitor on Tuesday laat. and his
many friends hereabouts were pleased
to fee him again.
L. A. Stephens, of San Deliro, Cal.
ha been vikiiinv friewis In the vallev '
the paal couple of week. Mr. Stephens
formerly resided here.
John Ward, timekeeper for the Han
sen CoiMtruction Company, was in
town Saturday laat attending to var-1
ions business matters. j
V. C. Conn, of the Paialev country,
wa another of the many vlaitora from
that section who appeared In our
midat during the past week. j
Fred HI in, the well known black
smith haa addod quite a lot of improve
ments and equipment to his shop at
Paialev. Fred la a hustler. .
Farnum Harris, who haa been em
ployed at the Willis Furniture store.
Tucaday left for San Francisco to pur-
l . ....L. -. 9... I .
Miii Mildred Kehart. who has been
spending a few davs vacation at her
father's ranch south of Crooked Creek.
Isst week returned to town.
Byron Graves and Bill Anderson.
Sundsy left for Deep Creek, where
they exoect to try their luck with the
deer and fish in that locality.
D. L. Browne, an attache of the
Htel Davis Creek, wss in .town Sat
urday, having brought up aevcral
drummers with their trunks. I
The work on the Joe Fuller resi
dence on Slash street is now progress
ing nicely under the supervision of
Contractor George Brockelsby.
Joe Hirach. a San Francisco drummer
was among the several members of
thsl profession who paid a visit to
these parts during the past week.
The canning season is now on. and
all the fruit brouaht up from Davia
Creek and Pine Creek sections finds a
ready sale amone our local women.
A fine aupoly of schpol books for
every scholar in the county are to be
obtained at Thornton'a Drug Store.
Mail orders promptly attended to;
Mart Hopkins, who is well known
locally, last Thumdav had the misfor
tune to lose a valuable mare which he
hod owned for aevoral years past.
Mr. and Mra. Ben Daly are now
nicely located in their home on Center
Street, having titled up the house in
Ana atyle during the past few daya. i
Supervisor Brown and Clerk Bren
nan. of the Forest Service, Thursday,
returned from Silver Lake, where they
were in attendance at two claim cones.
The telegraph line along the railroad
Is now completed to a point a short dis
tance north of Surprise station and will
probably reach Davia Creek in a few
Mra. George S. Park waa among the
Paisley people who visited with ua dur
ing the paat week. She waa accom
panied by Mrs. F. 8. Parks, of Fayett-
Ben Delaney. a homesteader of the
Summer Lake country, last week dis
posed of hia claim and several days
since left for a visit to his old borne in
Texas. .
Elmer Ahlstroro paid a visit to
Warner Vallev Saturday and returned
the same day in hla machine. Elmer
sava that the roads could have been a
lot worse.
E. H. Fagnello. a well known San
Francisco drummer, was In town last
week visiting bia various customers.
Mr. fagnello is a brother to Mra, Sam
Cressler. j
Norman Jai-obson. of the Forest
Service. Sunday returned to Paialev to
resume hi dutiea in the field after be
ing detailed for several daya at the
local office.
Z. T. MoCabe. until recently em
ployed at Bieber's Cash Store, has
acoepted a position as clerk in the Post
Office store, and has already assumed
hia duties.
The way that our friend Charlie
Winkleman Is "rvttlnir on the map" a
Gastronomic Champion, shows that it
pays to adverliae. Ever hear about
Willie PoolT.
Fred Cronemiller. manauing editor
of tho Examimtr left Tuesday evening
for Klamath Falls where he combine
buainea and pleasure after a long
deserved rest.
The ad of Chan. Wealeder wherein he
ofTera to sell his place at a bargain
ran be noted In another column. This
place with its furniahlnes is worth
going to see.
For mlf H room Iioiim mik! lot with
f until iirt and 10 rn'ien uf bind. No
iVKHoiiutilu rftr ri-fii-i'd If Kiken nt
oiiku. Iii'i'ii r 3 doors went of ).
KhIcIm lil-r iiIhco. Ang.'i'J
The Lsdirs' Aid Society of the Pre
bvteriwn church will meet next Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J.
G. Campbell. Meetings are now held
every other week.
The "Wets" won out In the election
at Lake City and Bidwell by three
City 23 wet and 07 dry. or 90 wet to
87 dry. Republican.
The houao beinc constructed for J.
N. Wataon at the .ear of his residence
on Dewey street is now fast nearing
completion. The work is in charge of
Contractor John Arzner.
A. A. Hcnrv. the well known Paialey
stockman, wa In town laat week en
route for Altura. Ho was accompanied
by several members of his family, and
the trip wss made by auto.
( Colonel Light. W. V. Paine and Lafe
Conn were absent from town on a
camping trip to Deep ('reek last week.
They report a fine catch and are able
to swan talea witb anyone now.
Will aome one kindlv let ua know
what becomes of all the berries thst
are grown in Summer lake and whv
the resldenta there growing the
aame refuse to sell them to travelers?
Louis Vevssade is about to harvest
his train thia week. He aays that be
will have fullv fortv bushels of barley
to the acre and some tine wnest and
oats. Has 76 acres in train altogether.
The Roblnett Ranch in Summer Lake
ia improved by the addition of a fine
barn and other buildings that make it j
look as though the present owner
meant to remain there as long as por
ible. Contractor John Arzner ia now com
pleting the plana for a very nice bouse
to be erected by Samuel Dicks, the
Crooked Creek rancher, to replace the
one which burned down several month
, A well known Df Moirwe woman
after aunYrlng niineratily for two tluyi
Irom bowrl complaint, waa cured
by one d one of Chaniberlaln'e Colic,
Cholera and IMaribeoa cure. For sale
by ull good dealcra.
Fred Foster, the well known Sum
mer Lake rancher baa an increased
acreage of grain thia vear that ia look
mg very good, considering that he
was short banded in planting and got
a lot of it in very late.
Mr. and Mra. J. F. Hanson and
' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. .Thornton left yes
terday for Crater Lake in the former's
Dorris car. They will be gone long
enough to enjoy to the fulness the
wonderful scenic trip.
J. H. Turpin waa over from Plush
last week on business before the U. S
Land office. Incidentally be remem
bered several of hia many Lakeview
frienda with young sage hena which
were greatly appreciated,
Jim Dodson, accompanied bv his wife
and aon Everett, last week returned
from the northern part of the country.
I where he succeeded in making several
purchases of cattle for the market.
The trip waa made by auto.
F. D. Smith, the rancher and re
formed tonsorial artist paid Lakeview
a visit Tuesday. He looks as hard as
a cordwood stick of hickory which
shows that ranching and the atrenious
life haa many compensations.
. J. D. Mariner and wife, of Reno,
left last evening for Pine Creek, after
having had a successful business trip.
Mr. M. handes bis musical instruments
direct from factory to consumer ana
Is appreciated in consequence.
Now that the railroad la ai far along
as Davia Creek, and will soon be
bringing all the freight to that point,
it 1 expected tht many of our local
freighters will be obliged to make an
invasion of the country to the north of
A. Biuber ha gone to Sacramento
and San Vranclsco to purcahse hia Fall
and Winter line of foods and will be
gone a couple of weeks. Mr. Beiber
intend to bring back some new styles
and effects that will be worth waiting
A babv boy was born Monday to Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Causey, avl the proud
father is now kept busy treating every
body who happen along. Guy la un
decided a yet whether or not he will
make an electrician out of the little
Mr. and Mr. C. E. Rachford, of
Alturaa. Sundsv arrived in town en
route south, atfer spending a week's
vacation In the Crater Lake region.
Mr. Rachford ia eupervisor of the
Modoc Nstionsl Forest, with head
quarter at Alturss.
Rolls McDonald returned from a
trip to the Chewaucan country last
week where he wss enjoying; himself.
Aooesrsnces snow that he did not get
anything more than one of the famous
mosquitoes or some good coffee, brewed
in a tomato can.
Charles Barrv. who haa been em-
! ployed for a month or more at the
Rehart ranch south ot Crooked Creek,
i last week returned to town. Charlie
haa been busv out there with the bav
ins cew. and on hia return here looked
the part of a typical farmer.
Manaeer Smith, of the Opera House
bas now installed hia aelf-nlaylng piano
and at each performance this week
could be een between the acts pump-
In ir .nHiintrtnlmltf whit tfiA ninnn
j emitted ver? entertaininlt tunes. The
instrument is certainly a dandy.
A swarm of butterflies waa seen
about our streets on Sunday last, and
attracted much attention. It ia not
known what the occasion was. but the
fsct thst tbey were traveling north
would seem to indicate that they were
fleeing from the approaching railroad.
"Bill" Moea came over from Warner
in hia high power machine that burns
up the road way between here and
there, returning Monday. When "Bill"
starts for anywhere be is in a hurry
and the way that hia "Red Devil" hita
the "high places" is a caution to tom
cats. E. E. Woodcock and family have
returned from their trip to California
and report having had one of the best
times of their life. Mr. Woodcock
enjoyed the trip especially as the
machine worked nicely all the way and
he did not have to spend a minute on
A majority of the members of the
Methodist Church. bo.h old and young.
Tuesday morning brieht and early
started for the McKee ranch on a
dav'a outinsr. They returned bout
auoper lime, urea, nappy, and many
of them with mighty sunburnt com
plexions. W. E. Rachford. representing E.
Lauer & Sons, of Alturas. agents for
Lake and Modoc Countiea for the
Peerless Steam Washer, is doing busi
ness here and meeting with much suc
cess! The machine appears to do the
work in fine shape and evidently savea
time and labor.
J. D. Mariner
Music House
Sfllm (or thn iHvturlfn nnly. So
Jtihlu-m, no HgrntH. Can mm re
ymi $1I0 iKt iih your pin no pur
rhun Mrhlln & Sunn, Knnlii',
Veln-r, Henry F. SlllUr. Chun
it St It-IT. Lnutrn, CuhleA Sons,
I'luyrr-l'lninin Hfiil ICh-ctricH.
String and JImikI I tint ru
in fiitu, I'hoiioicraiih ami
ttevnrtlM, All thn latent
J'otnltr Shi-rt Munlr, Mc
trr copy.
123 N. Virginia Street
J'Wt.Xf-: 47 BOX 422
$750 01 Two lota Improved
with Ijiillolnea. tree. Init,
wulkii ru vi lt d. etc. The liu
proveuifiitM ure worth the
$1.1) OO. Three ucrva In Lake
view, city limits, tlve-room
house, la i ire old burn, well,
fenced, feood land.
fl5. 00 per acrf. 41-acre ranch,
7 miles form Lake view, well
fenced, house, barn, etc. Ilun
niiiK water. Will Ite worth
double the price In three or
four years. A bargain, unex
celled lu tioose Lake Valley.
$J7GO per acre. 200 acres Im
proved, plenty of bulldlnns,
yitod well and well located.
This will make the buyer a
flood profit In a abort time
South of Sew fine Creek
$31 SO per acre. 100 acres with
waterrlfibt, good laud, nearly
all leuced, partly In gram, 2
1-2 miles from Lakeview, all
We are now ready to furnish Complete Ab
stracts to 0. V. L Properties as follows:
Tracks Z'T Each
or Lots
Recipe for a Good Figure
Keep your hips in
4A chest high, your back straight by
wearing a Parisiana Corset. Without
your making the slightest effort,
without discomfort, this corset will
give you a correct figure and a grace
ful carriage.
are designed for every type of figure.
Come in and ask to see the model
made for you.
Every Parisiana is guaranteed to give you good
wear, or you will receive a new corset without
The price you have been paying will buy a guar
anteed Parisiana.
Are You Planning to Build
Bungalow., Miii, atom. WareSouaea,
Schoolf. Brickyard. Crramrriri rnn.
demon, or any Engineering Proirrtf
604 Blake McFafl BUg. SW&g
(TTTGood wiring is
i lis the very best
insurance policy you
can have and the
cheapest. We do it.
De n tal
For Sale
OfBce FurnlHhlozH anJ Dental
Equipment complete, together
with an excellent practice es
tablished six yean, for Hale.
Location one of the very beat
In a rapidly growing town ot
But two dental offices la toi
For further Information, call
or address the
LaJcevetv Ormgit
place, your