Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 24, 1911, Image 3

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HDunovs HcndtrschV r VPj :T.
Supplied by li: CFZlMy.r.IV. Co. Uilcaijo
Tlirt chances lire Hint if vou go Into
any atir In country town, at the
prrM-nt time, and Ml th. storekeeper
that hi cheapest saleaman It his ad
vertise ment In the local newspaper he
will laugh lit vou. lie will Inuvh be
that ar dealgncd earn-daily to suit
caaea like youra. Theae acrvlcca ere
supplied In a scrlca ot fifiv-two adver
tisement with accompanying copper
plate engravlnga. one for each week In
the year at prices ranging from one
dollar week and tin. Many 't the
caute h does not know what salesman- adverliacment. have teen claaaed by
ship means. It I the mere rhnwlnv authorities as rqu.l to tt.e leal thai
of hia hIi to anv cuatomer 'hat has have made aucctsiea for the Mar city
the lurk to come Into hia More, accord- department atore. and national adver-
Inirtohia own llyhta. He dim not rtrrtucfd facimilcs of several
restire that It la noalsble for customers t'fttes adverlla, nwta will be Men
to be enticed to hla store to actually at the , op of thia rolumn.
demand poods that thev never thouyht !' advertisements ahown above
they wanted before, have received manv teatimoniala from
"It la a comparatively eaay matter to wrU. For instance. Wm. H. ckera,
aella woman or man gooda when von Iident of the Grocery anil Allied
have them In vour atore and ran lav Tradia I'ms Association of
he warta riiht in front of them. In f.roUr.l!M ' -'"'. Crwwv
.m l, a rase mm h more than nlne-tentha Trail I'rras) ar il eilitor of li e Tea and
f ,i, .. in.,., i... mrr.,m. Coffee Trade Jourral. New York
plisht-d bv the coming of your cuatom
mer to the atore. Fvrn then a aalra
man who ran eet blir rraulta in the
atMc 'f rlarrrd a hitrherpde, and hia
aaliTV. to matter how larpe, la condi
drii'il a ti Mrahle extx-nditure and. in
mar v run- rrivaulv apent.
To caiD-e a iuhIi n or to huve a lUnire
to ri me to your atore. where no tWire
exiiiiil lifure. rcijuirca aalpmanrhio
of a hieh ordrr. Such aalrpmanthio
makea nt-w cuMrrrera- Lullda your
burirrrr ard lava, in ahort. the founda-
writra :
"I rnnaider your dveitiarmenta the
beat I have rei-n in a lone tin e."
The Itetailcra' Journal. Chicago.
"We I clieve the run pica or your
advertini rni rta rent ua arc the beat we
have ever ai'i-n. "
Atfcr exnretrMona like thrte friim
men w ho have Mx-tit long livt-a amonpat
the kind of advertirinir that haa built
fortunes for the ahrewd Ufera. the
loral mrrchant who rcglecta the
tionrf uvr forture. No retail buai- ot triurnv row rreren rim 10 oniain
neaof m.di-rn timi-a can make a auc ome of there aucccaa making announce
eeaa without ruih aalci-manahln-with- .n"nU ' ndrainir the chance of hia life
out, in other worda. the proper utilira-
tion f trace in v. ur local pew.awr. The editor ol thia paper will be ulad
Corali'erlra- the reaulta this kind of """bv further partlculara of th
pair, margin obtalna la the bi at and cvndioa.t whoae aneclmen ada adorn
cheai eat vou can buy. ,n" l,,P of thl" coumn nd 1 dviM
Thia HnVlepfuae of apace in your rlV application aa inlv one of there
local rcwrpaner haa been called aalca
nianahfp on rarer. If vou fill the apace
with forceful matter that will create
attriMii n. caure convirtion and
reaulta. you have an addition to
lalra forre that may aurcly be called,
the beat promoter on your ataff. The !
reaulta that are obtained from thia
anlrnnHnfriit) depend on the acllinK
ability tei. Hut no matter what re- i
aulta te i.l laired, the quality of aalea-, sem Statcaman: "Around the
marahip receaaarv ia much greater clork 1,h Governor Weat."
than that rriuirel inaldo the atore. , Th,B like th title to novel-
The mail order houaea reckon But U mht we flt what ,B 0,n to
that thev moat pav ao much money for Outalde of beinK governor
ovry liouiry they pet. The amount lhcre '" fcw Pttlor that bring
of thia Mim ia ascertained by dividinK ,n urh variety of mail and when
all the money apent in advertialn and Governor Weat returned ycaterday to
eerdirif literature by the number of " nu uocunienui nu
itn,. rnr..iv..d In .n.r to the aame. accumulated in huge quanitiea. Many
Thi to innuiries onlv. Not Plitiona
every inquirer becomea a euatomcr.
The poctirlnfr of actual ruatomers coata
more. Ine money mm naa noi oe
aervicea will be aupplied to each atore-
keeper in hia own town.
from mothers seeking the
pardon of their aona: letters seeking
advice and heart-to-heart talks were
among the thlnes that make the gov-
spent to vet one new customer by thoae ernur' n.orning mail a thing of humor
Conrerna would aa.oniah the local re
in nome inatancea and of tears in
tailer. It la uhuhIIv not 'ess thBn the ul"""'
amount r pent on reveral weeks' adver- A report of the letters opened by
tiairg by the average local atorekec per. Governor West the other day are about
The aaleKniuiihhln on paper that ia ne- 88 :
ceararv to do all thia la the flneat that Invitation to wedding.
can be pot for money and it is conald- J Kequeat for appointmnet of dele-
ercd chran at the enormous nrlce paid ! gatea to dry farming congreas.
for it beciiuae it la engaged In building f 1t.que!!t f roln mHn who wanU , job
UP a biir mail orJer buainess with new appointment.
, I RequeFt for appoint ment of delegates
TU. I.a..I nluilap .an .tirtlu a t.U Dnn
from this to himaelf. If thoae mail-, to corp 0,1 hvien nd to
order houses spend ao much money to ! Reaet for interview from man
get one new cuatomer. why should a w'tn troubles.
retailer not mnke an effort in the name j A man's horaes broke out and got
direction? Why should he not adopt into the, quarentined district in Klam
the aarre means of attractive salesman- ( ath county and ho wants permission to
ship on paper? If he can bring even get them,
one new customer a week to his store ; Request lot uppointment of dele
with an expenditure that is many times gates to the National Good Roads' a-LT-bw
whet a mail order house has, to sociation in Chicago. ,
pay for petting the same results, it l ( , Request for the appointment of dele
worth while paying closer attention to gates to American institute of criminal
this successful method of selling. If . law and oriminology. ...
he can influence more than one cunto-1 Invitation to attend the 45th annual
mer, and it would be pnur local i.ows- encumpment of the G. A. R. at Roches
paper advertising Indeed thut could not ter. N. Y. ,
do that, he would be accomplishing a . Invitation to attend (a harvest car
fur morn thun the mail order houses nival.
with tliir highly paid soiling experts. ,f Man wants luw suspended so he can
And. iih a business man. he could con- I be appointed a notary public without
gratulate himself on a good invest- six months residence in this state,
ment. He could say to himself that ha , Letter from Kentucky asks Infor
hud In his advertisement the cheapest mation as to the Alaska coal move
aalctmen in his fi n e. It ia of course, ment.
not always posbiLle to readily get thia Request tor appointment ot delegates
strong, convicting selling matter in to Nationul Women'a congress.
yTiur newtpoper .space. . You may not r Request for appointment of dele
te able yourself to write it and you gates to Farmers' National congress
may not have anv local person to whom held in Columbus. Ohio,
you ctiii tutu. Hut that need not deter Request for asaistunce in securing
you. There are now on tba market one passage of law providing that tha
or two syndicated advertising services stata shall furnish all men with work
who are ablo and willing to work. !
Request for appointment of dele
gates to the Third National Conserva
tion congreaa.
Woman wants help toward securing
a right of way from her homeatoad out
through other people's property to the
county road.
Man wants advica on what should be
contained In good roads legislation.
Invitation to tltiit an eastern Ore-
.fron fair.
Petition for commutation of sentence
of Jeane Webb.
Reqiieat for advice and aaaiatanre In
getting relief from allcpid overcharge'
on freight ahloment on Corvnllis and
Fantrrn railroad.
Aaks whether the governor knows
th whereabout of a certain Individ
uul. who uaed to work for aomehodv
elae and who has left the state owing
another man a little money that he ia
greatlv In need of.
Man in chicken buaineaa complains
becnuae of the using of trading stsmps
bv certain merchants In exchange for
chicken products, and aiao wants infor
mation as to the beat manner of houa-
li'g cMikrna. feeding for egtrs. etc.
Requeat for full information of
prjaon policy ; reaults in the paat and
what the governor expects to do in
the future.
A almilsr requeat as above from
Aka aaaiatance la seeing that Ore
gon is well represented at the North
weat I and Triducts hcw at St.. Paul
in IH-cemhcr.
Mrs. L. Punn of La Mar wants to
know if F. C. Bunn hss Vaken up anv
land In Oregon.
Woman aaks pardon for her husband
ssying she ia lot rm me without him.
Another wants the governor to tell
him all about the mining laws of Ore
gon and adda that he has bought stork
In a number of concerns and wants to
know how to pet his mney bark.
1 tter from a reaioert of. a certain
town knorking another reaident whom
he thinks is an applicant for a job.
Heqiieat for requisition papers for
someone under arrext in Boise. Idaho.
Requeat for the governor to settle a
family feud which ia in cxiatenre.
Man. who is out of employment,
needs a job In order to buy food for
himaelf and farrjily.
Convict in Colordao. who haa heard
of Oreiron'a ao-called progressive
prison rw lirv. writes 10 panes setting
out the iniquities ard ahort coming of
the old system ard brings hia raae to
the govrrror's attention for help in
getting him released.
Reaurat for convict that he be per
mitted toell certain things which be
haa mar ufartured.
Requeat from mother for the relase
of her aon from priaon.
Letter from a brother asking for
pardon for hia brother who is now on
the rock pile.
Request for the relesse from the
asylum of an inmate, who. it in alleged
is not int-are.
Rcqurr-t fir the rsrdrn of a prisoner
now on the l.innton rock pile.
RequeFt frim snother mother for the
pardon of her aon.
Invitation to vitit a county fair.
.Anumlerot requests for Informs
tion from purchafers of options on land
sold by the Deschutes Land company
J. E. Moraon'a company.
A number of letters asking what
the governor thinks of the 99 vear
system. The governor thought at brat
that it bad something to do with a 99
year sentence and after discussing it
from that standpoint found it was some
kind of an oragnization selling stock of
some kind.
Invitation to a wedding.
Another letter from one of the pur
chasers of Moraon'a options. , stating
that he was thinking of bringing suit
seaints Morson to recover some ot the
moneys paid him.
Letter advising the goverror another
had been unable to collect a bill of j
112.86 against J. E. Morson. stating he
could get no replies to letters sent 1
Morson. j
Letter from some one in the east !
who haa been cleaning up states where I
he says there has been corruption in
public oflicea and who aa soon as he
gets through there ia coming to Ore
gon. The governor advised him to
take his time.
Another request for information as
to prison policy.
Application for a pardon.
Requeat for appointment of dele
gates to Public Lend convention.
Writer in eastern Oregon complains
that taxes are too high.
Another letter in regard ' to the 99
year system. ' '
Two requests for loans of $5.00.
Last and best return of remittance
recently made, advising governor that
he paid the bill last month.
Will Sell for $1250
cash or trade for ranch or stock,
my 1-4 interest or $2500 equity in
good. Planing, 5hlnglc and. Saw
Mill, IQ miles from Alturas, Cal
Good market--sell more than mill
can produce at 10,000 feet per dy
at $17,00 per If CO at mill. Capac
ity of shingle mill 20,000 per day
All in od runnlp order. Invite
an Investigation of property.
. Wm. K. Harris,
tf. P. O. Box 2S I, Alturas, Cal.
JUST what grade of stock will give
me the necessary quality and be the
most economical for the job?
knows and will tell you.
Will zinc etchings, wood engravings
or halftones give me the best results?
knows and wil tell you.
Will two colors make this piece of ad
vertising a more effective biniasss
knows and will tell you.
What is the correct thing for my
knows and will tell you.
Can I get a new and more attractive
form for my folder?
knows and will tell you.
How much will it cost?
knows and will tell you.
Our ability and facilities for telling you
what you want to know about a thou
sand and one details of printing, and
also for supervising your work to a
satisfactory finish is what we call
SERVICE. Efficient service makes
printing more valuable.
i .....