Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 24, 1911, Image 1

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W mm aa m m m mmmt -mw m m mm b- w w w mmr w ....... - ,
JNU. 3
Twenty Years on Ocean
Now a Tiller of
The Soil
Frum aallor (n fnrtnrr in long Jump
especially when lh sailor linn served
hit country upward of twenty yesra aa
was the cane of Jacob I'edcrarn. of
Lake, whose term of service ha been
Important in the history of hia court
try. throughout hi jnurneya to every
part of the world. Mr. Pcdersen ac
comoaulcd the "Homestead Specialist"
to Northern Lake County and when he
fuunl a nit' 820 arra ranch that he
could take under the land laws of the
country he had nerved, he Immediately
filvd upon it and haa (rone Lack to the
aoll to ake hia living. Thit the
former asllor whose rank In the acr
vice waa an hi u h aa any Non-rommis-
siorrd tdTWr can go will, he valuable
addition to the community there. goes
without saving. Pcihapa no man in
Lake countv could tell more Interest
mt talea of Intercut to all. were he to
uniHMtom himarlf. than Mr. Pedersen.
Havlnir acrved on nuarlv aeventv
vessel durlnir hia term of aervice, hia
haa been a lite that cornea to hut few
and it l felt that In becoming Farmer
Pederaen. Sailor Pederaen will e an
aaaest that the countv la proud ; of.
The growth of Lake Countv ia annar
ent by t lie addition thathnt been made
recently among the ex-oldicra who
have taken uo lands here. When Ed
ward It. Patch came to tho countv from
hia foreign aervice there waa no other
veteran of the Soaniidi-Ameriran. and
allied wara rculdinir in the county,
while at pre-ent there are cnoueh
veteran to support an organisation of
veterana known aa Dullard Camn.
named after the Intreo'd Colonel Hul
lard who led a handful of men through
aome of the loupheat placea in the
rhilliniiwa here they fought for meala
that they knew the cnemv hail un
willingly prepared for them on the
other aide of the "firing line." A.
W. Orton. A I. Roberta. E. A. Pelletier.
Waldo Taylor. I'hil Cumminga. Arthur
Pent. W Koche Firk. J. L. Smith.
Jeane Craven. John Ward, Ed. I'atch
and the two Curtja Hrothers. of Valley
Falla are among theme that he I our to
the camp w hile there are acveral othera
in remote placea in the county that
have been unutile to join the enmp bo
far. Farmer Pederaen haa been
"marooned" and if aome good woman
that adtnirs bravery and manly bemity
will jiiHt tnko him in hand there ia no
doubt that hia hind venture will be the
moat profitable undertaking; that he
haa tnado bo far. even if it ia devoid
of any aoiictaculur foaiurea.
Acred Pioneer Succumbs
to Injuries from Burst
ing; Auto Flywheel
The lust Bud rites over the mortul
remains of the late Christopher Colum
bus Prutt. pioneer resident of Goose
Luke Valley und one of the men that
crossed thu piuina in the late Ill'tieH,
weru held from the Mcthodixt Church
Sunday afternoon and attended bv one
of tho largest gatherings ever seen tit
a funeral here. The ceremony was
eondueled by Rev. L. E. Hondorsoi' of
New Pine Creek, also a pioneer who
cams to the valley in the early days.
Mr. Pratt after a hard buttle against
age and the terrible wounds that (-nattered
hia strong constitution, finally
Nuocumbuil Friday evening, a couple
of weeks after the flywheel of the
mi to driven and owned by Wulter Dent
huj burst, throwing, a large section of
the mechanism across tho struet to
whore the aired rnun was conversing
with some frioiids. Thu left leu 'being
shattered in such - a in miner that it
was found necessary to uinuutate'it at,
a later dulu. but dupito this, gan
grene set in and death came to end the
auflfeiliigrt of the man that had Indued
make history fur this portion of the
Mr. Prutt left New York, where he
wae born in the early days and stopped
at where Chicago now stands, marry
ing J one nh Inn Kabcock an Illinoia jrirl.
July 4. WA. He rime acroai the
plalna In an immigrant train of wavona
In 1W,!I. landing at Coullervllle. Cali
fornia six month later. In 1871 he
came to Ooose Lake Valley. Jwhere he
remnliied until the time of hia death,
having engaged In the livestock busl
neaa. Of a jovial l Ion. he waa
a welcome fiirure on the streets of
I.akeview. and many were the atoriea
of early pioneer life that could be told
In an Interesting manner bv the aged
gentleman. In addition to hia widow
who aurvlvea him. thero are thirteen
children livinir. nd two othera having
died previoua to hia coming to Oregon.
The children are Mra. Delia Cheney,
of Lakevlcw; Torn Trait, of Cedar
ville;Mr. Ella Clar.ier.' Mra. Nellie
Reid. E. O. Pratt. Mra. Lulu Arthur.
Mra. lietle Arxner. Mra. Minnie
Wright, all of Lakevlew; Enrlie 1'ratt.
of Nevada; Mra. Mina Howe, of
Ynncalla; Chaa. Pratt, of Salt Lake
City. Utah: Frank Pratt of Summer
Lake and Mra, Delia Hervford. of
New Pine Creek.
Interment waa at the Odd Fcllowa
Cemetarv in the family plot. Mr.
Pratt had jut passed the M mileatone
of life journey and hia being taken
away at thia time haa left Hi impreas
on all who knew and respected him a
a good citizen, a loving thoughtful
father and kind husbaml. Peace to hia
Medford will give the use of 300
acrca of land to a capable stockman
who will raise goata. The Southern
Oregon city wanta to build uo that
diatriit aa a gout center, for it ia well
adapted to these sturdy animal that
are to valuable in clearing the land
and making ii ready for orchards.
Growth of Town Shows
Healthy Condition
Has Fine Hotels
A representative of the Examiner
visited Alturaa lust Saturday Bnd waa
more than pleased with the many
evidences of prosperity in the town and
vicinity. Many neat cottages are now
under construction, while numerous
othera have apparently only juct been
completed. The surrounding country
is dotted with largo havsturks. and
the crops apparently equal to those of
this section.
The tiuainess district of Alturaa also
haa an auparentce of thrift, although
tho fire of lust week caused It to pre
sent a somewhat sud appearance. One
thing that Is especially noticeable is
the hotel accomodations the town
offers. Hotel Niles. of course, all
travelers are familiar with and it is
considered one of the best stopping
pluces in M' doc county. The Curtis
und Morris are two new hostelries that
have only been opened to the public
and neither of them are vet completed.
The Morris presents a most pleasing
appearance on the outtddc. being of a
cement plaster construction, having
the appearance of granite blocks.
The Curtis is very attractive espe
cially on the inside, having a large lob
by from which an essv stairway leads
to the upper floors. Tho dining, room
with its high ceiling is especilly attrac
tive while the service is suid to be un
excelled. On the upper floors the hulls
are wide, while the bedrooms are not
only of good size but light and airy,
and a number of them have private
bulhii. All are equipped with hot and
cold water, and everything ia nuat and
clean. The building has its own water
service it being supplied under pres
sure frum a well 2.r0 feet in depth, and
ia eloetrici lighted thr.-mghout.
A new public school building is now
being built, and tho whole town has
a thrifty und business like air about
Appreciates Courtesy
Tho Examiner is under many obliga
tions to General Manager Dunaway,
Chief Engineer Oliver, Land Agent
Curtis und II. M. Illume, of the con
struction force, for mHnv favors ex
tended it representative at Davis
Creek last Saturday. He lived in
Missouri for a tiim. and us a conse
quence had to be shown certain thinR
and in no iimtanee did thu railroad
ollkials fuil to make good.
Barbecue, Games and Dance, Make
Big Event One Long to Be
"Railroad Day" at Davis Creek was
an event long to be remembered by all
who were fortunate enouuh to lie pre
sent on that occasion. An Eximiner
representative waa on the grounds
early and found everyone busy making
preparations for the reception of the
visitors later in the day. A booth had
b'en erected just acrosa the track and
contained a fine display of the products
of the valley. Including grapes, wal
nuts, apples, pears, apricots, peaches,
berries of all kinds, watermelons,
canttlounes Bnd fine display of cann
ed fruits of all kinds as well as veget
ables of mammoth proportions.
Alfalfa, timothy, oats, barlev. wheat,
rve. buckwheat, etc. were included in
the display of grains and grasses, all
of wHch were grcalty admired by the
throng of people w ho later gazed on
it with much surprise.
Large delegationa were in attendance
from Reno. Alturas. Surprise Valley.
New Pine Creek and Lakeview. every
section of the surrounding country
being repreented. and it ia estimated
that more than 600 people were present
Sunday. The excursion train frum
Reno arrived shortly after 6 o'clock,
and immediately thereafter a free din
ner was served. And such a dinner aa
it waa! Three fine fat beeves had been
roaating over the coals for 24 hours.
and the meat was pronounced bv all
w ho feasted uron it as the "best ever."
In addition there were saUds. pota
toes, baked beans, etc.. and later on
came cake and cofTee. all in quanities
suflicient for an army. Chalmers S.
Rsird and J. W. Reddington. of the
Reno Journal, led the foray, and they
were ably seconded by Geo. S. Oliver,
chief engineer, and L. F. Curtis, land
agent, both of the N.-C.-O.. and for a
time some of their friends who had
Inventor Remington Has Seven States Will Have
Successful and Easy i Fine Agricultural Ex
Method hiblts This Year
F. A. Remington, of Lake has in- j
vented a ssge-lirush remover that has
every invention of the kind, patented
or otherwise looking like a mulev cow ;
that has been "lligh-lifed." Mr.;
Remington refuses to take out a pat-,
ent on his invention as he beliieva that!
if it is going to do the work that it
was intended to accomplish and the ;
work that it is accomplishing for him. j
it will be a good thing for the men j
and womeif that are doing so much for ;
their section of the county as they will j
be able to make it at homo, he is in-1
willing to have any strings attached to I
the process. The main feature over j
all other inventions of the kind is that !
it is very successful in removing the '
roots of the plant, which means much
less work in ridding the land of this
detriment to retaining the moisture in
the soil the first vear, which cannot be
done successfully as long aa the roots
are allowed to remain. Any person is
weclome to go to Lake and copy the
invention and make one for himself.
With four horse Mr. Remington is
clearing live to ten acres per day with
the machine, depositing the uprooted
plunts In windrows so that they are
easily burned.
Thu partv consisting of Mr. and Mrs.
Roll Mi Donald, and John Duckworth,
who spent several dav in the f'hewau
can country, last week returned to town
to and reported an excellent time dur
ing their absence.
not vet reached the table feared that
a loaves and fishes" miracle would be
necessarv if there was enough to feed
the multitude, but a charming young
lady captured Oaird and his apparent
good luck to awd bis confederate
that thev were unable to do much fur
ther d8m?si Aftr all had eaten
their fill no appreciable progres had
been made on the eatables, and the
process was repeated again Sunday.
The excursion train was very much
of a surprise. It consisted of a regu
lar passenger locomotive, a comhfia
.ion baggage and smoking car, two
regular dav coaches and General Man
ager Dunawsy's private car "Lake
view." The naming of the car wa a
very neat courtesy paid this town, and
the compliment coming s it did in a
complete surprise was all the more
appreciated. The entire train made a
very attractive appearance, the coaches
being upholstered in leather and neat
ly painted throughout. The c;r
glistened in the sunlight and as they
rolled into the rtation the excursion
ihts were received by rousing cheer
and music bv the Lakeview brass band.
, A large dancing platform' haa been
erected and during the evening merry
Lk-rongs of dancers whiled away the
hours to the strains of the sweet
melodies and the boys were the reci
pients of many compliments for the
excellent dance music furnished.
The crew of the excursion train
consisted of II. R. Crisler. conductor;
t-i o -.i. . 4l. .,
Ed Smith, engineer and the irrepress-
ible "Bonev." fireman.
Among the railroad men present
were General MansgerT. F. Dunaway.
Superintendent W. A. Durawav. Road
Master M. D. Rice. Land Agent L. F.
Curtis, all of the N.-C.-O.. and J. M.
Fulton, district freight and passergcr
agent of the Southern Pacific.
Seven States and Alaska have
cented the apace tendered them at
Northwest Land Show to be neld
St. Paul December 12 to 23 under
auspices of the Northwestern Devlop
nient League.
A week ago word was sent to the
governors of the states advising that
space had been bought by Minneopolis.
Si. Paul and Duluth business men to
be apportioned to the states in the
l.exRue. Every governor has replied
that tie space would be accented and
tilled with products.
Among the most interesting exhibits
will be that from Alaska, which will
show not only the mineral, fur and fish
products, but also demonstrate that
Alaska is a good country for garden
ing and will produce more wheat and
barley than Norway and Sweden com
bined. Portland. Or.. Aug. 22. Those Ore
gon communtites that hud no delegates
in attendance at the recent session of
the Oregon Development League at
Astoria Buffered a distinct loss, for the
most valuable addresses and discussions
would have well repaid anyone for the
time spent in attending. The leaguera
got down to serious business; there
was no froth nor wasted energy.
From the very first day. the con
vention waa notable for the valuable
aUdresdts presented. Every one was
f nil of suggestions' that will pluy an
important part in the future policy of
the League. Men of th. atest
eminence in their various lin. -tr-vit
were on the program. Ja. f.
Hill. Theodore B. Wilcox, j Q.
Robert S. bovett and other of ).
caliber were heard from, while tbt,
community boosters of the various seo
tiona came prepared to get the most
out of the meeting by being on hand
with good suggestion and new ideas.
The slogan of the convention wa
"Get Together." alone all the line of
co-ooeration effort that promise to ac
complish so much for the Northwest.
The placing of new arrivals on the soil
preparation for reaping the benefit to
follow the Panama-Pacific Exposition
at San Francisco in 1915. and Good
Roads were some of the vital topics
thoroughly discussed. La Grande will
get the next convention and every live
commercial organization in the state
should look forward to it and have a
bigger attendance next time.
The Portland Commercial Club is
making efforta to have President Taft
include Oregon in hia Western trip this
year when ne come to the Coast to
break ground for the Panama-Pacific
Exposition. An invitation wa sect to
nim bv wire to this effect and be repli
ed the would give the matter consider
ation wnen his itlpeaarv is made op.
The value of the experimental farms
to thia state is shown in a striking
way by the results attained bv the
station in Morrow County, maintained
bv the Oregon Agricultuaral College.
Wheat grown on thia farm by scienti
fic dry farming methods went 22.6
bushels to the acre, while grain on ad
joining land, farmed under the old way
was either too poor to rut or yielded
only ten or twelve bushels to the acre.
Other crops grown show correspond
ing gain when treated scientifically.
Railway Builders Striving:
to Get Rails Laid Here
At Early Date
General Manager Dunaway. at Davis
" J
Creek last Saturday evening, express-
ed himself quite freely to an Examiner
representative relative to the work on
the extension ol bis road north to
Lakeview. H also sooke in aoorecia
tive terms of the people of Lakeview
and the treatment accorded himself
as well as Chief Engineer Oliver and
his assistants. He evidently values the
good will of the people of Lakeview
and vicinity very highly, and' is doing
everything in bis power to merit it.
Among other things Mr. Dunaway
said :
"While re fully expected to have
the grade completed to Lakeview early
in September, yet the work at Sugar
Hill has been much greater than anti
cipated and it is doubtful if it will be
completed until October. However,
we are doing everything possible to
hurrv the work and within 30 days
after its completion rails will bo laid
to Lakeview and throueh train service
to your town will be established soon
after. Should nothing unforseen arise
we confidently expect to hav: trains in
operation to Lakeview earlv In Novem
ber, for with the exception of Sugar
Hill the grade can be completed within
HO davs. Tracklaving north of Davis
Creek was resumed thia week and the
steel will reach Siikrar Hill in the very
near future.' H. M. Blaine is in charge
of the work and he informed the Ex
aminer man that he had received orders
from Road Master Rice to push the
work as rapidly as possible. The pile
driver is at work now driving piles
n nrnoa anma 1 rv nr tl u nua nnrtk 9 W air!a I
n v , .. . , , , ,, j
Creek station, while a couple of small
bridges will also be necessary in the
same vicinitv. These will quickly be
placed in position, and no delay will
result on account ct them.
Card of Thanks
Apnreoiating the many acts of kind
ness during the recent illness and death
of our loving husband and father.
Christopher C. Pratt, and the many
words of sympathy that have rone to
lessen the blow that we have sustained,
together with the floral offerings given ;
we wish i.o thank one and all for them,
feeling that affliction is -a tie that
binds the heart very close, as shown
toward us in our bereavement.
Mrs. Josephine Pratt and family.
Sage Brush is Giving
Way To Acres of
Waving Grain
Postmaster Francis A. Remington of'
Lake, shows the "Soirit of Progress"
that is making a prosperous commu
nity of the sage-brush country of
to tbe north. Mr. Remington, and
iscidentially his estimable wife, are
acoomplishing a work that is aooreciat
ed in his community. In Seoterober
1909 with a team and camoing outfit
tbey entered tbe valley from the north
ern part of the state and when their
eye rested uoon the claim that is now
their borne, their minds were instantly
made no to reclaim the land as their
own. Today, where tbe lowly coyote
oace broke the stillness of the night,
there is a fine store, post office, feed
barn and some sixty odd acres under
cultivation with a fine crop of grain
as compensation for tbe work of plac
ing the ground in shape to grow it.
Mr. Remington is enthusiastic over
the croo outlook for this first vear on
new ground that had been plowed for
the rrt time last soring, and savs that
all that section of the country needs
is cultivation. He is one of the men
that believes that the rainfall is entire
ly sufficient to produce any profitable
croa that can be grown in the county.
Near the Remington homestead F. A..
Watkins has a fine crop of grain con
sisting of oats and wheat that will
compare favorably with any man's
country for yields, while Freeman
Post, well known here in Lakeview
where he spent a portion of the past
two summers has a fine crop of rye
that is being cut this week. F. E.
Anderson und the Allen Brothers have
fine yields also. The success of these
men that are d ing a work of develop
ment, is aDoreciated as they are show
ing the Deoole that have doubtel the
productiveness of Northern Lake, that
if a man means business and will take
his coat off there will be some compen
sation for the sacrifice f time that he
makes. Tbe preparation of the soil
and planting of the grain or other crop,
is judt as esentul to secure a harvest
in Lake county as elsewhere and the
man that realizes that and will leave
bis coat at the house while he does the
work, will be remunerated according to
his efforts. i
In the automobile contest being car
ried on bv on? of the Klamath paoera.
Mrs. Jonas Norin, of Lkeview has
secured a large number of votes,
standing sixth in the contest and if
her friends rally to her sunoort will
be able to secure the fine Buiuk ma
chine that is given as a prize.
Insure Supply of Water
Now o Meet Future
Growth of Town
The Vi4t M. Fulton. District
Freight and Passenger Agent of the
Southern PaoinV was a welcome visi
tor to the people here Monday. Mr.
Fulton in an interview asked many
things of iniere-t to a growing section
of country an J if the people here bad
a water sunuly adequate to a growing'
town of sav fifteen thousand people..
Thia is imoortant at this tima when
cities are in the cor structive stage, and.
while Lakevie may never bo as large
. . ' .
as Portland or San Frnncicsn. still its
natural location warrants looking
ahead and grnsning what natural re
sources we lutvtf in the matter of a.
water suuplv. The springs front
whence the nreent oure water is ob
tained, alonir with the larue reservoir
in the canvon and the tanning of Deep.
Creek and ot er streams by a reser
voir and oine'ii.e
means thst the
water nnnnly ill
nessft I ur ! .
present will be to
sources f t e
eipallv Tv, i oi
hi ai'ante if har-
Tna main !thiri? at
; Lel i ,,t tr., of the
t e i ii V' thtj m jpi
i" Uars will be
"j i' 1 .. . ! mw.
'.' cltie-s mufti waste
ie iHxnuer if the
ha 1 looked ahea i for
saved in t 'i- T t
la the uuil ii i.
COUht no s ive I
people in eh i- ;
the year" t im iiv