Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 17, 1911, Image 8

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! I
! f
! f
on Fall Styles
B have just received our first shipment of Shoes
Hri for Fall and Winter weir. It inelmles some
1 of the latest creations, all sensible styles no
freaks. "Style," "Quality" and "Value is preemi
nent in every pair.
Goose Lake Valley Already
Receiving Direct Bene
fit From It
Vim V pnint ientlwr. Jiiiih
rut. tuition, nm oilf top.
)-Mf i-nff, plain toe. hlir' h-el,
t-horl VHiiit, .taut ladt. On
tl.f f .-h..n Haitt
ft'imwn'i virl id bluehr. nil
kl'l tup, llHlf 'liillltle POl- . 'lll'n
h'l. ii ent tip. serv'r-u' lH
rio ivm-o mbljr pi iced ..$'J.7"
MIhw-' uan-nift ilcalf. Iu f mi.
tu'l kill top. Iiir iljtihb wiV,
tip, h llil stock. nie 11 V tn 2
Children' Rim tnetnl clf
tilm-hr, "SknfTiT" ShoH, nb
tolutelv gunrnntf!. linoil.i h'
Welt, cap toe, kIimi ft1, to 8
Mil'" patHOt h'Hther Mlirher,
nm eiitf t'ip. "Iluh Lift" lt-t.
heavy Hlnirlo wile, hlwb Hrvh and
milimrv heel. A ntTllnh ntin,
MeuVtan Murm calf blaoher,
bnM doulile ole, mlll'ar heel.
One of the bent nll-tirounil h
Excellent Three-Day Rac
ing Program Has Been
Klamath County is tn have a fair
next month the dates being Sept 27.
28. and 29. Premiums will be awarded
for all kirds of fruit and farm pro
ducts, and the racing program will be
as follows :
Wednesday, September 27th.
Half mile, best three in five, pace,
clap? 2 :S0. puree $300.
Balf mile dash, free for all. purse
Quarter mile and repeat. Klamath
county bones, purse $75.
Three eight mile dash, free for all.
purse $100.
Thursday. September 2Sth.
Half mile, best three in five, class
2 :30 trot, purse $150.
II Half mile dash Klamath "county
horses. purse"$100.
Friday. September 29th.
Half mile, best thre in five, trot or
pace. claPF 2 :30. purse $300.
One mile dash, free for ali. purse
Quarter mile and repeat, free for all.
purse $100.
Three-eights mile dash. Klamath
county horees. $75.
The last dav of the race meet will be
devoted to a Wild West, carnival, with
bucking horses, pony races, etc.
T. E. Bernard, local agent for the
Flanders "20" and E. M. F. "30."
last week received the following tele
gram relative to the performance of
the former machine, which proves its
ability to stand up under any circum
stances :
Detroit. Mich.. Aug. 5. To T. E.
Bernard. Lakeview. Oregon: The
Flanders "20" again made a clean
sweep and was awarded first and
second all the prizes there were in
her class in ten day's reliability run
Minneopolis to Helena. Montana. It
was the hardest contest any light car
ever entered. 1390 miles over mountain
and plain and the worst roads in
America, and it rained most every day.
mud bub deep. The two Flanders
were the only cars in her cUbs to finish
with perfect scores and only one other
car of any price m Marmon at $2700
finished perfect,
Cars penalized included Packard.
Stodard, Dav ton. Abbott Detroit.
Simplex. Maxwell. Cole. Kret. H immo
bile and other small fry. This is the
second great victory for Fanders "20"
in a month the other was three Per
fect road scores in Iowa's little glidden
no other $800 car on earth can stand
up with Flanders "20" in hard work,
and in this latest contest she went out
of her class and trimmed the four
thousand dollar fellows.
The Reno Journal is certainly boost
ing the excurison to Davis Creek, and
its Sunday Issue contained five columns
of matter relative thereto. Among
other things auneared the following :
"Tickets are good for five days ami
i if you don't want to stav the limit you
, can come back on any regular train,
! The hospitable neonle of the towns
' in that section are arranging to give
; the excursion a hearty welcome. The
Reno Commercial Club is arranging to
have a meeting early next week and
perfect details so that everyone who
wants to go will be nccomodated. The
railroad company has made a special
rate of $7.50 for the round trio and Is
co-opertating In every way possible to
make the excursion pleasant and profit
able to the business men of Reno.
"Opportunity will be e-iven for the
party to see all carts of the territory.
Automobiles and carriages wil! be in
watting at Davis Creek, the end of the
line to go to Lakeview, Oregon, where
at least a day will be spent. Another
dav will be given over to "seeing "the i
country in Surprise Valley. On the
return trio a day will be spent at the j
thriving town of Alturas in the fit t j
River Vallevthen back to Susanvilte
and the surrounding country.
"The railroad by that time will be
completed from Alturas. its present
terminus. to Davis Creek, thirty miles
north. Here a new town is beinr built
at the lower end of Goose Lake. This
lake rivals Tshoe in beauty. It ia forty
miles lone and from three to nine miles
Will Be Held at St. Paul,
December 12 to 23
"A show by the northwest states for
the benefit of the northwest states
alone" Is the way four page folder
Issued by the Northwestern Develop
ment League describes the land show"
which is to be held In St. I'aul Decem
ber 12 to 23 under the auspices of the
The states meant by "northwest"
are Washington. Oreeon, Idaho. Mon
tana. North and South Dakota, and
This show la the outgrowth of the
meeting held in Helena. Montana,
last May when a large number of
northwestern misiness men met in re
sponse to call by Governor Norria of
Montana to discusa wavs and means of
co-operating for the purpose of giving
publicity to the opportunities of the
northwest. The development league
was organized and the league annouces
a land (show aa one of the ways to
attract the attention of homeseekers
to the possibiltiea of the northwest.
The official folder of the land show
saya that 1.780.000 people live within
one hundred miles of St. Paul and 600.-
000 of them within the Twin Cities.
It is confidently expected that from
150.000 to 200,000 will attend the land
The management says every state In
the league will be represented : that
Aluska will have a large exhibit but
that Canada and sections of the United
States not in the league will be ex
cluded, it being the intention to keep
the seven northwest states constantly
wide. On the east shore, along which j before the people as the "best spot
the railroad is now building, is the
famous apple country. Here are some
of the best orchsrds that have ever
been crown, and especially tor the
production of the famous Winter
Banana apple. The lake is filied with
fish and has a beautiful gravel beach
and the water as clear as crystals.
Bthing is delightful, and just now the
hunting season in both California and
Oreeon is at its best, with an ooen
season on nearly all kinda of game.
Along the eastern shore there are
thousands of acres of rich agricultural
land now being put under cultivation.
At about the middle of the east shore
i a high promontory runs out to the
water's edge and from this height a
grand view is had ot the valley and the
lake from end to end. while away to
the west in the distance looming hieh
is Mount Shasta, snow clad and majes
tic in the clouds. On the west side of
the lake are heavily timbered mountains."
Relief For Homesteaders j
When the regular session of congress
convenes next December, Senator !
Borah, of Idaho, will urge prompt!
consideration of his bill shortening the i
homestead period from five years to I
three. He believes that the present I
law ia working a great hardship to,
settlers in the west, and is responsi
ble for driving a great many home-1
seekers into Canada, where homestead
Rewards Offered
Substantial rewards will be paid by
the Agricultural Department for con
viction of nersons wilfully setting fire
to National forests controlled by that
Department. District Forecaster Cecil
announces that the reward schedule
prevailing last year continues this
Season, and an energetic effort is to be
j made to see that all persons bringing
incendiaries to account for wilful work
i within the forests get their money j
j The terms for the rewards are : !
Valley Falls Items
Having in the lower valley is about
Geo. Newcombe. our oarksmith. had
the misfortune to sprain his ankle last
week, and as the result has a decided
The well drilling machine of Geo.
Kdes is set and ready to begin opera
tions as soon as the casing arrives.
for a home on tne map of the world."
St. Paul business men have "come
across" for a considerable sum of
money to advertise and Bssist in financ
ing the show for the benefit of the ter
ritory west of the Twin Cities.
The Anvil Chorus
We hear seme talk about a goo I
road movement bonding the county,
etc. everybody wouiu like to see
good roads. They are sadly needed in
MOfloc. as eisewere. Hut tnere are
other things to be desired low taxes.
for instance. A sum of money necess
ary to build good roads in this county
sparsely settled as it is. would bank
rupt every taxpayer in the county. In
the course of time, when the waste
places are filled when our big ranches
are cut up when property valuations
increase and population comes to us
then we ran talk about more bonds.
a low tax rate win go far to secure
these blessings. But don't drive cap.
ital away by excessive tax rates. Go
The above is from the Alturas Plain-
dealer. The same paner opposed a
I waterworks system for the town, and
also takes occasion to hammer tho N.-
C-.O. Ry. in season and out of season
Comment is unnecessary.
Organize Gun Clubs
Snorlrtmen. nil over th utata
Lakeview visitors the past week 1 ,,i i.,uJ . o.... r
ing is made easy.. Senator Borah was
not able to get action on his bill at this J "First Not exceeding $250 and not j
special session, but gave notice that j le88 than or information leading to
he would press it next winter, and has ' the ""est and conviction of any per
been assured by several members of ! son- in anv United States court, on the
the public lands committee that his bill : cn8rKe wilfully and maliciously
were Miss Myrtle Stone. H. A. Utley.
J. Hallinan, H. G. Heckman and F. N,
Grain which looks fine is about
ready to cut.
Many geese are to be found along
the river and marshes.
There are 14 batchelors in this end
of the valley and two more on the
Thomas Hutton made this place a
short visit with his new machine last
Warden William S. Finlev. He believ
es that the protection and propagation
of game, an well an an intelligent en
forcement of j the present game laws,
can be effected more thoroughly
through a body of true xportxmen thun
in any other way, A quarterly report
from the game warden's office will
keep them in touch with conditions all
over the state, while Mr. rinley will
rely very largely upon the recommend
ations of thene cluhx. as to where and
when to release game birds and fish.
T NO I I K I ' I of our whole laziness year
lo value reach such tempting attractive
nes as during the month of August. The
top notch of bargain worth is reached at
this time in our endeavor to create a re
cord breaking volume of sales. We arc
determined to outdo all past efforts in
Bargains this month. COM IS AND lilv!
Mrs. Neilon, Women's Outfitter
OME IN and look over our
Economy Store
Thin Uih till rab.-aaiiiul 4-a hmmU . wklrh
mill fthaw mr by mr slrl haw la .ki !,
pe.ial In ih- raa, iaaa aait II will a arat NUK.
1hr..roarih.llrrii,rtll.) an4 aaaalarla
lhj ladlrira. aa4 to rrvr Al.t. ikr a!, u
aftVra raaraa la tarlraliarr. l.ll fcaslarrrla
Klrrtrlral KnclaaM-tla. H Thanlral Kaslarrrtaa '
Hi a In Kminrnliig, arrtr). HawrMIr MrM-nrr
aat rl. Umarrrr, rharniar) anil Maal. The
allra-r apraa Mrpirmbi-r l. mains frfr.
tarraaj M.4.MTH I M , IINM.II .tl.KM I I..
TI Kll.4 0l.LMJK, rarvalll.. Orr.
tWm. Walloon, Coronor tor Lake County)
Parlors, next door to Telephone Office
Are You Planning to Build
I Umigiilowi, MilJi, btorci, VV urt Ikiiit.,
I Schooli, Brickyardi, Creameries, C n
mora, or any r.nt'inernru' I'm . i i
A r MINKRA I, id Ufl h.H Tt su I.
604 Blake McFaJl Bldg. JWuiPS
IT 1
Let the Examiner figure on
vournext lob I'nritintr.
J. N.
(Hi-icUlur I!. H. I jtn. I oitii'... I Hani)
will receive consideration. The inti
mation is made that the bill will be
favorably reported.
Be iber Gazette: Engineer Cooper,
with hia corpa of surveyors, who have
setting fire or causing to be set on fire.
any timber, underbrush or grass upon
the lands of the United States within
a National Forest.
"Second Not exceeding $100 and not
less than S25 for information leading
to the arrest and conviction of any
person, in any unuea states court, on
, . , , ... I p-iDuij, in any iviiilcu oiaico
w iiaai. I the charge of building a fire on lands
8.x weeks, making preliminary surveys j of the United States within a National
for the great line which w.ll connect fore8t. in or near any foregt timber or
Los Angelea with Portland is at the other ,nfl.mmabIe , ate,ial and leaving
present time doing location work in 8aid fire before the ame hag bee
the second preliminary survey through totaIly extineuiBhed.
this valley. The second survey made
by Engineer Cooper varieB but little! i 1 "Z, " '
Irani the first survey, only that the! WOrk to Commence Soon
line traverses the valley more central-j Reno Journal: There is every assur
ly. The line now being located does ance to believe that the branch railroad
rot cross Pitt. River, but instead keeps ' of the Southern Pacific from r'erriley
on the east side of where the river ! to LaBBen will be under course of con
leaves the valley, struction in the very near future. De
; From this point the line gradually j velopments wit hin the last few days
follows the hills, coming into the valley ive "length to this belief.
J. D. Oliver, superintendent of the
Pyramid Indian agency, who arrived
from that section yesterday, leaves
this morning for Madeline. K-here he
will meet a right-of-way agent of the
Southern Pacific, and together both
gentlemen will go over the surveyed
route, after which the recommenda
tions of Mr. Oliver with respect to the
right-of-way will be forwarded to the
near the Welsh farm and continuing
north to a point a quarter of a mile
east of the W. H. liuselmeier resi
dence, and from there takes a direct
route to Lookout, passing near the
I Iiastett Hot Springs and continuing
through the Dowell & Davidson farm,
crossing the "swamp'' near the county
road Either north to the Modoc line.
A threp-story brick building will soon be erected on the ground where our Ware
house now stands, and in order to make room for them, we offer
the following goods at these sacrifice prices:
$180 Wagon - Now $160.00 $160 Buggy - Now SI 45 00
(Yon Mrmr 1 O C ff Clylfs D KT 0f a mm .
Z 'l. ' y 6 y- fw uuggy -, 1NOW ;IO.UIJ
qlZD wagan - INow $110.00
Alt other warehouse goods in proportion.
$100 Buggy - Now $ 87.50
Our Motto"Live, and Let Live"
SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER 1 proper Washington officials.