Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 17, 1911, Image 7

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A Want Ad In The Lake County Examiner
KcpcaU'il a few times, il rtTMsnry, will find customer
for that property ol yours. They arc Hcaiined closely
by intending hurs. and the cor-t is nominitl -5 cents
the line for each nioertion peeal long-time rate.
WANTLD -Mmii In lake ..tiiii.M i
tract. Apply to tin- hcriie (Jon
it ruction Co., LnkevlcM, Oie
lock Slid I uplailinill, slick takeu
on (Intra or uin n salerv. Heal
of raleratioea. Wife n1 k
luqulinnl U. W. W. ilia, Alturaa,
01.. cars J. C. Riuher.iejti'a camp.
WAMl'KD" VVs mount ell kimieut i.imi
animal liru.Ja. eld. tau kllia
aud make rue aud roi.w.
UlUy liul biuouen. Taksdel mists
Valley Falle. OreKiilt. M Uni.
k..lllt.l4 UllllH mill mill llll HUM
rlii In car tut, apply Henry lli rinl
ram li.
. ,
LOOK AT Til K MlTich H)H Ulv
ward landed li.v tin- IVIcphoiie
Compativ lur destroying It prop,
MIM't I.I.ASr.Ot N
euo K&V AUO
A RfcWAKD ol i. fly dollars l nere
hy tillered lur i.t:oruintlou that will
lead to the arms sun oouvietion of
any psiaou wu has sloleu wire or
otbnr proper! from our Company;
and the uuig reward U hereby ottered
for luforui n lliMt will lend to that
Treat aud i uvlctlou of euyous (lea-
troy I u i t. property i the Miinpauj
Seoretai ) l-ke
Co. TeL k Tel. Co.
Dnu'l fiirnl that we carry lu stock
for sals all klu'la of Iron, bi.l'a auii
chains, thluitue aknlne ami irou aun
steel asles ArziMr Uros tf
lilua Prints ol any lowuehlu lu
ilurua Laud District ale-wing all
laml IllriDH, IIUIIIKB, datea, elc. '1 o
pograpby. Vour order II lie J ou day
of recelvm". Price l. J. C.
TUKNKV. Uurtis, Oregon till
Cheap Hour hi llouania. Quality
Kuurniitced or money reitimled. if
tirade ... ...njiiiire uiul Cigars to lie
found In Oregon, tf
j. iiTcVri7r:it ' wiUiVkv at tiik
Hotel liavk-w Imr. Tlx iMwtHiul
tui"l whlMk.v inntlf. tf
I'Olt HALK 10 ttCIVH Hi. 17, Tapt.
40, Kitiiut 111, Koil Im.V liunl, 1.p0
AlaohWH ol N ol Him-. 7, I wp.
;, I (a o;.' 1H, price 17. Mtm. I". K.
Miiuilny. l.akfVli'W. ' J-7 A17
I'Olt BALK IjkUhm' Hiulillo liormi, vn
qulr Kt'iie A lltriii'afiKiiraurv. tl
KOH SAI.K 10 acn tract No. 4'i. nw,
8, T. US, It. ; iiUo lot 17. Iii 72,
O. V I.. Oi.'m iKldltlmt to Ijiki'Vli'.
No ri'imoiiiililo offer H'fiiHtid. K M.
Clitrk, lox(i87, llakir ort. Alltr.H.
l ()Il HALK 15 lifiiil of dairy ciiwi;
will nt'll Hiiy duiiiUt to lull purcliiui.
r. Apply to J. J. Monroe, Willow
Itiiiicli, CmI, The Mi of thtt of Hit)
HWjlot tti HN of b-c 7. Town
hip aUSoutli ol Mange 1.1) K W M
whli witef con t rivet f ir 6 m-reH.
AIho Ixit 10 lu llliH-k 7H O. V. I,.
;. Addition 10 l.iikevlow.
Addreaa W. i, Mulrlnu,
14.1 Lvmlilu Ave N
Minneapolis, Mion.
I'OH HALK 40 ucreH lu alfalfa. 2
nnlt'a Houib of New 1'inu Creek, ulao
8Uacrett farmlUK land, fM) acrea in
wheat (I mile aoutb of New 1'ine
On'k. I'lirticulara of I. T. 1 lender
ho ii, New fine Creek, Ore. April) tl
I'Olt -ALE 1U acrea, near Lakevlew.
IfH(7lptlon: H of Ktyof HWX of
NUJj of Seetiou 10, TuwilHlilp 40,
Kiwiku 19 K- W. M. Otto K. And
eraoo, LaknCUy, Ml tin.
U0 acres Hue, level land adjoining
Pauline Marab, als uille uoith of
town of Hllver Iike. Vi ry cheap
forcanh. Apply to J. O. Hall, U22
Cluuilier of Commerce, building.
1'oitlaud, Oregon. 413
FOR HALE The WW of Bin:. !H, T. U8
H., UaDo 19 10. , V. M., near Lake
view, Or. Call ou or addrcHa Cbaa.
V. Elgin, City ltecnrder, Malera.Ore.
i i 4-58
'THE Lake view Aliatract 4 Title Co.
la DJ.'kinfl api-cial in li-et ou A bn tracts
to O. V, L. Co. 'a Tructa and Town
FOR HALK Traislft. Huu. 14, T.8M, K. IV, 10 aorm.
L. i. I'orlur, I'urtlaud, Tuxaii.
FOR BAl.K-Ult M, block 4U. aud tract 11, bu.
1ft, T. Ha, K. Il, lu acrua i'ulur Bwuuxiu, 47u
IjilUltyHt., Hau Prauclnou, Cat.
FOR HALK Lot IM. bluok A7, O, V. L Co. addi
tion, auti N'ul NV, ol NK ol NK'. Hue, t,
T. 40, K. It, III aoruM. Addrvm Krud KunurHr,
KKU 4, box 1(1, Kkiiaai City, Kn. Prion '.:10.
fOR 8 A LU I'raut I, Hun. IB, T. 37, K.K4, 40ori-l.
i. H. fuarano, HI W Alaaiuda Av.Unvr,Col,
KOK BAI.E-l.ot 14, blooa 11W aud traot (, tieo ID,
T 41, K aurea. AddruuTUdeu Ward, 111
K lat Ht, Oat Uolutu, Iow a.
FOR BALK Lot 14, block 130, aud of HK', of
KWU, Him 17. T, R 1, id aorua. Kaui L.
W my. boa 14, Uldvudold, Waali I'rlcu Viu0.
FOR HA LB Lot ft, block :3, O VLaddltlou,
aod ht'A, HW, Htto 17, T 89, R 44, 40 aoraa.
AduiaM J I'lofoo Wolle, Moorbaad, Mluu.
FOR HALK Lot S4, block al l, O V L addition,
and HUol NW)( ol HW, Hoc 1, T B, R Ml, 20
aoroa. Addrea 0. U. Uriuou,'jua Kauaai Ht,
KodHald.H. D.
FORBAI.K-HW ol N, ol HKW oINKU.Seo HA, f
HA, R M, 10 aoroa. Addraaa Laura J. Uovio,
iU4IM)U Ave .oiaudoi
Want Ads
AliMlNl.vru iTDItS NuriCK
in the County Court of Hie HtaU'of
Ori'tion ("i tlii ' mi mi. i ol Lan.
In I lie Mai i-r of Ihf
i-aluie of J M K -KOS
I Kit. Ik-ee jwil
I'o all peioiiH a in mii It may con
ceru :
Notice la lo-rehy ttlven. that the
uinli-r-luiiiil, ailinnilniraior of iIici-m
lalt of JiiincH Kilter iliT-aiHi, Iihm
.i. Miln iiiel llli" I with Hie Coiiuiy Clerk
f I i.e aliove unlit lid cenrl, I lie filial
aecoiilil ol hi. itd'iiliilol ration of I he
e tale of .liiini-K KoHter, ileceawd. and
that the lion. It. I'al.v, .ludif "f the
xah I Coiirl. Inta. hy no ouler duly
made ami entered in "ild C'liirt ami
mailer ou July 14 lull tlxed and
appointed fattirda.v, Auuiit IK, IUI1,
at the hour ol leu o'clock In the fiire
li i 'ii i,f aail da , a the Court Koulil
of ald i oun. at the Court IIoiimo hi
likeew, Lake Coiin'v, Un ifin. aa
aa i he I line and place t r he Hearing
ol objection to hiii. I l- iinl Acconot,
If an v there lie. and i"" 'he -ttl
ineui lliere.l, hi which imb r -aid al- (
iiniiixlraliir la illrv. t- il to line t ;ia
in .lice hy iniiillcaio.i n er,..,i lor four
HiliveaMive and conm I'll 1 1 v eka In
the LaHeC.iuiil.V Hxaiiiiu. r a newaoa
m t ol K-'iier I cireiil.itin'i. puliliMlied
lu aaid c.. II n IV. the llii piihciinon
Ihi-rei.f tola inade .In v JH. hm.I I lie I il
piilillcailoii tn-reof AiikuhI Ii. lull
Hated and Ural pulill-lie l Jul-' I'O.
II. C Hi IIMIM'K. A linitiia
trnlor of the elat' of J it men
t'o.-U'r ihi''aM'i.
ccn i i:sr Norii'K
Uartlnei t of I he Interior, I'ni'cd
HtntiK Lnnd Otllce, UikeVlew, Ore.,
A n if. r, i:h i
To Cornelian .1cSvieney of IVdier
lie', I'o. Cork, Ireland, Coo lee:
Ynl nee hereby not III. d that John
Welahe who (liven Lakcviewv. Oregon.
II h hla iohi- llh'e addrt'HM did ou A. il
eal 6. UMl, tile III lUU otllie Ina dulv
cirrooratad applleat Ion to eooteet
nud eeciire vour lloiii Kmry
No. :ilUI, Het'lnl No. tl I :t IK. n.H.le July
u lain f.,r HWJSW. "ttjW!
Hiv H7, HK'N K'-4, NKSK4'. Section
JX Tow iiahii 3d S, ICauite lu K, Will
amette Meridian, and iim wroundM for
bin con text lie alle(;eM alMiitt Nov.
oiiiImt iVHiV you h ft fur Ireland and
have never ie urud, ihatyou liefer
cultivated the land embraced In vo ir
aaid ei t y, nod that the am y luiprit
veinenia on tile land coiinlHleil of a
lotfcabia IOx 1'.'. without window
or door, aud no lluor
You are therefore, lurtlier notified
that tt.e Hiild udivHtloi a will be taken
by t Ida utile an buvinx been eoiileaad
by you, ami our emld euiry wlb be
cancelled theieiinder wli h'Uit your fur.
titer rlitht lo lie heArd therein, either
before tlila oltlce or on appeal, II you
fail to tile lu thl-ullhe wiililu twenty
dava after the fourth publication ol
Una notice aa hIioivii he'ow, your ao-
wer, under oath, H'lllcall.v uieetlnK
aud reap aid I ii(l lo I bene alleuittloim tl
contcMt. or If vou fall wittiiii 'hiittluie
to tlleilithUnfllce due prtMif that vou
have aerved a ropy of your auawer
the iMtid eon lent ant cither In pern n or
by retriHicrcd mall. If thin xnrvlce la
made by the delivery of a copy of your
nuriwer to the contft:int in peroa
proof of Much mr vice intint tie either
the Huld coutcntxnl'a written ac
knowledgment f bin re;-etpt of the
ropy, ahowlno; the date of ita receipt
or the altldavlt of the iM-rnon by
whom the delivery whm made Mlatlug
when and where the copy waa deliv
ered; II made hy reKiatered mall,
proof of audi aervtce muni con
aiat of the affidavit of the peraon hy
whom the copy w aa nmllcd; stating
when and the poHt-olllce to which
it wuh mailed, and thin atllila
vit muHt be accompanied by the
poHtinaHter'a receipt for the letter.
You Hbould ita to In your aniwer
the name of the poHtofflce to which
you dealre further noticeH to lie lent
to you.
A. W. OUTON, Regiater.
Date of Unit publication Aug. 10, 1011.
' 2ud " " 17,1011.
' "3rd 24.1911.
' 4th " " 31, 1U11.
(Not Coal Lauds)
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Otllce at Lakevie w, Oregon, J uly
22, 1911.
Notice la horeby given that John F.
Ilurke, whnae pom otllce addresn la
Pluah, Lake Co., Oregon, did, on the
18th day of October, 1910, tile iu this
olllce sworn atatemeut and applica
tion, No. 040(12. to purcliane the Nl
NWi. 8tH5. 21. T. 39 H, It 17 E., Wll
iameite Meridian, and tbe limber
thereon, under the provlnlona uf tbe
act of Juue 3, 1878, and acts amenda
tory, known an the "Timber and Stone
Law," at auch value aa might lie
fixed by appraineiuout, and that, pur
suant to auch application, the laud
and timber thereou have been ap
nralaed, at a total of f'i.'il 25. the tim
tier entlmated 175,000 board feet at
$.76 per M, and the land $100.00; that
said applicant will offer final proof in
support of hia application and sworn
statement on the 22nd day of Septem
ber, 1911, before tho Register and Re
ceiver uf the United States Land Of
fice at Lakevtew, Oregon
Any person la at liberty to protest
this purcliane before entry, or Initiate
a couteat at any time before patent
lntniee, by filing a corroborated attl
duvit lu thin ofliee, alleging facts
which wou'd defeat the eutry.
AllTUUK W. ORION. Hegieter.
Ohildron Ory
lu lie t in tut Court ui tnc Htate of
Oreuon fr Lake Couiny.
1)1. k J. Wilcox, ii a Admin
ixtraioi of the entate of Wll
Hum Hatinlia,(lecea"i'd, and
K. t , I'mi.e. an County
Clerk of I ne County IXnirt
of Lull yC.iuiil.v .Oregon.
Inforuiall'iii lor tl ear lieat of the
,ro'ri if f e entate of William
Itahi.ku, di'tK aneil, havllig leell tiled
in I he above emit led conn and caun
b II. V Ktl) Kendall, dlatrlct attorney
or lb i" cull. I proefutliiK attorney
ilUlrlct. I he rtli e Iwing I he thirteenth
Jmlicla ill-trtct of the itof Orea n.
aid itif'.rniathifi allulnn that ou the
Till day ol .IniiiiHr.v, lull, the then
act Ii. K lioverno' f ilie Mlate of Ore
lion, illr-cled I he aaid dl.irlel at to lile an id bfiil'llin tluli; that
Wll lain Kiihnke, ih-ceaned wan the
li-t r ii liwlully 1 ied ol the fol
law I n dei-r lail real r.(M'ft nltu
aleilliiLtke liiiiuly, H.ate of Oie
K' m M: lie. IiiiiIiik thirty feel earl
ol the tun t leant corner o.' block .1, in
I lie 1 1 w ii if'W, fjiike Conoly,
I Iri'gon, mi I ni..nlti4 tiK'o.-e north
fori II' e feel; I bi'lice ca l forty-live
lert; ilie k niiuili foriy-llvti f,-et;
I be ii e weal l"H. tire net lit Ilia nlaee
of Ukiiiiiiu all Hale lu aeci loll tifleeu,
tuw ii-hl Hiblv u i iim. no. i Hi i f ramte
iweul.v, K. W M ; that eaul William
liahnka wan at ln time ol I) la death
Iheoauerof a Urtie aill.aiiil of per
mm 'i I !rop ri.v counlaiiiiif of money,
rllllcalen . f di'oo II. l.iiin,'ho (t lur
utli re and in nil ml nlock val.ed in the
aug'eiiat tl-'iotl"; Ihatnald William
Italinka died liilenlale III L,ake t ..iu.i.
ly, I Ii. nun. at) . I he '.'I'll day of Ail
llll-l P.aJ.'i i'aVbMT no bi'irn, widow,
children ur U'i kluibetl capable nf III
he I'luu any ol the property, and thai
aaid pioiM-rl.v ami tile I It In I herein
han eachcaieil and vented a the Stale
ol tlr'u ui. that on Ilia nd day of
ht-pi nilnT, I'.kl.'i, Dick I. Wl CuX, of
Lor oiiiiiy , lli iv 'tl wan hy o iler
nt the II in. If. Daly, Judge ol the
I'oiiiiiv Cuti l of i-aid comity and
at iul aiaioiuted ailiuluiatruior
of naul elale, and ou the 6th day ol
U.-pieinln-r. Il"6 let tern of ailiniulatra
lloiiofnahl entate duly leaned under
tin' Hnl iii aaid court to aaid Dick, J.
Wilcox: il'at aaid Dick J. Wilcox
thereat er duly iilnlilled a nucli ad
inililn ralur ami took (namenn'oii ol
H.e efb eta aod prmn-ity of aaid eatale
and nuch prooeedliiga were there. Iter
had ill Mich court that all claim
hku!, m( Hani entate aod all expenwn
of ailii.lhiniraliou were paid and the.
iiiliiiliiiNlratlun ul naldeulate ti biially
nil. I mily net I led, and the H .1 i admin
Uimtur han tiled bin tinai a'Count of
the adiiiuii-iraii.i'i ol mid erlat in
naul C.'iliity tourt, ntid that i-aid tiual
HCCuUiit wiia lu ail thltikia approved
V the Indue of aaid court on the 'JO h
day oi May. 1911, and all court lound
anil decreed tlialHahl William liahuk
dleu lutealate and left no heir or helm
at la norvlviiiK, but that ald per
aolial pr ipcriy en heated to the ntate
id Ori'KOt.; that lo the tirier approv
ing aaid Dual account aaid county
court ilecrit-d that aaid adiiibilntraior
deliver over the ponnecalou of all of
en id pr..M-rty reiiialuiag uuapproprl
aU'd and unexp. udel In bin baoda to
thecli-ik uf nald county court; that
K. W. I'avueN the clerk of aaid couuty
court claiiiia no lu'ereat lb any of
tile pro4-rty of aunt entate; that Dick
J. Wdcux either aa adinltjhtt'ator or
otherwiM' claiiiia no Interest in any
of the prtK'rty ol aaid entate, and
thai uo oi her (H-rnou or pertolia claim
any iuterext or r gbt lu nald emale or
the p:nperty thereot; that Ihe p-r-aoual
property ol aaid ealate In In the
puHM'HHiou of I''. W. I 'ay ne, an clerk .f
the county court of Cake county.
Oretfou. and the real property of auld
entate la III tiie ponaeHHion of Dick J.
Wilcox, aa admiiiictrator oi the eatate
uf William liahuke, deceotH'd; and
that Huld real property in at thin time
unoccupied. It in ordered that all ier
ami iDlert'Hted In the entate "f the
above-named William Uabnka, de-
ceaned, arw hereby mpilred to appear
in tut ahove entitled court on or De
fore the let day .of September, 1911,
and tliow caune, tf auy tbey have,
why the tttis to allot the above de
Hcribed property and all of the pro
perty of tho estate ol the aaid William
liuhiiko, ileceaeed, ehould not vent lo
tiie state of Oregon. It fa further or
dered that thin order ahull le pub
Uahed tor at leant alx succeeaive weeks
from the date thereof lu the Lake
County Examiner, a newapaper of
general circulation, publlahed In 1 ake
county, state ol Oregon.
Dated thin 8th day of July, A. D ,
Judge of the Circuit Court ol tbe
State of Orenoii for I aae County.
Date of first publication July 13,
Not CocJ k.and
Impart niene of the Interior. U. 8
Land Ottice at Lakeview, Oregon,
July 17, lull.
Notice la hereby given that Nannie
M. Craves, whone poet ofliee address
in Lakeview, Oregon, did, on tbe 8th
day of AuguHt, 1910, die in tbia office
Mworn Statement and Application,
No. 03922, to purchase the NW,
N W),', Hec. 34. Tuwnelilp 39 S, Range
17E, Willamette Merldlau, and the
timber thereon, under the provisions
of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts
amendatory, known as the "Timber
and Stoue uaw," at such values as
might be a I tiled by appralsment, and
that, pursuant to such application,
the land and timber thereon have
been estimated and valued by ap
plicant at a total of $100, the timber
estimated at 100,000 board feet at
$.60 per M, and the lai.d 120 1 that
said applicant will offer final proof In
support of ber application and sworn
statement on the 14th day of He pte in
ner, 1911, before Register and Receiver,
U. 8. Land office, at Lakeview. Ore.
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initial
a contest at any time before patent filing a corroborated affi
davit in this ottice, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register.
Al Rolierta baa accepted the agency
of the noted Ltmm clothing, and
has Just received samples of all tbe
latest weaves, which he is now displaying.
(Not Coal Land)
Department of the Interior, V. K.
1 d oflli at .fyakevlaw, Oregon,
July in, 1MI1.
Notice in hereby, given that Alfred
II Harniim, wboae pontufllcs addrean
In Lnkevlew, Ori-tfon, did, on tbe 27th
day of Hepte, 1910, file In t Ida of
flee aworn nf.atemerit and ntipllcfiilon
No Mm. to purchanelhn V NW,
See, II, Town-hip 37 H., Kange !W K ,
Wlllainelle Meridian, and the timber
thereon, under the pro vial, ma of the
act of J ii ne 3. 1H78, and nets amend
atory, known an tbe "Timlar and
Htone Law." at Midi value aa might,
b fixed by aporaiaement. and that
Hlmu-tut to filch apiillcHtioo, the
land and timber thereon have been
appraiacd ta iota of 200, thetirn
ln-r eailmated 100 (kX) board fi-et at
I 7.1 ter M, and tbe land $W; that
xld applicant will offer filial proof In
npportof hia nppllcaiiou and aworn
atn'erneii' n'-j the 14th day ofHepretn
'.er. 1LMI. h ' On Uaglnter ami Re.
(Iver of Ihe United B la. tea Laud Of
liee, at Cnkevlew, oreuon
Any pemou In at llliertj to proteat
thin piirclni In-fnre entry, or Initiate
a corileat at any time before patent
Inniica, by filing a corroborated att
davl' In thin ollice, alleging fin ta
which would defeat iheentrv.
AltTHUK W.ORTON. Itik-l-ter.
(.Not (Vial Lnndn;
Department oi the Interior U. 8.
Iatid Otllce at l-akevlrw, Oregon,
July 22, Hill
Notice la bireby n'ven that Mary F.
lis .era, wIiiidh p.mtotfice add'enn I
Lakeview. Oregon, did. on the I2th
tay of January, 1911, tile in thin office
worn atateinetit and application No.
04 .T7S. to pin hane the N NKtf S.-c
10. T. : 8 . It. 1 I K . W illametie Me
(Idlaii, anil the timber tie re.. n. under
tee provlnlona if the act ot J line 3,
1h7n, and H'-t aineiidal'ry, knowo aa
'ha " ritnlnT and Stotje law," at audi
value an inlnht lie fixed hi apprale
ni.'tit. ami that, pursuant to nu Ii ap
plication. Ihelatid and tiintn-r th.-reo i
l.ave ta-en aiipralned at a. total of
$.'ir, "u the timber enti mated 100 OiK)
board f.-c' at f 1.2.j per M. and the land; that -rid applicant wnl offer
linal proof in aupport of bin applica
lion and nworn atatemeut ou the 22nd
da of September, 1911. before the
Kegialer ami ' Receiver of tbe L'liited
stated Laud Ollloe, at Lakeview, Ore
rou. Any iernon It at liberty to proteat
thin purchase In-fore entry, or initiate
a contest at auy time la-fore patent
Innuen. by tilina a corroborated affi
davit in thin olHce, alleging factn
whlcTi would defeat the entry.
ARTHUR W. uRTON. R-clater.
(Not Coal Laud)
Depart men t of the Interior U. S.
Land Oltiee at Lakeview, Oregon,
Jnlv 27. 1911.
Notice ih lieri'b., given that"Ao
drew II. Canterbury, of Silver Lake,
Oregon, who ou June 3. 1117, made
eert land entry. No. 0160. for h4,
Section 9, Tiwunbip 348. It nge ?5E,
Willametle M- ridian, haa filed notice
of Itit- nilon to make Final Proof, to
entabliah. claim to the land above
dercilbed. In-fore R- glnter and Recelv
oj the United Staten Uml utucr, at
l-akevlew. Ijtke Co.. On'iron, ou the
7th day of i4pteinber, 1911.
Claimant named an wltnennea:
Andrew Aod.-roou, Jamea II. Tur
pin and John Ekblom, all of I'lunh,
Oregon, and W. It. Hart, of Lakeview,
ARTHUR W. ORTON. Reirlnter.
In the v-ouoty Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Lake County Oregon
In the matter of the I
Guardianship of Hovt
Vernon, Merveu Ver- i JORDER TO
non, Florence Vernon, V SHOW
Verg'a Vernou aud I CAUSE
James Vernon, Mln- I
ore J
This matter coming on regularly to
be heard at this time upon the peti
tiou of Retta McKeiuy, the duly ap
pointed, qualified and acting Guard
ian of the estates of Hoyt Vernon,
Marven Vernou. Florence Vernou,
Vergla Vernon, aud James Veruon,
Minora: And it appearing from such
petition that It is neceesary and will
be liene tidal to said wards and each
of them that the following real es
tate be sold to-wlt: NJ, of 8W,
SEJa'NW., Sec. 34, Tp. 39 S. R. 20 E.
W. M., alno the followlmi: Beginn
ing at a polut 478 feet East of the
South went corner of the SW SW
quarter of Sec Cue in townnhlp 40
S.R. 2tE. W.M., thence ruuning north
40 rod-: thence east to tbe east line of
nald 40 acre tract, thence south to the
southeast corner of said tract: thence
went to place of beglnnlng.cotxalnlng
12.75 acres more or less: There ore It
Is hereby ordered, adjudged, and de
creed that theuext of kin of said
wards and all persons interested In
naid est i ebe, and they are hereby
directed to appear before this Court
at the County Judge's office iu the
Court bonne In Lakeview, take
County, Oregon, on the 1st day of
September, ltfll, at the hour of Ten
o'clock in the forenoon thereof, to
show caune why a License shall not
isnoe for the sale of said above dee
c Hied real property, aud It Is hereby
ordered that a copy of this order lie
personally served upon Rett a Mc
Kemy, tbe mother and next of kin ot
nald Minors, and that a copy be pub
lished three succesnlve weeks inthe
Lake Countv Examiner, a newspaper
of general circulation in Lake Countv
Oregon, Done at Chambers this, 3d
day ot August," 1911.
B. DaLY, County Judge. 8-1f4t
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon In and tor Lake County
vs. NO. 61
Geo. T. North, Marcia ' NOTICE
North, Agnes J. Lee, and OF SALE.
Louise Lee, Deiendants. J
To Geo. C. North, Marcia North,
Agnes J. Lee, and Louise Lee, Defend
ants; and to all .whom It may con
cern: Notice Is hereby glveu that under
and by virtue of an execution and or
der of sale duly Issued out of the otllce
oi the clerk of tbe Circuit Court ot the
State ot Oregon In aod tor Lake
County on the29th day of July, 1911,
In the above eutitled suit upon a de-
cree made and entered o' record In the
said circuit Court In afd auit on the
14th day of June, 1911. In favor of the
above named plaintiff and ngaluat
the delcnileiiia t lie re i ii named dire t
ing the aale of the uretulnea her. In-1
after particularly deacrltied to atl-iy ,
Judgement and decree of said Circuit
Court In aaid eult reo.ier.-d amonot-,
fng to the sum of Five Hundred nei
aud 34 100 dollar, with Interent Uiere-'
on at tbe rate of eight (-r cent from
and after tbe 3d day of April. 1911.
and for the an in of Cue II u tnl nil
Fifty (160) Dollara aiiorory feea ant;
aud for the further mi in of Mxiecu aud
SO-100 ($10.MJ) Dullarn. routs aud ll-
btiraeinentM and to include accruing
coats hereon :
Now then for under and by virtue
of awld executioo and In riminiliiirr
with the order -f thin court recited lu I
aaid writ, I hsv- duty levied upon the!
hereinafter dencrila-d premle and
willon 2nd day of Heptenila?r.I91I,at 10
o'clock, a. m of aaid day, at theiront !
door of the courtboune in the city of
Iakevlew, rounty of lnke, slate of
Oreyon. aell at public antlon audi
outcry to the higlieat bidder tlierelor
forcanh In baud all of the rlht,,
title, interent, ealate and demand. In :
equity or at la w, Including tenement, I
bereditameota or appunenancen I
thereto iK-iotiging or In any im
pertalninitof tbe above named tieo
C. North, Marcia North, A no en J.
Lee, and Louiae Lee, or ol tbone
clnimliiK by, through, or under them
in and to the South Half of ihe Nor b
weat Quarter of (Section Thirtv-ihree
SWJ of See. 33) Tow. ablp Thlrtv
Houib. Fourteen Kant t R14E)
Willamette Meridian. Iake County,
Oregon, or mo much thereot an mat
be necessary for the nailniactlon of
nal.l etecntion and order ofeaieln-t
eluding conia, attorneys fees ud ac
cruing coeta.
The proceeds of the aaid sale will
be applied to the aatinfaclion of Haul
execution and order of nale, judgment
and interest, attorney fe.-n, i-xatts aod ,
accruing contn, and the overplus If
any there lie to be paid into the court I
to be aoplied as by law required and
Dated at Lakeview, Lake County,
Oregon, Oils 29th dav of Jnlv. 1911.
V. 11 8X1 DKR,
Sheriff of Lake County, Htate of
Oregon 83
(Not Coal Land)
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land OtH.e Ht Lakeview, Oregon
August 4. 1911.
Notice is herebv glveu that Ce rge
R. Parman, of Eairleville, Cslifornia,
who. on flciolier 27, 1910, made Tim
ber and Stone Application, No. 040S2.
for W NEJi. Section X, Township
40, ItaDgeZl K. v lliamette Men lao.
Iimi filed notio of inteution to make
Final Proof, to establish claim to the
land above wiener! bed. before Reulst?r
and Receiver of tbe United States
Land Office, at Lakeview, Lake
County, Oregon, on the 6th day of
October, lull.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank Mulkev and L. M.-Cullev. of
Lakeview; j. Parraao, ot Eagle-!
ville, (.alifornla, and Ueorge Wimar,
of Fort Hid well, California,
A. W. ORTON, Register.
years known as B-n,Sfcst. Always Keli-aJ
S 1,000 REWARD
Tbe Oreaon Ca
Ifornla aod Nevad
Lire Hiock Proteo
Ion AiaoclatloD, o
which lha ondor
aliened la a member
will aive I '.(00 00
reward lot eridenoe
leading to ihe
rent aud eonvictioa
ol ny parly or par
ties atealinaj horaea.
cattle or mules be
loDKlnstoauj of lu
la addition to tha above, tbe onderslaned
iiffera on tha same condition tin 0.00 tor aU bora
te branded horse-ahoe bar on both or either
taw. Brand recorded In eight oountlea. Range
Barney, Lake and Crook oountlea. doraea
rented when sold.
None but grown horses sold, and only In large
nhches W. W. Bbown. File. Oregon
aaaaausBasai Glrlaor boys can earn this b -an-
r,- - 1 tilul Gold Filled Neckehaln. Sell
r," -- tifui ooia ruiea eckonaln.
iv' ''-JM papera ol Oold-Kje Needle
.'tol i ic a paper, send us tbe $1 Ou i
ifv'.;-- we will aeud you this One Ni
Needles at
, . , - 1 n d nit. . .. u ;uu ,uw uu . -
tt-Sfa 1 Suppy Comtany
a. iiaiMaf Bo BKATTLK, WASU.
For Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Hare Always Bought
Sears the
Blgnatora ot
Cuts and bruises may lie healed in
about one-third tbe time required by
the U'ual treatment by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment. It Is an
antiseptic and causes such injuries to
heal without maturation. This lini
ment also relieves soamess ot the
muscles. For sale by all good dealer.
Do You Know
Tbat you can always depeud ou
the nicest, freshest Biead at the
and that we serve an excellent
cup of coffee with cake rolls or
pte for teu ceuts.
City Bakery
Near th Toopiono OfHo0
I.dif-I Am jwir Unifrlai far
I'lIU la Hrel ami 4..11 irtliAV, tctiieil .tJa hum Kibbon,
Ikntarartat. Awk frnre II IU 1 Ifl- MTM
The Willis Furniture Co.
will sell the celebrated
at enst fis they intcinl to
discontinue that brunch
id the business.
This is the Piano the Shcf
henh handle and we will
keep it in repttir
eight years.
This is a rare chance to
get a first class instru
ment cheap
A Reliable
Ely's Crca.-n Calm
la quickly abaorbed.
Citea Ralicf al One.
ltcletuivi, aoo'he.
heal aud protects
the diHeiwd mem
brane r.-auHiaf; from
Ca:a:Th and drives
away a Cel 1 In the
Head lie
stores tbe t-enaes of
:ay ruin
Taate and S.ih-IL Falliz 50 cts.. .t I'nii:-
gists or by mail. In li-jtii 1 form, ' ' fcU.
Kly Brothers, 60 Warren Street, Nev- York.
Fresh Fruit
a n d
fSi l Min now prrcarrtl
Xi I to furnish Stifkmea
. II Ranchers and other
FtVHh Fruit ami Green
Vege tab leg of all kinds
everv day In the' week.
Special attention given tn
wail orders, which will Im
shipped the morning fol
io wing receipt of order
J. P. Duckworth
"witKatrwBfftK and
tHey al-waijrs pleas
It you want a nice little home
this is the place for yon.
New three-room house, neatly
papered. Lot and Furnishings, Just
as it stands; Range and Cooking
Utensils; set of Havilin China;
(100 Victor Urapbaphone and Re
cords; 11 x 93 Wilton Velvet Rug,
good as new; Axmlnlster Rngs and
Carpet; Oak Morria Chair; Princess
Dresier; Sanitary Couch and Cush
ions; Spring Mattress: Bedding,
Curtaius, Pictures, Books and other
things too numerous to Mention.
Also Ten acres of good land.
(650 takes the whole thing at
once. Oeo. Wealeder, Owner.
Enquire three doors below Mr.
Batchelder's house.
Nu Oakland. California
I he only Woman's College on the Pacific Coast.
Chartered 1885. Near two great Universities.
Ideal climate tnrougnoui me jr:r. . ...".
...a aru.lx.tint, miiiirementa euulvalent to
i those of Stanford and University of California.
Laboratories for science with modern equip
Iment. Excellent opportunities, for home
.economics, library study, muaio and art.
Modern gymnasium. Special care lor benua
! of students, out-door life. President, Luella
flay Carson, A. M., Litt. D.. LL D. tor
! cataloii'ie a.idreas Secretary, Mills College l'
Ohildron Ory
. sm . .. K