1 rii 1 I il I 3 i 5 ! I 4 lid 14 Ms: 1 1 hi,- . aaibti.,..... ,k r-- iy nn& Lai. GoiMy Tatey 1 5 1 ri r9i u nru $100 REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR ANY STATEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING ADVERTISEMENT THAT IS NOT A CONCRETE FACT We are on the main North and South located and approved Harriman System survey. This survey is the final location, all easements curvatures, etc., being actually located, estimates being made down practically to a spike, maps are filed m the U. S. Land Office and approved. This is the point selected by the above Railroad for the Town to accommodate the Chewaucan and connecting Valleys, comprising about 75,000 acres. Following note the exatf wording which ap pears on the above railroad's final profile at this point: "This is the Eastern edge of the Chewaucan Valley, containing about 75,000 acres of good agricultural land. A good sized town as trading and marketing center of this valley will develop here. ' The survey passes through only about three miles of the valley. We have the center mile and the ONLY LEVEL GRADE. Grades on each side, all through the valley are practically maximum grades, pitching about thirty-seven feet in a mile, which means a 7-10 grade, the heaviest grade on the line is 8-1 0. Of the lots sold to date, 8 have been sold to that many men connected with the engineering dept. of above system, some of which hold high positions. We have the purest and coldest of water at NINE feet. This is the LOWEST VALLEY in Lake County and therefore we believe the best. The townsite was laid out by experienced en gineers in this line of work, and can hardly be im proved upon. This sale will continue but a very short time and may be withdrawn at any time. 50 per cent, of all the proceeds of this sale will be put in substantial improvements for the town site, such as trees, pumping plant and grading. ) " '" . , 11H-WMIIP.I till l , I l..H.U. my $50 buys a 25x 1 30 business lot, right down close where the two main 1 00-ft. streets cross. $5 each month, no interest. Now is the time to secure choice selections Good townsite investments are about the best investments on earth. Be sure though that you in vest in a legitimate proposition; one that has not only a good reason and evidence for its existai.ee, but one that is an assured live one with a railroad. If you believe as we do that the railroad fc a very short way ahead, figure what a lot wKl be worth on its advent. Farm property sometimes doubles and trebles. Good town lots often increase ten fold or more. Beware of fake townsites. From now on they will spring up like mushrooms. Be seted and rea sonable. Invest where the reason justifies. Handsome profits are going to be realized in this country when the railroad arrives. Why not be one? After it starts it will be too late. Twenty-five miles from Lakeview? twenty-five miles from Paisley; twenty-five miles from Plush; fifty-three miles from the East and West survey? a probable division point; 75,000 acres of fine valley land. Fine climate and fine water. Large bodies of fine timber close by. Vast winter range adjoining on the North. Unsurpassed scenery, fishing and trapping. BEAT OUR COUNTRY IF YOU CAN. We are less than two years old; have main stage through here; M.O. Postoffice; weather station; five paying business lines two more to be erected this sum mer and arrangements for artesian water are completed with Geo. Edes the driller to sink a well. This valley surpasses in fruit, wheat, oats, barley, rye, hay, alfalfa and root crops. FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT WHERE IS ITS EQUAL? $5.00 PER MONTH NO INTEREST CHOICE SELECTIONS $5.00 DOES IT Remember This Sale is Limited and this Ad Will Run But a Short Time. Send for Photographic Plat JEM1MGS MEYER REALTY VALLEY FALLS -:- LAKE COUNTY -:- OREGON M 1 : r -.ft If ?1 I 15 a 1 I SIS Hi 8li i m - I 1 1; It 1 i m in,.- - .fj ;fr?:f;,tt,.rfJ4.H