Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 17, 1911, Image 2

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    Lakeview Saddlery
A complete line of
names, whips,
rubra, bits, rintra,
ettrs, etc., etc.
JbVA . fV,' t(
F.vrrj tiling In the
line of rarrlage
and htwae furnish
ings. Itrpalrlng
by competent
Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM
X V.,w,.
The trou bits the ordinary storekeeper
in ui) against is securing thin salesman
ship on paperj have ou ill nod. He run
purchase advertising space readily
enough and ao long as he buvt enough j
Reported by the Lakeview
Abstract and Title
- t .. I , ........ ....1.1 4.. I
'u.-rwrul display he ha done nil that ' r lho ww,k' m,,l, Al'"",t
.1 ....! . I A -J.. J .I.-. '
inw su'.rsrnii riii-rcnami run uu in wmi
The following transfer were record-
Abstracts toO.V.L. Property
. lorciich tract ofland in Lake Co.
Cv -f T (. or -'t--h Town Lot in Lakeview,
V Orcjjon, including first deed from
- ' the Company.
Get our special prices for Abstracts of Title to any
real estate in Lake County.
Aiivcrl&ins Service
The C.C.ZIMM-PM VI r?.c:-l.T.u.
Persistent Advertising
Bring-s Business
Success '
If the money that is spent every .war
by "occasional" advertisers wi re add-
! eJ ud it would be found to amount to
j a large sum. Uy "occasional" adver
j tisers 1 mean the using of spice ut
I irregular periods in your newspaper.
respect. H it when it cornea to filling
the space the question assume a
different shape.
Advent lament construction is a iiriH
tessinn like medicine or law. When
vi ate ack you ko to physician.
When your business want toning ui,
why should you not ko to hut-lness
doctor ? an advertising expert? There
are on the market a number of what
are called Syndicate Advertising Ser
vice. These ran be obtained hh low aa
one dollar P,r week. They give out
j precisely the same service aa ia elven
j to department store and national ad
! verliaera by firt-class individual ad-
vertising managers. These aervicea
are UNually miitlied in a acriea ot
'fiftv-two advertisement, one fir each
j week in the year, together with fifty
; two copperplate cut of high grade
illustrntion.4 drawn by high aalaricd
artists. The advertisements are con
structed by writers of national reputa
tion and with great experience, men
; who have made aucceaa for thousands
Local publicity ia often done this way of other retailer in the same position
i under the excuse of helping the paper.
: but the real reason, if the advertiser
could be got to admit it. ia that he ia
; half hearted r bout the matter. He
partly looks upon advertising as a lux
ury anyhow, an., so curtuils. hia exn--n-
, (iiture on it to the lowest limit. j
Allhought the retailer may regard
publicity as a luxury, it yet seems to
be a dream on his part that one day ne (
will make some real success and a
as yourself. The low price charired
fur these advertisements is only made
Possible because of the thousands of
the same advertisement that are sold
to different merchants throughout the
country. Only one merchant in euch
town ia allowed to use the service for
hia own trade.
Particulars of the beat of these syn
dicated advertising services may be
had irom the editor of this journal
Daily Service Kxcept on Sundays
Tiain No. 2 leaves Alturas at - - - 5:05 A. M.
Arnvs ;t Reno, Nevada, at - - - 6:05 P.M.
nam Io. 1 leaves Reno, Nevad, at - 8-Ao A. M.
Arrives at Alturas at 9:50 P. M.
S. P. Co's Trains leave Reno as fo'lows:
No. 23 leaves Reno for San Francisco at - 7:30 p m.
No. 3 leaves Reno tor San Francisco at - 2:45 a. m.
No. 4 leaves Reno for the East at - - - 9:25 p. m.
No. 2 leaves Reno for the Cast. at ... 9:50 p.m.
to-date merchant, to get them at
once. "The early bird catches the
worm" is a true saying and it is no
where better exemplified than in this
case ; the retuiler who uses a service
of this kind here now will start idm-
A Complete Record
We have made an entire transcript ot all Record In Lake
County which In any way, affect Keal Property In the county.
We have a complete Itecord of every Mortgage and transfer
aver made In Lake County and ever De-d given.
Errors Found in Titles
in transcribing the record we have found nomerona mort
ageri recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many
deeds) are recorded tu the Mortgage record aud other booka.
Hundred of mortgages and deed) are not Indexed at all, and
mot difficult to trace up from the records).
We have notations of all these Errors.
Others auuot fln them ve have pot Hundreds of dollars
banting up tlifse errors, and we can fully guarantee oar work.
handsome fortune through advertising. , and I earnestly advise you, as an up-
Indeed, down deep in all retailers'
hearts is a feeling that money can
positively be made through advertising.
They know that huge for.un. s have
been and arc being piled up by retail
merchants with the aid of this limit-
' less force, and they have secret hopes ; self on a near cut to independence and
; that one day they also may strike the j fortune.
' royal road to success. If they but
j knew it that road lies straight and
; plain before every retailer in the
.... 19 U ... ... 1 1 ..!.. V. : . .
to see it. j
John Wanamaker, the great New J
1 Ynrk and Philadelphia retail merchant.
rn one occasion said: "Advertising!
dosen't jerk ; it pulls." It begins very I Portland. Aug 10.- A veteran loca
! gently at first, but the pull is steady, j tion engineer who has been in North
j It is likened to a team nulling a heuvy western railroad service for years and
j load. A thousand spasmodic, jerky j who has roughed it over thousands of
; pulls will r.ot budge that load, while mies tf projected rail lines in Mon
j one-half the force in steady effort willjatna. Idaho, Washington and Oregon ia
j start and keep it moving." ! jn Portland with information to the
I Here is the kolution in a nutshell j effect that the "high spots" which the
steady effort. The merchant who uses j Hill interests will touch in their in-
newspaper space "occasionally" is ; vasion of California are : Iogan City,
j simply wasting his efforts. It is the! Mont., on the Northern Pacific mam
steady pounding-and pounding again j jne ; Salmon City. Idaho, on the Pifts-
that makes success in advertising as burg & Uilmore survey, now opened by"
j in everyth ng else. All advertising is J the Hills ; Profile Gap. Laredo. Boise
good in proportionate degree to how it Mr Lakeview. Or. He says there is
i is done, and even occasional .advertis-. every indication that Hill has begun in
Apples Apples Apples
Keeping Qualities
Wanted, Irrigated, Sprayed and Cared for
Price $150 per Acre
One-third down, balance $20 per month
No Taxes, No Interest
Tri-State Land Company
Lakeview, Oregon
Write for Booklet and Information
ing has some value, but to be success-
ful to the point of permanently in
! creasing your bank account, it must
j be done persistently and svatemati-
What would you say about a clerk in
1 your store who waited on your custom-
era for a day or two then sat down to
rest for a few more days., leaving the
i customers to attend to themselves?
! You know how long your business
I would last under such conditions. It
' is the same with newspaper advertis
ing. Publicity Jn your newspaper is
simply salesmanship on paper, and the
same ru'e applies to it as apply to
salesmanship in your Btore.
Continuous effort and eternal polish
ing up of ideas and methods are nec
essary to make success either as a
personal salesman in your store or as
a salesman in your newspaper.
You advertise to sell your goods and
keep your name in front of the people.
j It is only reasonable to suppose that
! you will be better able to do this with
persistent effort than with spasmodic
attempts. If you were to tell a man
or woman daily about the quality and
prices of your wares you would produce
more effect than if you were to talk to
him or her at uncertain intervals.
The question of changing the sales
manship or "copy" In your advertising
space is an important one. It acta this
j way. Suppose you naa a pile or gome
I special goods for sale. Suppose you
were determined to sell some of those
goods to gome particular customer.
After you had asked that customer to
buy those goods would you. the next
time you approached her, use exactly
the same language and arguments?
You know you would not. You would
hunt ud new ideal to attract her atten
tion, new ways of convincing her and
new methods to get her to buy. You
must apply the same principles to your
advertising. You must be contiunally
hunting up ideas, new arguments and
new ways of attracting and holding
attention. Salesmanship in newspapers
is just the same as salesmanship behind
y jur counter.
earnest the campaign to enter
great Harriman stronghold.
In the general merger of unconnect
ed lines and surveys which Hill has
been gradually acquiring with a view of
connecting them and piecing the isolat
ed stretches into links of a through
transcontinental trunk line to San
Francisco, there are the following
completed main lines, connecting lines
and projects: Northern Pacific main
line. Pittsburg & Gil more. Pacific &
Idaho Northern, Boise & Western.
surveys which Hill disposed of to the
Harrimans but retained a right for
joint use through the Malheur Canyon,
the Nevada. California and Oregon
now under construction from a point
on the Western Pacific to Lakeview,
Or., and the Western Pacific mainline
into San Francisco.
From Lakeview, in the southern
part of this state the Hills will sweet)
eastward through the Malehur valley
into Boise. Thence the route of the
Pacific & Idaho Northern will be fol
lowed as far as Lardo, a point on Big
Payette Lake, then east up Payette
Creek, through the Sawtooth Kange
down Lick Creek to the South Fork of
Salmon River, up the East Fork of
the South Fork of Salmon River to
Profile Gap, Down the Big Auk to
Middle Fork to the main Salmon
River, up the Salmon River on the
survey of the Pittsburg & Gilmore to
Salmon City and then across Montana
to Logan City on the Northern Pacific.
('.. T. Parker to O. S. Parker. Un
divided t of SJ SF1. Sec. 34. 27-13.
$100. ,
O. W. Michael to C. Sample. Lot 27.
Hlk. 3:11. O. V. L. Add.
Irene Darnall to Mabel K. IVrlgo.
Lot Hlk. 41. O. V. L. Add. N S
SWJ SEJ Sea. 15. 3919.
I.. F- Hcrrv to II. W. Reed. Com
mencing 27 rwN. N of SW corner of
Lot 4, Sec. 19. 41 21. R 142 rod. S 25
ft W 142 rod. N 25 ft to place of be-
S. P. Moss t Jennie Holder. NW
SWJ. Sec. 31-19.
Jennie Holder to S. P. Moss. SKI
NWJ. See, 34. 34-19.
Hirrlet Walters to A. II.. I. U.. an I
C. L Utrnum, Lot 30 of Walter's
Second A Iditmn
A I. I.o Fike to Roy Fike. Lots 8 & 9
In BIK. M O. V. L. Add. N NW
h'Kl. See. 32. 40 19.
J O. I) .run to I). Paul Sheltnn. Lot
8, Hlk. 262 O. V. L. Add. SJ SKI NW.
Se. 17. 37-25.
U. S to K. lU-ett. NKJ SW. Sec.
32. 39 20
llenrv P. Stiver to L. It. Kliks W
See. 2. 3-t-lil.
I. . C l nteud to Dle Lincoln. N
SWJ NWJ Sec 23. 37-25. $100
II. to C. P. Jackson. Isit 33.
Hik 2 to. O. V. I Add. SWJ NKJ.
Sec. 25. 39-20. $200.
C. O. Gilrain to J. S. Gilrain. Lot 4.
Rlk. a O V. L. Add. $50.
N. 1 Tracy ct al to J. K. Tracy.
SKJ See. 18. 39-18.
. .. Wlllum H.Tl
, Jam. H.Hhaiman
'lr IToaMonl. . . ,
Viri.r l stum ; I'hllmi.l.'t v. k inn
" 'ii"i i "'iini; rraimiin miU'Vlii
wrrinrir ul Wr Jx-olt II Ini aila,,u
lt..rnr t.vnrral (Imiry W, Wli-ketahain
PuniMtir lt.wirl,,, , , Frank II, lllt.hi(Mk
rfiarjnt Navjr (I.i.ri Von I.. Mr
WTKIarrliiisrlnr Hli hard A. Ilalllti.n,
r.-lat) n AarlrullMra Janica Milium
-r ! Ctuiinorre I'liarlxa Naa
''Iff Jualli-a t'liart.a K.lwanl V lilia
Vmi Hon Vtarner, I). . namti I oiiiiiilMiinirr
4. Hh'liarila U.S. IjiihI Cninmiaaliinai
. rnor ... . .,..,..,,
Wo'arr nl dials
Tro inner ..
Ml iriii'ji Osnsra!
"il. I'iiIiiiu luairiH'llon. .
t'riium . , , , ,
IhMl.H .. 1 L'. .... I L.H
K senator.
'O arvaatitas
hlsf IiihIc
... wal. Wnal
. . Tin. 11, K at
. tl.rraaiurd
, I.. M. alilarman
W, s. Imniway
. . J W. Hall..
I Juliaaihau Hournu.Jr,
I ni. K. I liaiiiliarlaln
in..', Hmwl-f
M , lffvrir
m a.
if.A. M..r
J H. J n.-au
J u. II, Iturnoll
VI A. ilrllfl.lo
otttu jcnniaL Mntin.
I els
kilo, tifr
..Hi-nrjr 1.. Hn.n
1. V. KujriPiKiaJl
ml rtiiualur .,
...... II M.'rryinan
i H I' llolkiiau
L Thinntia
il s
.rioiir A . tiriiii.
r-4 C i ruiii'iitii tir
I. A Mi OKril.'k.
. HaslaUr
. k..iivr
'M'luu ...
tiwriff ,
rva.ur.-r .
lanl ?Ht
ia HiMltiMurt
t'ouuijr a lnaiMMt)ir.
H Pal
. ...r w I.,,,;
. . . W H aui,ir
, r. o
A.J, r.tutr
. . H. a, Ja'-taoa
i . . .S, A. M uaUta
I 4. H.uarl
T K Amlarxm
I) I'. Mallnf
.1 .:ra liailuy
4 - ii.-n lua i
J I. IIK.l
I H. Autati i
I. . 1-a.iia I
a. siiuiiif
rtitf'H r .
... . Majroi
Co muiluiku
. . HiNujrtjMr
. I rxaaurar
.!. Ml IKK
''"" - K. U. Miliar
V. L. siii-iiiuaj
luam-a i amihiiiriuau I.. rM unu
Un.iria. -. K. tk...,.
""" " ........ W. r lT..
W. ! tl.-r li.r.t
II. W. triua
H V. h.bart
Kmi ii llratiiiarisr Inr Miraii.-ra
io a
, n ... .1 1 ii ,. i i i'nH. (if iliarrohea can.
H a rill- i- . ! I . V II ini;li llil-, nf
I hiiuili.-. in,i" U"lic I'li.iii'tii un. I i i
rroiici I; iiii-ilv. I his ri-m.-il.v has n.
- 1 1 1 r i . t- fur liuwel - tu pi hi it t m.
hIm liv nil giiisl den let a
- . .. ii,--.-iiii
a-lli-a" A i.l Kir
.rriKsl)f 1'iinliailjr in, u.-i i i
Iry lnjr prcar!illona simply 1.. fl
op dry uiatiurru ; they dry up thw secretions,
which iidhoro to tli taemliruue aud duuonu
pose, vausing a fur more serious trouble
than the ordinurv form of cuUirrh. Avoid
all drying iubulauts, fumes, smokes and
snuffs aud u thut whlcli elouuaeH, soothes
and heuls. Klv'i C'rcum liulm will master
catarrh or cold in tlio heud easily and
pleasuutly. All druuL'isIa s. ll the Ii0 cent
size. Kiy Urothers, 60 Wurren ritreot,
New York.
The liuliii is used without rsdu. dues not
irriUttu or cause hiioczint;. It sir aiU itself
over an irritated and angry surface, n-liev.
ing Imrusiliutely the painful iuuiiiuumlion.
Ely's Cruaui ilulm contains uo oocaiuo,
tnereuiy nor other harmful drugs.
Indications are that work will be
begun on the road from Klamath Falls
to Merrill in the near future. The i
road to be known aa the Modoc North- j
ern Railway, in the property of the i
Southern Pacific. The contracts fort
right of way in the vicinity of Merrill
provide that work must be started by
September next. Some few weeks
ago the persons who hail sold right f
wav to the Modoc-Northern were noti
fied to remove the improvements from
the premises. This ia taken to indi
cate that some action is to be taken in
the immediate future.
It ii undertsood that the contractors,
Erickson & Pettcrsen. on this end of
the Klaamth Falls-Natron cut off will
complete their contract early this fall
and that very little work can be doner
on this road until late next Soring
The condition has given strength to
the report that Erickson & Pettersen
are to begin work on the road to Mer
rill just as soon as they complete their
present contract. The road to Merrill
traverses the Klamath basin and is
practically level. If the entire force
of Erickson & Pettersen were trans
ferred to this project there is no rea
son why the Modoc-Northern should
not be operating trains betweed the
two towns by the first of the year.
ttiuiKil al lua. m. I'rcarhniK ! "..Hilar-al
i a. di. ami :. i. in. f.l...rtii u.aa-ua ar-err
uii.laf rr. nii,, .i 4J. -f.,, u.tlUl lour.
m. n ir in'-liiia- al 7:.aiu. tai.
H I. IKK. I'aali.r.
MAI IISI . l, , ,. ,.,ftfcIM
rrt-at-iiiiif K-rtli-v al II , M ,uj ; M f
ml iM Unu, nuu.lar sen ... I al 10 A M
.uuiur s,H-i,.ty t i:mi (. N i,,,,,, yJJ
i..ii I in. mi altikil'Mun -. i, s.iu.lar.
frajr.f -Mb.ihik ai J:ti'j rt,iiiM.i. i.
IU. hrar)ialjr iuvlli-,1 u ail 'iia all ar-H"-
KV. II. sMIfll. eauor. , Hi ki II- fcVKKV -I M.AV HASH
al 7;Ou aiM lu a in ; K.n..ry al 7: j i. m llul
mi waukdjaai7:iua hi. MurtiAhi. a'MAL.
I.K r , n. j
BAI'llHI .lit Kill ... .......
A sua :), M .il s"u.Ut
il oor nimiih SunUar ikH.kii al lu A it
Crarrm.rh-,-al:Joii v a.lnu..r ,.,.in.
i. k r. m. -
. i. i cur.iiaur
.luiuil .lie MirtlK'i
Kt V, I. K
uviiofl U
' . y- '-ATtTvTK'iroT
ll.-i-l.iv. ry.,.i-ouilaiil luurili 1liraila of
aili iiumi,,, in a.iic Hall, Uarvirw.
Iia. lii.iiilhKK'U. V..M.; Win (iiiuu,,., k
in. .i, P. ul II., A. O. II. W., Muola
Mnl 1 1. nr. -lain nl eai-h u,ni,,i.
ilai : Mar. i,.. , J. ol II. j j Ar.n.r. U
1 1110
New O. A. C. "Profs."
'Corvallis, Aug. 12. Nineteen were
added to the O. A. C. faculty' at their
annual meeting, and $2,200 was ex
pended for the purchase of a farm of
one hundred and fourteen acres to add
to the campus, which is now far too
crowded to allow of the projected ex
periments in agronomy, animal hus
bandry and other departments.
The new head of the department of
electrioal engineering is W. A. Hilda-
brand, a Cornell man who has been for
some years at Stanford. The bacteri
ology department Is to be headed by
T. D. Beckwith of the North Dakota
Agricultural colleeg, and the highway
construction is to be in the hands of
Prof. B. G. A ryes of the Oklahoma
Agricultural college and more recently
of Washington state highway commission.
Other appointments included four in
structor, seven assistants, a registrar,
cataloguer, superintendent for the
Southern Oregon experiment station,
campus foreman. The organization
of the board for the coming year is the
same, the officers being re-elected are
President Weatherford, Vice President
Apperson, Secretary E. E. Wilson,
Treasurer B. F. Irvine, and as exe
cutive committee, Messrs. Apperson,
Spence, Wilson and Pierce.
O. O. K -1.AKKVIKW Iamm.K. No.
0. K.. m.-tilaaverjisaiuu,,, vunlii . o.,,
10 April I. ami .1 olrl.H-k Iroiu Apri 1 u,
ofipiuiir so. . it, jiuuila. N. u
1. 'auuuy.Svcrvuirjr "
I 1, 0;,f----VIKW KM. ami-mum- NO. t
1. O. O. K uietita Urn tlr.t m,t ia,ril Xhitti
Halt. LmIOw. i:. p. ,.,. u. VI 4 II
.".t V, 'i'-' AkivIK UMJoltHfTJ
frllara ola.:a moiiia lu 1., Kellowa Mail
Alio auuilus, 1 roaaurcr; M. 1). Uutm, ioo;
o a. a. o kTkn r a iTch a itkh ."no i ui
Vlalllus luuuibura arn curilialljr Inrltsd
.WOICBACH.aeir.!; "". . it.
Notary Public
All Practice Escept U. 8.
Land Ollice BualneiM.
L F. Conn
Attorney at Law
and Noary Public
i. .
OFFICE-IalT Dulldln,,. -w. vrrKa)
Attorney at Law,
l4ind MatUura auMi.iia
OFu:E-Pair anildlD.
Batabllitiad ism
Laad and Law Ofilco
Abstractor of Titles
Attorney at Law
Office la 0. V. L. Oo.'b Building. .
Lakeview, oueuon
Surveylug- and Engineering
City Engineer
Kolto No. 1 Lakevtow
Watson Block Oregon
J. U LYONS, D. D. 3.
Office In Watson's Block, Lake
view, Oregon
Its hi Taar's rparUaet hi If lnhlfta.
ttradoata el Calfanliy of kte.iiaa.