f Classified SB i . A Want Ad in Tho Lake County Examnor Repented n few times, if necessary . will find n customer for that property of yours. Tliey nre scanned closely $ by intending lnm-rn, nnd the cot-t is nominal 5 cents ? the line for each insertion. Special longtime rates. W41TK.lt i Will buy Uu 1 ! nunila r of O. V. (m Hlill 1 1 lota. Address J Chat, biullli, l-nkevlew. On. Auu. 10. A I. KM MAN WANTLI lo represent i rltatiou Laud rouuniur oi I'liihu nt Lakeview. Wo otter nn tlrirllvn investment mid Mil at tractive i(1m plan, end can irnik it ropt.alton to a iimu nf ttantlltiK n this coiniuunllv that Is-els l ho highest salary paid In Lake Count' . I'M' tlil ili'itl t-r the right until. Olvo reference w hen uiiswerliia- iIMk il. Adtlre, rruiilnnd Acreage Co.. Ltd.. Wax 6M. Ilolsc. Iilitho. 11-7 WANTED -Man to take logging eon ' tract. Apply to tint Derney Con trucliiMi i n., l-akevlcvv, Ore. WAN FED A RANCH TO KENT with stuck ml litiplsineuU, at-iuk taken oa share or rua na telerv. Ilett of references. Wife good aiok. Intiulr ol O. W. Wmtn, Altures, Cal.. cere J. C. lilcliardsuu'e oarup. WANTED-We inoiint nil kinds of birds animal heade. elo. We tun aklne and make runt ami robe. Utly and Simmons, Teedarmlate Valley Falle. Orttton. IMJ 2m. . - i MTII NOTIt'K rouml I while and potti! eowa. rliihtcur cut, apply Henry llerjford ranch. iL STRAYED or stolen. -about Autl. W, HRW, oue rey mare, branded lift .K. oa left tlll. wire soar ou trout l. weltfht MiX'. about 10 years oll. Llaht bay, whits tic saddle borte, tame brand, wire scar ou loft front liriil, almut 12 your olil, weight 1.0UO pound Liberal reward. ANDREW MOKK1.S, Adel. STRAYED or stolen. From Carnal I'rairh-, one team horses, one Iron gray tin mhrr white; both branded H on led etnlllle; vi ill ' J on left shoulder; weight about 2700 lbs. f PHI retard tor their rdm n. DAT DIANE. Lakeview, TKI..rllONt.. .OOK ATTIIK NOTICE FOK It 10 wnrd Issued by tho Telephone Coumnnv for destroy lug It prop erty. 1H MIK'II.IANHIIK A REWARD of lift y dollars in here liy ottered for iiiiorinatloti tlmt will load to tho arret' aul couvletlon of uy pemou wlin Iiuh rtoleu nlrnH or otlit-r propurty. from our Company; and tho naiim run an! In hereby olfered for Infoniin' fii that will leml to the Arrotit aud I'livlcllou of auyoue den trnyluK ti' property f the Company. Chan. L' in bach, Keoretai y Lake Co. 'Pel. i. Tel. Co. Utf. Don't fortfut that wn carry In stock (or tale all klnda of Iron, tiol'a and obalnt. tbtuihle Bkulut and Iron ana tteel axle Arzuer Uro. tf WHY NOT. Spend your vacation at "The Jelfemon, " fcJau FratioUooT A city hotel altuHtod In a bountiful park but live mluutee from Market Kt. Hpeolal rate for the mi miner. Ulue l'rlute ot any towuahlp in Uurue Iaud OiHtrict ahowliiK all laud entrieH, oamea, datea, etc. To poiiraphy. Your order tilled on day of renewing. l'rlee ft. J. C. TUHNKY. Hurni, Oreou litf Cheap Hour nt ltonnimi IJmillty iruiirnntecd or money refunded. tf I.MII OIIN AKIMIU.IKN. I'Os-rT.NriciNi i 1 1 a v ii i' 'U k""h kst nrwle v ..Kpiurn mid ClK'irH to be found In Oreuou. tf '. i i. h v iTA-: it v 1 1 1 S i Yvr;r fi ic Hotel lJinevli'W bur. The lieat and pureat wlilMky made. tf $ 1 ,000 REWARD Thu oroicoii i! Ifornl n 1 Nvml l.l vu Hiiirk I'roteo Ion Amoolmlou, o which Ihu unilur lKiiel U a itii'mbor Will Kilt IMUUU0 ruwaril foi evMunu li'adlug la tint M.t Btnl nrinvli.tli.fi i t niijF rty or r- llfimtt'iiiltiK nor!, t'altlotir iiiiIki Iiu liinulng luauy ulllt uiuiuiicra. in il(lltlnn to the ahove, lh iilnltTluml oltri on the nninf onnilillon I'jtu.Oii (or all hur- brantlsd ho run nliite liar uu both or fliher law. Brand rixionl. il In mm rcHinllfi. Kaima ttaravi. Laku ami Croon oouutlua. tluraut Tantwl when told. Noun butvruwu liort told, and only In la rut) ubobef W. W. liaowN, Kile. Ornmiu. Olrlor loy ran earn thla btaie lltul Clold Killed Nttukidialn. Bell A) Kklitira ol Uold-Kve Nundlua at ,1 Je a iapr, itnid ua the f 1 uu aim V 'I chain and Uickul. Ordvr uef Utaa today. We trim you. 9tuart Supply Company Hot DIM bKAlTl.K, VS AHIl. CASTOR I A for Infant! and CMldrea The Kind You Have Always Bought eiguature ot ji r. ' IL I I Want Ads I'OH H vI.K 10 crew Hec. 17, Twpt. 10. K.mue lli, K'lod liny bind. Ki0. AlaohWVi ol N1CV4 of Hec. 7, T W l. 'lit. ItaiiKe IH, prlre 17''. Mr. V. K. Miunbiy, I.akt vlew. .17- At7 FOK.HA I.K Ijidlea' aaddla Imrae, an tpilre Kt-eneA KiriM'KfiiiTiraloro. if F IK MALK 10-arrc tract No. 4l. aec. H. T. H, K, '.M; nl-t) lot 27. lit blk 72, O V I,. C.i. 'a iitldlllon to Lakevlcw. No reHKoliilblo offer refumtil. K 1( Clarke, box()H7, linker Ore. AtlfC.3. KOK HA I. K 15 bend of dHiry cowt; w ill tell any number to lull pundiaa it. Apply to J. J. Monroe, Willow Itani li, Cal, FOIl Ai.lv-The X of the X at th HW"4 of theBW', ot Hih; 7. Town hip .IN Mouth ol limine M K W M with water contract f ir 6 wrea. Ainu lyt 10 In llliK'k 7H (. V. L. Co. Addition to l.akevti'W Addn'aa W. Mulrlne, 1 l.l l.vmlali; Ave N MltineapoliM, Minn. FOH HAI.IC ID ncrea In alfalfa. 2 imlea aiiii Ii of New I 'me Creek, alto (Ml iuti'n btrmliiK bind, (A) ncrea hi a heat l in I lex witith of New 1'llie Creek. I'articiibirn of I. T. Hetider Noil. New I'nie Creek, Ore. Apr'.)) tf FOK ALK 10 ai ren, near Lakevlew. li'Hi:llitltlli: S Ol of NVVI4 of Nl'4 of Nectioii 111. 'luWiiMhlp 10, lU.nce 111 W. M. Otlo K. And ernon, l.aaeClty, Mlun. HiANKIlN. 11110 four papeiifr. cix - lluiler roiiilaie., run only j.Vio IlllleH, 42 b. p., repainted. A-l lliie tliiouuliout, Kuaruiiteeil at k"mI hi lie, harKaiii tor atiynlie wIhIiIiik bluli powered minuter, wlla new forllimu. Price I.T.'tO t.o.b. Port biml. Meuxlea. IliiHoU Ante Co., "Ill iV DivM Mia., l'oitland, Ortnini. lip) acif line, level Jo in I adjoining Pauline Marxli, nil inlleH imllh ot town of (Silver bake. V rv cheap forcaNh. Apply to .1. O. Hall. .VJ2 CliitiulMT of t oliiiin r e billldttiK. l'oitltind, Oreuun. 4 bl FOR s.I.K Tlw W' S, of S.H-. :U. T. :w S., Uitnni' 111 W. il., near Lake view, nr. Call on or addrea Oium. F. KIk'". Citv Itet'tirder, f-alcin.ure. .'2:1 i-M 1 UK I.akevlew AbKtnu t A Title Co. Ih m.kiuii aieciMl tirlt't'i on AbHtractt to t). . I., t'o.'t TrHcta ami Town LmiIn. l'K SAI.K 10 nercH with a 5 acre water rmht, O.V I,.. Tract 10, Sr. 7. I. 41. U. Ill, aud Lot II. IWk. UT. tor liiO. (170. paid. AiblrcHH Alfred kuykcudall, tied. 1 H-I . Iai Au-leH, t'ullf. FOU SALK 10 acres, with aero water r'tibt, O-V-L. Tract 10, Men. 7, Twp. 41, K. 111. aud Lot 11. lllk. 1)7. MiiHt tell at once. I'rice $170, I1H0 paid. 'AddiHha A. KUYKK-M).LL, (ieu. IJel., Lot Auvelea. Cal. KOH N.,K-Trat'tri. H.f. II. T.M, It. IV, lu acri. 1.. J. l orli-r, I'. inland. I . ia. KOH HAl.K-lxit J&, bhwk 111. and trai l 11, a-o. 1.1, T. .i'J, K, In, In aorna I'uiur Hwiiiianu, 4Tu l.aldli y -I , Man Kranciaoii, I'ul. Hill SAI.K-l.l 21. block M, O. V. I.. Co. addi tion, and N'ol N', ot Sr.', o( Nk',, Poo, 1. I . in. It. IV. 10 acrva. AdilitKa Krvd tini'r. r, IIKU 4, hoi in, kaiiiuta C'liy, kali. I'mo I-'IU. KOH AI.KTract I, o. I A, T. 117. K.-JI, luaorea. J. II. roaraou. Xi Alaiumta Avo. lH uvar,i:ol. KOH 8AI.K -U.t !i, bluca 1: and trart , fi-u lit, Til, It 1H, w acrva. Addr.aa 1'ilduu Ward, 111 E lat Ml, Df Molina, loua KOH HAl.kl.ot II. block 1:10, and K, of HK', ol N Hut! 17. TI9, K lo. -il acr.a. Kam L. W ray. box U, Ithlxcllt Id, WaMi l'rlc -ou. KOK MAI.H lAt I), tilot'k a. :l, O V L addition, and NK'i, KWi,, Hoo 17, T M, K H, 4n acre. AdUruaa J. I'lorco Wolfti, MoortiuaU, Mlnu. KOK MAI.K-I.ol 'J4. hlock Ul i. O V L addition. and a'jol N W'i4 ol aw i,. Sfo IV, T . Hm. a acrca. Amir'. v , u. iiarinou, tua iwauaaa hi Ki'dlluld.M. 1). KOH HAI.K-H',, ol N 1 ol MK'i ol Kfcli.Hei' &, T :J. K JJ. Ill acrca. Addrona l.aura . l-i vn l, i;lll"MH' Ave . t. t..- ir.l o AD.MINISTKATOK'S NOTU'U OF FINAL 8i:TTLKMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon foi the County of Lake. ln;the Matu r of t he ) I'HUito 6 f .1 A M K S V FOSTICK, DeceuHod 1 To all a'tona whom It may cou pe ro: Notice' la i hereby nrlven. that the linderHliiiu'd, adiiilnlHtrator of ihe en tate of .Irtmea Fottcr, tleceaacd, haa tnadu mid tiled with the County Clerk of the above entitled court, the liual account of bit udiiiiiilairatlou ot tho eat ate of J amen Fimtcr, tleceaacd, and that tliu lion. It. Italy, Jiulo of the Maid Court, bun. by ait order duly made aud entered In uld Court and matter ou July 14, 191 1. fixed ami tippolnlud Saturday, AtiRtiat 19, l'JU, at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore noon nf sidil tlay, at the Court Kooin of Haiti Court, at tho Court llouae iu Lakttvlew, Lake County, Oregon, at aa 1 1 il time aud place for the hearing tit objection tto aaid Filial Account, If any there be, and for tho ant t le nient thereof, in which order mild ad ministrator im directed to Rive this notice by publication thereat for four HiccuHHivo and conaucutive week in tho Lake-County Kxamluer.u, uuwapa tar of Kcueral ciroulatloo, publiahed In aaid county, the firm publication thereof to lie made J ulv 20, and the but publication thereof AiiKtiat 17. Dated aud tlmt publiahed .July 20, 1011. I). C. BCnMINCK, Aduiiula t rator of the eatato of J a met Foster, deceased, NOTICK OF KINAI. ACCOUNT KatateJ of William J, U. Kherlock, clacea'd. N tier la hereby kIvhi that thu uo ilerauctieil excuior of the patata of William J. 1). BlierliK k.deot-ed, hnt III oil llnal account of t lit itdminiatrittloii of aald eaiato In the County Court of tho Hib'4 of Oreiroo. for Laki County, nd the theJJildKM of taltl Court haa II xed W. diienday, the 2-'lrd day ol Atix i.t, IHU, at the hour of tet o'CHM'k, a. hi. an the 1 1 mo, and tha County Ciart Kooin In the Courj ly Court hoiiaa In Ijiketlew. tire nun na the plni-n for heart obj.-c tiom to aald Onal account. If any tliew be, and fur aet t lenient thfrpof. Now therefore, all pToiit Intereat td III nald ealata are hernby required to preaent t Hlr otiject lout III wrlliDat totald floal nccnuiit la th alwive n' I tied Odirt on or bet ire laid (lata. I'ated thla 12th (lay of July, A. II., 11)11 JOHN li. HLAIK, execu t-T of laat Will ami Teala. iiieiit of William J. l. Mierha k. DiM'eiiMt'd. In the Clrtint Court of t tie atate of Oreuou tor Lake County. MTATKOFOKKtiON, ' IOKDEK ve. Dirk .1. Wileoi. aa Adinlti- TO latrator of the eatata of Wll- , llltn IJahnka.neceiiaeil.and ( BIIOW F. V . 1'aylie. aa County Clerk of the Cotiniy Oiurt ICAU.iK of Lake Oninty , Oregon. Infoi illation lor ti e eacheat of the proaTty of tnt eatMte of William Itahiika, (b-ct iihI, havlnu: teen tiled ill I he above entitled court and cauae by D. V. Kuykembill, dlairlct attorney of tli aecond proHcctitlni; attorney ilmtrlct. t he tan e beintf the thlrteeoih Jadit lal dlxtrlct of iheHtateof Oretr n. aaid Information alleKliiK that on the 7th tlay of .laiiuary, 1WII, the then actliiK tbivernor of tie State of Ore -Itoii, dlrecteil the aald dlairlct at lorney to tile aiini Inforination; that William Paliuke, deceased, waa the latt ntm' ii bivvtully teiM-d of the foi lou Inir ilewrilied real I roja-rty allu il ted In Lake County, Stale of Ore gon, to wit: lleluuiiiK thirty f-etettt of the oortlieaat comer of block '.i, ill tin town of Lakeview, Lake County, iirvuuii, and runoitiK thence north forty tle feet; tln-nce ea-t forty-tlve feet; thei ce aoutli forty-tlve feet; thence weat b-rty llreh-et lo the'place of Im'kIuuIiik all utile III aectlon llfteen, t owimhlp t lilrty olue, aouth of ranue twenty, K. W. M ; that aaid William Mahtika waa at the time of hit death Hie it tier of a liirno amoimt of ier Munil prM rt.v rouMlNtiiuf of money, ct-rl llleuteK "f ileMirit, hiiuaehoid fur lull rc and in i ii Int; mock valued ttt the ajjirreuale flJ.'aMH); that aaid William llalilika tiled lutentaie In Ldike Cuuu ly, llretfoii, ou the 2'.Hh day of Ait itum. P.rU.'i. lea vlni; no helra, widow, children or no kiudied capable of iu heiitlint any of the proa-rt, and that aaltl property aud the title thereto Iimh eHclieitted and veated in the State ol Orex-iii. that on the 2nd day of Kept- inla r, P.J."i, Dick J. Wbeox, ot ljme County, llieui. waa by order of thu Hon. It. Daly, Jtule of the County Court of Mind county and I Htatc, duly uipotuted ailinlnifl raiior of Mind ealate, ami na the ; 1 1 1 tlay ol St'pleiuler, l'.Hio letterH of ailiuiulntra tion of aabl ealate duly I nod under the real of said court to Maid Dick J. Wilcox; that aaid Dick .1. Wilcox thereafter duly ipinlilli'd in audi ad minlKrator aud took imimmchhIuii of the effect autl proterty of mild catate and am h proceeiliuKa were therei Iter had In Mich court that all clulm iijali Ht caitl cMtatc aod all eeiii-i M of mln, lni-t ration were paul ami the atlinliilMtration of said ettate In lilnilly and fully Mettled, and the aaid admiii iMtrator haa filed Iiim fluul account of the adminiHt ration of oaid eHtata in aaid County Court, and that aald tiual account wan in till thlna approved by the Jude of Haul court on the -lilh day ot May, PJll.aud aald court fouod and decreed that Maid William liahnkn died Inteatute autl left no heir or heirs at law- Miirvlvi'iif, but that tald per tonal property escheated to the mate of Oregon; that In the order approv ing said boa! account said county court dccrectl that aabl admlnlMtrulor deliver over the poHsesHloa of all of Mitid property remaining unappropri ated aud Uiicxpt-tided in his liuudt to the clerk of aald county court; that F. W. Payne Ih the clerk of Maid county court aiid claims no luterent in any of the prof.Tty of taid estate; that Dick .1. Wilcox either as administrator or other wine claims no Interest in any of the property of tald estate, nnd that no oilier person or pertont claim any interent or nulit in said estate or the property thereof; that the per sonal property of said estate Is In the poHMessioti of F. W. I'ayne, aa clerk of the county court of Lake county. Oreuou, and the real property ttt tald CHtate Is in the poMm-ssion of Dick J. Wilcox, aa admiuibt rator ot the estate of William Hahuke, diveuHed; and that aald real property is at this time unoccupied, it is ordered that all per tont interested In the estate "f the above-named William liubuka, de ceased, are hereby required to appear in thi above-entitled court on or be fore the 1st day , of September, 1U11, ami ahow cause, If uu they nave, why the title to allot the above de scribed property and all of the pro perty of the estate ot tlie aaid William lluhuka, ilecutlMt'd, should uot vest lu the state ot Oreuou. It. it further or dered that this order shall te pub lished for at least tlx successive weeks from thu date thereof in the Lake County Examiner, a newspaper of Kuueral circulation, published lu 1 tike couuty, state of Oregon. Dated this Mh day ot July, A. D , 1011. HENKY L. BENSON, Judge of the Circuit Court ot ttie State of Ort'Kon for l ake County. Date of first publicatlou J uly 13, 1911. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Not Coal Lauds) Department of the Interior, U. 8. Laud Olllce at Lakeview, Oregoti, July 22. 1911. Notice U hereby given that John F. IlurKe, whose postottlce address ia Flush, Lake Co., Oregon, did, on the 18th day of October, 1910, file lu thla otllce sworn statement and applica tion, No. 040(12. to purchase tho 8 Si NWy. Bee. 21, T. 39 8, K. 17 E., Wil lamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provision f th art of June 8, IH7. i nd acta amtmU tory, known aa the "Timber and Nbm Law," at aurh value aa mlnht tie fixed by npprafaetnent, and that, pur suant to audi application, the land anil timber thereon hife Swa ap iiralairl. at a total of T.il 2.1 thw tim lar estimated 176,0110 board frff. at I 76 per M. and the laod $100.00; t!.at aid applicant will offer final proof in tnpport of hie application and aworn tatementon the 22n 1 day of Keptrm U r, lull, befor the Keuiater and K celver of the Lolled Mtatea Isanti Ot fb at lyakevlew, Oreuou Any (MTton la at liberty to prutrat tbla purrhane before entry, or Initiate contest at auy time la-fore patent laauea, by flllriK a corroborated affi davit In thU oftW, allektloir facta which won d defeat ihai-ntry. AKTIIL'K W. OK PON, Kejriater. NuTIOr; FOK I'UHLICATION Not Coal Land Depart mnne of the Interior, V. K Land Ofllre at lakevlew, Oregon, July 17, lull. NotltM la hereby (c van that Nannie M. (Jravet, whoao post office addrewa la ltkcview, Orewron, did, on the 8th day of Anjriiat, 1U10, file in tbla office Moru Statement nnd Application, No. muSJ, to pttrchaae tha NWJ N W4', Sec- 34. Township 3'J 8. Kan ice 17K, Wtllameti Meridian, aid the timber thereon under tha pru-ialona of the act of Jane 3, 18-7H, and acta ameiiilatory, known aa the "Timlar and Htone uw," at turb valnet na mi(ht Iw alflxed by appralameot, and that, purnuant to such application, the hind and timber thereon have Im-i-ii esiimated and valued by ap pile int at a total of $bK). the timber eatlmated at MO.UOO board feet at f 60 per M. and the lai.d I JO; that aabl applicant will offer final proof In aupport of her application and tworn statement on the 14th dav of t-plem-l-r, 1911, Injure Ib-Kinter and lte-elver, U.K. Laud office at l.aKeview. Ore. Aoy peraon la at liberty to protest t his piirchae before entry, or ioitla e a contest at any time Ix-fore patent isHiiet.by tllinK a corroltorati-d aftl dant in thin oltlce, alleifiOK facta which writi I defeat the entrv. AIlTHUK W. ORTON, Igister. NOTICK FOK I'UKLICAKION (Not Coal Ijind) Ih'partment of the Interior, C. S. Laid ofhVc at Lake view, Oregon, July l.-i, IHU. Notice is hereby given that Alfred II Hnrnutn, whose pout olllce add rena la Lakevlew, Oregon, tlid, on the 27th day of Septe uber, P.IIO. tile in thla of lice sworn statement and application No 040JS. to purchaaetha. W,j N Wi;, Sec. II, TowtiNiilp ;i; is,, Kurine 20 K . Wlllaiuettn Meridian, and the titular thereon, under the provisions of the act of J tine .". 1S78,' and nets amend atory, know" -aa the "Timbtr ami Stone Law." at tucn value aa might, b" fixed by appraisement, and that liiirauatit to mcli application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised t a iota of 200, the tltn 1st estimated 1W.000 boartl feet at f 7." per M, and the land fMI; that nald applicant will offer final proof In uport of hit application and sworn Mta'emeti! on the 14th day of Septem ber, 1211. liefore the Kegixter and Re ceiver of the Unlietl Statet Land Of fice, at Lnkevlew. Oreifon Any pen-on la at HIsTt., to protest thin pit rebate before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before parent Imhui's. by tiling a corroborated utli davit lu this office, jillei'lnf facti which would defeat the entry. AUTHl'K V. OKTON. Kegltter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t Not Coal Lands) Department ol the Interior, U. K. Land Office at Lnkevlew, Oregon, July 11)11. Notice Is lit rebv ttiven that Mary F. Hauem, whose pnatotllce tublress In ! Lnkevlew. Oregon, did, on the T.'th '. day of January, mil, tile in this otllce j tworu statement and application No. 042. s, ta purchase the NU Sec 10. T. ; S.. K. 1.1 i:.. Willutuette Me ridian, aud the timber thereon, tiuder the provisions of the act ot J line 3, 1S7S, ami acta amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might tie fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to mii.1i ap plication, the land and timber thereon have It-en appraised at a total ot 1225.00 the titular estimated 100.000 board feet at fl.2.5 per M, and the land IUMi.00; that aaid applicant will offer linttl proof in. support of bis applica tion and sworn statement on the 22tid da of September, 1911. before the Register and Receiver of the United States Laud Olllce, at Lakeview, Ore gon. Any person it at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by tllinK a corroborated am imvit in this otllce, alleging facts w hich would defeat the entry. ARTHUR W. ORTON. Kegister. NOTICE FOR I'UHLICATION (Not Coal Land)- Department of the Interior. U. R. Land Otllce ht Lakeview, Oregon, Julv 27, llll. Notice it hereb.! given that An drew II. Canterbury, ol Silver Lake, Oregon, who on June .1, 1907, uiae Detcrt land entry, No. Olli'itt, for KS,, Section. 9, Towuship -'US. Ruige 2.'.E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of ttilt titlou to make Final 1'roof, to esiablith claim to the land above tlerctlbed. before Register and Reoclv oj the United States Laud Otllce, at Lakeview. Luke Co.. Oregon, on the 7th tlay of September, 1911. Claimant uatnes as witnesses : Andrew Anderson. James 11. Tur pin aud John Ekblom, nil of Flush, Oregon, and W. R. Hart, of Lakeview, Oregon. ARTHUR W. ORTON. Register. CHICHESTER S PILLS Jsri mK iiiamonu ukaku. Ladlval Aai. your llrui I Mi liM-Irr', lllaiuun. 1'IIU lu K. tl ami Uul4 T.Ua n alkt-r. Ilui lrultit. Akfrill- llH.TFR lIA ltM HHM I 1 1.1. X. tut tt V O yMfkaU.trBWlieI.SlaAW4vkKehat SOLD BY OkUGGISTS LVtKi nHLkr Let the Examiner figure on your next fob Priuting. nitruihcv Kll-UoO, V of tour A In the Circuit Court of the Male of Oregon In ami for Lake County Mm. O. F. North. I 'lain- 1 Iff. Hit ' IT Y v. No l Oao. T. North. Mania ' NoTICK North, Agnes J. Iee, and K oALK. I-oulae Le, DeiendanU. , To Ceo ;C. North, Mania North, Af(nct J. Iee, and lionise Lee, Defend nia; and to all whom It may con cern: Notice ta hereby aiven that ender and by, virtue of ao execution and or-! der of aale duly lued out of the iiftlee ' of the clerk of the Circuit Court of the j Htnte cf Oregon In aod for Lake County on the 2!ith dav ot July, 1911, In the above entitled suit upon a de cree made and entered of record In the tald Irctnt Coftrt In afd suit on the 14th day of Jnue, 1911, In favor of the above nnnird plaint Iff and ngabiat the defendenta therein oamed dire-t-ing the rale of the premlsea bert-lu-af ter particularly descTlls-d to -all ly Judgement ami l :ree of aabl Circuit Court In said suit rendered amount ing to thn sum of Five llu ad red One and 34 100 ilollarc, with Interest there on at the rate of eight per cent from and after the 3d day of April, 1911, and for the sum of One Hundred Fifty 150) Dollara attorney fees and aud for the further aum of Sixteen and MI-lOO Ubi.hO) Dollars, rot la and ills buraementa and to Include accrulDg coat hereon : Now tiier-for- under aod by virtue of sab' ex'e nttoo and In cotnpllanne with the oi.ler f tbla court recited In aald writ, I have duly levied upon the hereinafter fJescrila-d premises and will on 2nd day of Heptemhcr.mil.at 10 o'clock a. ni of aaid day, at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Lakeview, county of Iake, ttate of Oreuon sell at public fenction Mini outcry to the highest bidder therefor for caah In hand all of the rlht, title. Interest, estate and demand. In equity or at law, Including tenement, heretlltatneota or appurtenances thereto uclonglng or In any atst pertaining of the above named tieo C. North, Marcia North, Agnea J. Lee, and Louite Lee, or of those c 1 a I tn 1 1 1 a- by, t hrough, or under them in and to the South Half of the Nur h wet Quarter of Section Thirtv-ihree ( S N W X of Hi. 33) Township Thirty South. Katige Fourteen East R14E) Willamette Meridian. Lake County, Oregoti, or ao much thereof aa may is? necessary for the satisfaction of sable ecutlon and order' of aale In cluding coste, attorneys fees and ac cruing CIMitH. The proceeds of the tald tale will bo applied to the satisfaction of aaid execution and order of aale, judgment and iiiU-repf. attorney fes. coata and accruing coets, aud the overplus tf any there Ih to be paid into tlsa court to Ik.- applied an by law required and directed. Dated at Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, this2th dav of Julv. 1911. V. B. SNIDER. Sheriff of Lake County, State of Oregon 8 3 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Not Coal Laud) Department of the lnterio U. S. Laml Office at Lakeview, Oregon Aituust 4. 1011. Notice is herebv given that George R. I'arman. of Eaaleville, California, who. on October -J7, 1910, made Tim ber nnd Stone Application, No. 04082. for NEI4, Sectiou 3,0, Township 40S. Range 2l E. Willamette Merl lian, hat tiled notice ot intention to make Klual ,1'roof, to establish claim to the land above descrUs-d. before Register and Receiver of the United Slates ltnd Office, at Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, ou the 6th day of Octolter, lull. Claimant natueVi as witness : . Frank M 11 1 key and L. McC'ulley, of Lakeview; W. J. Purmao, of Kagle vllle, Onlifornla, and George Wituar, oi Fort Did well, California, A. W. ORTON, Ueuister. Ia the county Court of the State of iiiegon.for Lake County Oregon In the matter of the ") Guardianship of Hoyt j ernon. Merven Ver- ! JORDER TO non, Florence Vernou, SHOW Vergia Vernon aud CAUSE James Veruon, Mlu ora J Thla matter coming on regularly to be beard at this time upon the peti tion of Retta McKetuy, the duly ap poluted, qualified and acting Guard ian of the eetatea of Hoyt Veruon, Marven Vernon. -Florence Vernou, Vergia Vernon, and James Veruon, Minors: And It appeuring from such petition that it la necessary aud will be iK'uetlclal to aaid wards aud each of them that the following real ea tato lie sold to-wlt: N of 8Wi4', SEi4'NWt4'. Sec. 34. Tp. 39 S. R. 20 E. W. AL, also the following : Beginn ing at a point 47S feet East of the Southwest corner of the SW'i SW quarter of Sec. One ia township 4(i S.R. 20E. W.M., theuce ruuuiug north 40 rods: theuce east to the east line of said 40 acre tract, thence south to the southeast corner of aald tract: theuce west to place of beginning, con tu'.nlug 12.75 acres more or lees: There'ore It ta hereby ordered, adjudged, and de creed that thenext of kin of said wards and all persona Interested In said est re be, aud they nre hereby directed to appear before this Court at the County Judge's otllce lu the Court bouse In Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, on the 1st day of September, 1911, tit the hour of Teu o'clock lu the forenoon thereof, to ahow cause why a License shall not issue for the aula of said above dea-c-lbed real property, and it Is- hereby ordered that a copy of tblt order la personally served upon Retta Mc Ketny, the mother aud uext of kin of aald Minora, aud that a copy be pub lished three eticcesKlve weeks in Jthe Lake Couuty Exaiuiuer, a newspaper of general circulation in Lake County Oregon, Done nt Chambers this 3d day ot August, 1911. li. DALY, County Judge. 8-10-4t Cuts aud bruises may be healed in about ouc-t bird the time required by the uctial treatment by applying Chamberlain's Lluluient. It la au antiseptic and causes such iujurlea to heal without maturation, This lini ment also relieves soarnees ot the muscles. For sale by all good dealer. The Willis Furniture Co. will sell the celebrated Howard Piano nt cost as they intend to discontinue that branch of the business. This is the Piano the Shep herds handle and we will keep it in repair eight years. CASH OR CREDIT This is a rare chance to get a first class instru ment cheap WILLIS FURNITURE CO. A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cream Balm Is euickla absorbed. Gives Belief al Once. It clean s, soothes, bt-ala and protects the difw'it mem. brane rsullingfroin Cata.Th and drives away a Cold ia the ileall quickly, lie. stores the Henaesof CATARRH -GlJOQ toy-1 IflY FEVER Taete and 8:n IL Full siz 50 eta., at Dnitr- pists or by mail. Io liquid form, 75 crnta. Ely Brothers, 60 Warren Street, New X ork. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables 7 I Hm now prrpared VaLI I ' 0 furnish Stocktneu 1 1 Ranchers nnd others Fresh Fruit ami Green Vege tallies of nil kinds every day in the week. ORDER BY l'HUSE OR MAIL Special attention given to mail orders, which will be shipped the morning fol lowing receipt of order. PHOSE OSE - SIX - 0E J. P. DuckvorLh "witK strengtK tnl tKcx always pleaae" TWO HORSE OVZKALLS MAJl V LEVI STEAUSS ffit CO. isgiiiirinSiiiiiiiSiiii nail aiiii A SNAP ! If you want a nice little home this Is the place for you. New three-room house, neatly papered. Lot and Furnishings, Just as it stands; Range and Cooking Utensils; set of 11 avilin 'China; $100 Victor (Iraphaphone and Re cords; 11 x 93 Wilton Velvet Rug. good as new; Axtulnlater Rugs and Carpet; Oak Morris Chair; Princess Dres.-er; Sanitary Couch and Cuth lons; Spring Mattress: Bedding, Curtains, Pictures, Books and other things too numerous to Mention. Also Ten acres of good land. ftioO takes the whole thing at once. ieo. Wesleder, Owner. Enquire three doors below Mr. Batcbelder's house. Naar Oakland, California, The only Woman's Collrge on the Pacific Coast. Chattel 1 1885. Near two great Universities. Meal climate throughout the year, tiitrance. and graduation requirements equivalent to those ot Stanford anil 1'iiiversity of California. Laboratories for science with modern equip imiit. Kxcellcnt opportunities for home cco'ioinlcs, . library study, music and art. .Modern gymnasium. Special care for health of students, out-door life. President, Luel la Clay Carson. A. !., Lilt. 1)., LL. I). fcor i-utuh'titte address Secretary, Mills College 1', i.. Culiforuis. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A n