Children Cry for Fletcher's &VXv ft l The Ivhwl Y. lu uso for " i iinvc Arrays Itoujrht, nml which lins boon u JJO i;rf lins born tho of - Hid tins 1mhii made under his per . -- Kitmil aiiiMrvlitii slnA it lnfiinT. . - - ---- - j " V v-- fc Allsk irt rkn tiA iliuutlvA villi In 1. 1 All Countcrit-I'.s, Imitations and "Just-iM-good ar but Experiments timt trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and CMldrcu Kxixrienco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Ciudorin la n luti-mloss oubstitute for (Wr Oil, rare porlo Drops niul Soothing Sjrupa. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotle fiubstanee. Its ngc is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverlshnesa. It cures Dlarrluva and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethlnjr Troubles, cures Constliatlon and Flatulency. It asslmlLites the Food, regulates the " Stomach and llowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years tm( ertrrauM commht. rr ui arntrr. hiw yok errv. HOTEL LAKEVIEW ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOIT FIRST-CAL5S ACCOnnODATIONS" , SAflPLE ROOfl For COnn ERCI A L f TRAVELERS i COURTEOUS TREATMENT LIGHT & HARROW. Proprietors F. P. LIGHT GEO. HARROW The Albany Nurseries THE LARGEST AND BEST IN THE WEST agents: Stone & Utley JUST TIII.SK, WE VAX SELL YOU THE FAMors WISTER U AX AS A. SPITZES ItURG ASD ALL STASDARD AI'f'LE TREES FOR $11.00 PER ACRE EVER 1 OSE KSO 1 1 7? THE A LUA X Y SURSERIES USSURPASSES FOR QUALITY. SAVE YOVR ORDERS FOR US. ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO E.J. STOSE. PHOTOGRAPHER MAIS ST., LAKEVIEW, OREGOX. The Proof of the Pudding Is in the eating of it. Have you tried our make of Sugar-Cured Hams and Bacon, also our Home Made Mence Meat? THEY WILL STAND THE TEST Goose Lake Valley Meat Co. HALF BLOCK KAST OK COL'KT HOUSE SHAMROCK STABLES J. M KPli Y, Pbophietob Special Attention to Transient Stock. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month Always Open. Phone 571 LAKEVIEW :::::: OREGON Lakeview Meat Market HAYES A GROB, Propr'S Choice Beef, Mutton, PorR, Veal, Etc., Etc. Try our Sausages and Cured Meats Quality Unexcelled Free Delivery LAKE MAY HAVE COUNTY LIBRARY Salem. July 28.- With a law on the statute book of Oregon making possl bla th eatablahmert of county librar ies. Miss Corn?lia Marvih'."cfatrman o the atate library comm'aaion. hopei ooon to pee county librariea in every county seat in Oregon ami a apecial postal rate on books as a compliment ary system working for the betterment of rural life in this state. For several years the American Axaoication of Librarians haa been J working for a special mail rate on hooks. The rcgujar book post is as J low a rate as the government gives on library books. At present no conces- J sion is made by the poatoffice depart- j ment, but libraries must pay the full book rate. Express companies make a j ' half rate on library books anil now that : j the postal deficit is being cut down, ! librarians feel some reduction should ' be made by the government. Several of the more progressive counties in Oregon are agitating the proposition of county libraries. Uptoi the last legislature only thore counties : having a population of 50,000 or over , were permitted to levy a special tax j for a county library. Multnomah i county had developed fine library. I The last legislature removed this limi-1 t at ion and now several counties are! preparing to make a start. "A system of county librariea in the county seats." declares Miss Marvin, "together with our rural mail routes and a special tax on the mails for books, would do more for the country j people than any other thing imagin-j able. Circulating libraries reach com-1 munities where there are a number of: families together. But through the library post the isolated family could be reacned with the best books. To : get the people back to the soil means . must be developed for giving isolated homes some of the advantaged enjoyed j by the homes nearer the centers of population. Any county could make a) levy to start a library at the county seat. After the county has attained a population of 50.000 a special tax of one and one halt mills may be levied for the erection of a county library i buidling. " j Odds Had eoiln In lndlea cttnvaHi shoes .Vk1, 75c and f I 00. Merc. Co. I WOOL BILL VETO HIGHLY PROBABLE The Oregonian : In pursuance of a programme which has evidently been agreed upon between the insurgent Republicans ami the IVmocrata the farmer's free list haa been voted upon in th' Senate and passed. It remains to be cen whether the Fronldent will veto It or not. The till placet upon the free lixt a number of article which farmers are known to use extensively, such as flour, sewing machines and agricultural implements. It la suppos ed t compensate them for the losses which they will po!hly suffer through reciprocity with Canada. The recipro city agreement was allowed to Pass with the private understanding between the insurgents and Democrats that this free list should follow it. an 1 now the plan is carried out as far an the combination can accomplish their purpose. In our opinion Mr. Taft will veto the I bill. He will do ao for two reasons probably. For one thing, he does not believe that reciprocity will injure the fnrmers and he is willing to give them a few months to discover that fact for themselves. The outcry that has been made against the agreement on the poor farmer'a account will then have lout about all of ita force. In the second place, the President wishes to wait for tho report of the tariff commission before he permits any further reduction of duties. The commission may find that some of the articles included in the farmer'a free list are not taxed more than they ought to be. In that case, why cut down the duties? The rule adopted by the Republicans is that the duties ought to counterbalance the lower labor cost of some articles in foreign coutries. It seems reasonable to wait until we know something more about ! this cot before going ahead with tariff ' reductions. Mistakes are more easily corrected before they are made than afterwards, if one may lapse hit a Hibernianism. Upon these grounds 1 Mr. Taft will probably make up his mir.d that it is just as well to wait un til next winter before doing anything' more with the tariff. There will lie ' plenty of time between that and the 1 next Presidential campaign to do what-' ever is necessary and explain it to the country. . KLAMATH PROJECT LANDS RESTORED August 28, 1911. is the date on which settlement may be made upon the landa restored from the Klamath Pro ject, as reported in the Examiner, last VACUUM CLEANER AS A FLEA KILLER Washington. D. C. Aug. 8.-Is your dog covered with fleas? Does the family cat ait around all day mak ing futile and ineffectual stabs at its week. The lands will be subject to en-! hind ,ej?8 at inact.e88ib,e pacea on ju try, unless otherwise appropriated. ; .natmv in n pffort to ot h ..UHive September 27. 111 1. at the United ! foeg? Dq the other fouMeKtcd ani. BlarfeB bind office at Lakeview. w aro- mas that belon(f to the fami,y loo aflo iuk iein expremy Kiven inai . Kjve evidence of being inhabited by the peraon will tie permuted to khid or s exercise aoy right whatever under any nettlenient or occupation after withdrawal from settlement and entry and prior to AugjMt 2S, VJll. Following ia a list of the lands to be reatored to entry: T.40S.R. 8 K.. SW4' N W and W'4 NWtf. Sec. : NW'. SW. and NWJSKJtf. Hec. 7; SWJf SW Sec 10; SW NE'f. NW?i W1, S XWJ and NJg, Sec. 17; NW S,H4 NWJj arid8!iSe?.21;S,i SWtf, and BWitf SK!4.Sec. 2S; XK4'. Nfff, and K'4 SWfc, Sec. 27; 8E XE'i. VX XWamlSWU, Sec. :).'l; NW'.4' and W4 KV4'. Sec. 34. T. 41 8.. R. 8 E., NJ.i Sec. 4; XJtf; SWJf, XEi SEaufl W8' SK)j, Sec. 5; W.'v yK'i, NW and Sec. H; NW'4 XWJ. lot 4 and 5. be-. HI. T 40 S , It 11 E , all Seca. 19 and !?0; yt SE, U)4 SE ., Kec. 21; all S c. 25; SEX, S HEX, E4 SKJi" hec. 2S; N,'i XE'. S NWJf. HWJ KW Sec. 29, SE XW and lot 1, Sec. 30; NE, SW, E' HWt, S HE'4, Sec. 34; NEtf. NWJ. S SW', N)4 BEJif, Sec. 35; NKJ, Sec. 3) T. 40 S., It. 11 E., E XWJi. Sec. 3. T. 40 K., K. 12 E., all S.r. 27; XEJtf, NWj, XK4'SEJ. Sec. 2X; XEi.SW4, S SWi, Sec. 29; NEtf. Ej XW, xe;4 swj,4l x; sej, iota l. 2. 3, 4, Sec. 30; lots 1, 2 and 3, Sec. 31; S NEj4,Hec. 34; HE, E NW!4', XWJ NWJ-i, NE SEJi. K-c. 35. ? . 41 8.. K. 12 E., N'FJi, SWft, XtJ SW, S4 SEX, Sec. 1. T. 41 8.. K. 13., SEX. El4 E)i, Hvc. is, EX SEX Hiid lot , S!C. 19. 8. V. I'roiidfltt. AHMlMtunt ConimlHHloner of the Ouoer al Laud Office. Will Sell for $1250 cash or trade for ranch or stock, my 1-4 interest or $2500 equity in good Planing, Shingle and Saw Mill, 10 miles from Alturas, Cal. Good marketsell more than mill can produce at 10,000 feet per day at $17,00 per 1000 at mill. Capac ity of shingle mill 20.000 per day. All in good running order. Invite an investigation of property. Wm. K. Harris, tf . P. O. Box 23 1 , Alturas, Cal. biting paratiites? Then use a vacuum cleaner. All the dog soap and cat soap on the market i" worthleHS when com pared to the common or garden variety of vacuum cleaner, according to a statement of C. Barnwell Robintton, dean of the United States Allege of Veterinary Surgery in this city. The doctor has been experimenting for years in a vain effort to rid "Perdicu- Jlus." the surgery's pet cat, of the j numerous fleas, which bothered her. The other day. while a vacuum cleaner was being used to withdraw the surplus dirt from the floor of the animal hospital, one of the attendants playfully ran the nozzel over the cat's back. At first the feline resented the attack, hut, upon second thought. Hhe stayed, and the operation was renewed. It was found that a large number of fleas that had found a resting place in "Perdiculus" fur had been killed by the application of the cleaner. From that time on Dr. Robinson veraciously averts that the cat voluntarily bucka up to the cleaner to receive her daily drv bath. Dr. RobinHgon has found that the vacuum apparatus is a great success as a ilea exterminator, and he intends to spread the news broadcast, so that all other animal ownersas well us the animals themselves may profit by the accidental discovery. Noted Horseman Dead Salem, Aug. 1. Sam Canto, veteran horbe trainer and known to horsemen along the entire Pacific Coast, died to day, aged 47. Heart failure and Bright'a disease with complications of other maladies, caused hia death. For many years he had been handling horses at the state fair grounds, and not a horseman who haa visited this place on the North Pacific fair circuit but knew him. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at St. Joseph'a Catholio Church. Burial will be in the Catolio cemetery. A well known Dew Moinea woman after (Differing miaerably for two days from bowel coTnplaint, wua cured by one doae of Clminbcrlulii's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbeoa cure. For sale by all good dealer. BEFORE BUILDING f.lST PKICKS ON Clear Lumber, Mill Work and Mouldings FROM Til 15 FANDANGO LUMBER COMPANY ADDKKSS: WILLOW RANCH, CAL. PROMPT SERVICE AND GOOD WORKMANSHIP TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND Prescriptions have been filled at this store in the past five years This nvorcl shows better than anything cise the confidence placed in this store by both doctor and patient THORNTON'S DRUG STORE CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. P. M. COHtY, Otnmrml Maiiagir LAKEVIEW . OREGON Oprtt 9UfM, carrying Unlftd 5Ut Malls, Eipm and uiMtri mm lb following reuta: ALTURAS TO LAKEVIEW; LAKEVIEW TO TLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LAKEVIEW Airronomuis opkkatkd in connection with thu staors PAHKSi OttcWay Hound trip Klamath Falls Route - - $10.00 $18.00 Alturas Route 5.00 9.00 Pluah Route 4.00 7.00 onnciS:- LakavUw Platk ' Fall Alluiat )( Office Sulllvaa Natal America MoUl M.,l liayal . P. DUCKWORTH orriff. Water St. h. vinmoni Telephone No. I(t M. HUNK MR Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co .1. I. DL'I'KWOItTII, .MAN.MiKK Transfer and Drayage Ice Delivered it (;;.(;i: ami iioi si:iioi.ii ;is srniti:i ItATKH Y llM-.lll.iroV MtHAMI ouit :i;ktoh:ks auk orit ai'i;htimkih" The Lowest, Warmest and Best Valley in Lake County Wh havu m.iii.v U'li'HtTf IniftM, hoiiii- mljolnlntf I-hici) Ht from l.ri0 to f;i.r)0, onu rutir of Hittnc m itlt Tftunl vvuUt rltflit 011 a iit-vi'r fdlliiiK aiit-aiu. AIho lliii'Mt of natural iim'uiIowm. Don't li;av Laka Ciuntj without ati'iiijr tliia valli-y. Jennings-Meyer Realty Company VALLEY FALLS : : : : OREGON REGARDING VARITIES No doubt you realize the great importance of planting such variiies of fruits and flow ers that have been demonstrated to be suc cessful under like conditions in other com munities. We have been growing general nursery stock in the mountains for many years and WIS KNOW. SEND FOR CATALOG AND PRICE LIST Jhe Klamath Nurseries. Klamath Falls. Oregon I