Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 10, 1911, Image 5

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i ii iiiiM ijii iiab a wi'l-iuf, nil I UUKJ,iUS VAI-.LK I LAM) CO.TS TKACT8
Union Assurance Co. of London
American Central Insurance Co. of St. Louis
St. Pauls Automobile Insurance Co.
(ilohe and Kuttfcrs Fire Insurance Co of N V.
. . wfr v h r. g
cJf tea states rtdelty v Guaranty Co.
of Baltimore, Aid. Bonds of all descriptions.
Union Central Life Ins. Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Assets, 74- Millions
Very Dett For 8alo In Small or Large Tracts
Improved & Unimproved Farm: We Specialize Fruit Lands
Inhc County Crammer
'lilt llilAY. AlHilJuT 10,
Shorn, shoe, shoe, at Bailey &
Over atork side of shoe at Bailey &
MaNaillgiH'a. ,
AH our 1 1 - H'"l tl '-O wiUi to m
at !c. Mitc Co.
Hhim- Ht, rmlueed lrlt, at
.MerViinlili' More.
If you want genuine bargain call
mi Bailey & Massmglira.
Bert Tatro, of the West Side, was
one of Saturday"a visitors.
Dr. Amsden wa up from New Pine
Creek this week on a brief vlait.
All our fiuicy Inr nnd bur' atrijm
liulifn lion" ;l pair 60i M'-rc. Ii,
You cannot alTord to overlook the
xhoo aala at Bailey & MasaingiU'a.
Odd mid cniM In N'II.-h cimvita
hli.M'. .im-, nil I !.. Mirc, Co.
We have aornu cxeullent bargain in
ladie shoe. Bailey & MasaingiU'a. 4
It J im wnut ti rt'nlly t'oil aiiioki
for avicklv, try Ki'irkiinura leader.
lira. George Boydstun, of the Went
.Si'lrt, wm one of Saturday' visitor.
Mr. T. K. Hurley, of K ansHH. ia
viaiting her sinter. Mm. It. K. Funk.
100 pair of ladies low cut shoes, at
low cut price nt Hailey & MasaingiU'a.
Wm. V. Mcitig. who is well known in
Lakeview. ia now nt Klamath Kail.
Fancy iigi'oua anil young hi-k
for r nh, ccc Irving Slixrln ;k. A 1'-I7
N. K. CaliK rwood. n Warner Valiey
itiH-krnitn. waa over from A'lul on
.Mm. May I'oat Imn been Conlinod to
tier home fur the prnit few tlaya by
Lee Kmeraon, of Suit ''reek, wa in
from hia rum-h last week for various
Al Stone, who liua been ctnploycil at
the I'mnp Creek aawmill. wna in town
over Sunday.
Slierilt Smith, of .lturiia. came up
to I.akeview laat evcniiij; on u brief
iiiiHineaa visit.
Mr. and Mr. Ilonry Itoyadtun. of
the Went Siilu. were anionff the hint
mk'i vinitorrt.
Mrs. C. D. Seshiona bus returneil
from an extended vinit to Creacent City
anil CratitH I'iish.
Miaa Laura Itoyd.stun. of the Wcat
Side, whs in town during the pant week
fur u hort htay.
Geo. McGruth yesterday eamo up
from Alturnn on a brief visit to rela
tives unci friendti.
Mihb Kltiie Fost bus uccepted a posi
tion aa fctcnoKruphcr with II. 1 A Iyer,
the reul Ftate ileuler.
Mr. and Mm. Waren Laird, accom
panied by their daughter. Monday
vanie over from l'lunh.
A new bridge ia beinK conatrueted
iktosm liullard Creek at ita intcraec
tion with l.erniird strtet.
A. McCallen. of Berkeley, haa order
ed bis copy of the Examiner sent to
Aahland until further notice.
Gabriel Ar.ncr and Michael Kau,
ranuhcra of the Auger Valley country,
were among Tueadny'a viaitura.
Miaa Lola Hurry haa accepted a poai
tion aa clerk in the Colorado Cafe, and
hua already aaaumed her duties.
C. H. Duaenbery ia now located at
Rend, to which place hu order Ida
copy of the Examiner forwarded.
The roof on the new Odd Fellow'a
temple ia now .beinjc put on and the
brickwork will noon be completed.
Mrs. Him Arthur ia now feeling very
miui'h improved after a aeveral weeks'
4.U ne Ha at her home on Slaah atreet.
City Marshal F.rneat Brown la hav
ing a very neat little piazza erected at
the front ofhis .residence on Slush
street. ,
Jerry Hurry haa accepted a position
with Charles Reid, and laat week left
for the former Hull ranch, northwest
of town.
The 0. V. L. surveyors are nowbual
ly employed at the company'! local
office, all having been called, In from
Mr. and Mra. N. Wilcox, of the
Warner canyon stage station, were in
town this week and ..remained ;for
Abort time.
C. 0. Tratt, who last week ' suffered
the amputation of a leg as the reault
ot an auto accident the week previous,
is getting along quite nicely, and hia
ultimate recovery now aeema hopeful.
J. N. WaUon la building a nrat 6
rooin residence on his Center atreet
property, which will soon be ready for
Hartholomeu Pl.u. a homesteader of
the Drews Gap sect ion. was in town
liist week attending to various busi
ness matters.
Owing to the very warm weather,
no more meetings of the Catholic
Ladies' Altar Society will be held
until a later date.
C. O. Chitwood. State Fire Warden
for Lake and Klamath counties was In
town this morning, having come over
on omVial duty.
F.. A. I'ellelirr. who has a homo
stead aome miles north of Flush, was h
visitor here for aeveral days the fore
part of the week.
Art Re hart who Is employed at his
father's ranch south of Crooked Creek,
was In town the forepart of the week
for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry IUrk. well
known Wsrner resident, were over
from Flush the forepart of the week on
a aeveral days visit.
Mrs. It. A. lirsillcy with children re
turned the forepart of the week from
Ilidwell. where she enJoyd a few days
visit with relatives.
Mrs. Francis Nyswaner. Saturday
left for Nevada City on a visit to her
aister. Mrs. Clarence l'riee, who is now
Indited at that place.
John Fitzgerald, the well known
Warner Valley rancher and stockman. !
was in town last week attending to
variotia business mutters.
Dave M'-Auliiro. one of our local
slioep men. Sunday, came in from
My. where his stock are
now feeding-'
on the Nationul Forest range.
Tho hay on tho Race Track has all
been cut. and as evidence thereof una
ay sec t wo enormous sticks piled up
close to the funce on Slash street
Bert Snyder is buck from an outing
on Upper Chewaucan. He re porta that
Kev. M. T. Wire a - few days aince
Nucceudud in hugging a fine buck.
Dun O'Shea and Phil Barry, partners
in tho sheep business, were in from
their summer range during the week,
and report the stock in lino condition.
A party consisting uf Mr. and Mrs.
A. N. ISennot and J. L. Morrow, of
Add, were in town over Sunuay
attending to varioua business matters. m
T. II. InTnurd has been in the north
ern part of the county during the past
week showing tho people the many
good ipiulities of the E. M. F. auto.
Owing to the absence of Reverend
M. T, Wire, who is on a hunting trip
in the Chewaucan country, no services
were held Sunday at the Methodist
C. O, Misener has ordered the Ex
aminer sent to hia address at Mon
mouth. 111., but gives no further infor
mation concerning either himself or his
Kirk Hiluerbrandt, a well known
resident oT Surprise Valley, ia now
spending a few wecka here as the
guest of hia daughter, Mra. R. A.
Ai Roberta Iiiih accepted the Hgpticy
ol tho noted Limm clothing, aud
liasjiiHt received Maniples of all the
lateat weaves, which be Im now dis
playing. Mr. and Mrs. Ed son L, Foulke, of
Gazelle, Cul., and Luke Walker, of
My, have been in' this section during
the past week looking up the cattle
Minn Dorothy Beach, who baa been
Hpemliiig tho aiimmcria Lttkeview, as
the ttiicat of .Mr. ami Mra. F. P.
Croneailller, left tbla morning for Sac
ramento. G. W. Wright, a well known rancher
of the West Side, ia now recovering
from a several weeks' Illness with
heart trouble at hia home south of
Slash atreet.
Rev. G. J. Wentzell, formerly pastor
of tjie local Methodist church, was
over from Cedurville laat week on a
business visit, and remained for
several daya.
Attorney W. Lair Thompson, aooom
pluned by hia folka, Monday noon', re
turned from a several days business
visit to the Silver Lake country. The
trip was made by auto.
Word has been received here to the
effect that Clarence Pi ice. who ia wall
known locally, ia now located with
Mrs. Price in Nevada City, where he
is interested in a saloon.
J. L. Morrow was in town the first
of the week on his way to Salem,
where he goes on land business. Mr.
Morrow now resides at Santa Rosa?
Cel., but is still Interested in Warner.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Cimmons of
Wichita. Kan., are in Lakevlew look
ing after property Interests. They are
touring the coast and are much pleased
with the country generally.
Mrs. &. O. Cresslcr. who haa been
visiting in Surprise Valley during the
past aeveral weeks, has returned home,
Mr. Cressler having went over after
her this week in his auto.
Col. F. P. Light and son Amos. JF.
W. Fay ne and J. C. Brockelaby are
over to Deep Creek. There will be
some remarkable fishing and hunting
stories related on their return.
Itil 1 Striolin is now busy making
various assortments of ice cream at
the "Froit" during the absence of
Tom Cloud, who is enjoying a few day's
hunting trip in the Chewaucan.
Mrk. J. Chas. Pmith last evening re
turned from Chicago, where she pur
chased a large stock of the lateat crea
tions in Fall millinery. She will have
them on display in the near future.
Mrs. Sib Harber will soon pay Sur
prise Valley friends a visit. It will be
her first trip to that section in aeveral
years, an I no doubt ahe will receive .a
warm welcome on her arrival there. .
A party consisting of Mr. and Mra.
ftoll McDonald and family and John
Duckworth. Tuesday morning, atarted
for the Mtle Chewailcan. they
expect to spend a few wecka camping
Now that considerable wood ia being
hauled into town, and the price ia low.
itlehooves all of ua to put in our
wintcr'a aupuly. Donl' wait till the
price jumps to $".f0 per coid.
Do it
i now.
Manager Al Smith, of tne Opera
House aeveral days ago purchased from
the Shepherd Fiano Company, a hne
player piano. The instrument cost
f'". and will be installed in a abort
F. W. Sheclor. of the Nationul View
Co.. of Sisson. Cat., has been in Lake
view during the past week. He took a
panoramic view ot the town which is
certainly a work of art, and finds ready
Frank Parker, who until recently
was employed at the Arzner black
smith thop, Saturday, lett on the
Southern stuge for Salt Lake City,
where he exports to make his future
Mr. and MrH. W. Lair Thompson and
Mrs. Maud Bruley this morning left
for Klamath Hot Springs. They ex
ueet to remain there about a week,
after which they will visit Crater
The War Department has begun a
determined campaign to procure the
highest number of cadets allowable
under the law for the class entering
the United States Military Academy
next June.
I The brickwork on the High School
j building has been completed and car
1 pentera are now at work on the cor
nice. The roor ia also neing put on
and the work is going ahead most sat
isfactorily. Mr. and Mra. Floyd G. Longley last
week arrived in Lakeview from Fuller
ton. Cul.. and have decided to locate
here. ' Mr. Longley iat an expert bar
ber and has accepted a position in the
McCurdy shop.
. Thus far thia year County Clerk
Payne baa issued 253 anglers' licenses,
150 hunters' and 57 combination
hunters' and anglers'. There were
issued last year 5U1 hunters' licenses
and 307 anglers'.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fuller spent
Saturday afternoon and Sunday on a
fishing trip to Cottonwood. They were
quite successful, at least ao Joe's
friends report, although the moaquitoa
were quite numerous.
Mrs. Eleanor B"tchelder and daugh
ter. Miss Cad. who have been visiting
their eon and brother, J. M., during
the past several weeks, this morning
left on their return .to their home at
Oroville, Cal.. going by way of Klam
ath Falls.
The carpenter work on the new Cath
olic church is progreaaing very nicely
under the supervision of Contractor
N. Cory, and the atructure ia fast
assuming a completed appearance.
The overhead raftcra have been put in
place during the past week.
Mark Gettv. the local photographer,
returned the latter part of laat week
after a several weeks visit to Crater
Lake. Gold Hill, Klamath Falls, and
other points. Mark made the trip to
Crater Lake with his father, mother
and sister, who were here for several
days visiting with him, but on reaching
Gold Hill they started for home, while
Mark returned here via Klamath Falls.
A. P. Koozer, the West Side rancher,
was in town laat week on a business
visit. He was accompanied on his re
turn by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Koozer.
who are now spending a few days at
their ranch on the West Side.
Miss Eva Clark, who haa been visit
ing here for a month or more as the
guest ot Mr. and Mrs. James Judge,
Saturday left for Prineville, where
ahe will visit her father, who is a
prominent dentist of that place.
The party consisting of. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Keene. Misses Lena and Marie
McChane and Ethel Bailey, who have
been camping on the Chewaucan for
the past week. Friday, returned to
town and report an excellent time
while absent.
Assistant Solicitor Staley. of the
Forest Service, accompanied by Special
Agent Thomai. of the Department of
the Interior. Wednesday arrive here to
trv several cases before the local land
office. They will leave the latter part
of the week for Silver Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Shirk a few days
since returned from an extended visit
to California pointa. the Middle gWest
ern States and the East, spending aome
time in New York. They. had "a most
enjoyable time although of course
pleased to get buck home again.
Jackson county mema to have goo J
roads at any coat ia evidenced by the
fact that the county court of that
county has ordered ah election to take
! place on the 2nd day of October for
tho purpose of voting bonds in the sum
of one and a half million dollars.
C. E. Schafer. of Fort Rock, is the
j only farmer of Lake County that haa
filed a name (for his place with the
County Clerk. Mr. Schafer calls hrs
place Clover Leaf Ranch and the nme
has been approved by the Secretary
of State and is now regularly recorded.
The party consisting of Messrs.
Macnab. Boyd. Jackson and Patch,
who spent several days 011 a hunting
trip in the Chewaucan country. JFriday
returned to town with sunburnt facea
and tanned arms, but no venison. They
expect to do better next, time, how
ever. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hereford and
children. Mildred and Ralph, are enjoy-
j ing the pleasures of camp life in the
1 Houg mining district, Mrs. Hereford's
! parents.'Mr. and Mra. John Briles. are
spendingjthe summer at the mines and
the Herefords will join them at their
While driving a team of horses on
hia father'a ranch at Crooked Creek
aeveral days ago Art Rehart had the
misfortune to be thrown from the
buckboard. seriously injuring his left
hip. He if now being treated, and
j will probably be as well as usual in a
short time.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barnes, with
family, Saturday came over from
Klamath Falls bv auto for a few days
visit with Mr. and Mra. Marion Barnes,
of Main Street. The visitors are all
well known locally, having been here
on several previous occasions. Mr.
Barnes ia sheriff of Kamath county.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chandler Sunday
came in by auto from the upper Chand
ler ranch for a aeveral daya visit.
Mr. and Mra. A. D. Tupper. of End
erlin. N. D.. were in Lakeview this
week looking over the valley. They
have been visiting relatives in Surprise
and are ao well pleased with the
country that they have about concluded
to give up their North Dakota home
and locate in this section.
Since their arrival here aeveral
weeks ago. the Shepherd boys. Kale
and Earl, in connection with their
father, have succeeding In disposing
of several pianos. X. Arzner and
Luther Wetster each purchased one of
the instruments, as well aa Manager
Smith of the Opera House.
Geo. C. Turner, of Cedarville. mem
ber of the Board of Supervisors of
Modoc County, was In Lakeview the
forepart of the week greeting old-time
friends. Mr. Turner ia a pioneer of
Lake county, having arrived here along
about 18H0. and on bis periodical visits
lwBya receives a warm welcome.
J. W.. Thos. A. and Mrs. J. W.
Rogers, of Ashland, yesterday came in
from the Windy Hollow mining district
where they had filed on quartz claims
in Tippy Wells canyon. They are con
fident that the mines of that district
will yet prove valuable, and they, re
corded their claims with the County
Two very interesting films were
shown at the Sunday evening perfor
mance at the Opera House. "The
County' Fair" and "The Count that
counted"." While the films were being
run. Misses Emily Ay res and Dorathy
Bielier rendered duets on the piano all
of which delighted the large audience
W. L. Ciapp a few days aince made
a record run with his auto that is likely
to stand for aome time to come. Leav
ing Lakeview in the morning he reach
ed Sunsanville in time for lunch and
got to Reno for supper. After aupper
he went on down to Fallon, a total dis
tance from Lakeview of someting like
$M mile.
Wc arc now ready to furnish Complete Ab
stracts to 0. V. L Properties as follows:
Tracts A Each
or Lots
Recipe for a Good Figure
Keep your hips in place, your
chest high, your back straight by
wearing a Parisiana Corset. Without
your making the slightest effort,
without discomfort, this corset will
give you a correct figure and a grace
ful carriage. t
Parisiana Corsets
are designed for every type of figure.
Come in and ask to see the model
made for you.
Every Parisiana is guaranteed to give you good
wear, or you. will receive a new corset without
The price you have been paying will buy a guar
anteed Parisiana.
Bert Harber this week informed the
Examiner that seven cars and an en
gine left the track below the Hot
Springs last Friday and came near re
sulting fatally for Bill Winfrey the en
gineer. The engine turned turtle, but
Bill escaped by jumping, and Bert
incidentally added that he never let go
of his pipe for an instant.
L. R. Glavia, who came into prom
Inence by violating rule of the Inter
ior Department and for which be wu
ousted by Secretary Ballinger. has
been named secreatry of the Califor
nia Conservation Commission and the
California Conservation Board of Con
trol in charge of water power, w&a.
the announcement made recently.
Mr. and Mra. E. L. Britten, who re
cently came here from Portland, ex
pect to open their new men's clothing
outfit store in a few days. Mr. ar.d
Mrs. Britcen were here several months
go. but returned to Portland in order
to purchase various supplies and equip
ment for their store. Tbey will be
located in the quarters now occupied
by Mr. Boone.
Messrs. Hunter. Morgan. An b stead
and Ross, Wednesday, returned to
town after a several days trip to Deep
Creek. When coming in. about in
front of the Court House, their team
of horses became frightened when
some harness Darts fell and the team
woulu have ran away but for the fact
that several men in the neighborhood
rushed to the horses heads and he lit
Saturday evening an autq party con
sisting of George Whorton, M. Whor
ton and G. B. Graves, started for the
Davis place in Drews Valley on a deer
huntii:x expedition. At a point some
where between the Tracy ranch and
Drews Creek their auto broke down,
and they were obliged to hike back to
tne ranch and phone into town for help.
Byron Graves, Frank Gunther and
Murray Heard responded, but the
efforts of the entire party towarda re
pairing the auto were unavailing, and
the trip back to town was made by