Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 27, 1911, Image 7

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A Want Ad In Tho Lake County Examnor
Repented a lew times, if necessary, will find a customer
for .tlmt property of yours. They are scanned closely
by intending binns. and the cot is nominal 5 cents
the line lor each insertion. Special long-time rates.
I'lain mi'1 i) lii'.v et'Wlnit wanted.
I'liililr ii lot ii-H a i''iMtt.v. Mr.
IV. a ( i .. i . i ini.voti st. tf
Will I m.v h h . lied iiiiuiIht of O. V,
., il. Altltri'MM .1 dun.
itiiitn, l.iikevicw. (be. Auk. 1(.
Al.l.t a. WA.VTI.H-To represent
lirluKliiMi ii'hI I .mid Ciiuiimu of
l'luiiu ill l.iikctlcw, Wit ntliT nil
lltiii'tlvii iiivi'Miini'iit itml nil uf'
Irm livi' -ill'- I'l'in, Mint run iinkit a
propt.eltlnn to it mail of ataudlfiK
In t IiIm '('fiiiillitllill v I lid t heats tho
lnuln'cl btry miil in Lake Count. .
'li t i ileal f.-r i In1 rlttliL man.
tilve r fcreiiie when iitiHtA crliiii iIiIh
l. A I ! t -. h r it 1 1 i it 1 1 Acreage Co.,
Ltd., Ilux ISH. tole. I.lul.o. Jl 7
(VAVI -Mini Intake Induing ''
irmi. .pi". ' Hi" I'ciuej- vxiii
tiriiciiont o., i.hkcvu-w, t ire
atock mnt t iiuleuiut, tiek taken
an liar ir iuu mi lrv. Unit
of reteranc. Wil ood link
JiKjuiiH of O. w. While, Auurua,
Cl.. carJ. C. Klchardion's camp.
WAN l hl) Ah iiiuuut nil kiudvuf I. In
animal hea.l. Kin. We tun skin
. .1 .. .. I, u ...... .nl.u.
n hi,., iimnv u . ,
1 Vll-y Mil l Hluitnnp. Taxadermltts
J V.II... hull. Ilraumi !UI 'Jill
FtMllnl 4 wliltCUIIll HpOtted SOWN,
In lit ear cut, apply Henry llcrylnrd
ranch, tf.
TKWKI) or atnlau. about Ami.
16., I'.W.l, nno gray mare, branded
with A mi latt atllle. wire ML'nr on
front le. welntil 1400, about 10 year
old. LUhl I'M), wlilt faca amid l
Ihtbx, tin liiMinl, wire m'ar on left
i runt tirol, about 12 year old, weight
l.OuU pound Liberal reward.
-TKAYKI' or atuleu. rum Cauiala
I'rairle, niKt ti'imi linrxi'K, one Iron
Kray the o In r white; both branded
M on lelt stabile; vintcd mi left
li. Milder; Height about "700 llm.
$liK) re-turd for their return.
PAT I HANK. l.nkvlcw,
wuril leaned liy thtt T Icphotie
i'oiiii'inv for destroying It prop
erty 1'ltf
A KKWAKU of nfty dollar U here
i y ollered for liiiortnution that will
i.-wi to the arre' ami conviction of
hit lemon wlm dim ktolt'ii wires or
nt her uroiierty . from our Comiiiy :
rind thai bkui fewttrd 1m hornliy ottered
fur Inforiuio i .n Unit will lend to ttti
trritt 8ml iil".tlon of Hiiyone dtvi-
troyluK ti" tronrty of llie CompMiiy.
1 una. l mourn.
Sworctn.iv I.Kkn Co. Iitl. luL Co.
i tf.
Don't fi.rHt tlmt w ( Hrry In itonk
tor hI all klmU of Iron, bol'a aud
ohnlna. tLlmhlB nknlua aud Iron ami
tel axlitu Atzntir llro tf
WHY .NO r. Spend your tHinitlon at
"The JuifttiMou, " Han I' ruiiolMooT
A city hot td alluatpd In lifHiitlful
park but live imuute. from Market
St. Upaolnl ratfi for the uniunier.
Hlue 1'rlnta of any . tnwoHhlp in
buru Laud UlHtrti t ' atiowiuK U
itnd untrie, DHtuea, dt, etc. lo-
litiKraphy. Your order tilled on UHy
.if reoelvlnif. l'rioe f 1. J. .
TL'KNKY. tlurui, Oreou Off
Clieiin Hour tl ltolinnztl Ouiillty
.iuvriuitw or money rolunilfd. tf
t.ltl KM AI1AKN.
HlKfKIXo' UAVK 'H fl''.H KS'l'
urndi'..' .hV"Im iind tiK'ira to lit'
fiiunil In On-ifoii. t'
1 . II. t'L'Tl lCK W 1 1 IM Y AT TIIK
Hotl I jmevU'W liar. Tlit iM'Htand
pui--t wlileky iiwiili'. tf
B 1,000 REWARD
'rii Ori'irnn t'
Hnriil n.l Narad
I.lvo niiH k I'rutuQ
Inn Ain)('ll loll, tl
which llm Uliil.r
nlKiieit la incinhur
will Klvo I'.iuuuu
ron nt'i for evhluucy
li'aJunc to tint '
irMkt ami r.Onvll'tloil
. i
'riot any party or iar.
raitlf nr muli'i
loiirfluiitoauy olln
In a1tt(tori tn Oia aNivr. the unrtiTnluncd
rtVn ou Ilia name i illlllliu t'H U.O' lur all hurt-
bramU'd bur.i uliiic liar on ioin or rnnur
Itraii.l record. 'il In islullt cncintlci. Haim
latney. tjtkf anil (.'rook couuilca. Uorwa
hum whan old.
None Imiirruwn horiicaiinld. an1 nnlyln laruf
lnbub W w, HaoWN. Kilo. Oregon.
aT rt Ulrlanr lioya ran aru llila b mi-
VKlr4 "' ''' I'lllml Nwki'liain. m'u
,2!l.ii7;iiii iiapni ol(lold-Ky Noudlnaat
") ' paper, aend ui llie II HO and
. T ' i . . I '.it . ' . M .... K!..l.
j i iihalun,llxK k. t. order uwdlaa
i fVtSl today. Wetnut you.
t?, "iV'l Stmuart Supply Company
kaua.. 4 lloi 8U0 titlaTThK, W ABH.
I XTTiVV !'" A.k )imr UruMaUt f. A
fJl V-Vl fil-rluui.l.r'a lluu...n J TlnJ
tNiyj! I'llla In M. il i. I t.M iiirl.llkV
Vv TjJJ I....., mlcl lik KIM.
Itnirirl-t. A.l l it HI .rlfV.H.TFHa
UlAMoNIt HliVMt ril.l.a.1 I j
yuii knuaii tt Heal, hal.t. Alwtyk KcllftM
Want Ads
I'DII HA I.K I.Mdlea' Miiitdlrt liorw, rli
nlr Ki tMic A Hariifn fiK.iralortt. if
KOIt KA I.K 111 acrea wlt'i 6 rr
wnier riuht. O. V. I j. triift li, et'fl.
7. T 41. U. IU, mi. I lot II, lilk U7. ad
illtlou to city ol Ijikcvlrw, nil paid.
tui'lii'linir taxt'M, prlco $17.".. Addrt'ki
Alfied Klivki-ndall. lii'lii'rnl dtdivery,
Loa Anut'li'M. t nl. 71:t :'O r7
I'OK MAI.K-10 a. r.- trnct No. 411, Nee.
H, T. UN. K. Uo lot Ti. In t.U 72,
O V L. t.'.i.'e addition to Lakevlcw.
No rt'naonalile offer rt'fiiHed. K II
t'lnrk.', l.i.IIS7, ItnkiT ore, Auf..'l.
Kilt SAI.K-15 licad of dairy row;
will n il iiny iiiiiiiUt to ault pun lm
vr. Applv to J. .1. Monroe, Willow
Hiiut'li, Cel.
I'OK HAI.r-The Ni of tin of the
HW'f of theHW", of Mt-c 7, Town
hlp .fl Mouth ol Kmiiko 'Jl) K W M
with water coiitriu't f tr ft iwre.
AIno l't 111 in IthK'k 7K O. V. I..
Co. Addlllon to l.akfvtfw.
Atldrfe W. Wiilrliic,
1 1.'! l.vndnlo A vo N
Miriii'Hpolirf, Minn.
IDK HA I K -40 acr.H tn tilralfa. 2
iinlea Kotiili of New Plni- Creek, alao
80 at-rfN faruitntr limil, 6(1 uciee ill
wheat (I inllea otith of New J'ltic
Crt-ck. Particulare of I. T. Ilt'iider
eon. New I'm" Creek, Ore. Apt'tJ if
I'OK 'Al-K 10 aeree, near liiikevlew.
It.ecrlptioti: .s' ol S1 of NW4 t
NK'4' of Section HI, TuWiielilp 40.
ICn.iit I!) K- V. M. Otto K. Ant
crmm, l.ukeCliy, Mlilti.
UlANKI.I.V. l'.MO four paMHenver
eix e Under rondete., run only 4.'K0
lllllee, 4.' b. p., repainted. A l ellilH'
t IiiimikIkhi t, K""r.iiilH..I
new, luirttiii for auyoiiit wIhIiIhk
It 1 if la pnwert-d roHdeter, Hi'lle new
fi.r$4iHl. price fjr.V) fob. I'ort
I. mil. MciixIcm luH.iU Auto Co., Till
tV Oitvlrt KlM., 1'ortlilliU, OreKnii.
Ilil acre line, level land Mdjullilni;
Pauline Murah, nIi milea not tli of
town of Silver 1-nke. V rv eln-i
fori-axli. Apply lo .1. O. It a 1 1.
Cluiuln-r of Commerce luili I nu.
I'oitlnu.l, Oregon. 413
fOU SAl.i: Tim W of S-e. :t4. T. .'W
.S., Kanm? 1! i:., U. SI., near Luke
view, 4 Jr. Call ou or H.l.lrcn Chiut.
K. Klitll), City I'.ccord'T, halem.Cre.
-2;i 4-:
TIIK i.akeview AliHtract & Title Co.
I uiokiiiK Hpis iiil price on AliHtrui't
to O. Y, K. t'o 'a TinctH and Town
FOR SAl'.K 10 aerea with a 6 acre
water rnilil, U.V.I... Tract 10, iSeo.
7. T. H. K. Ill, and Lot 11. Il k. U7.
tor lli0. H70. paid. A(lireH Alfred
K u.vkeudiill, it'll. Del, Loa AukcIch,
FOKSALK 10 acre, with 6 acre
water r'ltht, O-V-L. Tract 10, Keo.
7, Twp. 41, K. VJ. and Lot 11, lilk.
S7. MuMt itell at once. Price 1 170.
tlHO paid. ' Addle
(Jon. Del , Loa Aouelea. Cul.
Foil SAl.K -TrariiV. H. T.ah, K. I , Uiacica.
I.. J. I'orti'r, i'orlland, T.m.
Knit HO.K-l.ot Jm. block 40. and tract 11, dee.
l.'i, 1. atf. It. In. lo acr,. I'.'iur ttwunauu, 170
Ijiidb y hi , han Kraii.'lM'o, t'al.
i'tllt riAl.Kl.ol 24. block S7, t. V. I. t'o. a.ldl-
tl and S',of N'4 ol N h't ol NIC1,, Hw, 1.
T. in, K. 1U IU aero. Addi.-fk Krcd Kiik-crcr,
ItKl) 4, boa 1I, kkiin i:iiy. Ku. Price l-'lo.
KOIt HAhK-Tract I, H.-0. IS, T. 117. It. SI, 40ai'rr7.
J. 11. I'carMiii. M W Alameda Ave. Peuvur.t'.ol.
KOK HAI r.-l.ol i. blova 1:18 and tract , hec 1H,
T4I, K 14, 2o aero. Addrtan I llden Ward, 111
K ll M, Pea Molin a, Iowa.
KOK HA I.K Lot 14. block I to, and N1, ul KK'.i ol
Nii, rt...' 17. T;,0, It tli, So aoro. kalv L.
Wray.bnx II. Ithlxi'll. Id, W ab I'rlco -00.
rOK t-M.K-'t 6, block 2M. O V I. addlllon,
andNk':, HWia See 17, T krt, K U. 4tl acrei.,
Ad.lruM J I'leri e Wolto, M.Hirbead, Mlliu.
KOK HAl.KUn J4. block si , O V I. addlllon,
and Hi, ol N ol ett (tve 1, T M, It itu, M
aerca Addrca t'. C llarmoii, loi Kalmai HI,
Ketlll.lld. H. IK
KOK HALE-HI - of N),,iil HK'i ol Kk1. i, btu :
:!. K ;W. IU acica.
H 1.1
It. '!.'' l 1 1 , v
i ovt ml
In the County Court of tho Stale of
Ort'tion tot the ( ounty of l.akv
u i ounty i
r of the)
I A M 10 S V
ceitHtid J
ln;the .Matter or
eHtate of .1
l.'i is i-l.'.lt Dec
To all Hron8 whom it may con
fern :
Notice Im hereby jflvt'U. that the
uiidereltHHl, atiiuinlHirator of iIioch.
tatu of JatneM KoHter, (I. cchwcJ, lian
made and tiled with the County Clerk
of tho above entitled court, the Una)
aocotiut of IiIh iKlminlHtriitiou of tho
estate of .lumen Kimter, tlecoaMcd, and
thnt the Hon. H. Duly, .liitl;e of the
Hiild Court, has, by an order duly
mm It) and entered in aaltl Court and
matter on July 14, lull, tlxed and
appointed Hiaturdaj , AtiKimt 10, 11)11,
at the hour of ten o'clock In tho fore
noon uf aaitl tlay, at the Court Kooni
of valtl Court, at tho Court Ilouao in
Lakevlew, Lake County, OreKon, ua
aa the time aud place for the lienrintf
of objiftloiii (to Maid Final Accouut,
if any there lie, 'in- ftf tho eettlo
ineut thereof, in which order aaltl ad
miniHtrator in directed to give this
uotlce ly iiuhllcatiou thoreot for four
MiicoeHHivo ami cotiHcctitive weeka In
tho LakeCountyKxamluer.a newspa
per of Kcueritl circulation, publiHhod
in uaid county, the Una publication
thereof to bo made J uly 80, and the laet
publication thereof AuKiitl7. 1101 1-
Dated and tlrat pablUhud July 'JO,
1). C. BCUM1NCK, Adminia
trator of the en late of J utuea
Foater, doceaeed,
In the matterol (tie Katkieof Jowph
Y.. JeliiHire. leeeed.
The umlornlKfied, J. A. .let more,
having been iiulv itppoluted b the
County Court of the Male of Oregon,
for the Coil my of lke, aa adtulnlM
tratrlx of the ealate of joxeph II. Jet
tliore, deeeilMed.
Not lire la hereby given lo all credi
tora of ami all pereon havlnic flulm
auniiiHt Maid diTeuaed, to preerit
them duly verified, a re. pi i red by
law, within nix montliN from the
(I rat publication of thl notice, to
Hill. I J. A. Jet more, at the lW of II
of I.. K. ('.iiiii. In l.akevlew, Or.
Dated and lnt pMhllnhi'il thin
Nth iIh.v of .tune, Itlll
AdiniiilMlratrlx of the Ka
tate of .loNoph H. ietmore,
it -I'Miieed,
Department of the Interior, United
Klatea I -it nd ttlllce. Lakevlew, Orv.,
June 24. 1911
To Ka pli O. Scott, of Ia Auxelea,
Cll'lf., Couleatee.
You are hereby notified that Faye
Keelie. who uiveM Lnkev.sw, Oregon,
a her t'Oat oiliiu addreeM. did oo May
i'ft. 11)11, tile lu thla otllce her iltily
cirroleirated application to content
and Merlin the cancellation of your
linuicMtend. Kerial No. V.WJH. luaile
June II. HUD, for Loin 3.4. (I. SKNW, HW-4. Heetioll 4. Town-hip .'JS H.
Hnuku 17K. Willamette Meridian, ami
hi ground for In-r content he allege
that aald entry mall lie verext it blinded
a reeldeiice or aet'.led upon llie above
dewrlbml tract, nor haa he ever cul
tivated or Improved theioe or any
part thereof:
You are. therefor'- fnrt her notified
that the aald alleitat I'.iim will be tak
en by t hi office iv havlnif ben con
feeatKl by you, and your ald entry
wll be cancelled thereunder without
your further ri li t to be In ard there
III. either iM-fi. re Ihl office or ou ap
peal. If you fail to file lu tlila office
within twenty tbiye after the fourth
publication of iIiIm uotlce tot alioWn
ledow, your aiiMWer, tinder oath,
Mptx'lllcally 'meet Iuk and reHpondiaj;
tt tht-M allriratlon of eonteet, or if
you fall wi bin ttntt time to hie In
tblM office due proof thai you have
eerved a co'v ot your atiawer on the
ald cooteatant either lu perenu or f
reiflateied mall. If tblM Her vice Im
tnatle ly the delivery of a copy of your
aiiHWr to tho eoiitcntmi t In percoii
uroof of Mtii-li aervlce tnilHt b- either
the Maid coutcMnot'e written mk
Otiw ledcuient of It 1 1 receipt, of the
copy, ehowinif the date of itn receipt
or the affidavit of the pereou by
whom t In-.1. livery wh made Miatlnn
when 'tie I where the copy wiih ilcllv
ered; If made by reuimeret mail,
pro. f of hin h aervlce DiUht c.m-Hl-t
ot the affidavit of the perHon by
whom thecopv wait mulled, etatlnc
when and the punt office to which
It wiih mailed, ami thin affida
vit UiiiHt be aecouipalileti by the
poNtmaater'a receipt for the letter.
You ehoiild etate In your nuawer
t he name of the ptiHtofiice to which
you tit-Mire future liollcea to In- Rent
to ou.
AKTIIUK W. OUT0N. IteulMter.
Duteni iirat publication J tine IK), lull.
" aecond Julv li, lull
' thin! " " 13. "
' fourth " " 0, '
Khtate, of William J. D. Sherlock.
N dice Ih hereby iilven that the ua
di'miuticd executor of the eelate of
W illium J. D. -Sherlock, iliH'cau'd. haa (il
cd tlnal ncc u nt of the admiuiHtratioii
of tt.'ild eetate In tho County Court
of the Htuu of Orcirou. fur Lake
Couniy, and tin thefJudire ot paitl
Court line tlxed Wednesday, the 'Jllrd
tlay ol AueviKt, lull, at the hour of
ter o clock, a. in. aa the time, anil
the County Court Itomn lu the Coun
ty Court hoime In l.akevlew. Ore-
iron mm. the place for heart, g ohjec-
tiona to aaltl Dual account, if any
there be. and for aeti lenient thereof.
Now therefore, all ihthoub IntertHt-
etl lu Maid eatate are hereliy retiiretl
to prenent tlielrohjecttona in wriliOar
tooald account In the above
entitled Court oil or before mild date.
Dated thiH 1-th day of July, A. !.,
JOHN B. BLAIR, execu
tor of laat Will and Teeta
inenl of W llinin J. D.
Sherlock, DuceaHed.
In the Circuit Court of tue etate of
Oregon for Lake County.
Dick J. Wilcox, ad Admin- ; TO
ietrator of the eHtate of Wll-
liiin ltahnka.tloceaHed, aud I SHOW
F. W. Payne, aa County
Clerk of the County Court I CAUSE
of Lake County , Oregon.
Information for the em-heat of the
froperty of the eatate of William
tahuka, deceaaed, havlnu: o-en tiled
in the above cut it led court and cauae
by D. V. Kuykcudall, dlatrlct attorney
of tho aecond prodeciutnjj attorney
ttiatrlct, the vau.e heinu the thirteenth
Judicial dlatrlct ot thebtateof Oregon,
eaid Information alleKltiK that on the
7th tlay of January, lull, the then
action Uovertior of the State of Ore
gou, directed the eaid district at
torney to tile Hiiid information; that
William Haliuke, deceaaed, waa the
Irtot perMoti lawfully aeized of the fol
lowing tteHcrihed real property altu
atetl lu Lake County, State of Oie-J
gun, to wit; liegluutuK thirty feeteust
of the uortheaat corner of block it, iu
the town of Lakevlew, Lake County,
Oregon, ami running theuce uorth
forty five feet; theuce east forty -Ave
feet; thot ce south iorty-flve feet;
thence weat forty-li ve feet to thejulace
of beginning situate lu acction tlfteen,
townahlp thirty olne, HOUth of range
tweuty, K. W. St.; that said William
liahuka waa at the time of hia death
the owner of a large amount ol per
sonal property coualating of money,
certltlcatea of depoait, houaehold fur
uiture ami ininlug atock valued in Uie
aggregate fl'.'60.()0; that aald William
liuhnka tiled tuteatate lu Lake Coun
ty, Oregon, ou the 2Uth day of Au
glint, lWo, leaving no hulra, widow,
childreu or uo kindred capable of In
heiitliiK any of the property, and that
ttald property and the title thereto
haa escheated aud vested in the State
ot Oregon, that on the 2nd day of
Septtiuber, 11)05, Dick J. Wilcox, of
Luke County, Oregou, waa by order
of the Hon. It. Daly, Judice o( the
County Court of eaitl county and
tnte, duly appointed adinlmairaUir
of eaid elale. and on the day ol
Hepteinla-r, liH'6 lei (era of n'IiiiIiiIhI r
lion of Maid 'eatale duly laaned under
the eal ol aald court to aAld Ditta J.
Wilcox: that aald Dick J Wilcox
thereafter duly (iialiiled a Much ad j
tiiinlM'rator aud took poaMeaM'oa of ;
the effect and probity of aald eetate i
and Much proceeding were t here. Iter
had In nich court that all claim j
HKah Ml ald HMiate and all expeiiee
of ailu.lniMi ration were paid and the!
Hdmlnletration of Raideatate U Mtially '
and lully m. til. d, and the Hal l aduilii- .
Uiratorhaa Iiim Dual account of !
the aituiinlalriitioi of aald ealalo in j
Maid County Court, and that Maid dual
accouut. wa in all thliiK npprovMd
by the juiUe of ni court on the M h
tiny f May. lull, and aald court lotiod
ami decreed thalHitld William liatiok I
died InleMtate ami left no heir or helra
at law Miirvlvin, but that raid per-1
annul property encheiited to the aiate
olOrejton; that la the order approv
iltMT Mi. I Dual account Maid county !
court (lecrtnl that Maid adiiilrilHtrittor 1
deliver over the poeneeMloo of all of i
aald property reiualmuK uiiapproprl. 1
au-d and unexproded In In hand to i
the clerk of mmII county court; that j
F. W. Pay lie la the clerk of aald county I
court ai,l claiuiM no Intereat In any of
the proi-rt of aaul cetnle; that Dick
J. Wilcox either a miiniiilxt'ator or
otherwlM chum do Internet lu any
if the property ol aald eHtate, ami
t hat no oi her pcreoii or perron claim
any tnu-ret or r Rht lu Maid eeiaU- jr j
the p.-ojerty thereof; that the per-
houhI proM-rty of aid eHtate Ih la the j
pi.Mie-Hxioti of F. W. Payne, aa clerk of I
the county court of like county,
Oregon, and the real property of naid
eetate la 111 the pomm-mhioii of Dick J.
Wllcf.x. a admlubtrattir of the eaute
of William bahoke, dcceaie-il: and i
that naid real pioperty ia al thin time
unoccupied. It ia ordered that all -r-our
intcri-ated lu the eetate "f the
above-uamed Wpilain iiabnka, le
ceiBed. are herebv repilred to appear
ill l'i. abttve entitled court on or lie
fore the lt day of September, li)ll,
aud ehow chuw, If any they have,
w hy the title to all of the above dc
acribed property and all ol I lie pro
perty of the L-rtaieof the Maid William
liuhnka, d. cenned, ehould not vent lu
the Mtate of Oregon. It i further or
dered that thiH order ehall le pub
llnhed for at leaat hlx tuccenive Week
from the date thereof lu the Lake
County Kxiimincr, a newnpa-r (
K-neral clrcuUt Ion, bliahed In 1 ake
county, Mtate ol Oregon.
. ......I .1.1..1. 1 ... . . . f.
I'.iien linn "in u.lj (l juiv, A. U,
Judre of the t ircuit Conn ot the1
State of Oien for I ake County. I
Date of limt publication July 13,1
101 1.
Not t'oal Land
Depart ineue of the Interior, U. S
Laud Office at Lakevlew, Oregon, .
July 17, 1U11. :
Not ic i la hereby K'Ven that Nannie
M. tiravea, whone poet oliice addresa;
ia Ijikevie. O'ejjon, did, on the Hib!
day of AdKUHt, 1U1D, tile in thiw office j
4orn Htatenietit and Application,
No. l:t'.C, to pun-haae the XW'j
N WJ-4, See. 31. Towunhip 3D S. Uanue
17K, Willamette Meridian, and the i
timlier thereon under the provinioiiH i
of the act of June 3, 187, and act'
auieiidatory, known aa the "Timber i
and Stone iaw," at euch value aa j
miuht be atlixed by appralHinent, and
ihat, piirnuant to Much application,!
thn lanil and tlinlnT thereon have
been eHtiinate.1 aud valued by ap- I
pile int at a total of $100, the timber j
cHtlmated at l'iO.(KK) board feet at j
. fid per M. and the lai.d tX; that;
Huid applicaut will offer Dual proof In j
Miipport ol her application and aworn I
Mtateinent on the 14th tlay of cptem- i
ler. 1U11, before HeKiateraod Hei-elver,
U. 8. Laud cffice. at Lakeview. Ore.
Any iMTHon la at liberty to protest j
thin purchase la-fore entry, or initla e
a content at any time Ix-lore patent ' tiline; a corroborated a til- !
davit in this ottlce, allejjino; ' facte i
which wou'd defeat the entry. '
AKTIIUK W. ORTON, Kegiater. ;
(Not Coal Land)
Department of the Interior, U. S. Ottlce at Lakeview, Oregon,
July 15, lull.
Notice ia hereby given that Alfred
II Itarnum, wboae postottiee addreaa
la Lakevlew, Oregon, did, ou the 27th
day of ScptenaU-r, 11)10. tile in t ti la of
fice aworn atatenient and application
No 0402S. to purchaaethe W
Sec. 11. TowiiHhlp 37 8., Kange20 E.,
Willamette Meridian, and the timber
thereon, under the provlalona of the
act of June 3. 1S78, and acta amend
atory, known aa the "Tiuibtr and
Stone Law," at eueu value aa might,
be tlxetl by appraisement, and that
pursuant to nich application, the
land ami timber thereon have beeu
appraised at a iota of f.'OO, the tim
lier estimated ltiO.000 board feet at
$75 per M, and the land fSO; that
said applicaut will offer dual proof In
mipportof Ilia application and sworn
statement on the 14th tlay of Septem
ber, 1211, before the Kegister and Re
ceiver of the United States Laud Of
fice, at Lakeview, Oregon
Any ponton ts at ltbertj to protest
thla purchase before entry, or Initiate
a contest at any time before patent
iaaues, by tiling a corroborated affi
davit in thla oliice, alleging facta
which would defeat the entry.
A Valuable Climate
Oregon has a cimate that it a great
asset but this fact ia not generally
recognized here at home. It waa im
pressed during the past week however,
when the national convention of
Christian churches was in session here.
It. A. Long, millionaire lumberman of
Kansas City, who pledged a gift of
$1,000,000 to carry on the work of the
church, said the Portland convention
was the best in the history of the or
ganization, and was due to the favor
able weather which made it comfort
able for the delegates at all times,
so that the sessions were not fatiguing
nor were the speakers tired and dull,
as is so often the case when the con
ventions are held in Eastern cities in
Clear Lumber. Mill Work
and Mouldings
Prescriptions have been filled at
this store in tht past five years
This re.ord shows better than
anything eise the confidence
placed in this store by
both doctor and
I. M. COREY, Gmnmrul Manaamr
Operate SUfca. carrying- United 5Utea- Mall, Ex pre aad Pasaenger the
following- route:
Klamath Falls Route
Alturas Route -Plush
Klein Fall
Alt-it aa
Office, Water St.
Lakeview Ice, Transfer
and Storage Co
J. P. DUCKWORTH, Manager
Transfer and Drayage Ice Delivered
The Lowest,, Warmest and
Best Valley in Lake County
We have many teu acre tracts, some adjoining listed
at from $150 to t:50, oue half of same with perpettfal water
right ou a uever falliug Btieam.
Also lineal of natural meadows.
Dou't leave Lake County without aeeing this valley.
Jennings-Meyer Realty Company
No doubt you realize the great importance
of planting such varities of fruits and flow
ers that have been demonstrated to be suc
cessful under like conditions in other com
munities. We have been growing general
nursery stock in the mountains for many
years and WE KNOW.
The Klamath Nurseries,
On Way
Round trip
Stage Office
Sullivan Hotel
American hotel
. Hotel Royal
Telephone No. lO
Klamath Falls, Oregon