Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 27, 1911, Image 6

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; I
Children Cry
17:4 .K
, -v. ,r --jjw '
7 C T
The Tvlinl You lTi'.vr Always Itouprht, nml which has been
In iimo for over years, has borne the sljrnaturo of
ii - KtuI lins been niado under 111 por
S: sonal miiervlsion sltux Its Infancy.
sS. S-CCiC Allow MO ono t deivlvo you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations ami "Just-iis-irond' nro but
I'xprrlmcnts that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against KxpcrimcnU
distort is a harmless pubstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Irops and Sootliinjr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Jlorphluo lor other Xareotio
Mibstance. Its n?o is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrl.shness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures ConstliuUon
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Howe Is, plvin& healthy and natural tdecp.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
I Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Txr crnTKUK commht. rr Mur ctkcct ftrw yo city.
COURTEOUS ij5Wv-f--r'
LIGHT & HARROW. Proprietors
MOW Oity Bakery &
nZTTT Coffee House
? ll ' WATON ''I-'"'K. Ne..r IVi, phoue Otflcei
Newly Fitted
NewManagement z for -.v
The Proof of the Pudding
is in the eating of it. Have you tried our make
of Sugar-Cured Hams and Bacon, also
our Home Made Mence Meat?
Goose Lake Valley Meat Co.
J. AliRl'IJY,
Special Attention to Transient Stock. Horses
Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open. Phone 571
Lakeview Meat Market
HAYES dt. GROB, Propr-s
Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc., Etc.
Try our Sausages and Cured Meats
Quality Unexcelled
Free Delivery
for Fletcher's
Signature of
If f 1 V
Fresh Bread, Rolls, Pastry,
Cakes, Light Breakfasts,
Lunches, Coffee, Etc.
Weeding ami ntht-r Si-ci;il Caki-x ti order
tit htii.rt notice. IJriMil Tic-k.-t. 1:1 for t 00
Hti only. u:i. dokim;, i'iop.
Author of ''Frenzied
In Description of Central Oregon-We Will;
Soon Be Flooded With People and Money
.' In a telegram from Prineville. Thos.
; V. Lawson. writer of frcnitimi finance.
' says in the Oregonian :
What lire my first impression of
! Central Oregon? The rnnif a my al-
; ready published impressions of l'ort-
land ami Hood River except except.
: well take what I have said about I'ort
j land and Hood River, and then blow
otT the sides and let the good things
J "vast themselves" and you will have
an idea of the idea which seeped into
! my very system during my 48 short,
i oh so short, hours spent in this stupen
i dous country among its wonderful
You know it is getting monotonous
it must be getting monotonous to your
; people, my repeated telling how mar
I telously good everything looks to me.
but there is nothing else I can say.
My experience since the day 1 first set
foot in Oregon has been one of con
tinuous revelation of "good things."
! In Portland it was the quiet conserva
j tive beauty of the homes, the home
; surroundings and the people who oc
' cupied the homes in combination with
the wonderful things nature has done
; and is doing for the city and its suburbs
; and all! in combination with the re-
markably well-foundationed business
hustle that struck me. In Hood river
i valley it was the marvels of nnture.
i the exquisite refinement of the homes
and the people in combination with tho
business, the apple-orchard business,
which impressed me.
Here in Eastern Oregon it is the
wonderful beauties-sky. mountain and
flat land combination beuuties. the
superb climate and all in combination
with a look-you-straight-in-the-eye,
carry-your-heart-upon-your-sled manli
ness and womanliness of the pe ple
apparently all the people - nml this in
combination with a money-making pos
sibility that is almost beyond compre
hension to us of the East strikes me so
forcibly that I am actually compelled
to answer your question what I think
of Eastern Oregon by repeating what
I have already said before. Since I told
the Oregonian three or four weeks ago
that I would take my existence on the
soundness of my opinion that Oregon
is to have a marvelous future, and that
future within the next ten years, I
have been watching out sharply fori
defects that would punch a hole in my
Few Agricultural College!
Graduates Accept master Were Neeli
Salaried Jobs j gent of Duty
Of 66 graduates in 1910 and 1911 from
the unimal husbandry department ofj
the agricultural college of Iowa. 52'
went back to the farm. All were
offered positions of $1000 to $100 sal
;iry, hut each prelerred to put his '
scientific training into practical use
on Iowa lands. i
Eight of the fourt.en who chose
other walks became college instructors
rhree are in agricultural journalism,
two are teachers of agriculture, and ;
one is in dairy test work.
In the Oregon Agricultural college
in 1910 many more positions were
offered the graduates in horticulture
and agriculture than there were'' men
to accept. Many of the positions were
as superintendents or manager ol
large orchards and all at good salaries.
Many of the positions went unfilled
from that source, because a large per
cent of the graduates went back to
the farm.
The agricultural colleges are fafct
convincing their students and the pub
lic that life on the land is not a mere
makeshift, but a highly interesting,
extremely independent and thrifty ac
tivity. The old idea that we can farm
when we cannot do anything else, and
that the farm life is ia a sphere for the
dullards and unfits is being exploded.
In the well known utterance of
James J. Hill, often reiterated, the
land is a gold mine. The soil never
stops producing. With intelligent
care, it will yield better after centur
ies of UBe than it did In the beginning.
The average yield in England has risen
from its former figures of 10 bushells
to 29.
Farming is no longer an accident.
It in the biggest activity in the coun
try. It ia the basis of all prosperity.
It is the underlying structure on which
all industry ia built. It supplies more
than 40 per cent of the raw material
for our boasted manufactured pro
ducts. Ita annual creation of wealth
Finance" Bubbles Over
first impression or at least
some of the enthusiasm,
shade out
but I have
been unable to find any.
Every place I have visited, and I
have really covered quite bit of
ground, and all of tho people I have
touched elbows with, has but tended to
confirm, yes. and expand, my first, en
thusiasm. Truly, your country is a
marvelous one. There is but one thing
that your H'opli of Oregon will lie
called upon to furnish in tho clinching
of your great future, and that is a
square deal to tho hordes of people and
the vast capital which will surety pour
in upon you from now on. A short time
back, while you then had the n-.rel-ous
advantages supplied by nature,
you needed eoplo and capital, and
both, owing to a peculiar combination
of condition, were at that time hard
to secure - people, because the East
had not been overrun and because the
Middle West was the first stopping
place of the emigrant, and capital be
cause, first, it was not in such quanti
ties as now. and second because it
could find ample vent in the building
of the railroads and their entai'ed
All tnis is now changed. There are
millions of people in the East who
must, come West or rtiirve. There are
billions of capital in the East which
must come. West or mildew and de
cay come West. Northwest, but par
ticularly to Oregon. In my opinion it
will from now on be impossible to
keep back people and capital from
building up Oregon until in a short
time, it will be, figuratively shak
ing one vast unbroken city and sub
urb - impossible, if you extend to the
coming people your most valuable and
fascinating asset, the best there is in
you -that is. that royal, square deal
good fellowship which I have seen
standing on the corner of every city
street. (Hipping out of every apple
orchard, bounding over every sage
brush and hurtling every acre of
bunch grass since 1 have come into
your state.
Just give the coming people and
capital your free-from-jealousy, right-from-the-heart
welcome and well I.
would be afraid to tell what I think
will happen for fear I will lose my rep
utation and be set down among the
Train Crew and Road-
The Dalles. July Engineer
Thomas Myles. Conductor Cass, Assis
tant Koadmaster A. S. McCurdy and
the Oregon Trunk Kailway are held
responsible for the fatal wreck July 10.
as the result of which suven lives were
lost. After an investigation which
lasted nine days. Coroner C. N. Ilur
get and a jury composed of William
Vogt. Frank I'hillips. Henry Smith.
Harry Oliver, .1. S. Fine and Frank
Gardner reported his findings to night.
The verdict in part is as follows:
"We lind that Engineer Mvles was
exceeding the speed limit. We do also
find .that Assistant Koadmaster Mc
Curdy was criminally negligent, in
that after checking the speed of the
rain he did not pull the air cord and
set the t:rakes. as he knew this to be
a dangerous point, not sufficiently bal
lasted and practically being a skeleton
track at the point of derailment. And
we further find that tho track was in
an unsafe condition as to its guage
and that said guage was known to
McCurdy. roadmaster in charge of the
"We further find that the track at
this point is not protected by a slow
board. We further find that it has been
the general custom to exceed the speed
limit at this point, and that this fact
has been known to said McCurdy, he
having taken no precaution by report
ing the facts to a superior officer. We
further find that Conductor Cass, in
charge of this train, was criminally
negligent in not paying proper atten
tion to the speed of Ids train, allowing
said train to approach this dangerous
curve at a speed in excess of the speed
is now nearly a billion dollars, or near
ly twice as much as all the gold mined
in the country in a century.
What field offers wider scope or
better rewards to bright young men.
('nut limed (rum vitid pitgo
I'riuik (inlliivMtti, siiiiik :U )
IVrl K. t'nrroll, mime .Mil 00
.lumen It.rau, anine .'Ill 00
J. I'm nk AduuiH, siiine :H 'JO
V. M. O'Nvlll, Miiiiio .'Ill 00
leu !. Ktihiunoii, himiiu 117 'JO
Motel lkevuw, menln Inr jury
r.iutesta,.ri.t, aw
i To be paid out of the ucneml loud
fund at follows:
S. A. Mnsbi'ii, (or inllonito mid
surveying propom-d cmiiil v
rond HO (0
A. Miiohen, (or 5 ili pre
llinliiinv nlllce work nml
II mil limp lor protiitMsl
eouiily Mad 25 00
Childrt. rodiiinn In aurvey (
propoiwil cuuiily road
K. t'ody, (r road viewing;
and lulletige
('. t'ltrmiict,, same
W. Martin. Ilverv hire (..r
fund viewer
SI 00
si :m
II w,
T. C. Ili-innrd, road mipplieM...
I''red HMktigeiiliertr, aiitue
('a. Store, roinl tools and re
pair of kkiiii' by A, A.
Martin II
Wooileiwk Iieonaril, repair of
r'inl tooln.
4l .'
in the matter of the resignation of
J. A. Morris as Justice of the Peace
of South Warner Precinct. I.ak Coun
ty. Oregon. It is hereby ordered that
the resignation of the said J. A.
Morris aa Justice of the Peace of South
Warner precinct, in Lake County, Ore
gon, be and the same is hereby accept
ed and his bondsmen are herehy re
leased from further liabitlity. In the
matter of the resignation of J. S. Mar
tin as Justice of the Peace of Silver
I.aka Precinrt. Lake County. Oregon.
It Is hereby ordered that the resigna
tion of J. S. Murt.n, as Justice of the
Peace of Silver Lake Precinct, in l..'ko
County, Oregon, be and the same is
hereby accepted anil his bondsmen
are herehy released 'from further ba
ld it y.
In the matter of the resignation of
T. A. Crump as Constable of South
Warner Precinct :
It appearing that te said T. A
Crump has tendered his res
os such ollicer. in due form. It is,
therefore, hereby ordered that the res
ignation of T. A. Crump, as Constuble
of South Warner Precinct. I. like Coun
ty, Oregon, lie and the same is hereby
accepted and his txmdsmen reloaded
from further liability.
In the matter of the resignation of
A. M. ilardisty. as Supervisor of
Road District No. 4. Lake County,
Oregon, and of 0. K. Arthur as super
visor of Pond District No. 10. Lake,
County, Oregon; It appearing that!
the suid A. M. Hnrilisty and i. F. 1
Arthur have each tendered their resig
nations in due form, it is therefore
hereby ordered that the resignation
of each be and tho same is hereby
accepted and their bondsmen rclcinnl
f'um f.irthcr liability.
Court adjourned to meet
July 11. PHI. at 9 o'colck a
In the County Court of the
Oregon, for Lake County,
m. !
.State of(
Tuesday. ;
July 11. UM1.
Court convened pursuant to adjourn-I
ment of July 10. 1911, with the same j
officers present, when the following
proceedings were hud towit : j
In the matter of the approval of the !
plot of the J. S. Lancuddition to Lake-
view. Lake County. Oregon. It ap-j
peuring to the satisfaction of the,
Court that the laiv in relation thereto
has been fully complied with. It is1
therefore, hereby ordered that the said i
plot be and the same herehy is approv- ;
ed. I
In tho matter of the Road petition :
of H. II. Kutney and others: There-:
port of II. II. Carrnack and O. F. Cady. i
viewers, and S. A. Muahen. County
Surveyor, heretofore appointed to view,
survey an 1 lay out the County Road;
petitioned for bv II. II. Keeney and
thirteen other freeholders of Lake
County ami Stuto of Oregon, suid re
port having been tiled herein on tne
6th day of July. 11)1 1. was duly and
publicly read herein in open court
the first time this 11th day of July.
1911. us provided by law.
In the matter of the petition of
I'hillip Lynch. Frank Ruggers and
twelve other freeholders of Hoad Dis
trict No. 5, of Lake County. Oregon,
praying that an order be' made ap
pointing viewers and ordering that the
County Surveyor and tho viewera so
appointed, view, survey and report up
on said proposed road : It is hereby
ordered that S. A. Mushen, County
Surveyor of Lake County. Oregon.
S. V. Kehart and Creed Pendleton, as
viewers, be and they are hereby ap
pointed to view, survey and report to
this Court, as is provided by law,
their findings as to the said proposed
County Road, and they are further
directed to ieet at the Court House
in Lakeview, Oregon, on the day
of July, 1911. at 9 o'clock a. m. of
said day, upon their failure to meet
on said day, then to meet within five
days thereafter, and then and there
qualify and immediately thereafter to
view, survey and report upon said
proposed road as above directed :
('xliliuued on i'uge Eight
riAIIlVLB 'lliN
A sail' lnt lh
la autckly ahMrfe.
It elnanxi'x, soot bra, lit nl and protect Ilia
ri ... . " i,w . s
I diu'd mMiilronn i-noilting from CuUrrli
"0 01 ! and ilrivesnwnv a Colli lu thn Head qnli klv.
j RiMtorm tlm HftiM ( Tle and Hindi.
. It Is rajr lo im (lotitnia no liijurbui
.'111 00 drugs. No murctiry, tin ooenlne, uo inor
,'ltl P0 fblna. The hoimxlinlil reiumly,
Pricn, Ml cent at lrnU' or by mail.
i ELY BROTHERS. 66 Wirr.s St., N.w York
TTTGood wiring is
llis the very best
insurance policy you
can have and the
cheapest. We do it.
Are You Planning to Duild
Schoolt, Hrickyardi, Crcainrrirt, Co
ilrniort. or any Knriiirrrinir Proir
il.A ' UIXt.kA I. A tll'I.HS fA Mi .
IT win. r V YOU lo CONIULT i
CF.ijsnr:r.K engineering :;..
604 Blake McFall liWg. SWoVK
J, N.
(Hnii.-r I'. a. In l nail. l'n !')
'with strength and
lli.r.lwtyt plos"
i. i
Alien' Krwii-KM'V pow'lc Koiiv pal
f iit.vmftrt I nit . ii 'Ten I' ft ftii'1 thi'-iwmit ual
tnrt instantly inn?, ih ttti4 r ooroi u I
biiitntift I'' tm aiMif Mfnf. tiM-ovry
of thr arc Elicit (Mii-hftM mkf ttgkt 01
n Nhm-i u I eiwt It ( irrnlti -urm fat
vretliit(, c: nilNn, ur I Hi!i t
try tt Iu-Ut hold oj mi Uru-Mfo til ttao
-l torn Hv malt h t I i tim iHm a
'ti nv iiiMt TmmI i.aiiih KM KM A
f - I'm.. n
,N.r U.WIaud. C.lllaraia
nnly inn. in h ( nllir on thr racinc I ,uf,l.
t'li;ittitt,l 1HK5, Ni-ur two uri'at IJnivfi ut u
f() tliiiwilt' lliimiKliinit llie yi'jr. Knir.ii,,,
,nil n i .iiiiiiii nil, m , iiiiToiiiii, . v i 'i i
thi'He of Si iiiiIi ir il nml Univrrnity uf Culil'ilni;
I. iiIiih ulni'irs fnr kciciice witl moilt-rti ijm
llirnt. Kxi:rllrlit oiMirlunilict ii.r linmr
t-f.'nniiMiiijH, liliiury hlu,ly,( imiic unci ml.
.Miiilrrn uylnliHHiilill. Sfrciat care fur luMltli
,f stuiliiil n, ixit-dnnr lift. I'rvklilnil, l.tiill.i
( !.iv t'.irn V M., I. ill. 1).. 1. 1.. I). ! ,,i
t''iK'.it' aililri Nk tcrclary, Millt. l.'i,))i 4,. I .
II. . ( ahfurnia.
A remarkably efficient
exterminator, used suc
cessfully for 20 years.
The most economical
to use because the most
certain. For sale by
Hall & Reynolds
Drug Company