Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 06, 1911, Image 5

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Improved and Unimproved Farms
City Property
We Specialize Fruit Lands
Xnhc County Eramlncr
TliriUDAY, JULY II. Kill.
Hoii't fortc-t the Catholic Fiilron July
l(.n't iuImn ttif I.hVukhi' Hiiltmilo
nt tlm Mficiuttlli' ( '' Ntor.
Cherlio Clcland. of I'luxh. w Id
town tlm forepart of th week.
Auk to m thi I.rtllt' AtlifD l'n
li'rtiir at MirHiittl Co' Stow.
Nkt tint Iiimm nt .'15 cent, or
3 inlrfi'l. Mercnotlln V 8ti.n
V-uu wnnt-"l nt Auk. Iiorlim'x city
tin ferry, uinrkrt rl nli or t
Mr. ami Mm. J. 8. Fuller were
Btnonjt thwo who pent the Fourth nt
117 in the tcroxi for lo, either fur
cah or on uluireti. Aiily to U-t-hman
& Hixliop.
Mrs. J. Q. WilliU him been vUitlnK
friond In Warner Valley duriiifc the
punt w?rk.
The John Simmon fiirnily iro now
ocrupyinK the Charle Itchl r'(iilcnce
ti Slttnh street.
.limmie CluUnd. of I'hmh. w one
of Monday' arrival. He remained
jv-r tke Fourth.
Mr. and Mr. C'hrln I.anKIet are now
occupyinK the Uradloy renidonre on
north Water street.
l.m Emernon. of the Suit Creek
: -country. wa in town for few day
durinjr the piutt week.
Mim Julia GloNtcr wh ill for never
I h1 day the forepart of thin week with
, it n pttack of la gripi-.
' J. Mayer of Chewacurati Valley,
wh in town Monday and returned with
' a larj(j load of aupplie.
A. P. Kooicr, the well known Wet
, Side ranchear. waa in town Saturday
on varlouB matter of Imrtinesa.
i J. A. Farrah and wife, of Woodland,
California, were among Thursday
arrival at the hotel I.alcrviow.
Minn Lulu F-kII and Anton EkH, of
the town of F.jjli in Harney County,
were visitor here over Sunday.
Minn Lorena IJailey in n"w nhle to he
' nbout aatn after a aeveral day ill
i lies at her home on Main street,
Mr. and Mra. C. C. I,ofTtua were in
j from their Crane Lake ranch during
! the week on matter of hualneaa.
L. I). Hoy, the well known Summer
Lake ntookmnn and rancher, Saturday
: registered at the Hotel I.akeview.
All kinds of amusements at the
. Catholic Fair, Civic Improvement
! Hull. July 10, Admition free.
W. Z. Moss was over from Plush for
the Fourth and celebrated nt Now
Tine Creek, together with his fumily.
Capt. W. T. Tarker, of the Hemming
ton Arms Co., in in town and will give
hit usual exhibition shoot during his
Refreshment, cigara, eto., in addi
tion to a fine time may be had at the
Catholic Fair on July 10th. Admission
1 Mra. Pearl Ingram with aon Friday
Iihh returned after a aeverul weeks via
it with Mra. Ingram's sister in Port
Ivl Hartzog hua lumber on the
'ground for n new barn which ho will
uliortly build on his ranch aouth of
I Phil Barry, the well known Guano
.Valley stockman and rancher, Tuesday
jr-iime over from Adel on a business
! Mike Finnucane and Jack Leader,
nheepmen from the Sycnn country, Fri
day arrived in town to remain over the
' Dr. B. Daly had as guests for the
i-elebration at New Pine Creek Mr.
ind Mrs. F. P. Light and Mrs. Geo. I).
C. L. Becraft, a well known atock-
nan of the Dog Lake country, was in
own during the past week on a bust-
H'BH Visit.
Harold Fraim. of the 0. V. L. pile
Jriving crew on Dry Crock, was in
wn tho forepart of the week on a
'hort visit.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Orton and Mr.
!nd Mrs. C. L. Shirk were among the
finny Lakeview people who celobrated
t Alturaa.
Al Stone, who has been employed on
he Cell sawmill on Camp Creek, was
it town the forepart of this week on
short visit.
Dunnis Browne, who is well known
fcaWy, was up from Pavia Creek the
Writer part of the week renewing old
jquuintances. '
11. P. KiMiulat this week arrived from
Santa Hosa, Cal., on hlsroglar Summer
trip to look after hi business interests ,
In Lake county.
Contractor George II. Grave and J.
L. (Mark spent several days the fore
part of this week on a fishing trip to
the Chewauran.
The ladies of the Methodist church
Saturday afternoon held a very suc
cessful food sale at the Bailey &
Massingill store.
F. H. Oliver, of Spokane, who Is
interested In tho Deep Creek electric
Hiwcr proposition arrived in Lakeview
a few day ago.
Walter Outturn and Lynn Crone
miller, of tho Forest Service Tuesday
returned from a trip down to Chewau
ean to celebrate.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fitzgerald,
well known residents from down the
valley, Monday came into town on
matter of business.
J. T. Whistler a noted irrigation
engineer of Portland has been inspect
ing the various projects in this section
during the past week.
Mrs. II. K. Koozer spent the Fourth
on the West Side and was the guest of
Mr. and Mr. A. L. Koozer. while
Ralph went to Alturas.
Krn Givun. of Adel. was a visitor
here tho forepart Jof the week while
en route to attend the Fourth of July
celebration at Alturas.
Assistant Ranger R. A. Bradley and
family last week left for the Thomus
Creek country where they will be lo
cated for the summer season.
G. F. Smith, a homesteader of tho
Fort Rock section, recently had the
misfortune to lose his house, together
with all of its contents, by fire.
Buck for sale, Lincoln, throa nud
HutupMhlre Dom-um. Will lieremyfor
delivery lt September. Address
Wnlter A. Kherlttck, Alturaa Cal. Jii7
Many fields of waving grain be
tween Lakeview and New Pine Creek
present a fine appearance, and the
harvest promises to be most bounti
ful. Geo. Ried, who has been in charge
of the Newell station for the past year,
has been succeeded by Geo. Lewis,
who has leased the place from Henry
Kiirl Wilahiro was in town from the
Lakeview Land & Lumber Company's
sawmill thn earlier part of the week
and returned with a large load of
Mes.ira. Frank Schmidt. J. G. Camp
bell and J. Schmidt. Sunday made a
trip to the old Vanderpool ranch north
west of town, where they enjoyed some
fine Hjxirt.
Among the sheepmen in town during
tho week were Simon Jaunto, W. K.
Verliiig, Tom Flynn, Manuel Sanders,
Pat Angland, Jack Kelliher and Mike
The ladies of the McthoUist Aid So
ciety met Wednesday afternoon last
with Mrs. William Moss, and a very
pleasant time was enjoyed by all in
Tom McCulley, of the West Side,
was confined to his home for several
days during tho week witn an attack
of logrippe. He is now feeling some
what better.
Martin Carr, father of Mrs. Jonas
Norins, is spending the Summer in
Lnkeview. Mr. Carr reached here a
few days since and is well pleased with
this section.
Mrs. John McCulley, of the West
Side, was ill for several days during
the forepart of this week, but is now
fueling much improved ami able to be
about again.
F. I. Everett, the well known rep
resentative of Hibbard, Spencer, Bart
lett & Co., the big Chicago Hardware
firm, paid Lakeview a visit the fore
part of the week.
Guy D. Cronemiller has been appoint
ed temproary clerk in the U. S. Land
Office, owing to an accumulation of
dusinessi n connection with the Klam
ath Reclamation Project.
Harold Marsters, of Summer Lake,
recently entertained a number of his
young friends at a birthday dinner
provided by his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A, Currier.
Ode Pratt was up from his ranch on
Saturday last. OJo aavs that crops
down his way are coining along in fine
shape and he looks for an extra large
yield during the coming fall.
Haying throughout the valley la now
well under way, especially along the
east aide. The crop is very heavy,
and when the harvest is in ' full blast
trouble is anticipated in obtaining the
necessary help to care for the crop. 1
J. P. Duke Is building a fine Inrge
barn on hi place south of town. He
will have it completed ere long, It now
being In shape to receive the big hay
crop which he in about ready to har
vest. A very large crowd turned out Fri
day evening to attend the all night
dance at the Opera Houho. About
twenty five or thirty couple were in
attendance, and all report an excellent
A very nice meeting of the Catholic
Ladies Altar Society was held Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Lora Barry. Rerfeshmenta were ser
ved, and the meeting lasted until a
late hour..
Guy Ingram aeveral day ago made
a trade whereby he gave hi fine buck
skin horse for team of unbroken
mare. Mr. Ingram's buckskin is well
known locally and will be missed from
our street.
J. F. Hutchuson. of the Mutual Life
Insurance Company, with headquarters
at Medford, is now here soliciting busi
ness for his company. He is working
in connection with Guy Ingram, the
local agent.
Fred Fisher would have had a freak
mule, only it died a bornin'. The colt
had seven feet, three well deve!oed
hoofs on one leg and two on another.
The colt was foaled by a fullblood
Clyde mare.
According to the Silver Lake leader
crop in the Fort Rock and Silver Lake
valleys look the best of any other dry
farming lections between the railroad
on the north and the California line
on the south.
Messrs. Foster, Detrick. Farrell and
Boyd spent the Fourth at Bull Praie'.r
where tney had some excellent fishing
although the myriads of mosquitoes
somewhat marred the pleasures of
the occasion.
The brick work on both the Odd
Fellow's building and the Catholic
church is progressing in fine shape and
there is no doubt but what both
structures will be ready for occupancy
early in the fall.
A fine large addition is being built at
the rear of the Auto Livery on Main
street. The business of this company
has been increasing rapidly and the
addition was found necessary to meet
present dcmatls.
Samuel Stone, who formerly con
ducted the south end Livery stable,
but who is now working on his home
stead in the Valley Falls country, was
in town the froepurt of the week on
a business visit.
G. Sherman Easter this week receiv
ed some very fine pieces of cut glass.
which are trrcatly admired by lovers
of such articles. A butter dish is one
or the most attractive pieces ever
seen in Lakeview.
Thomas Bagshaw, aged 23, son of D
W. Bagshaw, editor of the Jackson
ville Post, committed suicide last week
by shooting himself through the heart
with 32-20 Winchester rifle. No mo
tive for the act is known.
Col. F. P. Light, who took a side
trip to Portland after attending the
Elks' festivities at Klamath Falls last
week, reached home Saturday evening
in time to take in the celebration on
the Fourth at New Pine Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Venator and Mr.
and Mrs. L. Vanderpool are spending
the iveek in the vicinity of Paisley
combining business with fishing, or
possibly doing considerable fishing and
transacting business at intervals.
The steamer Lakeview is now ready
to receive freight. The rate for the
present will be 75o per 100 lbs. le
tween Alturas and Lakeview. A fur
ther out will be made as soon as the
railroad reaches the lower end of tho
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Harvey have
returned from their visit to Prine
ville. They accompanied their son-in-law,
George Storkman. to Portland,
and after ascertaining that his injuries
were not as bad as feared, came on
Bishop Paddock, of the Episcopal
Chruch, Friday evening arrived here on
one his semi-annual tours throughout
this section. The Bishop has many
friends throughout this portion of the
country, all of whom were glad to aee
him again.
George Barnes, a pioneer, attorney
of Crook county, was shot dead in the
streets at Canyon City last week.
George Anderson, a leading resident
of Canyon City is under arrest charged
with murder. Barnes, it is reported,
recently defeated Anderson in a will
contest and is said to have been Ander
son's successful rival in a love affair.
Boone' new business houiw? at New
Pine Creek is a most commodious
structure and a credit to the town. It
is now wholly enclosed, the roof on
and the interior will be finished in time
lor Mr. Boone to open up for business
in the early Fall.
The tidal wave which some people
claim to have witnessed along the cast
shore of the lake on the Fourth is
supposed to have been caused by the
plunge of a well known physician and
others who were bathing over on the
west side of the lake.
Walter Howard, who has been dan
gerously sick for the past two months,
is now able to be around again, al
though still very weak. Hfl made his
first appearance on the streets Satur
day afternoon and was the recipient of
congratulations from his many friends.
Leo Hand, the shoemaker, has made
several pairs of dog shoes during the '
past week tor sheepmen. It is a job,
that Leo does not particularly like, J
but when the shepherd dogs become j
footsore absolultey necessary for '
them to have some sort of footwear. '
W. Lair Thompson has been quite i
seriously sick during the past week,
which neccHHita ted the cancellation of
his engagement at Alturas where he
was to deliver the ration on the
Fourth. At present he is improving,
although not yet able to leave his
home. j
T. E. Bernard a few days since re- !
ceived two new E. M. F. aulos, one j
with the open front and the other with j
fore-doors. They are at the South-;
stone garage at present, but several ,
persons are contemplating buying them
and it is not likely they will remain i
unsold long. j
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Faulkner
were over from Cedarville last week, j
remaining until Monday, when they i
went down to Alturas to spend the
Fourth. They were accompanied on j
their return by Mr. and Mre. E. II. :
Clark, who will accompany them home
for a brief visit.
J. G. Morbeck has been elected tea
cher of the Fort. Rock school, while
Mrs. O. F. Cady has been elected to
a similar position in the Fremont
school. Both have excellent reputa
tions as instructors and the respective
schools are fortunate in having secur
ed their services.
It is reported that Paulson Bros, of
Amadee, Cal., have purchased the
Payseur interests in the John Briles
Orchard Lands at Davis Creek. The
Paulsons represent Salt Lake capitol, j
and their investment will no doubt be ;
of much benefit to that portion of:
Goose Luke Valley.
Ben Delaney, who some months ago j
was Bent to the asylum at Salem for j
treatment, last week returned here j
permanently cured from his affliction, j
Mr. Delaney was an acute sufferer j
from catarrh before his departure,
which the physicians state was probab
ly the cause of his condition.
"Bob" McCulley was one of the
unfortunates at New Pine Creek on
the Fourth, his team running away and
not only wrecking the buggy but
fracturing several ribs for "Bob" as
well. The team became scared while
crossing a bridge just north of the
town, and jumped breaking a single
tree with the resulting damages.
Large crowds made the trip from
town to the bath-house last week to
see Abe Label, the fighter who boxed
with Connie McFarland at Alturas on
the Fourth, go through his training ex
hibitions. Label was very handy with
the gloves, as several of our local boys,
who mixed with him. can testify.
The sheepmen are very busy these
taking care of this season's clip of
wool in the new warehouse. The salej
takes place next Monday, and the re-.
suits are anxiously looked forward to
as this will be the first sale since the j
sealed bid system went into effect.
County Commissioner F. E. Ander
son, of Lake, is in town attending the
regular July term of County Court.
Mr. Anderson states that the crops of
the northern part of the county are
good, and especially so in the JSummer
Lake and Paisley sections. In some
sections crops are somewhat light, Ibut
as a whole the harvest will be excell
ent. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Watson and
Mrs. W. R. Bernard visited Surprise
Valley during the past week, stopping
at Fori Bidwell, Cedarville. Eagle
ville and other places. They spent the
Fourth at Alturas. returning home
Wednesday evening They report a
most enjoyable trip and no unexpected
happenings with Mr. Watson's new
E. M. F.
We arc now ready to furnish Complete
Abstracts to O. V.L. -
Tracts and Town Lots Jj350
at the low figure of each ,s
Don't pay more
for Flour, buy the
"Banner Brand"
The flour that is made in
your home-town, in Lake
view, and U guaranteed.
Every time you buy a sack
Lakeview Flour you are
helping: yourself you are
building: up your home-town
and you are helping: the
farmer in this country.
At The
Mercantile Co.'s
ror tne warm weatner we
'have nice airy White Shirt
Waists in endless variety
with prices that will help to
keep you cool. All sizes and
styles to draw irom. We
have a good variety of Silk
Waists in good colors as well
as in white and black Jap
Silks. Our Ladies' Lawn
Dresses are going fast so
you had better hurry. :: ::
Lawn Dressing Sacques, all sizes and colors,
C5c to $1.25. Now is the beginning of warm
weather and you will surely need them.
w m m m m rum m m
lis o sues 00 m lonjJ
than $1.75 a sack
The merchant who sells
other than B A N N E R
BRAND" Lakeview Flour,
knocks the Lake County
FROUR and pay $1.75 a sack
for it and no more.