Lakeview- m&$s$ , Acon.pteto lU.eof 3SM. :Ji KvorjthlMK In the anil imps M' cnrl"'5C", fcoUa U ndl.oro furnish, robes, hit. Hates, W "ciwlrlnii sr.urs,,uilts,rose- X(.( l competent ctteti, etc., etc. ,,H',,' o ft -vjSr w 77E Z3EC7 VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM II THE B LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO, Abstracts toO.V.L. Property j2m 5 0 Get our special prices for real estate in H. VV. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON COLORADO HOTEL C. E. LONZWAY, PROPRIETOR BEST MEALS IN TOWN-Try Us HOOD, CLEAN ROOMS BA KERY Bread, Hot Rolls and Cakes Baked Daily Lakeview LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporared. A Complete Record WetiHTe made an entire transcript of nil I'.ecords la Lake County which inanv wnv, affect Heal IJruiert.v In the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and traunler iwrer made In Lake County, and ever Deed given. Errors Found in Titles In transcribing the records we have found numerous mort gages recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many d-eds are recorded la the Mortgage record and other books. Hawlreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all, and most difficult to trace up from the r?eonl. We have notations of all these Errors. Others annot fiud them. We have pot hundreds of dollars bunting up these errors, and we can fully guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, WILLOW RANCH ORCHARD TRACTS Apples Apples Apples Keeping Qualities NO BLIGHT NO INSECTS NO FAILURES BIG PROFITS 10 ACRE TRACTS Planted, Irrigated, Sprayed and Cared for Price $150 per Acre One-third down, balance $20 per month No Taxes, No Interest Tri-State Land Company Lakeview, Oregon Write for Booklet and Information Saddlery ior each tract ofland in Lake Co. for each Town Lot in Lakeview, Oregon, including first deed from the Company. Abstracts of Title to any Lake County. Oregon Hanager. a m SENATOR BOURNE WILL NOT FIGHT Washington. L. C, June lf. - Sens tor Jonathan llourno, Jr.. ir Oregon, purposes not to make a tight for re- election next year. Hcwill leave to the j voter of that state to ilosoitlo whom they want for senator, ami will spoml no money, distribute no literature, employ no campaigners. He irollly ! will use the official pamphlet printed by the secretary of stale to go to "Hi voters, and therein set forth his views. But. as to the hurrah, hoys ! old fash ioned campaign with brass hands, (lam ing advertisements in pacrs and on bill boards, speakers and hired work ers, hall rent, printing bills, railroad fare, and all that, according to the present design of the senior Oregon j senator, he will omit them. 1 This does not mean that Bourne is indifferent to the senatorsh.p. " lie has "made no bones" of the desire he has cherished to return to the United States senate. But he has decided to make a test of the real effect of the popular government laws as enacted in Oregon, and will leave entirely to the people their decision on the senator ship. In other words, believing in the efficacy of the popular government laws, Bourne will "try it on the dog he h'mself being the dog. Next year while the campaign is In progress in Oregon, in which the ques tion will he decided as to who shall be the senator to succeed him, Bourne will in all liklihood not go to Oregon hut will continue to labor for the ad vancement of the popular government laws in the east, where, in his opinion, they need advancement. He will not do this out of any spirit of indiffer ence, but because he has conceived the idea that by this time the people of r- .. l 1.1 u-litil th.iv want. . .. , ... i .... snouia Know u.e rH...e. they have themselves wrougni. iut working out of their political salvation, and should know how to use them with out assistance from uny other politi cian. , 'If they want me. they know they do; if they o not, they have the right, to choose someone else." is about the substance of Bourne's personal philo sophy on the matter of choosing United States senators under the Oregon, sys-, tern of popular government laws. It has been known for some time' that Senator Bourne designed just that j sort of campaign nest year, and re-, cently it was printed in the cast as a . sample ot political novelty. It created . quite a t-er.sation - for nothing exactly ( like it had been produced since the, United tn'cs began to turn out politi- ' cal devicii- ami ideas during the infan-( cy-of the republic. ; Another phase of the situation as affecting the Bourne candidacy is that in the east it seems to be generally! accepted as a foregone conclusion that Mr. Bourne will be re-elected beyond all question. The r.ewspaper correspon dents who printed the story of the plan of Bourne not to make an active cam paign, but to leave to the calm judg ment of the people the whole issue. added that it was expected that he would be re-elected as "everyone seems to be for him," quoted the closing sentence of the Washington Times. ; Interest in the Bourne plan, among' the members of the Oregon colony, is the dei-ner. however, because mey ' ., i i i know that opposition will develop, and that a sharp contest may be looked for and the spectacle of a man, knowing ol the harshness of that coming contest. refusing to engage his antagonists in ( t.,itA .i.r.flict is something about as biaieu L-umuui, 10 j novel as anything that has appeared in! recent years. MAINE MYSTERY STILL UNSOLVED Tampa. Fla., June 25. -"The secret of the destruction of the battleship' Maine will never be known." said Gen- j eral W. H. Bixby, chief of engineers in charge of the work of raising the ( Maine, on his arrival here tolay from Havuna. ! The destruction of the vessel was. such, says General Bixbv and the de-, teiroration has been so great that it will be impossible to tell whether the , ship was blown up from a force within , or without. The greatest force, how ever, was from the inside, indicating that the forward magazine had explod-1 Whether this was from a sympathe-, tie explosion caused by a torpedo from the outside may forever remain a mystery. General Bixby says that unless they find fragments of a torpedo there is no way of connecting some outside agency with the blowing up of the vessel. "We do not expect to find any hu man remains," said the general. "The crews' compartments have disappeared entirely." Let the Examiner figure on your next Job Printing. led THE FLYING BELL. A Mystery of a Ranch and the New Cowboy. By ICopyrliilU. CLARISSA MACKIE. HMO, ly American l'ra Aao- einlloii 1 They were gut licit l about the sup per table Itl the inois house - liillit lol. "the Crane," Marry 1 tarry and Jim Lewis. "The Crane" rcnoheil forth n long arm and dug a spmiifnl of sugar from I lie bowl and eonveyeil It successfully to bis cup of coffee. As ho was rcpcuitii' this difficult font some sound arrested his luitul In luluair anil the stiu'iir sift ed slowly down ui'U his liacmt and fried potatoes. Ills black eyes were lixod on iJalirld'a face with pu.xlod Inquiry. Hear It. IJabc?" h' muttered anx iously. Cabrtel nrsl.leil sullenly. "Never nils It -I ilon't." "Last time It was" Jim Lewis Iiim itatcd and waited tor "the Crane" to complete the sentence, but Harry Harry, n new man on the Lone Bull outfit, was bursting with curiosity. "What do you hear. hoys? 1 nlu't lifln,.l B,-.llllil till. !l!l!tltl MIX- rMwiz out yonder. You all look clean scalit. What's up?" "lla'uts." said "the Crane" solemnly. Harry Harry stared. "Iln'tits! Where?" 'Mere on the Iamio Hull." "Is It straight?" Listen !" said liiibrlct sharply. Then through the open door there sounded the sweet musical tinkle of. n liell. The sound seemed to drift down ward from nlsvo the house and tloat cd Into the silent room with almost solemn Intensity. When It had ceased Harry Hurry turned wondering eyes upon his com panions 'That's what scalrt you?" he demanded Sure thine. You don't know half the story." "You're all plum locoed, every Maine one of you yes, you ami you mid you and you!" Harry Harry pointed a leau "I 1(K KO iniS HF.I1R Allot t OVF.II, t-ll, ISIHIIIASIiUS'S liovs.'" 1 tingcr at each of them In turn with n cotiiomptuous Hip of his thumb toward the rhlvering cook Thev nassid the insult, und this fact seemed to Impress the new cowboy with the genuineness of their dread. He pushed his ehalr back from the table, rolled a cigarette and lighted It. ..... ., . i.l I i- i. ...I -leu 11, lie miju reniaui-uij "uu Bi.ieured to be relieved at this opportunity for unb'.irdcuiiig his mind. "It's this way, began (..aoriei, ac cepting a 11-,'ht from Harry Harry's cigarette and pulling lu-rvously at his own. "You never heerd of n Iono Bull - chap being scalrt of Im'uts, have you, Nury r,,tunK,( tlit gentleman Im patiently. "You remember Asa Huth-rV" ".Sure." "And Collins nnd Haydeu and ler- op- i "Thev'rn nil dead, ns you know, said Gabriel Impressively. "I wasn't asking for mortuary sta tistics," remarked Harry Harry coldly. "I was asking about the ha'tits on the Lone Hull." "Them's the ha'nU!" Interpolated "the Crane" eauerly. "You mean those chaps come back to hang around this outfit';" drawled Harry Harry skeptically. "What do they want looking for work, or are they trying to cut out a bunch of cat tle? Seems to mo that act was But ler's long suit." Jim Ix'wls brought his fist down on the table until the dishes rattled. "Lot mo tell it," he roared Impatiently. "If toiiMI recollect. Harry, all those four chaps died w Itnin a year of each other. Every tluio before ono of thcui died thwo catno a warning, and after the warning they Just died." "What did they die of the warning or something catching?" grinned Har ry Harry Impudently. "Keeint to mo I remember Haydeu died of-strangu-latlon at the end of well, the end of bis life, eh? And Butler had shingles, and Derrick fell down Into Canyon creek and was drowned, and Collins I forget about him." "Ho was kicked by a steer," explain ed Jim Lewis gloomily. "Well, every one of thera deaths was foretold by this here bell." His voice lowered, aud the others gathered closer about the 5U V X f talili. listening Inte iny, The t sk hv- I rml lu the bin kfctoiiml. foriiiyliiK his shuttered nerves by long drafts si the colfcepot. "I'le yniri ago." re sumed Iwls. "Iheiv was seven of us -Juit like that pome we ti-od to recite t school -slid we set around this tablf much ns we're doing tonight, and we heard that bell ringing overhead, We all run out to see what It was, but nary tliliiu was there In slulit. It was s dark night, and the soimil seemed ta drop right down out of the sky," "Sounded like n sheep bell," com inetiti'd "the Crane." "Maybe 'twas a dinner bell ringing In Home nil- castle," remarked Harry Harry Innocently, but his grin vanish ed nailer Jim Lewis' gloomy scow l. "You'll laugh on the other side of your face later on, pnrd. As I wns saying, we went out to sc what the noise was, and there tin nothing to see, only we could hear the tinkle, tinkle, over our heads, and after awhile It flopped, nnd we went Inside, nnd Butler acted Just like you're doing. Harry-he la fled at the whole thing, nnd six mouths nflervvard we planted him -dead from the shingles!" "I had the shlugles lots of times when I was n kid," remarked Harry Harry thoughtfully. "Kvery time I hooked It from school or went In swim ming out of season luy tlad he'd take down a big flat shlnglu and -well, go on, Jim. Why didn't nil of you die when you hoard the passing bell, eh?'' "'Twiin't our time; ihoIIh It'll eomo next. It's likely to be any one of us that heard It The next year It was Haydeu, nnd then Collins, nnd then Derrick. This Is the llrst we've heard It for some time." J t til Iewl borrow ed some tobacco Iroiu "the Crane" and prix'eodod to roll several clgnrettes with lithe brown lingers. Harry Harry sat up very straight ntnl solemn. "Yon liiean one of us here Is going to die bcenuso wo heard that bcU?" . "Sure thing." answered Lewis, nnd the others nodded npprovnl. "Me'.be It will ! you." Harry Har ry pointed his linger nt Jim Iewls. "Mebbe," said t hat gentleman, gloom ily surveying the smoke stained wall "Or you," again pointed Harry Har ry, this time at "the Crane." "I'm looking for It," shivered "the Crane." "t r you." Gabriel shni jed his shoulders In dlTel'oully. "ijulon sahe?" ho mut tered lietweou his teeth. "You're a inlisli hearted lot," sneer ed Harry Harry, rl-dug to his ftvt. "If I'd known vu'd nil sicken nnd 4ho lie- cause you heard a sheep bell" Ho stopped short. Jim Lewis iirose to bis tall height, with a que. r li-rht In his gray eyes, "Sheep hells don't rlnn nt night out of the sky," he said Impressively. "This .bell only rings nt nK'ht. only once In awhile dining the year, mid It rlug-i slow lllie. Just tolling, nnd some times there's u groan -n hollow groan -like n son! In torment." He tight ened his belt and sMike with lowered v.,lce "It sounds like It was n bell flying throiK'h ihe air attached to , uothlug, ringing, ringing Harkl" Instinctively they arose to their f -et ; nnd stood with l ent heads In n listen- j lug attitude. Then there llonti-d In Hie i Soft tinkle, tinkle, growing louder mid accompanied by a snoring gi-oni. Once, twice. It seemed to pa close! nbovo Hi" ine-s hoiHe. mid then It d.eil ; away Into silence. ! Thev nil looked at Harry Harry. lie sto.xl rigidly by the tab'e. star ing out Into the night, his big eyes wide with terror, his mouth open nnd his chin wabbling shakily. Tho ciga rette dropped unheeded from his limp lingers to the floor, and the minutes (Missed, mid still he stood us If para lyzed with honor of some Invisible evil. Suddenly he uttered an ear splitting" screech and Mopped to tho floor, where ho lay motionless ns n corpse. They Biood In a circle, staring down nt him, not one lifting an eye to the other. In tho background the cook watched open mouthed. After u long silence "tho Crnno" un Jointed Ids long bod.v mid stooped ubove the prostrate num. Ho laid a hand on Harry Barry's palo forehead und leuped up with a yell. "What's the matter?" demanded Lewis excitedly. "Hone for." "You're Joking!" Insisted the other desperately. "Try him and see-sealrt plumb out er his life. Cold us charity nnd dead as a doornail." quaked "tho Crime." Jim Lewis knelt down aud laid his hund oil Harry Barry's blue flannel shirt above his heart. He felt of his forehead and winced, turned up un eyelid and shivered. Then his hand went around to his own hip pocket and brought back u Mask tilled to tho neck. This he applied to the closely locked teeth of Harry Harry and managed to empty the contents down his throat. "Ho swallers:" he cried exultantly. "Fetch me u pall of water, Uubrlel!" Gabriel turned to obey und then stood still In his tracks. With startling sud denness Harry Barry had returned to consciousness, Jerked himself to a sit ting posture and rubbed tho back of Lis head thoughtfully. "That tuoro was prime whisky, Jim," he grinned. "Boon's It touched my throat seems like I heard tinkle bells and grouns. I don't wonder you Lone Bull chaps lose your nerve when that old tawny owl from the canyon tiles over the bouse trailing tho sheep bell from her claw. I reckon this here iulshlasbun'a about over, eh, boys?" They grinned sheepishly. "We reck oned you was dead from fear, Hurry," admitted "tho Cruno." "We didn't couut on your knowing about .that there old bell owl!" Harry Hurry rolled another cigarette. "I oughter explain that I tied the bell on that owl," he drawled meekly. OFFICIAL DIKI'CTORY sTiosi, i'mnMi'iit . Wlllum ll.Tsfl Vlcn l'rlitnl Intiu rt.slim nin S.Mrilry nt miwIii I'liiismli r r, k mil ' nl Treasury i-i'fnmry ot w r Allnrnev Ofiierftl. . , I'oMtnKNtf'r Oonral.. Ti'lnry..! Nnvjr .... ... rra ii 1 1 it M'Vlah Jacoli II lm kliiaos tOHiniK W . VVIrkt laliain rank II, llllrliriM'k .lo-mi Von I.. Mi-jnr rrKry I ntiTntr 44 ritiiry ol Akrhtdtnr lliciianl A. iiiitikr .Iami M liana liarli'il Navnl I loelJilalli liarli tilftanl Wlilla Vm.-sHon VV urni-t , .i. Kii-lisnln,,.. Vt S. Vi.ilnli I niioiilMliiMer .. . I'. S, l-anil I ilililiilaaliinnr a-TT. tfcr.-riir tMiiicaM el Slaf1 ... Iraituri'r All i.-iipy ilrncral . s lai. I'lilion InairiK'ilou frmivi .. Uanald Wnl , ,K. Ileliaoll , ..Thna. M. K a f A. M.l lavt'olJ t., U. a lilnrmau W, S. Iiiinlwar Oalry ut fisnl IHiim 'I, s, siiaiiir. !oaKn'aitiru .... J W. Ilallaa joanaihati lltiurno, Jr. I k. liainliKtlalu iW. C. lawl " I A. W . Ufturiy airaaskivcsT M S Uran 'hlid Jiutlcti I r. r. A. MiHim (Miii-lati liiallcfa , 1 II. J rl-an ' 1 O. It. llurn.'H VI. A. McUrlil m its JcnictAi. niaraioi. Iiiilia Il'liry I- Hkiiwid A 1 1 i in-r i. V. k il rklnla.ll tuii.ariva Inlul Spiiaiur... Hvr'M-ntatlv il. II Mi-rryniaa In i n.iii W t. Tli.. It f H.'lknap lunn 0 H. l.ANll OKKICK. triloir M , urioii It.-ilatr 'rvil l' v ro -miller kcivur LAKKI UIIM v h Half 1. I'afua . ...W II Siii.lnr F. O. Alil.lrum A.J. uaiat K. H, Ja. kauU S. A. Mi, !!. , Iu1ki , ,. e'lfrk 4hprlr7 rmaauror Aaaaiaer a. ta.xil sil urjfur CununlMiuuark Cuuiilf 4Ux-k ltiiMH.4ir.- l t . a. Il. l.arl I K. K Aiiil"ratiu l I'. Wall.. jr TOWN Of LAKKV.'tW. Hr- Hallry Mro V. roi"!llu- i I). J. W ile (Viiuc llinan J U. Aulvu i j.B. Una W. , Siil.ior Kimurdor Hiciicr Iri-a.urur I.AKKVIKVV IIiiaKUOKIKaok 'rral.teiil , W.H.sttlKg rfrainrrr r. M. Millar cr'tar V. I.. siielMng luaii. n ... L. K. I nun u.lmiria. . K. s-arr rubllcltr " W. r. Tain. 4la W. I- ll. rl.,ra Kunlilpal . w. Ir.-nknl lirlouliural " .. s V. H.liarl KiHima llia.l.iiariara for Strancera. RChDIRlXTORY rnorr mki ii.hiht ? iiikTiiTiay -tcnuol al In a. in I rc-ai'liiiitf t rrr humlar l II a. m. ami 3:;.u ).. in. l.i...rlh Uauui' rvi-rr inn .tar rroiiliitj al Vrayor Miiin 1 Uura ia;ai 7:a ..a.llt-a' A I :i ii. in. t : it Ir iiK.'iinif at 7;ip. All K.ry VV,.lii..,.ia) al I ::ui . iif rnrUiallr lnvli.-l in all .tic.-. f rry uoilj .M . I . H IKK, I'a.u.r. a-IKiVI HAI llhl I III III II ! I UMIKK I'ri'kt'loiiit -rv. al il A M an, I ; .. I' VI on lai ami r, Hon. -umlav H. li.,. al 10 A M. J.lliliir S.M-lfly II I i I' M. Ila,l Yllli l'Hi,l.'' I'm. hi il ..! C M mi t-a. n Hmi.ia.jr. I'rayir Mi-. lln.- al 7 e M W .nirmlar rvn BtiiK. " ') U ly I v 1 1.-1 i.i ao. iiU all ar fll'va. KtV, II, SM1I II. I'aalor. CATHOLIC Clll'kl'll- KVKK V HI'NU V MASH al 7:ou and li a in : Jl..r; a I J: .. ,.m Maa in .-.k.a; at a in. Mil IIAI.I. o'MAI, l.hV. S.J. nusr hai-iim eiu k li or ikmwk i.aki at Saw l ine ru k, or.'v'.n. I'riarliliif aar-fli'.-i at II A M aiel 7: m I' M nt ra. li Similar ol i-vi-rr in. mill. Sun. lay h al 10 A M. I'rayi-r S. rvti-1-al 7.:J mi w ,ii. .,v l ycninK ol ea.-li w.-.-.l. All aru corJIallr lnvluxl lu in. -ml ihi- rrv ic-a. KH.V. I.. K. IIKNIiKHSOV. LOl)(lli UIRFCTORV l II. I . IV. I.AKhVlKW I , I i NTrTTllT M. . n v rv i I an. I Imirih 'l!nir.lar ol ,i i.i.. no,. In Mnciilr Hall, l.akrvlnw. !.-. to,inii,. ".,ii, W.M.: VV in. (jiintlicr, K. i ..I. I K f t IIO.M1H l.A K h-llolifc 1,. I'. "Ml.. . O. t!. VV ., Mi-ila i , ami lool I (.nr l,i . racli innlifli I aomn in. .Vlaij r... r. nl il.; J. li, lie Arinrr. I. i.l li I "i.i nt I .; HruH ii. .in. I. O. O. K--I.AKKVI1-.W IJuhiK, No. . . F., mi-ma i-vi-ry satur.lay rvi-uiiid n ii,l l rVllowa Hall, al 7;:iu oVIiM k, Irnm i)i-nn i 1 to A.rlt I, ami al II nli'lnrk Ir.nn Aj.ri. I In Sc.inib r m. i. II. hernia. .V o.; .. . i:Uuuo, Sccruiary i. . o. k r.AiiKvtKvv k s i a'mTm K vrs7 Tl 1. 1. O. K., mwii tin. rlrat an, I ihirJ Thura day ovi'iilnna ul ca. n im.nili In l, Kvllnwa Hail. Ikuvic. i'. If. Arllinr, 0.1'., A, II loniuiuralcy, hcribo. HEUKK All l.dlH.K-I.AKfcV IKV I.OIMIH, NO it, i. w. i. r., iimcia inu a.'i'niiii ami Iniirta KrlrUya of ra. h month In u,i, Ki-llnwa Hall, Ma h. Urmia, N. (,.; Ill ali. li.- Ilailny, V, i, ; Allen BuuilUK, Treaaurvr; Cnra Ortcn, Hov'y. O K.S.OKIENTAI. aiAITKK, NO 6, LAKkV view. (Irt'Kuii.- Mi i laoin 'I urailay, on or ba inra lull irniini ami i'i-ki tlivruallrr, la Maanlllc 7: .10 o'clock. Vlaltlug ini-luljiTi art- ciirillally Inrllcd. I II. I. IK AKKIS, W. M. .DA tJEHACH. Hi-crular PROFESSIONAL CARDS lirilUK W. OKTON Attorneyat-Law Notary Public All I'rictlce Kxropt U, S. Laml Ollie-e Jtiibluess. 4. K. fotiti Attorney at Law and Noary Public OKKlCK-lialv Kumllli,VlW' 0rr- J D. V K.N A TO It Attorney at Law, I .a ml Mutters Mperlaltjr flK'iCIC Dair Rni.liu. IIARLICH UM1JACII Land and Law Olilca Abstractor of Titles Kslubllnlied ISM tskaiaw,Or VY. LAIR TIIOMI'KON Attorney at Law Office In 0. V. L.Co.'s Ituildiug. LaKKVIKW, OltEOON S. A. MUSIIISX. Hurveylng and Kiigloeerlnff City Engineer Kulte No. 1 Lakeview Watson lilock Oregon J. L. LYONS, D. D. 5. Dentist Offlca In Watson' Block, Lake view, Oregon Elfht Yesr't Traartenea In Mhhlfas. UraUuata ( lulvarally ot lllahlgsa.