Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 29, 1911, Image 8

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It doesn't matter which ytm cmII them
they arc lure in the endless variety ami
different juices to suit the tastes of our
gentlemen customers. The better quali
ties of socks, ami even some of the cheap
lines ai ' now being
Made With Double Heels
ami strengthened at other points where
the strain conu-s The prices are from
for cotton goods right up. the same as in
anything else the more you pay the
better quality you get.
Special Sale of Fancy Lisle Half-Hose
at Twenty-five Cents per pair
Step in, gentlemen, a;ul see for yourselves
OrABrfe ls Will Ra frkrvi
, menced Within Next
j Two Weeks
j Ridwcll Nugget : A pnrty of min
! iriR men and other who nre interested
in the Hong mine took their depar
ture for the enmp last Monday niorn
in;;, anions them being J. M. Stone,
l Pick Mason, launder l!ron, I, li.
Lnmbom, John Van Coughnct and
The main object of the visit was to
look over the renditions and to form
I'-lana for immediate operation of the
mines that have praotially been closed
down during the winter, the l?ig Four
i lease and Sun Set ln-ing atwut the only
ones kept in operation during the win
ter months.
Reports coming from there are to
the effect that the snow has melted so
that work can be started and within
the next two weeks the roads will be
open for traffic and heavy loads, when
J. F. Cutler will cart hi machinery to
the mine and begin oierationa imme
diately. Also the tram for the Con
solidated Mines Company will Ik taken
and put up and made ready to convey
the ore from the Sugar Tine to the
Davis Creek Items
C. T. Watkins made a business trip
to Reno Monday.
Francisco & McLain are rushing their
work south of here. -'
Master Hillatd Bailey is visiting at
Hotel Davis Creek.
John Davis is in from his sheep camp
and reports sheep doing fine.
The Finch Orchestra of Alturas gave
dance here on June 23rd and every-
J. C. Richardson has just returned
from several days spent in Lakeview.
J. O'Neill was looking after his in
terests in Davis Creek a lew days this
Geo. S. Oliver. ChiefEngineer of the
N.-C.-O.. is transacting business in
Miss Anaetta Leonard, of Alturas,
is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A.
A shower was given by Mrs M. D.
Williams. Sunday, at her home, in hon
or of Mrs. Robt. L. .Weir.
Stanley Hanson, of the Hall Con
struction Co, was among the outside
people who attended the dance.
L. E., C. R. and M. Seager were
looking after their interests in Davis
Creek the forepart of the week.
Wm. Kirkpatrick treated a few of
his friends to strawberries Sunday.
They are just beginning to ripen.
The Davis Creek Orchards Co.,
have completed the levee and have the
dam and overflow almost finished.
The grade of the N.-C.-O. Ry. is
almost completed to Davis Creek and
the steel ganar are laying steel m the
lower end of the valley.
Some excitement was caused Satur
day morning whe. a blaze started in
A. Leonard's house, but the fire was
soon extinguished and the damage was
thing was a grand success. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hartlerode did themselves
proud in the supper they furnished.
There were severaljcouples from New
Pine Creek present.
Mrs. VV. M. French, of Illinois,
arrived in Davis Creek a few days ago
to join her husband who came here a
year ago and was so favorably im
pressed that he sent for his family.
Although Davis Creek has not been
heard from for several weeks through
the Examiner it is still on the map and
will soon lie a railroad town. There
has been much doing since our last
Paisley Press Items
The pump for the Ana River irriga
tion plant passed through Paisley Sat
urday. It will be installed immediate-
The first dish of fresh strawberries
for this year, is reported to have been
eaten by Mrs. Heisse Moss on Tues
day. F. H. Williams, who has a farm at
the north end of Summer Lake, is
bringing in a well drilling machine and
will soon be prepared to go after arte
sian water for anyone who desires it.
Chas. Morrison left on Tuesday for
hi s home in New Pine Creek. lie will
visit with his family for a week or so
and then return to Summer Lake where
he has contracted to build a house for
C. C. Harris.
The school directors of this district
held their annual meeting in the
schoolhouse Monday afternoon. Rou
tine business was transacted. J. J.
Moore wa3 elected clerk, and D. B.
Conrad director for three years.
'Mr. E. Keller, a prominent miller of
New Pine Creek, spent Monday night
in Paisley. He is on his way north,
renewing his acquaintance with a
country through which he has spent
many a week hunting in years gone
by. He expressed great satisfaction
with the development that is apparent
in this section of the country.
Returns Home
S. C. Graves, who so ably assisted
on the Examiner during the illness of
F. P. Cronemiller, last Friday returned
to his home at Klamath Falls. On
being advised of the illness of Mr.
Cronemiller and that his services were
needed here Mr. Graves placed his
business in charge of his brother.
Chas. S.. and immediately hiked for
Lakeview. arriving here 24 hours after
being advised that his services were
needed. One is proud of having such
friends, and Mr. Cronemiller feels it
is scarcely possible that he will ever
have the opportunity to repay the kindness.
is Now Mrs. Wier
Ontario Optimist: Mrs. E. M.
Grcig was hostess Saturday afternoon
to a number of frierds who gathered
to tender a gift shower to Miss Fannie
Tonningsen, who is to be married soon.
M iss Tonningsen has made her home
in Ontario several months, and has
made many warm friends, all of whom
greatly regret her departure from On
tairo, as she troes to Northern Culifor
nia. She received a large number of
pretty and useful gifts Saturday, prin
cipally linen and silver, and the hearty
good wishes of all the ladies present.
Danquot at Paisley Term
ed Such Dy Boosters
After Return Home
The Oregonian'a corrcndont gave
the following account of the recent
trip of the Ilend booster through this
section :
Leaving Rend early Thursday morn
ing the party passed through La Pine,
Crescent, where they were entertain
ed at dinner, and Fort Klmuatli, arriv
ing at Klamath Fulls late at night.
After a day of sightseeing at Klunmlh
Falls a banquet was tendered the
Saturday, with stops at Honanr.a,
the trip was made to Lakeview. There
a smoker in the Court House brought
out more than HiH) persons. The next
morning was devoted to an auto trip
to the California line, viewing the fer
tile Goose Lake districts en route.
At Paisley on Sunday night, how
ever, occured what the memlx-rs of the
outing characterize as the banner event
of the tripj this being the banquet at
which they were guests of the people
of that isolated but proteroua com
munity. A feature was the speech of
F. L. Young, representing the Oregon
Borax Company, which oeratcs a bor
ax mine TO miles from Paisley. Mr.
Young said that his company already
was at work upon a road from the
borax deposit to connect with the
lately constructed Bend-Burns road,
upon which it intended to freight the
borax to the railroad at Bend. The use
of traction engine is contemplated li
on this route, each outfit having a ca
pacity that if expected to be hh high ;
as 7." tons. When this borax is shipped j
to Portland and other points, it is thej
intention to load the empty cars withj
freight for the'return trip, thus open
ing a new, and wlmt is Miid to be a
cheaper, memod ol ireiglil im poriituon i
from Portland to Paisley anil Lake-view.
New Pine Creek Items
A. (.". Robinett is making some im
provements about his residen"e.
Henry Wendt received the refresh
ment stand right at the Picnic Ground
for July 4th.
C. W. Canfield and son and their
wives ieft for the Hoag mines last
Monday morning.
The Chrinty Comedy Co, played here
June 2 and 27 to large crowds and gave
C. W. White, a recent arrival from
Reno, Nevada, has accepted a position
as bartender at the Inn Saloon.
general satisfaction.
The Lake Hotel property was sold
last Iweek to Louis Henderson, who
will take charge July 1.
The base ball team reorganized last
Sunday and we are looking for some
rattling good games on the Fourth.
Ivan Hammersley is (joing to put in
a doll rack lietween Fleming Bros.
Store and Wendt'a Candy Kitchen dur
ing the Fourth.
Several of our young people attend
ed the dance at Davis Creek last Fri
day night and all expressed themselves
as being royally entertained.
Fred Hammersley and Roy Blurton
made a trip to Lakeview last Friday
after two large stage conches to be j
used in the parade here July 4. I
Charles F. Volk has lcen engaged j
by the Fourth of July committee to:
help the New Pine Creek band, who'
will furnish the music on the Fourth.
Valley Falls Items
George Newcombe and family made
a trip to Lakeview lust week for a
day's visit.
Harry Utley. the Deputy Game War
den, recently made a trip to Paisley on
business in connection with h;s office.
C. S. Stone of this place made a trip
to Lakeview last week and brought out
a load of supplies for the Mercantile
Co. here.
Jonas Norin finished shearing his
sheep last week and started to move
same towards the Wilcox corrals.
where he will dip.
The fishing in thin neighborhood is
fine this spring. Last Sunday a party
of enthusiasts went out on Willow
Creek and caught a nice string of
The dry sheep belonging to Manuel
Sander passed through here a few
days ago looking fine. Several pic
tures were taken of the bunch a well
as of the $K)W dog which herded these
i-hcp fur several days, without loss
at the time that the herder in charge
of the l and succumbed.
Land Filings
The following application for lands
in Lake County were filed at the- local
Government office for the week ending
June 24th :
S. L. Buckmaster, Sees. 17.1s. M-M.
Bertha K. Olson. Sees, i.'.t, 2h-14.
William L. Dehne. Sees. 11, 11, lJi,
Fredrick W. Klippel, Si c, 27, 2-17.
Alonzo N. Jones, Sec. 4, 2(-14.
Mary A. McCallum. Sees,, l'.t, 30.
Half-Prico Sale of Millinery
Wc lire closing our Season and want to ,
clean out all Spring (ioods so that
when Fall comes we will have
nothing hut now goods to
show you and lot of
room to show
them in,
The Bargains are too big for any economienn
woman to miss.
Notice of Dissolution of
partnership existing between Phil S. Cum
mins, I). I). Baxter and C. V. L. Heche, under
the firm name and style of Phil S. Cummins
& Co., is this day dissolved hv mutual con
sent, the said Pnil S. Cummins and C. V. L.
Heche assuming control and management of
the business heretofore conducted by the
firm of Phil S. Cummins & Co. The said
Phil S. Cummins and C. V. L. Heebe assume
all debts due r owing, or to become due or
owing by said partnership, and all debts in
favor of said partnership will be collected by
the said Phil S. Cummins and C. V. L. Heche.
Dated, this LMJth day of June, I'M 1.
C. V. L. bi-i-iu-:
The Lowest, Warmest and
Best Valley in Lake County
Wh have iniriv ten acre tnirtx, mono adjoining I'eh-d
it In tin 1150 to I'toO, one iiu If of m line Willi x-r r unl water
rivet' t on a never fulling Mo-am.
A1hi (Incut of natural meltdown.
Ilon'ti leave Lake Count.) without m-cing ttiN Vlllley.
Jennings-Meyer Realty Company
VALLEY FALLS : : : : or -.CON
f. M. COHeY, Oonoral Manaar
Operate 5Uga. carry, jr t nilcJ 5ttr Malta, I ipra an.l Mwn.m on thv
foll"inu roulrar-
AL'TOnoitll.K OCI Illi IN CONNECTION WM It IMi; Mtiili.4
. Si One VV, k.iuml Irlp
Klamath Ffills Koutr . . $10.00 $18.00
Alturas Ro-ne 5.00 9.00
Plush Route 4.00 7.00
l.akevlw 5Ib Olllic
,,)ub .... Sullivan M.iUI
Klam.'l . Am.rU.r, Hotel
" " Hutrl Uoal
Investigate Now!
You'll say afterward: "If I Had It To
Do Over Again, I'd Buy a CADILLAC"
Demonstrator now in this city with car. It's
a pleasure to show you this car whether you
already own a car, intend to purchase or not.
Phone Mr Miners at Lakeview Hotel for
demonstration which places you under no ob
ligation to purchase.
We ask this as a favor to us.
C. B. Miners, Local Salesman.
The Famous "Waterloo Chief" Gas
Engine, Guaranteed One Year,
at These Low Prices: .
11-2 Horse-Power
2 1-2 Horse-Power
$ 75,00
Winona, Mandt and Peter Schuttler
Wagons, Hacks and Road Carts
The Best Vehicles Made
"Good Timber and Bone-Dry"
Moline Farm Implements
McCormick Mowers and Rakes