Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 29, 1911, Image 5

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Improved and Unimproved Farms
City Property
We Specialize Fruit Lands
TLnhc County Cyamincr
Hit iHH.VY, JUNK 111, lllil.
Munual Siimlcr wn In from camp
I. ('.ormlvy, of Illy, was In town the
forrinrt of the w.k.
Hill Woods, of tho West, was
one of thin weuk'a visitors.
liii't h.Imm tin LiiVouiit" unit oulf
nt Hut Mercantile I o's Mure
Gabriel Arxner, of the Auiccr Valley
section, was in town Saturday.
' Rob Snider, of Havis Creek, was In
town the forepart of tho week.
V.KK wiilltMl nt Auk. Itortlllt'M city
ImUer.v. iniiikft. (irici-, or Iradctj
C. I.. Allen, of Kuril, OrcKn. Mon
diiy nKiHUrul nt Hit? Hotel Lakeview.
i. F. Fittwatcr, of tho Went Side,
Saturday came Into town for supplies.
Hon. W. Lnlr Thompson will tit-liver
' tho oration at Alturas on the Fourth.
Kol McCulley wan up from his Pino
Creek ranch on Tuesday of this week.
J. T. Flook, tho well known Ituck
Crock stockman, is in town on busi
ness. lun Chandler, the well known stook
ii.. n, was in town tho fort-part of tho
Tho KUmath Fulls Postal bank now
hint 34 depositors, with total deponits
of t-'ClO.
Doctor Amsden. tho well known Pine
('ret-k medico, was one of Tuesday's
Dr. A. A. William, of Paisley, will
deliver tho oration at Silver Lake on
tho Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kirkpatrick, of
Willow Ranch, were visitors during
tho week.
F.lmor lloyt has accepted a inmition
with the Irfikcvivw Trunsfer and Deli
very Company.
4 Frank Parker and Jim McShane
Sunday paid a viMit to iho Ambrose
sheiirinif cnrr.iN.
Hi Adams, of the Silver Lake coun
try, wan a vinitor in these parts during
the'past Week.
Bartholomew Diaz, tho well known
West Sido rancher, was one of last
week's visitors.
Pleasant Shellhainmer, of the Crook
cdjCreek section, was one of lust week's
visitors in town.
The burlier shops will bo closed from
o'clock Moivtiiy evening until
Wednesiluy morning.
Frank Holders whs in from camp
on Friday lust, and joined the bunch
for Kalnritli Falls.
George Kanney was another of tho
many Paisley residents who arnveil
here during the week.
I EarlHindle whs amontf tho Pine
Creek delegation who visited with us
during tho past week.
( Mrs. A. M. Mancab went
over to the Falls Sunday to participate
in tho Elk's festivities.
C. E. McCleary and Pert Uusk. both
well known Pine ('reek buisnesa men,
were in townsliist week.
Joiin Cr.imn. the well known Adol
mni' her and stockman, luesdav came
into town for supplies.
C. E. Campbell, tho well known
I'ailsey stockman, paid this section a
visil tho lust of. Iho weeK.
George; Sweem. of; the Bowers
Hridges:rheuring corrals, Saturday
came intuJtownlforjMUpplies.
L. It. and D. C. Holbrook, local
sheep men. SaturdavJlVame in from
cHmp onmntters ofbusineHS.
George JChamllerJJwaa in from the
upper raiich this week and took
back a large load of supplies.
The AutoJLivery inluiMing a large
addition to Jits garage in order to
handle its iucreasedj business.
;Frunk;.Stanley, the well known stock
man, was loverfroin Bidwell during
4 the week on matters of business.
Father O'Malley returned Friday
from a trip to Alturas, where he
married a young counle of that city.
J. B. Blair was down from Summer
Lake this week on business connected
withjthe estate of the late Willie Sher
Uck. II. L. 'Chandler, the well known
stage proprietor, was in town the
forepart of the week on a business
Several new families of Indiana
arrived here early this week and are
now camped on the hillside east of
Mrs. M. C. Ilurri. of Missoula.
Monanta, Is spending a few days here
on a visit to her sister, Mrs. E, J.
Mrs. lohn Arzner with daughter
Mabel paid a visit to Camp Creek
where they enjoyed some Jexrellont
! Tom Sherlock, who has been at
A U urns for some time past. I again
greeting his numerous Lakevlcw
Mr. and Mm. (Jeorge II. Nwcombc.
of jValley Falls, were in town this
week for supplies and on matters of
Supervisor llrown, of the Fremont
Forest, Tuesday morning left for Sil
ver Lake on business connected with
his olllcc.
J. F. Hanson and family Monday
eamo In by auto from the Hanson
ranch on the West Side for several
hours visit,
Ira MH'oul. who has lawn employed
on tho O. V. L. pile driving crew, was
a visitor here during the earlier part
of the week.
Mrs. Nettle Sherlock and diiugter
Ena, of Paisley, were in town the fore
part of the week visiting friendn and
Mrs. John Simmons, with daughter j
Lucile, lust week returned after an
extended visit with relatives in Cres
well and vicinity.
Mrs. J. C. Dodson, who has la-en
suffering with a slight attack of moss
els, is now up and around again, feel
ing as well as ever.
J. D.JVenator, Guy M. Ingram and
J. F. Hutchason a few days since hal
a very successful fishing trip over on
Roaring Spring Creek.
The bricklayers on the new High
School were laid off for several days
last week suiting for the carpenters
to catch up on joist work.
J Don Baxter has retired from the
Economy store, his interest having
been purchased by his partners,
Messrs. Cummins and Beetle. iZHZ . : -'
S. P. Moss was down from Paisloy
this week on a business trip. He has
his auto in commission again, but is
not breaking any speed records. J 'J
Abe Label, who is to engnge Connie
McFarlund in a boxing contest at Al
turas on tho Fourth, is now in training!
hero, with quarters at the Hot Springs.
Mr. arid Mrs. H. HHhner with
family, of tho Drew's Gap stage sta
tion, Monday cume into town for a
several days' visit.
Harold Kraim, of tho O. V. L. com
pany, was in town from the pile driver
the forepart of the week, on various
I matters of business.
Ned Sherlock is now busil employ
ed at the wool, ut which
place he muy be found almost anv day
during business hours.
Miss Lola Barry left Thursday last
for several weeks visit with Miss Nora
Barry, who is -now at (her father's
ranch in Horse Prairie.
3$The First National; Bank recently
received some fine new vertical filing
cases, which were this week placed in
position ready fortune.
Jim Heryford, now a resident of the
New Pine Creek section, was in town
thejfore part of kthis 'week, having
made tho trip in his auto.
The crosswalk between the Ahlstrom
saddle shop and the Lakeview Meat
Market was repaired Friday and is
now in first-class condition.
Gus Schroder, the well known Silver
Lakej resident, Saturday arrived in
town, and Sunday left for. Klamath
Falls to join tho Elk .herd.
Ernest L. II. Meyers, the well known
Valley Falls postmaster. mercantile
store proprietor, etc., was a visitor to
these purls tho forepart of the week.
lluc ktfor sale, Llncoltis, Shrops aud
IliwiipHblre Powuh, Will be remy for
delivery 1st September. Address
Walter A. Sherlock, Alturns Cal. J27
A bunch of cattle belonging to Sena
tor Weed and which were purchased in
Harney county for him by J- C. Dod-
son passed through the valley Monday.
Mr. and!Mrs.;j.l;S. Fuller are now
enjoying planning for their new home
which they will soon build on their lot
on the SlasliJJopposite John Arrner's
Miss Verda Umbach, who has been
attending school at Santa Rosa, Cli-
fornia, lust 'week returned here to
spend the summer vacation with her
David Campbell, chief of the Port
land fire department, and two firemon
are dead as the result of an explosion
during fire in the Union Oil Co. 'a
plant Monday morning.
S. H. Card, wh" i! ruH seriously
injured in a runaway accident several
weeks since, is again able to be around
and will resume his delivery business
Mr. and Mrs. James Koydstun, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Koydstun and Miss
Flossie Lake were among the many
West Siders who were here on Satur
day last.
John Carroll, who has been employed
on the upper Chandler ranch in the
Chewaucan, Valley, was in town for
j a few days last week on mutters of
Mrs. C. K. Parker, of Adcl, Friday
submitted proof on her desert claim
before the local land office. Andrew
Morris and C. K. Parker acted as
Bidwell Nugget: Mr. 'and Mrs.
Harry Ayres have accepted positions
at the Fort Bidwell Indian School.
They assumed their duties last Tues-
j'1" """"':
There will no doubt be plenty of
autos for hire, and any one desiring
to spend the Fourth at New Pine
Creek should make arrangements for
the trip at once.
Mrs. Wilson, who several weeks ago
suffered a severe attack of ptomaine
poisoning, is now feeling much better
and will no doubt be as well as ever in
a few days now.
It is now lawful to drive your auto
up to 12 miles an hour on the streets
of Lakeview. the City Council Jhaving
recently raised the speed limit from 8
to 12 miles an hour.
Felix Green, now a well known resi
dent of the Pine Creek country, spent
several days in town during the week
talking things over with old acquain
tances hereabouts.
Mrs. Thos. S. Farrell this morning
started on a visit to her old home at
Fort Dodge. Iowa, expecting to be
absent a couple of months. "Tom" is
correspondingly .
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Smith. Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Lawseur. Mrs. Williams
and Miss Lawrence, all well known
Bend residents, Monday registered at
the Hotel Lakeview.
William S. Towner, tho new clerk at
the land office, last week purchased a
lot in the Drenkel addition and expects
in a few days to commence tho con
struction of a dwelling house.
Ewe 1 J. Davis, of Paisley, was in
town this week and had with him Ja
fine meerschaum pipe. The pipe was
made in lHiMi and handsomely carved,
as well as being nicely colored.
Alex Liindeen, an employee of the
Pucific States Telephone Company with
headquarters at Portland, is now
spending a few days here on a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cuusey. J
The Colorado Bakery has been closed
all this week and Manager Lonzway
and employees have been mighty busy
preparing to move into their new
quarters in the old Wnllace store.
J. S. Longacre, of North Yakima,
Wash., spent a few days in Lakeview
during the past week. Mr. Longacre
owns Borne property in this vicinity and
he was here looking up his holdings.
Silver Lake Leader: County Survey'
or S. A. Mushen and Mr. Archer came
up from the south end Friday for the
purpose of measuring the waters of
Silver Creek. They will he here some
F. A. Fitkzpatrick, of the ZX ranch,
is now sporting a new Franklin auto,
which is going some for "Fitz." He
will probably use it in keeping his
cattle off the Deschutes Forest next
C. E. Lonzway is pieparing to put
down a cement walk in front of his
new pi see of business next to the
Frost. It is an example worth of emu
lation by other business property
Con Taylor, with about 4000 head of
his sheep, passed through town the
forepart of the week en route to
Thompson Valley-in the north end of
the county, where his summer range
is located.
Tuesday morning Claude Seager,
the local real estate mas, left by auto
for Silver Lake, taking as passengers
Supervisor Brown, of the Forest 'Ser
vice, County Surveyor Sam MuBhen
and a drummer.
C. B. Miners, representing the fa
mous Cadillac auto, arrived in Lake
view yesterday with a demonstrating
car. The car is certainly a dandy, and
has been greatly admired by all whs
have seen it. Mr. Miners will remain
here several days, and will gladly give
you a demonstration whether you in
tend purchasing or not. His head
quarters are at Hotel Lakeview.
The Lakeview Transfer Company is
finding itself mighty busy these days
delivering goods from the local stores,
and the management is to be congratu
lated on the fine way in which every
thing is being handled.
The young people of Lakeview will
have things all to themselves next
Sunday evening at seven o'clock. It
is to be a union young people's rally,
and will be held in the Ladies Civic
Improvement Club Hall.
Alturas Plaindealer: D. P. Brown
was over from Bidwell the first of the
week, on his return to Berkeley. He
will return with his family for the
summer in a week or ten days and will
spend the usummer in Modoc.
After an investigation of the law on
the subject, Attorney General Craw
ford in an opinion written at the re
quest of Geo. Bingham, gave it as his
opinion that the recall can not be in
voked aeainst a scnool director.
The steamer Lakeview is now ready '
to receive freight. The rate for the
present will be 7!ic per 100 lbs. be
tween Alturas and Lakeview. A fur
ther cut will be made as soon as the
railroad reaches the lower end of the
The Frost Candy Kitchen this week
has a window display of Fourth of
July emblems, such as banners and
tissue paper articles of various kinds.
All are tastefully arranged and are
certainly appropriate of a sane
Surprise Valley Record : Twenty
eight automobiles now in the valley
and more 'comin. It will not be long
until Lakeview will have to get a
hustle on if she keeps ahead of Sur
prise in the number 'of chug-chug
Miss Eva Clark, who lost her watch
some 10 days ago. recovered the same
Tuesday. It was found in the road
opposite the North Lakeview feed yard,
and owing to the fact that a frieght
wagon had run overit was almost unre
cognizable. To date no forest fires have been
reported in this immediate vicinity,
although several have occured in the
country north of fSilver Lake. The
damage was slight, however, but two
acres being burned over in the worst
one of the fires mentioned.
Lee Beall is again back at his old
place with Bailey & Massingill, after
having snent some time in Rogue River
Valley and at California resorts where !
he obtained relief from an attack of j
rheumatism from which he had been i
suffering for several months.
Coui-ty Surveyor Sam Mushen Tues
day morning left for Silver Lake and j
vicinity where he expects to be em
ployed for some time taking measur-j
ments in Silver Creek. He will be as- I
sisted in the Work by W. J. Archer, !
who is already on the ground. J
The brickwork on the second story of
the High School was commenced last
week and the window frames are now
being placed in position. As the build
ing progresses its marvelous beauty is
more easily appreciated, and its grace
ful lines are indeed surprising.
Mr. and Mrs. George Harrow with
son Frank several davs ago returned
from a visit with Mrs. Harrow's fath
er, E. A. Light, who resides at Eure
ka, California. All report a veryjplea
sant time while absent, but were, of
course, glad to see Lakeview once
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. and Geo. Batch-
elder last Thursday returned from.Oro-
ville. Cal., where they were called
by the illness and death of the boys'
father. II. T. Batcheider. They were
accompanied on their return by their
mother and sister. Miss Cad, who will
spend the summer in Lakeview.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thornton have
returned from a visit to Roseburg and
Portland, having been called to the
former place by the serious illness of
Mr . Thornton's mother. Although not
fully recovered his mother's health has
greatly improved and it is expected
that she will soon be well again.
After one week the postal savings
bank of Med ford has on deposit $1255,
has given thirty certificates and is
carrying seventeen accounts. At the
end of the first day the receipts
amounted to $820, or $82 for every de
positor. The average for each deposi
tor is now slightly less than $75.
Jess Hall, the .convict who escaped
from the school lor the feeble minded
at Salem June 17. was captured last
Suturday by Governor West in the
vicinity of Mary's Peak west of Cor-
vallis. The Governor organized a small
posse to assist in the capture of the
escaped convict, and happened to be the
first man to run onto him.
We arc now ready tj furnish Complete
Abstracts to O. V. L.
Tracts and Town Lots Jj)350
at the low figure of each , Hiiisn
iNaat Oaklaad, California
The only Wonun'i College on the Pacific Coa.
Chartered 1885. Near two great L'niverMtir.
Ideal climate throughout the jrear. Entrance
and graduation requirements Kiuiralent to
thoM ol Stanford and Lnircnity of California.
Laboratories for science with modern equip
ment. Excellent oppo.lunili-. for home
economics, library study, music and art.
Modern gymnasium. Special care for health
of students, outdoor life. President, Luclla
Clay Larson, A. !.. Litt. P.. LU D. For
catalogue address Secretary, Mills College 1'.
I)., California.
If you want a nice little borne,
this is the place for you.
New three-room howe, neatly
papered. Lot aud Furnishings, just
as it stauds: Range and Cooking
L'tensilw; set of Havilin China;
100 Victor Uraphaphone and Re
cords; 11 x93 Wilton Velvet Rag,
good as new; Axmlnlster Rugs and
Carpet; Oak Morris Chair; Princpes
Dreser; Sanitary Couch and Cofh
lons; Spring Mattress: IVdding,
Curtains, Pictures, Books and other
things too numerous to Mention.
Also Ten acres o( good land.
$050 takes the whole thing at
once. Geo. Weeleder, Owner.
Enquire three doors below Mr.
Batchelder's bouse.
At The
Mercantile Co.'s
For the wnrin weather we
have nice airy White , Shirt
Waists in endless variet
with prices that will help to
keep you cool. All sizes and
styles to draw Iroin. We
have a ood variety of Silk
Waists in goodcolorsas well
as in white and black Jap
Silks. . Our Ladies' Lawn
Dresses arc going fast so
you had better hurry. :: ::
Lawn Dressing Sacques, all sizes and colors,
G5c to $1.25. Now is the beginning of warm
weather and you will surely need them.
111 Ol -IP oo axoz0
When you pur
chase a corset you
want one that has
It is equally Im
portant that the
same corset be
and tf you can al
so have one that
and that corset can
be bought at a
you have all the
requisites of a
splendid corset.
have every one of these excel
lent features and many more.
Every improvement as exacted
by fashion is combined in these
dainty garments
agexts: "'
MAIN STKEET, West of Court House