Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 22, 1911, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
aof ttUr tn.11n !. 11.00 n Inch. lnle j
mlnmn prr month. All mnoJtnit 1. j r
rtinnrt m-c tlo month. Cot ol conil-;
l-n c liir(rpl rnrsii xtr rnn'. u i
po!t1itntritr. All hor terra !. str
irder. lori rolnmn. 10c. fxpr lln rarh In- (
nlnn. Wnt t. Ac. llnvrarb lutrilin ,
UM of thr.k tUO. Rnoluliona ol comto-,
liv 1.M tl-'i i
nTnn'.fiit Adrrt!inf and Job Print-1
tui,rb n lvanr.
U blllt mutt lx r'J the lint ol rch month. '
n rr. In mlTno,
morth. "
tin- booth. "
Additional Drlefs j Bill Paste House
Mr. V. H. Bernard last Sunday wm A telegraphic mcssag received
taken very seriously aick, but is now night states that the Underwood
greatly improve).
A. A. Henry, a well known Paisley
resident, wm one of thin week's visi
tors to Lakeview.
George C Turner and Fred J. Lyon.
If not ri.t la ilT4c, 11 0 the t
of Cedarville, Tuesday came over on
I matters or business.
I An All Night Dance
lastj On account of the hand going to
Pill j Alturaa on July 4th. an all nloht dam s
reducing the tariff on wool had j will he held at Snldcr'a Opera llovme
passed the Hons with the help of 24 June 30th. The usual large crowd is
Republican votes. j exported, ,vnil Manager Smith promises
, to do his part towards making the
Card Cf Thankt gathering a success.
We, the undersigned don I re to tha: k ' " ' m
the people of I.akeview and vicinity1 New Organization
Nolle to Subscribers
nMcrioer to Ihe Kinmlnrr who h'ltion
O Irwin one locality U iioilitt, ir ihnirt
their podotnt-e ihtivM thonld remember to
Imp thin ortioe -rd o their twr ! he .t
.lreed to the right oonUilBce.
Lakcvtrw( Orvgon, Thursday, ,luitc2, 1011
Mr. Gary, cf the Stool Trust, savs ly 20 feet below the surface and here,
we hoc ii a ic ar' -t-ir law. ami it is believed, the destruction will he
Jawn P. ard the tcllaco dukes are ! found to have been more complete. -ready
to assert that the present lawTs Colonel Black of the engineer corps,
not at nil satisfactory. I id that he had reasonable expectation
J j of lowering the water a total depth ol
It is a more satisfactory arrange- 13 or 20 feet within three or four days,
ment for the people at nil times thai . vvhioh would render possible a fairly
the Government should control the , complete exploration of all portions of
should : u,e ghip Where men were likely to have
I been on the night of the disaster ex-
iceptthe bow. , .
It is probable that the searchers may
be able to enter the oflicera quarters
2 Phil Lynch ami Tat Murphy, well
known Plush business men, were among
Wednesday's arrivals.
"T'ounty Surveyor Sam Mushen left
last week for Silver Itke on business
connected with his otllce.
Mrs. A. W. Orton who has been visit-
for their kindness after our accident of
May 2tth. Hoth for their material
assistance and their expressions of
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Card.
For Catholic Fair
M r- IV I ilium lv at rl irn it u.- Vt Hrriua), I
ing in Portland for the past month re- fcw f'm(n s-n Fr,n,,lo,wri,ri, .,
turned home last evening. htf 0
Among the sheepmen to arrive dur- lltf ollf nurtionod and rallied off at
ing the last day or so were. Pat Ang- tl)C fir to tl0 h,.(l y tne HlJie(l f the
land. Jerry Barry and Dick Sherlock. , Catholic church, which deserve men
Heath Chandler, the well known tion. Among tho list are one Irish lace
stage line, proprietor, was In town collar, which is to be rallied off and
Lake County will work as n whole In
the future for develonment. The
former Iakevlcw Hoard of Trade has (
curried n huge bixpiot of cherry bios,
Mr. Ilslmer was best man and like
the gnxmi was droHNnil tiTblack. "MrsT
llahner, sister of ths brlils was dress
ed In a becoming costume of tan silk. J
An eln!orto wedding dinner wm
serveil. Covers were laid for foTty
guests, A Ave course dinner was giv
en turkey, chicken, salads of noveral
kinds, pickles, green peas, potatoes,
cream pie, fruit, cake and after dinner
rofTao was served in order. The bride's
trusts rather than the trusts
control the Government.
Suppose that Mr. Taft and Theodore
did greet each other pleasantly, there 1
is no significance in that, except the
indication that the two old friends'
desired to meet as gentlemen.
in the far structure, where they may
tind the body of Ensign Merritt, the
. only officer missing, the body of Lieu-'
Judge Howard, of New York, will tenant Jenkins, the officer killed, hav
begin a campaign to induce women to ; been recovered from the torpedo
abandon high-heeled shoes. By putting chamber shortly after the explosion.
sensible Mess into their heads he , "
may set sensible shoes on their feet. A Queer Law
Tuesday looking after various matters.
R. H. Jackson, county school super
intendent and well known Paisley busi
ness man, was among Tuesday's visi
tors. An, outfit of glass blowers arrived in
town Monday, but as yet have given
no demonstration of their ability in
the line advertised.
Claude Soager this week left on n
j business trip to Alturas and incident
ally made an inspection of his com
panies' holdings in the Davis Creek
A meeting of the City council is
Gambling is to be suppressed in the
Republic of Panama, at the reauest
of Chief Er.gineer Goethals. of the sending out ihere is one fool provision
Panama Canal, in the interest of the : in chapter 135. This law prohibits anj?
employes. They will have no means drunken man from entering a trai
of disposing of their surplus time and j 'n '"nd "Pn train, or drinking
money. : liquor on a train. Provided the act
1 ' shall not be construed to prevent the
Hooted out of Mexico City by mobs. . use or sale of liquors upon buffet. din
General Diaz is threatened with similar . ing or private cars. What do you
hostile demonstrations in Spain. Why ; think of this for class legislation? If
can't they let the old man alone? All; you want to booze be an aristoract!
he desires is to live in peace for the wear tailored clothes and then get
remaiml ;r of his days on the income soused as a gentleman should. The
of his S20.P00.000. 'only kind of a railroad drunks are
" . - - . ! genteel jags, legal sprees, and the
Tne eteate of the late Carrie Nation , lace for them j , th puIIman8 0"r
mu 10 aDOUl mo91 01 ; buffet cars, not among the common
wmcn is ot''-Tacnu u a reiugee nome
schexluled for Tuesday evening next
Among the new laws pertaining to and it is expected that nmny interest-
railroads which the commissioners are ing motions will be considered especi
ally as regards to speed limit for autos.
for drunkaic' . wives in Kansas City
and for a home for children twelve
years old and under. Her bequeath was
certainly a meritious one.
One of the things protectionists have
never explained satisfactorily to the
plain man is why the steel corporation
sells its products more cheaply abroad
than at home. The man in the stret.
therefore, applauds the determination
of the conaressional investigating com
mittee to find out why.
The recent experiment of shipping
oranges and grapes to New York from
some of the lower South American re
publics proved a failure on account of
the fruit becoming impaired in quailty
by rotting an 1 otherwise. California
and the southern states growers will
now have their own way at things in
this respect.
Tue Democrats on the Steel Trust
investigation committee are rubbing
their hands with glee in anticipation .
of grilling ex-President Roosevelt.
The Colonel is doubtless eager for the
fray, for the joy of battle is as great
vith him. whether the battle be with '
an African Hot or a committee of
Democrats. 1
i herd in the day coaches or smoker. It
was a bright mind that steered this
bill through Salem, and bright minds
that let it go through.
Examining- Plants
Mr. V7. W. Eggleston. assistant bot
anist in the Bureau of Plant Industry.
, Department of Agriculture, who is
I now working in co-operaiton with the
local Forest Service towards deterriiuT
ing the causes of so many sheep dying
. each year from poisonous plants, Sat
' urday left for the Abert Lake county
where he expects to spend several days
gathering plant specimens for examin
ation. The area in question is much
frequented by bands of sheep which
pass through in going from the win
ter to the summer ranges, and numer
ous cases of poisoning have been re
ported from time to time.
Mr. Eggleston will probably be join
ed later Ly Dr. Marsh, an authority on
sheep sickr.ess, and it is expected and
hoped that these two officials will do
muc'ii towards determining the causes
of so many sheep being lost from
year to year.
C. D. Brown, E. J. Merrill. W. A.
Wilkinson and C. M. Triplctt. all well
known Bend business men Tuesday
evening came in by auto from the
north and registered at the Hotol
Lakeview. .
The Christy Company, all well
known comedians, are expected at the
Opera House the next four nights, and
tickets are already on sale. Some verv
fine plays me scheduled, and no doubt
a large attendance will be present.
A. L. Thornton and family returned
Wednesday from Klamath Falls, where
they had been visiting friends. They
were accompanied by Dr. V. R. Boyd
who was returning from Portland
whore he had leen for the past two
J. B. Lipke, well known in Lake
veiw. was married to Miss Theresa
Wrede, of Staples, Minn., on the 14th
inst. Mr. and Mrs. Lipke will be at
btn e uftor July lo at CCS Arch ttitet.
Iror.wood, Mich. Mr. Lipke's numer
ous rfiends hereabouts join the Exam
iner in e tending heartiest congratula
tions. The frin is of Hortonne Bailey will
be pleased t learn of her marriage to
J. H. Wagner a mining man of Cripple
awarded to the lady getting the most
votes; one satin hand made glove hold
er; one satin hand made handkerchief
holder; two satin hand made tie hold
ers; 011V silk hand made Imported
baby's dross; one statue of a newsboy,
one statue of n dancing girl, one Per
sian sntin sofa pillow one hand painted
plush pillow, one shell inkstand, two
boxes of linen handkerchiefs, 1 framed
picture "Cupid Asleep"; "Cupid
Awake" ; one framed picture "Infant
Jesus", ono set hemstitched linen table
clothes with napkins to match, one silk
bag. three collar and cuff sots of Irish
lace and some real Irish lace gibeaults.
The list also includes hatpins, corset
covers, pin cushions, hat pin holders,
laundry bags aprons and other articles
too numerous to mention. Mrs. Kerri
gan has donated all of these for the
fair, which by the way has boon jkjhI
pored until July 10th owing to the
large number of people w.shing to
attend the Elks doings at the Falls
and the Fourth of July celebration at
Alturas. Or. the date motioned it will
be hold at the Civic Improvement So
ciety's hall, and an excellent time is
planned by the Indies for, all who put
in an appearance.
l-OKSAI.K 1 k;iM!o horxc. tiiiulre
ff Sn 111 McKee nt Ibe Bod Barn. It
LOST LndifM g.M watch with mon
ogram K. M C. engrnvod on oaao.
Finder pit life Uiivt at the Exam
iner oili.-e.
On lain milt Income property now
11 nd rented (or Muff in or uenr I .like
view. 1000 or more vriliim. Addn-M
Joho Ktidiniiijrer. rjtkevlow, I tr.
- - --- - . - j
Are You Planning to Build
Hunt;aJot, Mills, btorci, Warehouses,
Schools, Brickyards, Creameries, Con
densors, or any Kngineering Prol-cl'
it will rr rou to consult vi
been dissolved und tho Lake County
Development League (has taken its
place. Thoroughly aroused to tho
benefits of united work, the .people of
Lake county may reasonably hoiK for
result from the new nrganixation.
A Pretty Woddlng
June 18th at 2 p. in. at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, George llahner at Drew
Gap oooured a very pretty homo wed
ding. Promptly at tho appointed hour j
tho bridal party entered the profusely
decorated parlor, where choke-cherry
blossom were In evidence every where
and where the ring service was used,
the officiating minister being Rev,
Wire, of takeview. After the words
were spoken which made thorn man
and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Graham re
ceived the hearty congratulation of
all present.
The brido looked charming in a
creation of grey messsline and cream
lace, and carried a shower hoqurt.
The groom wore the conventional
black. Mrs. Max Roehl acted as Ma
tron of Honor and wore white not. She
ami groom's cakes were of exct ptlonnl
lo and quality, liclng decorated by an
expert, and were much admired.
All had a delightful time ami after
extending bent wishes to Mr. and MnT
Graham for a happy life, drparteTl
docUring Mr. and Mr, llahner royal
entertainers. There were many guests
from out of town. Mr. and Mrs.
llahner wore tho roc I pi tent of many
beautiful and ctwtly gift of silvor,
china, linen, furniture, etc. Mr. and
Mrs. Graham will leav? Thursday for
their future home In Bly and carry
with them a host of good wishes.
Mr. Graham is well known hero and
need no Introduction to tho lakeview
people, a he was formerly employed"
by tho Consul id 11 tod Stago Company.
' ami by hi genial manner Is liked by
Mra. Graham I a stranger here,
coming from Chicago about a year ago.
But while in our midst ha made many
warm friend who congratulate Mr.
Graham upon securing such a charm
ing lady for hi future companion.
A Guest,
Our Special Sale
'Of Muslin Underwear and
Shirt Waists will continue un
til Tuesday, July 4th. Come
and see our White Embroid
ery Hats. Just the thing for warm
days and white costumes. This is the
store where your money goes farthest.
The Parisian Millinery
Main Street West of Court House
The man who obtains money on
worthle.-s checks always offers the ex
euse that he thought he could get the
money in the bank before the paper
was presented, which is about as good
as the idea of the hold-up man that
he can get away before the officers
of the law catch him. The more in
telligent rascal is the bigger fool.
Popular sale of Government bonds
will draw ni j -h money out of hoarding
and will to that extent relieve the
heavy drain on the banks for money
to handle crops. Had the Panama
Canal bond.s been sold in a block, they
wauld have drawn money out of cir
culation until the bonds were marketed
and (.the proceeds expended by the
Govern'neit. The sale direct to indiv
iduals will bring into circulation much
money that was hoarded. The exper
ience of France with the German war
indemnity is apt to be repealed on a
smaller scale.
Hull Badly Wrecked
That the shattering of the hull of the
battleship Maine is evidentlyVar great
er than supposed was revealed as a re
sult of a superficial observation ' made
possible by the lowering of
The Purest of Water
The Blue Canyon water, upon which
the train crews of the Southern Paci
fic Company overland route have thriv
ed and grown fat, has been placed in
the dining tars over the 'entire South
em Pacific system. It has been com
mon gossip among the Southern Pacific
trainsmen for years that the Sacra
mento division men owe their portly
; appearances to the drinking of water
' from Blue Canyon.
, For all trains on the Sacramento di
vision running ea twar l and westward,
the .-upply i.f wati r will be taken on
the d.mrs as tho trains stop at that
station. On the ;ther divisions of the
system the water will be transported
in ieci;il containers. In this way the
diners on all of the Southern Pacific
dining cars are to enjoy the best drink
ing water to tie found in the west.
The Southern Pacific Company has had
chemists at work for years endeavoring
to find the purest water.
In hundreds of places along the line
ntir. .vatcr been found that could not
be excelled for drinking purpose's,
' water free to a large extent from alka
lis, but it has been difficult to find
whter that was entirely free, or nearly
entirely free, from incrustations. Blue
Canyon water comes from a small lake
arid spring at the summit of the Sierra
Nevada mountains. It is nearly chem
ically pure but the supply is not suffi
cient for locomotive use. The Blue
Creek. Colo.. ho also has large hoLT- E4JOUL.t.N. t-INVjIINLuLKIiNLi CO.
ings in Washing ton. The wedding took. t)U4 Hlakc Mcl"all Cldg. o i b o fi
place at Spokane, where they wTTl mmmmm mml
make their futuio home. Mis. Wagner '
is a sister of H. A. Utley. and a niece
of Mrs. E. J. Stont. of this city, und
spent several weeks in Lakeview
early last spring.
During the past week a great deal
of interest has been manifested in the
conference of the Baptist ministers
and members of that demonination.
who have been in sessicn at the local
Baptist Church. Many out of town
people were in attendance, and even
ing, afternoon and morning sessions
were held during the entire week.
Matters of general interest to the en
tire religious world were considered".
and plans were formed for the man
agement of affairs during the coming
year. Much credit is due to Reverend
II. Smith, the local pastor, for the
business like way in which everything
was managed, and the successful ter
mination of the conference.
O. V. L. Lot, cleared, plowed,
well, house on it costing $5(1,
furniture, &c. inside worth
$JS. It all go; for $75 00.
If you want the best bargain
in this valley in a stock
ranch, we have it.
Acreage in Lakeview, sure to
be a money-maker soon.
Houses For Rent, also Fur
nished Rooms,
Lakeview :: Oregon
Snider Opera House
Featuring the Two Well Known Comedians
JUNE 22-23-24-25
the water
in the cofferdam, a total of seven feet.
On account of this unforseen revelation
ofthe character of the explosion which Canyon water contains only forty seven
sent the battleship to the bottom of ' hundretha of a grain of alkali to the
the.harbor. all plans proposed for deabj ! gallon. The incrusting solidaare
ing'with the ulimate removal of the harmful to the engine boilers if there
hulk have become merely conjectural : is any great percentage of them In the
until much more water has been pump- j water used in locomotives, but the
edout." As the water receeded every 'water used by the Southern Pacific
successive foot revealed worse and engines is carefully tested at different
worse conditions in that portion of the , times during the year and if found to
hull forward of amidahips which was contain any incrustations, chemical
subjected tothe main force of the ex- compounds are added to nulify the
plosion. Thejjows section is still near- effects.
New Superintendent
George flumm was in Lakeview sev
eral days the latter part of last week
from Bly. Mr. Dumm will have charge
of the stage line from now on between
Klamath Falls and Bly. Mr. 1-ewis,
the former superintendent, has resign
ed his position and returned here and
will go to farming:
A Pleasant Party
Mrs. D. C. Schininck entertained in
honorjof her mother, Mrs. E. B. Fos
ter, Tuesday afternoon, it being her
79th birthday. Dainty refreshments
were served during the afternoon.
Those present were Mesdames Castele,
S. P. Moss. Daniel Cronemiller, Tay
lor, Jackson, Magilton, Combs. Wal
ters, Russell, Miller, and Maxwell.
Land Filings
The following applications for lands
in Lake county were filed at the local
Government office for the week ending
June 17th:
John O. Hedland, Sees, 1 and
William A. Lohse, Sec. 20, 26-14.
Mary J. Leehmann, Sec. 20, 41-21.
Juda Chrisman, Sec. 14, 30-17.
George R. Boyden, Sec. 24. 30-16.
John J. Kinrod. Sec. 17, 22-17.
James W. Reeder, Sec. 6, 30-17.
Charles A. Hiett, Sec. 24, 25-14
Ralph E. Porter, Sec. 20. 27-19.
The Home of Good Values
For Spring and Summer In tho Latest Novelties. Foulards,
Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, Flaxons, Dlminitles, Check
Maussellne, and a full Line of White Goods
of every description. Ask to see them
It is a pleasure to show our goods, whether you buy or not