Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 04, 1911, Image 7

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Rt I'iiiiJ, Minn. April 2. Jamea J.
Hill, tho Great Northern Pacific rail
road magnate, aeea I" publicity of cor
poratnm matter and lutlli nt con
trol of the corporation, thctnaulves,
long step luwarda Hit) solution of the
present era of liimltiMS Ktrmgnrition.
"And the United States needs
aavlour." aaya Mr. Hill. "Tho
hove demanded not only the heat uui
mi Improvement on the bctd. hixI they
will now have to pay accordingly. If
they ilon't puy money, they muat pHy
in nroaiwritv. Tho btiaiiicaa of thn
country Inercaac 15 nr rent every
vi'itr : tho facilities for handling thin
new htiaineMa Increase only 1-fl of
Unit. Tho difference In the ratio ia
too great Mini n balance imiKt lo (truck
aomctime, ! there will Ixi com
plete lire Mkdown of service or proncr
ity. "Why don't the facilities for hand
linK bualnva increase more rapidly.
ilecauae tho men behind thiwo farilitifa
are afraid to apend their money for ex
tension and linprovenienta."
Mr. Hill haa long been an exanent
ofpuhlicity of coriHiration alTaira and
looka upon that aa one of tho mean of
bringing corporation and public togeth
er. "Tho hoi1o are entitled to know
wTit tho pulilio .-rvi.t oorporationa
are doing and the conditions under
which they Iranaaet buaineaa," ho
aaya. "1 have believed in. and have
advocated, -, publicity of corporation
rt'orla for many yearn. When the
public liecomea converaant with corJor
atioii afTaira and la con vi need that it in
aeoing from the inaido, much of the
feeling againnt the great buaineaa con
cern!! will paaa away. That will 1k, one
of the elTecU of publicity."
In the matter of public control of
ipiaHi-public roiu'crna, Mr. Hill ia a
firm ailviK-Htc, but he wanta that ron
trol tojxj intelligent; he wanta only
trained men in tho pliicca of control.
"A corjioralion in a piece of ht
louring the atamp and acid of tho
atate," he uuya. "lu life ia created
by the ieoilo and naturally the k"
plo ahould have aome word in making
the rulea under which it tranaacU
buainuaa. That 'proponition ia one I
have preached for years ami now I am
glad to aee it making headway among
common currier cororatioiia. Laat
week I'rraidcnt Modge, of Hock Inland
railroad, declared for public control
of railrouda; George M. Keynolda,
preaident C'ontinentiil and Commercial
National bank of Chicago, did the
ume thing the week before ; T. N.
Vail, proabletit American Telephone
and Telegraph, recently made an oflici
al report to hia lioard of directors in
which he took a firm atand for both
publicity and public control.
"l!ut that control muat be intelligent
ly adniiniatered. Public control simply
becaiiHu it ia a control by the public,
ia not all. It muat bo intelligent, aa I
have alwaya contended. Intelligent
ieople will aak and expect nothing
more. Vail. Rcynolda ami the other
are right in advocating publicity and
public control. Both are thingit which
will eventually go far towardH making
a good feeling between the corpora
tiona and the people, and will aaxiat in
aettling much of tho antiigoniKm which
now aeerna to prevail."
Salem, April 22. -At a meeting of
?j tho atute land Uiurd it wioj decided to
il put an immediate atop to the continual
m abuao of the Carey act ' by "wildcat"
cor(xirationa 111 tho unimgated dia
tricta of thiH atate. It hus been tho
uhuuI practice of aomu corKrationa to
apply for irrigation him In hiiving only
enough funds to hire legul usHislanct,
take over prujecta, aell land to settlers
and proceed to eatabliah irrigation aya
tema on cupitul derived from tho aula
of the binds and thus compel tho sett
lers to bear tho burden and take long
chances on tho aucceaa or failure of tho
In determining tho settlement of
this uuestion once for all, the state
land board will hereafter demand from
irrigation coriairationa desiring to
take advantage of the Carey act,
substantial bond or other surety before
an application for irrigated land will
bt granted, and it will bo compulsory
Umjii the part of (inns bucking irriga
tion projects to prove to the state land
board that the lands granted will be
dovelojied without first being aold to
sottlera, and that the corporation un
dertaking such development haa tha
necessary capital with which to com
plete the project.
You can be sure of sorvlce and
workmanship In the La Vogue salts
I akevlew Mercantile Company.
La Vogue nulla are tbown In a large
range of atyloa for ladiea and iiilsaua,
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Get prices on flour at Boiiuuiu be
lore buying elsewhere. tf
Reported by tho Lakovlcw
Abstract and Titlo
Tlio following trtirixferii were record-
ted In for the week erulltig April 2rt,
t, ,,, i;IHtn,.i i j .,r(l i),,,. i.t 2,
)n ln j,,,,,,.1. Add to the
jl)Wn ltf fpview. $525.
j,o0 Woodward to Ma Taylor &
: ,,in Hopkins, Ixit 17, Ulk 1H O.V.L.
A'l.l. N NKJ 8101. Sec 6. 40-20.
John Ilarriaon to Judaon Ilarriaon,
Ia1, Blk 215, O.V.L. Add. SW, 8KJ,
8oc. 15, 39-1 H. $.100.
State of Oregon to Robert Urcnnan,
SKI Sec 10, fcl-Hi. $200.
8lMle of Oregon to Robert Iirennan,
EJ KW NWJ. See. 21. K 4 NW, Sec
2H, 34-19. $200.
Coo. Nuwcomhe to Adilie I aim the r-
limn, NJ Si MWJ SWJ, Hue 6, 3&-iU.
, f-jiKl,
Mary Hrown to Jamea Allen. NW
8W1. Sec 22, 2X-14. alao town lot in
Silver Uke.
U. S. to Jamea Murrey, NKJ, Sec
22, UH-1C.
N. 1. R. R. Co. to Weyerhauaer
Land Co., Nl NKl. KJ NWJ, Sec 33,
35-17. $1320.
C. (i. Cruenonuelder to J. A, Dor
man, NW NK1. Son 11, 38-22. Lut 7.
Ulk 213 O.V.L. Add.
W. J. Moore to Joseph Konitako,
Beginning at point 72 ft. W and 30
ft. N from tho NW cor,, of Blk. "A"
in the Town of Lakoview, Oregon, aaid
point being 30 feet N from the SC
cor. of Blk "G" of the Weat Add to
aaid Town , thence N 5'.t feet, thence
W 102 feet, thence S OU) feet, then
co K 102 ft to place of begining.
Joacph KoniUko to H. W. Drcnkel,
tuiiiie deacription aa above.
Kattie B. Currier to George Loucka.
M 1 and the W 22 ft., of Ixit 2 in Blk
"K" Second Add to the Town of
I'aialey, Oregon.
M. C. C'urriec to Walter 1'nrker. Ixit
2. or the SWJ NWJ. NWJ, SJ NKJ.
Sec 19. Ixit 2 of Sec 20, 33-19. $10,000.
J. B. Whidden to Kathryn Driacoll,
NKJ. Sec2 C, 2:1-13.
B. H. Foater to L. R. Foster, Ixt 46,
Blk 64, O.V.L. Add. SJ NJ NWJ NEJ
Sec :J, ay-is.
Joaeph Dorley to W. F. Ward. NJ
NJ NKJ NKJ, Sec 39-19. $300.
MnrMhiill McWililama to Allx-rt Allen
Lot 2 of Block 316, O.V.L. Add.
Wililutn R. I'owell to Leonidag
Somerville, An undivided J interest in
Lot 4, Blk 145, O.V.L. Add. N SWJ
NWJ. Sec 15, 3S-20. $150.
L. A. Booth to T. II. Shevlin, W
NKf, Sec 19. 26-13. NKJ Sec 17. 24-11.
Harriet Waller a to Peter Poat and
J. A. King. LoU 150 ianl 151 of Wal
ter'a Second Add to the Town of Lake
There were 48 O.V.L. deeds record
ed. Th Miiguidod Friand.
Ie Chappie-If there's any one nul
aiiucn 1 hnte more Hum another It'a a
fellow who Is iiIwiivh going around In
troducing people. There's GoiHlheart.
for liisiti n c.
IJiuitl.nvii - WIimi's be been doing?
lH Cliupple- The idiot: The other
day he iiiiroducid me ton tiinn I owed
money to. and I'd deen owing It ao
long lie'il fni'Liiiteii all 11 1 ion! me. Now
I'll have to puy up or be ailed. Lou
don Telegrnpli.
Mnt onica.
"Why do j i'ii iilv:i, put n pitcher of
wnier 11 'ill a Ki t on tlio table before
nil orntoi
"That." snid the cliiilriiinu of ninny
reception eoiiimltlei'S, "is to give him
so:netlil:ii; to do in cue he forgeta hla
piece mil has to stop and think."
Washington Star.
Quits Strong.
Grocer - (" il morning. Mr. Popple.
I low are l lucic cuv I sent you?
Popple--Better, thank you. They are
gaining atreiigth every minute.
The more you apenk of yourself the
more you are likely to Ho. Zimmer
man. "with strength and ae
thvy alwaya pla"
ox co;
STRAYED or stolen. From Catnala
Prairie, one team horses, one Iron
gray, the other white; both branded
14 on left stalllle; vmtod on left
shoulder; weight about 2700 lbs,
100 reward for their return.
PAT DUANE, Lakeview,
A Want Ad in Tho Lako County Examiner
Repented a few tune, if neceasnry, will find a customer for Hist proXTty of
your. They art a"iiimed closely by Intending bnyera, and the coat la nom
ih.iihiihI f cent I he line null Insertion, Fpoclnl lonir-tlme rate.
WANTKD- 7500 men U wear clothea
made by Lakeview Tailoring Co.
WANTKD-Mnn to take logging eon.
truer. Apply to the Iw-rney Oon
triiclloii Co., Lakeview, Ore.
lock and iruplamaota, stock taken
on aharaa or run nn aalarr. Baat
of ralaranca. Wild good cook.
Inqiilia of O. W. Wblti. Alturaa,
Cxi., care J. C Rlchardaon'a camp.
WANTKO-Wa mount all kludaof l-lrda
animal heada, etc. Via tan aklns
and make ruga aud robea.
UllMy and Slmmnna. Ta-edermlita
Valley Kalla. Oregon. 30 2ni.
rH flK..T
l .OOMM FOR RENT Webnier'a Room
Inn Ikmihm corner Slaali a Ih-wev.
ICvery thing new; rntea reitaonnble
by 1ny, wwk or month. tf
FOR BALK-40 nenm In alfiilfa. 2
milea aouih of New I 'Inn Creek, alau
80 acrea (arming bind, 60 acre in
whi'Mt 6 in I lea touth of New Pine
Creek. Pnrticubira of L T. 1 lender
mu. New I'lno Creek, Ore. Apr20 tf
FOR HALK -10 Hfwn with ten iicrea
water right, O. V. L. trnct 45, Bee.
21. T. ;W, K. IN. Ad lrea Oacar F.
Diutiolaon, llohlrege. Neb. al.'t-20-27
'OK KALE 20 acre trwt and town
lot. Tract 14, Kec. 19, T. 3rf. R.
Ike County. Lot 20, B. 14-'. Ad
ilreaa (ieorgo Kucuru, (jrand Inland,
Neb. a 13 to m4.
FOR ALE 10 acrea, near Lakeview.
iVm rlption: S of of SWy of
NKI4 of Section 10, TowiiHhlp 40,
Range 19 E W. il. Otto E. And
eraon, LakeCI'y. Minn.
FOR HALE -Port. acrea with rre k
running through laud;SVl4' of NK
of Sec. 7. Tap. .'19, Range 1H. Price
$300. Mr. F. R. Muiiday. Ogden
r RANK LIN, 1910 four paaM-ngar.
aix vy Under roadMie;. run .only 4500
iiiIIhm. 4.' h. p., repainted. A-l Mlnipe
tbrouuhoiit, guarunteH hsoihI as
nc, bargain for iinyoiic wlahlng
lilgh powered ruaiUter. wlla new
for $41X10. Price $2750 f.o.b. Port
laml. Meiizlea-HulJola Autc Co.. 7th
& Davie Sta., Portland, Oregon.
10 acres fine, level land adjoining
Pauline Marh, aix milea noith of
town of Silver Lake. Vtry cheap
forcaxh. Apply to J. O. Hall, 522
Chamlier of Commerxe building.
Portland, Oregon. 4-13
FOR SALE The V of Sec. 31, T. .'W
S.. Range 19 I'.., V. M., near Lake
view, or. Call on or addn-aa Chaa.
F. Klglu, City Recorder, Salem. Ore.
2-2,1 4-68
THE Lakeview Abatract & Title Co.
la makina aja'cial prills on Abatracts
to O. V. L. Co 's Tracts and Towu
FOR SALE 10 acres with a
r .-
water right, O.V.L.. Tract 10, Sec.
7, T. 41. R. 19, and Lot Jl. Blk. 67.
for $100. $170. paid. Ail. I reus Alfred
Kuvkeudiill, Gen. Del. Los Angeles,
FOR SALE. 10 acrea, with 5 acre
water right, O-V-L, Tract lO, Beo.
7, Tap. 41, R. 19. aod Lot 11, Blk.
07. Must sell at ouce. Price $170.
1180 paid. Addteaa
Gen. DeL, Los Angeles. Cal.
FOR SALE SU Sec. 21. Tp. 34S.. R.
19F... containing 320 acrea of Collupe
ljuid. Address, P. lleily, 2013
Mall on Ave., Spokane, Wash. l-2(i9
FOR JlAI.K-TractS, Hfc. 14. T.SS, R. ID, 10 acrci
I.. J. i'orler, liri'gury, Ti-xa.
FOK HA I K-Lot block 40. and tract 11. tk'C
15, T. 8, U. IU, lu acr.'. I'ntur Hwvumn, 470
iiiuihX"'. fail r ranciaco. i ai.
roH 8AI.E-l.ot 24, block 7, O. V. U Co. addi
tion, anil S'.ot N of NK': of NEL tie.
T. IU, K. ID. 1(1 acre. Ail.lriM Fred KiiL-rrcr,
KKl) 4, box 10,
. Kkiiaas I Uy, Kau, l'ricu -10.
FOK HAI.K Tract 1. Si c. W.T. 8J. K.l. 40acr.
J. It. 1'i'araon. 3.1 V Alaiui'da Ave. Dcnver.Col.
FoltSAI.K-fxit .'4, bloca l:8 and tract 6, 8co IN,
T4I, K 1H. 'At ai'rt'i. Aildrcaa I'lldeu Ward, 111
K Ut Ht, Ivi Mohii-t, Iowa
FOU HAI.K-I.nt 14. M.M'k 130, and of HKof
cnc it. i v, i in, zu aurt'B. fwaiit i..
Wray. Iiox 14, IttdKi'tUld, Wasb. Price fu0.
FOK MAI.K-l.ot . block M, O V I. addition,
ami M.1,, WW'., we 17, I .m, K 14, 40 acre..
AdUrt'rn J. I'lercn Wolfe, Moorbcad. Minn,
FOK HAI.K-l.ot .4. block 81.1, 0 V 1, addition,
and ',of NWi, ol K l,, Htw 19, T 86, K 1W, 0
iti-k. Aihlri'M ('. C. Ilarmou, 108 Kaunaa at,
Kcdtlald. a. II.
KOK SAI.K-S', of N'y, of HK'.i ol NK' j.Soo a. I
w, k jci, lu acrea. Atinreaa i.aura J. Uevrea,
8:i'. Jcff.'i on Ave, Ixivelaud, I'ol.
You may have
the only light
that is like daylight
if your wiring is
right and you have
Mazda Tungsten
Want Ads!,
A RKWAKO of nfty dollars la here
by offered for Information that will
lead to the arrea and convlctloo of
ny paiaon wbn baa atoleo wirea or
other property, from our Company:
. and the aatna reward la hereby olfered
for Informal i'n that will lead to the
arrt and nrlctloo of auyoue dta
troylng ttu property of the Company.
Unaa. Umbaco
8ecreUi Lk Co. TeL k TeL
Ooo't forget that carry in atock
lor sal all kinds of Iron, bol's aod
chnlna, tblmble akalos and Iron a no
steel axles Arzoer Bros. tf
WHY NOT. Spend your vneatloo at
"Tb Jeirersou," Ban FraoolacoT
A city hotel situated in a beautiful
Sark but Bra minutes from Market
t. Special rates for tha summer.
Blue Print of any township in
Bums Land District showing all
land sntrlea, oamea, datea, ate. To
pography. V'our order tilled on day
of receiving. Price $L J. C.
TUK.NKV. Bums, Oregon titf
Cheap flour at llonanxa. Quality
guaranteel or money refunded. tf
TKf.KPIf Olf KM.
ward laaued by the Telephone
Company for deatroylng tta prop,
erty. , lfltf
L il
$1,000.00 Reward
The Oregon. California & Nevada
Llveatock Protective Aaaoclatlon
will give $1000 Reward for the con
viction of any party or parties steal
ing tioraea, cattle or miilea belonging
to any of the following memliera of
thia Aaaoclatlon:
Cox & Clark, Chewacan Land &
Cattle Co., Heryford Land & Cattle
Co., I.ake County Land & Llveatock
Co., Warner Valley Stock Co., Win
W. Brown. Geo. M. J one, Jeo. Han
klna. K. B. Chandler. O. A. Rehart.X.
Fine, W.A. Currier. Frank B. Bauera,
J.C. HotchklMH, Calderwood Broa.,
I J. Brattalu & Nona. T. A. Crump,
Creakier & Bonner, W. T. Creaaler
Maud I. !:niiilw.
.11. .iiii.i. r.K.ot-c ix .
W. P. liKKVroKIl
K. M. Okrkn
S. It. Ch-
grade . iqoura aud Clgara to be
found In Oregon. tf
Hotel Lacevlew bar. The beat and
pun-it whlak.r made. tf
(Not Coal Land)
Department of th Iuterior, U. S
Land Otllce at Lakeview, Oregon
March 22. 1911.
Notice is hereby given that Julia A
Auatln, whose pnetothYe addresa la
Lakeview, Oregon, did on the 20th
day of March, 1911. file In thia office
I aworn atatement and application. No
iiih. in jiurunnw me 7 uwi," )j
Di-.i. tt.'j ntL.;i, section 4, lown
ship ;W S., Range 17 E W. Merldi u.
and the timber thereon, under the
provision? of the act of June 3, 1878.
and acta amendatory , known as the
"limber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed bv appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to auch ap
plication, tne land and titutier thereon
have been apprabed, t2.80, the ttm
tier eatlmated 1, 008,000 board feet at
$11.00 per M, and the land fSO.OO; that
said applicant will offer final proof in
aupport of her application and sworn
statement on the 18th day of May,
lwii, ueton ltegiater and Kecelver, v
B. Land Otllce at Lakeview, Oregon.
Any peraon ia at liberty to protest
tb la purchase before entry, or initiate
a content at any time before patent
Ihsucb, by tiling a corroborated affi
davit In thia office, alleging facts
which would defeat theentry.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake.
In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam Uahuka, deceased.
To all whom It niav concern: No
tlce la hereby given that the under
algned haa tiled with the clerk of the
above eutltled Court, the final ac
count of hia admtniatratlon of the
eatate of William Dahiika, deiianed.
and that Honorable U.Daly, Judge
of wild Court, haa by order duly made
and entered Id aaid Court aud matter,
on April 21, 1911, fixed aud appointed
Friday, the 2fith day of May, at 10
o clock iu the forenoon of aaid day, at
the Court room of said Court In the
Connty Court llouae of aaid County,
In the town of Lakeview, Oregou, aa
tho time and place for the hearing of
objections, il any 'there be, to auch
final account and for the aett lenient
thereof. DICK J. WILCOX,
AdmlnlHtrator of the Katate ol Wil
liam Balinka, Deceased.
$1,000 REWARD
The Ore
tforuia aa
eaon ca
ad Nevad
Live titock Froteo
Mou Association, o
which tha under
signed la a member
IU glre 11,(00 00
reward lor sviaenos
lu,lln . n Ik. -
f.Veat aud conviction
. Jfof any party or par.
tieinloallug horaea,
oaltleor mules be
longing lo any of Its
Ia addition to the above, the nudenlaned
oSera oa the aame condition tMO.OO for all hora
ea aranaea nom aboe bar ou twin or eitner
w. Hraud reoorded In eight oountiea. Kange
arney, Lake and Crook oouutlos. Uoraea
rented warn aoia.
None bat grown horaea aold, ana only in large
eohohes W.W.Baowa, rife. Oregou.
7 I; I iAV
(Not Cool lin.l)
Ivpnrt-i.ent of th Interior, U. H.
ind Oflic at Iakavlew. Oregon,
March 14, 1911.
Not leu in hefubr (riven that Anton
K:htit'r. m Ihm ot-'(Hre addreaa ia
Iwikevlpw, Oreifoti. did on the.V.h day
of Mar, V.ilO, flic m thia office Sworn
Ktatement and Application, No. 0.1407,
to piiri lirioe tw rtF.J. Bw! 2o; HWj
bW,". Kecllon 21, Townabln Jjfl H.,
j Kange im;., Willamette Merinnn,ano
the timber thereon, under I ha provl-
jalona of t ho act of June 3, 1S7I, and
act amendatory, known aa tlio ' Tim
1 ber and Htone at och . a e
might la; fixed by apprab-emeae, and
that. pliTHuant lo auch application,
the land and tlinla-r thereon 1 ave
been en' i mated and valiie'l by tne ap
plirnnt at a total of $000.00, Hie lliu
ber eatlmated KXi,roi board f.t at
$.75 eta per M. and the land $150.00;
that aaid applicant t:l offer final
proof In auppoit of hla application
and aworn atatement on the 19th day
of Maj, 1911. Ix-forv Regiater and
Rec-olver, U. B. Land Office, at lake
view, Oregon
Any peraon la at lilierty Ui proteat
this purcliaw latfore entry, or Initiate
a content at any time tiefore patent
laauei, by filing a corroborated alfl
davit iu thia office, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
In the County Court of the County of
Lake, for the State of Oregon.
In the matter of the Estate of Mary
E. Klmscy, Deceased.
All iMTaona having claims agalnat
the Estate of Mary E. Klmsey, De
ceased, are hereby required to preaent
the same with the proper vouchers,
within six months from the date of
thia Notice to E. F. Cheney, Admin
istrator of aaid Estate, at hla office
In bis Harness Shop in Lakeview,
Oregon. ,
Dated this 9th day of March, 1911.
Administrator of the fcstate of
Mary E. Kimzey, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned Admlntetrator of the estate
of Edgar Howell, deceased, haa filed
hla final account aasucb Adraicatrator
with the Clerk of the County Court of
Lake County, Oregon, and that Fri
day the 5th day of May, 1911, at the
hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of
aaid day at the County Judge's office
In the County Court House ln lake
view, Lake County, Ore?on. haa been
appointed by the Hon. B. Daly. Judge
of the County C jurt of the County of
Lake. State of Oregon, as the time
and place for the bearing of objections
to said final account. If any there be.
and the settlement thereof.
Dated at Lakeview, Oregon, this 4th
day of April, 1911.
Date of first publication the 6th day
of April, 1911; date of laat publication
the 4th day of May, 1911.
Administrator of the Estate of Ed
gar Howell, Deceased.
We, the undersigned lejral voters of
North Warner precinct, Lake county,
Rta.t of Oregou, respectlully petition
the Hon. Countv Court of Lake conn-
ty. atate of Oregon, to grant a license
to T. J . KuIIIvan, of flush, Oregon, to
aell aplrituoua, malt and vinous li
quors lo less quantities than one gal
lon io North M arner precinct, Lake
county, atate of Oregon, for the period
of aix months, as in duty bouod we
will ever pray.
J. J. Scott. -lack Gee,
D. U. Cleland, J. Mesener,
Bert Brittaln, Richard Allen,
R. E. Hartley, Joe Jones,
George Maralin, 11. A. Stanard,
Billy Morgan, C. H. Connor,
M: M. Barry, Win. Lane.
C. W. Dent. Jamea D. O'Connor,
C. H. Robinaon, L. P. Mauxey,
Hugh Falvey, H. B. Klgge,
F. P. Lane, John F. Burke.
W. B. rl?l. Con Fitrgerald,
W. E. fsjhuster, John D. McAuliffe,
fat v. Umnlun, Tim Murphy,
Pat Barry,
Geo. L. Van Patten,
P. IC. Caldwell,
D. R. Jones,
J. W. Fine,
1. E. Taylor,
Thos. Lynch,
T. Anderson,
A. M. Bogner,
R. B. Grisel. .
Frank Ro)-gers,
O. W. Higby.
A. C. Snow,
W. M. AHord.
Philip Lynch,
W. Z. Moss,
E W. Priday,
J. M. Handley,
11. Witael.
N. E. Currey,
Pat Murphy,
J. Moynihan,
J.J. Van Keulen.
State of Oregon,)
County of Lake, j
I, T.J. Sullivan, being first duly sworn
according to law, depose and say
That the foregoing petition contains
the signatures of an actual majority
ol the whole number of legal voters of
North Waruer precinct, Lake County,
Oregon ; that each of said f signatures
is genuine; that each of the persons
whose signatures are signed to said
petition is an actual reaulent In said
preolnut at the date hereof and was
and has been actually a resident of
and residing in said precinct at least
thirty days Immediately preceding
the date he sinned this petitlou, and
also of the filing of the aame and pre
sentation thereof.
T.J. SULLIVAN, Plush. Or.
Sworn to and subscrlled before me
this Hth day of April, 1911.
, Notary Public for State of Oregon.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the Hon.
County Court, of Lake Couuty, State
of Oregou, ou May 12, 1111, for a li
cense to sell spirituous, malt and vinous
llauors lu leas nuautities than one
gallon ln North Warner precinct, Lake
Courty, Oregon., for a period of six
months from the 7th day of May, Bill.
STRAYED or stolen. about Aug.
16., 1909, one gray mare, branded
1th .K on left stifle, wire soar on
front leg, weight 1400, about 10 years
old. Light bay, white faoe saddle
horse, tame brand. ' wire soar on left
front heel, about 12 years old, weight
1,000 pounds Liberal reward.
I theClrcilt Court of ibo State of
Oreiroii for Like Connty. K. W.
Folic. t, I'latntirr, vs. Margnret M.
Follett. Defendant.
To Margaret M. Follett, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the atate of Oregon
yon are hereby required t appear
aud anawer the Complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
mnt on or before Friday, the 12th day
of May, 1911. and If yon fail ao to an
awer for want thereof, the pin In tiff
will ak the Court for the relief de
manded In hia Complaint, to-wit:
For a decree forever dlanolvlnir tha
1 bond of matrimony now exlntlng be
Jtween plaintiff and defendant and for
tuch further relief aa may be meet with
equity. Thia summona la nerveil no
on you by publication thereof for aix
Consecutive week In the Lake
County Examiner, a newspafier of
genera' circulation published in Lake
County, Oregon, by order of the
Hon. B. Daly, Judge of the County
Court of ljke i.ounty, Oregon, and
the first date of publication of thia
summons ia March 30, 1911, and the
laat date of publication ia May 11,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Estate of J. a. Anderson, deceased.
Notice ia hereby given that the un
deralgned administrator of the estate
of .f. A. Anderson, deceased, has filed
bla final accouitasaaid administrator
In the above entitled cause and that
said court has fixed Saturday, the 29th
day of April, 1911, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M. as the time and the
Court room lu the County Court
house in Lakeview, Oregon, as the
place for hearing objections to said
final account and for settlement
thereof. Now therefore, all persona
Interested are hereby notified and re
quired to file their objections In writ
ing to aaid final account in the above
entitled court on or before said 29th
day of April, 1911.
Dated this 29th day of March. 191L
Administrator of the Estate of J. A.
Anderson, deceased.
Not Coal Land
Department of the Interior, U. S,
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon.
March 8, 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that Max
Roebl. of f-akeview, Oregon, who,
on. October 19, 1909, made Home
Head Entry. No. 02645. for 8E,
Section 24. Township .la 8, Range 18
E. Willamette Meridian, haa filed
notice of Intention to make Final
Commutation Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
liefore Kegi-ter and Receiver, United
States I -and Of tlce, Jat Lakeview,
Oregon, on the 15th day of April.
Claimant names aa witnesses.
Joe Am brow , Clarence Anderson,
John Camptiell, and Oeorge Stevens,
all of Lakeview, Oregou.
Arthur W. Orton. Register.
(Not Coal Land)
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
April 4, 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that Edward
O. Pratt, of Lakeview, Oregon, who,
on May 2, 1904, made homestead en
try 3230 serial. No. 01185, for NE,
Section 1, Township 40 8., Range 20
E., Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to make final five
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Register
and Receiver, United States Land Of
fice at Lakeview, Oregon, on the 1st
day of May, 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses:
8. H. Lewis, R. L. Vanderpool, C.
W. Reed, R. W. Vernon, all of Lake
view, Oregon.
iRTHUR W. ORTON. Register.
Department of the Interior. United
States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
Aprils, 1911.
To H. E. Janes of 713 Vanderbilt
St, Portland. Oregon, Conteatee:
lou are hereby notified that Oaka
G. Beeler who gives 520 Windsor St.,
Portland, Oregon, aa his post-offlce
address, did on February 19. 1911,
file in this office his duly corroborat
ed application to contest and secure
the cancellation of your Homestead,
Serial No. 02833 made January 10,
1910, for Lots 2, 3 and 6 Section 6,
Township 20 8 , Range 14 E., W. Me
ridian, and as grouuds f r his contest
be alleges that II. E. Janess has not
compiled with the law in residing
uK)jj i he land, he having not estab
lished his residence thereon.
You are, therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will be tak
en by this office as having been con
fessed by you, and your said entry
will be cancelled thereunder without
your further right to be beard there
In.either before thia office or ou appeal,
If you fail to file in this office within
twenty days after the fourth puhll
cation of this notice, as shown below,
your answer, under oath, specifically
meeting and responding to these alle
gations of contest, or if you fall with
in that time to file in thia office due
proof that you have served a copy of
your answer on the (aaid contestant
either ln prson or by registered
mail. If this service is made by the
delivery ol a copy of your answer to
the contestant ln person, proof of
such service must be either the said
contestant's written acknowledgment
of bis receipt of the copy, showing
the date of its receipt, or of the affi
davit of the person by whom tha de
livery was made stating when and
where the copy was delivered; if made
by registered mail, proof of such ser
vice must consist of the affidavit of
the person by Jwhom the (copy was
mailed stattng when and the post
office to which It was mailed, and
this affidavit uius be accompanied by
the postmaster's receipt of the letter.
You should state tit your answer
the name of the poat office to which
yon desire further notices to be sent
to you.
ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register.
Date of first publication April 13, 1911
" " itx-oud " zi), mi
" "third " . " 27,1911
"fourth " May 4. 1911